ISLANDS AND SMALL STATES INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Postal address: University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta Secretariat: Tel/Fax: +(356) 21344879: email: Director: Tel/Fax: +(356) 21340335: Director: Professor Lino Briguglio Cold Water Tourism and Winter Tourism in Small Islands: The Cases of Faroe and the Maltese Islands The Islands and Small States Institute of the University of Malta, organised a public seminar followed by a discussion on Wednesday 9th April 2014 at the University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq Campus. The theme of the seminar was "Cold Water Tourism and Winter Tourism in Small Islands: The Cases of Faroe and the Maltese Islands". The seminar was addressed by two speakers. Professor Gestur Hovgaard from the Department of Social Sciences at the University of the Faroe Islands spoke about cold water tourism. Ms Marie Avellino, Assistant lecturer at the Institute of Tourism, Travel and Culture at the University of Malta spoke about Seniors and Winter Tourism in Malta. The presentations were followed by a discussion. The seminar was chaired by the Director of the Islands and Small States Institute, Professor Lino Briguglio. Caption: Speakers addressing the audience. From Left: Ms Avellino, Prof Hovgaard and Prof Briguglio.