Optimal control of SDEs associated with general Lévy generators Jiang-Lun Wu Department of Mathematics, Swansea University, UK EPSRC Workshop on Topics on Control Institute of Mathematics, Warwick University, UK 30th Nov. – 2nd Dec., 2011 Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Based on joint works with Jonathan Bennett [1] Explicit construction of SDEs associated with polar-decomposed Lévy measures and application to stochastic optimization, Frontiers of Mathematics in China 2 (2007), 539–558. [2] An optimal control problem associated with SDEs driven by Lévy-type processes, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 26 (2008), 471–494. [3] Stochastic control of SDEs associated with Lévy generators and application to financial optimization, Frontiers of Mathematics in China 5 (2010), 89–102. and [4] JLW, Harry Zheng, On an optimal portfolio-comsumption problem associated with Lévy-type generators, in progress. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators A fairly large class of Markov processes on Rd are governed by Lévy generator, either via martingale problem (cf e.g. D W Stroock, “Markov Processes from K. Itô’s Perspectives”, Princeton Univ Press 2003 or V.N. Kolokoltsov, “Markov Processes, Semigroups and Generators”, de Gruyter, 2011) or via Dirichlet form (cf e.g. N Jacob,“Pseudo-Differential Operators and Markov Processes III” Imperial College Press, 2005) Lf (t, x) := 1 i,j a (t, x)∂i ∂j f (t, x) + bi (t, x)∂i f (t, x) 2 Z {f (t, x + z) − f (t, x) + Rd \{0} − z1{|z|<1} · ∇f (t, x) }ν(t, x, dz) 1 + |z|2 where a(t, x) = (ai,j (t, x))d×d is non-negative definite symmetric and ν(t, x, dz) is a Lévy kernel, i.e., Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators ∀(t, x) ∈ [0, ∞) × Rd , ν(t, x, ·) is a σ-finite measure on (Rd \ {0}, B(Rd \ {0}) such that Z Rd \{0} |z|2 ν(t, x, dz) < ∞. 1 + |z|2 For such L, in order to get rid of variable dependence on ν, N El Karoui and J P Lepeltier (Z. Wahr. verw. Geb. 39 (1977)) construct a bimeasurable bijection c : [0, ∞) × Rd × U → Rd \ {0} such that Z Z 1A (c(t, x, y ))λ(dy ) = U Rd \{0} 1A (z)ν(t, x, dz), ∀(t, x) for A ∈ B(Rd \ {0}). Where (U, B(U)) is a Lusin space and λ is a σ-finite measure on it. Actually, we can construct c explicitly in case ν has a polar decomposition (with the stable-like case Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators as a concrete example). It is well-known (cf e.g. Theorem I.8.1 in N Ikeda and S Watanabe’s book): ∃ a Poisson random measure N : B([0, ∞)) × B(U) × Ω → N ∪ {0} ∩ {∞} on any given probability set-up (Ω, F, P; {Ft }t≥0 ) with E(N(dt, dy , ·)) = dtλ(dy), and Ñ(dt, dy , ω) := N(dt, dy , ω) − dtλ(dy ) being the associated compensating {Ft }t≥0 -martingale measure. We then can formulate a jump SDE associated with L Z dSt = b(t, St )dt + σ(t, St )dWt + c(t, St− , y )Ñ(dt, dy ) U where σ(t, x) is a d × m-matrix such that σ(t, x)σ T (t, x) = a(t, x) Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators and {Wt }t∈[0,∞) is an m-dimensional {Ft }t≥0 -Brownian motion. We shall consider such equation in the following general formulation dSt = b(t, St )dt + σ(t, St )dWt Z + c1 (t, St− , z)Ñ(dt, dz) U\U0 Z + c2 (t, St− , z)N(dt, dz) U0 where U0 ∈ B(U) with λ(U0 ) < ∞ is arbitrarily fixed. Sufficient Maximum Principle Framstad,Øksendal, Sulem (J Optim Theory Appl 121 (2004)) Øksendal, Sulem (“Applied Stochastic Control of Jump-Diffusions”, Springer, 2005); Math Finance 19 (2009); SIAM J Control Optim 2010; Commun Stoch Anal 4 (2010) Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Start with a controlled jump Markov process (u) St = St , t ∈ [0, T ] for any arbitrarily fixed T ∈ (0, ∞), by the following dSt = b(t, St , ut )dt + σ(t, St , ut )dWt Z + c1 (t, St− , ut− , z)Ñ(dt, dz) U\U0 Z c2 (t, St− , ut− , z)N(dt, dz) + (1) U0 where the control process ut = u(t, ω), taking values in a given Borel set U ∈ B(Rd ), is assumed to be {Ft }-predictable and cádlág. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators The performance criterion is Z J(u) := E ! T f (t, St , ut )dt + g(ST ) , u∈A 0 for A the totality of all admissible controls, and for f : [0, T ] × Rd × U → R being continuous, and for g : Rd → R being concave. The objective is to achieve the following J(û) = sup J(u) u∈A referring û being the optimal control of the system. (û) Moreover, if Ŝt = St is the solution to the jump type SDE (1) corresponding to û, then the pair (Ŝ, û) is called the optimal pair. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Now the Hamiltonian is defined H : [0, T ] × Rd × U × Rd × Rd⊗m × R → R via H(t, r , u, p, q, n(1) , n(2) ) 1 = f (t, r , u) + µ(t, r , u)p + σ T (t, r , u)q 2 Z (1) + n (t, z)c1 (t, r , u, z)λ(dz) U\U0 Z + [n(2) (t, z)c2 (t, r , u, z) + c2 (t, r , u, z)p]λ(dz) U0 where R is the collection of all Rd⊗d -valued processes n : [0, ∞) × Ω → Rd⊗d such that the two integrals in the above formulation converge absolutely. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators It is known that the adjoint equation corresponding to an admissible pair (S, u) is the BSDE dp(t) = −∇r H(t, St , ut , p(t), q(t), n(1) (t, ·), n(2) (t, ·))dt Z +q(t)dWt + n(1) (t−, z)Ñ(dt, dz) U\U0 Z + n(2) (t−, z)N(dt, dz) U0 with terminal condition p(T ) = 5g(ST ) . Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem ([3]) Given an admissible pair (Ŝ, û). Suppose ∃ an {Ft }-adapted solution (p̂(t), q̂(t), n̂(t, z)) to the BSDE s.t. for u ∈ A T Z E[ (u) (Ŝt − St )T {q̂(t)q̂(t)T 0 Z + [tr (n̂(t, z)n̂(t, z)T )λ(dz)]} U0 ×(Ŝt − S (u) (t))dt] < ∞ , Z E[ 0 T T Z [tr (c(t, St− , ut , z)c T (t, St− , ut , z))λ(dz)] p̂ (t){ U0 +σ(t, St , ut )σ T (t, St , ut )}p̂(t)dt] < ∞, Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem (cont’d) and ∀t ∈ [0, T ] H(t, Ŝt , ût , p̂(t), q̂(t), n̂(t, .)) = sup H(t, Ŝt , ut , p̂(t), q̂(t), n̂(t, .)). u∈A (2) If Ĥ(r ) := maxu∈A H(t, r , u, p̂(t), q̂(t), n̂(t, ·)) exists and is a concave function of r , then (Ŝ, û) is an optimal pair. Remark For (2), it suffices that the function (r , u) → H(t, r , u, p̂(t), q̂(t), n̂(t, ·)) is concave, ∀t ∈ [0, T ]. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Optimal control problem Benth, Karlsen, Reikvam (Finance Stoch 5 (2001); Stochastics Stochastics Rep 74(2002)) Ishikawa (Appl Math Optim 50 (2004)) Jakobsen, Karlsen (JDE 212 (2005); NoDEA 13 (2006)) Start with a Lévy type process Z Zt t Z tZ = µt + c1 (z)Ñ(ds, dz) θ(s)dWs + 0 0 U\U0 Z tZ c2 (z)N(ds, dz) + 0 U0 where µ is a constant, θ : [0, T ] → R and c1 , c2 : U → R are measurable. Here assume that Z (ec2 (z) − 1)λ(dz) < ∞. U0 Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators We are concerned with the following 1-dimensional linear SDE dSt 1 = b(t)St dt + σ(t)2 St dt + σ(t)St dWt 2 Z +St (ec1 (z) − 1 − c1 (z)1{U\U0 } (z))λ(dz)dt U Z +St− (ec1 (z) − 1)Ñ(dt, dz). U Based on the driving processes Zt and St , we construct two processes Xt and Yt with X0 = x, Y0 = y, via Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Z t Xt = x − Gt + σ(s)πs Xs dWs + Lt 0 Z t Z 1 2 + (r + ([b(s) + σ(s) + (ec1 (z) 2 0 U\U0 Z t + −1 − c1 (z))λ(dz)] − r )πs )Xs ds Z πs− Xs− (ec1 (z) − 1)Ñ(ds, dz) 0 Z U\U0 t Z πs− Xs− + 0 (ec2 (z) − 1)N(ds, dz) U0 and Yt = ye−βt + β t Z e−β(t−s) dGs 0 respectively, where Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Z Gt := t gs ds 0 with (gt )t≥0 being a nondecreasing {Ft }-adapted cádlág process of finite variation such that 0 ≤ supt≥0 gt < ∞, Lt is a nondecreasing, nonnegative, and {Ft }-adapted cádlág process, and πt ∈ [0, 1] is {Ft }-adapted cádlág. The triple (Gt , Lt , πt ) is referred as the parameter process. Remark The background for Xt being the self-financing investment policy according to the portfolio πt : dBt dSt dXt = (1 − πt ) + πt Xt− Bt St− with Bt standing for the riskless bond dBt = rBt dt. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators By Itô formula, the generator A to (Xt , Yt ) is Av (x, y) = −αv − βyvy + σ(t)πxvxx 1 +{(r + π([b(t) + σ(t)2 2 Z (ec1 (z) − 1 − c1 (z))λ(dz)] − r ))xvx + U\U0 Z (v (x + πx(ec1 (z) − 1), y) + U\U0 −v (x, y ) − πxvx (ec1 (z) − 1))λ(dz) Z + (v (x + πx(ec2 (z) − 1), y ) − v (x, y ))λ(dz)} U0 +u(g) − g(vx − βvy ) for any v ∈ C 2,2 (R × R) and for π ∈ [0, 1], g ∈ [0, M1 ]. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Now we define the value function v (x, y) := (X (π.,g.,L.) ,Y (π.,g.,L.) ) E sup (π.,g.,L.)∈A Z [ ∞ e−αs u(gs )ds] 0 where the supremum is taken over all admissible controls and u is a utility function, i.e., u is strictly increasing, differential, and concave on [0, ∞) such that u(0) = u 0 (∞) = 0, Jiang-Lun Wu u(∞) = u 0 (0) = ∞. HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators We also denote that 1 k(γ, ρ) := max γ(r + π([b(t) + σ(t)2 π 2 Z + (ec1 (z) − 1 − c1 (z))λ(dz)] − r )) U\U0 Z +σ(t)πρ + [(1 + π(ec1 (z) − 1))γ U\U0 −1 − γπ(ec1 (z) − 1)) Z (1 + π(e + c2 (z) − 1)) − 1]λ(dz) . γ U0 Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem ([2]) [i](Existence) v is well-defined, i.e., there exists an optimal control (π ∗ , g ∗ , L∗ ) ∈ A such that Z ∞ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (X (π ,g ,L ) ,Y (π ,g ,L ) ) v (x, y) = E [ e−αs u(gs∗ )ds]. 0 Furthermore, v is a constrained viscosity solution to the following Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman integro-variational inequality ( ) max vx 1{x≤0} , sup {Av }, (βvy − vx )1{x≥0} =0 (π,g)∈A in Dβ := {(x, y) : y > 0, y + βx > 0}, and v =0 outside of Jiang-Lun Wu Dβ . HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem (cont’d) [ii] (Uniqueness) For γ > 0 and each ρ ≥ 0 choose α > 0 s.t. k (γ, ρ) < α. Then the HJB integro-variational inequality admits at most one constrained viscosity solution. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem (JLW and H. Zheng [4]) Assume the following dynamic programming principle hold for the value function v : ∀t ≥ 0 and for any stopping time τ Z t∧τ e−αs u(gs∗ )ds v (x, y) = sup(π,g,L)∈A E 0 i (π,g,L) (π,g,L) −α(t∧τ ) +e v (Xt∧τ , Yt∧τ ) . Then, v is the unique, constrained (subject to a gradient constraint) viscosity solution of the following integro-differential HJB equation ( ) max βvy − vx , sup {Av } =0 (π,g)∈A in D := {(x, y) : x > 0, y > 0}. Further discussion on the properties of v is under way. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators The case of polar-decomposed Lévy measures Recall the Lévy generator Lf (t, x) := 1 i,j a (t, x)∂i ∂j f (t, x) + bi (t, x)∂i f (t, x) 2 Z {f (t, x + z) − f (t, x) + Rd \{0} − z1{|z|<1} · ∇f (t, x) }ν(t, x, dz) 1 + |z|2 and the associated SDE Z dSt = b(t, St )dt + σ(t, St )dWt + c(t, St− , y )Ñ(dt, dy ) U Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Here we consider a special case: ν admits a polar-decomposition. (U, B(U), λ) = (Sd−1 × (0, ∞), λ) where λ is σ-finite. Now let m: a finite Borel measure on Sd−1 z : Rd × Sd−1 × (0, ∞) → Rd \ {0} bimeasurable bijection g : Rd × Sd−1 × B((0, ∞)) → (0, ∞) is a positive kernel Our ν is then taken the form Z Z ∞ ν(x, dz) = 1dz (z(x, θ, r )g(x, θ, dr ) Sd−1 0 Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators M Tsuchiya, Stoch Stoch Reports 38 (1992) V. Kolkoltsov, Proc London Maths Soc 80 (2000) V. Kolkoltsov, Nonlinear Markov Processes and Kinetic Equations. (CUP, 2010) Example (Bass, PTRF (1988); Kolkoltsov) Take z(x, θ, r ) = r θ and g(x, θ, dr ) = dr r 1+α(x) then ν(x, dz) = Jiang-Lun Wu dr r 1+α(x) m(dθ) HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem ([1]) (i) For d ≥ 2, i.e., for the case that the given σ-finite measure space U = (S d−1 × (0, ∞)) the coefficient of the jump term in the SDE associated to ν(x, dz) is given by c(t, x, (r , θ)) = r θ ; (ii) For the case when d = 1, namely, for the case that the given σ-finite measure space (U, B(U), λ) = ((0, ∞), B((0, ∞)), λ) the coefficient of the jump term in the SDE associated to ν(x, dz) defined by ν(x, dz) = dr r 1+α(x) α(x) ∈ (0, 2), x ∈R is given by |c(t, x, (r , θ))| = r . Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators As an application, we consider a consumption-portfolio optimzation problem. The wealth process is modelled via dS(t) = {ρt S(t) + (b(t) − ρt )u(t) − w(t)}dt +σ(t)w(t)dW (t) Z +w(t−) r θÑ(dt, drdθ) 0<|r |<1 Z +w(t−) r θN(dt, drdθ). |r |≥1 Our objective is to solve the following consumption-portfolio optimization problem: Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Z sup E[ (w,u)∈A T t Z exp(− 0 δ(s)ds)[ 0 w(t)γ ]dt] γ (3) subject to the terminal wealth constraint S(T ) ≥ 0 a.s. where A is the set of predictable consumption-portfolio pairs (w, u) with the control u being tame and the consumption w being nonnegative, such that the above SDE has a strong solution over [0, T ]. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Theorem ([1]) An optimal control (u ∗ , w ∗ ) is given by Z t 1 δ(s) ∗ u (t, x) = exp ds f (t) γ−1 x 0 γ−1 and w ∗ (t, x) = π̂x with f (t) and π̂ being explicitly constructed. Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators Thank You! Jiang-Lun Wu HJB equation associated with Lévy-type generators