M.A. (FINANCIAL SERVICES) STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET AND CHOICE OF ELECTIVES FOR FULL-TIMERS ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBERS OFFICE ________________________________________ HOME ________________________________________ MOBILE_______________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS – WORK _____________________________________________ HOME _______________________________________________ (Please check emails everyday as I will be sending you all the necessary information by email). QUALIFICATIONS: ________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE SPECIFY YOUR CHOICE OF STUDY UNITS FOR THE WHOLE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 ON THE ACCOMPANYING SHEETS AS APPLICABLE. YOU NEED TO REGISTER FOR 60 ECTS. APPLICANTS SHOULD ALWAYS SEND ME A COPY OF THEIR RECEIPT OF PAYMENT. HOWEVER PLEASE DO NOT PAY UNLESS YOU RECEIVED THE LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. APPLICANTS WHO DON’T PAY THE FEE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENROL IN THE COURSE. MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS elisa.attard@um.edu.mt AFTER SUBMITTING THIS REGISTRATION FROM, AND WHEN YOU RECEIVE YOUR LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE AS A STUDENT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO LOG ONTO YOUR UNIVERSITY ACCOUNT (YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT ACTIVATION CODE IS WRITTEN ON YOUR LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE) AND ENROL FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR. M.A. FINANCIAL SERVICES 2015/2016 - FULL-TIMERS YEAR (These units start in semester 1 and continue in Semester 2) COMPULSORY STUDY UNITS – (Students may choose when they want to follow these credits that is either in their first year or in their second year of the course) Lecturer/s ACC5268 – Accountancy and Financial Management (ECTS Value – 8 Credits) Ms Amy Vella Mr Etienne Borg Cardona Mr Peter J Baldacchino Dr. Neville Gatt Mr Bernard Attard Dr Mark Lautier CML5029 - International Fiscal Principles (ECTS Value – 8 Credits) Tick choice FIRST SEMESTER STUDY-UNITS COMPULSORY STUDY UNITS Lecturer/s CML 5028 – Principles of Company Law (ECTS Value – 8 Credits) Dr. Kris Borg, Dr JR Borg Professor Andrew Muscat BKF 5041 – Principles and Issues in Investment Management (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) CML 5030 - The Legal Framework of Financial Services and Investor Protection (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) This study-unit must be taken in the first semester of a new course. Dr. Robert Suban CATEGORY ‘A’ ELECTIVES – Throughout the whole course students have to any choose 4 study-units from Category ‘A’ electives. (more to choose from in the Second Semester) Law Area BKF5122 - Regulation of Banking and International Investment (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) CML5031 – Trusts and Trustees: Legal and Practical Issues (ECTS Value –5 Credits) Lecturer/s CATEGORY ‘B’ ELECTIVES – Students have to choose 1 study-unit from Category ‘B’ according to the student’s first degree qualifications. Please read below for more information. ACC5276 – Strategic Issues in Financial Control ** (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) Tick Choice Dr. David Fabri/ Dr Conrad Portanier/ Dr Joseph Bugeja Mr. Marcel Cassar Mr Karol Gabaretta Dr. Tonio Fenech Dr. Stephen Attard Mr. George Vella Mr Peter J. Baldacchino ** This elective cannot be taken by participants who are qualified in Accountancy. Tick choice FIRST YEAR SECOND SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER STUDY-UNITS COMPULSORY STUDY UNITS - (Students may choose when they want to follow these credits that is either in their first year or in their second year of the course) Lecturer/s ECL5037- EU Financial Services Law (ECTS Value - 6 ECTS) Professor Peter G. Xuereb CATEGORY ‘A’ ELECTIVES – Throughout the whole course students have to choose any 4 study-units from Category ‘A’ electives. (more in 1st Semester) Lecturer/s CML5032 – The Legal Framework for Insurance Business (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) CML5033 – Securities Regulation (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) Dr. Marisa Attard Mr. Simon Flynn Dr Joseph Saliba/Dr Arthur Galea Salomone/Dr Conrad Portanier/ Dr Joseph Ghio Professor Andrew Muscat/Dr Tiziana Filletti/Dr Joseph Borg Dr Silvio J. Camilleri CML5034 – Legal Aspects of Winding and Corporate Recovery (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) Tick choice Tick choice BKF5132 – Securities Markets: Financial and Organizational Aspects (ECTS Value – 5 Credits) CATEGORY ‘B’ ELECTIVES – Students have to choose 1 study-unit from Category ‘B’ according to the student’s first degree qualifications. Please read below for more information. BKF5061 – Financial Derivative Investments * (ECTS Value Dr Robert Suban – 5 Credits) * This elective cannot be taken by participants who are qualified in Banking and Finance. N.B. Students pursuing the programme on a full-time basis are required to register for 60 ECTS taught credits during the first year otherwise the student will not be allowed to proceed to the research year. ATTENDENCE IS COMPULSORY AND FAILURE TO ATTEND 80% OF THE LECTURES WILL RESULT IN THE STUDENT NOT OBTAINING THE STUDY-UNIT AND WILL HAVE TO RESIT THE STUDY- UNIT.