Survey Name: Survey Message: Adjunct Survey F12 This survey has been sent to all adjuncts who taught at NJIT in the academic year 2011-2012. Please complete the survey even if you are not presently t hi by tInvitation NJIT Survey 2012-09-24 2012-09-24 10/21/2012 Survey Type: Date Created: Start Date: End Date: Response Rate: 33% Q.1.How did you learn about a job opening for adjunct at NJIT? Total 45 77 3 125 Percent 36% 61.6% 2.4% 100% Total Total 91 23 85 8 27 1 28 27 290 Percent 31.38% 7.93% 29.31% 2.76% 9.31% 0.34% 9.66% 9.31% 100% Total Total 11 114 125 Percent 8.8% 91.2% 100% NJIT student course evaluations In-class or in-studio peer assessment by NJIT faculty or administrator Departmental assessment of student outcomes (term paper, design project Total Total 126 7 23 156 Percent 80.77% 4.49% 14.74% 100% I am current student/employee at NJIT Personal contact from an NJIT employee Public advertisement Total Q.2.Which of the following did the hiring process involve? (check all that apply) Submission of resume/portfolio Telephone interview with chair or program director Face-to-face interview with chair or program director Telephone interview with other departmental or college administrator Face-to-face interview with other departmental or college administrator Interview with search committee Interview with faculty Reference check Q.3.How was your per-course salary determined? Negotiated Fixed by per course budget Q.4.How is your performance evaluated? (check all that apply) Q.5.How many courses do you typically teach as an adjunct faculty member at NJIT per semester? Total Percent 1 77 61.11% 33 26.19% 2 11 8.73% 3 5 3.97% 4 0 0% 5 or more 126 100% Total Q.6.In which college or school did you teach in Academic Year 2011-2012? (check all that apply) Total Percent Newark College of Engineering 49 38.28% 11 8.59% School of Management 35 27.34% College of Science and Liberal Arts College of Architecture and Design College of Computing Sciences Total 23 10 128 17.97% 7.81% 100% Q.7.How would you best characterize your role in the development of course(s) taught at NJIT? (If Total Percent 60 31.41% Provided with text and syllabus; minimal changes expected 28 14.66% Asked to modify existing syllabus 53 27.75% Old syllabus provided as guidance for thorough overhaul 50 26.18% Created entirely new course 191 100% Total Q.8.What type(s) of courses have you taught as an adjunct faculty member at NJIT? (check all that Total Percent 61 21.71% Undergraduate required course (GUR) 49 17.44% Undergraduate course offered for departmental discipline 62 22.06% Required course for a degree major 36 12.81% Elective (advanced) course for a degree major 39 13.88% Graduate required course 34 12.1% Graduate elective course 281 100% Total Q.9.During the 2011-2012 academic year, were you also employed outside NJIT? Total Another part-time academic position 19 Part-time non-academic position 10 58 Full-time non-academic position 39 No outside employment 126 Total Percent 15.08% 7.94% 46.03% 30.95% 100% Q.10.During the spring semester 2012, if you taught at another institution as well as NJIT, how many courses did you teach at the other institution this past spring? Total 1 3 8 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 or more 17 Total Percent 17.65% 47.06% 11.76% 11.76% 11.76% 100% Q.11.If you are teaching elsewhere as well, which of the following did the hiring process involve? Total Percent 16 33.33% Submission of resume/portfolio Interview with chair or program director 17 35.42% 1 2.08% Interview with search committee 6 12.5% Interview with faculty 8 16.67% Reference check 48 100% Total Q.12.What is the highest degree you have attained (check all that apply)? Bachelor's Master's Ph.D. Other professional degree (e.g.,M.B.A., J.D., M. Arch) Total Total 16 77 34 23 150 Percent 10.67% 51.33% 22.67% 15.33% 100% Q.13.Are you an NJIT alumnus or alumna? Yes No Total Total 53 71 124 Percent 42.74% 57.26% 100% Q.14.What is the primary reason you have decided to serve at NJIT as an adjunct faculty member? Total Percent Prefer part-time work 7 5.47% 60 46.88% Personal commitment to education/ students/ NJIT 5 3.91% Need part-time work to fit with demands of family life 10 7.81% Could not get full-time position 28 21.88% Teach in my academic field 18 14.06% Other (Please Specify) 128 100% Total Q.15.As an adjunct faculty member, which of the following did NJIT and/or your department provide Total Percent 61 17.48% Libraires and other scholarly resources 17 4.87% Private office space 51 14.61% Shared office space 30 8.6% Computer and printer 27 7.74% Telephone 48 13.75% Copy machine 53 15.19% Administrative support 4 1.15% Funds for travel to conferences 29 8.31% Professional development and training (including use of Moodle, ITMS) 9 2.58% Mentoring 10 2.87% Fitness center 0 0% Day care 10 2.87% Other (Please Specify) 349 100% Total Q. 16 As a part-time adjunct faculty member at NJIT, did you? Often Sometim Never # # # % Help develop courses in 24 40 62 31.75% Serve on faculty 10 17 96 78.05% Attend faculty 24 59 42 47.2% 14 80.99% Vote at faculty meetings 9 98 Total Percent 126 123 125 121 - Q.17.As a part-time adjunct faculty member at NJIT, how many hours per week, on average per class, were you EXPECTED to spend advising students outside of class, either face-to-face or Total Percent None 40 31.5% 1 29 22.83% 2 33 25.98% 14 11.02% 3 7 5.51% 4 4 3.15% 5 or more 127 100% Total Q.18.As a part-time adjunct faculty member at NJIT, how many hours per week, on average per Total Percent None 8 6.3% 1 42 33.07% 2 30 23.62% 3 4 5 or more Total 29 8 10 127 Q.19.How many hours per week do you devote to your own outside scholarly, creative, or Total No outside work 8 26 1-5 hours 21 6-10 hours 14 11-20 hours 57 more than 20 hours 126 Total 22.83% 6.3% 7.87% 100% Percent 6.35% 20.63% 16.67% 11.11% 45.24% 100% Q.20.Have you performed funded research at NJIT as an adjunct? Total Total 5 118 123 Percent 4.07% 95.93% 100% Total Total 22 84 20 1 127 Percent 17.32% 66.14% 15.75% 0.79% 100% Yes No Q.21.Are you teaching at NJIT this semester (fall 2012)? no yes, as an Adjunct yes, as an University Lecturer yes, as Tenure-Track faculty Q.22.Considering all aspects of working as a part-time adjunct faculty member at NJIT, please rate Total Percent 1 0.79% Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied 10 7.94% Okay 34 26.98% 52 41.27% Satisfied 29 23.02% Very satisfied 126 100% Total Q. 23 Thank you for completing this survey! Please feel free to comment on any other aspects of Total Percent 58 -