:RUNVKRSRQ)L[HG0RELOH ,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQ 3$57,, THE NEW REGULATORY FRAMEWORK IN MOROCCO Geneva, 20-22 September 2000 Map of Morocco 1 Some Facts ❧Population (millions) 28 to 30 ❧Area (sq. Km) 710,850 ❧GDP per capita ($) 1260 ❧Inflation rate (April 2000) 2,2% ❧Language : Arabic, Berbers, business conducted in French, English and Spanish Some Facts (cont.) ❧ Largest phosphate reserves in the world ❧ Diverse agricultural (including aquaculture) sector ❧ Oil and gas recently discovered ❧ Large tourism industry ❧ Growing manufacturing sector ❧ Considerable inflows of funds from Moroccans working abroad ❧ Growing foreign direct investments 2 The telecommunications sector context ❧ 1HZWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVODZODZ ❧ One state-owned operator (Maroc Telecom) • Fixed Line Services : 1,5 million subscribers • Teledensity : 5% • Wireless Services : 6000 subscribers for NMT and over 400,000 subscribers for GSM (over 250 000 prepaid cards) • The Second GSM private Operator (Medi Telecom) • Two GMPCS Operators • ORBCOMM Maghreb (positioning; messaging) • TESAM Maroc (all services) • Three VSAT Operators (SpaceCom, Gulfsat Maghreb, Argos) %HIRUHWKHODZ _&UHDWLRQRIWKH1DWLRQDO3RVWDQG7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ2IILFH2137LQ _ 2137VWDUWHGDVVRFLDWLQJWKHSULYDWHVHFWRULQQHWZRUNEXLOGLQJ ³FLYLOHQJLQHHULQJZRUNVFRQQHFWLRQVDQGFDEOHOD\LQJ´ _ ,QWKHSULYDWHVHFWRUZDVDXWKRUL]HGWRVHWXSDQG FRPPHUFLDOL]HWHUPLQDOHTXLSPHQW _ ,Q2137ODXQFKHGWKHSXEOLFSKRQHSURMHFWE\DVVRFLDWLQJWKH SULYDWHVHFWRULQPDQDJLQJWKHSXEOLFSKRQHV _ )RUWKHLQWHUQHW2137KDVDXWKRUL]HGLQWKHLQWHUQHWVHUYLFH SURYLGHUVWRRIIHU,QWHUQHWVHUYLFHVE\XVLQJLWVIL[HGQHWZRUN 3 7KH/DZ •$IWHU\HDUVRIWKHVWDWHRZQHGPRQRSRO\GRPLQDWLRQLWZDV GHFLGHGLQ$XJXVWWRFRPSOHWHO\OLEHUDOL]HWKH7HOHFRP VHFWRU •7KHLQFXPEHQWEHFDPHDFRUSRUDWLRQDQGLWVSULYDWL]DWLRQLV FXUUHQWO\XQGHUZD\ •$PRELOHSKRQHOLFHQVHZDVLVVXHGIRUWKHSURILWRI0(',7(/(&20 LQRUGHUWRRSHUDWHDVHFRQG*601HWZRUN •*03&6OLFHQVHVZHUHLVVXHG96$7OLFHQVHVZHUHLVVXHG •7KHPDLQREMHFWLYHRILVVXLQJWKHVHFRQG*60OLFHQVHZDVWR LQWURGXFHSURJUHVVLYHO\FRPSHWLWLRQLQWKH7HOHFRP0DUNHW DVLWLVVWDWHGLQWKH/DZ 7KH/DZ • Open competition to all telecommunication activities • Does not impose the time limits for opening market segments to competition • Liberalize price except for those related to the Universal Service and interconnection • Set up a financial contribution required by all operators for the benefit of the Universal Service, land management, R&D and training. 4 7KH/DZDLPVDW • &UHDWHDQHIILFLHQWDQGWUDQVSDUHQWUHJXODWRU\IUDPHZRUN • (QKDQFHWKHWHOHFRP1HWZRUNDQGNHHSXSZLWKWHFKQRORJ\ SURJUHVVLQWKHHUDRIDQRSHQ7HOHFRP0DUNHW • )XOILOOWKHXQLYHUVDOVHUYLFHPLVVLRQ • &RQWULEXWHYLDWKHWHOHFRPVHFWRUWRWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI QDWLRQDOHFRQRP\ 7KH/DZDLPVDW • Separate between telecommunication and post activities • Separate between regulatory matters and operational issues • Create a regulatory organization (ANRT) for the Telecom sector. 5 1DWLRQDO7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ5HJXODWRU\$JHQF\ $157 • A Prime Minister Public Agency. • Prepare studies and regulatory acts for the Telecom sector. • Ensure the strict application of the rules. • Financially autonomous body. $157$775,%87,216 3DVW 1RZ Frequency spectrum management 0LVVLRQV Minstère des Postes et Télécommunications ANRT Preparations of regulatory acts Minstère des Postes et Télécommunications ANRT Office National des Postes et Télécommunication ANRT equipment approval Tenders preparation for license issuing Tariff proposition ANRT Office National des Postes et Télécommunication ANRT Interconnection dispute settlement ANRT Cryptography control ANRT 6 7KH5HJXODUO\)UDPHZRUN 1. License regime • Public Network using the public phone domain • Public Network using the radio spectrum 2. Authorization regime • Private Networks 3. Agreement regime • Radio electric settlement • Terminal equipment • Test and monitoring laboratory 4. Declaration Regime • Value added services 5. Regime of free settlement • Internal Networks • Low power radio 7KH,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQGHFUHH • Define the obligations of competitive operators • Define the role of ANRT as regulator 7 23(5$7256 ¶2%/,*$7,216 Respect principles and rules of interconnection. Produce all necessary information to the regulator. Operators who hold a market share higher than 20% of a telecommunications service must submit an interconnection offer to the regulator for approval. Also they shall inform the regulator regularly of the modifications concerning the interconnection offers. 7+(52/(2)$157 Ensure clear terms, conditions and fair prices for interconnection Make sure that the interconnect agreement is in accordance with the interconnection decree and approve the interconnection offer Impose sanctions and penalties for violation of regulation Play a role of arbitrator in the interconnect dispute 8 $157$6$5%,75$725 5()(5$//727+($157 +RZ" :KHQ" ,QTXLU\ RIWKH GLVSXWHILOH PDGH E\ WKH'LUHFWRURIWKH $157 1RFRQFOXVLRQ RIWKH LQWHUFRQQHFW DJUHHPHQW 3RVWDJUHHPHQW GLVSXWHV 'HFLVLRQRIWKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH FRPPLWWHH GD\V GD\V SOME SIGNIFICANT GSM FIGURES 9 IAM GSM subscribers MEDITEL GSM subscribers MÉDITEL service 1000000 launch 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 Appel à expression d’intérêt Licence process launch IAM Prepaid cards launch License awarding to MEDITEL 300000 200000 100000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998mar- jun- sept- jan- mar- may- jun99 99 99 00 00 00 00 10 &21&/86,21 7KHGHUHJXODWLRQRIWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQLQ0RURFFRSURJUHVVHV LQWLPHDQGVSDFH 7KQHZUHIRUPVRSHQHGZLGHO\0RURFFRWRFRPSHWLWLRQLQWKH WHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVVHFWRU 0RURFFDQ&XVWRPHUVDQGWKHHFRQRP\RIWKHNLQJGRPEHQHILW IURPWKHQHZUHIRUPVRIWKHVHFWRU 'HUHJXODWLRQGRHVQRWPHDQDEVHQFHRIUXOHV $PLQLPXPLQWHUYHQWLRQLVQHFHVVDU\ZKHQHYHULWLVUHTXLUHG XVLQJFRRUGLQDWLRQDQGDUELWUDJH 11