Arab Regional Development Forum on Broadband in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities Hammamet-Tunisia, 17 September 2012 DRAFT AGENDA Time 08:30-09:00 09:00-09:30 Themes Speakers Registration of Delegates and distribution of documents Opening Ceremony: - Welcome Address & Opening Speeches HE Mr. Brahima Sanou, - Keynote of Speakers Director, BDT (via video) HE Mr. Mongi Marzouk, Minister of ICT, Tunisia Mr. Ebrahim Al Haddad, Regional Director, ITU ARO 09:30-10:30 Session I: ITU Activities in the Arab Region This session will focus on key achievements of ITU/BDT in the Arab Region, including discussions on Regional Initiatives, main results achieved in the implementation of BDT Programmes and Resolutions of the World Telecommunication Development Conference and Plenipotentiary Conference. This session will also focus on presentations of ITU-R and ITU-T Sectors, mainly in the field of broadband access in the Arab Region and other priority areas. Session Chair: Mr. Ridha Guellouz, Ministry of ICT, Tunisia Overview of BDT activities in the Arab Region - ITU Mr. Ebrahim Al Haddad, RD, ARO/ITU [Bio] Arab Broadband Regional Initiative Ms. Rouda Alamir Ali, ARO/ITU [Bio] Activities of the ITU Radiocommunications Sector in the Arab Region Mr. Colin Langtry, Chief, Study Group Department, BR/ITU [Bio] 2 Arab Regional Development Forum on Broadband in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities Hammamet-Tunisia, 17 September 2012 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:15 Session I (continued): ITU Activities in the Arab Region Development of the ITU Conformance and Interoperability Programme for the ICTs in the Arab Region - Mr. Paolo Rosa, TSB/ITU [Bio] Activities of ITU General Secretariat - Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder SG/ITU [Bio] - Mr. Kamel Saadaoui, President, INT – Tunisia [Bio] Enhancing Broadband Usage in Egypt; Addressing the Demand side of Citizens - Ms. Nevine TEWFIK, Ministry of ICT, Egypt [Bio] Other Countries - Speakers from other countries - Eng. Ahmed M. Mohamed Eisa, Gedaref Digital City Organization (GDCO) [Bio] Q&A Coffee Break Session II: National Broadband Plans: policies and regulation: Countries experiences This session will focus on countries experiences based on the development of ICTs and national broadband plans, as well as the challenges faced in the framework of policies and regulation development. Session Chair TBC : Eng. Ahmed EISA,Chairman of GDCO- Sudan Tunisian Broadband strategy 11:15-12:30 Q&A Session III: Development Role of Broadband This session will provide input on how broadband can be a catalyst for development and fixed and mobile fields. Speakers will showcase how broadband connectivity can be utilized to serve the connected and the unconnected. Session Chair: Dr. Imad Hoballah, TRA, Lebanon Benefits and challenges of broadband in GDCO Sudan telecentres 3 Arab Regional Development Forum on Broadband in the Arab Region: Challenges and Opportunities Hammamet-Tunisia, 17 September 2012 12:30-14:00 14:00-15:30 Breeding Wireless Highways in Palestine - Lunch Break Session III (continued): Development Role of Broadband Multi-sectorial impact of broadband services on the economy - - Mr. Brahim Ghribi, ALCATEL-LUCENT, MEA Region [Bio] Fiber to the home and its social and economic contribution to the progress of MENA 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 Coffee Break Impact of the spectrum management on regional mobile broadband development: challenge and opportunities - Mrs. Christine Beylouni, Director General, FTTH Council MENA [Bio] The Broadband, a prerequisite for the development of Cloud Computing 17:30-18:00 Mr. Hani Alami, Coolnet Internet Solution Provider, Palestine [Bio] Mr. Wladimir Bocquet, Senior Director of Spectrum Policy, GSMA [Bio] - Mr. Slaheddine Maaref, Tunisie Télécom [Bio] Q&A Recommendations and Close During the session, the ITU Arab Regional Director with the assistance of the Session Chairs, will summarize the discussions and agree on the recommendations of the forum. ITU RD ARO Session 1 Chair Session 2 Chair Session 3 Chair