Mallee CMA and Mallee Waterwatch Rivers and Wetlands Data Report 2009-2010 Monitoring outcomes at key project sites. Project Partners Mallee CMA and Mallee Waterwatch Rivers and Wetlands Data Report 2009 - 2010 Monitoring outcomes at key project sites. Foreword This Rivers and Wetlands Data Report for the Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) collates water quality, flora and fauna data collected by a wide range of dedicated people, including Mallee CMA staff, contractors, consultants and volunteers. We would particularly like to thank the growing number of community volunteers who have given their time and skills in pursuit of increasing local environmental knowledge. Volunteers have been involved in monitoring water quality and observing birds and macro-invertebrates, as well as collecting data to help populate the state-wide Aquatic Value Identification Risk Assessment (AVIRA) project, run by the Department of Sustainability and Environment. Data collected by community members is extremely valuable to Natural Resource Management (NRM) programs. Information can help guide decisions on future projects and can also be used to measure the success of existing projects. Without community volunteers, the number of sites monitored and the number of samples taken throughout the year would be limited due to costs, time and personnel. Community volunteers therefore help to strengthen monitoring programs and significantly increase data. Our enthusiastic volunteers also gain an increased sense of stewardship over their local water bodies, as well as increased general knowledge. Thank you once again and we look forward to working with you in the future to help protect and improve our Mallee waterways. Peter Kelly Manager Rivers & Wetlands, Mallee CMA Published by: Mallee Catchment Management Authority PO Box 5017 Mildura 3502 Telephone 03 5051 4377 Facsimile 03 5051 4379 Email © State of Victoria, Mallee Catchment Management Authority 2010. This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the Mallee Catchment Management Authority and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purpose and, therefore, disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence that may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Maps contain Department of Sustainability and Environment data. Contents Introduction 2 Regional Map 6 Case Studies 7 Margooya Lagoon Kings Billabong Sandilong Lindsay Island Mulcra Island Wallpolla Island Hattah Lakes 7 10 14 18 22 24 28 Frontage Action Plans 30 Nyah to Robinvale Robinvale to Merbein Merbein to SA Border 30 32 34 Additional Monitoring Locations Foster Street Drain - DFO500 & Foster Street Settling Pond - PFO600 Cowanna Bend Billabong - BYE350 Bonyaricall Creek - CBO500 Cardross Lake South - LCA500 Koorlong Lake North - LKO500 Barber’s Dam - DBA500 Lake Ranfurly Drain - LRA501 Badman Home Bore - OPI500 References 36 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 Introduction The Rivers and Wetlands 2009 - 2010 Data Report covers the period of January 1st, 2009 to June 30th, 2010. It collates water quality data collected by Mallee Waterwatch community volunteers during this time. It also includes flora and fauna data collected by the Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Rivers and Wetlands Unit and contractors. This report is a continuation of the Mallee Waterwatch Data Reports published in 2007 and 2008. The Rivers and Wetlands 2009 - 2010 Data Report has been written to serve two main purposes: to acknowledge the dedication of community volunteers in monitoring local water bodies; and to serve as a reporting tool for river and wetland health monitoring across the Mallee region undertaken by the Mallee CMA and community volunteers. This report will also allow water quality, flora and fauna data to be shared with the wider community. 2 The Mallee CMA’s Rivers and Wetlands Unit The goal of the Rivers and Wetlands Unit is “to protect and improve waterway, wetland and floodplain health, taking account of the ecosystem and recreational services these provide to the people of the Mallee and other users downstream” (Mallee Regional Catchment Strategy, 2003). The Rivers and Wetlands Unit is responsible for many core projects including: • the implementation of riparian and waterway works and activities; • the implementation of complementary works and activities to maximise water management benefits; • activities aimed at improved wetland and environmental water reserve (EWR) management in the Mallee; and • activities aimed at protecting priority refugia, critical habitats and significant vegetation communities affected by, or at risk from, continuing dry climatic conditions. Another core project of the Rivers and Wetlands Unit is the continued regional delivery of the Mallee Waterwatch Program to improve community awareness of, and engagement in, river and wetland health management issues and to assist in monitoring key projects. Specifically, the Mallee Waterwatch Program provides equipment and training to allow community volunteers to collect local water quality data from a diverse range of natural and artificial water bodies including rivers, creeks, wetlands, dams and bores. In doing so, Mallee Waterwatch aims to build up a water quality database that is credible, accepted and used. Data Confidence Water quality data collected by community members under the Mallee Waterwatch Program is quality controlled by strict monitoring guidelines and regular performance testing. The Mallee Waterwatch Data Confidence Plan can be viewed on the Mallee CMA’s website: The guidelines set out in this plan ensure that the Mallee Waterwatch Program produces credible data of a known quality by promoting professionalism, skills and achievements of community volunteers. An integral part of the Data Confidence Plan is the Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) component, in which Waterwatch monitors (including Mallee CMA staff) test their accuracy and skill level against unknown solutions. QA/QC was carried out in February 2009 with 18 monitoring groups participating and again in July 2009 with 14 monitoring groups participating. Results from February’s QA/QC event were excellent, while results from July’s QA/QC event needed improvement due to technical problems. Horiba calibration methods were carefully scrutinised and improved upon after the July QA/QC event. Details of the QA/QC results can be obtained by contacting the Mallee Waterwatch Program at the Mallee CMA (03) 5051 4377. Index of Stream Condition 2009 Managed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), the Index of Stream Condition (ISC) is a state-wide program that monitors the health of Victorian rivers and tributaries. A total of 1,040 river reaches, representing 26,000 km, are monitored for hydrology, water quality, streamside zone, physical form and aquatic life. The Mallee Waterwatch Program and its community volunteers were asked to contribute water quality data to the ISC project in 2009, as monitoring was already occurring at some ISC chosen sites. In addition to the regular salinity, pH and turbidity data collection, volunteers also collected a small water sample for lab analysis of total phosphorous. Index of Wetland Condition Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Water pH pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline water is on a scale from 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acidic, 14 is the most alkaline and 7 is neutral. pH measurements follow a logarithmic scale so that for every one unit away from neutral there is a ten fold increase in intensity. Again managed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment, the Index of Wetland Condition (IWC) is a state-wide program that monitors the health of Victorian wetlands. The IWC was designed to assess the condition of wetlands, identify wetland threats, set appropriate management options and targets and evaluate management effectiveness. The pH of fresh water usually lies in the range 6.5 to 8.2, although wide variations can occur because of catchment geology. Changes in pH outside the normal range of a water body can cause the loss of sensitive species. Extremely high pH values (alkaline) can effect larval and egg development. Extremely low pH values (acidic) can burn skin and effect oxygen uptake. With the help of botanists, Mallee CMA Rivers and Wetlands Unit staff assessed close to 100 wetlands during November 2009. Wetlands included Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands, the Hattah Lakes, Lake Tyrell, Belsar Island, the Raak Plain, the Pink Lakes, Outlet Creek (Wyperfeld National Park), Burra Creek, and Vinifera Forest. A common cause of extremely low pH occurs in catchments with acid sulphate soils that have been exposed to the atmosphere by mining, urban development or drought. During high rainfall or flooding events, these acids come into contact with water bodies, causing acidity in water to rise. On the other hand, nutrient pollution causing excessive growth of algae and other plants can cause alkalinity to rise. Assessments included indicators such as soil disturbance, hydrology, nutrient inputs, physical changes to the wetland, surrounding land use, and vegetation including tree health and weed invasion. Many of the wetlands assessed had received environmental water and therefore had very healthy vegetation communities. In the Mallee region, pH is usually slightly alkaline (pH 7-9) due to the geology of the land, especially the calcareous Woorinen formation. These soils contain calcium carbonate which is picked up by surface water as it passes through the landscape. Cont’d.. 3 Introduction Cont’d.. Salinity Salinity refers to the concentration of dissolved salts, or ions, in a body of water. These ions include sodium, calcium and chloride. The survival of some plants and animals is dependent on salinity being within a certain range, varying for each species. Changes in salinity levels will therefore result in changes in the variety and types of species found. Salinity can be measured by recording the flow of electricity, which indicates the total amount of dissolved ions, and recorded in electrical conductivity (EC) units. Salinity is a naturally occurring phenomenon in the Mallee landscape. However, through the removal of deep rooted vegetation, such as native trees, and an increase in irrigation, salinity has become problematic. With more water infiltrating the soil, the water table rises. As this water moves towards the surface it brings with it large amounts of salt from underground storage. As the water evaporates, concentrations of salt remain and can then move into surface waters such as rivers, lakes and wetlands. Salinity levels recorded by Mallee Waterwatch vary considerably depending on the type of water body and its connectivity to ground water (which is naturally highly saline). Levels along the Murray River within the sampling period of January 2009 to June 2010 recorded an average of 96 EC. This is considered low given that rivers are the only way for salt to be transported out of the MurrayDarling Basin. Ground water near the township of Murrayville, as recorded by Waterwatch volunteer Bernie Badman, averaged 1,650 ECs, while Margooya Lagoon water averaged 175 ECs (a decrease in salt levels from data collected in 2008 which averaged 571 ECs). See individual site pages for further information on EC levels. 4 Turbidity Turbidity refers to the cloudiness or murkiness of water due to the presence of suspended solids. It is measured in standard nephlometric turbidity units (NTUs) which are determined by the amount of light scattered by these suspended solids. Normal levels of turbidity can vary from less than 1 in clear pristine streams to greater than 200 in murky rivers after flood events. Suspended solids can be soil sediments, algae, phytoplankton and/or waste discharge. High turbidity levels can cause water to lose its ability to support a large variety and number of aquatic organisms. This is due to reduced light penetration, limiting plant growth and thus affecting fish and invertebrate numbers. The reduction in photosynthesis also lessens the amount of oxygen available in the water body. High turbidity levels also result in increased water temperature because the suspended material absorbs heat from the sun. Vegetation along streams, improved farming practices such as contouring, water ponding and stubble retention, eliminating the pest fish species carp (that stir up bed sediments) and the effective treatment of effluent from sewage works can all help to reduce turbidity levels. Improved management of stormwater run-off with constructed wetlands, such as those at Etiwanda, can also help to reduce turbidity levels in the main waterways. Again, turbidity results across the water monitoring sites varied considerably due to type of water body, flow of water, presence or non-presence of carp, bank condition and adjacent land use. The average turbidity level of Murray River monitoring sites from January 2009 to June 2010 was 30 NTU, which is considered ‘good’ for a low lying river. Phosphorus Phosphorus is a key element necessary for the growth of plants and animals. Phosphorus is present in waterways as soluble phosphates, phosphorus bound to sediments, and phosphates occurring in living organisms. The Mallee Waterwatch program uses a colour comparator in the field to test for the soluble form of phosphorus (also called reactive phosphorus or ortho-phosphorus). In this test chemicals are used that react with any soluble phosphates in a sample and change their colour. The degree of colour change gives an indication of the amount of soluble phosphate a sample contains. During 2009-10, involvement in the Index of Stream Condition (ISC) project meant selected volunteers were also asked to collect a small sample of water to be sent away and laboratorytested for Total Phosphorous (a measure of all three types of phosphorous found in water bodies). The analytical method used in the laboratory tests was automated flow colorimetry. Phosphorus becomes problematic when levels are too high and therefore unnatural for that environment. Algal blooms, excessive growth of aquatic weeds, and loss of species diversity can occur. These are all symptoms of eutrophication, where excess nutrients stimulate excess plant growth. Abundant plant growth can then lead to increases in pH and turbidity, the production of toxins (from algal blooms), variances in odours and changes in the variety and numbers of aquatic species of plants and animals. Monitor Lizard Naturally, phosphorous enters a water body from processes such as the weathering of rocks and the decomposition of organic matter. Major human-influenced sources of phosphorus include fertiliser run-off from agricultural land, partially treated or untreated sewage and detergents. Stormwater carrying excess organic matter (grass clippings, swept leaves and dog faeces), detergents (car washing) and lawn fertilisers can also increase the level of phosphorous in water. Soluble phosphate levels in Mallee waterways are usually low (0.0 - 0.01 mg/L), although spikes of higher levels occur occasionally (>0.25 mg/L). It is common to see a high level of phosphate coincide with a high turbidity reading due to the nutrient content of suspended solids and/or direct nutrient leaching from surrounding land and river banks after rainfall events. Algal blooms were recorded in the Murray River during March and April of 2009 and again, in March and April of 2010. These blooms were most likely the result of reduced inflows, low velocity of flow, warm water temperatures and an increased availability of soluble nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen. Dam releases also often spread algae downstream, as dams provide the perfect living conditions for algae. Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen (DO) is critical to aquatic life and refers to the amount of gaseous oxygen dissolved in an aqueous solution. Oxygen can enter water one of three ways; as a by-product of photosynthesis by aquatic plants; from diffusion from the surrounding air; and by aeration or rapid movement of the water. The Mallee Waterwatch program uses an electronic meter that converts signals from a probe to units of DO in milligrams per litre. The meter takes temperature into account and is very quick in relation to other methods. While DO levels were recorded by the various monitoring groups, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the data due to the nature of fluctuating levels over the course of the day. However, measuring the DO levels remains important as readings greater than 10.0 mg/L or lower than 5.0 mg/L can trigger further investigations into the health of the particular waterbody. In fish, excessive DO levels (greater than 10.0 mg/l) can block the flow of blood through the blood vessels causing death. Aquatic invertebrates are also affected by this gas bubble disease but at levels higher than those lethal to fish. DO levels lower than 5.0 mg/l can put aquatic life under stress as oxygen is a necessary element for life. There can be an increased susceptibility to disease, poor growth and poor feeding efficiency. DO levels that remain below 2.0 mg/l for only a few hours can result in large fish kills. DO levels fluctuate seasonally and over a 24 hour period, and are dependant on altitude and the amount of aquatic plants and animals. Cold water holds more oxygen than warm water and water holds less oxygen at higher altitudes. Large algal blooms increase oxygen because of increased photosynthesis, while large blooms of zooplankton and other pond organisms, as well as the decay of organic matter, can decrease oxygen levels. 5 Regional Map Tadpole Note: site codes are for identification purposes only. 6 Case Study - Margooya Lagoon Area Description Margooya Lagoon covers approximately 32 hectares and is located in Beggs Bend State Forest, six kilometres upstream of Robinvale. It is connected to the Murray River by a small channel known locally as Talia Creek, and is under the influence of the Lock 15 Euston weir pool. Margooya Lagoon is fringed by intermittent swampy woodland, dominated by River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and Eumongs (Acacia stenophylla). Project Description After six decades of permanent inundation from the Lock 15 weir pool, Margooya Lagoon has been restored to a wet and dry water regime through the installation of an environmental regulator on Talia Creek. The regulator was designed to increase the flooding extent upon re-wetting. A comprehensive monitoring program has been established for this site, carried out by community members and staff from DSE and Mallee CMA. Monitoring includes vegetation transects, surface water quality monitoring, groundwater level monitoring, frog and fish surveys, photopoint monitoring, tree health monitoring, and bird surveys. • an increase in habitat options for aquatic species and waterbirds due to increased diversity and abundance of submerged and emergent wetland plants. Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna Bird observations at Margooya Lagoon include those undertaken by a community group, the Mid-Murray Field Naturalists. The observations showed that Margooya Lagoon supports several rare and threatened species including the birds White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), Diamond Firetails (Stagonopleura guttata) and Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus), as well as the plants Twin-leaf Bedstraw (Galium bifolium) and Spreading Emu-bush (Eremophila divaricata). Aquatic macro-invertebrate (water bugs) surveys carried out in spring 2009 saw a significant increase (approximately 2,000) in individuals compared to the surveys of spring 2008. The variety of animals, however, was similar. The highly sensitive mayfly nymph, which was not present in surveys of 2008, was present in 2009, demonstrating a healthier wetland system. • the elimination of carp in the dry phase, thereby increasing opportunities for re-colonisation by native fish; • cementation of wetland sediments in the dry phase, resulting in clearer water upon re-flooding, which allows more light to filter through the water to increase aquatic plant growth; • the introduction of nutrients and plankton upon re-flooding, resulting in increased food for aquatic species and waterbirds; and Number of monitoring sites: 8 Monitored in 09/10 by: Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen The electrical conductivity levels of Margooya Lagoon varied considerably throughout monitoring, with levels raging from below 250 EC to above 2,500 EC. High levels are thought to be due to evaporation during the drying phase, coupled with groundwater intrusion. EC levels vary from site to site as water separated into several disjointed “puddles” of different sizes with different amounts of groundwater intrusion. Turbidity levels within the lagoon decreased through the wetting and drying phases. This would be expected following the exclusion of carp and the hardening of the clay of the lagoon bed after the first drying phase, causing less flocculation of clay particles. This is not the case at site IMA100 which is on the river side of the regulator. Cont’d... Previous to the installation of the regulator, Margooya Lagoon exhibited features typical of permanently inundated wetlands along the Murray River, including a fish population dominated by European Carp, turbid water, low diversity of aquatic plant species, and low habitat diversity for aquatic species and waterbirds. Monitoring at Margooya Lagoon is part of the Mallee CMA Wetland Restoration Program (see box 1 on page14). Preliminary monitoring results have demonstrated that the re-instated wet-dry cycle at Margooya Lagoon has improved the overall ecology of the system through: Monitoring Outcomes - Water Quality Frog eggs The absence of adult carp in Margooya Lagoon upon re-wetting demonstrated the effectiveness of the altered water regime and carp exclusion screens. The fish surveys further outlined the value of the altered water regime in capitalising on Margooya Lagoon’s important role as nursery habitat for native fish. Juvenile Golden and Silver Perch (Macquaria ambigua and Bidyanus bidyanus) entered the wetland upon re-wetting and were found to have pronounced growth rates (approximately 1mm per day between the first survey in December 2009 and the following survey in April 2010) (MDFRC 2010). 7 Case Study - Margooya Lagoon Cont’d. WMA 100 8 WMA 200 WMA 300 Margooya Lagoon IMA100 IMA900 WMA300 WMA100 WMA301 PHOTO POINT WMA101 WMA201 WMA200 PHOTO POINT 9 Case Study - Kings Billabong Area Description The Kings Billabong monitoring area consists of Kings Billabong main and channel, Butlers Creek and Ducksfoot Lagoon. It does not include the southern Psyche Lagoon area which experiences groundwater intrusion and drainage and is therefore heavily affected by salt. Kings Billabong Park is over 2,000 hectares in size and supports a diverse range of flora and fauna species. The reserve is also popular for recreation activities such as canoeing, bike riding, bird watching, walking and camping. Although Kings Billabong is a naturally formed wetland, it has been modified for use as storage for irrigation water. Dammed at its northern reach to isolate it from the river, the billabong is permanently inundated with pumped river water via the Psyche Pumps and associated channel. The Butlers Creek and Ducksfoot Lagoon system is also permanently inundated as it is within the Lock 11 weir pool. Permanent inundation is uncharacteristic for these wetland systems and creates an unhealthy wetland environment. To improve environmental condition of this system, environmental regulators have been built at Baggs Bridge and Jennings Bridge during June/ July 2010. The regulators will re-instate a wet and dry water regime to the wetland system and will eliminate large-bodied carp from re-entering the system when it is refilled, as the regulators will be fitted with carp screens. The regulators have also been designed to enable the flooding extent to be increased upon re-wetting. Project Description program in preparation for the installation of two environmental regulators. This baseline data includes ‘control’ and ‘impact’ sites, and will be a basis for evaluating the response of the wetland to changes in the water regime. Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna Fish surveys were undertaken in autumn and spring 2009 to establish baseline data for the fish community within Butlers Creek and Ducksfoot Lagoon. The survey showed the system supported a fish community typical of a permanently inundated wetland system. It is dominated by small bodied fish including the native Carp Gudgeon (Hypseleotris spp), Un-specked Hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus), Australian Smelt (Retropinna semoni), Flat-headed Gudgeon (Philypnodon grandiceps) and the introduced Gambusia (mosquito fish) (Gambusia holbrooki), while Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus) are the dominate large bodied fish. Upon installation of environmental regulators, the native fish community is expected to improve and large bodied carp will be prevented from entering the system. A variety of frogs and turtles were recorded at Kings Billabong monitoring sites, including the threatened Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) at Butlers Creek and Ducksfoot Lagoon. The environmental regulators will facilitate frog breeding through fluctuation of the water heights. Monitoring Outcomes - Water Quality Monitoring at King Billabong is part of the Mallee CMA Wetland Restoration Program (see box 1 on page 14). Parameters monitored include surface water quality, wetland vegetation composition and macro-invertebrate, fish and frog communities. Volunteers are involved in the monitoring of surface water quality and macroinvertebrates. Number of monitoring sites: 7 Monitored in 09/10 by: Bernadette Chaplin, Marion & Geoff Humphries, Craig Millard, Coral Whitfield, Jan Wilson, Ken & Joanne Chapple, Marjory Donnellan & Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 3 & 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, aquatic macro-invertebrates Water quality monitoring with Mallee Waterwatch first commenced at Kings Billabong Park in August 1999, with one site continually monitored now for nearly 10 years. In August 2009, seven additional sites were added to the monitoring Salinity levels across the Kings Billabong area were slightly variable in the 09-10 monitoring period, but never much higher than 200 ECs, which is considered low. Given that the water 10 in Kings Billabong is pumped directly from the Murray River, the salinity results are similar to river salinity results. The low results indicate that there is probably no groundwater intrusion occurring. Salinity is expected to increase slightly in Ducks Foot Lagoon and Butlers Creek during the drying phase as water evaporates, concentrating the salts. Upon re-wetting the salinity is expected to be restored. The pH levels remained constant, between 7 and 8 (slightly alkaline). A detailed assessment carried out in Butlers Creek and Ducks Foot Lagoon system concluded that there was minimal risk of acidification if the system was allowed to dry (MDFRC, 2010). During summer 2009, Kings Billabong experienced a high turbidity reading at two sites, which may have been due to increased carp activity. Otherwise, turbidity levels across all sites are of good quality. It is noted that water temperatures in summer and autumn of 2010 were slightly hotter than summer and autumn of 2009 for sites BKI400 and BKI500. At site BKI700 autumn 2010 temperature is also higher than autumn 2009. “Water temperature could be affected by carp activity, which muddies the water. Turbid water absorbs more heat from the sun than clear water. The drying of Ducks Foot Lagoon will eliminate the carp population and solidify the sediment. The re-filling phase will exclude large carp from the wetland, which together with the hard surface of the wetland bed, is expected to result in much clearer water. We therefore expect surface water temperature [and turbidity] to drop in Ducks Foot Lagoon under the proposed new water regime” (MCMA, 2009). Cont’d... Macro-invertebrate survey Duckfoot Lagoon Kings Billabong Reserve BKI700 WKI600 Kings Billabong main BKI400 WDF700 WDF670 Ducksfoot Lagoon BKI500 Photo credit: B. Chaplin Kings Billabong Channel 11 Case Study - Kings Billabong Cont’d.. RedRumped Parrots BKI 400 Kings Billabong Mid 12 BKI 500 Kings billabong Channel BKI 700 Butlers Creek North Redcapped Robin Spoonbills WDF 700 Ducksfoot Lagoon North Baggs Bridge wetland Ducksfoot Lagoon 13 Case Study - Sandilong Area Description The Sandilong monitoring area is situated in and around the Riverside Golf Course, 5km east of Mildura. Water body features at the site include Sandilong Creek (a meander of the Murray River cut-off from the main channel but regulated through the use of pipes at both ends), a floodplain billabong (only wet during Murray River floods) and two Murray River backwaters (constantly inundated by the regulated weir pool). Threats to the Sandilong area are significant. The wetland is subject to weed infestation, particularly Spiny Rush (Juncus acutus) and Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum), and the effects of a shallow saline groundwater table. A series of banks across the wetland impede the flow of water and the passage of aquatic fauna between the wetland and the river. Project Description Projects proposed by the Mallee CMA include removing the existing levee walkways over Sandilong Creek and replacing them with fishfriendly culvert walkways, constructing a verminproof fence to protect native plants and animals and implementing a pest plant and animal eradication program. Monitoring at Sandilong is part of the Mallee CMA Wetland Restoration Program (see box 1). As well as the collection of water quality data by the Sunraysia Field Naturalists, Mallee Waterwatch and Mallee CMA staff, monitoring of aquatic macro-invertebrates, vegetation, fish, turtles and frogs occurred. BOX 1 Mallee CMA Wetland Restoration Program The Murray River is a complex and highly modified system consisting of the main river channel and its floodplain. The health of the river is dependent on a healthy functioning floodplain. Wetlands within the floodplain are often described as the kidneys of the river system, flushing and cleaning water as it spills onto the floodplain and returning it to the river afresh. Through river regulation, wetlands have been affected by becoming permanently inundated (where they are connected to the river and low on the floodplain) or by being in a state of extended drought (where they are higher on the floodplain). Both of these water regimes are unnatural. The Mallee CMA Wetland Restoration Program aims to increase the health of wetlands, and therefore the entire river system. Attempts are being made to restore a wet and dry cycle to wetlands to mimic the pre-river regulation water regime. Benefits of re-instating this water regime are well documented. The Mallee CMA Wetland Restoration Program includes a strong monitoring component. Monitoring results help the Mallee CMA to determine the ecological responses of the wetland to on-site projects. Baseline data is collected and monitoring is continued during and after on-site projects. Monitoring may include wetland vegetation transects, River Red Gum tree health assessments, surface water quality monitoring, groundwater monitoring and frog, fish, aquatic macro-invertebrate, reptile and bird surveys. Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna Two surveys were carried out by the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre within the period of this data report - April 2009 and October 2009 to help determine the abundance, diversity and 14 size distribution of fish, turtles and frogs. Freshwater catfish caught in Sandilong Creek included sub-adults and adults, suggesting that breeding and recruitment have occurred successfully in recent years. Results indicate that Sandilong Creek is an important remnant habitat for Freshwater catfish in the Mallee region. Further sampling is recommended to improve our knowledge and understanding of this threatened species. Sandilong Backwaters had the highest diversity of fish compared with other survey sites nearby, such as wetlands in the Kings Billabong area, possibly due to the connection with the Murray River. Monitoring Outcomes - Water Quality Number of monitoring sites: 5 Monitored in 09/10 by: David & Dorothy Robinson, Brian & Anne Smythe, Helen Devilee, Aileen Stewart, Audrey Thornton, Miriam Pywell and Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, macro-invertebrates The pH levels in the Sandilong area appear to be closer to neutral than other sites in the Mallee, with some sites such as CSA900 having pH readings constantly between 6 and 7. Site BWS100 recorded a pH level of 6 (slightly acidic). Turbidity readings were variable but within the good to average range. Variability may be due to rainfall events, carp activity and/or water flow changes. As with turbidity, the salinity readings were also variable but mostly within the low range. The only indication of the effects of a shallow saline groundwater table was the summer 09 EC level at site CSA 000, with a slightly elevated reading of 333 EC’s. Cont’d... Sandilong Creek WSA500 CSA900 CSA000 BWS500 BWS100 15 Case Study - Sandilong Cont’d.. BWS 100 Sandilong Backwater Upstream BWS100 - pH 16 BWS 500 Sandilong Backwater Downstream WSA 500 Sandilong Backwater North WSA500 - pH CSA 000 Sandilong Creek CSA 900 Sandilong Creek West 17 Case Study - Lindsay Island Area Description Lindsay Island is located within the Murray Sunset National Park in the extreme northwest of Victoria, about 85 km west of Mildura. It is formed by the Murray River to the north and the Lindsay River to the south. Smaller anabranches, such as Mullaroo Creek and Toupnein Creek, are also features of the island. Project Description Lindsay Island is part of the larger Chowilla Floodplain and Lindsay-Wallpolla Islands Icon Site under The Living Murray program (see box 2). Lindsay Island is an area of high ecological significance and is listed in the Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia. It provides refuge and resources for a range of flora and fauna; however these communities are under increasing pressure from drought and changes to natural hydrological regimes. Future works at Lindsay Island will include engineered structures designed to enhance and preserve flows within the Lindsay River and Mullaroo Creek, maintaining and improving within-channel habitat diversity, fish passage and riparian vegetation health. The Mallee environmental watering program has been integral in preserving key environmental assets in the short term, while large scale infrastructure solutions are being developed to restore appropriate water regimes in the long term. Lindsay Island has been a part of the environmental watering program since 2005, with priority wetlands and creeks receiving water. A monitoring program has been implemented to demonstrate the outcomes and inform the environmental watering program. BOX 2 Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna The Living Murray program is one of Australia’s largest river restoration programs. It is a joint initiative funded by the New South Wales, Victorian, South Australian, Australian Capital Territory and the Commonwealth governments and coordinated by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. Partner agencies involved include the Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA), the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Parks Victoria, Goulburn-Murray Water and South Australia Water. Wetland vegetation surveys were undertaken at key wetlands across Lindsay Island in January 2010. Scotties Billabong was found to be a floristically diverse site, with 39 wetland species recorded, including many threatened wetland species. Present at Scotties Billabong and listed as ‘vulnerable in Victoria’ under the Victorian Rare or Threatened Species (VROTS) advisory list (see box 3) are the flora species Jerry-jerry (Ammannia multiflora), Bignonia Emu-bush (Eremophila bignoniiflora), Lagoon Spurge (Phyllanthus lacunarius) and Lagoon Nightshade (Solanum lacunarium). (Australian Ecosystems, 2010) The Living Murray The one-billion-dollar river restoration program began in 2003 in response to the declining health of the river system. The Living Murray has initiated the largest environmental works program of its kind in Australia. It will deliver water to more than 37,000 hectares of significant forests, wetlands and lakes of the River Murray at six icon sites along the river. The Mallee is home to two of the six icon sites; the Hattah Lakes Icon Site and the Chowilla Floodplain and Lindsay-Wallpolla Islands Icon Site. Major engineering works include regulators (which have gates that can be opened or closed to allow flooding or drying of wetlands), channels, fishways and levee banks. Condition monitoring has been undertaken at Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands to: • Determine the change in environmental condition of individual assets resulting from water application and the implementation of works programs under The Living Murray, and • Assess whether sustainable native fish, bird and vegetation communities are being maintained across the Icon Sites. This Living Murray Condition Monitoring Program includes monitoring of River Red Gum and Black Box communities, wetlands, floodplain understorey, Lignum, Cumbungi and fish (Henderson et al, 2010). Jerry-jerry 18 Lagoon Nightshade BOX 3 Victorian Rare or Threatened Species (VROTS) - Victorian DSE Conservation Status (Gullan, Cheal and Walsh, 1990) • Presumed Extinct in Victoria: not recorded from Victoria during the past 50 years despite field searches • Endangered in Victoria: at risk of disappearing from the wild state if present land use and other casual factors continue to operate • Vulnerable in Victoria: not presently endangered but likely to become so soon due to continued depletion • Rare in Victoria: rare but not considered otherwise threatened At Webster’s Lagoon a few Hairy Darling-pea (Swainsona greyana) were present. (Australian Ecosystems, 2010) This plant is listed as ‘endangered in Victoria’ under the VROTS (see box 3). Growling Grass Frog Toupnein Creek Lindsay River CTO100 Mullaroo Creek CTO500 RLI600 CMU250 Lindsay Island Toupnein Creek Photo credit: Peter Knyvett 19 Case Study - Lindsay Island Cont’d.. “From these observations it is reasonable to conclude that the environmental watering program made a significant contribution to increasing the resilience and therefore longterm viability of the plant communities and populations of threatened species in the study area.” (Australian Ecosystems, 2010) Also present at Lindsay Island and listed as ‘vulnerable in Victoria’ under VROTS were the birds Eastern Great Egret (Ardea modesta), Grey Goshawk (Accipiter novaehollandiae), Hardhead (Aythya australis) and White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster). The Sunraysia Bird Observers Club carried out the waterbird surveys for the spring 2009 watering program. Great Eastern Egret Grey Goshawk Most excitingly, the Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) was recorded at Scotties Billabong and Websters Lagoon. The Growling Grass Frog is listed as ‘endangered in Victoria’ under VROTS. Tadpoles of three frog species were recorded across the watered wetlands of Lindsay Island, demonstrating the value of watering in facilitating breeding. (Australian Ecosystems,2010) Bony herring were the most abundant large-bodied fish across Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands in 2009/10 fish sampling, followed by non-native Goldfish and Common carp. Golden perch 20 showed a preference to pools, while Murray Cod preferred fast-flowing channels such as Mullaroo Creek. “In view of the ecological objectives for the Icon Site, special attention should be paid to the observed decline in the Murray cod population as well as to the ongoing presence of a strong population of invasive Eastern gambusia” (Henderson et al, 2010). Recreational angling in Mullaroo Creek is a key threat to the sustainability of the Murray cod population at the Icon Site. Monitoring Outcomes - Water Quality Number of monitoring sites: 4 Monitored in 09/10 by: Peter & Rae Knyvett, Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen Electrical conductivity levels at all Lindsay Island monitoring sites are low, ranging from approximately 100 ECs to 300 ECs. pH is mostly constant on the island (7 - 8 pH). pH levels at Lindsay River, Berribee were slightly more varied (approximately 6.8 to 8.8 pH). As is often the case, phosphate levels rise as turbidity levels rise due to the nutrient component of the suspended solid. Good examples of this occurred in autumn 2010 at both Toupnein Creek and Mullaroo Creek. Turbidity levels may have risen as a result of previous rainfall events washing sediments into the waterways from Darling River floods. CMU 250 Mullaroo Creek CTO 500 Toupnein Creek RLI 600 Lindsay River Electrical Conducvity CTO 100 Toupnein Creek 21 Case Study - Mulcra Island Area Description Mulcra Island is located between Lindsay and Wallpolla Islands, approximately 70 km west of Mildura. By river it is half way between the townships of Mildura and Renmark. The island occupies over 3,000 hectares of floodplain between the River Murray in the north and Potterwalkagee Creek in the south. The floodplain provides important breeding and feeding habitat for waterbirds, frogs, fish, turtles and aquatic macro-invertebrates, including the threatened Regent Parrot and Growling Grass Frog. The health of River Red Gums is dependent on regular flood events, but river regulation and a drier climate has reduced these flood events, leaving approximately 80% of trees dead or dying (MDBA, February 2010). The island is also important as a cultural landscape, with recent archaeological investigations uncovering more than 100 new cultural heritage sites, including highly significant shell middens, hearths, isolated artefacts and burial sites. Project Description Mulcra Island is part of the larger Chowilla Floodplain Lindsay-Wallpolla Islands Icon Site for The Living Murray Program (see box 2 on page 18). As with Lindsay Island, river regulation has significantly altered the natural flooding regime of Mulcra Island. While some areas have become permanently inundated, others have become permanently dry or flood less frequently and with altered seasonality. Works completed for Mulcra Island under The Living Murray include the installation of structures such as regulators, which will allow the island’s creeks and wetlands to fill during late winter and spring and then dry through summer and autumn. Up to 800 hectares of floodplain and wetlands will be able to be inundated utilising specific environmental water allocations, the majority of which is returned to the river downstream and able to be delivered in low river flows. Planned works aim to: • open up fish passage and create ideal breeding environment for small and medium sized fish; • provide habitat for many rare and threatened species; and 22 • increase recreational and tourism values of the area. The Mallee Environmental Watering Program has been integral in preserving key environmental assets in the short term while large scale infrastructure solutions will restore and uphold appropriate water regimes in the long term. Mulcra Island was the first location for environmental watering program, with priority wetlands and creeks receiving water since 2004. A monitoring program has been implemented to demonstrate the outcomes and inform the environmental watering program. Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna Following the spring 2009 environmental watering of Mulcra Island, a De Vis’ Banded Snake (Denisonia devisi) was spotted at Potterwalkagee Creek. Until recently the De Vis’ Banded Snake, or Mud Adder, was only found in northern New South Wales and Queensland. The snake favours floodplain habitats with cracked clay soils where it can shelter during the day and come out to feed during the night. The De Vis’ Banded Snake is listed as ‘vulnerable’ in Victoria under VROTS (see box 3 on page 18). “The creek was lined with towering ancient Red Gums and the night was alive with frog calls. As we walked I noted the diversity of vegetation growing along the banks, with dense patches of reeds interspersed with diverse herbfields. We had only been walking for several minutes when to my amazement we spotted a De Vis’ Banded Snake sitting on the very edge of the water in the beam of Adam’s spotlight. It was a beautiful little snake, with strong banded patterning across its back. It was very docile and stayed complete still... ...the sounds of the frogs were now almost deafening in many parts of the creek, especially where there were thick reed beds. We counted five species that night, including the Barking Marsh frog, Common Froglet, and Peron’s Tree Frog.... It was this return of the frogs that was particularly important for the De Vis’ Banded Snake.” (Karl Just - Ecologist) Waterbird surveys undertaken by the Sunraysia Bird Observers Club have shown Mulcra Island supports large wetland bird populations, at times in excess of 1000 individual birds (Australian Ecosystem 2010). During the period from October 2009 until January 2010, Mulcra Island supported a significant diversity of wetland birds, 37 species of which eight were threatened. Wetland vegetation surveys at Mulcra Island recorded Lagoon Spurge (Phyllanthus lacunarius) and Lagoon Nightshade (Solanum lacunarium), both of which are listed as ‘vulnerable in Victoria’ under the VROTS (see box 3 on page 18) (Henderson et al, 2010). At a floodplain scale, across Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands, the Red Gum forest and fringing Red Gum woodland scored consistently better crown condition in 2009/10 than in 2008/09, indicating an overall improvement in Red Gum tree health (Henderson et al, 2010). Monitoring Outcomes - Water Quality Number of monitoring sites: 1 Monitored in 09/10 by: Peter & Rae Knyvett, Monitoring standard: 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen During autumn 2010 there was a spike in the turbidity level at Potterwalkagee Creek which coincided with a spike in the relative phosphate level. Usually averaging around 30 NTU, the turbidity level rose to around 150 NTU, taking it from ‘fair’ quality to ‘poor’ quality. As would be expected, the reactive phosphate level also rose due to the additional nutrients brought into the water by the dirt particles. The spike was most likely due to Darling River floodwaters, March 2010. Electrical conductivity varied slightly but always at a low level indicating ‘good’ water quality. pH levels were normal, as were the temperature levels. This highlights the value of the river operations practice of diverting highly saline early flood flows through lake Victoria via Frenchmans Creek rather than along the Murray River down stream of Lock 9. De Vis’ Banded Snake CPO 400 Potterwalkagee Creek Electrical Conducvity Mulcra Island 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 0.200 Reacve Phosphorus 0.175 0.150 0.125 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 CPO400 0.000 Stoney Crossing 23 Case Study - Wallpolla Island Area Description Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna Wallpolla Island is part of the larger Chowilla Floodplain Lindsay-Wallpolla Islands Icon Site, and is formed by the Murray River to the north and Wallpolla Creek to the south. Smaller anabranches such as Mullaroo, Sandy and Finnigans Creeks are key features of the Island. Aquatic vegetation surveys were undertaken following the spring 2009 delivery of environmental water to Wallpolla Island. Horseshoe Lagoon, which is within Wallpolla Island, was considered a floristically diverse site with 39 wetland species recorded. Flora species included the Umbrella Wattle (Acacia cswaldii), which is ‘vulnerable in Victoria’ under VROTS, and the Spotted Emu-bush (Eremophila maculata) and Mallee cucumber (Mukia micrantha), both of which are ‘rare in Victoria’ under VROTS (See box 3 on page 18). Project Description As with Lindsay and Mulcra Islands, Wallpolla Island has received funding through The Living Murray Program (see box 2 on page 18) for the construction of engineering works and the delivery of environmental water to restore the island to its former glory. Monitoring conducted by Australian Ecosystems found environmental watering resulted in positive flora and fauna outcomes at all wetlands investigated during on-ground monitoring in January 2010 (Australian Ecosystems, March 2010). The Mallee Environmental Watering Program has been integral in preserving key environmental assets in the short term while large scale infrastructure solutions are developed to restore appropriate water regimes in the long term. Wallpolla Island has been part of the environmental watering program since 2005, with priority wetlands and creeks receiving water. Monitoring by the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre has demonstrated the benefits of environmental water in maintaining River Red Gum health and the need for multiple watering in successful years to improve overstory health. “In line with the objectives… pumped environmental water is helping to provide a ‘diversity of structural aquatic habitats and increase the diversity and abundance of wetland aquatic vegetation’, and ‘re-instate communities typical of ephemeral wetlands’. This conclusion is supported by the increased diversity of plant functional groups detected at the group of sites that has received water (which contained a variety of terrestrial, amphibious and aquatic plant species) compared to the group that did not (dominated by terrestrial species).” (Henderson et al, 2010) EWW420 Fauna species classified as ‘vulnerable in Victoria’ under VROTS were found at Horseshoe Lagoon, including the Baillon’s Crake (Porzana pusilla palustris), DeVis’ Banded Snake (Denisonia devisi) and Musk Duck (Biziura lobata). Swans egg and nest Waterbird surveys undertaken by the Sunraysia Bird Observers Club have shown Wallpolla Island supports a significant wetland bird population, at times in excess of 500 individual birds (Australian Ecosystem 2010). Between October 2009 and January 2010, Wallpolla Island supported 39 different species of wetlands birds. Nine of these were classified as threatened species. Wallpolla Creek EWW480 Condition monitoring across Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands indicated that Black Box tree communities are in fair to poor condition. Importantly, monitoring also indicated a decline in the relative abundance of juvenile trees required to sustain populations at current levels (Henderson et al, 2010). Large-scale inundation of floodplain communities by environmental watering would be required to sustain River Red Gum, Black Box and Lignum at Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands (Henderson et al, 2010). Cont’d.. 24 Wallpolla Island Finnigans West and Wallpolla Creek junctio Little Pied Cormorant Ballion’s Crake EWW230 Horseshoe Lagoon EWW100 EWW160 EWW170 EWW320 EWW250 EWW180 on Finnigans East and Wallpolla Creek junction Photo credit: Tony Feist 25 Case Study - Wallpolla Island Cont’d.. EWW 100 Horseshoe Lagoon Pumping Inlet Monitoring Outcomes - Water Quality EWW170 Horseshoe Lagoon Regulator inlet Number of monitoring sites: 9 Monitored in 09/10 by: Ivan Robertson, Tony Feist, Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen levels throughout Wallpolla Island watering sites fluctuated significantly over the 2009-2010 monitoring period, frequently above 10.0 mg/l or below 5 mg/l. Monitoring occurred in both the wetting and drying phases of the watering project. High oxygen levels were most likely the result of increased turbulence due to water pumping. Low oxygen levels may have been caused by a number of factors including increased decomposition of leaf matter that was previously dry, an explosion in zooplankton respiration activity, the absence of plants and therefore the photosynthesis process and/or stagnant water. Graphs are not presented here due to the inability to accurately compare levels over time. EWW 160 Finnigans Creek Inlet As presented in the graphs, high turbidity levels were frequently recorded at various sites across Wallpolla Island. This is to be expected given the way in which water is delivered to the sites (pumped and discharged at high velocity onto previously dry and often bare land). Low to moderate electrical conductivity levels were recorded across the floodplain. . 26 EWW180 Wallpolla Creek East EWW 230 Sandy Lilly Pond Pump Inlet EWW 250 Finnigans East/Wallpolla Junction EWW 320 Finnigans Creek West / Wallpolla Junction EWW 420 Sandy Creek West 27 Case Study - Hattah Lakes Dragonfly Area Description The Hattah Lakes form part of the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park and are located between Mildura and Robinvale. Under natural circumstances, the lake system would be fed by the Murray River during periods of high flow. River regulation however, has changed the timing, duration and frequency of wet and dry phases in the lake system. The mean discharge in the Murray River upstream of Hattah Lakes is thought to be approximately 50% of natural and overbank flooding to Hattah Lakes has only occurred once in the past 13 years (Walters et al, 2010). Due to reduced frequency of flooding to the floodplain, pumping has become a necessary management intervention. The large floodplain and wetland system provides important habitat for a variety of fauna, including migratory birds from as far away as Siberia. Project Description The Hattah Lake system is one of six icon sites identified under The Living Murray Program (see box 2 on page 18), chosen for its environmental, cultural and international significance. The Mallee Environmental Watering Program was initiated in 2005 and has seen these lakes receive environmental water to prevent widespread loss of mature River Red Gum stands, which are fundamental to the fauna community. Future works proposed under The Living Murray program aim to increase the frequency of small floods to every two or three years and larger floods every eight years (when water is available). A condition monitoring program has been implemented to demonstrate the achievements of and inform the environmental watering program at Hattah Lakes. The ecological components monitored in 2008/09 include River Red Gum, Black Box, wetland vegetation, floodplain vegetation, Lignum, Cumbungi and fish. Monitoring Outcomes - Flora & Fauna The Sunraysia Bird Observers’ waterbird observations during the 09-10 monitoring period demonstrated the value of the watering program in the provision of habitat for waterbirds. In excess of 1200 waterbirds were observed at Hattah during this time. 59 species were recorded including the Australasian Shoveler (Anas rhynchotis), the Blue-billed Duck (Oxyura australis), the Hardhead (Aythya australis) the Eastern Grey Egret (Ardea modesta) and the Musk Duck (Biziura lobata). These birds are listed as ‘endangered’ or ‘vulnerable’ on the DSE VROTS advisory list (see box 3 on page 18). Tree Condition April 2005 For the most part, River Red Gum crown condition, epicormic growth and reproductive extent scores improved between 2007 and 2010, indicating an increase in overall condition of trees. Photopoint monitoring has demonstrated this improved condition. Prior to watering, trees appear stressed with minimal foliage, but following the application of environmental water, foliage density has visibly increased - a sign of a recovering tree. Condition monitoring of Black Box trees also indicates an improvement in health. (Walters et al, 2010) A total of 84 wetland understorey species were recorded during 2009/10 surveys, seven of which are listed as rare or threatened in Victoria under VROTS (see box 3 on page 18). (Walters et al, 2010) Most of these rare species were cited at wetlands that had received environmental water. “Monitoring this year has indicated that many of the floodplain species are responsive to rainfall; however, rainfall alone is not sufficient to maintain sustainable floodplain communities. A large-scale flood that inundates the floodplain is required” (Walters et al, 2010). During fish sampling in 2009/10, both Silver perch and Murray cod were present in the wetland and anabranch macro habitats. These two fish are threatened species and have not been previously recorded in Hattah Lakes monitoring. Additionally, the non-native and invasive Eastern gambusia was absent from the samples. Tree Condition February 2007 Photo credit: Shane Southon 28 Apostle Bird Pumping to Chalka Creek Yellow Daisies Choughs Whistling Kite Mallee Ringneck Chalka Creek 29 Frontage Action Plan Nyah to Robinvale Area Description The Murray River Frontage Action Plans (FAPs) were published in 2003 and outline a range of aims and actions to enhance the management of frontages along the Murray River. Aims include reducing recreation and grazing impacts, retaining riparian vegetation, protecting high value flora and fauna habitat and restoring degraded frontages. The Nyah to Robinvale reach extends for approximately 246 kilometres and includes the townships of Nyah, Piangil, Boundary Bend and Robinvale. The area is characterised by a flat to gently undulating landscape with evidence of former stream channels and meanders, accompanied by a broad floodplain area. The major land uses in the area include horticulture, viticulture and pasture, sheep and cattle grazing, forestry, conservation and recreation. The region includes extensive areas of public land, such as the Nyah State Forest. Monitoring Outcomes Number of monitoring sites: 5 Monitored in 09/10 by: Mary & Peter McMillan, Sandra Thompson, DSE Swan Hill Indigenous trainees, Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen Monitoring during winter 2009 at Nyah State Forest revealed a considerable spike in the Murray River electrical conductivity level to nearly 400 ECs. Downstream at Wood Wood, this level dropped to around 200 ECs, with the additional salt dissipating to normal levels by the time the water reached the monitoring site at Tooleybuc where it was recorded at around 100 ECs. 30 Turbidity levels in this stretch of the Murray River varied greatly between individual sites and seasons, however it was never at ‘degraded’ levels and therefore was not of concern. Turbidity can vary due to flow of water, presence or absence of carp, bank condition and adjacent land use. Reactive phosphate levels were also extremely varied in this stretch of the river with spikes occurring in summer and/or autumn seasons at sites at Speewa and Tooleybuc. These higher phosphate results are in line with the algal blooms which occurred at Easter time in both 2009 and 2010. RMU 144 Speewa Boat Ramp RMU294 RMU161 RMU050 RMU040 RMU144 RMU 040 Nyah State Forest RMU 161 Tooleybuc Boat Ramp RMU 294 Margooya Lagoon Inlet 31 Frontage Action Plan Robinvale to Merbein Area Description The Robinvale to Merbein Murray River reach extends for approximately 254 kilometres and includes the townships of Robinvale, Red Cliffs, Mildura and Merbein. Two main types of frontage exist in the area - narrow frontages dominated by irrigation supply pumps and associated tracks, powerlines and pipelines, and wide frontages on meander bends dominated by River Red Gum communities and floodplains of Black Box woodlands. RMU 249 Psyche Pumps RMU 380 Red Gum Gully RMU 335 Le Bruns Bend RMU 425 Mildura Boat Ramp The major land uses in the area are irrigation, forestry, conservation and recreation, with extensive areas of public land including the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park. Monitoring Outcomes Number of monitoring sites: 9 Monitored in 09/10 by: Maurie & Helen Williams; Maaike, Emma & Madelief Johnston; Julia, Jemimah, Peter & Josh Edwards; David & Dorothy Robinson; Brian & Anne Smythe; Miriam Pywell; Aileen Stewart; Helen Devilee; Audrey Thornton; Marion Vorwerk & Mildura West Primary students; Gordon Searle; Pauline Bartels; Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen Temperature results varied slightly to the usual levels but differences can occur due to time of day sample was taken and/or the depth of the water body where the sample was taken. Electrical conductivity, turbidity and pH levels were all within the normal ranges and considered ‘good’ water quality. Extremely low electrical conductivity levels of around 40 ECs were recorded in summer 2010 at Mildura boat ramp and rowing club lawns. 32 RMU450 RMU500 RMU541 RMU501 RMU249 RMU380 RMU440 RMU425 RMU335 Mildura West Students RMU 440 Rowing Club lawns RMU 500 Johnsons Bend RMU 450 Lock Island RMU 501 Chaffey Bend RMU 541 Pump Hill 33 Frontage Action Plan Merbein to SA Border Area Description The Merbein to SA border Murray River reach extends for approximately 232 kilometres and forms the northern border of the region commonly referred to as the Millewa. The area is characterised by an entrenched river valley of channels and floodplain features including oxbow lakes, billabongs, ephemeral lakes, swamps and active meander belts. Vegetation on frontages adjacent to the river is predominately River Red Gum communities, with the floodplains characterised by Black Box woodlands, Tangled Lignum shrublands and grasslands. The major land uses in the area are grazing, forestry, conservation and recreation, with extensive areas of public land such as the Lindsay Island section of the Murray-Sunset National Park and Wallpolla Island State Forest. Monitoring Outcomes Number of monitoring sites: 4 Monitored in 09/10 by: Peter & Rae Knyvett, Roger Edmonds, Mallee CMA staff Monitoring standard: 3 & 4 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, total phosphate, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen Water quality results for electrical conductivity, pH and temperature were all normal and at levels that indicate ‘good’ water quality. Turbidity levels were mostly within the ‘good’ water quality range. Results from the Murray River at Mulcra Island during autumn 2010, and at the South Australian border during summer 2009 and autumn 2010 were more turbid with levels extending into the ‘degraded’ water quality range. 34 RMU 570 Merbein Common RMU 620 Abbotsford State Forest RMU900 RMU570 RMU760 RMU620 RMU 570 RMU 760 Mulcra RMU 900 SA Border RMU 620 RMU 620 RMU 570 35 Foster Street Drain - DFO500 Foster Street Settling Pond - PFO600 Monitored by: Helen & Gus Wilkens (Yelta Landcare) Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity The Foster Street drain and settling pond are ‘before and after’ sites, monitored to compare the similarities and/or differences in water quality. Helen and Gus Wilkens have chosen to monitor these two sites for the following reasons: • to ascertain and monitor the effectiveness of the filtration process of the stormwater that flows through the drain to the pond; • to monitor if the water in the pond can sustain aquatic bird and wildlife; and • to monitor the quality of the water in the pond as a possible reserve water supply for revegetation plantings (Community Monitoring Plan for Helen & Gus Wilkens, Yelta Landcare Group). The water quality results indicate that the stormwater filtration process is effective. Salinity, turbidity and reactive phosphate levels in the settling pond all improved on the drain levels. Average salinity levels dropped by approximately half from 1,110 ECs in the drain to 520 ECs in the settling pond. Reactive phosphate fell from 1.77 mg/l (extremely high) in the drain to 0.53 mg/l in the settling pond. Turbidity levels also fell from 24.3 NTU to 16.9 NTU, however both these levels are considered ‘good’ water quality. Two different frog calls were recorded at Foster Street settling pond in October 2009. 36 Foster Street Drain PFO600 DFO500 Foster Street Settling Pond PFO600 - Turbidity 37 Cowanna Bend Billabong - BYE350 BYE350 Monitored by: Len & Rae Jeffers (Yelta Landcare) Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity Cowanna Billabong is permanently connected to the Murray River. In autumn 2010, additional water was added to the billabong to increase the inundation extent to reach the surrounding River Red Gums. Len and Rae Jeffers, of Yelta Landcare, have monitored the water quality at Cowanna Bend Billabong since October 2001. In that time they have seen the salinity level of the billabong reach a high of nearly 10,000 ECs in January 2002. By 2005, salinity was down to around 400 ECs and by 2009, salinity was at its current level of around 300 ECs. The salinity level has again dropped during the monitoring period of this report - from 400 ECs in summer 2009 to below 300 ECs in autumn and winter 2010. This is considered low, however not as low as salinity levels for the Murray River during the same time. This may be due to drainage from surrounding higher lands where viticulture takes place. Reactive phosphate levels in the 2009-10 monitoring period were constant and extremely low. Turbidity levels were variable but of good quality. Water temperature in the summer and autumn of 2010 was slightly higher than summer and autumn in 2009. 38 Bonyaricall Creek - CBO500 CBO500 Monitored by: Helen Frania Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity Bonyaricall Creek is within a priority management area of the Beslar-Yungera floodplain complex. Volunteers are assisting in gathering baseline data before management arrangements alter the way the system operates to achieve environmental outcomes for the site. The salinity level dropped over the course of the 2009-2010 monitoring period from around 300 ECs to around 100 ECs, with both levels indicating good quality for fresh water. Reactive phosphate levels, on the other hand, increased from low levels of below 0.15 mg/l to high levels of 0.3 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l during summer and autumn 2010. Higher levels could be due to increased run-off into the creek from banks and surrounding lands of soils and any contained contaminants. Turbidity levels are within the ‘good’ to ‘fair’ water quality range. 39 Cardross Lake South - LCA500 LCA500 Monitored by: Helen Frania Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity The Cardross Lakes are a series of inter-connected drainage basins approximately 15 kilometres south of Mildura. Cardross Basin 1 East is currently home to a population of Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis). Murray hardyhead are a native fish species endemic to the lowland floodplains of the Murray and Murrumbidgee river systems. They are listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, and threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. The species has suffered an extensive decline in range and abundance and is now one of the most threatened vertebrate species in Australia. In October 2007 the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) launched an Emergency Watering Plan to try to prevent the extinction of Murray hardyhead in Victoria (DSE 2007). The emergency watering plan aimed to achieve the most protection with the least amount of environmental water. Salinity levels have risen consistently over the 2009/2010 monitoring period from 7,500 ECs to nearly 25,000 ECs. Although these figures are well above those expected for a freshwater system, they are normal for the Cardross Lakes and aquatic fish species have adapted to the saline conditions. pH levels are constant and slightly more alkaline than other freshwater bodies in the Mallee region. Reactive phosphate levels were extremely low but spiked to a high 0.55 mg/l seasonal average in summer 2010 and then a 0.4 mg/l seasonal average in autumn 2010. Turbidity levels also spiked in summer 2010 and may be responsible for the higher reactive phosphate results due to the nutrient load of the suspended solids. 40 Koorlong Lake North - LKO500 LKO500 Monitored by: Helen Frania Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity Koorlong Lake is located approximately 12 kilometres south of Mildura. In 2009 the lake became the new home to a population of Murray Hardyhead (see Lake Cardross South for more details), translocated from Lake Hawthorn, just west of Mildura. Lake Hawthorn was historically used as a drainage basin for irrigation west of Mildura. Improved irrigation practices and drought has led to a reduction of drainage water feeding into the lake. The drying that has been progressive for the past decade was the biggest threat facing the remaining Murray Hardyhead populations, before successful relocation. Monitoring results at Lake Koorlong North during the 2009/2010 monitoring period were similar to the results found at Lake Cardross South. Salinity levels were moderate to high with an elevated level of 27,500 ECs in summer 2010. pH levels were slightly alkaline while reactive phosphate and turbidity levels both spiked during summer 2010. 41 Barber’s Dam - DBA500 DBA500 Monitored by: Helen & Keith Barber (Birchip Landcare) Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity In March 2010, Helen and Keith Barber’s wetland was the first to be connected through the Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Project’s off stream wetland program. The wetland has high environmental value and, in the near future, will be protected by a Trust for Nature covenant. The wetland received 3 ML of water from Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water in autumn 2010. Helen and Keith Barber have recorded water quality data since late 2006 and have vast knowledge of the local landscape, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. They are both active members of the Birchip Landcare Group. The average salinity level within this wetland during the 2009/2010 monitoring period was moderate at 1,094 ECs. This is lower than the average level in 2008 (approximately 1600 ECs) but higher than the average level in 2007 (approximately 640 ECs). Salinity levels in this wetland depend upon the characteristics of the water delivery (timing, abundance and origin of water). pH levels were slightly higher in spring 2009 and summer 2010 (pH 9-10) than earlier in the monitoring period (approximate pH of 8). Reactive phosphate levels are constantly high (0.25 mg/l) and may be due to faecal matter (stock and waterbirds) and/or run-off from farm activities. These levels are not cause for concern however in a water body such as this. This water body usually has ‘excellent’ to ‘good’ turbidity levels, most likely due to its still nature and the absence of carp. 42 Lake Ranfurly Drain - LRA501 LRA501 Monitored by: Roger Drewitt Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, reactive phosphate, temperature, turbidity At this site, Roger Drewitt takes his sample from the water that runs out of a drain at the end of 15th Street and into a channel leading to Lake Ranfurly. The results therefore do not indicate water quality of Lake Ranfurly itself but of drainage from the south-west area of Mildura. Salinity levels varied from 1,500 ECs in summer 2009 to 500 ECs in autumn 2010, while reactive phosphate levels also varied from 0.2 to 0.9 mg/l. Both salinity and reactive phosphate levels are higher than what would be expected in a natural fresh water body. This is because the drain is collecting stormwater and other general run-off that becomes contaminated with various pollutions such as salts, organic matter and fertilisers. 43 Badman Home Bore - OPI500 OPI 500 Monitored by: Bernard Badman (Murrayville Landcare) Monitoring standard: 3 Parameters monitored: salinity, pH, temperature, hardness The average salinity level of the groundwater at Bernard Badman’s home bore has stayed constant since 2007, with a moderate level of 1,600 ECs. During the 2009/2010 monitoring period the ECs have decreased slightly from 1,860 ECs in autumn 2009 to 1,170 ECs in autumn 2010. Compared to other groundwater reserves, this Murray group limestone aquifer has a relatively low salt content, with it’s water able to be used for crops, stock, gardens and household needs. This is due to the clay layers that line the aquifer. Water enters the area’s aquifer from the Grampians. Water hardness over the past three years has approximately doubled, rising from around 400 ppm (parts per million) to around 800 ppm. Hardness refers to the mineral content of the water, primarily calcium and magnesium metal cations. Hard water (above 320 ppm) can be problematic as it can cause scaling (limescale) which can clog pipes, ruin water heaters, coat the insides of tea and coffee pots, and decrease the life of toilet flushing units. Hardness cannot be removed by boiling but can be removed by using a dedicated water softener. 44 References Australian Ecosystems, March 2010, DRAFT Vegetation and Frog Surveys Wallpolla and Lindsay Islands, Mildura Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, 2008, Mallee Waterwatch 2007 Data Report, Sunnyland Press, Mildura Victoria. Baldwin, D.S., March 2008, Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Lake Hawthorn, Cowra Rooks and Butlers Creek, report for the Mallee Catchment Management Authority, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Mildura Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, February 2003, Murray River Frontage Action Plan; Merbein to South Australian Border, EFECT, Victoria. DSE, October 2007, Emergency action to protect the Murray Hardyhead Fact Sheet. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne. DSE, August 2005, Index of Stream Condition: The Second Benchmark of Victorian River Condition, Bambra Press, Port Melbourne. Ellis, I., Chapman, D., and Pyke, L., 2009, Aquatic Vertebrate Surveys in three wetland systems in the Mallee, report to the Mallee Catchment Management Authority, The Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Mildura Victoria. Henderson M, Walters S, Wood D, Chapman D, Sharpe C, Vilizzi L, Campbell C, Johns C and McCarthy B, July 2010, The Living Murray Condition Monitoring at Lindsay, Mulcra and Wallpolla Islands 2009/10, Draft Report prepared for the Department of Sustainability and Environment by The Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MDFRC Publication 28/2010. Holmes, A. and Bidwell, S., October 2008, Mallee Catchment Management Authority: Report for Margooya Lagoon Monitoring Program, GHD, Mildura, Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, May 2009, Mulcra Island - Restoring the balance fact sheet, Mildura Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, 2009, Mallee Waterwatch 2008 Data Report, Sunnyland Press, Mildura Victoria. Design Visual Strategy Design 03 5023 4960 Mallee Catchment Management Authority, February 2003, Murray River Frontage Action Plan; Nyah to Robinvale, EFECT, Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, February 2003, Murray River Frontage Action Plan; Robinvale to Merbein, EFECT, Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, 2006, Mallee River Health Strategy, Sunnyland Press, Mildura Victoria. Mallee Catchment Management Authority, working copy January 2010, Kings Billabong Wetland Monitoring Program, Mildura Victoria. Murray-Darling Basin Authority, February 2010, The Living Murray; Planned works on Mulcra Island fact sheet, Canberra ACT. Murray-Darling Basin Authority, February 2010, The Living Murray planned works fact sheet, Canberra ACT. Murray-Darling Basin Authority, April 2009, The Living Murray Program fact sheet, Canberra ACT. Walters S, Henderson M, Wood D, Chapman, D, Sharpe C, Vilizzi L, Campbell C, Johns C and McCarthy B, July 2010, The Living Murray Condition Monitoring at Hattah Lakes 2009/10, Draft Report prepared for the Department of Sustainability and Environment by The Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MDFRC Publication 27/2010. Printing The Sunnyland Press 03 5023 4199 45 DPI Complex Corner Eleventh Street & Koorlong Avenue Irymple Victoria 3498 PO Box 5017 Mildura Victoria 3502 Telephone 03 5051 4377 Facsimile 03 5051 4379 Project Partners Project Supporters