MATH261 EXAM I FALL 2014 NAME: CSU ID: SECTION NUMBER: You may NOT use calculators or any references. Show work to receive full credit. Circle the answer for each problem. GOOD LUCK !!! Problem Points 1 21 2 18 3 24 4 10 5 15 6 12 Total 100 Score 1. (a) (15 pts; 5 pts each part) Given the plane P: 3x−4y +2z = 4, classify the following planes as either perpendicular to P, parallel to P, or neither. (i) 6x − 8y + 4z = 9 (ii) 4x + 2y − 2z = 1 (iii) 3x − 4y + z = 3 (b) (6 pts) With respect to the plane P and the plane Q: 2x + y + 5z = 0, using a parametric representation, define the line of intersection. 2. (a) (6 pts) In the form Ax + By + Cz = D, give an equation for a plane passing through P(1, 1, 6), Q(0, 1, 4), and R(6, 0, 5). (b) (6 pts) Compute the distance from the point (1, 4, 1) to the plane in part (a). (c) (6 pts) Find the point of intersection of the line r(t) = h2 − 3t, −1 + 2t, −2ti and the plane found in (a). 3. (24 pts) Consider r(t) = t2 i+cos(t)j+sin(t)k. Using vector notation, find the following: (a) (10 pts) v(t), |v(t)|(best to simplify), and a(t). (b) (9 pts) T(t) and aT when t = (c) (3 pts) aN when t = π 4 π 4 (d) (2 pts) N(t) when t = π 4 4. (10 pts; 5 pts each part) Given a(t) = (6t3 + t)i + (π cos(2πt) + 1)j + π cos( π2 t) + et k, complete the following: (a) If v(0) = h−1, 2, 7i, find v(t). (b) Find the equation of the tangent line at t = 0 assuming r(0) = 2i + 4j − 7k 5. (15 pts; 5 pts each part) Find the limit if it exists. If it does not exist then show why it does not. x2 + 4y sin t √ x2 − 4y 2 , 1 − cos ti (b) lim (c) lim (a) lim ht + 1, t→0 (x,y)→(0,0) x + 2y (x,y)→(0,0) x + 2y 2t 6. (12 pts; 3 pts each part. No partial credit given.) Next to each equation write the letter corresponding to its graph. (I) z 2 = x2 + y 2 + 1 (III) 2x + 2y + z = 4 (II) y = z 2 − x2 (IV) x = y 2 + z 2 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)