COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS MAJOR CONCENTRATION IN MATHEMATICS OF INFORMATION ADVISER: ________________ TERM OF GRAD: _______ NAME: _____________________________CSUID: LOCAL ADDRESS: _________________________________ ZIP: __________ PH: ______________ E-Mail: ___________________________ CORE COURSES (30 credits) FRESHMAN SEMINAR _____ MATH 192 First-Year Seminar in Mathematical Science _____ STAT 192 First-Year Seminar in Mathematical Science COMMUNICATION _____ CO 150 College Composition 2 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (65 credits) (Grade of C or higher required in all Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, ECE courses in this column). MATHEMATICS 29 ADDITIONAL COURSES [4] _____ ______________________ [__] ____ MATH 161 Calc for Physical Scientists II [4] _____ ______________________ [__] [1] ____ MATH 261 Calc for Physical Scientists III [4] _____ ______________________ [__] ____ MATH 317 Advanced Calc. Of One Variable [4] ____ MATH 345 Differential Equations [4] ____ MATH 360 Mathematics of Info Security [3] ____ MATH 369 Linear Algebra [3] 6 [3] ____ MATH 460 Information and Coding Theory (Capstone) [3] BIOLOGICAL/PHYSICAL SCIENCES Select two courses from Category 3-A. One must include a lab. Must include two different prefixes. 7 COMPUTER SCIENCE 5 _____ _____________________________ _____ _____________________________ [1] _____ CS 156 Introduction to C Programming [1] [ ] _____ MATH 151 Math. Algorithms in Matlab [1] [ ] _____ MATH 152 Math. Algorithms in Maple [1] 6 _____ MATH/CS 158 Math Algorithms in C [1] _____ _______________________________ [3] STATISTICS 6 _____ STAT 315 Statistics for Engr & Sci. [3] Select one course from SOCIAL/BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Select one course from Category 3-C 3 _____ _____________________________ [3] HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Select one course from Category 3-D 3 _____ _____________________________ [3] _____ ______________________ [__] _____ ______________________ [__] _____ ______________________ [__] GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS _____ CS 155 Introduction to Unix _____ _______________________________ [3] Total credits…………………….. [___] (at least 120 credits) Upper-Division credits…………. [___] (at least 42 credits) CSU Grade Point Average……… [___] (at least 2.0) MATH 117, MATH 118, MATH 124, MATH 125 and MATH 126 can only be counted as unrestricted electives toward any Math degree. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 9 upper-division credits in mathematics at CSU, excluding MATH 340 and mathematics courses ending in -80 to -99. _____ STAT 303/ECE 303 Intro. to Comm. Princ. [3] _____ STAT 321 Elem Prob., Stoch. Models [3] _____ STAT 340 Multiple Regression Analysis [3] ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 13 _____ ECE 103 DC Circuit Analysis [3] _____ ECE 202 Circuit Theory Applications [4] _____ ECE 311 Linear System Analysis I [3] GLOBAL/CULTURAL AWARENESS Select one course from Category 3-E 3 _____ ECE 312 Linear System Analysis II [3] _____ ______________________________ [3] ECE - MATH SCIENCE ELECTIVES 12 University Curriculum Committee 25 ____ MATH 160 Calc for Physical Scientists I [3] The program of study shown is subject to approval by the UNRESTRICTED ELECTIVES [1] _____ JTC 300 Prof. and Tech. Comm. ARTS/HUMANITIES Select two courses from Category 3-B (25 credits) See the Colorado State University General Catalog for a complete statement of graduation requirements. Visit the Math Department web site for information on updated courses and requirements: Select 12 credits from (a) and (b) below. Must include at least 6 credits from (a). 3 credits must be on the 400-level or above. a) Upper-division mathematics except courses ending in -80 to -99. b) Upper-division Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, or Statistics except courses ending in -80 to -99. _____ _________________________________ [__] _____ _________________________________ [__] _____ _________________________________ [__] _____ _________________________________ [__] Fall 2010 - REVISED 10/19/10