ColoState MATH451 Notes on the Simpson’s Quadrature Jiangguo (James) Liu ∗ February 13, 2016 Actually we examine the composite Simpson’s quadrature. Assuming the interval [a, b] is uniformly partitioned into n = 2m small intervals with length h = (b − a)/n. Two small intervals are combined to apply the simple-version Simpson’s quadrature, for which the “interval” length is 2h and the weights 61 , 46 , 16 sum to 1. The composite Simpson’s quadrature is mathematically formulated as ! Z b m m−1 X X h f (x0 ) + 4 f (x)dx ≈ f (x2i−1 ) + 2 f (x2i ) + f (x2m ) . 3 a i=1 i=1 However, in Matlab, index starts from 1. As shown in the sample code below, • f (x0 ) is represented by y(1), • f (x2i−1 ) is represented by y(2*i), Pm • i=1 f (x2i−1 ) actually becomes sum(y(2:2:2*m)). Here is the Matlab code for the composite Simpson’s quadrature: function NumerIntgrl = QuadratureSimpson(fxnf,a,b,n) m = n/2; h = (b-a)/n; x = a:h:b; y = fxnf(x); % Evaluation at all nodes "simultaneously" SO = sum(y(2:2:2*m)); % Sum of all odd terms SE = sum(y(3:2:2*m-1)); % Sum of the even terms in the middle NumerIntgrl = (h/3) * (y(1) + 2*SE + 4*SO + y(2*m+1)); % All together return; Here are some numerical results. Table 1: The composite Simpson’s quadrature applied to # of partitions Approx. value Error 32 1.000000041706364 -4.170636414002615e-08 64 1.000000002606974 -2.606973970031845e-09 128 1.000000000162941 -1.629407719860865e-10 256 1.000000000010184 -1.018385376028164e-11 512 1.000000000000636 -6.363798377151397e-13 1024 1.000000000000040 -3.952393967665557e-14 R1 0 xex dx = 1 Error reduction N/A 15.99 15.99 15.99 16.00 16.10 The error reduction ratio 16 verifies the truncation error O(h4 ). ∗ Department of Mathematics, ( Colorado State University, 1 Fort Collins, CO 80523-1874, USA