Learning Community vs Non-Learning Community:Highlights LC Q.1.Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience at NJIT? Non_LC N=124 N=56 Satisfied/Very satisfied 63.41% Q. 2 On a scale from 1-5 where 1 indicates you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree, please respond to the following statements: I feel that I belong to the NJIT community. I have made friends at NJIT upon whom I can rely. Most of my friends have the same major as me. I am able to integrate what I have learned in different courses related to my major. I have confidence that I have mastered the material covered in my courses. I am comfortable in the university environment. NJIT provides the academic resources I need to succeed. Difference 53.57% 9.84% Agree/Strongly Agree 62.90% 47.27% 82.26% 80.35% 59.68% 35.72% 47.16% 44.64% 41.47% 46.43% 65.32% 60.71% 57.26% 65.46% 15.63% 1.91% 23.96% 2.52% -4.96% 4.61% -8.20% 16-20,>20hrs 5.69% 10.90% 4.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.32% 5.36% 3.22% 0.00% 18.85% 12.50% 8.13% 5.36% -5.21% 4.07% 0.00% 1.96% 3.22% 6.35% 2.77% Agree/Strongly Agree 70.16% 42.86% 71.55% 37.03% 38.71% 12.50% 27.30% 34.52% 26.21% Q. 3 Please identify the number of hours per week you spend on each of the following activities: (# of hrs.) Studying alone Studying in a group Talking with instructors outside of class Talking with other students about my classes Participating in university clubs or groups Hanging out/ socializing with friends Visiting Social Network Sites Q. 4 Please rate the following questions: Overall my academic advisor has been helpful. My academic advisor provides me with useful information. I have regular interactions with my academic advisor. Q. 5 Please rate the following questions: I have improved my study skills since coming to NJIT I feel comfortable asking questions in class I see connections among my classes (e.g., learning in one class supported or expanded on what I learned in another class). I see connections between my personal experiences and class learning.(e.g., material learned seems relevant) I have enhanced my knowledge of career choices in my field of study Work or other scheduling conflicts prevent me from participating in LC activities Q.6.Please indicate your satisfaction with your learning community(LC) experience: Agree/Strongly Agree 62.10% 35.72% 57.72% 48.22% 46.78% 43.64% 3.14% 54.84% 51.78% 67.22% 58.93% 42.74% NA* 3.06% 8.29% Satisfied/Very satisfied 60.48% NA* Q. 7 Please rate the following questions: Overall my peer mentor(s) has been helpful. My peer mentor(s) provides me with useful information. My peer mentor(s) facilitates interactions among learning community participants. My peer mentor(s) has kept me informed about upcoming learning community activities. My peer mentor(s) has helped me to learn about university resources. My peer mentor(s) has helped me to succeed in my classes. *Note: NA denotes question did not pertain to non-learning community students. 26.38% 9.50% Agree/Strongly Agree 70.16% NA* 73.17% NA* 70.16% NA* 67.74% NA* 69.36% NA* 57.25% NA*