Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of the I. Convening of the meeting

Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of the
New Jersey Institute of Technology
April 3, 2013
Presiding: Priscilla P. Nelson, Chair of the Faculty Council
Convening of the meeting
Dr. Priscilla Nelson
With a quorum present, the meeting was convened at 2:48 PM.
Chair’s Report
Dr. Priscilla Nelson
Priscilla Nelson introduced the agenda for the meeting which was to consider a motion
brought forward by Dr. Richard Sher to approve the shared governance document.
The motion read:
Motion in accordance with the Board of Trustees Resolution with the Shared Model of
April 2011 that the Faculty of NJ Institute of Technology approved. The establishment
of a new system of shared governance where faculty senate is replacing the faculty
council and the university senate as defined in the following four documents.
Shared Documents
Constitution of Faculty Senate
Faculty Bylaws
Constitution of University Senate
Upon establishment of the new system of shared governance the Faculty Handbook
shall be modified accordingly including replacing faculty council with faculty senate
and replacing faculty council bylaws with the constitution of faculty senate and faculty
senate bylaws. The motion was amended to fix typographical errors and repeat of a line
in section 3.2.2.
The Motion was seconded.
Dr. Nelson passed ballots to the voting members. A 2/3 vote is necessary to pass the
new governance system. The floor was open for discussion. Several Faculty members
including Dr. Golub and Dr. Walid discussed their views.
The final motion was passed by a secret vote of 125 yes, 3 no and 2 abstain.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:31 PM.
Dr. Tamara Gund, Secretary