Survey Name: Survey Message: Survey Type: Date Created: Start Date: End Date: Response Rate: 76.7% Lecturer Survey F12 This survey has been sent to all lecturers who taught at NJIT in the academic year 2011-2012. Please complete the survey even if you are not presently teaching at NJIT. Survey by Invitation 2012-11-07 2012-11-07 2012-12-20 Q.1.How did you get hired as a Lecturer at NJIT? Total Total Responses 14 22 10 7 1 11 65 Percent 21.54% 33.85% 15.38% 10.77% 1.54% 16.92% 100% Total Total Responses 44 51 21 9 20 17 162 Percent 27.16% 31.48% 12.96% 5.56% 12.35% 10.49% 100% Total Total Responses 11 52 63 Percent 17.46% 82.54% 100% Total Responses 64 Percent 57.66% I switched over from prior employment as a Special Lecturer I was an adjunct at NJIT Personal contact Public advertisement Switch from a tenure-track position Other (Please Specify) Q.2.Which of the following did the hiring process involve? (check all that apply) Submission of resume/portfolio Interview with chair or program director Interview with other departmental or college administrator Interview with search committee Meeting with faculty members Reference check Q.3.How was your starting salary determined? Negotiated Fixed by position line Q.4.How is your performance evaluated? (check all that apply) Student course evaluations In-class or in-studio peer assessment Assessment of student outcomes (term paper, design project etc.) Interview with department chair or director Other (Please Specify) Total 7 14 18 8 111 6.31% 12.61% 16.22% 7.21% 100% Total Total Responses 0 8 18 35 5 66 Percent 0% 12.12% 27.27% 53.03% 7.58% 100% Total Total Responses 23 13 30 66 Percent 34.85% 19.7% 45.45% 100% Total Total Responses 9 11 16 36 Percent 25% 30.56% 44.44% 100% Total Total Responses 46 20 66 Percent 69.7% 30.3% 100% Total Responses 19 12 14 Percent 42.22% 26.67% 31.11% Q.5.How many courses do you typically teach as a Lecturer at NJIT per semester? 1 2 3 4 5 or more Q.6.Did you teach "overload" courses within the last three years (e.g. courses in excess of regular teaching assignment)? Yes, with additional compensation Yes, with no additional compensation No Q.7.How often has this happened? One semester Two semesters Three or more semesters Q.8.Have you taught as an Adjunct at NJIT during summer or winter sessions in any of the past three years? Yes No Q.9.How many courses have you taught in a single summer or winter session? 1 class per session 2 classes per session 3 or more classes per session Total 45 100% Total Total Responses 8 5 29 3 45 Percent 17.78% 11.11% 64.44% 6.67% 100% Total Total Responses 22 26 28 47 123 Percent 17.89% 21.14% 22.76% 38.21% 100% Total Total Responses 47 45 57 37 17 21 224 Percent 20.98% 20.09% 25.45% 16.52% 7.59% 9.38% 100% Total Total Responses 10 13 0 5 38 66 Percent 15.15% 19.7% 0% 7.58% 57.58% 100% Total Responses Percent Q.10.Why did you teach in summer or winter session? Department request Love of subject Financial considerations Other (Please Specify) Q.11.How would you best characterize your role in the development of course(s) taught at NJIT? (check all that apply) Provided with text and syllabus; minimal changes expected Asked to modify existing syllabus Old syllabus provided as guidance for thorough overhaul Created entirely new course Q.12.What type(s) of courses have you taught as a Lecturer at NJIT? (check all that apply) Undergraduate required course (GUR) Undergraduate course offered for departmental discipline Required course for a degree major Elective (advanced) course for a degree major Graduate required course Graduate elective course Q.13.During the 2011-2012 academic year, were you also employed outside NJIT? Other part-time academic position Other part-time non-academic position Full-time academic position Full-time non-academic position No outside employment Q.14.If you taught at another institution as well as NJIT during Spring Semester 2012, how many courses did you teach at the other institution? 1 2 3 or more Total 7 1 0 8 87.5% 12.5% 0% 100% Total Total Responses 6 8 1 0 2 0 17 Percent 35.29% 47.06% 5.88% 0% 11.76% 0% 100% Total Total Responses 9 28 32 19 88 Percent 10.23% 31.82% 36.36% 21.59% 100% Total Total Responses 38 28 0 0 0 66 Percent 57.58% 42.42% 0% 0% 0% 100% Total Total Responses 19 40 59 Percent 32.2% 67.8% 100% Total Responses Percent Q.15.If you are teaching elsewhere as well, which of the following did the hiring process involve? (check all that apply) Submission of resume/portfolio Interview with chair or program director Interview with other departmental or college administrator Interview with search committee Meeting with faculty members Reference check Q.16.What is the highest degree you have attained (check all that apply)? Bachelor's Master's Ph.D. Other professional degree (e.g.,M.B.A., J.D., M. Arch) Q.17.What is your current position at NJIT? University Lecturer Senior University Lecturer Tenure-track or Tenured faculty Research professor No longer at NJIT Q.18.Are you an NJIT alumnus or alumna? Yes No Q.19.What is the primary reason you have decided to serve at NJIT as a Lecturer? Personal commitment to education/students /NJIT Need work to fit with demands of family life Couldn't get full-time position in other field or with other school Teach in my academic field NJIT was not hiring tenure track positions in my field Hope this appointment as Lecturer would be a stepping stone to tenure-track position at NJIT Other (Please Specify) Total 21 4 1 21 3 11 4 65 32.31% 6.15% 1.54% 32.31% 4.62% 16.92% 6.15% 100% Total Total Responses 43 52 17 61 60 49 39 43 21 37 15 7 6 450 Percent 9.56% 11.56% 3.78% 13.56% 13.33% 10.89% 8.67% 9.56% 4.67% 8.22% 3.33% 1.56% 1.33% 100% Q.20.As a Lecturer, which of the following did NJIT and/or your department provide you? (check all that apply) Libraires and other scholarly resources Private office space Shared office space Computer and printer Telephone Internet and email Copy machine Copy machine Administrative support Funds for travel to conferences Professional development and training (including use of Moodle, ITMS) Mentoring Research and publication support Other (Please Specify) Q.21.In what way(s) did your academic unit assist you in getting off to a good start and continuous improvement in your position as a Lecturer? (check all that apply): Total Responses Percent Orientation program at outset 12 20.69% Formal mentoring program 1 1.72% Informal mentoring 25 43.1% Other (Please Specify) 20 34.48% Total 58 100% Q.22.As a Lecturer, have you received release time? No Yes, for administrative work Yes, for research Total Responses 41 14 3 Percent 62.12% 21.21% 4.55% Other (Please Specify) Total 8 66 12.12% 100% Total Responses Percent Q. 23 As a Lecturer at NJIT, did you? Often Help develop courses in your department Serve on departmental committees Attend departmental meetings Vote at departmental meetings Serve on university committees outside your department Attend university faculty meetings Perform funded research Publish original research or other work Sometimes Never # 36 % 55.38% # 24 % 36.92% # 5 % 7.69% 65 - 25 52 23 11 39.06% 78.79% 37.7% 17.46% 25 12 22 17 39.06% 18.18% 36.07% 26.98% 14 2 16 35 21.88% 3.03% 26.23% 55.56% 64 66 61 63 - 10 5 7 15.87% 7.94% 11.11% 29 17 26 46.03% 26.98% 41.27% 24 41 30 38.1% 65.08% 47.62% 63 63 63 - Total Responses 14 10 4 9 15 30 15 97 Percent 14.43% 10.31% 4.12% 9.28% 15.46% 30.93% 15.46% 100% Q.24.Which of the following have you accomplished in past year? (check all that apply) Submitted a paper to a peer reviewed journal Published a paper in a peer reviewed journal Published a paper in a professional, trade or popular publication Work cited in professional, trade or popular publication Presented a paper or poster at a conference Attended a conference Other (Please Specify) Total Q.25.As a Lecturer at NJIT, how many hours per week, on average per class, were you EXPECTED to spend advising students outside of class, either faceto-face or online? Total Responses Percent None 6 9.09% 1 5 7.58% 2 6 9.09% 3 14 21.21% 4 7 10.61% 5 or more 9 13.64% Don't know 19 28.79% Total 66 100% Q.26.As a Lecturer at NJIT, how many hours per week, on average per class, DID you spend advising students outside of class? Total Responses None 2 1 11 2 18 3 10 4 9 5 or more 16 Total 66 Percent 3.03% 16.67% 27.27% 15.15% 13.64% 24.24% 100% Q.27.As a Lecturer at NJIT, how many hours per week do you devote to departmental committees and other service or administrative work? Total Responses None 14 1-5 hours 40 6-10 hours 8 11 or more 3 Total 65 Percent 21.54% 61.54% 12.31% 4.62% 100% Q.28.During the time you have taught as a Lecturer at NJIT, has your salary been adjusted? (check all that apply) Total Total Responses 20 18 7 37 82 Percent 24.39% 21.95% 8.54% 45.12% 100% Total Total Responses 0 5 19 26 15 65 Percent 0% 7.69% 29.23% 40% 23.08% 100% No Yes, on promotion from Special Lecturer to University Lecturer or Senior University Lecturer Yes, on promotion from University Lecturer to Senior University Lecturer Yes, merit or performance-based salary increase Q.29.Considering all aspects of working as a Lecturer at NJIT, please rate your experience here: Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Okay Satisfied Very satisfied Q. 30 Thank you for completing this survey! Please use this space to comment on any other aspects of your teaching experience at NJIT that you want to bring to our attention. All responses will be kept confidential as to the individual participant. Total Responses Percent 26 -