Active and Healthy Ageing ~ A League of European Research Universities (LERU) workshop to inform the development of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) 10.30 – 17.15, Thursday, 26 April 2012 Engineering Front Executive Suite, First Floor, Roberts Building, UCL, Malet Place, off Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE,0.1323&st=7&mapp=map.srf Chair and convenor: Professor Nick Tyler, CBE, Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering, UCL, Director, UCL Crucible Centre for Lifelong Health & Wellbeing UCL contact: Michael Reade ++ 44 (0)7790 445878 The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Active and Healthy Ageing is an integral part of the Innovation Union, one of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which aims to create smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by the end of this decade. The overarching target of this pilot partnership will be to increase the average healthy lifespan by two years by 2020. The Innovation Union contains a number of actions that aim to make Europe a world-class science performer; remove obstacles to innovation and revolutionise the way public and private sectors work together, notably through Innovation Partnerships between the European institutions, national and regional authorities and businesses. This LERU workshop will create an important forum for academic researchers to identify the most important issues for active and healthy ageing research in the next 100 years and so contribute to the development of the EIP. PROGRAMME 10.30 Registration and coffee (Room 1.04, Seminar Room) 11.00 Nick Tyler: Welcome What is an European Innovation Partnership (EIP)? Participants reactions to the strategic innovation priority action areas as identified by the EIP Strategic Innovation Plan (Nov. 2011). Participants encouraged to write down their reactions to the SIP on a wall poster throughout the day. Workshop objectives 11.30 Points of clarification – open to the floor 11.45 Lunch and networking (Room 1.04, Seminar Room) 12.45 Introduction to the afternoon breakout session (Nick Tyler) Afternoon session led by Anthony Bull, Professor of Musculoskeletal Mechanics, Imperial College London 13.00 Breakout groups: Research Innovation. What are the main issues for researchers in the next 100 years? Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 What are the innovations in research methods? What are the innovations in technology? What are the innovations in clinical and social care? How can we innovate innovations? 14.30 Breakout groups finalise their conclusions. Conclusions to be written on flipchart paper and attached to the front wall in lecture room. 14.45 Tea and ‘break-out market’ – participants view and informally discuss the conclusions from the breakout groups. 15.15 Discussion: reactions to breakout conclusions 15.45 ● Consolidate conclusions into themes ● Prioritise themes ● Create action plan to develop the EIP (progress to be reviewed at next meeting) i) What needs to be done? 16.15 ii) Who will to do it? Assignment of tasks and drinks reception 16.55 Final comments (Nick Tyler) 17.00 Close and drinks reception