422619_FINAL_Layout 1 4/1/14 5:23 PM Page 33 T R A T E G I C N N U A L D I R E C T I O N S R E P O R T ■ 2 0 1 2 ■ 2 0 1 4 ■ 2 0 1 3 C U L T I V A T I N G Tomorrow’s C u l t i vat i n g S y n e r g y between Life Sciences and Engineering S Y N E R G Y University: ▼ S A Over the past two decades, cascading breakthroughs and advances, particularly in information technology and the life sciences, have created a new interdependence among engineering, the physical sciences, computer science and math, and the biomedical sciences. This convergence of the life and healthcare sciences with the STEM disciplines is one of the major strategic themes for NJIT. 33 422619_FINAL_Layout 1 4/1/14 5:23 PM Page 34 S T R A T E G I C A N N U A L D I R E C T I O N S R E P O R T ■ 2 0 1 2 ■ 2 0 1 4 ■ 2 0 1 3 C U L T I V A T I N G Connection ▼ S Y N E R G Y The Biology Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Eric how human brains control their own behavior. locomotor control in the central nervous system Fortune (above right) studies the mechanisms With an NSF grant, he is studying the neural of weakly electric fish. He examines the cellu- of animal behavior, how their brains work, and mechanisms for cooperative behavior, primarily lar and circuit-level mechanisms by which fish what can be learned from them about how the specific neural mechanisms and compu- cooperate through the control of their electric creatures, including humans, cooperate. He tations that are used in the coordination of vocal field and their locations relative to others of the studies the Andean plain-tailed wren and other behavior between individual wrens. He also same species nearby. species with the goal of better understanding studies the interaction of social behavior and electrospinning as a method to prepare fibrous materials for growth factor delivery and provided an improved method for achieving controlled release of bioactive proteins from electrospun materials. Associate Professor Mesut Sahin (below) is studying development of neural prostheses – devices and technologies for interfacing with the central nervous system. He is developing an inter- Advancing Neural and Tissue Engineering Professor Treena Livingston Arinzeh (left in photo face above) has earned national recognition for her patient’s brain and pioneering adult stem cell research to find ways a computer so that to use biomaterials to re-engineer tissues, espe- the paralyzed indi- a cially using electrospinning, a technique in vidual can control which an electrical charge draws nanoscale his own wheelchair and other equipment without fibers from a liquid. She and Research Professor help from a caregiver. A recent study published in George Collins are currently developing a bio- the Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation logically-inspired material for cartilage tissue re- in collaboration with his former doctoral student pair using a novel, semi-synthetic derivative of Abhishek Prasad ’10, now on the faculty of the cellulose. Her work is supported by grants from University of Miami, demonstrated that forelimb the NSF and the Musculoskeletal Transplant kinetics could be reconstructed by utilizing de- Foundation. A paper by Arinzeh and her former scending voluntary command signals in the dor- student Tonye Briggs ’11 (right in photo above) solateral spinal cord tracts above the point of injury published in the Journal of Biomedical Materials as an alternative to brain-computer interfacing. Research, examined the formulation of emulsion 34 between 422619_FINAL_Layout 1 4/1/14 6:03 PM Page 35 design of effective treatments for trauma, memory biological sciences, studies the relationship be- and sleep disorders. such as short-term depression tween biological rhythms and neuroactive sub- and facilitation contribute to the stances such as neuromodulators, hormones and Assistant Professor Simon Garnier (below) recently generation and control of oscil- neurotransmitters. With NIH grant support, he is launched a new interdisciplinary research group called the Swarm Lab to study the mechanisms grant support from the NIH, he is underlying the coordination of large animal working to understand the struc- groups, such as ant colonies or human crowds, ture and function of neuronal circuits essential for and their applications to complex problems such developing treatments for mental disorders. He is as the organization of pedestrian traffic. He re- developing experimental measurements in the cently collaborated with researchers from the context of a novel mathematical framework to un- Research Center on derstand how synaptic and neuronal dynamics Animal Cognition in contribute to circuit function in oscillatory networks Toulouse, France, in a in the highly accessible crustacean pyloric network. study reported in PLoS S Y N E R G Y latory neuronal activity. With ▼ Jorge Golowasch (below), professor and chair of focus is to understand how synaptic dynamics, C U L T I V A T I N G Professor Farzan Nadim’s (below left) research Computational Biology The methods and characterizations developed can be generalized to more complex networks of the looking into the mechanisms by which neuro- that successfully repli- human brain to describe the emergence of biolog- modulators and the neuronal networks’ own ac- cated the behavior of ical oscillations and their disorders as observed in tivity regulate rhythmic pattern generation to a colony of ants on the move using miniature ro- injury or pathological conditions resulting from de- understand the normal function of the nervous bots. The goal was to discover how individual ants myelinating diseases, disorders of the striatum such system. The capacity to recover stable neuronal when part of a moving colony, orient themselves as Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and autism output following disease or trauma may be of in the labyrinth-like pathways that stretch from spectrum disorders. enormous therapeutic relevance and lead to the their nest to various food sources. Research in the laboratory of Assistant Professor and improvement of engineered tissues for the Cheul Cho (below left), Department of Biomedical repair of myocardial infarcts and other healthcare Engineering, has significant implications for cardiac applications. health, tissue engineering and drug testing. Carried out in collaboration with Research Professor George Collins (below top row, right) and Ali Hussain ’11 (below bottom row, left) and doctoral student Derek Yip (not pictured), the results of this work were reported in an article featured on the cover of BioProfessor of Biomedical Engineering Tara Alvarez technology and Bioengineering. The researchers (above) is continuing her research on the vergeance co-authored “Functional 3-D Cardiac Co-culture system, which controls the inward and outward Model Using Bioactive Chitosan Nanofiber Scaf- Bryan Pfister (above), associate professor of bio- turning of the eye and supports viewing in depth folds,” which describes an approach to the design medical engineering, is leading a research team and relates to everything from traumatic brain in- investigating physiologicial dysfunction from jury to the ability to wear progressive eyeglass repetitive mild head injury with funding from lenses. With NSF support, she is currently devel- Rutgers Medical School; New Jersey Commission oping an integrated portable neurovisual assess- on Brain Injury Research. While mild traumatic ment system that will enable basic and clinical brain injury does not cause damage that can be research scientists to assess neurovisual functions revealed by neurological imaging, unknown in normal and impaired populations. The two pri- changes may be inflicted on the brain, particularly mary applications of this project will be to evaluate when repetitive head injuries occur as may happen biomarkers to aid in the diagnosis of mild traumatic in sports or in active military duty. The study, in brain injury and develop new therapies for children collaboration with faculty at New Jersey Medical who suffer from binocular dysfunctions. She has an School, is analyzing changes in neuronal signaling international patent application for a technique to and behavior due to single and repetitive mild predict which individuals cannot adapt to wearing head injuries. The team is developing several progressive lenses (bifocals without the line) with methods for measuring changes in neurons and funding from Essilor International, Paris, France. neural circuits and linking them to behavioral impairments in learning, memory and motor function. 35 422619_FINAL_Layout 1 4/1/14 5:23 PM Page 36 S T R A T E G I C A N N U A L D I R E C T I O N S R E P O R T ■ 2 0 1 2 ■ 2 0 1 4 ■ 2 0 1 3 Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering Bharat Biswal (below standing) focuses his research C U L T I V A T I N G on mapping the brain’s activity using non-invasive functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to study how different regions of the brain communicate while the brain is at rest and not performing any active task. He and research associates (below) Suril Gohel (center) and Rui Yan (right) are cur- Technologies ▼ S Y N E R G Y Developing Diagnostic rently working to determine the biophysical Research Assistant Professor aspects of aging using fMRI in a project funded by Alokik Kanwel (above left) and the NIH through New Jersey Medical School. They Reginald Farrow (above right), are testing and quantifying the neural and hemo- research professor of physics, dynamic components to identify neural and vas- lead a research team of physi- cular mechanisms that cause older subjects to cists and chemists developing a prototype lab-on- have altered brain activation in comparison to a-chip that would someday enable a physician to young subjects. detect disease or virus from just one drop of liquid, including blood. A paper describing their carbon nanotube-based device to noninvasively and quickly detect mobile single cells was published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Syamala Pillai ’13 (below) took first place in the International Society of Engineering Graduate Poster Contest for her poster describing a new, noninvasive technique for diagnosing fungal infections, a serious health threat for immune-compromised patients. Her team synthesized highly fluorescent derivatives of antifungal drugs that bind themselves to fungal cells, rendering them fluorescent and allowing diagnostic imaging. Laurent Simon (below), associate professor of chemical, biological and pharmaceutical engineer- Creating ing, focuses on research that assists pharmaceutical companies in the development of innovative drug- Pharmaceutical delivery technologies. One recent study involved the distribution of timolol, a beta-blocker, in the Technologies Doctoral student Afolawemi Afolabi (above) won third place at the technical research exhibit of the National Society of Black Engineers for his presentation, “Batch and Continuous Production of Stable Dense Nanoparticle Suspensions via Wet 36 Stirred Media Milling.” Based on his PhD thesis re- skin layers. He created a virtual environment to help search and supported by the NSF Engineering Re- predict patch performances, at early design stages, search Center for Structured Organic Compounds, and determine the time elapsed before reaching a the study focuses on the formation and stabiliza- desired delivery rate. Another project identified tion of drug nanoparticle suspensions. Assistant chemicals that improve skin permeability to facili- Professor Ecevit Bilgili is his advisor. tate transdermal delivery of large drug molecules. 422619_FINAL_Layout 1 4/8/14 4:01 PM Page 37 S T R A T E G I C A N N U A L D I R E C T I O N S R E P O R T ■ 2 0 1 2 ■ 2 0 1 4 ■ 2 0 1 3 NJ-HITEC is the leading Regional Extension Cen- Stephen Pemberton received a ter in the nation with more than 7,900 member very positive review of his book, physicians, and more than 6,600 live on an The Bleeding Disease: Hemophilia EHR system. Donald H. Sebastian, NJIT’s senior and the Unintended Conse- vice president for research and development, is quences of Medical Progress, in principal investigator. the prestigious American Histori- Connections Songhua Xu (below), assistant professor of infor- project exploring how genetics was understood, mation systems, uses advanced computer tech- appropriated, and advanced by 20th-century physi- niques to build human-centered applications in cians engaged in preclinical and clinical research information retrieval and management, web involving blood and diseases of the blood; from the search, and data mining for biomedical applica- use of biochemistry and animal models to the in- tions. He is currently collaborating with researchers corporation of the techniques of molecular biology ▼ into blood work, hematologists played a significant S Y N E R G Y Healthcare cal Review. He is currently working on a research C U L T I V A T I N G Associate Professor of History role in the formation of genetic medicine in the 20th century. New Jersey Health Information Technology Extension Center (NJ-HITEC) and NJIT successfully partnered to bring Health Information Technology (Health IT) to students by assisting them in creat- at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on an NIH- ing individual electronic Personal Health Records funded project to data mine the web in the envi- (PHRs) at the Campus Atrium in Newark. More ronmental cancer risk domain. The team will than 500 students kicked off getting “Health IT develop dedicated cyber-informatics algorithms Connected” by participating in this event through and tools to automatically search online sources entering their medical information through Med- for retrieving and integrating contents related to icat, the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system individuals’ cancer history and spatiotemporal en- selected by NJIT. New Jersey Commissioner of vironmental exposure profiles. The system will syn- Health Mary O’Dowd (left standing), looks on as a thesize this information to accelerate knowledge student inputs her medical information. Estab- discovery on environmental cancer risk change lished by at NJIT and directed by William O’Byrne, due to an individual's migration activities. Doctoral student Maxx University and the University of Puerto Rico, computing to understand emergent phenomena in Capece earned a first- Mayaguez. Rajesh Dave (below), distinguished molecular biology, he seeks to decipher microscopic place prize in a compe- professor of chemical engineering, lead investiga- mechanisms accounting for protein stability and for tition sponsored by the tor at NJIT, heads a team developing engineered the formation of secondary structure in peptides, to Catalent Institute for a organic particulate ma- understand the role of water in the energetics and paper reviewing appli- terials unique conformations of proteins, and to unravel how pro- cations of dry-polymer properties suitable for teins interact with each other. The ultimate goal is control release drug delivery technologies on the drug product formula- the rational design of drugs for medical purposes. particulate scale. His entry showcased insights on tions and drug delivery. A recent study published in Physical Review Letters enabling a broader range of controlled-release ap- He recently led a team highlighted a unifying microscopic mechanism for plication to dose forms such as film strips, solid of NJIT graduate stu- pressure and cold denaturations. oral dispersible tablets and liquid oral suspensions. dents that developed a technology designed to with Rajesh Dave, distinguished professor of chemical mask the most challenging, unpleasant and bit- engineering, is his advisor. ter-tasting pharmaceutical active ingredients. The technology has been exclusively licensed by Catal- Technologies designed to produce better medi- ent Pharma Solutions. cines and improve the ways in which drugs are manufactured are the work of the NSF-supported Cristiano Dias, assistant professor of physics, (right) Engineering Research Center for Structured Or- with graduate student Chitra Narayanan, special- ganic Particulate Systems (C-SOPS), a collabora- izes in theoretical and computational biophysics. tion among NJIT, Rutgers University, Purdue Using physical models and high performance 37