Name: CSU ID: Homework 3 February 6, 2015 1. S1.7 ]24 2. S1.7 ]28 3. S1.7 ]36 4. Find the determinant of A. Specify whether the matrix has an inverse without trying to computer the inverse. " A= 2 5 1 −7 # 5. Apply the directions in the previous problem to A= 2 8 4 0 1 −5 −15 0 3 1 6 1 11 4 3 17 6. Refer to A appearing in the previous problem. Find (a) det[4A−1 ] and (b) det[(4A)−1 ] 7. (a) Find the elementary matrices needed to reduce A to the identity. An example of an elementary matrix is one such that the values in the (2,1) and (3,1) are eliminated at the same time. Follow as it is discussed in class. 2 −6 1 A = 12 −33 11 −6 30 15 (b) Using the elementary matrices from part (a), find the det(A). Show how the conclusion was reached. 8. Given the LU decomposition of A is as follows, what is det(A)? 1 0 0 −7 0 2 A = LU = −5 1 0 0 4 8 7 3 1 0 0 3 9. Find a formula for the inverse of the matrix e 0 f A = 0 a 0 . c 0 d What restrictions on a, b, c, d, e are needed to guarantee that an inverse exists? 10. Given A, B, C and D are all square matrices of the same dimension with det(A) = 5, det(B) = −3, det(C) = 1/2, and det(D) = −3 find (a) det(A−1 B T C) (b) det((BA)T C 2 ) (c) det(D3 B −1 AC) 11. Given ~x = [−3, 2, 5]T and A as in three problems back, find ||~x|| and ||A~x||.