Large deviations, metastability, and effective interactions Robert Jack (University of Bath) Warwick workshop : metastability / KCMs, Jan 2016 Thanks to: Peter Sollich (Kings College London) Juan Garrahan (Nottingham) and David Chandler (Berkeley) Fred van Wijland, Vivien Lecomte (Paris-Diderot) Ian Thompson (Bath) and Yael Elmatad (Tapad) General idea Consider a stochastic system evolving in time Focus on large deviations of time-averaged quantities. General idea Consider a stochastic system evolving in time Focus on large deviations of time-averaged quantities. What kinds of structure appear in the trajectories when we condition on (rare) deviations from the typical steady state behaviour? General idea Consider a stochastic system evolving in time Focus on large deviations of time-averaged quantities. What kinds of structure appear in the trajectories when we condition on (rare) deviations from the typical steady state behaviour? Approach today: what can we say about the “effective interactions” that stabilise this rare structure? (cf “driven processes” a la Touchette-Chetrite) General idea Consider a stochastic system evolving in time Focus on large deviations of time-averaged quantities. What kinds of structure appear in the trajectories when we condition on (rare) deviations from the typical steady state behaviour? (Glass transitions?) Approach today: what can we say about the “effective interactions” that stabilise this rare structure? (cf “driven processes” a la Touchette-Chetrite) Setup Markov jump process with finite set of configurations C1 , C2 , . . . (Examples: symmetric simple exclusion process, 1d Ising model) “Activity” K: number of configuration changes in time interval [0, tobs ] Setup Markov jump process with finite set of configurations C1 , C2 , . . . (Examples: symmetric simple exclusion process, 1d Ising model) “Activity” K: number of configuration changes in time interval [0, tobs ] Take large tobs and consider trajectories conditioned to non-typical K Setup Markov jump process with finite set of configurations C1 , C2 , . . . (Examples: symmetric simple exclusion process, 1d Ising model) “Activity” K: number of configuration changes in time interval [0, tobs ] Take large tobs and consider trajectories conditioned to non-typical K Hop rate k = K/tobs obeys a large deviation principle, p(k) ⇠ e t (k) Setup Markov jump process with finite set of configurations C1 , C2 , . . . (Examples: symmetric simple exclusion process, 1d Ising model) “Activity” K: number of configuration changes in time interval [0, tobs ] Take large tobs and consider trajectories conditioned to non-typical K Hop rate k = K/tobs obeys a large deviation principle, p(k) ⇠ e t (k) Conditioned set of trajectories can be described⇤ by “auxiliary” (driven) process with “effective interactions” (⇤ Terms and conditions apply) [ RML Evans 2003, Maes & Netocny 2008, RLJ & Sollich 2010, Touchette & Chetrite 2015 ] Master equations… p(C, t): probability that the system is in C at time t Master equations… p(C, t): probability that the system is in C at time t Master equation. . . transition rates W : X 0 0 0 @t p(C, t) = [p(C , t)W (C ! C) p(C, t)W (C ! C )] C 0 6=C Master equations… p(C, t): probability that the system is in C at time t Master equation. . . transition rates W : X 0 0 0 @t p(C, t) = [p(C , t)W (C ! C) p(C, t)W (C ! C )] C 0 6=C Write @t pC (t) = W0 pC (t) (W0 is the (forward) generator) (pC is a discrete probability distribution over C) Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. @t P (C, K, t) = X C 0 (6=C) 0 0 0 [P (C , K 1, t)W (C ! C) P (C, K, t)W (C ! C )] Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. @t pC,K (t) = W1 pC,K (t) Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. @t pC,K (t) = W1 pC,K (t) . . . but W1 is not a nice object, so. . . Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. @t pC,K (t) = W1 pC,K (t) . . . but W1 is not a nice object, so. . . Transform P p(C, s, t) = K p(C, K, t)e sK Large deviations… [ Lebowitz-Spohn, Bodineau-Derrida, Lecomte-van Wijland, etc ] p(C, K, t): probability that the system is in C at time t, having accumulated K hops so far. @t pC,K (t) = W1 pC,K (t) . . . but W1 is not a nice object, so. . . Transform P p(C, s, t) = K p(C, K, t)e sK Finally end up with C C @t p (s, t) = W(s)p (s, t) . . . and W(s) typically has a simple representation Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] @t pC (s, t) = W(s)pC (s, t) Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] @t pC (s, t) = W(s)pC (s, t) W(s) P is not a generator because @t C p(C, s, t) 6= 0 for s 6= 0 Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] @t pC (s, t) = W(s)pC (s, t) W(s) P is not a generator because @t C p(C, s, t) 6= 0 for s 6= 0 Define Waux = u 1 W(s)u (s) with (s): largest eigenvalue of W(s) u: a diagonal operator (matrix) whose elements are the elements of the dominant left eigenvector of W(s) Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] @t pC (s, t) = W(s)pC (s, t) W(s) P is not a generator because @t C p(C, s, t) 6= 0 for s 6= 0 Define Waux = u 1 W(s)u (s) with (s): largest eigenvalue of W(s) u: a diagonal operator (matrix) whose elements are the elements of the dominant left eigenvector of W(s) Then Waux is the (transposed) generator for the auxiliary 0 process [for conditioning K/tobs ⇡ (s)] Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] This is an explicit construction of the auxiliary process that mimics the conditioning Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] This is an explicit construction of the auxiliary process that mimics the conditioning The transition rates for the auxiliary process are W aux (C ! C 0 ) = u(C) 1 e s · W (C ! C 0 )u(C 0 ) Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] This is an explicit construction of the auxiliary process that mimics the conditioning The transition rates for the auxiliary process are W aux (C ! C 0 ) = u(C) 1 e s · W (C ! C 0 )u(C 0 ) If the original process has detailed balance wrt p0 (C) = e E(C)/T then. . . auxiliary process has detailed balance with energy function E aux (C) = E(C) T ln u(C) Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] This is an explicit construction of the auxiliary process that mimics the conditioning The transition rates for the auxiliary process are W aux (C ! C 0 ) = u(C) 1 e s · W (C ! C 0 )u(C 0 ) If the original process has detailed balance wrt p0 (C) = e E(C)/T then. . . auxiliary process has detailed balance with energy function E aux (C) = E(C) T ln u(C) Effective interaction V (C)/T = 2 ln u(C) Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] This is an explicit construction of the auxiliary process that mimics the conditioning The transition rates for the auxiliary process are W aux (C ! C 0 ) = u(C) 1 e s · W (C ! C 0 )u(C 0 ) If the original process has detailed balance wrt p0 (C) = e E(C)/T then. . . auxiliary process has detailed balance with energy function E aux (C) = E(C) T ln u(C) Effective interaction V (C)/T = 2 ln u(C) Generalisation to diffusions and to conditioning on other observables is straightforward Auxiliary process [ following RLJ-Sollich 2010 ] This is an explicit construction of the auxiliary process that mimics the conditioning The transition rates for the auxiliary process are W aux (C ! C 0 ) = u(C) 1 e s · W (C ! C 0 )u(C 0 ) If the original process has detailed balance wrt p0 (C) = e E(C)/T then. . . auxiliary process has detailed balance with energy function E aux (C) = E(C) T ln u(C) Effective interaction V (C)/T = 2 ln u(C) Generalisation to diffusions and to conditioning on other observables is straightforward [ ?? can we do this on infinite lattices ?? see later ] Effective interactions What can we say about the effective interactions? Effective interactions What can we say about the effective interactions? Some interesting cases: 1. Exclusion processes (SSEP and ASEP) 2. East model 3. 1d Ising model 4. Model sheared systems Exclusion processes Particles on periodic 1d lattice, at most one per site, attempt to hop right (or left) with rate 1 + a0 (or 1 a0 ). Joint conditioning on activity (bias s) and current (bias h) Exclusion processes Particles on periodic 1d lattice, at most one per site, attempt to hop right (or left) with rate 1 + a0 (or 1 a0 ). Joint conditioning on activity (bias s) and current (bias h) W(s, h) = X e s+h (1+a0 ) i + s h (1 i+1 +e a0 ) + i i+1 i ni = + i i 2ni (1 ni ) ð5Þ dt −ψ L KJ obs hOehJ−sK i e is hOis;h ¼ 0 [22]. Within fluctuating hydrodynamics (assuming a ¼ 0 as above), the response to the bias depends only on the quantity B ¼ sκ 000 − 12 h2 σ 000 [22]. For on B¼ 0, then1dSðqÞ hasata most finiteone (nonzero) Particles periodic lattice, per site,limit as q → 0; for B >right 0, the hyperuniform, attempt to hop (or system left) withisrate 1 + a0 (or 1 while a0 ). for B < 0, one has phase separation. The resulting dynamical Joint activity (bias s) and (bias h) phaseconditioning diagram ison shown in Fig. 2: current the fluctuating Exclusion processes ðsÞ this ical ore [ RLJ, Thompson, Sollich, PRL 114, 060601 (2015) ] the ular (c) (a) (b) mic PS HU vior HU PS PS HU g. 1, obs ) HU PS 5) is Þ as SSEP ASEP tobs HU: hyperuniform state her FIG. 2 (color online). Proposed dynamic(inhomogeneous) phase diagrams for PS: “phase-separated” state mo- Hyperuniformity [ Torquato and Stillinger, 2003- ] In HU states, the variance of the number of points d in a region of volume R scales as h n(Rd )2 i ⇠ Rd 1 In ‘normal’ equilibrium states d 2 d h n(R ) i ⇠ R where is a compressibility. Hyperuniformity [ Torquato and Stillinger, 2003- ] In HU states, the variance of the number of points d in a region of volume R scales as h n(Rd )2 i ⇠ Rd 1 or maybe h n(Rd )2 i ⇠ Rd ↵ , ↵ > 0 In ‘normal’ equilibrium states d 2 d h n(R ) i ⇠ R where is a compressibility. Hyperuniformity [ Torquato and Stillinger, 2003- ] In HU states, the variance of the number of points d in a region of volume R scales as h n(Rd )2 i ⇠ Rd 1 or maybe h n(Rd )2 i ⇠ Rd ↵ , ↵ > 0 In ‘normal’ equilibrium states d 2 d h n(R ) i ⇠ R where is a compressibility. HU states have strong suppression of large-scale density fluctuations… … jammed particle packings, biological systems, novel photonic materials, galaxies… Hyperuniformity [Gabrielli, Jancovici,. .Joyce, Lebowitz, Pietronero and Labini, 2002] GENERATION OF PRIMORDIAL COSMOLOGICAL . PHYSICAL REVIEW FIG. 2. Fragmentation step for the ‘‘pi plane. a SSP, is not statistically isotropic bec lattice structure is not completely eras #20$. To construct a statistically isotropic particle distribution with such a behavi trivial. A particular example is the so-ca ing of the plane #21,22$. The generatio defined by taking a right angled triangle tive lengths one and two %and hypoten Hyperuniformity [Gabrielli, Jancovici,. .Joyce, Lebowitz, Pietronero and Labini, 2002] GENERATION OF PRIMORDIAL COSMOLOGICAL . PHYSICAL REVIEW FIG. 2. Fragmentation step for the ‘‘pi plane. Ideal gas a SSP, is not statistically isotropic bec lattice structure is not completely eras #20$. To construct a statistically isotropic particle distribution with such a behavi trivial. A particular example is the so-ca ing of the plane #21,22$. The generatio defined by taking a right angled triangle tive lengths one and two %and hypoten Hyperuniformity [Gabrielli, Jancovici,. .Joyce, Lebowitz, Pietronero and Labini, 2002] GENERATION OF PRIMORDIAL COSMOLOGICAL . PHYSICAL REVIEW FIG. 2. Fragmentation step for the ‘‘pi plane. Ideal gas a SSP, is not statistically isotropic bec lattice structure is not completely eras #20$. To construct a statistically isotropic FIG. 1. A super-homogeneous distribution %bottom& and a particle distribution with such a behavi son distribution %top& with approximately the same numb trivial. A particular example the so-ca points. Both are projections of thin slices of threeisdimensiona ing of the plane one #21,22$. The generatio tributions. The super-homogeneous is a ‘‘pre-initial’’ con defined a right representing angled triangle ration used in setting up by the taking configuration the i lengths one andsimulations two %and of hypoten conditions for thetive cosmological N-body #18$. A Hyperuniformity [Gabrielli, Jancovici,. .Joyce, Lebowitz, Pietronero and Labini, 2002] GENERATION OF PRIMORDIAL COSMOLOGICAL . PHYSICAL REVIEW FIG. 2. Fragmentation step for the ‘‘pi plane. Ideal gas a SSP, is not statistically isotropic bec lattice structure is not completely eras #20$. To construct a statistically isotropic FIG. 1. A super-homogeneous distribution %bottom& and a particle distribution with such a behavi son distribution %top&Hyperuniform with approximately the same numb trivial. A particular example the so-ca points. Both are projections of thin slices of threeisdimensiona ing of the plane one #21,22$. The generatio tributions. The super-homogeneous is a ‘‘pre-initial’’ con defined a right representing angled triangle ration used in setting up by the taking configuration the i lengths one andsimulations two %and of hypoten conditions for thetive cosmological N-body #18$. A Hyperuniformity and effective interactions General picture for SEPs at weak bias can be obtained by macroscopic fluctuation theory [ Bertini, de Sole, D Gabrielli, Jona-Lasinio, Landim, 2002- ] Hyperuniformity and effective interactions General picture for SEPs at weak bias can be obtained by macroscopic fluctuation theory [ Bertini, de Sole, D Gabrielli, Jona-Lasinio, Landim, 2002- ] For bias to high activity or high current in exclusion processes… Hyperuniformity and effective interactions General picture for SEPs at weak bias can be obtained by macroscopic fluctuation theory [ Bertini, de Sole, D Gabrielli, Jona-Lasinio, Landim, 2002- ] For bias to high activity or high current in exclusion processes… … hyperuniformity comes from very long ranged repulsions in the “auxiliary dynamics”… Hyperuniformity and effective interactions General picture for SEPs at weak bias can be obtained by macroscopic fluctuation theory [ Bertini, de Sole, D Gabrielli, Jona-Lasinio, Landim, 2002- ] For bias to high activity or high current in exclusion processes… … hyperuniformity comes from very long ranged repulsions in the “auxiliary dynamics”… For extreme bias, can get exact results (Bethe ansatz): [ Schuetz, Simon, Popkov, Lazarescu, 2009- ] ⇡(i j) 2L Repulsive potential V (i j) ⇠ log sin That is, particles on a circle interact by (2d) Coulomb repulsion FIG. 5: FIG. 3: (Color online) Scaling of the transition with system constant-vo size. (a) The activity k(s) collapses onto a single curve as with N = 1 a function of sN . (b) Similarly, the peak in the dynamic surements ⇤ susceptibility occurs at s ⇠ N . Inset: The maximal suscepphase-sepa ⇤ tibility increases increasing size, showing equilibrium Hard particles in 1d with evolving withsystem Brownian motion that (Langevin), the magnitude of the activity fluctuations is increasing. “Phase separation” conditioned on low activity (a) Ideal gas (b) Low activity uncorrelat ticles. Fo density ⇢ tor Space Time Void then we fi Now defi its right n Can think of attractive interactions, or Langevin noises with FIG. 4: (Color online) Trajectories of a constant-density sysnon-zero at = the of the void tem at Nmean, = 60, for = particles 0.88 and tobs 20⌧edge B . Particles are shown FIG. 5: FIG. 3: (Color online) Scaling of the transition with system constant-vo size. (a) The activity k(s) collapses onto a single curve as with N = 1 a function of sN . (b) Similarly, the peak in the dynamic surements ⇤ [ RLJ, Thompson, Sollich, PRL 114, 060601 (2015) ] susceptibility occurs at s ⇠ N . Inset: The maximal suscepphase-sepa ⇤ tibility increases increasing size, showing equilibrium Hard particles in 1d with evolving withsystem Brownian motion that (Langevin), the magnitude of the activity fluctuations is increasing. “Phase separation” conditioned on low activity (a) Ideal gas (b) Low activity uncorrelat ticles. Fo density ⇢ tor Space Time Void then we fi Now defi its right n Can think of attractive interactions, or Langevin noises with FIG. 4: (Color online) Trajectories of a constant-density sysnon-zero at = the of the void tem at Nmean, = 60, for = particles 0.88 and tobs 20⌧edge B . Particles are shown Linear response [ RLJ, Thompson, Sollich, PRL 114, 060601 (2015) ] General result: can obtain effective potential values from “propensities” for activity u(C, s) / he sK iC(0)=C (average over long trajectories starting in C, need to take care with normalisation) Simple hydrodynamic argument shows that u-values for phase-separated / hyperuniform configurations have divergent du(C, s)/ds as system size L ! 1. This comes from a diverging time scale: ⌧L ⇠ L2 is the time required for these trajectories to relax to the steady state. . . Diverging interaction range linked to diverging length and time scales. . . ð5Þ is hOis;h ¼ e hOe i0 [22]. Within fluctuating hydrodynamics (assuming a ¼ 0 as above), the response to 1 2 00 00 the bias depends only on the quantity B ¼ sκ 0 − 2 h σ 0 [22]. For B ¼ 0, then SðqÞ has a finite (nonzero) limit as [ RLJ, Thompson, Sollich, PRL 114, 060601 (2015) ] q → 0; for B > 0, the system is hyperuniform, while for B < 0, one has phase separation. The resulting dynamical Long-ranged effective interactions (repulsive or attractive) phase diagram is shown in Fig. 2: the fluctuating are generic in conditioned exclusion processes Exclusion processes summary ðsÞ this ical ore the ular mic vior g. 1, obs ) 5) is Þ as tobs her mod in (a) (c) (b) PS HU HU PS HU SSEP HU PS PS ASEP FIG. physical 2 (color origin online).of the Proposed dynamic phase diagrams The weak-bias instabilities is the for biased exclusion processes.time HU,scale hyperuniform PS, phase diverging hydrodynamic ⌧R ⇠ R2 states; . East model Site i has occupancy ni 2 {0, 1} East model Site i has occupancy ni 2 {0, 1} For each site with ni = 1, with rate 1, refresh site i + 1 as ni+1 = 1, prob c ni+1 = 0, prob 1 c East model Site i has occupancy ni 2 {0, 1} For each site with ni = 1, with rate 1, refresh site i + 1 as ni+1 = 1, prob c ni+1 = 0, prob 1 c Simple model for glassy dynamics, stationary state has trivial product structure [ Jackle & Kronig 1991, Garrahan & Chandler, 2003- ] East model Site i has occupancy ni 2 {0, 1} For each site with ni = 1, with rate 1, refresh site i + 1 as ni+1 = 1, prob c ni+1 = 0, prob 1 c Simple model for glassy dynamics, stationary state has trivial product structure [ Jackle & Kronig 1991, Garrahan & Chandler, 2003- ] Relaxation time diverges for small c as log ⌧ ⇠ a(log c) 2 Hierarchical relaxation mechanism… [ Sollich & Evans 1999, Aldous & Diaconis 2002, Toninelli, Martinelli & others 2007- ] for our stochastic systems by X ^ !sK"history# ZK "s; t# $ Prob"history#e ; (1) East model : phase transition histories 0.08 active active inactive inactive 0.06 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.02 0 0 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 s 0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0 s 0.1 -0.02 0.2 K(s)/t = model with kinetic constraints ρK(s) As system size N 0.2 ! 1, there is a jump in the first derivative of the “free energy” (s)/N . kinetic constraints 0.1 removed 0 ψK(s) / N 0.6 K(s) / Nt as stnd yis ls. me, ,a ely ly n, ce els in on ebe First order dynamical phase transition, accompanied by -1 0 1 2 s phase separation in space-time 0 (s) for our stochastic systems by X ^ !sK"history# ZK "s; t# $ Prob"history#e ; (1) East model : phase transition histories 12A531-4 Y. S. Elmatad and R. L. Jack 0.08 active active inactive inactive 0.06 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.02 0 0 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 s 0.4 0.3 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0 s 0.1 ψK(s) / N 0.6 K(s) / Nt -0.02 0.2 K(s)/t = model with kinetic constraints 0 (s) As system size N 0.2 ! 1, there is a jump in the first FIG. 2. Sample kinetic trajectories from the three state points id derivative of the “free energy” (s)/N . constraints [ Elmatad and RLJ, 2013 ] 0.1 ρK(s) as stnd yis ls. me, ,a ely ly n, ce els in on ebe 0 ϵ ≤ ϵ c these trajectories are rare, coming from the trough removed inactive sites are white (ni = 0). (a) Trajectory with ϵ < ϵ c . s but the clusters no longer have a sharp interface. (c) Trajecto First order dynamical phase transition, accompanied by -1 0 1 2 s phase separation in space-time As discussed in Sec. III, our main results are su Fig. 1 where we show sample numerical results f for our stochastic systems by X ^ !sK"history# ZK "s; t# $ Prob"history#e ; (1) East model : phase transition histories 12A531-4 Y. S. Elmatad and R. L. Jack 0.08 active active inactive inactive 0.06 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.02 0 0 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 s 0.4 What happens here? 0.3 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 0 s 0.1 ψK(s) / N 0.6 K(s) / Nt -0.02 0.2 K(s)/t = model with kinetic constraints 0 (s) As system size N 0.2 ! 1, there is a jump in the first FIG. 2. Sample kinetic trajectories from the three state points id derivative of the “free energy” (s)/N . constraints [ Elmatad and RLJ, 2013 ] 0.1 ρK(s) as stnd yis ls. me, ,a ely ly n, ce els in on ebe 0 ϵ ≤ ϵ c these trajectories are rare, coming from the trough removed inactive sites are white (ni = 0). (a) Trajectory with ϵ < ϵ c . s but the clusters no longer have a sharp interface. (c) Trajecto First order dynamical phase transition, accompanied by -1 0 1 2 s phase separation in space-time As discussed in Sec. III, our main results are su Fig. 1 where we show sample numerical results f Variational principle (s) is the largest eigenvalue of W(s) Variational principle (s) is the largest eigenvalue of W(s) If the auxiliary process is time-reversal symmetric, W(s) can be symmetrised by a similarity transformation Wsym (s) = ⇡ 1/2 W(s)⇡ 1/2 is symmetric, where ⇡ is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the stationary probabilities. Variational principle (s) is the largest eigenvalue of W(s) If the auxiliary process is time-reversal symmetric, W(s) can be symmetrised by a similarity transformation Wsym (s) = ⇡ 1/2 W(s)⇡ 1/2 is symmetric, where ⇡ is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the stationary probabilities. Hence hv|Wsym (s)|vi (s) = maxv hv|vi Variational principle (s) is the largest eigenvalue of W(s) If the auxiliary process is time-reversal symmetric, W(s) can be symmetrised by a similarity transformation Wsym (s) = ⇡ 1/2 W(s)⇡ 1/2 is symmetric, where ⇡ is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the stationary probabilities. Hence hv|Wsym (s)|vi (s) = maxv hv|vi Hence u(C) = hC|⇡ 1/2 |v ⇤ i where |v ⇤ i is the maximiser Variational principle (s) is the largest eigenvalue of W(s) If the auxiliary process is time-reversal symmetric, W(s) can be symmetrised by a similarity transformation Wsym (s) = ⇡ 1/2 W(s)⇡ 1/2 is symmetric, where ⇡ is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the stationary probabilities. Hence hv|Wsym (s)|vi (s) = maxv hv|vi Hence u(C) = hC|⇡ 1/2 |v ⇤ i where |v ⇤ i is the maximiser (Variational problem with 2N d.o.f.) Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] East model, biased to high activity J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 d=3 C C × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] East model, biased to high activity Variational results using ansatze for effective interactions 1. local multi-spin interactions up to 6-body 2. interactions dependent on domain-size distribution J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 d=3 C C × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] East model, biased to high activity Variational results using ansatze for effective interactions 1. local multi-spin interactions up to 6-body 2. interactions dependent on domain-size distribution J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 d=3 Also, numerical results (exact diagonalisation and transition path sampling) C C … and perturbative results for small bias × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] Main results: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 d=3 C C × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] Main results: Interactions are long-ranged, (no finite ranged interaction can capture even the first-order response to the bias) can attribute this long range to large time scales for relaxation on large length scale (cf SEP) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 d=3 C C × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] Main results: Interactions are long-ranged, (no finite ranged interaction can capture even the first-order response to the bias) can attribute this long range to large time scales for relaxation on large length scale (cf SEP) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 Variational ansatze may be good for ψ but not capture structural C features C d=3 × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] Main results: Interactions are long-ranged, (no finite ranged interaction can capture even the first-order response to the bias) can attribute this long range to large time scales for relaxation on large length scale (cf SEP) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 Variational ansatze may be good for ψ but not capture structural C features hierarchy of responses to bias for small c, mirrors metastable state structure, aging behaviour of model… C d=3 × =5 m=8 Figure 4. Sketch illustrating the configurations C and Conditioned East model J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 Density of up spins ⇢ Main results: ρ R L Jack and P Sollich [ RLJ and Sollich, J Phys A, 2014 ] 1 1 3 1 5 1 9 Interactions are long-ranged, (no finite ranged interaction can capture even the first-order response to the bias) 1 can attribute this17long range to large time scales for relaxation on large length scale (cf SEP) c J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 015003 Variational ansatze may−1be good 3 2 d = c3 ν τ0 1 c c for ψ but not capture structural C ⌫ on ⇡ν, fors Figure 5. Sketch showing how the density of up-spins ρ = ⟨niBias ⟩ν depends features × very small c. Both axes are logarithmic. The solid line shows the limiting behaviour as c → 0, taken at fixed (ln ν )/(ln c), while the dashed line shows the expected behaviour for a system with small positive c. The effect of the bias ν becomes significant when unity, the ν ≈ τ0−1 , the inverse bulk relaxation time. As=ν 5is increased further m =towards 8 C of steps. We expect a weak dependence on ν system eventually responds in a sequence whenever cb ≪ ν ≪ cb−1 for integer b, leading to plateaus in ρ. Within each plateau (b ! 1), our conjecture is that the spacing between up-spins converges to 1 + 2b as 1 −b−1 and c → 0, so ρ → 1+2 b . For large b, the plateaux are then bounded by ρ = 2 ρ = 2b , corresponding to power-law behaviour ρ ∼ 2−(ln ν )/(ln c) ∼ ν T ln 2 (dashed lines). From the quasi-equilibrium argument, one expects alsoillustrating r(ν ) ≈ 2c⟨n = 2cρ(ν ): whenC and Figure 4. Sketch the i ⟩ν configurations hierarchy of responses to bias for small c, mirrors metastable state structure, aging behaviour of model… Summary so far In East model and exclusion processes, several things go together Summary so far In East model and exclusion processes, several things go together Long time scales (and metastability) Summary so far In East model and exclusion processes, several things go together Long time scales (and metastability) Long length scales Summary so far In East model and exclusion processes, several things go together Long time scales (and metastability) Long length scales Long-ranged effective interactions (not just long-ranged correlations) Summary so far In East model and exclusion processes, several things go together Long time scales (and metastability) Long length scales Long-ranged effective interactions (not just long-ranged correlations) Also, sometimes, dynamical phase transitions Summary so far In East model and exclusion processes, several things go together Long time scales (and metastability) Long length scales Long-ranged effective interactions (not just long-ranged correlations) Also, sometimes, dynamical phase transitions There are good reasons to expect this to be general: (eg perturbative arguments, small spectral gaps…) … also, plenty of other examples 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy Can solve this model exactly by free fermions [ see eg RLJ and Sollich, 2010 ] 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy Can solve this model exactly by free fermions [ see eg RLJ and Sollich, 2010 ] Trajectories in (1 + 1)d space-time are configurations of a 2d Ising model. 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy Can solve this model exactly by free fermions [ see eg RLJ and Sollich, 2010 ] Trajectories in (1 + 1)d space-time are configurations of a 2d Ising model. For appropriate bias, get ferromagnetic states, even if unconditioned chain has T ! 1 (!) 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy Can solve this model exactly by free fermions [ see eg RLJ and Sollich, 2010 ] Trajectories in (1 + 1)d space-time are configurations of a 2d Ising model. For appropriate bias, get ferromagnetic states, even if unconditioned chain has T ! 1 (!) Effective interactions clearly long-ranged, also non-Gibbsian. [ Maes, Redig, von Enter, 1999 ] 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy “The traditional solution is to define an infinite-volume Can solve thismeasure model exactly free fermions Gibbs [as] a by measure which is a limit. . . of [ see eg RLJ and Sollich, 2010 ] finite-volume Gibbs measures with some chosen boundary conditions” Trajectories in (1 + 1)d space-time are configurations of a 2d Ising model. von Enter, Fernandez, Sokal, J Stat Phys 1993 For appropriate bias, get ferromagnetic states, even if unconditioned chain has T ! 1 (!) Effective interactions clearly long-ranged, also non-Gibbsian. [ Maes, Redig, von Enter, 1999 ] 1d Ising model Consider 1d Glauber-Ising chain (periodic) conditioned on time-integrated energy “The traditional solution is to define an infinite-volume Can solve thismeasure model exactly free fermions Gibbs [as] a by measure which is a limit. . . of [ see eg RLJ and Sollich, 2010 ] finite-volume Gibbs measures with some chosen boundary conditions” Trajectories in (1 + 1)d space-time are configurations of a 2d Ising model. von Enter, Fernandez, Sokal, J Stat Phys 1993 For appropriate bias, get ferromagnetic states, even if unconditioned chain has T ! 1 (!) Effective interactions clearly long-ranged, also non-Gibbsian. [ Maes, Redig, von Enter, 1999 ] (how general is this?) Final summary Conditioning stochastic systems to non-typical values of time-integrated observables leads to rich phenomenology Hyperuniformity, phase separation in space and/or time, dynamical phase transitions, hierarchical responses… Final summary Conditioning stochastic systems to non-typical values of time-integrated observables leads to rich phenomenology Hyperuniformity, phase separation in space and/or time, dynamical phase transitions, hierarchical responses… These phenomena can be characterised by effective interactions, but these are often different from familiar equilibrium interactions Long-ranged, non-Gibbsian, absence of dissipation Final summary Conditioning stochastic systems to non-typical values of time-integrated observables leads to rich phenomenology Hyperuniformity, phase separation in space and/or time, dynamical phase transitions, hierarchical responses… These phenomena can be characterised by effective interactions, but these are often different from familiar equilibrium interactions Long-ranged, non-Gibbsian, absence of dissipation Slow degrees of freedom respond most strongly to bias (or conditioning), this can be one origin of long-ranged interactions [ more info: RLJ & Sollich, EPJE 2015, Touchette and Chetrite arXiv 1506.05291 ]