LISTE FINALE - FINAL LIST - LISTA FINAL Workshop on Licencing of Third Generation Mobile - Geneva, 19-21 September 2001 Mr. AL-QADHY Hossam RF Engineer Saudi Telecommunication Company (S.T.C.) PO Box 87912 11652 RIYADH Saudi Arabia Tél: +966 1 54488539 Fax: +966 1 2172030 Email: Mr. BUTY Gilbert Standard Manager Alcatel 54, rue de la Boétie F-75008 PARIS Cédex 08 France Tél: +33 1 40761536 Fax: +33 1 40765912 Email: Mr. ALANGREY Hamad Performance Manager Saudi Telecommunication Company (S.T.C.) PO Box 87912 11585 RIYADH Saudi Arabia Tél: +966 5 4128602 Fax: +966 1 2172030 Email: Mr. BYKHOVSKY Mark Head of Department Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR) 16, Kazakova Street MOSCOW 103064 Russia Tél: +7 095 2671802 Fax: +7 095 2674740 Email: Mr. ARASTEH Kavous Senior Expert, International Treaty and Regulatory Affairs Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone PO Box 15875-4415 TEHRAN 15598 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) Tél: +98 21 8403612 Fax: +98 21 867999 Email: Mr. CRESPIN Gilles Director, Operations and Resources Services Autorité de régulation des télécommunications (ART) 7, square Max Hymans F-75730 PARIS Cedex 15 France Tél: +33 1 40477080 Fax: +33 1 40477197 Email: Mr. BOGERS Mark Radio and Telecoms Products CE - Commission européenne 200, Wetstraat B-1049 BRUXELLES Belgium Tél: +32 2 2968183 Fax: +32 2 2994157 Email: Mr. DOYLE Chris Vice President Charlesriver Associates 1, Undershaft LONDON EC3A 8EE United Kingdom Tél: +44 20 76643729 Fax: +44 8701322510 Email: Mr. BOOTZ Michiel Director, Global Regulatory Affairs GSM Association Avoca Court Temple Road - Blackrock DUBLIN Ireland Tél: +31 23 539 8545 Fax: +31 23 539 8546 Email: Mr. FERNANDES Bosco Vice President Siemens AG 51, Hofmannstrasse D-81359 MUNICH Germany Tél: +49 89 72225524 Fax: +49 89 72224646 Email: Page 1 3G Licensing Workshop 21.09.2001 15:25:27 Mr. GRILLO Davide Alcatel Italia S.p.A. 30, via Trento I-20059 VIMERCATE Italy Tél: +39 06 77071222 Email: Mr. ITO Tatsunosuke Director General NTT Communications Corporation ICC, Bat. G 20 Route de Pré-Bois PO Box 1893 1215 GENEVE Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7983840 Fax: +41 22 9200020 Email: Mr. HENG Y.C. Vice-President and Regional Director, Government Relations-EMEA Motorola Ltd. 110, Bath Road SLOUGH Berkshire SL1 3SZ United Kingdom Tél: +44 1753 500021 Fax: +44 1753 500146 Email: Ms. KHANFIR Hajer Engineer Office national des télécommunications (Tunisie Telecom) Rue Asdrubal 1002 TUNIS Tunisia Tél: +216 1 795252 Fax: +216 1 800777 Mr. HILBERT Martin Consultant Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Cepal. Av. Dag Hammerskjold T-326, SANTIAGO 000 Chile Tél: +56 2 210 2653 Fax: +56 2 210 2590 Email: Mr. KHERIFI Bechir GSM Project Leader Office national des télécommunications (Tunisie Telecom) Rue Asdrubal 1002 TUNIS Tunisia Tél: +216 1 795252 Fax: +216 1 800777 Mr. HOLLEMAN Anton Senior Consultant Nominum 6 Langside Court Bothwell SCOTLAND G71 8NS United Kingdom Tél: +44 3140 237 7171 Fax: +44 1698 852897 Email: Mr. KIM Yongsoo First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea 1, avenue de l'Ariana CP 42 CH-1211 GENEVE Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7918241 Fax: +41 22 7886249 Email: Mr. HULTEN Staffan Associate Professor Stockholm School of Economics Box 6501 S-113 83 Stockholm Sweden Tél: +46 8 7369533 Fax: +46 8 334322 Email: Mr. KISRAWI Nabil Permanent Representative to the ITU Syrian Telecommunications Establishment 9, Champ d'Anier CH-1209 GENEVE Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7988451 (Geneva) Fax: +41 22 7889251 (Geneva) Email: Page 2 3G Licensing Workshop 21.09.2001 15:25:28 Mr. LEE Chae-Sub Head of Liaison Office Korea Telecom Geneva Office 64, chemin Auguste Vilbert CH-1218 GRAND-SACONNEX Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7884460 Fax: +41 22 7884461 Email: Mr. MAZLOUT Sahbi Engineer Centre d'études et de recherche des télécommunications Unité des technologies de l'espace Parc technologique des communications Rouet de Raoued, Km 3.5 2083 CITE GHAZAL, ARIANA Tunisia Tél: +216 1 790 877 Fax: +216 1 790 345 Email: Mr. LEWIN David Director OVUM Consultants 12 Farringdon Road LONDON EC1M 3HS United Kingdom Tél: +44 20 7551 9213 Email: Mr. MIASSE Herman Olivier Chef de la cellule des licences Agence de régulation des télécommunications (ART) BP 6132 YAOUNDE Cameroon Tél: +237 230380 Fax: +237 233748 Email: Mr. LIM Derek Assistant Manager Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore 8, Temasek Boulevard #14-00 Suntec Tower Three SINGAPORE 038988 Singapore Tél: +65 2111347 Fax: +65 2112216 Email: Mr. MOKGWARE Martin Senior Market Analyst Botswana Telecommunications Authority Private Bag 00495 GABORONE Botswana Tél: +267 357755 Fax: +267 357976 Email: Mr. LOOYESTIJN John Standardisation Manager Libertel B.V. PO Box 1500 6201 BM MAASTRICHT Netherlands Tél: +31 433 557068 Fax: +31 433 555970 Email: Mr. MOSINYI Tiro Director, Engineering Services Botswana Telecommunications Authority Private Bag 00495 GABORONE Botswana Tél: +267 357755 Fax: +267 357976 Email: Mr. MAKKI Hassane Office fédéral de la communication (OFCOM) 44, rue de l'Avenir CH-2503 BIENNE Switzerland Tél: +41 32 3275577 Fax: +41 32 3275528 Email: Mr. NEIDL Rudolf Vice President Siemens AG 51, Hofmannstrasse D-81359 MUNICH Germany Tél: +49 89 72225753 Fax: +49 89 72248266 Email: Mr. MASAMBU Patrick Executive Director Uganda Communications Commission PO Box 7376 KAMPALA Uganda Tél: +256 41 345085/348830 Fax: +256 41 348832/345278 Email: Page 3 3G Licensing Workshop 21.09.2001 15:25:28 Mr. NIEPOLD Ruprecht Head of Unit CE - Commission européenne 200, rue de la Loi B-1049 BRUXELLES Belgium Tél: +32 2 2968955 Fax: +32 2 2968395 Email: Mr. SAIDA Yutaka Assistant Director Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications 2-1-2, Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 111-0051 Japan Tél: +81 3 52535896 Fax: +81 3 52535946 Email: Mr. NYAMBI David Head, Department for Licensing, Competition and Interconnection Agence de régulation des télécommunications (ART) BP 6132 YAOUNDE Cameroon Tél: +237 230380 Fax: +237 233748 Email: Mr. SATOH Kohei Managing Director and President DoCoMo Europe Landsberger Strasse 308-312 MUNICH Germany Tél: +49 89 56824000 Fax: +49 89 58988460 Email: Ms. RATCHEK Natalia Regional Manager Svyzproekt Ltd Marina Rocha h.7 Bl. 1 MOSCOW 127621 Russia Tél: +095 177 7251 Fax: +095 173 2634 Email: Mr. SCHIMMEL Eric Consultant Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) 6216 Hollins Drive BETHESDA, MD 20817 United States Tél: +1 301 530 7987 Email: Mr. SELBY Mark CEO Mobile Channel Network 5, chemin du Canal CH-1260 NYON Switzerland Tél: +41 22 363 9231 Email: Mr. REINISCH Markus International Regulatory Development Manager Orange PCS Ltd. 50, George Street LONDON W1U 7DZ United Kingdom Tél: +44 78 66462449 Fax: +44 207 79072732 Email: Ms. SEXTON Aoife Executive Director Global, Regulatory and Public Affairs GSM Association Avoca Court Temple Road - Blackrock DUBLIN Ireland Tél: +353 1 2091823 Fax: +353 1 2695958 Email: Mr. RIVERA PANTOJA Jesús Rafael Ingeniero Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) Calle Veracruz con Calle Cali Ed. CONATEL Las Mercedes Piso 7 1060 CARACAS Venezuela Tél: +58 212 9090334 Fax: +58 212 9935389 Email: Page 4 3G Licensing Workshop 21.09.2001 15:25:28 Mr. SHAFIEE Taghi Manager, International technical affairs Directorate General of Telecommunications Ministry of PTT Dr. Shariati Avenue PO Box 15875-4415 TEHRAN 15598 Iran (Islamic Rep. of) Tél: +98 21 8112973 Fax: +98 21 8600070 Email: Mr. SUNDAL Geir J. Director Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority (NPTA) PO Box 447 Sentrum N-0104 OSLO Norway Tél: +47 22 824817 Fax: +47 22 824790 Email: Mr. SHIRAISHI Motoi Senior Researcher Association of Radio Industries and Businesses 1-4-1, Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100-0013 Japan Tél: +81 3 55108594 Fax: +81 3 35921103 Email: Mr. SIDENBLADH Thomas Director, Government relations Telefon AB - L.M. Ericsson 30, Telefonvägen SAW-12625 STOCKHOLM Sweden Tél: +46 8 7195797 Fax: +46 8 7190793 Email: Mr. SUTHERLAND Ewan Executive Director INTUG - International Telecommunications Users Group Boulevard Reyers 80 B-1030 Brussels Belgium Tél: +32 2 706 8255 Fax: +44 870 127 5111 Email: Mr. TAMADA Yasuhito First Secretary Permanent Mission of Japan 3, chemin des Fins CH-1211 GENEVE 19 Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7173111 Fax: +41 22 7883811 Email: Mr. TANDOH John R. K. Acting Director General National Communications Authority PO Box C 1568 Cantonments ACCRA Ghana Tél: +233 21 776621 Fax: +233 21 763449 Email: Mr. SILVA Franco Operation General Manager Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) Calle Veracruz con Calle Cali Ed. CONATEL Las Mercedes 1060 CARACAS Venezuela Tél: +58 212 9090321 Fax: +58 212 9930165 Email: Mr. TIKHVINSKIY Valery Deputy Head of Department Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR) 16, Kazakova Street MOSCOW 103064 Russia Tél: +7 095 2674740 Fax: +7 095 2674740 Email: Mr. STUBE Detlef Director, International Affairs Sense Communications Norway Tél: +47 23 602367 (Norway)/ +46 8 211691 (Sweden) Fax: +47 23 602350 (Norway)/ +46 8 203750 (Sweden) Email: Page 5 3G Licensing Workshop 21.09.2001 15:25:28 Mr. TOKIWA Hideharu Director Geneva Office KDDI Corporation 9, Avenue de Bude GENEVA 1202 Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7341940 Fax: +41 22 9100330 Email: Ms. TOWNSWICK Mary Government Adviser Permanent Mission of the United States 11, route de Prégny CH-1292 CHAMBESY Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7494647 Fax: +41 22 7494883 Mr. XU Yan Assistant Professor Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clearwater Bay Kowloon HONG KONG China Tél: +852 23587640 Fax: +852 23582421 Email: Number of participants: 58 Ms. VAUGHAN Allyson Reporter Wireless Week 1200 N Vertch St. Apt. 710 ARLINGTON, VA 22201 United States Tél: +703 528 5808 Email: Mr. VON ARX Urs UMTS Project Manager Office fédéral de la communication (OFCOM) 44, Zukunftsstrasse CH-2502 BIEL Switzerland Tél: +41 32 3275856 Fax: +41 32 3275528 Email: Mr. WILDEY Chris G. Senior Manager Nokia UK Ltd. Nokia House, Summit Avenue FARNBOROUGH Hants GU14 0NG United Kingdom Tél: +44 7785 300479 Fax: +44 1252 866066 Email: Mr. XAVIER Patrick Professor Swinburne University of Technology School of Business John Street Hawthorn MELBOURNE 3122 Australia Tél: +61 3 9214 8401 Fax: +61 3 9819 2117 Page 6 3G Licensing Workshop 21.09.2001 15:25:28