Section Title Using digital to reduce mental health discrimination Lisa Muller, Hayley Richardson-Roberts,

Section Title
Using digital to reduce mental health
Lisa Muller, Hayley Richardson-Roberts,
Becca Peters, Shea Wong
24 February 2016
Title stigma
• 1 in 4 adults will experience a mental health problem
each year
• Around 9 out of 10 people with mental health
problems report that they experience stigma and/or
• Around two thirds say the stigma and discrimination is
as bad as or worse than the illness
The impact of stigma and discrimination
Stigma and discrimination affect all areas of life
Top five areas affected:
• Friendships and social life – 65%
• Family life – 57%
• Workplace – 56%
• Dating and relationships – 39%
• Health services – 37%
• 41% of respondents said they experienced stigma or
discrimination every day, every week or every month
Source: 2014 survey of 6,000 TTC supporters
About Time to Change
Run by two partners:
Funded by:
The impact so far…
• The number of people living discrimination-free lives has increased
by 3%
(Viewpoint survey, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London and Rethink Mental Illness 2011 )
• Average levels of discrimination have dropped by 11.5%
(Viewpoint survey, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London and Rethink Mental Illness 2011)
• Public attitudes have improved by 8.3%
(National Attitudes to Mental Illness 2014 Research Report)
• There is a clear link between awareness of Time to Change and
improved knowledge, attitudes and behaviour
(Evaluation by the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London)
Key elements of the anti-stigma campaign
• Social marketing – reaching the public with messages
which lead to improved attitudes and behaviour
• ‘Social contact’ – knowing someone who’s open about
having a mental health problem is a proven indicator of
having better attitudes and behavior
• Empowering people with experiences of mental health
problems to lead the movement, speak out and challenge
The role of digital and social media
• Social media enables people to link up with others –
creates a shared movement, builds confidence
• 65% of Time to Change’s social media audience are more
open about their mental health
• 70% felt more empowered to stand up for the rights of
2015 survey of Time to Change social media community
The role of digital and social media
• Campaigning online – has a real world impact (examples
• Digital also provides an effective mechanism to involve
people in other areas of the Time to Change campaign
The role of digital and social media
• People often use digital media to disclose for
the first time – which then leads to disclosure in
other areas…
• And can have the knock-on impact of
encouraging others to speak out
• 50% of Time to Change Facebook fans said
they were more willing to disclose to family and
friends as a result
• 36% actually had disclosed to family and friends
since joining
2012 survey of Time to Change Facebook
“Joining Time to
Change on Facebook
made it OK to tick
that little ‘mental
health issues’ box on
my college
application form for
the first time ever”
The role of digital and social media
After being touched by
people’s stories on the
website, I wrote a blog of
my own, and also 'came
out' to family and
friends. The amazing
love and support I
received was
overwhelming. It made
me wish I'd done it years
I "came out" as it
were on Facebook
today about my
struggles with
mental illness. It was
difficult, but quite
liberating to be able
to be honest and
open about my
• #timetotalk
• 58,752 tweets
• 86,747 conversations
Shea Wong – then…
Blogging since late 2001: prediagnosis
Used blogging as education tool
Started “campaigning” 12 years ago
(6 with TtC)
“Soft sell” digital campaigning
Technology is for everyone,
at every level
Younger generation taking
lead on digital early
Digital campaigning enables
A/V > traditional blogging
Web miniseries based on MH
Q&A videos with leaders in MH
MH apps that connect user with GP
Evaluating Digital impact
• Time to Change started surveying Facebook users in
• Survey has been repeated in 2015 and is running now
• Current research is starting to look in more detail at
website and Facebook usage data
Evaluating Time to Change Digital
Since engaging with TTC on Facebook or Twitter
65% of respondents are more open about their mental health
8 out of 10 respondents talk more about their mental health
69% of all respondents have talked about any aspect of someone else’s mental
health (good or bad)
On average, 7 out of 10 respondents reported an increase in empowerment, eg
speaking up for others’ rights
But 55% report being treated unfairly because of their mental health (primarily in
school, work or by health professionals)
Evaluating Time to Change Digital
Since engaging with TTC on Facebook or Twitter
65% of respondents are more open about their mental health
8 out of 10 respondents talk more about their mental health
69% of all respondents have talked about any aspect of someone else’s mental
health (good or bad)
On average, 7 out of 10 respondents reported an increase in empowerment, eg
speaking up for others’ rights
But 55% report being treated unfairly because of their mental health (primarily in
school, work or by health professionals)
Evaluating Time to Change Digital
50% had witnessed someone else being treated unfairly
because of their mental health.
27% had witnessed it online
Would you describe yourself as someone…
No %
Prefer not
to say %
Who has, or has had, mental health problems?
Who is using, or who has used, mental health services?
Who is a carer for someone with a mental health
In the future
Open questions:
Is the digital work impacting on the general public? And if so,
How is it impacting on stigma and discrimination more widely?
How do we measure behaviour change?
Does social contact work in the digital environment?
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Thank you!