Synthetic-Aperture Assessment of a Dispersive Surface

Synthetic-Aperture Assessment of a Dispersive
Margaret Cheney
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180
This is a preprint of an articple published in International Journal of
Imaging Systems and Technology 14 (2004) 28–34.
This paper considers Synthetic Aperture Radar and other synthetic aperture imaging systems in which a backscattered wave is measured from a variety of locations.
We focus on the case in which the ground-reflectivity function depends on frequency
as well as on position.
The paper begins with a (linearized) mathematical model, based on a scalar approximation to Maxwell’s equations, that includes the effects of the source waveform
and the antenna beam pattern. The model can also accommodate other effects such as
antenna steering and motion.
For this mathematical model, we use the tools of microlocal analysis to develop
and analyze a three-dimensional inversion algorithm that uses measurements made on
a surface and determines the frequency-dependent ground reflectivity.
1 Introduction
In Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging [9] [10] [13], [14], a plane or satellite
carrying an antenna moves along a flight path. The antenna emits pulses of electromagnetic radiation, which scatter off the terrain, and the scattered waves are detected
with the same antenna. The received signals are then used to produce an image of the
terrain. (See Figure 1)
Images of the ground reflectivity function are useful, but in some cases one wants
more information. For example, in determining the extent and nature of chemical
spills, it would be helpful to have information about the material properties of the
Figure 1: Geometry
ground. In this paper we consider the dispersive characteristics of the ground, i.e., the
changes in reflectivity with frequency. The material properties then depend on three
variables: frequency and position on a (known) surface.
In order to obtain a dataset that also depends on three variables, we consider the
case in which multiple passes are made over the same scene, so that backscattered data
is known for positions that sample a two-dimensional surface of sensor positions. The
data then depend on three variables, namely time and position on the flight surface, so
we expect to be able to reconstruct a function of three variables.
For the reconstruction, we use the methods of microlocal analysis [11] [15] [16]
[33], which enable us to reconstruct the singularities in the scattering region [4] [3]
[6] [21] [27][30]. Singularities correspond to edges and boundaries between different
materials, so an image of the singularities gives us an image of structures such as walls
and vehicles. The microlocal methods have the advantage of providing reconstruction
formulas even in the case when the data is incomplete and non-ideal. In particular,
these methods can accomodate the varying antenna beam patterns that arise in the
cases of non-ideal antenna motion and gain, and with appropriate adjustments the
same reconstruction formulas apply to both spotlight-mode [8] and stripmap-mode
radar [9, 10] [14]. Microlocal reconstruction techniques have been used to advantage
in the geophysics community, where they have been found to be fast and robust [4]
Microlocal methods have two disadvantages. First, they apply only to linearized
inverse problems. However, this is not a serious limitation for radar problems, since
practically all work on radar already involves a linearization assumption. Second,
microlocal methods can only be expected to provide a reconstruction of singularities and their strengths. For frequency-dependent scattering, we expect only that the
high-frequency behavior of the material may be accurately reconstructed. However, in
practice the microlocal techniques often give good results well beyond the regime in
which they are expected to apply. In idealized cases where exact inversion formulas
are known, the inversion formulas obtained by microlocal analysis typically reduce to
these same exact inversion formulas.
In the paper we discuss explicitly the radar case, but the analysis applies equally
well to sonar and ultrasound imaging.
2 The Mathematical model
2.1 A model for the wave propagation
For SAR, the correct model is Maxwell’s equations, which we write as
the magnetic field, the electric displacement, the
Here is the electric field,
magnetic induction, is the current density, and is the charge density. The four
are related by constitutive relations, which in this paper we assume
to be of the form
!#"$ '% &()!#"
!#"$ * & + , .-/!#"0123.-!#"54
5-768 ,:9 ;"<!#"
%'& is the magnetic permeability of free space, which means that we are considHere
and is a causal convolution
ering non-magnetic materials. The relation between
in time with the electric permittivity = [18]. In general, the permittivity kernel is of the
- !#"> = /#"0?@ - "ACBEDF - !#" with BED smooth; = is called the instantaneous
form ,
BGD is+ called the susceptibility kernel. Discontinuities
response and
in the electric and
magnetic fields propagate with speed H
. Wave propagation in
dispersive materials have been studied by a number of authors [20, 18, 19, 29, 31].
in (1) and (2), and then substitute the
If we use (5) and (6) to eliminate and
curl of (1) into (2), we obtain
Q: %'&RST U %'& ,V9 W"FX
YZ[\W"ETCPR to write (7) as
Finally, we use the identity
P ]^ U %'& ,:9 ;"E_Q[\W"2`%'&R aX
Up to this point, our only assumptions have been (5) and (6); we now make a
simplifying assumption to reduce (8) to three uncoupled scalar equations.
[\W"2 ;
P ]T U %'& ,I9 W"2`%'&R aX
Assumption 1 We assume that
this reduces (8) to
not hold in general; instead, from (3) and (6) we should have
, 9 W"W 1 does
. However, Assumption 1 holds within a homogeneous medium
such as air. In general Assumption 1 does not hold at interfaces between materials; at
such interfaces there is coupling between the different components of . By using (9),
we are ignoring such coupling, and we are thus ignoring polarization effects. Consequently we consider only one component of (9), thus reducing the problem to a scalar
We make the following assumptions about the nature of the scattering.
@>" P " P
& JKL% & & " N.O0P
- !E"0?@/T /G"M"2`%'& = - /E"M"2 = &R?@ - " ?@/T /E"M"
is known and is
Assumption 2 The earth’s surface
. In the rewell-separated from the flight paths, which lie on the surface
gion between the antenna and the earth’s surface, the wave speed is
The scattering takes place in a thin region at the earth’s surface. The scattering is due
to a perturbation in the permittivity kernel at the earth’s surface. This perturbation we
write as
P H & P U T?! U 9 ">`%'&R #" X
The equation we consider can thus be written
Here , the ground permittivity kernel, is the quantity we wish to reconstruct. Its
Fourier transform is the frequency-dependent ground reflectivity function
$ &%V! "2 ')J ( +
* *-,/. ! "54
2.2 A model for the field from an antenna
0 P J U1 8 LX
& 43 due to a delta function point source at the origin at
In free space, the field 2 at
time is given by [32]
&2 !#"> ?@G68 ( 5 57575K H & " * * ,/.:B)(9 P<5 ; 75=:; O#>?A@ 4%V
which satisfies
C P & P UD &
H 2
Between the antenna and the scattering surface, the scalar wave field
free-space wave equation
satisfies the
? /#"
:? !"0?@/#" !#"
The antenna, however, is not a point source [34]
, and the signal sent to the
antenna is not a delta function
. Therefore we replace
quantity which is
times the time derivative of an effective current distribution over
the antenna.
We write in terms of its Fourier transform :
\!#"> * * ,/. " &%V!#"54 %V
% %
where denotes the angular frequency. In practice, the waveform is such that only
a certain interval
contributes significantly to (15); we call this
is the (angular-frequency)
set the effective support of . The difference
bandwidth. The fact that is bandlimited means that ultimately we reconstruct bandlimited approximations to singularities rather than the actual singularities.
The field emanating from the antenna then satisfies
&% 7 % "
C P & P U D , F!#" F!#"
so that
, !#"> * ?@238 - ( 5 ^5 3 5 5 K H &\" \.-/G"54
5- 4#X
With the notation (15), (17) becomes
, !#"$ * * ,/8 .:( 9 5 <^; = ; O#5 > ? @ " &%VG"54%>4#X
Next we assume that the antenna is small compared
with the distance to the scat &
terers. We denote
the center of the antenna by ; thus a point on the antenna can be
1 !
- , where - is a vector from the center of the antenna to a point on
the antenna. In this notation, the assumption that
scattering location is far from
5 - "5 # 5 3 & 5 . Forthesuch
the antenna can be expressed
, we can write
5 3 5
5 3 5A % 3$ & " '-
' & 5 -5 P K 5 3 & 5 "F
where ( denotes a unit vector in the same direction as .
We use the expansion (19) in (18) to obtain
, !#"*) * * ,/8 .:( 9 5 <T; = ? & ; O#5 > ? @ * ,/.:9,=+ ? @.- 0/ " \&%V & ! - "54%>41 * ? O#>?4@
) * ,/8 .:9 5 <T; = & ; 5 " ( &%V4%:2T
$ & "F & "54%
" ( \&%:3^$ & "F & "$ * * ,/.:9 =+ ? @4- / " &%V & !'- "54 -
where we have written
* ,/. 9 =+ ? @4- ? *+* ,/. 9 =+ ? @.- " &%V "54
This Fourier transform of the current density thus gives the antenna beam pattern in
the far-field at each fixed frequency.
We see from (20) that the field emanating from the antenna is a superposition of
fixed-frequency point sources that are each shaped by the antenna beam pattern. We
note that the field (20) clearly depends on , the location of the center of the antenna.
2.3 A linearized scattering model
We rewrite (9) by making the change of variables
- in the convolution
P C!#"2 H & P U C!#">Z?@/T;/E"M" * G3 - !G" - !#"54
- \F!#"F
> in
where the dots denote differentiation with respect to . We write
(22) and use (16) to obtain
C P & P U D > !#">Z?@/^C/2"M" * E^ - !E" - !#"54
- X
We can write (23) as an integral equation
> !#">* 2 & G35- !^ "0?@ Q G"M" * 5- 3.- G" C5- / "54 .- 4 .- 4 EX
A commonly used approximation [20] [17], often called the Born approximation
or the single scattering approximation, is to replace the full field on the right side
, which converts (24) to
of (24) and (23) by the incident field
> !#") * 2 &
21 - !3C G"M" * - 1 - G" , - ; G"M"54
- 4
- 4 (25)
The value of this approximation is that it removes the nonlinearity in the inverse prob
lem: it replaces the product of two unknowns ( and ) by a single unknown ( )
multiplied by the known incident field.
The Born approximation makes the problem simpler, but it is not necessarily a
good approximation. Another linearizing approximation that can be used for reflection
from smooth surfaces is the Kirchhoff approximation, in which the scattered field is
replaced by its geometrical optics approximation [6] [20]. Here, however, we consider
only the Born approximation.
, the Born-approximated
For the incident field (20) with antenna center
field of (25) becomes
> ! V"
> ! I" * * * ,/.:8 9 ( 5 ^/ <; = 9 G"-@ 5 ; O#> ? @ 4% * - 3 - 2"M"
C* 0%2- " P * ,/8 . ( / 9 5 ;/ / < ; G9 "E@ ; O#5 >?4@ " ( &%2-4%2- C $ "2 "F V"54%2-U4 .- U4
5- 4 - T - and carry out the - integration.
In this equation, we make the substitution The result is
> ! V"$ ** * 8 (, . 5 5 ^ 9 ;; = E9 "-5 8 @ ( ; 5 ;; 9 2@ "G ; @ O#> 5 ? * E"M"
" ( \&%V4%: $2"E "F I" % P 4%>4 M 4 >X
2.4 The received signal
3 - "
* > 9 <4 - ) * > 23.- 3!'-/ V".
.- ^ '- "54
5-U4 *** * 8 ,/( . 5 ^ ! / - 9 ; %; / E"-9 5 8 ( @ ;5 ;; 9 2"E ; @ O#> 5 ? * E"M"
" ( &%V4%: ; $ E"2 "F V" % P 4%>4 5 4 % - 3! - "54 - 4 -
(Normally, when the same antenna is used for transmission and reception,
As before, we make the far-field approximation and write the receiver weighting
F T' - " in terms of its temporal Fourier transform. Thus a model for the
received signal is
I" *** * &,/8 . ( " P 5 P ; 9 @ "-; O#5 P > ? * F G"M"
" ( &%V4%: ; $ G"E V"F V" " ( &%V4%: W $ E"G V"F " % P 4 %>4 0 4 (29)
The idealized inverse problem is to determine from knowledge of for all
for ona surface.
parametrize by
N N P This
P P we
The abrupt edges of the surface tend to cause artifacts in the image [28]; conseF @"
quently it is useful to multiply
in " L# " E $ N N the $data
P by
P asmooth
. taper function ! supported
4 F @": ! F @" a@"M" ; we denote the map from scene
We write the data as
to data by % , so that
4 " % . " *+* ,/.:9 / P & (9 '*) @ O#> ? ,@ + 4% " .-/ G" 4%>4 .- 4 When the scattered field is received back at the antenna, the effect is to convolve the
! , so that the measured signal is
field with some weight
4 % "> % P " ( &%V4% 3( 2"F &8 ( @""MP " " ( /&%V 4% 3"( P >"F a@"M" ! " (31)
1 2"W 5 @"6 G"-5 , 5 5 , and ( ;K . In practice,
and where
the measured signal is subject to a variety of other effects, such as antenna steerng
and motion; these effects are included through the -dependence of the antenna beam
5\ . + 4% " 5 ) ) ) ) 0J % P " 9 P <; ; @ O0P
) N M P " , 5 5
` N P , and similarly for .
is any compact set,
Assumption 3 The amplitude
where pattern.
We assume
9 ) ) @
of (30) satisfes
This assumption is true for example when the antenna is broadband and the source
waveform is a delta function or band-limited waveform. Under this assumption, the
“forward” operator % is an example of a Fourier Integral Operator [11], [33], [15].
3 Image formation
!G"2 4.F!G" $* !#4% "#* ,/.:9 / P& 9 ') = @ O#>?@ 4 - " 4 %>4 4
- We form the image
by means of a filtered backprojection operator:
is determined below. We note that the spatial part of this backprojection
operator is a filtered version of the adjoint of spatial part of % , but that the temporal
part has the opposite sign.
To determine , we investigate the degree to which the image faithfully reproduces features of the ground permittivity kernel . We will show that under favorable
circumstances, singular features such as edges appear in the correct locations.
% &% in (33) results in an equation of the form
4 F!2"2 * F!>M - G" - G"54
- 4 >
F!>M - 2"2 *+* ,/.:9 / P& 9('*) = @ ; O#>?4@ * , . / 9 / / / P& 9 ') @ O#>?@
AF !#4% " + - 4% - " 4% - 4 % 4 a4
- #
! M - G"W
point-spread function. If we had
? ^E"0? isTthe - " imaging
, then the image would be perfect; we want to determine so
that comes as close as possible to being a delta function.
% - and
(35), we perform a large- stationary phase calculation in the variables
- . In(Specifically,
we make the change of variables and perform a largestationary phase calculation in the variables and ; the result is the same as if we
- &% % - " 4
- ')( ? &%S % - "
- - ' >"MK H & . A
had used
and set
The kernel #
statement of the multi-dimensional stationary phase theorem is given in the Appendix.)
After substituting the stationary phase result into (35), we obtain
F! M - "> ')( * * ,/. / / P 9 & 9('*) @ & 9 ') = @ @ O#> ? AF ! 4% "
+ - - G"F 4% " 4%14 N (36)
- - ": - ' "MK H & and where N denotes a function smoother
than the first term on the right side of (36).
If is to be a delta function, then certainly at the critical points of (36), we should
. From differentiating the phase of (36) with respect to
and , we find that the critical points must satisfy
a] -
- 32 ' & G"G !E"
( "G ( ! "7H L JA '
! " and ( " must
The second line of (37) says that two components of (
!G" and ( 2"
be the same. If the flight paths are roughly horizontal, since (
are unit vectors and are both pointing downwards, they must be identical. (In certain
pathological cases, such as when the measurement surface is perpendicular to the
earth’s surface, it is possible for
to have their third components
of opposite sign.)
When (
and (
are identical, then since the ground surface is
must also be identical. (Here again we exclude pathological cases
such as the radar lying in the tangent plane to the ground.) When
, then
, and the first line of (37) implies that
. Thus the leading
order contributions to (36) are from points with
!G"V G"
#` -
3.1 Determination of /#"R . E"> * & N 4 4 . #
/: E "M"54
)/: E"< * & N [ <" .#
/: E "M"54
In the exponent of (36), we use the identity
%7 .- \; ' " ! "M"MK H & 8 ;5- U" % W "7 I ! 4% " to write
#!> 4% "# ' % & * & N 3( G"G 4
9 = @
= 3 , it is simply
# # 4% "> ' 3( 2" H&
In (36), we make the change of variables
&%V " L ">80 %V : ! 4% "M" X
is given by
! M - "> ')( * * , 9 / / @ 9 = 4@ - AF ! 4% " + - - "F 4% "
E& %VL @" " 1
4 4 N (43)
9 ) = ) '*) . @
7 " and %_6%: 7" .
This transforms the integral (36) into
Equation (43) exhibits the point spread function as the kernel of a pseudodifferential operator. Pseudodifferential operators have the pseudolocal property [33], i.e.,
they do not move singularities or change their orientation. It is immediately clear from
(43) that provided the Jacobian
is nonzero, the leading order contribution
to the image comes from the points
We see from (43) that the backprojection weighting function should be chosen
5 &%V @"MKA 5
2` - !3 9 .)) -' @@
B ! 4% "
AF ! 4% "2
+ - F = ! = "F ! 4% "
where is a smooth cutoff function that prevents division by zero in (44).
5 E&%V "MKA 75 is called the Beylkin determinant [4] [6].
The Jacobian determinant
To compute it at
, we first calculate the Jacobian matrix
E L " P Y(
"G "E
&%V @" >
P> Y(
"G "E
to ( :
is the projection operator that projects a vector onto the plane perpendicular
W 3(5 5Y( " X
! From (45), it is easy to calculate the determinant:
0 L " 1` E&%V @" !
[ VKA N " and [ VKA P " ,
This determinant is zero only when the two vectors
, are linearly depenwhen projected onto the tangent plane to the earth’s surface at
dent. This would happen, for example, if the measurement surface
to the earth’s surface.
is perpendicular
3.2 Implementation
4 - @"
&%V @"
A ! 4% "
> ' ! G"MK H &
The formula (33) might be implemented numerically by a) applying a fast Fourier
to obtain
; b) for each and each point
transform in the variable to
in the image, multiply
by the filter
defined by (44); d) in#
verse Fourier transform
and evaluate the result at
to obtain the
backprojected image from one antenna position; and finally e) sum over all antenna
positions . A faster algorithm might be developed by following the ideas developed
in [22, 1, 2].
The resolution of the resulting image is determined by the degree to which approximates a delta function, which is determined by the support of , which is in
turn determined though (41) by the overall size of the measurement surface .
4 Conclusions
To image a frequency-dependent ground-reflectivity function, we need to collect data
that depends on three variables: time and two spatial variables. An image can be
formed by applying the operator (33), where is given by (44). This procedure gives
a three-dimensional “image” of , in which the third dimension is time. In this image,
the visible singularities appear with the correct position, orientation, and strength.
To obtain the frequency-dependent ground reflectivity function, should be Fourier
transformed via (11). The resulting we expect to be accurate in its high-frequency
5 Acknowledgments
I am grateful to Richard Albanese for suggesting the problem, and to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research1 for supporting this work under agreement number F4962003-1-0051. This work was also supported in part by the National Science Foundation
through its Engineering Research Centers Program (award number EEC-9986821) and
its Focused Research Groups in the Mathematical Sciences program. I thank Cliff
Nolan for Figure 1.
A The Stationary Phase Theorem
The stationary phase theorem states [15] [5] [16]
, and has only
% 0 ')( 1 O0P / & " * ,/.9 ? @ * ,&9 OA@ 9 ? @
*+* ,/.9 = @ /#"54 _ = 5 P / & "-5 =
? 9 ? @ = =
& &% O0P N " (48)
P denotes the Hessian, and sgn denotes the
Here denotes the gradient of ,
Theorem A.1 If is a smooth function of compact support on
non-degenerate critical points, then as
signature of a matrix, i.e., the number of positive eigenvalues minus the number of
negative ones.
B Composition of Fourier Integral Operators
In section 3, we determine the weight by composing the two Fourier integral opera!
tors (FIOs) and % ; however arbitrary FIOs cannot necessarily be sensibly composed
with each other. Conditions under which the composition is again an FIO are given
in [11]; these conditions involve the (twisted) canonical relation computed from the
phase function of the FIO. For an FIO of the form
G"2 **+* , 9 ) = ) . @ .>! 4% " &3 "54%>4 + .
M.>#"F/ M" " 4 . .>! 4% " L^Z .#! 4% "F : . #! 4% "A
= (50)
the (twisted) canonical relation is
Consequently the U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental
purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are
those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the Air Force Research Laboratory or the U.S. Government.
M E "F #2"M" - M >>"F/ "M" -
F @"
- ! "
- ' 5 a@"2 /2"-5 K H &"
&%V "
8&%V ' % A"2 "M@" K H & "
The main conditions we need to check [11] under which the composition
is an
FIO are that whenever
, we must have
and either +
% (30) and ! given by (33), the role of is played by
In the case of
the role of is played by
, the phase function is
, and the phase of is just the negative of . This implies
' . Since for any radar system is greater than zero, is never
$ is never zero because is never
zero. Similarly,
zero. Thus the composition % is an FIO.
3P P 1"
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