Workshop on Dynamics in Games and Economics 11‐13 April 2010 (supported by the Institute of Advanced Study at Warwick, the EU Sixth Framework Programme CODY and the Complexity Doctoral training Centres of Warwick and Bristol) Organiser: Sebastian van Strien (Warwick) AIM: Game theory is particularly well‐placed for building a platform to facilitate discussions of important issues such as the social coordination required to tackle climate issues, allocating scarce natural resources shortage and so on. The school will focus on aspects of the theory where "players" evolve strategies !"#$%&'$((")**+,-*$&%*./*0,&1*1',..(*&1*0.*102!"*-3.(20&.#$4"*5$%-16*4-7(&'$0.4*!"#$%&'16*8'0&0&.21*!"#$%&'1* and learning behaviour. These topics are of interest to economists (and to biologists) but at the same time have mathematical appeal. +,-*1',..(*9&((*'.#1&10*./*$*1%$((*#2%:-4*./*%&#&;'.241-1*9,&',*1243-"*3$4&.21*$17-'0*./*0,&1*8-(!)*+,-1-* mini‐courses require no in‐depth background knowledge, but will be of a mathematical nature. There will also be a small number of short talks. Registration for the workshop is free and is now open on the following page:‐symp/april2010/ This meeting is followed by an <=>?@*>"%7.1&2%*A.4B1,.7*.#*C$%-*0,-.4"*/.4*8#$#'-6*1.'&$(*$#!*:&.(.5&'$(*1'&-#'-1** at Warwick, 14‐17 April. Minicourse speakers: Michel Banaim (Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland): !"#$%&%'()$*+",,",-(./%#0&+#1(2/,3"0,(#%4(23*+5#,6+(788$*9&0#6*%,(&%(:#0",; <5$&,3*85"$(=#$$&,(><#0?$&4'"(@%&A"$,&3/BC </+1",(#%4(<5#*,(&%(D&+66*E,()1#/ 2"$'&E(=#$3(>="?$"F(@%&A"$,&3/BC(( 74#86A"(="E$&,6+,(#%4(:#0"(./%#0&+, G*,"H(=*I#E"$(>@%&A"$,&3/(J&"%%#BC(( KA*1E6*%#$/(:#0"(./%#0&+, D1*$&#%(L#'"%"$(>@%&A"$,&3/(*H(70,3"$4#0BC(( <*081"9(KA*1E6*%#$/(2/,3"0,(&%(M"5#A&*E$#1(D&%#%+"(>N*&%3(F*$O(F&35(<;(=*00",B For further information please see: PSDPOUBDU.BUIFNBUJDT3FTFBSDI$FOUSFt;FFNBO#VJMEJOH 6OJWFSTJUZPG8BSXJDLt$PWFOUSZ$7"&NBJMNSD!XBSXJDLBDVL1IPOF