Explore Engineering (EE) Lyles College of Engineering California State University, Fresno June 23rd – June 25th 2014 The Explore Engineering Program is a three day non-residential program scheduled for June 23rd—June 25th 2014 at CSU Fresno. The mission of the program is to educate young middle school students entering 7th and 8th grade in the Fall of 2014 on the benefits and varied aspects of a profession in engineering. The program focuses on hands-on activities combined with academic lectures that cover various engineering topics such as construction management, robotics, and electronics. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day. Attendance every day is required. Lunch, snacks, and educational materials are included. Cost of the program is $50. Scholarships are available to qualified students. Space is limited. Applications are accepted through May 19th, 2014 Application Requirements: Completion of the attached application packet. A one page personal statement written by the student that expresses their passion for science and/or mathematics and why they would like to attend the Explore Engineering Program. o If the student is requesting a scholarship, include a statement of need in this personal statement. Transportation to and from the program is the responsibility of the parents and/or guardians. Students must complete and submit an application by the deadline: May 19th, 2014 For questions call or e-mail: Lyles College of Engineering Pathways, Student Services Phone: 559-278-8242 Fax: 559-278-4517 e-mail: hernanm@csufresno.edu Mail or drop off completed application by May 19th, 2014 to: California State University, Fresno Explore Engineering 2220 East San Ramon Avenue, M/S EE94 Fresno, California 93740-8028. 1 2014 Explore Engineering Program/Field Study Permission & Student Checkout Program Participation and Field Study-travel Permission: I agree to allow my child to participate in the Explore Engineering program, June 23rd – June 25th 2014, and attend any educational study trips scheduled throughout the camp. I understand that program rules and regulations apply at all times, including study trips and that transportation will be provided for all study trips by Explore Engineering. Student Personal Information: Student Name: ______ Birth date: _____ School Attending: ______________________________ Current Grade: _________ Parent/Guardian Name: _____ Address: _____ Street Home Telephone: City Message Telephone: Zip E-mail Address:_____________ If applying for a scholarship, please indicate whether you are eligible for free or reduced lunch at your school. Circle One: Yes No Other person to contact in case of an emergency: Name: Relationship: _____ Phone: __________________________ Phone #2: _________________________ Family Doctor: Allergic to medication: Doctor’s Telephone: Current Medication: _____ _____ Student Pick-Up Authorization In any event that my child should need to leave CSUF during camp program hours, and I cannot be contacted, the individual/s listed below have my authorization to pick him/her up in my place. Name Relation Contact Number Please note: If your son or daughter is checking out with someone other than a parent/guardian a valid identification will be required. I also understand that pictures may be taken of program events and activities for the purposes of publicity and public relations. I further give my permission of any likeness of me or my child captured on these pictures to be used, as the program deems necessary. ________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Date: 2 Explore Engineering (EE) AUTHORIZATION CONSENT FORM FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT TO STUDENTS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD The undersigned (parent/guardian) of First Name MI Last Name who is __ years old, hereby authorizes the medical staff of any licensed medical facility, as agents for the undersigned to consent to any diagnostic procedure (including x-rays), and the administration of any medical surgical treatment, when any or all of the foregoing is deemed advisable by and is to be rendered under general supervision of any physician advisable by and is to be rendered under general supervision of any physician and surgeon licensed under the provision of the Medical Practice Act. The authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment or medical care being required, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 25.8 of the California Civil Code. Parent/Guardian Signature: ____ Date: Print Parent/Guardian Name: ____ Home Phone: ____ Work Phone: Emergency Phone, if different: Please complete and return all forms. 3 Lyles College of Engineering Explore Engineering (EE) STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT The following standards of behavior are expected from each student attending the Lyles College of Engineering Explore Engineering Program 2014: I. General Rules I. II. III. IV. II. Prompt arrival to all activities is required. Students must be in their seats at the beginning of each session. Students should not be in the halls during any activity unless given an official hall pass by the presenter or staff member. Food and beverages are to be kept in the eating areas only. Everyone has a responsibility to maintain a clean and orderly campus. Behavior 1. Littering on the Fresno State campus at any time is not permitted. 2. Students caught on campus under the influence of or in possession of drugs or any controlled substance will be expelled from the EE Program 2014. 3. Defying the authority of school personnel either by behavior, verbal abuse, or gestures is not permitted. 4. Use of profanity, abusive language and racially derogatory remarks towards other students, school personnel, staff, or other persons on campus is strictly prohibited. 5. Gang activity of any kind is not permitted and will result in expulsion from the EE 2014. 6. Students should respect public property and the property of others. 7. Students and/or their parents will be responsible for the restoration of any defacement or vandalism. 8. Fighting, roughhousing and gambling are not allowed. Fighting will result in immediate expulsion from EE 2014. 9. Weapons of any kind or any facsimile thereof are not to be brought to campus. Students who are found in possession are subject to suspension and/or expulsion. III. I. II. III. Grooming Any gang apparel, jewelry, hairnets, or other items that suggest gang affiliation are strictly forbidden and will be confiscated. Close toe shoes must be worn at all times. High heel shoes, thongs, bedroom slippers, and sandals without a back strap are unsafe and are prohibited. Clothing, jewelry, or any other items that suggest identification with the drug culture, clothing, or buttons with lewd, vulgar, sexist, or suggestive statements or pictures or anything with racist slurs are prohibited. 4 IV. Spaghetti straps, see-through blouses, short tops, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, and shirts without proper undergarments are inappropriate clothing and will not be allowed. Any hats and caps with affiliation to non-educational groups or parties or indicate a sign of aggression are to be left at home. A proper head cover will only be allowed during a field trip or during outside activities. V. IV. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Strict Rules of Student Conduct Fresno State rules of student conduct are as follows: Each student shall attend EE 2014 activities every day. A student will be excused for illness or other authorized reasons. Each student shall come to all activities on time. Each student shall remain on the Fresno State grounds during the EE 2014 hours. Each student shall obey the rules established for the EE 2014. Each student shall obey presenters and other people who work at the EE 2014. Each student shall speak and act respectfully, with kindness and courtesy toward others at the EE 2014. Each student shall be respectful of the University’s property; not attempting to cause or causing damage. Parents are financially liable if their child willfully damages the host school site’s property. 5 Explore Engineering Program (EE) STUDENT AGREEMENT I, , agree to participate in First Name MI Last Name Lyles College of Engineering Explore Engineering Program at Fresno State, and all related activities, events and trips. I have read, and understand all program rules, regulations, and policies and agree to abide by them while participating in all program-sponsored events. I further understand that any infraction, by me, of rules, regulations, and policies will be reported to a EE 2014 Director for appropriate action. Furthermore, if I am involved in the use of alcohol or other drugs, or violate any school policy, law or regulation, efforts will be made to notify my parents or guardian. I also understand that pictures may be taken of program events and activities for the purposes of publicity and public relations. I further give my permission of any likeness of me captured on these pictures or videos to be used, as the program deems necessary. Signature of Student: Date: Signature of Parent: Mail or drop off completed application by May 19th, 2014 to: California State University, Fresno Summer Engineering Experience 2220 East San Ramon Avenue, M/S EE94 Fresno, California 93740-8028. Please complete and return all forms. 6