ANNEX A FORM FOR SUBMISSION OF THESIS/DISSERTATION/RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE AND PROPOSAL (TO BE FILLED IN BY STUDENTS) SURNAME AND NAME: ______________________________________________________________ COURSE: __________________________________________________________________________ I. PROPOSED THESIS/DISSERTATION/RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ II. TENTATIVE THESIS/DISSERTATION OUTLINE (Not to exceed 1,000 words) TENTATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT OUTLINE (Not to exceed 500 words) TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF WORK (timeline of your work) (To be given on a separate sheet) III. MATERIAL CONSULTED IN PREPARATION OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL INCLUDING BIBLIOGRPAHY (To be given on a separate sheet) IV. LIST OF THESES/DISSERTATIONS/RESEARCH PROJECTS ON THE SAME OR SIMILAR SUBJECT MATTER OF YOUR PROPOSAL, IF ANY: (To be given on a separate sheet – Student must indicate Name and Surname of Author, Title, Year of Award and Title of Degree Awarded) V. LIST NAME AND SURNAME OF MEMBER/S OF THE ACADEMIC STAFF OF THE FACULTY WITH WHOM YOU HAVE CONSULTED: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ VI. LIST ANY RELEVANT STUDY-UNIT/S WHICH YOU HAVE FOLLOWED RELATED TO YOUR PROPOSED AREA OF RESEARCH: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Signature ________________ Date NOTES: • Please note that Faculty Board appoints supervisors and where appropriate co-supervisors and hence students should not expect that the academic member consulted will necessarily be their supervisor. • Students are reminded that when dealing with human subjects they are to refer to the UREC guidelines available on