New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Approved Budget As of 7/15/2010 New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Budget Overview ¾ Elimination of $ $3.0 million in FY10 one-time Federal stimulus funds ¾ FY11 Governor recommended appropriation of $37.7 million, $4.8 million less than FY10 actual funding received ¾ Projected enrollment increase resulting in $2.3 million of additional tuition & fee revenue ¾ $5.6 $5 6 million in additional tuition and fee revenue generated from a 4% academic year tuition and required fee increase for in-state undergraduates, 6% for all others ¾ $830k $830 increase in student awards, consistent with strategic plan objectives ¾ No State funding of FY11 salary program costs of $5.3 million, including annualization of FY10 partial year funded positions New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Budget Overview (cont.) ¾ $4.7 $4 7 million reduction to operating accounts ¾ $1.4 million increase (16%) in utilities, which is a combination of rate increases and the addition of the Central King Building ¾ Additional $2.8 million to support facility projects, total budget of $8.8 million ¾ Added 230 beds to residence hall capacity with average room rate increase of 3% and an average board rate increase of 4% ¾ 5% continued steady y growth g in restricted g grants and contracts New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Revenue Operating g Budget g FY2009 Committed INCOME DETAIL - UNRESTRICTED OPERATIONS REGULAR TUITION REGULAR FEES OTHER TUITION SUBTOTAL REGULAR TUITION STATE APPROPRIATIONS: STATE APPROPRIATION SALARY PROGRAM STATE SUPPORTED FRINGES TOTAL STATE APPROPRIATIONS OTHER SOURCES: OTHER FEES & ASSESSMENTS INVESTMENTS & UNRESTRICTED GIVING AUXILIARIES NON-RECURRING CARRYFORWARD SAVINGS ALLOCATED BALANCES - PO's PO s UNRESTRICTED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES SUBTOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE - CURRENT OPERATIONS RESTRICTED PROGRAMS (NET OF OPERATIONS) TOTAL OPERATING INCOME BUDGET FY2010 Projected Commitments FY2011 Proposed Budget FY2011 $U From FY10 Commitments FY2011 %U From FY10 Commitments 89,846 13,102 2,328 105,276 96,645 14,276 1,943 112,864 103,049 15,363 1,880 120,292 6,404 1,087 (63) 7,428 6.6% 7.6% -3.2% 6.6% 42,685 42 685 1,273 24,519 68,477 42,481 42 481 26,335 68,816 37,696 37 696 28,417 66,113 (4,785) (4 785) 2,082 (2,703) -11.3% 11 3% 0.0% 7.9% -3.9% 3,872 2,283 12,480 11,232 29,867 203,620 67,661 271,281 3,232 1,300 13,101 10,850 28,483 210,163 71,044 281,207 2,946 1,400 15,171 3,575 2 320 2,320 11,554 36,966 223,371 74,596 297,967 (286) 100 2,070 3,575 2 320 2,320 704 8,483 13,208 3,552 16,760 -8.8% 7.7% 15.8% 0.0% 0 0% 0.0% 6.5% 29.8% 6.3% 5.0% 6.0% New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Expense Operating Budget FY2009 ACADEMIC & PROGRAM AREA SALARIES ACADEMIC & PROGRAM AREA FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL ACADEMIC AREA SUPPORT AREA SALARIES SUPPORT AREA FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL SUPPORT AREA TOTAL PERSONNEL NON-PERSONNEL RESTRICTED USE BUDGETS: UTILITIES INSURANCE LIBRARY COLLECTIONS STUDENT AWARDS REST. TRANS.,DEBT SVC. & OTHER COST REC. & CHG. BACKS Committed 80,799 21,196 101,995 20,077 5 299 5,299 25,376 127,371 FY2010 Projected Commitments 81,469 22,859 104,328 20,485 5 715 5,715 26,200 130,528 FY2011 Proposed Budget 83,704 25,021 108,725 21,761 6 651 6,651 28,412 137,137 FY2011 $U From FY10 Commitments 2,235 2,162 4,397 1,276 936 2,212 6,609 FY2011 % U From FY10 Commitments 2.7% 9.5% 4.2% 6.2% 16 4% 16.4% 8.4% 5.1% 9,049 1,660 1,119 17,325 21,021 (407) 8,941 1,715 1,099 20,170 23,262 (523) 10,386 1,925 1,209 20,601 25,370 (514) 1,445 210 110 431 2,108 9 16.2% 12.2% 10.0% 2.1% 9.1% -1.7% SUBTOTAL RESTRICTED USE BUDGETS GENERAL OPERATING BUDGETS: EQUIPMENT MATERIALS/SUPPLIES TRAVEL/CONFERENCES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FACILITY MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, RENTALS & LEASES COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND MAINTENANCE GENERAL ADVERTISING OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 49,767 54,664 58,977 4,313 7.9% 3,119 2,595 2,462 6,124 4,142 1,318 996 5,726 26,482 2,899 2,673 2,419 5,877 4,187 1,458 906 4,552 24,971 3,170 2,926 1,833 6,050 4,354 1,498 875 5,384 26,090 271 253 (586) 173 167 40 (31) 832 1,119 TOTAL NON-PERSONNEL 76,249 79,635 85,067 5,432 - - 1,167 1,167 BUDGET RESERVES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET RESTRICTED PROGRAMS (NET OF OPERATIONS) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 9.3% 9.5% -24.2% 2.9% 4.0% 2.7% -3.4% 18.3% 4.5% 6.8% 203,620 210,163 223,371 13,208 6.3% 67,661 71,044 74,596 3,552 5.0% 271,281 281,207 297,967 16,760 6.0% New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Revenue Operating Budget Revenue = $297,967 ($000’s) Other Revenue Sources 36,996 12.4% Restricted Programs 74 596 25 74,596 25.0% 0% State Appropriations 66,113 22.2% Tuition and Fees 120,292 40.4% New Jersey Institute of Technology FY2011 Expenses Operating Budget Expenses = $297,967 General Operating Expenses 26 290 8.8% 26,290 8 8% Allocated Balances - 0.0% ($000’s) Academic Area Personnel 108,725 36.5% Budget Reserves 1,167 0.4% Restricted Use Budgets 58,777 19 7% 19.7% Restricted Programs 74 596 25 74,596 25.0% 0% Support Area Personnel 28,412 9.5% New Jersey Institute of Technology **DRAFT** FY 2011Proposed Facilities Budget/ Cash Disbursements ($000's) Resources: Base Budget - Plant projects FY11 Supplemental Budget Gift Income Plant Fund Total Resources FY2009 FY 2010 Approved Approved 2,956 Projected Disbursements: E Expanded d d SOA studio t di space F Fall ll 08 Tiernan, GITC and York Updates/Relocations SOA Studios / Related Relocations SOA Idea Factory Classrooms Upgrades Painting Colton Computational Biology Lab Tiernan Fume Hood Upgrade 2 labs Bi l Biology L Labs b New Class rooms 2nd Fenster Naimoli Rec Center Rehab - CAPE Upper Level Jim Wise Library Work Space Bathroom Fixtures and Plumbing Replacements Phase 1, Central King Building (CKB) Academic Departments Food Services Update BB Locker Room Rehab Training Room/ Locker Room Upgrades Replace kitchenettes - Oak Hall (1/2) Faculty Hall EPA Compliance - Ductwork Replace Air Handler Oak Hall - Upgrade Valves/Control System - New Chiller/Pumps Required Roof Replacements MEP Upgrades (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) Elevators Upgrade Administrative Computing System Cullimore Boiler Room/MEP Upgrades Student Mall Boiler Replacement Kupfrian Installation of New Boiler Oak Hall - Replace Rooftop Heat Recovery Unit Other Projects Total Projected j Disbursements Net 4,870 7,826 2,300 880 800 6,000 6,800 780 50 FY 2010 Released 800 2,550 3,350 FY2011 Proposed 6,500 2,308 325 747 9,555 780 50 100 FY2012+ Pending 6,500 6,825 750 100 100 100 60 250 100 100 486 250 1,550 2,060 270 30 100 100 300 250 1,500 2,500 270 30 100 5,500 300 100 375 55 380 340 50 390 50 - 2,500 250 325 350 285 120 300 80 80 150 100 500 7,826 200 6,800 340 3,350 500 9,555 0 0 0 0 6,700 10,955 (4,130)