PLEASE RETURN TO; 35 .76-3 of MAR1EYN PONS GUIN LIBRARY HATFIELD MARINE SCIENCE CENTER OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY NEWPORT, OREGON 97365 -/,j OREGON ESTUARINE RESEARCH COUNC '(,' School of Oce n raphy Oregon State University GotvaLLs, Ckegon 8T3331 )CEANOG RAPHY %U FINAL REPORT Analysis of Benthic Infauna Communities and Sedimentation Patterns of a Proposed Fill Site and Nearby Regions in the Columbia River Estuary by Duane L. Higley, Robert L. Holton and Paul D. Komar Submitted to: Port of Astoria N STATE UNIVERSITY Astoria, Oregon I Contract Period: November 1975 through 29 February 1976 HelerenCa 1145 MOrCO IYIC H PLEASE RETURAI TO: OREGON ESTUARINE RESEARCH Sohoo!. of Oteanorrsphy Oregon Sa:Ze Univemity Co[vsilis, Oregon 87,'_.37 ANALYSIS OF BENTHIC INFAUNA COMMUNITIES AND SEDIMENTATION PATTERNS OF A PROPOSED FILL SITE AND NEARBY REGIONS IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER ESTUARY FINAL REPORT 1 November 1975 through 29 February 1976 Submitted to Port of Astoria Astoria, Oregon By Duane L. Higley, Robert L. Holton and Paul D. Komar Edited by Karla J. McMechan LSchool of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon (Referenc76-3 March 1976 John V. Byrne Dean EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Port of Astoria has proposed to fill a 32.4 hectare inter- and subtidal area at the mouth of Youngs Bay, Columbia River, Oregon. The possible effects of this fill on the biota and sedimentation patterns of this area were studied from 31 August 1975 to 29 February 1976. Part I, the biological studies, analyzed the quantity of benthic life at the fill site in comparison to that in the lower 28 miles of the Columbia River estuary. The sediment textures of benthos samples were analyzed to determine sediment-fauna relations; salinity-temperature measurements were made at selected sites. Fish life at the fill site was also sampled to determine species composition and the relation of fish stomach contents to benthic life. Studies on sedimentation patterns (based on dredging records, photographs, and sediment samples taken in Slip 2 of the port docks) aimed at identifying undesirable sediment deposits which might occur because of the fill. The dominant benthic taxa at most stations were amphipods and polychaetes, although oligochaetes were abundant at some muddy stations. Amphipod densities in the lower river varied from about 200/m2 in deep areas to between 5,000 and 50,000/m2 in shallow, fine sediment areas such as Youngs Bay and extensive shoaling areas. These areas of high density, which include the fill site, were dominated by the tube-building Twenty-five species of fish have been captured in this and previous work in Youngs Bay. Food habit studies have shown Corophium to be eaten in large quantities by many of these species. amphipod Corophium. Using density estimates and river bathymetry as guides, it was very roughly estimated that 0.8 percent of the amphipod standing crop in the study area (CRM 0-28) occurred at the fill site, which represents 0.09 percent of this area. Net sediment transport seems to be from the Columbia River into Youngs Bay, but transport out of Youngs Bay does occur and may contribute greatly to sediment deposition in Slips 1 and 2. Sediment samples from Slip 2 were mud, but this changed abruptly to coarse sand at the slip mouth. This shows that slip sediments arise from suspended fine mud and not from coarser-grained bed-load sediments. There is little that can be done to prevent such deposition. The proposed extension would probably not affect this problem, but might alter the flow water around the port. of More extensive investigations of circulation and suspended sediment content should be made. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Port of Astoria, Oregon, supported this work. The United States Energy Research and Development Administration originally funded construction of the vessel, R/V SACAJAWEA, Study Program Michael (CWSP) Kravitz, identification. used in this research. The College Work supported work by part-time student employees. Howard Jones, and William Colgate aided in specimen The manuscript was typed by Mrs. Gerri A. Riley. NOTICE The conclusions presented in this report are tentative and are subject to change based on a more complete study of the data. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Robert L. Holton Paul D. Komar Julie Ambler A. Diane Ford Duane L. Higley Research Associate Co-Investigator Associate Professor Participating Staff Research Research Research Research Karla McMechan Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Graduate Students John S. Davis Graduate Res. Assistant Part-time Employees Therese Armetta Kevin Glick Donald Gorman Daniel Stantus Gregg Takashima CWSP CWSP CWSP CWSP CWSP R/V SACAJAWEA Boat Operators Norman Kujala Guy Yancy iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................... LIST OF TABLES ........................... INTRODUCTION ............................ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PART I: vii 1 BIOLOGICAL STUDIES Introduction Methods Results . . . . Discussion PART II: FIGURES TABLES vi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEDIMENTATION STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 7 . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . . . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES 1 2 3 PAGE Amphipod densities in the Columbia River estuary. (Same as Figure 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Pocket Polychaete densities in the Columbia River estuary. (Same as Figure 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Pocket Amphipod habitats in the Columbia River estuary. (Same as Figure 17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Pocket . FIGURES 1 Columbia River estuary, showing location of proposed fill off Pier 3, Port of Astoria, Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2 Benthos stations in the Columbia River estuary, 31 August 1975 to 22 January 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3 Stations in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 October 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . 36 37 4 Temperature-salinity stations, Youngs Bay, 1974 5 Benthos grab and core stations, Youngs Bay, 1974. 6 Intertidal transect, and trawl and sieve stations, Youngs Bay, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . Seasonal changes in temperature and salinity at two stations, Youngs Bay, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 8 Amphipod densities in the Columbia River estuary. . . . . . 39 9 Polychaete densities in the Columbia River estuary. . . . . . 40 Dry weight and numerical densities of benthic taxa collected at Station WRT-6C:3, 28 May 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Densities of benthic amphipods at selected stations in Youngs Bay and vicinity, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 7 10 11 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Densities of polychaetes at selected stations in Youngs Bay and vicinity, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 FIGURES (cont.) 13 Densities of benthic taxa and sediment textures at 10 stations located along an intertidal mudflat, Youngs Bay, 18 September 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Amphipod densities in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 October 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Polychaete densities in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 October 1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Relative abundances of fish species captured by 4.9 m trawl at Station PW in Youngs Bay, 1974 . 46 Estimated distribution of benthic amphipod habitats and associated amphipod densities in the Columbia River estuary 47 18 Aerial photograph of Port of Astoria, 9 December 1963 . . . 48 19 Tidal current circulation patterns, Youngs Bay, Oregon. . . 49 20 Mud/sand ratios of sediments in a transect along Slip 2 and into the Columbia River, 13 February 1976 .. . . . . . . . . 50 14 15 16 . . 17 . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES NUMBER 1 PAGE Temperature and salinity profiles at selected stations in the Columbia River estuary . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Temperature and salinity profiles at the entrance to Youngs Bay and at two stations in the region of the proposed fill, 18 October 1975 53 Checklist of benthic invertebrate taxa captured in the Columbia River estuary, 1974-1976. 54 Densities of benthic taxa, and sediment textures for bottom samples taken in the Columbia River estuary, 1975. . . . . . Approximate densities of benthic taxa for bottom samples taken in the Columbia River estuary, 21 and 22 January 1976. 57 63 Densities of benthic fauna at selected stations in Youngs Bay, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Densities of benthic taxa, and sediment textures for bottom samples taken in the region of the propcsed fill, 18 and 19 October 1975 . 64 67 List of Tables 8 (cont.) PAGE Checklist of fish species captured in the Youngs Bay area, 1974-1975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of fish species captured by Durkin 100-m beach seine near seine site C, 1973. . . . . . . . . using a (1974) . . . . . 69 . . . . . . . 70 Catch by 52-m beach seine at Station P3 in Youngs Bay, 1974... 71 Catch by 52-m beach seine at four stations located in the region of the proposed fill, 18 October 1975 . . . . . . . . . 72 Mean contributions of various food types to stomach contents of fish captured at Stations PW and NMFS 1974. . . . . . . . . 73 Contents of stomachs taken from fish captured by beach seine at four stations in the region of the proposed fill 14 . . . . . . Area, density of amphipods, and standing crops of amph.ipods in habitats shown in Figure 17 (or Plate 3). . . . . . . . . . 74 . 75 INTRODUCTION The Port of Astoria, Oregon, has proposed to expand its docking facilities by filling the 32.4 hectare (80 acre) intertidal and sub- tidal region adjacent to and west of its Pier 3 in Youngs Bay, Oregon (Figure 1). The source of the fill material would be sediments dredged from Slips 1 and 2 of the Port docks and from adjacent areas. Placement of these sediments in the fill site would affect the biological proper- ties of the site and might affect the sedimentation patterns in the adjacent area. This report describes the results of studies conducted between 31 August 1975 and 29 February 1976 to assess the importance of these effects. The fill site is located in an area which supports high densities of benthic invertebrates (Higley and Holton, 1975), and is a likely feeding zone for both transient and resident fish populations. cally, Specifi- salmon smolts (Chcorhynchus sp.) appear to use the site as a feed- ing area and could conceivably use its calm brackish water in effecting their transition ations, between fresh and salt water. Based on these consider- benthic and fish studies were conducted at the fill site, while a survey of benthic faunas and habitats was made in the lower 28 miles of the estuary to give perspective to data developed for the fill site. Part I of this report presents the results of these biological studies. In Part II, sedimentation processes in the fill zone and in the boat slips are discussed, with the intention of providing insight into undesirable sediment depositions which might accrue as a result of changes in current patterns associated with the fill. PART I BIOLOGICAL STUDIES By Duane L. Higley and Robert L. Holton INTRODUCTION The objective of this part of the study was to assess the relative importance of the proposed fill site as a source of benthic foods in comparison with other areas in the estuary. Specifically, the study aimed at 1) identifying faunal assemblages and estimating densities in detail at the fill site and more generally throughout the estuary, 2) measuring sediment properties at the sample sites and determining sediment-fauna relationships, and 3) identifying fish species using the fill area and the kinds of foods eaten by these fish. The intention was to use these benthos data in estimating the standing crops of benthic invertebrates over the entire estuary and at the fill site. These esti- mates would provide a more meaningful basis for determining the importance of the fill site than would areal size alone. The part of the estuary studied lies between Columbia River mile (CRM) 0 and CRM 28. Figure 1 illustrates this area, as well as the size and location of the fill site. This study, as brief as it is, represents the most extensive benthic survey thus far conducted in the Columbia River estuary. Previous studies have concentrated on physical and chemical conditions or, if biologically oriented, have ignored the broad distributional patterns and densities of benthic fauna over the estuary. The fish and zoo- plankton populations of the estuary have been described by Haertel and Osterberg (1967), who also list important benthic species. Misitano (1974) also provides considerable data on the zooplankton. Several un- published reports by U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) 5 personnel provide information on the fish and benthos of the lower Columbia River. Of these, Sanborn (1973) briefly describes the benthic taxa found at five stations in the Columbia and Willamette Tongue Point and Portland. These data are Rivers between Sanborn semi-quantitative. (1975) also studied the benthic fauna of five stations located at dredging and dredged material disposal sites in the lower estuary and outside the river mouth. Numerical and wet- and are provided for these stations. by the Army Corps of Engineers dry-weight Other dredging-related studies funded in progress or near (COE) are currently completion and will provide further information on fauna. densities the estuarine benthic Aquatic conditions at the river mouth are being researched by the School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, in conjunction with NMFS and the University of Washington (see unpublished interim report by Richardson, Colgate and Carey). Final reports to COE are currently in preparation by NMFS and by the OSU School of Oceanography on biologi- cal, chemical, and physical conditions of aquatic habitats at Miller Sands Island, which is located at CRM 25. The studies most directly applicable to the present work are those by Higley and Holton (1975) and by Durkin (unpublished report). former provides biological baseline here, as are Bay, and includes data for Youngs Some of these data faunal lists and densities of benthos in the bay. are presented The the data of Durkin who lists fish species and numbers captured by beach seine at the fill site. A thorough description of the Columbia River benthos is impossible to obtain in a short study owing to the size of the study area (about 34,000 hectares or 130 square miles), and the large annual, seasonal and occur. tidal fluctuations which Estuarine substrates changes caused by dredging operations, ship such as tidal and river flows. are subject to traffic, and natural forces The effects of these activities are seen as erosion, sand waves, shoaling, and other types of sediment transport. Together with life history events and changes in animal distribution caused by salinity and temperature changes, this sediment activity produces fluctuations in the distribution and densities of benthic faunas. These facts should be considered in reviewing the data from the short-term study presented here. METHODS Samples were collected in the river (CR samples) and at the fill site (FS samples) according to the following schedule: DATE SAMPLES/MEASUREMENTS 31 August-2 September 1975 18-19 October 1975 CR benthos samples 1-42; All FS benthos and fish samples; salinity-temperature measurements at Mouth of Youngs Bay and in FS. 29 November 1975 CR benthos samples 100-110; salinity-temperature measurements 100-108. CR benthos samples 150-155. 21-22 January 1976 Figures 2 through 4 show sample site locations. Two samples were col- lected at each station, except on 29 November 1975 when single samples were collected at CR stations 108-110. Selection of CR stations (51 in all; Figure 2) at sequential up- stream locations aimed at sampling three basic main river; shoal channel areas. areas, which are mostly habitats: upstream; bays off the and the deeper Approximate station sites were selected according to bathymetric and shoreline features illustrated in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration C & GS charts 6151 and 6152. However, weather and water conditions precluded occupation of certain stations and forced changes in other station positions. The most serious result of these problems is that considerably fewer stations were sampled upstream of Youngs Bay than was planned. November 1975 A storm occurring on 30 prevented sampling in this area and subsequent efforts made on 21-22 January 1976 were limited by other work requirements. Within the fill site four locations in each of four transects were established as benthos stations, and four other locations spaced along the shoreline were sampled for fish by beach seine (Figure 3). Station positions were located by range-marking and by triangulation with a sextant using buoys and land features as reference FS points. station positions may be in error by about 25 m, and CR stations by 100 m or more, due to inaccuracies in this system combined with boat drift. In most cases it was not advisable to hold station by anchor; boat drift between replicates was inevitable. therefore, Differences between measurements (e.g. station depth, faunal densities) made in replicate sampling at a single station reflect vessel movement and local habitat differences. Water depth at the stations was measured with the ship's fathometer. Depths at FS stations were corrected to chart datum (mean lower low water) using tidal gauge readings for Astoria. Figures 4 through 6 show station locations for Higley and Holton's (1975) data included in this report. Salinity-Temperature Measurements Salinity and temperature measurements were usually made in situ with a portable salinometer (Industrial Instruments Co. Model RSF-3). When the salinometer malfunctioned, water samples were collected with a Kemmerer water bottle, measured for temperature with a pocket thermometer, and taken to Corvallis for salinity analysis by a salinity-conductivity meter (Yellow Springs Instrument Corp. Model 33). Benthos A Smith-McIntyre grab sampler all benthos samples, (mouth area 0.107 m2) was used to take except at Station 4 on FS transects I and II. Here 9 each sample included five cores taken with in exposed substrate. The depth a 9.8-cm diameter of each grab sample was measured at The sample was washed through its deepest point (center of grab buckets). a 0.425 mm* screen and the clam gun residue was concentrated for preservation in 5 percent formalin buffered with sodium borate (as borax). The 0.425 mm screen retains most amphipods, molluscs, and poly- chaetes and other worms. However, some nematodes, oligochaetes, juvenile amphipods, and other small crustacea such as copepods may pass through the screen. After a few days of storage in formalin, the benthos sampled were rinsed and transferred to 40 percent isopropanol. Many samples were split before counting because of the large quantity of materials and animals retained during sieving. plankton splitter. However, Most samples were split with a Folsom when very large amounts of organic debris prevented this, the sample was drained, stirred, and split volumetrically using a graduated cylinder. Coarse sand samples taken from channel areas were first elutriated, and the overflow material was split if necessary; the residue was examined in most cases for large hard-bodied animals. Rose bengal stain was added to most samples before analysis to facilitate sorting. Each sample was sorted in a white enamel pan under a 3-diopter illuminated magnifier. Some samples contained large numbers of easily identified organisms, such as corophiid amphipods; these animals were counted in the pans. identified using stereomicroscopes. Otherwise, animals were removed and Very small animals such as harpacticoid *As listed by manufacturer; measured dimensions are 0.408 mm x 0.457 mm. copepods were not counted, although they may be very abundant, because special sampling and analytical techniques are required in the study of these animals. Calanoid copepods and cladocerans were not counted due to their small size and their basically planktonic life history. Due to time constraints, identification was limited to broad taxonomic units (phylum to order). However, more specific work has been done on polychaete and amphipod identification, and this will be discussed briefly. Samples Time limitations prevented counting all samples collected. collected on 21 and 22 January 1976 were surveyed instead of counted. The survey involved counting a small portion of the sample in the pan and examining the rest of the pan contents for rare specimens. This method allowed us to assign approximate values to animal densities. Sediment Texture A sediment subsample was taken from each grab sample with a 3.5-cm diameter plastic tube, which was pushed about 8 cm into the sediment surface. Sediment texture analyses were made according to methods presented in Royse (1970). Screens used were 1.0 mm, 0.500 mm, 0.250 mm, 0.125 mm, and 0.063 mm in mesh size. These sizes correspond to even phi (f) units and facilitate statistical treatment of the data. The silt and clay fraction (<0.063 mm) was determined by volumetric difference before and after wet-sieving with the 0.063 mm screen. A centrifuge was used to concentrate the sediment (about 40 grams initially) and volumes were read off graduated centrifuge tubes. The sand fraction (>0.063 mm) was then dried and placed on a set of tared three-inch geologic screens, and processed by mechanical shaker for 10 minutes. The sieves were 11 weighed to tional the nearest 0.01 gram on a Mettler model K7 balance. silt and percentage basis clay produced by the to that Addi- dry-sieve analysis was added on a found in the wet-sieve analysis. Fish Fish were collected with a 52-m beach seine having a body of 7/8 inch (22 mm, stretched mesh knotless nylon bag. measure) nylon and a 1/2 inch (13 mm) One set was made at each station (Figure 3). fish were identified and counted, All and a sample was preserved in 10 percent buffered formalin for stomach content studies. These fish were later transferred to 40 percent isopropanol. Stomachs of selected fish were excised and the contents were examined in a dish after a visual estimate of "fullness" had been made. were separated into suitable and a visual estimate was made of groups, percent by volume contributed by each group. Contents RESULTS Salinity-Temperature Measurements The Columbia River estuary flow and salt content. experiences great differences in river Usually the lower estuary is partly mined, but it approaches a well-mixed state at high tides during the low flow periods of late summer. A two-layered (vertically stratified) condition occurs during the spring freshet when freshwater sweeps over the denser salt water. Salinity is usually greater in the north channel than in the south. Salinity intrusion probably reaches to about Harrington Point, near CRM 23 (Haertel et al., 1969). salinity and temperature can be An example of upstream changes in seen in Table 1, which-provides data for six benthos stations sampled on 29 November 1975. The fill site, located at CRM 13, lies midway in this region of highly variable salinity. Figure 7 illustrates seasonal changes in salinity and temperature which occurred during 1974 at two stations near the fill site. Table 2. Measurements taken at the fill site are presented in The area is brackish, experiencing salinities from 0qo, to about 209' Benthos A list of benthic taxa found in the present study and in the Youngs Bay study is presented in Table 3. The list is based primarily on the large taxonomic units used in counting. More detailed lists of fauna found near the river mouth may be found in Sanborn (1975) and Richardson, Colgate, and Carey (1975). Columbia River. Amphipods, polychaetes, nematodes, and bivalves were the most numerous taxa in the CR samples (Tables 4 and 5). Amphi- pods represented a large percentage of the total density at many stations, while polychaetes were also frequently abundant. Because these two taxa contribute much to the foods eaten by estuarine fish, their distribution and abundance will be treated in more detail than other taxa. The distribution of amphipod densities at CR stations is shown in Figure 8 (Plate 1*). The highest densities occurred in the upstream shoal areas, in certain protected shoreline areas, and in embayments such as Youngs Bay. Densities in Baker Bay were notably low, however, possibly due to the higher salinity regime downstream. Several stations in the shoal areas upstream from Youngs Bay had amphipod densities exceeding 5,000/m2. The highest density recorded in the study was 76,168/m2, found just north of Tongue Point. cate sampling. This value is not supported by repli- Other stations near islands off Cathlamet Bay showed high amphipod densities, but the extent of such high densities is difficult to assess, given the limited sampling in this region. It must be considered also that much aquatic invertebrate life may exist in the extensive island areas which support subaqueous and emergent aquatic vegetation. These habitats could not be sampled in this study, but are believed to contain populations of gammaridean amphipods, molluscs, and insects. The most common amphipod found in the region of brackish waters was the gammaridean amphipod Corophium, three species of which were found in the area between Baker Bay and Harrington Point. *Plate 1 is a larger version of Figure 8. Also found in this 14 zone were a gammarid (Anisogammarus), haustoriids (Eohaustorius), and phoxacephalids (Paraphoxus). Members of the families Oedicerotidae and Lysianassidae were found at the river mouth (See Table 3 for a summary of amphipod taxonomy). Polychaete densities were low upstream of Tongue the open river area below Youngs Point, higher in and highest in brackish protected Bay, areas such as Youngs Bay and smaller embayments (Figure 9 or Plate 2*). The trend to lower densities upstream reflects the basically marine tendencies group. of this One species, the nereid Neanthes limnicola, is characteristic of brackish to freshwater estuarine areas, but even this species was not abundant upstream of Tongue Point. A preliminary breakdown of the polychaetes by family shows that nereids were found over the broadest occurring from Baker Bay to Harrington Point. range, Most families were restricted to the region below Youngs Bay, although an occasional phyllodocid The brackish water fauna of Youngs Bay has been des- Youngs Bay. cribed by Higley and orbiniid was found above this area. and Holton Using the same sampling gear and (1975). screening methods used in the present amphipod study, they found the tube-dwelling Corophium to be the dominant taxon, both numerically and by dry weight (Figure 10). usually found Oligochaetes, in lower densities. nematodes, and nereid polychaetes were In studies of smaller organisms (using at 0.063 mm usually dominated within a few at densities centimeters of the up to of the depth distribution screen), harpacticoid copepods 200,000/m2; most taxa were found surface. 15 Amphipod densities in Youngs Bay commonly exceed 15,000/m2 and occasionally 35,000/m2 (Figure 11 and Table 6). reported maximum densities above 50,000/m2, Higley and Holton (1975) with the highest densities in the areas of fine sand and the lowest in areas of coarse sand. found that They polychaete densities follow a similar pattern, although at much lower values (Figure 12 and Table 6); the maximum polychaete density was 2,214/m2. A study of intertidal mud fauna has been conducted in as part of another project (Figure 13). Youngs Bay Samples taken along a transect perpendicular to shore revealed high densities of corophiid amphipods and oligochaetes, and lesser numbers of other taxa. The densities correlate well with the sediment texture results (Figure 13). The tran- sect results illustrate the changes in faunal composition which occur between mudflats and vegetated shoreline areas. Corophium salmonis is found in the mudflats where it builds tubes in the mud, whereas C. spinicorne tation, is found in shoreline areas and builds its tubes on vege- pilings, rocks, and other surfaces. The vegetated areas also harbor greater densities of the isopod Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis, the ampharetid polychaete Amphicteis floridus, and the gammarid amphipod A nisogammarus confervicolus. Youngs River, Lewis and Clark River, and the Skipanon Waterway, in which fine sediments also predominate, contain similar faunal groups, although the densities vary (Higley and Holton, 1975). In coarser sand areas of Youngs Bay, such as the ship channel at the mouth (e.g. Station FWGS 1, Table 6), faunal densities are lower than in fine sediment areas in the Bay's interior. They include more of the haustorid amphipod Eohaustorius, the phoxocephalid amphipod Paraphoxus, and the isopod Mesidotea entomon. Fill Site. - Overall benthos densities at the fill site were among the highest found in Youngs Bay (Tables 6 and were also among the highest (Figure 14), 7). Amphipod densities and contributed from 82 to 96 percent of total animal densities in the area (Table with the mudflat areas upstream of the Highway 101 7). This contrasts causeway, where oli- gochaete densities were similar to amphipod densities (Figure 13), and in Youngs River and the Skipanon Waterway, where oligochaete densities comprised as much as 80 to 90 percent of the total density (Table 6). Higher densities of oligochaetes apparently correlate with higher con- centrations of silt and clay. Polychaete densities at the fill site were generally higher than in other areas of Youngs Bay (Figures 12 and 15), but contributed only about 5 to 15 percent of the total densities (Tables 6 and 7). Sediment Texture Analyses of particle size distribution were made on most of the sediment subsamples taken at benthos in Tables 4 and 7. stations. These data are summarized The following particle size names are used in this report, based on Royse (1970); > 1.000 mm very coarse sand, gravel, and larger particles 0.500 mm-1.000 mm 0.250 mm-0.500 mm 0.125 mm-0.250 mm 0.063 mm-0.125 mm < 0.063 mm coarse sand medium sand fine sand very fine sand silt and clay The discussion which follows is preliminary and tentative in nature. 17 Fine and medium sands were the dominant size categories found in unprotected areas. Medium sand was most common in channels; mixtures of fine and medium sands were most common in shoal areas. Sediment textures in embayments varied greatly, depending upon whether samples were taken where local currents prevail or in quiet areas. The former contain fine and some medium sands, whereas the quiet areas are characterized by high concentrations of silt and clay, and sometimes accumulations of vegetative debris. brackish to marine iron sulfides, subsurface muds have been blackened by localities, which reflects In Baker Bay and other reduced, anaerobic conditions. Texture studies performed by Higley and Holton Bay sediments* (1975) on Youngs indicated that sediments downstream of the Highway 101 causeway contain mostly very fine and fine sands, while those upstream contain this fraction plus greater amounts of silt and clay. In the very quiet area between the railroad tressel and causeway (STATION CWRR, shown in Figure 5), silt and clay was 70 percent or more of sample com- position and the sediment was black with iron sulfides below about five cm depth. Johnson and Cutshall and clay fraction in Youngs Bay. (1975) provide contours for the silt The >70 percent contour encloses the area along the southwest shore beginning about 3,000 feet downstream of the causeway and extending to the mouth of the Youngs River. Sediments at the fill site contained mostly fine and medium sands (Table 7). Eddies and currents associated with the nearby ship channel, together with wind-wave action, have probably prevented finer sediments from accumulating in large amounts. *Sediment texture was analyzed using wet sieving techniques and volumetric measurements. is Fish Fish species captured in Youngs Bay by Higley and Holton (1975), Durkin (unpublished Table 8. report), and in the present study are listed in The results of these studies should be interpreted in light of the methods of capture (trawl, beach seine and small-mesh gill net), which could tend to catch smaller fishes, slow-moving benthic fishes, and those aggregating near shore. The species captured are mostly freshwater and brackish water forms. Haertel and Osterberg (1967), in their faunal studies of the Columbia River estuary, captured the greatest variety of fishes in water having salinities of 0.5 to 18 °/O0, salinities which commonly occur near the fill site (Figure 7; Table 2). The species most frequently captured by trawl in the Youngs Bay study was young starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus), although shiner perch (Cymatogastor aggregata) are seasonally abundant (Figure 16). Durkin (unpublished 1974, capturing 13 report) species, seined at the fill site during spring including large numbers of juvenile chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha) which undertake spring seaward migrations (Table 9) Higley and Holton fall of 1974, (1975) also seined this area during the summer and using a smaller seine; they captured fewer numbers of about the same species (Table 10). In this present study four stations at the fill site were seined on 18 October 1975 (Table 11). The most abundant species taken were the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and the shiner perch. 19 Fish Food Habits The food habits of fish captured by trawl at two stations in Youngs Bay were studied by Higley and Holton (1975). species, foods Summarized over all fish these data show that of the variety of benthic and planktonic eaten, the amphipod Corophium contributed the most to stomach con- tents, although less so at the station (PW) nearest to the fill site (Table 12). Nineteen fish belonging to nine species were examined in the present study (Table 13). Of the 18 stomachs having food contents, 12 contained Corophium, which contributed an average of 40 percent to the contents. Three juvenile chinook salmon were trial insects and spiders, examined. One fish had eaten terres- while the other two had consumed only the amphipods Corophium and Eohaustorius. Higley and Holton (1975) reported that the 28 juvenile chinook salmon they examined had eaten corophiid amphipods almost exclusively. DISCUSSION The areal distribution of the density of benthic fauna appears to be related to salinity and to sediment character. Low densities were common at stations with the coarsest sediments, these being located in current-swept river channels and other similarly deep, high energy, areas of the lower estuary. High densities were found in fine-sediment areas of brackish water which are protected from these strong currents. in Baker Bay densities were low, However, possibly due to anaerobic and toxic conditions which may arise when highly organic sediments occur in a saline environment. In the upper part of the Columbia River estuary densities were sometimes high but extremely variable, apparently reflecting the irregular and changeable features of shoals in this area. High densities were found in Youngs Bay, including the fill site. Amphipods and polychaetes were the most abundant and widely distributed members of the benthic fauna which are commonly consumed by fish. Amphipods were found in abundance further upstream than the polychaetes, most of which require a higher salinity. The most important amphipod in terms of density and extent of distribution was the genus Corophium, which was a dominant member of brackish and freshwater stations charac- terized by fine sands and generally high benthic densities. A distinct deficiency of this study is the lack of thorough sampling in the shoaling area and in the minor island channels found in the upper estuary. this area, Occasional high amphipod (Corophium) densities were found in suggesting that extensive amphipod populations could exist 21 in this area, providing local concentrations of food resources comparable to those of Youngs Bay. The analysis of estuary-wide faunal distribu- tion which follows is qualified by this possibility. A major objective of this study was to assess the relative importance of the fill site as a source of benthic foods in comparison to the rest of the estuary. To accomplish this, the estuary was divided into regions having similar densities; this division was made according to habitat character and the benthic densities typical of those habitats. The purpose of this division was to arrive at standing crop estimates It should be realized for these regions and for the estuary as a whole. that this analysis is based on a small number of samples covering a very large area, and that the results could vary considerably according to season and year of sampling, type of gear used, and--not incidentally-the perspective of the worker assembling the data. The taxon chosen for this analysis was Amphipoda. the present study and the Youngs Bay widely distributed, study, According to this taxon appears to be exists in great abundance in certain areas, and is an important fish food. Three sources of information were used in making the divisions: (1) the areal distribution of amphipod densities shown in Figures 8, 11, and 13 and provided by Higley and Holton (1975); (2) sediment-faunal relationships indicated by this study and by the work of Higley and Hol- ton; and (3) bathymetric and shoreline features illustrated in U.S. C & G S charts 6151 and 6152. river this areas, shoaling analysis. The three habitats described earlier--deep areas, and embayments--held up fairly well for The exceptions were Baker Bay, where densities were into unexpectedly low, and Youngs Bay where densities appeared to fall the two categories of high and moderately high. These divisions in Youngs Bay were based partly on the >70% silt and clay contour provided in Johnson and Cutshall (1975) and partly on the areal distribution of amphipod densities at stations sampled by Higley and Holton. Figure 17 (or Plate 3*) displays the habitats and the amphipod densities assigned to each habitat. In determining the density value applicable to each habitat, all density values for stations located within that habitat were arithmetically averaged, and the standard deviation of the values was computed. This mean value and the mean ± 1 SD, rounded to one or two significant figures, are shown in the legend of Figure 17 (or Plate 3). For Youngs Bay, the density values from Higley and Holton (1975) were combined with those from the present study for this computation. Because some stations in Youngs Bay were sampled on several different dates, the mean value for all'stations was computed in two ways. over time were computed at each averaged. station, In the first method averages and these averages were in turn The result was not appreciably different from the simple average computed over all stations and dates, and this latter is the value presented in Figure 17 (Plate 3). The area and standing crop of amphipods of each habitat were com- puted using Figure 17 (Plate 3). These results are summarized in Table 14, which shows that the shoaling area (Habitat B) held the largest standing crops by virtue of the moderate densities and large area involved. Youngs Bay also harbored a large standing crop, reflecting *Plate 3 is a larger version of Figure 17. 23 the high densities found in Habitats C and D. The 32.4 hectare fill site lies in the highest density region (Habitat D); at 30,000 amphipods/m2, the standing crop there was estimated as 0.97 x 1010, or about 0.8 percent of the total estuary standing crop (121.19 x 1010). We are not able to place error terms on this estimate at the present time, and we realize that the standard deviation for each habitat density given in Figure 17 and Table 13 is only one component of the error associated with our estimate of the portion contributed by the fill site to the total estuary standing crop. PART II SEDIMENTATION STUDIES By Paul D. Komar Sedimentation processes in the vicinity of the Port of Astoria docks were investigated by examining past dredging records, by the study of-old photographs of the area, and bathymetric information in the and by obtaining sediment samples area. were relied upon for information on water Previously published reports currents. The limited time available for this investigation did not permit a complete study of the processes of sedimentation. Nor could seasonal changes in river dis- charge and sediment movements be dealt with satisfactorily. Therefore, some of the conclusions presented here are not adequately supported by field data, and rely heavily on the author's past experience in working with sediment transport and deposition processes. Sedimentation is currently taking place in Slips 1 and 2. Old photographs, ground and aerial, available from the Port of Astoria were examined for information on the possible causes of this sedimentation. A set of aerial photographs dated 9 December 1963 showed sedimentary bed-forms in the tidal flats west of Pier 3, part of the proposed fill site. On one of these photographs (Figure 18) the sedimentary structures are visible on the beach which has formed adjacent to the pier. The orientation and curvature of these bars suggest that a current flows across this Youngs Bay. area, transporting sediment from the Columbia River into Figure 19 contains a summary of the tidal currents in the Youngs Bay area, taken from OSU, Ocean Engineering Program (1975). 27 This figure indicates that currents run both into and out of Youngs Bay, depending on the tidal stage. However, the sedimentary features of Figure 18 may suggest that net sediment transport is directed toward the bay. It is, of course, questionable as to how representative one set of photos taken in 1963 can be for the long-term sediment transport paths or for sediment transport at other times of the year. The old photographs were more illustrative of the role of eroding the old fill area. waves in After this area was originally filled, it was inadequately protected by wooden pilings. Winds from the northwest blow along the length of the river and generate substantial waves. are directed at the west end of the Port of Astoria. eroded away the filled in Figure 18. These The waves soon area, creating the beach adjacent to Pier 3, shown The fill has subsequently been restored and semi-protected with riprap (artificial). Some erosion has again occurred, forming a typical wave-cut cliff behind the riprap. This problem with appreciable waves at the west end of the Port of Astoria will have to be considered in any design of new port facilities in that area. Sediment samples were obtained with a Smith-McIntyre grab sampler (mouth area: 0.107 m2) from the OSU School of Oceanography vessel SACAJAWEA. On 22 January one sample was collected from the middle of Slip 2. sample consisted entirely of mud. On 13 February 1976 a series This of samples was obtained along a transect the length of Slip 2 and extending out into the shipping channel of the Columbia River. This transect is shown in Figure 20 together with the results of an analysis of the mud/sand ratios of the sediments. fractions, i.e. sediment Here mud is defined as the silt plus clay material finer than 0.0625 mm. The transect of Figure 20 shows a sharp change in bottom sediments from sand to right at the mouth of the slip. mud The change is particularly noteworthy in that the sand of the Columbia channel is medium to coarse-grained, so that the change is from a coarse sand to mud with little or no fine sand within the gradation. This demonstrates that it is the very fine mud carried in suspension within the river that is responsible for the sedimentation in the slips, not coarser grained sediment that might be carried as bed-load by the river. The samples obtained for this study within the slip differ considerably from the sample obtained by R. Krone (1971). His sample from the very middle of Slip 2 contained 30% fine sand and considerable silt, whereas the mud we found is almost entirely of clay silt. finer than His sample was obtained on 25 February 1971, soon after dredging of the slip. silt. size, This may account for the much higher content of sand and In connection with their study Johnson and Cutshall (1975) obtained one sample from Slip 2 which was found to consist of mud, most of which was clay rather than silt. Sedimentation due to mud deposition is also more reasonable and understandable than deposition of sand and silt when one considers the processes involved. In an estuary the waters can be found to contain an appreciable quantity of clay in suspension. This clay remains in suspension so long as the water continues to flow, providing turbulence and mixing near the bottom. But when the water flows into a quiet area, the clay soon settles to the bottom. This happens in any quiet area of the estuary, including the slips of the Port of Astoria. There are only very feeble currents within the slips, so the water carried in by the 29 tides is able to deposit some of its sediment. This occurs not only in the slips, but also in the quiet waters of the small-boat basin immediately to the east of the slips. deposition of mud at It is also illustrated by the the west end of Youngs Bay where the construction of the bridge created a quiet zone which permitted fine-grained sediment accumulation. There is actually very little that can be done to prevent such sedimentation in quiet areas within the estuary. If quiet areas are developed for shipping, the natural processes of the estuary act to fill them with mud. However, as discussed in the Krone (1971) report, some factors are important in causing individual particles of clay to join together into flocs of hundreds of individual particles, and thus act to increase sediment deposition. The heavier flocs settle out much more rapidly than do the individual particles, so flocculation is to be avoided. As discussed by Krone, pilings and any other obstacles around which the water must flow promote the growth of flocs and would thus cause increased mud deposition in the slips. Elimination of as many of these obstacles as possible would help decrease the rate of sedimentation. An actual evaluation of this effect is not possible. It would certainly not stop the sedimentation completely, only perhaps decrease the rate somewhat. Although not entirely relevant to this discussion, there is one possible source of the mud being deposited in the slips which bears consideration. As noted above, estuarine waters contain a natural quantity of mud in suspension, mud which probably has many sources. In this case it is possible that plumes of water containing still higher concentrations of mud flow from Youngs Bay out into the Columbia River fronting the slips of the port. Figure 19 shows that at one-half hour before high tide there is a circulation cell within Youngs Bay that does cause a flow across the openings to the slips. Only at that stage of the tide does such a flow other stages. occur, being either down-river or into Youngs Bay at Now if this reverse flow from Youngs Bay past the slips is high in concentration of suspended mud due to having just flowed through the bay, then it may be the principal source of mud deposition in the slips. This possibility could neither be confirmed nor dismissed within this limited study. An extended program of sampling would be required to determine quantities of mud in suspension at all phases of the tide, and preferably at different river discharge stages. Additional field studies would be warranted. It is not expected that the addition of more docking facilities to the west of Pier 3 would have an effect on the sedimentation rates of Slips 1 and 2. The quiet zones of these slips would remain as before, and would continue to trap estuarine muds. However, the additional facilities might alter the flow of water around the Port of Astoria, shown in Figure 19. My estimate is that if mud-laden water is brought from Youngs Bay by the flow illustrated in the lower-left frame of Figure 19, the new facilities would not markedly alter the flow and so would not change present sedimentation patterns. More extensive investigations should be made of this, including model studies in addition to the collection of field data on the existing circulation and suspended sediment content. FIGURES 46°20 24°00 2 3° 45 1BAKER GRAYS BAY P HARRINGTON PT PT ELLICE TONGUE PT AS TORIA 46° 0 MET BAY YOUNGS COLUMBIA RIVER ESTUARY BAY 24°00 23°45 Figure 1. Columbia River estuary, showing location of proposed fill (arrow) off Pier 3, Port of Astoria, Oregon. Chart was redrawn from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration C & G S charts 6151 (1974) and 6152 (1972). Dashed lines indicate 18-foot (5.5-m) contour. 46°20 23°45 124°00 BAKER BAY GRAYS HARRINGTON PT ASTORIA 46°10 CATHLAAMET B COL 124°00 Figure 2. ARY 2 3° 45' Benthos stations in the Columbia River estuary, 31 August 1975 to 22 January 1976. 34 VICINITY MAP 4 0 3 2 IV 3 I * 2 4 III 3 S t 2 3 . METERS O I00 II 200 Stations in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 Figure 3. October, 1975. Symbols indicate beach seine stations (A), benthos salinity-temperature stations (*). Chart is based stations on aerial photos taken 16 September 1974 (COE Condition Survey CL-9-136). Vicinity map is from Figure 1. (), and 123°50 COLUMBIA 123°48' RIVER ASTORIA. CAUSEWAY 46°10' WARRENTON MOUTH OF LEWIS AND CLARK; RIVER YOUNGS BAY AND VICINITY 46°08' 2000 4000 23°52' Figure 4. Temperature-salinity stations, Youngs Bay, 1974. 1-1 of Higley and Holton (1975). Reproduction of Figure 23°48 23°50' COLUMBIA 63 4 3 RIVER 2 ASTORIA SKIP YR MOUTH CH 12' cw TROUGH WARRENTON SKIP TB SKIP 7 (0 Y CL U CL N Y LL SKIP 3 YOUNGS BAY AND VICINITY 46°08' LC 23°54 23°52' 2000 123°50 Figure 5. Benthos grab and core stations, Youngs Bay, 1974. Figure 1-3 of Higley and Holton (1975). Reproduction of 123°50, 123052' 123°48' ASTORIA NMFS _'!---! 46°10 4RREN70N I TRANSECT' YOUNGS BAY AND VICINITY 46°08' 123°52' 123°54' Figure 6. Intertidal transect, Seine station is indicated by a and Holton (1975). star. 23050' 23°48' and trawl and sieve stations, Youngs Bay, 1974. Modified from Figures 1-5 and 1-6 of Higley 20, 10 II SURFACE a 4meters e gmelers -. i I -I 20r lo, a A'M'J [ 20 ' J ' A ' S ' 0' N '-0 (a) eFE a4reers . -elOmeters b 10 20r 10 0 M J' J A 5 0 N 0 Figure 7. Seasonal changes in temperature and salinity at two stations, Youngs Bay, 1974. Measurements were made at approximately high tide at the mouth of Youngs Bay (a) and near the Highway 101 causeway (b). Modified from Figures 1 and 2 of Higley and Holton (1975). See Figure 4 for station location. HARRINGTON PT 05 0 449 93 280 36 19 168 224 A 50 19 112 A 150 168 243 13 243 2S037 29 794 57.682 38.850 7.900 12.000 124° 00' 12 3° 45' Figure 8. Amphipod densities (number/m2) in the Columbia River estuary. Two samples were taken at most stations. Symbols indicate station location and sample date: 31 August-2'September 1975 (0); 29 November 1975 (A); and 21-22 January 1976 (0). The January densities are based on sample counts. See Tables 4 and 5 for complete sample records. cursory Figure 2 shows station names. I GRAYS BAY HARRINGTON PT PT 935 ELLICE 5 925 188 224 A 523 804 280 A 93 TONGUE PT A9 785 374 500 AS TORIA CATHLAMET SAY COLUMBIA 24°00 RIVER ESTUARY 2 3° 45 Fig ure 9. Polychaete den sities (number/m2) in the Columbia River estuary. Two samples were taken at most stations. Symbols indicate station location and sample date: 31 August-2 September 1975 (); 29 November 1 975 (A); and 21-22 Jan uary 1976 (). The January densities are based on curso ry sample counts. See Tables 4 and 5 for complete sample records. Figure 2 shows station names. 5 4.825 4 V E 3 0 2 0161 0 0 027 0 012 40 31,953 30 N E 0 0 Q 20O 8.047 10 1,d5+7 I Corophium Oligochoeta Nemotoda 76 Nereidoe Figure 10. Dry weight and numerical densities of benthic taxa collected at station WRT-6C:3, 28 May 1974. Reproduced from Figure 3 of Higley and Holton (1975). See Figure 5 for station location. 123°54' 123°50' 123°48' 8,323 COLUMBIA RIVER 46°10' 29,040 2,637 099 YOUNGS BAY AND VICINITY 46008' ,20,559 123°52. 123°50' Figure 11. Densities (number/m2) of benthic amphipods at selected stations in Youngs Bay and vicinity, 1974. Data were taken from Table 5-1 of Higley and Holton (1975). See Table 5 for complete sample records. Figure 5 shows station names. 123°50' 123°54' 61 COLUMBIA 123°48' T R/VER none none ASTORIA 860 449 WARRENTON 1,120. 522(4` LLUSYi W J 123°54' Figure 12. 123°52' 123°50' 123°48' Densities (number/m2) of polychaetes at selected stations in Youngs Data were taken from Table 5-1 of Higley and Holton (1975). sample records. Figure 5 shows station names. Bay and vicinity, 1974. See Table 5 for complete 50,000 ca) N E E Corophium sa/mon/s 25,000 0 z 50 , 000 F-- 25,000 I I I z w O 0 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 < 0.063 mm 0 0----o 0063 -0.246mm (d) 80 i7'- -040 0L 0 a...... A >0.99/ \b.-Q. 1% *% o ,....o.....,..:...,....a..........!. 100 200 e ................... 300 400 DISTANCE FROM SHORELINE DIKE (m) Figure 13. Densities of dominant benthic taxa (a-c), and sediment textures (d) at 10 stations located along an intertidal mudflat, Youngs Bay, 18 September 1974. 6 for transect location. Unpublished data of J.S. Davis. See Figure 53,234 022 0 466 56;411 25,860 40,047 20,318 22,804 2361 24,374 20,673 51,644 1383 45,9060 1737 26,860 28,636 1009 16,834 692 It 40,935 31,626 ib1 o 200~3;00 636 13,805 I METERS 1923 1832 N 36,971 29. 9060 316 609 1436 2850 3 6,785 440090 40,991 36,841 Figure 14. Amphipod densities (number/m2) in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 October Two samples were taken at each station. See 1975. Table 6 for complete sample records. Figure 2 shows station names. 1607 METERS 10- 0 200 1300 Polychaete densities (number/m2) Figure 15. in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 Two samples were taken at each October 1975. See Table 6 for complete sample records. station. Figure 2 shows station names. N-58 4 HOURS PAST HIGH TIDE N269 / HOW BEFORE HIGH TIDE ff rL 0 o _ N202 05 HOUR BEFORE HIGH TIDE N226 3 HOURS BEFORE HIGH TIDE PO a N465 N 199 10 2 HOURS BEFORE H/GH TIDE 2 NOURS BEFORE HIGH TIDE 2 HOURS BEFORE HIGH TIDE HOURS BEFORE NIGH TIDE ,FIB / HOUR BEFORE HIGH TIDE N171 Figure 16. 03 HOUR BEFORE AND 05 HOUR PAST NIGH TIDE Relative abundances of fish species captured by 4.9-m (headrope length) trawl at Station PW in Youngs Bay, 1974. The each histogram is aligned with date of trawl. Total numbers of captured are shown, along with reference to time of high tide. of 3 and 4 December were combined to form a total catch of 171. duction of Figure 11 of Higley and Holton (1975). See Figure 6 station location. base of fish Catches Reprofor 46°20 2 3° 45 BAKER BAY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GRAYS BAYC MVP . ........... HARRINGTON PT PT ELLICE 11 N Ia IhI-JDIIIII AS TORIA 46° 0 CATHLAAMET B YOUNGS COL U MBIA RIVER BAY 124°00' Figure 17. Estimated distribution of benthic amphipod habitats and associated amp hipod densi ties in the Columbia River estuary. The habitats have been labe lied A-D for ease of reference. Hab itat divisions and densities are ver y approximate; they reflect bathymet ric features shown in C & G S charts 6151 and 6 152, as well as sediment textures and benthic densities pres ented in Jo,hnson and Cutshall (1975, Higley and Holton (1 975), and this repor t. ARY i E Of -1k °ff fl + -W 4,w I'M (111 co Figure 18. Aerial photograph of Port of Astoria, 9 December 1963. Pier 3 and part of the proposed fill site are shown in the foreground. (From Port of Astoria Collection). 49 CIRCULATION PATTERNS, YOUNGS BAY, OREGON FLOOD TIDE FLOOD TIDE (I TO 2 HOURS AFTER LOW TIDE) (3 HOURS AFTER LOW TIDE) R kR KR ., r !bbin.5 furface (A . r . rr, ents e ti ti._' r > (low currents) ASTORIA ASTORIA L stagnatlan ones circulation call ... BAY strong flood currents (2 fps) \ EBB TIDE 1/2 HOUR BEFORE HIGH TIDE Weak currents (< 0.5 fps) COLUMBIA RIVER strong ebb carronis urrent3 r tail +t(0.5fps) X,,1 -r ;TORIA , og YOUNG'S Figure 19. Tidal Current Patterns, Youngs Bay, Oregon. State University, Ocean Engineering Program, 1975). (From Oregon Pier 2 samples 2 345 6 7 I /00% mud 0.8 E 0.2 0 0 coarse sand 2 345 6 7 Sample Number Figure 20. Mud/sand ratios of sediments in a transect along Slip 2 and into the Columbia River, 13 February 1976. TABLES Temperature and salinity profiles at selected stations in the Columbia River High tide at Tongue Point occurred at 0953 hrs (PST). 1975. Station Table 1. estuary, 29 November locations are shown in Figure 2. 100 STATION TIME (PST) 0930 h D EPTH (m) 0 Temp Salinity (°/°O) (°C) 102 103 105 107 108 1005 h 1045 h 1200 h 1325 h 1415 h Temp Salinity Temp Salinity Temp Salinity Temp Salinity (°C) (°C) (°/O0) 8.0 4.2 (°/oo) 7.9 16.9 8.6 19.5 8.0 17.2 9.7 24.3 8.8 19.0 10.4 29.4 (°C) (°/oo) 8.0 0.9 8.0 3.2 (°C) 7.5 (°/oo) 1.2 Temp Salinity (°C) (°/O0) 8.0 0.3 7.5 0.1 1 2 3 4 6 10.1 30.1 7 10.3 30.2 8.4 17.4 8.6 21.3 12 9.6 27.0 13 10.1 31.2 9 10 8.0 15.6 8.5 5 8 8.5 11 12.5 1.0 Table 2. Temperature and salinity profiles at the entrance to Young's Bay and at two stations in the region of the proposed fill, 18 October 1975. High tide occured at 1252 hrs (PDT) in Youngs Bay. See Figures 3 and 4 for station locations. STATION Entrance to Young's Bay Transect IV 25 m offshore Transect II 50 m Offshore 1152 h 1216 h 1227 h TIME (PDT) DEPTH (m) T emp Temp Salinity Temp ( °C)°/oo) Salinity (°C) (°/°O) (°C) (°/°°) 0 14.5 5.4 S'tT 1 14.5 5.6 7'VT 2 14.5 Z'6T 8'L L'9 6't, 3 14.5 4 14.0 5.5 6.2 9.0 5 13.9 10.4 6 13.4 15.7 7 13.5 16.1 8 13.3 16.3 9 13.5 17.0 10 13.4 17.2 11 13.2 17.5 12 13.4 17.7 14.4 Z'S 14.2 6'S Salinit y Table 3. Checklist of benthic invertebrate taxes captured in the Columbia River estuary, 1974-1976. Taxa listed in Table 1-1 of Higley and Holton (1975) are presented along with taxa found in the present study. This list is subject to revision based on further taxonomic study. Classification is based on Barnes (1968). Phylum Nemertinea Phylum Nematoda Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Subclass Errantia Family Nereidae Neanthes limnicola Family Phyllodocidae Eteone sp. Family Syllidae Family Nephtyidae Family Goniadidae Subclass Sedentaria Family Ampharetidae Amphicteis floridus Family Orbiniidae Family Spionidae Polydora sp. Family Capitellidae Mediomastus Capitella sp. sp. Class Oligochaeta Class Hirudinea Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Class Bivalvia Family Cyrenidae Corbicula fluminea Family Tellenidae Ma coma inconspicua Macoma sp. Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Class Arachnida Order Acarina Suborder Hydracarina Subphylum Mandibulata Class Crustacea Subclass Ostracoda Subclass Copepoda Order Harpacticoida Family Canuellidae Canuella canadensis Family Ectinosomidae Ectinosoma sp. Family Cletodidae Huntemannia jadensi Subclass Cirrepedia Subclass Malacostraca Superorder Peracarida Order Mysidacea Family Mysidae Order CumaceaNeomysis mercedis Order Isopoda Suborder Flabellifera Family Sphaeromatidae Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis Suborder Valvifera Family Idoteidae Mesidotea (Saduria) entomon Order Amphipoda Suborder Gammaridea Family Corophiidae Corophium salmonis Corophium spinicorne Corophium brevis Family Gammaridae Anisogammarus confervicolus Family Haustoriidae Eohaustorius estuarius? Eohaustorius washingtonianus Eohaustorius sawyeri Family Phoxocephalidae Paraphoxus milleri? Paraphoxus sp. 1 Paraphoxus sp. 2 Family Oedicerotidae Monoculodes sp. Family Lysianassidae Hippomedon denticulatus Superorder Eucarida Order Decapoda Suborder Natantia Crangon franciscorum Suborder Reptantia Section Macrura Pacifasticus sp. Table 3 (continued) Class Insecta Order Odonata Order Diptera Phylum Sipunculida Family Chironomidae Densities (number/m2) of benthic taxa, and sediment textures for bottom samples taken in Table 4. Two samples were taken at most stations (designated by a and b). the Columbia River estuary, 1975. Samples numbered 1-42 were taken between 31 August and 2 S eptembe r. ;those numbered 100-110 were taken on 29 Samples were obtained with a Smith-McIntyre November 1975. Data for some samples are not available. See Figure 2 for station locations. grab sampler. STATION UNCORRECTED STATION DEPTH (m) 1A lB 2A 2B 11.3 11.6 6.1 6.7 3A 3B 12.8 11.9 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B 7A 7B 4.3 4.6 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.4 4.0 1.4 0.3 1.0 53.8 42.8 23.2 71.8 65.7 25.4 2.6 6.3 0.7 0.7 45.2 46.5 19.0 12.5 8.0 50 7.0 50 BA 88 4.0 10.7 11.9 1.8 0.7 8.9 30.4 14.7 43.5 0.6 10.5 60.5 7.6 20.8 0.6 0.3 6.7 46.5 8.8 37.1 14.0 12.5 18.0 50 SUBSTRATE TEXTURE (t) 0.3 > 1.000 mm 0.500 mm-1.000 mm 0.250 mm-0.500 mm 0.125 mm-0.250 mm 0.063 mm-0.125 mm 0.063 mm SAMPLE DEPTH (cm) FRACTION OF SAMPLE COUNTED 24.9 61.2 12.2 1.7 (t) 10.0 15.7 58.3 8.0 18.0 7.0 8.5 0.2 0.1 78.5 0.2 1.1 1.7 58.9 37.0 1.9 2.2 10.0 12.0 11.0 19.0 50 50 25 3.4 100 100 50 50 47.9 46.0 4.2 1.6 0.2 43.7 52.5 18.4 1.0 5.2 39.1 54.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 3.5 3.3 0.1 1.4 2.0 3.3 2.6 9.3 26.3 61.3 9.7 9.7 77.6 7.0 19.0 15.0 25 25 TAXON 19 Nemertinea 19 2B 75 37 299 3,439 Nematoda Annelida ncy caeaa Oligxhaeta Mollusc. Gastropod. 93 93 37 754 93 56 224 46,804 374 17,495 3,140 523 280 280 75 56 19 75,514 224 Bivalvia 19 1,869 710 299 1,421 93 972 19 6,355 1,439 93 598 1,720 206 Arthropoda Crust a cea Oat racoda cirripedia 374 Mycidacea Cunacea Isepoda Anphipoda 19 37 37 729 19 467 Decapoda 299 19 37 252 19 93 19 1,065 280 37 1,159 75 449 75 75 3,439 11,665 37 Insecta Odor Diptera Sipunculida 617 504 49,981 18,691 1,794 1,664 79,776 1,887 18.5 95 EEG 1108 TET LE Zit 61 61 E6 891 EVE OPI'T SLIT 968'9 STZ'T 6TO'9ZT 9E9'VZ 810'ZI L06'E L8111 98L b601 LPL'Z SLE LOT Sic SOL Sipuncul Lda 19 61 Diptera In Beeta Odonata 6 9 ZIT SL SL 11ZZ 891 94E'1 61Z'T OST SL SL 95 A.-.Vhipoda Decapoda Isopod. 6T Cumecea 61 61 SL 61 95 Mycidacea Cirripedl Ost racoda Arthropoda Crustaeea 61 8LT 66Z sit BIE ZIT OWE SE6'9 6ST'IZ O8Z Bit LSL'E VO8'Z TZ4'8Z OST LOT EEG Gastropoda 6L8'ZS Elva ivia roil ucw LE SZ6'S E6 S£6 659 195 985'b ZZ SL 9EE 89T 95 LE LOT SPEC 659 6T 61 9L8 E6 6T LE Ell 61 LE LE Ell 986 Polycha eta LE Ol lgae6 ue to ..lid. N. re toda 6T Nemert inea LOT 1ET TAXON E'0 Z'0 8'E L'BS 0'LE E'95 E'0 S'0 O'Z1 6'01 S'Z 5'04 L'Z8 Z'TT E'4 0'61 0'61 0'L1 SZ S'ZT 0'6 OS 05 OOT Z'S Z'S OS 0'8 0'L WE S'Z T'9 4'Z E'O 81 ZL 0'EL Z'9 L'OZ E't LIT E'ZT Z't WE 810 L'6E 6'Z4 b'S 9'TE 11 'PS 5'E1 6'T 4'Z4 L'SS 0'8 0'8 E'0 6'6 0'89 8'9Z 0'6 810 Z'9Z 1'69 E'Z 0'T 6'6Z 8'99 Vol 0'81 6'9 E'0 E'9T b'SC 09 OS OS 0'E1 0'11 6'9 9'0 11'Z E'0 1'0Z Z'LL Z'Z 910 GOT OS OS OS OS OS OS S'6L L'Z 0'E 9'11 9'0 OS 918 5'TT 6'S Z'T VIE 8TZ 9'11 WE 0'6 0'E 6'0 9'8L LPL 0.125 mn-0.250 an 9191 6'6T 11'0 6'0 (al UZZ SAMPLE DEPTH (cm) Fw TION Or SAMPLE COUNTED It 0.063 mm-O.125 mm 0.063 mm > 1.000 mm 0.500 mn-1-0OD nm 0.250 mn-0.500 mm 'E 4'E 89t S'Z V91 TIE Z'S T'9 L'OZ 1'9 0'61 801 VII 911 VET BET VST 95i SUBSTRATE TEXTURE UNCORP.ECTED STATION DEPTH (m) Vol Table 4 (continued 6EV'L L68'8 VZZ'OI VTS'TT OTL'ZT SE6'ZT 6ZL'OT 5OS'OI ZVZ'8 E6E'0! 9E9'B 86Z'V 9Z6'61 LOE'IZ VIS'LZ Z56'81 TWEE C89'TZ Sipuncul ides 19 Ztt Diptera Odonata Insect, Z9Z Z9Z TET'Z E£S'S Z04'L b6L'6 LT9'9 BOE'E 6T OVT'6T TZT'TZ Z9Z'9T 600'6 986'8 60819 LE SL Cirripedi Mycidacea Ct a Cea Isopoda Amphlpoda Deca pods 0 YZZ 0.Ira coda Crustacea Arthropoda SSE EZS SSE'! 0001Z SOL 8Z0'S 06Z'L LE LE OSt'V 892'9 S6V'L III LE 9Z9 86S EL9 ZL6'V 6 L911 SSE LE 9S 6T VZZ 89T LE EZS 61 TET 6ZL Ott ZVS SE6 61 SL Lt 600 ZTT LOT EVZ'01 OIL VE6'8 5E6 099 9VE'1 6t0'OT ZSL'E 809'S! 68S'L 262 6T my SL Mollusca Gastropoda Diva Luis Polychaeta Oligochacta Annelida 6T 61 66Z Nematodes Nemertinea LE TAXON T'Z S'L 9'EB L'9 E'O E'LL S'ET O'ET OS OS L'9 I'8 L'9 8'O E'0 SZ O'Et V'!T 9'TS 019E 9'0 Vol Z'ZE 1'1 9'IL S'B V'IT E'SS O'£! O'El St OS V'0 8'B 9'0 E'0 OS OS OS 9'Z V'Z 0'T O'Z S'S Z'SV 0164 E'0 0'1 I'TI 6'9E Z'OS S'O E'O Z'0 Z'Z S'0 S'ES S'Z 8'0 E'S Z'Z E'L V'91 91VT E'VS SZ 0111 OS 0'6 0'9 OS 8'E L'S 8'BZ 8'95 6'V S'V S'6E 6'1 6'E S'LE S'6 S'EI O'ET 0'81, 8'11 L'Z 8'! O'IT 0'9Z 9'8V O'Z S'O O'Z 9'OV Z'O Z10 O'ET O'E! SZ SZ SZ O'El Z°Z 0'8 8'81, SZ 0'6 8'TL 9'61 9'E E'T E'! SZ (t) 0'OI S'TL 8'OZ 8'T 8't L'Z 8'1 6'0 8'T UT I'E! L'9Z S'VS I'Z S'O 6'Z Z'E mm-0.500 mn, > 1.000 nun 5'T SAMPLE DEPTH (cm) FRACTION OF SAMPLE COUNTED < 0.063 r 0.125 mm-0.250 mm 0.063 mm-0.125 mm 0.250 0.500 mm-1.000 mm SUBSTRATE TEXTURE (lI 8'T BIE I'Z 5'i VIE HOE S'I S'T YOE V6Z 06Z HOT YOZ 8LZ 8'T VLZ 892 Y9Z HST YSZ SET (UI) LINCORkEZT_D STATION DEPTH YET Table 4 (continued 6T EL9'0 ZZB SOL LE Z89'LS 05818E Z96'E9 ZZ'6E TET Z9Z 58L LE 00019t OSt COT OST 9EE ZZ 916 099 L4 6T LE Ztt ZTt 8511 LSL'1 SL 6 L COT t6Z E96'it 906't OST Oct EZ SL SL SL 68S'E L9L'Ot tLZ'9T TS5'TT 508'OZ 95 ZTT LE L8t Oct BOE'6 St6'6t 6EL't E6E'0T 9E9'01 L6S Sipuncullda 61 Odonata Diptera Insects 8'8 t66'Z OE'8 L0'T OSB'L 9E9 T86'6 OZ 66Z Amph ipoda Deeapoda Isopoda Cumacea SL LE Hycldacea 2 Cirripedi Arthropoda Crustacea Ostracoda OSt SL Biva lvia LC Gast ropoda Ptllcsca 8t'8 ZTt'r 99't OTC SSE E99'1 E6 EZS BL SOS'81 Z89'Z1 SL ESE L8t 6T TEt't 6 6 OE 0 NN L9'T L Ollgochaeta Annelida Polychaeta Nematode 6T Nmert lnea TAXON L'9 i'9 E'T T'f t'Z 119Z T'ZS S'91 OOT 0'S i 0'fT 0'112 SZ SZ OOT 0 1 ST Z'6 Z'6 5 '0 8 ' EZ T ' 9S 5 ' 01 0 6 0'11 6'£9 T'0 Z'O '8Z co ' S ' 6t Z' LS TT L ' ' SE L'9T Z'6 SZ 0 1 ST 0 ' 01t L L 't ' 6Z 6 ' OS Z ' LS E ' TE SZ 0'T 6'6 Z'9Z 9'SS 05 01ST E'9 L'Z 9'L9 0'T Z't Z'T L'Z L't E'0 Z'0 Z'O E '0 6'0 O 11 ' 0 11 ' 8'L 't to 05 01ST T't 8'5T 0'8S E'OZ to os '8Z £'E 8'Z S'ST E'ES £'L L'Z 'ZZ Z'9t 8'9S L'ZZ 9'9 T'E SZ 01ST 0't 'EZ E'0 E'0 S'SS 8'ET 6'0 6'0 SL 0'111 OS 01ST 810 Ell T'T '8L 'Z9 WE 6'E S19t OOT 0'Et OS 0'91 81ST L'0 L'0 00 01T Z'L 11'0 Z'E Z'Z SAISLE DEPTH (cm) 'Z FRACTION OF SAf1.E COUNTED (a) < 0.063 mm 619 Z'OL Z'O1 0'S > 1.000 nm 0.500 mm-1.000 nm 0.250 mn-0.500 mm 0.125 mm-0.250 mm 0.063 ern-0.125 nm SUBSTRATE TEXTURE (I) 8'T YO HB£ V8E 9LE YLE 99E Y9E 8'T SESE 8'T V5E T'Z 86E T'Z VVE Ell SEE Z't t19 VEE 11'9 8Zf DEPTH (ml HO UNCORRECTED STATION VZE Table 4 (continued Table a (continued) . 9.2 8.2 7.3 102A 1028 103A 103B 104A 1048 105A 6.7 6.7 7.6 7.6 5.2 4.6 5.5 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 4.5 0. 9 4 .1 3. 8 78.6 12.9 40 . 0 4.5 54.5 3.8 1.6 80.1 4.0 77.0 14.0 10.6 71.2 11.7 0.3 1.7 0.2 001 S19 8.8 101B E'E 1.2 101A 9'Z 1.2 100B 5.0 6.5 13.5 1058 . 5.5 \) 25 50 5.5 7.0 100 DOT f') 15.0 0'8 14.0 7.0 3.4 100 001 14.0 10.8 S'9 SAMPLE DEPTH (cm) FRACTION OF SAMPLE COUNTED 4.6 8.3 14.3 78.1 5.9 1.7 DOT 44.8 19.8 30.3 18.2 71.5 9'8 19.9 23.0 44.4 23.3 61.4 Z'8 0.125 mn-0.250 mm 0.063 mm-0.125 mm < 0.063 on 0.2 42.5 45.5 3.4 E'£ 0.8 0.9 3.4 01Z 4.9 P 01 5.7 2.0 non 8'T mm 0.250 mm-0.500 L'L6 8'0D 0.500 mm-1.000 T'ZL 41ST > 1.000 . 3.7 100A 911 L'Tt ( 3.7 42B 8 105 SUBSTRATE TEXTURE m) 42A B'Z9 UNCORRECTED STATION DEPTH 41B E'1E 41A 50 50 100 17.7 76.8 3.6 1.9 10.0 100 5. 6 10 . 0 3.1 10 . 5 100 13 . 5 150 93 SO TAXON 1.906 4,860 2,916 7.252 8Z 4 , 374 oz 8 , 299 6 19 19 6 Nerertinea 56 93 37 56 28 290 AnnelLda 168 187 224 187 280 131 ISO 19 LE 28 051 327 TZ/ 150 E8t Polychaeta Cl igochaeta 93 9 19 140 molluscs Gastropods 8Z Bivalvia 19 103 19 Arthropods Cruatacoa Ostracod a Cirriped is Mycida ce a 8Z C wne cea 37 S69 169 >S6 405 6 61 6 6 6T 6 TLZ OST 61 365 ZSZ 206 8Z 44,336 ZIT 43,140 OST 56 TET 6 29,794 ttz 28,037 Decapoda 06T Isnpoda Amph ipod 0 738 168 insecta Odonata Diptera Slpunculida 4SE 98P 665 (continued BLOT £'V 1'9 WE 8'1 0'VT T'T 9'91 0'58 9'V S'0 019 £'0 0109 L'ST E'LV Z'OV 8'0 L'9 PLOT E'V V90T. 8901 Z'S Z'8 0'T T'0 9'11V 0'65 6'V 0'T 6'ZV T'LV (m) Y80T UNCORRECTED STATION DEPTH Y60T STATION VOTT Table 4 SUBSTRATE TEXTURE It) 9'E S'V 0'ZT 0'11T 5'OT L'8 9'V S'T1 001 001 SZ T'OL O'ZT L'Z 6'Z 9'0 0'S 001 0'ST 0'LT SZ OOT OS SAMPLE DEPTH (cm) FRACTION OF SAMPLE. COUNTED (%) 0'T 6'8 0.250 mn-0.500 on 0.125 mm-C.250 mm 0.063 mn-0.125 mm C 0.063 at 6'T 6'L 0'68 Z'9 T'0 > 1.000 nm 0.500 mm-1.000 on TAXON 5L LE 90Z 61 LOT VB ZTT Neracods 6 Nemertinea 6 Mnelida 6 95 OST 80E VZZ LOT 5L S9 6T OST COT E6 Oligochauta ZTT PolyCHaete' :cl1uscc 82 6 Wt toped. Bivalvia Ar thropoda Crustacea Os t r.coda Clrrir'ed_ SEE SOL LVO'T 088 STZ 19S 60Z'T EES'T 96T'T Z9Z EES'9L 6T Isopoda 6T ZSZ AI%hipoda 61 hcea 891'9L Mycidacea De Capeda Insecta Odonata Diptera Sipun culida 001 Table 5. Approximate densities (number/m2) of benthic taxa for bottom samples taken in the Columbia River estuary, 21 and 22 January 1976. Two samples were taken at each station (designated A and B). Densities are based on cursory sample counts, as explained in the text. Samples were obtained with a Smith-McIntyre grab sampler. Station depth is uncorrected for tidal stage. See Figure 2 for station locations. STATION 151A 151B 152A 152B 153A UNCORRECTED STATION DEPTH (m) 3.2 3.2 5.2 5.2 2.1 2.1 1.8 (cm) 15.0 13.0 15.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.5 SAMPLE DEPTH 153B 154A 154B 155A 155B 2.6 2.1 2.1 12.0 15.8 16.5 11.4 11.4 1.8 2.6 TAXON Nematoda 50 30 100 800 400 1,600 Annelida Polychaeta Oligochaeta 50 10 2,700 2,600 50 50 18,000 21,000 50 50 200 200 1,400 6,300 20 30 20 100 100 100 300 20 20 200 100 7,100 100 100 500 Mollusca Gastropoda Bivalvia Anthropoda Crustacea Ostracoda Amphipoda Insecta Diptera 10 50 30 7,900 100 12,000 12,000 Table 6. Densities (number/m2) of benthic fauna at selected stations in Youngs Bay, 1974. A dash indicates taxon may have been present, but was not counted. See Figure 5 for station locations. Summarized from Table 5-1 of Higley and Holton (1975). STATION AND DATE FWGS TAXON FWGS P3-FLG PW PW 1 3 10 July 10 July 7 March 12 Oct 12 Oct 8,323.2 50.5 191.9 65.4 224.3 766.4 30,523.4 280.4 3C 2 5 Amphipoda Anisogammarus Corophiwn Eohaustorius 40.4 1,859.6 Paraphoxus Isopoda Mesidotea 10.1 Gnorimosphaeroma Insecta Chironomidae 10.1 10.1 Polychaeta Ampharetidae Nereidae 60.6 01igochaeta 10.1 40.4 it 859.8 448.6 40.4 551.4 112.1 10.1 46.7 252.3 Hirudinea Nematoda 30.3 Nemertinea Mollusca Macoma 20.2 850.5 Corbicula Hydracarina Ostracoda Decapoda Pacifasticus 10.1 Crangon Mysidacea Neomysis TOTAL lb./ 2U.2 .970 8 444 323 3 383 31 617 Table 6 (Continued) STATION AND DATE YR 3 YR MOUTH LC 6 LC WH 26 Aug 29 May 9 Nov 9 Nov 2,637.4 71.4 18,857.1 20,558.6 29,040.0 142.9 949.7 80.0 71.4 TAXON Amphipoda Anisogammarus Corophium Eohaustorius Paraphoxus Isopoda Mesidotea Gnorimosphaeroma Insecta Chironomidae Polychaeta Ampharetidae Nereidae Oligochaeta 54.9 467.0 2,142.9 502.8 279.3 160.0 960.0 26,620.9 11,071.4 15,754.2 33,440.0 82.4 1,785.7 335.2 320.0 Hirudinea Nematoda Nemertinea - 240.0 Mollusca Macoma 167.6 Corbicula 160.0 55.9 Hydracarina Ostracoda Decapoda Pacifasticus Crangon Mysidacea Neomysis TOTAL 29,863 34,143 38,603 64,400 66 Table 6 (Continued) STATION AND DATE CWRR WRT-6C 3 WRT-6C 7 SKIP 3 SKIP TB 9 July 12 Oct 12 Oct 24 Oct 10 Nov 12,255.1 22,235.8 81.3 28,435.1 1,098.9 9.3 140.2 TAXON Amphipoda Anisogammarus Corophiwn Eohaustorius Paraphoxus Isopoda Mesidotea Gnorimosphaeroma Insecta 1,098.9 Chironomidae Polychaeta Ampharetidae Nereidae Oligochaeta 9.3 9.3 51.2 542.9 609.8 782.4 50,295.9 11,138.2 26,450.4 11,318.7 2,183.7 1,219.5 267.2 439.6 84.1 Hirudinea Nematoda Nemertinea Mollusca Macoma 10.2 CorbicuZa Hydracarina 384.6 Ostracoda 109.9 Decapoda Pacifasticus Crangon Mysidacea Neomysis TOTAL 71.4 65,520 35,285 55,935 14,450 252 Table 7. Densities (number/m2) of benthic taxa, and sediment textures for bottom samples taken in the region of the proposed fill, 18 and 19 October 1975. Estimated station depth at mean lower low water (MLLW) is shown. Two samples were taken at each station (designated by a and b). Samples were obtained with a Smith-McIntyre grab sampler, except at the number 4 station on Transects I and II, where five clam gun cores of exposed substrate comprised each sample. Faunal counts were not made on some samples. See Figure 3 for station locations. TRANSECT I 3A 3B Z'O E'0 6'0 O'0 CZ L'0 0'1 O'0 Z'0 4A 40 Z'0 Z'0 Z'0 Z'0 S'0 Z'O Z'O Z'E S'ST 6'0E L'TE E1119 I'9S I'OE E'OS 8'O 9'E E'65 T'85 T'85 S'9S Z'S 9'LE Z'OZ O'6Z £'Z 0'8 E'L 019 T'O 0'TT 0'0T 0'6 L'6 L'6 Z'9 8'Z SZ 8'0 0'0 810 T'E T'Z T'T E'0 E'0 Z'0 9'EZ I'EZ L'9Z E'0 T'0 6'EE T'ZS 0'05 0'0S 1'9Z O'ZS O'ZS T'TE LEE S'T9 5'IT L'LI E'8 Z'9 8'6 6'TT E'OZ 9'L 6'S Z'9 0'OT 5'TT 5'E1 OZ SZ OS 4B E'0 'AR 8'0 910 410 6'E L16 5'S I'S S'6 L'6 05 S'E 0'6 OS OS 0'0T 8'9 S'6 Z'O E'O 5'ST C'95 Z16S 0'L 9'6 S'L SZ OS T'T 0'1 Z'O 9'0 T'85 Z'SZ 6'ZT TIE S'OT O'ZT OS SE SZ (s) 0 DEPTH (cm) FRACTION OF SAMPLE OOUN3E 3B I'0 SA MPLE 1'0- Ann 6'0 mm c 0.063 an 8'T mm 2B 5'0 0.125 mm-0.250 0.063 mn-0.125 mm JP Z'0 > 1.000 nn 0.500 nn-1.000 D.l sa nn-0.500 Is 3A Z'O STATION DEPtil at ML W(m) TRANSECT TI 1A 2B 2A 1B E'0 1A STATION TAXON LE O8Z T95 LEO'Z 66L'T OS8'Z L09'T 600'T TZ6 468 902 666 9E9 E6 Z9Z 61 SE6'OO 9IZ 65 ZEL'T OLS'T 8L9'I VOL 082 ES6 86S SE6 Z69 PLE ITO 8TE 85'T OS9 L68 ITO 906'2 ITS, 90E 'Z LOT 58L 8ZO'T Annellda Polychaeta OligochaeLn SEC Nematoda 61 Nemertinea Molluscs Gas tropoda ZTT SL LE Arthropoda Crustacea Ostracoda SL Bivalve 0 Cirr ipedia Mycidacea CumaCea 9Z9'TC TL6'9E 906'62 ES6'OE T9Z'0 S8L'ZE Z5'8Z ZO'LT 600'I0 58L'9E TY8'9 S08'ST OEB'91 TO'EV EZE'6I OLZ'6T Isopoda T66'06 Amphipoda Decapoda Insects Odonata Diptera Sipuncul ida OT8'OO Z89'TE Z69'81 891'8E 88S'ZO 8ZO'EO able 7 (continued TRANSECT III TRANSECT IV STATION 1A 1B 2A 28 3A 3B 4A 4B IA 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 48 STATION DEPTH at MLLW (m) 1.8 1.7 0.8 2.4 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.1 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 5.9 72.4 0.3 0.3 5.0 0.3 0.6 2.9 1.6 7.0 0.3 0.6 53.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.4 1.1 1.1 0.7 1.9 0.8 0.6 2.0 0.3 0.3 6.8 4.7 31.8 38.6 8.6 38.1 47.8 4.3 9.5 0.7 0.0 7.5 70.8 0.6 0.6 37.6 3.6 37.0 51.1 0.4 0.4 1.6 0.3 0.3 26.1 40.3 22.0 0.5 1.0 61.0 29.2 2.3 6.0 42.8 21.7 42.8 15.2 57.3 31.9 6.7 2.9 32.0 40.5 10.9 15.9 11.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 12.0 11.0 10.5 25 25 25 SUBSTRATE TEXTURE (1) > 1.000 mm 0.500 Don-1.000 em 0.250 mm-0.500 non 0.125 mm-0.250 mo 0.063 mnr0.125 mni < 0.063 enn SAMPLE DEPTH (cm) PRACTIaI OF SAMPLE COUNTE D (% 10.2 10.7 67.6 14.0 12.8 13.5 11.5 50 25 54.3 33.0 3.3 4.6 8.0 50 50 60.4 26.3 10.9 12.9 8.1 12.0 10.5 25 25 20.6 2.4 50.1 35.1 11.9 9.0 12.0 42.0 35.0. 25 25 25 TAXON Ne rtNea Nematoda Annelida Polychaeta Oligochacta 112 75 56 75 160 1,682 3,439 3,514 1,925 75 1,832 2,318 318 318 168 374 37 150 75 299 187 299 224 37 187 636 748 1,981 3,636 1,832 2,392 1,159 505 262 1.383 1,757 187 37 2,364 6,392 2,131 8,037 1,794 19,411 2,056 10,336 822 449 486 598 112 710 262 1,664 673 1,000 626 Mollusca Gastropoda Divalvia 37 Arthropoda Crustacea Ostracoda Cirripedia Mycidacea Cumacea 37 Isopoda Arphipoda Decapoda 2 6,860 28,636 51,644 45,906 24,374 20,673 20,318 22,804 25,860 40,047 53,234 56,411 29,308 34,917 55,812 50,374 26,841 23,515 31,561 35,925 51,888 55,233 57,121 58,728 Insects Odonata Diptera Sipunculida 69 Table S. Checklist of fish species captured in the Youngs Bay area, 1974-1975. List is based on Table 1-2 of Higley and Holton (1975), and includes species taken at proposed fill site by Durkin (1974), indicated by (t), as well as those captured in the present study, indicated by (*). Nomenclature is based on American Fisheries Society (1970). COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME FAMILY American shad Alosa sapidissima (Wilson) Clupeidae Carp t Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus Cyprinidae Chinook salmon * t Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) Salmonidae Chum salmon t Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) Salmonidae Coho salmon t Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum) Salmonidae English sole Parophrys vetulus Girard Pleuronectidae Largescale sucker * t Catostomus macrocheilus Girard Catostomidae Longfin smelt t Spirinchus Osmeridae Northern anchovy Engraulis mordax Girard Engraulidae Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus (Gairdner) Petromyzontidae Pacific herring * Clupea harengus pallasi Valenciennes Clupeidae Pacific staghorn sculpin * t Leptocottus armatus Girard Cottidae Pacific tomcod Microgadus proximus Gadidae Peamouth * t Mylocheilus Prickly sculpin t Cottus asper Richardson Cottidae Ringtail snailfish Liparis Cyclopteridae Sand sole Psettichthys Shiner perch * t Cymategaster aggregate Snake prickleback Lumpenus sagitta Wilimovsky Stichaeidae Speckled sanddab Citharichthys stigmaeus Bothidae Starry flounder * t Platichthys Steelhead trout Salmo Surf smelt * t Hypomesus Threespine stickleback * t Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus Gasterosteidae White sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus Acipenseridae thaleichthys (Ayres) (Girard) caurinus (Richardson) rutteri (Gilbert and Snyder) melanostictus Girard Gibbons Jordan and Gilbert stellatus (Pallas) gairdneri Richardson pretiosus (Girard) Richardson Cyprinidae Pleuronectidae Erbiotocidae Pleuronectidae Salmonidae Osmeridae Table 9. Summary of fish species captured by Durkin (1974) using a 100-m beach seine near seine site C (Figure 3 ), 1974. Three seine hauls were made on 23 April, two on 15 May, and three on 7 June, 1974. Common Name Scientific Name Starry floun der Platichthys Threespine s tickleback Gasterosteus aculeatu s Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawyts cha Pacific staghorn sculpin stellatus April Number May Size Range (mm) June April May June 230 50 55 59-241 72-213 31-103 206 6 22 39- 72 53- 68 51- 65 26 2408 1027 49- 90 58-132 55-100 Leptocottus armatus 9 14 15 49- 92 58-122 63-149 Carp Cyprinus carpio 5 0 23 439-559 Pea mouth Mylocheilus caurinus 3 1 68 71-348 Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch 2 160 3 Largescale s ucker Catostomus macrocheil us 2 1 1 Chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta 1 1 0 65 68 Longfin smel t Spirinchus 1 1 0 131 98 Shiner perch Cyma togas ter 0 6 164 Surf smelt Hypomesus pretiosus 0 0 23 Prickly soul pin Cottus asper 0 1 dilatus* aggregat a *Synonomous with S. thaleichthys (American Fisheries Society, 1970) 410-570 48 85-221 116-126 112-159 108-145 463-529 450 480 112-129 81-132 54- 81 128 Table 10. Catch by 52-m beach seine at Station P3 in Youngs Bay, 1974. of Higley and Holton (1975). See Figure 6 for station location. Taken from Table 12 xU cd a) Cd Ud H Cd Date Time Reference to high tide = a) v xo of O -4 f4 p Cd r+ v) Cd U p+ a) xNU z ,4HUto4CdU w $4 N U w CU) to to Cd a STATION: 27 Aug 1510 5.5 hrs past 12 Oct 1530 4 hrs past 16 11 Nov 0945 1 hr before 35 r+ 4 a) ice-' p 0 E Cd a a Fi U a) p gyp. a) cn 1 19 6 $4 >, SA O Fr -4 cd 4a G7 +j a) 4a E t-+ CA a.x yU G) r4 0 4-j Fl N on TOTAL P3 4 1 H Ha -4 12 2 27 15 28 79 118 168 Catch by 52-m beach seine at four stations Table 11. fill, 18 October 1975. See Figure 3 for station locations. located in the region of the proposed FISH SPECIES TOTAL CAPTURE SITE Chinook Salmon A Sucker Pacific Pacific Staghorn Herring Peamouth Sculpin 15 H B Largescale Shiner Starry Surf Perch Flounder Smelt Stickleback 4 3 6 9 41 122 1 2 46 172 1 57 94 35 C 3 D 178 29 51 178 141 358 m 16 1 Threespine 73 Table 12. Mean contributions of various food types to stomach contents of fish captured at Stations PW and NMFS 1. The values represent the approximate seasonal importance of each food type to the mixed species population of fish sampled by 4.9 m (headrope length) trawl. Reproduction of Table 13 of Higley and Holton (1975). See Figure 6 for station locations. Food Station Mean fraction of stomach contents (o) Jan-May June-Sept Oct-Dec Amphipoda Corophium PW NMFS 1 Anisogamnnarus PW NMFS 1 Copepoda Harpacticoida Calanoida E Cyclopoida PW NMFS PW NMFS 1 1 62.9 52.5 1.4 7.6 19.1 18.8 2.8 32.8 74.3 2.3 + 5.7 0.8 5.5 18.0 74.2 5.9 0.7 6.8 1.9 0.7 6.2 0 3.1 PW NMFS 1 0.7 4.8 1.0 4.2 Ileomysis PW NMFS 1 6.4 9.7 17.5 18.4 12.2 10.0 Polychaeta PW NMFS 1 1.2 10.0 13.6 0.6 10.5 1.2 3.6 10.3 4.1 0.1 37.3 Decapoda Crangon 0 2.1 Mysidacea Mollusca Bivalvia PW NMFS 1 Fish Mean fullness 0 PW 0 4.3 0 NMFS 1 0 0 0 PW NMFS 1 20.0 33.5 39.4 51.8 17.6 37.8 + indicates trace amount I Table 13. Contents for station locations. of stonachs taken from fish captured by beach seine at four stations in the region of the proposed fill. J See Figure 3 FOOD TYPE (% by volume) FIST Chinook Salmon STOMACH SIZE CAPTURE FULLNESS 14 70 Perrestrnal Aquatic Calanoida ironoAdult Adult Arancae AniaoBivalve and midae Coleoptera Diptera gcrosnarua Siphons Cyclopoida Larvae Cladocera Coro- Eohaua- Cnorioophi= toriua 12 A A C 45 A 45 B 40 60 7 A 80 15 10 D 80 65 70a D 22 A 30 40 12 B 40 9 C 50 8 D 60 14 B D 60 15 12 B 15 60 10 14 B 90 75 40 97 80 trace 7 C 5 D 12 15 65 100 60 Polycheeta Uniden- aphaeroma tified 25 2 58b 100 trace 40 Largescale Sucker 20 70 Pacific Herring trace trace 80 30 100 Pacific Stag horn Sculpin Peamouth tracec 30 100 10 50 Shiner Perch 100 80 60 Starry Flounder Surf Smelt 90 0 C 20 40 trace 10 3 20 Threespine Stickleback 5 20 50 -----------------------------Cean contributiond (5) d Frequency of Occurrence a Identified as (I) A. confervicolus bIdentified as C. Identified as C. salmonis spinicorne 5Excludinq fish with empty stomach 50 40 0.8 5.6 3.3 16.7 1.4 5.6 60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.1 1.1 21.5 2.2 2.2 40.1 2.2 1.7 2.2 15.0 11.1 5.6 27.8 5.6 11.1 66.7 11.1 5.6 16.7 38.9 Table 14. Area, density of amphipods, and standing crops of amphipods in habitats shown in Figure 17 (or Plate 3). Amphipod statistics are based on density estimates shown in Figure 8 (or Plate 1) and in Higley and Holton (1975). AREA (Hectares) A 16,267 180 B 16,933 5,000 C 409 15,000 D 915 30,000 -0 STANDING CROP (± 1 SD) (1010 individuals) 0 - 6.51) (000'6 -000'T L9'178 16.93-152.41) (000'ZZ-000'L £T'9 2.86- 8.99) (000'Z'-000'LT) 34,354 (00i TOTAL DENSITY (± 1 SD) (Number/m2) £6'Z HABITAT 27.46 15.56- 38.44) 121.19 35.35-206.35) 77 REFERENCES CITED American Fisheries Society. Committee on Names of Fishes. 1970. A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada. by R.M. Bailey, Chairman, et al. 3d edition. Amer. Fish. Soc. Special Publication No. 6. Washington, D.C. 150 pp. Barnes, Robert D. Co. 1968. Philadelphia. Davis, J.S. Unpublished versity, Corvallis. Durkin, Joseph T. Invertebrate Zoology. 2nd Ed. W.B. Saunders 743 pp. data. School of Oceanography, Oregon State Uni- A Survey Report of Fish Species Found Unpublished. in a Proposed Fill Area West of the Port of Astoria June 1974. U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, 5 pp. Docks, April- Hammond, Oregon. Haertel, Lois, and Charles Osterberg. 1967. Ecology of zooplankton, benthos and fishes in the Columbia River estuary. Ecology 48(3): 459-472. Haertel, Lois, Charles Osterberg, 1969. Nutrient and plankton Ecology 50(6):962-978. Herbert Curl, Jr., and P. Kilho Park. ecology of the Columbia River estuary. Higley, Duane L., and Robert L. Holton. 1975. Biological Baseline Data: Youngs Bay, Oregon, 1974; Final Report to Alumax Pacific Aluminum Corporation, 1 November 1973 through 30 April 1975. Oceanography Reference 75-6. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Johnson, Vernon G., and Norman H. Cutshall. Data, Youngs Bay, Oregon, 1974. 1975. 91 pp. Geochemical Baseline Final Report to ALUMAX Pacific Aluminum Corporation, 1 November 1973 through 30 April 1975. Reference 75-7, School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 66 pp. Krone, R.B. 1971. Investigation of causes of shoaling in slips one and two, Port of Astoria: Consultation report to the Port of Astoria. 9 pp. Misitano, David A. 1974. Zooplankton, Water Temperature, and Salinities in the Columbia River Estuary, December 1971 through December 1972. Data Report 92. National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle WA. 31 pp. Oregon State University. Ocean Engineering Programs. 1975. Characteristics of the Youngs Bay Estuarine Environs. Physical Final Report to ALUMAX Pacific Aluminum Corporation, November 1973 through April 1975. School of Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 310 pp. 78 Richardson, Michael D., William A. Colgate, and Andrew G. Carey, Jr. Unpublished. A Study of Benthic Baseline Assemblages in the MCR Disposal Site Area: Annual Interim Report, 1 October 1974-31 August 1975. School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Various pagings. Chester F., Jr. 1970. An Introduction to Sediment Analysis. Published by the author, Arizona State University. 179 pp. Royse, Herbert R. 1973. A list of benthic animals in the lower Willamette and Columbia Rivers August to October 1973. Northwest Fisheries Center, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, Washington 98112. Mimeographed. Sanborn, 5 numbered leaves. Herbert R. 1975. An Investigation of the Benthic Infauna at Two Dredge and Four Disposal Sites Adjacent to the Mouth of the Columbia River. Completion report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Columbia River Programs Office. Northwest Fisheries Center, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, Washington 98112. Mimeographed. 19 numbered leaves. Sanborn, PLEASE RETURN TO: OREGON ESTi UARiNE RESEARCH COUNCIL PI F. ?8f F-'s'TTIPW TO.