The University ensures that before human subjects are involved in... consideration will be given to: University of Malta

University of Malta
Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture
The University ensures that before human subjects are involved in research, proper
consideration will be given to:
the risks to the subjects;
the anticipated benefits to the subjects and others;
the importance of knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result;
the informed consent process to be employed;
the additional safeguards for vulnerable subjects; and
the data protection provisions.
The University recognizes the need for appropriate additional safeguards in research
involving subjects who are likely to be vulnerable to coercion or undue influence, such as
children (under the age of 18),
mentally disabled persons or
economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.
The same applies if the research includes questions that some people may consider to be
sensitive (race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade
union memberships, health, sex life, genetic information).
Kindly refer to the guidelines issued by the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC),
which can be found at and to the UREC form which can be
found at .
As researchers it is in your interest to be aware of these regulations as non-adherence may
be detrimental to obtaining credits or even graduating.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of ITTC Research Ethics Committee for
any clarification you may need:
Mrs Marie Avellino (Chair)
Dr Edward Zammit
Dr Alfred Quintano
Ms Alison Mintoff (Secretary to the Committee)
The Hard copy of the documentation is to be handed in to Ms Mintoff and a soft copy sent
by email to: with ITTC UREC in the subject line by the
deadlines indicated on the following page.
Submission Deadlines, ITTC REC & UREC Meetings
Friday 6th November 2015 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 13th November 2015 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 4th December 2015 - UREC Meeting
Friday 4th December 2015 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 11th December 2015 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 8th January 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 8th January 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 15th January 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 5th February 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 5th February 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 12th February 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 4th March 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 4th March 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 11th March 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 1st April 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 8th April 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 15th April 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 6th May 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 6th May 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 13th May 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 3rd June 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 3rd June 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 10th June 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 1st July 2016 - UREC Meeting
Friday 1st July 2016 - Students to submit proposals
Friday 8th July 2016 – ITTC REC Meeting
Friday 2nd September 2016 - UREC Meeting