Valley Primary School Kirkcaldy Fife Council 5 September 2006

Valley Primary School
Fife Council
5 September 2006
1. Background
2. Key strengths
3. What are the views of parents, pupils and staff?
4. How good are learning, teaching and achievement?
5. How well are pupils supported?
6. How good is the environment for learning?
7. Improving the school
Appendix 1 Indicators of quality
Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses
How can you contact us?
1. Background
Valley Primary School, including the department for special education, was inspected
in May 2006 as part of a national sample of primary education. The inspection covered
key aspects of the work of the school at all stages. It evaluated pupils’ achievements,
the effectiveness of the school, the environment for learning, the school’s processes for
self-evaluation and capacity for improvement. There was a particular focus on
attainment in English language and mathematics.
HM Inspectors examined pupils’ work and interviewed groups of pupils, including the
pupil council, and staff. Members of the inspection team also met parents 1 and other
representatives of the community and agencies with whom the school worked. There
was no School Board.
Valley Primary School is a non-denominational primary school which serves an area to
the north of Kirkcaldy. At the time of the inspection the roll was 384, including 19 in
the department for special education and 66 in the nursery. The proportion of pupils
who were entitled to free school meals was well above the national average. Pupils’
attendance was below the national average.
The work of the nursery was not included in this inspection.
2. Key strengths
HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths.
Caring and hardworking staff who were committed to meeting pupils’ needs
The extent to which teachers regularly shared the purpose of lessons with
Pupils’ knowledge of what they needed to do to improve their work.
Emerging good practice in self-evaluation with a clear focus on improving
learning, teaching and achievement.
The effectiveness of approaches used by teachers in the early years to develop
pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills.
Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers, residential care staff and
carers who are relatives or friends.
3. What are the views of parents, pupils and staff?
HM Inspectors analysed responses to questionnaires issued to a sample of parents, P4
to P7 pupils and to all staff. Information about the responses to the questionnaires
appears in Appendix 2.
Overall parents, pupils and staff were positive about the school. Parents felt that their
children found school work stimulating and challenging and that the school encouraged
children to work to the best of their ability. They felt the school explained clearly the
standard of work it expected from pupils. Pupils felt they had a say in deciding how to
make the school better. They felt teachers knew them well and helped them when they had
difficulties. Around a third felt the behaviour of pupils was not good. Staff felt that pupils
were enthusiastic about learning, there was regular staff discussion about how to achieve
school priorities and that senior managers worked effectively as a team. Less than a half
felt that indiscipline was dealt with effectively and that standards set for pupils’ behaviour
were consistently upheld. Only a third of support staff felt they had good opportunities to
be involved in the decision making process.
4. How good are learning, teaching and achievement?
Pupils’ learning experiences and achievements
The overall quality of the curriculum was adequate. Pupils had an appropriately broad
range of experiences in most curriculum areas. The school offered a commendable range of
trips and excursions which enhanced pupils’ experiences. These included opportunities to
participate in a range of environmental, arts, music, drama, sports and cultural activities.
The school made good use of a range of policies and programmes developed by the
education authority. However, guidelines to staff in some areas of the curriculum had not
been updated recently. In particular, there was limited advice and guidance to staff on the
English language programme. Teaching was of a good overall quality. Teachers shared the
aims, content and purpose of lessons with pupils well. They gave clear explanations. They
used questions effectively to ensure pupils had a good understanding of the work they had
undertaken. They gave pupils regular and well-judged feedback on their work. These
approaches gave pupils a clear understanding of what they needed to do to improve. At P1
and P2, teachers used an effective range of approaches to develop pupils’ early literacy and
numeracy skills. The school was beginning to make more systematic use of information
and communications technology (ICT) to improve pupils’ achievements and experiences,
particularly in literacy and numeracy across the school.
Overall, the learning environment was stimulating and interesting and relationships
between teachers and pupils were positive. Pupils mostly responded well to the range of
resources and approaches used by teachers. The pace of learning was good. Most pupils
worked well and remained on task throughout lessons. At the early stages, pupils worked
well together, but at the later stages pupils’ skills in working together were not so well
developed. At these stages, lessons were largely teacher directed followed by individual
work. Pupils did not always have appropriate opportunities to collaborate with each other
and be more active in, and take more responsibility for, their own learning.
Pupils across the school had engaged in a variety of environmental projects and activities.
As a result, the school had achieved the bronze Eco School award. Pupils were able to
discuss their roles and responsibilities in the school Eco committee. They were confident
in discussing waste re-cycling and other activities that they had undertaken. Pupils in P7
had composed their own music using ICT and had recorded their own CDs. Across the
school, pupils had gained awareness of other cultures and religions through a number of
topics and projects. Senior pupils took pride in the work they did to support junior pupils
as buddies. The pupil council had been effective in securing a number of improvements to
the accommodation and facilities. Pupils at all stages were able to develop their confidence
and self-esteem by contributing to and performing in the annual school show. In
developing their enterprise skills, pupils in P6 used ICT well to keep a record of all their
planning, to design tickets and programmes and to monitor the costs involved in putting on
the show.
English language
The overall quality of attainment in English language was adequate. There was a steadily
improving trend in pupils’ overall levels of attainment. Most pupils achieved the
appropriate national levels in reading and the majority achieved these levels in writing,
listening and talking. The school was using its revised systems for tracking pupils’
attainment to ensure that pupils made steady progress from their prior levels of attainment.
Pupils made a strong start to the development of early literacy skills in P1 and P2. At these
stages, pupils’ skills in listening and talking were good. However, by the upper stages
pupils’ skills in listening and talking were not well developed. They did not always listen
to the ideas of others or collaborate well in groups. They were not confident in talking
about or sharing their ideas and experiences. At all stages, most pupils could read and
understand an appropriate range of texts. Pupils wrote regularly for a range of purposes. In
the early years, standards of writing were good. By the upper stages, there were
weaknesses in paragraphing and the presentation of writing.
The overall quality of pupils’ attainment in mathematics was good. In recent years
attainment had steadily improved. Most pupils in P1 to P6 achieved appropriate national
levels of attainment in key aspects of mathematics. Some pupils achieved these levels
early. The school was using its revised systems for tracking pupils’ attainment to address
gaps in pupils’ learning to enable them to make appropriate progress. In the current P7,
around half of pupils were attaining these levels. Across the stages, most pupils were
making good progress through their coursework. Pupils were able to organise and interpret
information and carry out surveys effectively. At all stages, they were able to carry out
mental calculations quickly and accurately. Most pupils had a good knowledge of shape,
position and movement. Pupils’ skills in problem solving and enquiry were steadily being
5. How well are pupils supported?
The overall quality of pastoral care was good. Staff were very alert to pupils’ social,
emotional and health needs. Pupils were safe and well cared for in the school and knew
who to go to if they needed help and support. The school had effective arrangements
for child protection, recording possible racist incidents and health promotion. Overall,
pupils were confident that incidents of bullying would be dealt with appropriately.
However, the school did not record and monitor bullying incidents sufficiently
systematically to ensure that it took effective action to minimise the occurrence of such
Overall, pupils’ learning needs were well met. Teachers made use of appropriate resources
to engage pupils in tasks that were well suited to their needs and took appropriate account
of their prior attainment. Pupils made steady progress in their learning and the school’s
revised systems for tracking pupils’ attainment were leading to improved action to identify
and address gaps in pupils’ learning. The support for learning teachers worked well with
senior managers to plan and coordinate the deployment of support staff across the school.
In most classes, the provision of this additional staffing provided pupils with good levels of
support. Pupils with additional support needs were identified at an early stage.
Individualised educational programmes contained specific targets and clear success criteria.
They were shared with teaching staff and parents and reviewed termly. Support for
learning staff had time to consult with staff and observe individual pupils. They provided
very effective advice and guidance to teaching staff on effective approaches to dealing with
the complex needs of many of the pupils in mainstream classes. These approaches were
having a positive impact on pupils’ learning and progress.
The department for special education made provision for pupils with a diverse range of
needs in three separate bases. Pupils’ learning was well supported by a team of teachers
and support for learning assistants. They were well led by the acting depute headteacher.
Lessons were stimulating and, where appropriate, effective arrangements were in place to
assist with the inclusion of pupils into mainstream classes. Teachers reviewed targets
effectively with pupils at the end of each day. There were robust systems for planning and
monitoring pupils’ progress. As a result, most pupils were making good or very good
progress towards the achievement of the learning targets set out in their individualised
educational programmes. However, the targets set in these plans did not always include
sufficiently specific criteria for success.
6. How good is the environment for learning?
Quality of
and facilities
The overall quality of the accommodation was good. The
headteacher had made very good use of the school’s devolved
budget to redecorate and refurbish parts of the school.
Classrooms provided a bright and stimulating environment for
learning. Teachers made very good use of wall space for
displays of pupils’ work and activities in and beyond
The education authority had recently installed new windows
in the P1–P3 area of the school. The school had a secure
entry system and there was appropriate access for all users
to the main school building. However, a number of aspects
of accommodation in the school required further attention.
This included work to repair flooring in the main corridor.
Climate and
and promoting
and equality
The overall quality of climate and relationships in the school
was good. Teachers were hard working and welcoming.
Relationships between staff and pupils were generally
positive. Most pupils were well behaved, but the behaviour
of a few pupils was challenging. In some lessons, this
challenging behaviour was not always managed effectively.
Teachers expectations of pupils’ levels of attainment were
good. However, the school did not hold regular assemblies
to recognise and celebrate pupils’ wider achievements and
positive behaviour. Pupils were valued equally and treated
fairly. The school had adopted the education authority’s
race equality policy and implemented it well. Pupils’
awareness of other cultures and religions was promoted
across the curriculum, but these approaches needed to be
more systematic. The school did not provide appropriate
opportunities for religious observance.
with parents
and the
While there was no School Board or parent teacher
association, a parent support group had been established in
the department for special education to involve parents in
supporting their child’s education. The school arranged
meetings with parents of year groups at the start of each
year to provide information about the work of the school. It
communicated regularly and effectively with parents. The
school was phasing in personal learning planning in some
classes. These plans were very comprehensive and
provided parents with specific information about their
child’s coursework and progress. The school informed
parents about the health programme, including sensitive
issues, but did not formally consult with them on the content
of the programme. The school worked well with a range of
partner agencies in meeting pupils’ needs and supporting
their learning.
7. Improving the school
Appendix 1 provides HM Inspectors’ overall evaluation of the work of the school.
Valley Primary School provided a good quality of education for its pupils. Staff were
hardworking and sensitive to pupils’ social and emotional needs. Pupils were safe and
well cared for. Teaching was of an overall good quality. Overall, pupils’ learning
experiences were positive, but there were too few opportunities for pupils to work
collaboratively and be active in their learning. Pupils’ learning needs were well met
and overall levels of attainment in reading and mathematics were good. Pupils’
writing, listening and talking skills were less well developed.
The headteacher had a clear vision for the school. She was ably supported by three
acting depute headteachers. Together they provided effective leadership to the school.
They worked well as a team. They had a wide range of relevant experience that
enabled them to make positive contributions throughout the school. Together they had
developed a range of approaches to improving the school’s work. All teaching staff
had begun to engage in self-evaluation using nationally published quality indicators.
The outcomes of this process informed priorities in the school’s programme of staff
development and the school development plan. Senior managers undertook
observations of learning and teaching and met with staff to provide feedback. These
approaches were beginning to prove effective in sharing good practice. The school had
also introduced the education authority’s system for tracking and monitoring pupils’
progress. Staff were using these approaches effectively to identify and take action to
address gaps in pupils’ learning. Overall, the school was well placed to improve its
work further.
Main points for action
The school and education authority should take action to continue to improve the
quality of provision. In doing so, they should take account of the need to improve:
attainment in English language, particularly in writing, listening and talking;
arrangements for promoting positive behaviour and managing more effectively
the challenging behaviour of some pupils;
the range of pupils’ learning experiences to ensure they have opportunities to
be more active in, and take responsibility for, their own learning; and
arrangements for regular religious observance.
What happens next?
The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare an action plan
indicating how they will address the main findings of the report, and to share that plan
with parents. Within two years of the publication of this report parents will be
informed about the progress made by the school.
Chris Webb
HM Inspector
5 September 2006
Appendix 1 Indicators of quality
The sections in the table below follow the order in this report. You can find the main
comments made about each of the quality indicators in those sections. However,
aspects of some quality indicators are relevant to other sections of the report and may
also be mentioned in those other sections.
How good are learning, teaching and achievement?
Structure of the curriculum
The teaching process
Pupils’ learning experiences
Pupils’ attainment in English language
Pupils’ attainment in mathematics
How well are pupils supported?
Pastoral care
Meeting pupils’ needs
How good is the environment for learning?
Accommodation and facilities
Climate and relationships
Expectations and promoting achievement
Equality and fairness
Partnership with parents and the
Improving the school
Effectiveness and deployment of staff
with additional responsibilities
This report uses the following word scale to make clear judgements made by
very good
major strengths
important strengths with some areas for improvement
strengths just outweigh weaknesses
important weaknesses
major weaknesses
Appendix 2
Summary of questionnaire responses
Important features of responses from the various groups which received questionnaires
are listed below.
What parents thought the school did
Children found school work stimulating •
and challenging and enjoyed being at
The school encouraged children to
work to the best of their ability.
Parents’ evenings were helpful and
informative and the school made clear
to parents the standard of work it
expected from pupils.
School reports gave parents helpful
information about children’s progress.
The school had explained how parents
could support children with their
There were no significant issues
parents wished to see addressed.
What pupils thought the school did
What pupils think the school could
do better
Teachers knew pupils well.
Teachers told pupils when they had
done something well and helped them
when they had difficulties.
Teachers expected pupils to work as
hard as they could and checked their
Pupils had a say in deciding how to
make the school better.
The school helped pupils to keep safe
and healthy.
What staff thought the school did
What parents think the school
could do better
A third of pupils wanted
behaviour to improve.
What staff think the school could
do better
Staff showed concern for the care and
welfare of the pupils.
The school communicated clearly the
standards of work it expected from
Pupils were enthusiastic about learning.
There was regular staff discussion
about how to achieve school priorities.
Senior managers worked
effectively as a team.
Staff wanted indiscipline to be
dealt with more effectively and
standards for pupils’ behaviour
to be more consistently upheld.
Support staff wanted better
opportunities to be involved in
the decision making process.
How can you contact us?
If you would like an additional copy of this report
Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher and school staff, the Head of
Education, local councillors and appropriate Members of the Scottish Parliament.
Subject to availability, further copies may be obtained free of charge from
HM Inspectorate of Education, 1st Floor, Endeavour House, 1 Greenmarket, Dundee
DD1 4QB or by telephoning 01382 576700. Copies are also available on our website
If you wish to comment about primary inspections
Should you wish to comment on any aspect of primary inspections, you should write in
the first instance to Chris McIlroy, Acting HMCI, at HM Inspectorate of Education,
Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston
EH54 6GA.
Our complaints procedure
If you have a concern about this report, you should write in the first instance to
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HM Inspectorate of Education
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