MATH369 Linear Algebra Fall 2015, Sec 02,05

MATH369 Linear Algebra Fall 2015, Sec 02,05
Instructor: Dr.K.M. McArthur
For office hours see ramct and/or∼mcarthur/M369/fall2015/FA15web.htm
For final exam schedule see
The University has an Academic Integrity Policy and Student Conduct Code (see CSU General
Catalog) which is enforced in Math369. With respect to Math369, a reasonable amount of discussion
regarding homework is allowed. However, no student should simply be copying homework from
another. With respect to any quiz or exam, the Honor’s Pledge is specifically: “‘I will not give,
receive, or use any unathorized assistance.” Students judged to have engaged in cheating on a
particular quiz or exam will receive a score of 0 for the particular quiz or exam. For any student
found to have cheated on one or more grade during the semester, there will not be a Repeat/Delete
option for the course grade.
• Text: Linear Algebra by David Cherney, Thom Denton and Andrew Waldron. Search
web page∼linear/
• Calculator: TI82,TI83,TI84(preferred),TI89
Grade Split:
• Homework and/or Quizzes: - 30%. There will be twelve grades recorded. If a quiz is
given it will come directly off the homework. Check on my web page to find assignments.
The assignments are listed on the day that they will either be turned in or a quiz will be
given. Your homework and/or answers to a quiz must be neat. If homework is turned in then
the first page will always be a copy of problems assigned. Staple the sheet with the list of
problems assigned to your solutions. The work must be done neatly and in order. If homework
is collected then it must be turned in AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. OTHERWISE IT
WILL NOT BE GRADED. If a quiz is given then it will be given at the end of class.
• Midterm Exams - 40%. There will be in-class exams on Wednesday, September 23 and
Wednesday, October 28 . Each will count 20%.
• Final Exam - 30%. For date and time see the CSU web page
Makeup exams are allowed only for sponsored university activities, documented illness, or death in
immediate family. I must be informed of a university sponsored activity at least two weeks before
it occurs. Similarly, proof of illness must be provided on letter headed paper with the date and
time specified. If the student has a passing grade and cannot take the final exam for one of these
reasons then they will receive an incomplete and must make arrangements with me to take the
exam the first week of the following spring semester.
This is challenging material, and you may need a little help every now and then. You may contact
me at