International Telecommunication Union

International Telecommunication Union
Ministry of information technologies and
communications of the
Russian Federation
Central Research Telecommunication
Institute of the
Russian Federation
General principles of NGN monitoring system
Denis Andreev, editor of Q.8 ITUITU-T SG 11,
Head of department of ZNIIS (Russian Federation)
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development
of Next-Generation Networks for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
1. Introduction
2. General principles of NGN monitoring system (NMS)
- functional architecture of NGN (Y.2012)
- protocols conformance on the functional NGN stratums
- implementation of NMS as OSS part (M.3060/Y.2401)
- the main tasks of NMS
- Importance of NMS
3. Requirements to NMS realizing
- NMS evolution
- NMS parts
- Protocol conformance of NMS parts
4. NMS functional architecture
5. NMS common measured parameters
6. Conclusions
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
NGN is a perspective evolutionary direction in public
telecommunication networks
All stages of NGN evolution could be divided on networks
which realizing by PES architecture with co working two
domain CS and PS networks and networks which architecture
based on IMS platform with the wide range of services and
different types of content
Independent of existing stage of networks evolution network
provider have to be realized on the network monitoring
system which could be allow to control quality of network
operation and prevent the fault situations.
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
NGN functional architecture
Recommendation of ITU-T Y.2012
A p p lic a tio n s
Management functions
( m a y in c lu d e o w n A u th e n tic atio n , A u th o riza tio n a n d A cc o u n tin g )
S e rvic e
c o n tro l
S -5 : S . U se r
P r o f ile F E
S -4 : S u b sc r ip tio n
L ocator F E
S -1 5 : G e n e r a l
S e r v ic e s C o n tr o l F E
S - 2 : P r o x y C a ll S e ssio n
C o n tr o l F E
S - 1 : S er v in g
C a ll S e ssio n C o n tr o l F E
S -8 : A cc e ss G W
C o n tr o l F E
S - 1 3 : M e d ia R e so u r ce
C o n t ro l F E
T -1 1 :
T . A ut h e n tic a tio n
& A u th o r iza t io n
L e g a cy
T er m in a l
T -1 3 : T . L o c a tio n
m a n ag em e n t F E
T - 4 : A cc e ss
R e la y F E
T -2 : A c ce ss
Node FE
T -1 : A c ce ss
M e d ia
G a tew a y
S -1 0 : B re a ko u t
G a tew a y C o n tr o l
S -9 : M e d ia
C o n t ro l F E
T - 1 6 : P o lic y D ec isio n F E
O th e r N G N
M u ltim e d ia
N e tw o rk s
T -1 6 : P o lic y D ec isio n F E
T -1 7 : T r a n sp o r t
R e so u r ce C o n tr o l F E
T -1 7 : T r a n s p o r t
R e so u rc e C o n tro l F E
T -1 0 :
N e tw o r k A c c e s s
C o n fig ur a tio n F E
C o re tra n sp o rt
T -8 :
M e d ia
R e so u rc e
P ro ce ss in g
T -1 4 : A c c e s s M a na g e m e n t F E
C u st o m e r
N e tw o r k
S - 7 : In te rc o n n e c tio n
B o r d er G a tew a y
C o n tro l F E
T -1 5 : H o m e G a te W a y
C o n fig ur a t io n F E
T -1 2 : T . U s e r
P r o file F E
L eg a c y
T e r m in a l
S -1 2 : N e tw o r k
S ig n a lin g
In te rw o r kin g F E
S -3 : In ter ro g a t in g C a ll
S e ssio n C o n tr o l F E
T er m in a l
S -6 : S .
A u th e n tic a t io n &
A u t h o r iz a t io n F E
S - 1 4 : M e d ia
R e so u rc e B r o ke r F E
A p p lic a tio n S u p p o r t F u n c tio n s & S er v ic e S u p p o rt F u n ctio n s
S -1 1 : U se r S ig n a lin g
I n te r w o r kin g F E
E n d -U se r U N I
F u n c tio n
A c ce ss tra n sp o rt
T -3 : E d g e
N ode FE
T -5 :
A c ce ss
B o r d er
G a te w a y
A c c e ss P a c k e t T ra n sp o rt F u n c tio n s
C o re P a c k e t T ra n sp o rt F u n c tio n s
T -9 :
S ig n a llin g
G a te w a y
T -6 :
In te r co n n e c tio n
B o r d er
G a tew a y F E
T -7 :
T r u n ki n g
M e d ia
G a tew a y
Scope of N G N
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Protocols conformance on the functional NGN
Application stratum
Diameter, SIP, AAA, Parlay and etc.
NGN Monitoring
Session control stratum (PS)
Session control stratum (CS)
SIP, H.323, H.248, MGCP and
SS7, EDSS1, Q.Sig, V.5, Sigtran,
H.248, MGCP and etc.
Transport stratum
MPLS, BGP, EGP, Diffserv and etc.
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Implementation of NMS as OSS part
NMS could be used as a part of OSS systems and take a
part in fault management and in performance
management systems
NGN Monitoring
NMS could be control and compare different parameters of
protocols and interfaces operation in accordance with ITUT Recommendation M.3010
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
The main tasks of NMS
to control and monitoring the stand alone elements of NGN
(NGN Technical means)
to control and monitoring the elements implementing to NGN
SP network under payload
to control and monitoring e2e call scenarios with control main
parameters which could be give information for QoS control
(delay, jitter and etc.)
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Importance of NMS
NMS is important and basic measurements
instrument which must to be realized on the NGN
service provider network
NMS must to be used on the Model network in
accordance with ITU-T Recommendation Q.3900
and is a basic and main system for NGN technical
means testing
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Requirements to NMS realizing
NMS have to allow monitoring following TM
•Call Session Control System
•Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
•Proxy Server SIP (PS)
•IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
•Voice and signaling transmit system
•Media Gateway (GW)
•Signaling Gateway (SG)
•Transport Network Environment (TNE)
•Application servers
•Application Server (AS)
•Media server (MS)
•Messaging Server (MeS)
•Application Creation Environment (ACE)
•Management and billing system
•Management System (MS)
•Billing system (BS)
•Access Environment
•NGN Integrated Access Devices (NGN-IAD)
•Media gateway for Legacy Terminal
Equipment (GW-LTE)
•NGN Terminal devices (NGN-D)
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
NMS evolution
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
NMS parts
•Call Session Control System
•Call Session Control System
•Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
•Proxy Server SIP (PS)
•IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
•Voice and signaling transmit system
•Application servers
•Management and billing system
•Access Environment
•Voice and signaling transmit system
•Management and billing system
•Access Environment
•NGN Integrated Access Devices (NGN-IAD)
•Media gateway for Legacy Terminal Equipment
•NGN Terminal devices (NGN-D)
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Protocols conformance on the NMS parts
• Call Session Control System
(H.248, MGCP, SIP, SIP-I, SIP-T,
• Voice and signaling transmit system
(H.248, MGCP, SIP, Sigtran, SS7,
Q.sig, R1, R.2, EDSS1)
• Management and billing
(AAA, Diameter, SIP)
• Call Session Control System (SIP, SIP-I,
• Voice and signaling transmit system
(SIP, SS7, Q.sig, R1, R.2, EDSS1)
• Management and billing system
(AAA, Diameter, SIP)
• Access Environment (SIP)
• Access Environment
(MGCP, H.248, H.323, SIP)
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
NMS functional architecture
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Common measured values by NMS
According with ITU-T Recommendation Q.752, the following categories as
regards the measured values should be defined in the NMS based on PES and
IMS solutions:
•fault (F). Measurement for reporting processes and detecting problems, as well
as for finding out some abnormal situations in the SS7, SIP and H.248 signaling
networks, and for NGN hardware, involving its reconfiguring and restarting
•quality (Q). Measurement for service level parameters intended for different
traffic types involving voice and video ones under different services; for
reporting processes; for assuming measures in providing the service level
guaranteed, as well as for developing an operator’s policy and strategy in the
field of providing a certain service level. It should be also used to have the SLA
and/or SLS performed and relevant reports drawn up;
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
• traffic(T). Measurement for real time traffic parameters based on the
IP flows information for the purpose of identifying any unwanted and
unauthorized traffic; studying any inside and outside impacts on
network security; finding out any network abnormal events; defining
when requesting the user-to-user, user-to-network, network-to-user
interaction parameters; studying traffic changes trends; and conducting
preventing management
• accounting (A). Measurement for providing accounting and estimation
data reliability by comparing
• network administration and planning (N). Measurement for SS7 and
NGN networks administration including the SIP and H.248 signaling
systems; making decisions on networks development, further network
planning; optimizing network infrastructure enhancement investment;
planning applications and services; preparing traffic data to have
network further designed
• near-real-time measurements (R). Measurement for finding any faults
out in the network . It shall be considered supplementary one to the
abovementioned measurements
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
1. NMS is important measurement instrument which
could be used on all NGN evolution stages from PES
to IMS architecture
2. NMS have to allow tests NGN functions and e2e call
3. NMS have to be used on the networks environment
under payload
4. NMS is common measurement system which could
be used on the Model Networks for NGN TM testing
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007
Thank you for your attention
Denis Andreev
Editor of Q.8 WP3/11
Head of department
Central Science Research Telecommunication Institute (ZNIIS), Moscow
Tel: +7-495-368-8745
Fax: +7-495-306-3958
ITU-D/ITU-T Seminar on Standardization and Development of Next-Generation Networks
for the Arab Region
Manama (Bahrain) 29 April - 3 May 2007