Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
November 1, 2013
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
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available via email. To be added to the
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Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by
at least two months prior to the sponsor
deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently
posted Internal Deadlines:
39-1 Collaborative Research in
Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)
Computational neuroscience provides a
theoretical foundation and a rich set of
technical approaches for understanding
complex neurobiological systems, building
on the theory, methods, and findings of
computer science, neuroscience, and
numerous other disciplines. Through the
CRCNS program, the National Science
Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), the French National
Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la
Recherche, ANR), and the United StatesIsrael Binational Science Foundation
(BSF) support collaborative activities that
will advance the understanding of nervous
system structure and function, mechanisms
underlying nervous system disorders, and
computational strategies used by the nervous system. Two classes of proposals will
be considered in response to this solicitation: Research Proposals describing collaborative research projects, and Data
Vol. 22, No. 39
Sharing Proposals to enable sharing of
data and other resources. In response to
this solicitation, an investigator may participate as PI or Co-PI in no more than
two proposals per review cycle. NSF 14504 (GG 10/28/13)
Deadline: 1/27/2014, 10/28/2014
change on indoor air quality directly
through a variety of mechanisms, and
indirectly through adaptations in building
use and design. This solicitation provides
the opportunity for the submission of
applications for projects that may involve
human subjects research. EPA-G2014STAR-A2 (GG 10/25/13)
Deadline: 1/23/2014
39-2 Indoor Air and Climate Change
EPA announces an extramural funding
competition designed to support research
that improves understanding of how climate change affects human health
through indoor air quality as adapted by
building designs and uses. Proposals
should explore the relationship linking
health effects to combinations of building and climate characteristics. A priority
is the evaluation of existing guidelines
for building system design or for weatherization to adapt buildings to a changing
climate, against empirical evidence of
health effects related to ventilation, or at
least against ventilation models and findings. In addition, applicants may choose
to address one or both of the following
optional research areas: Characterization
of behavioral modifications and changes
in population time-activity patterns in
response to changing climate conditions
that would result in altered exposures to
existing or anticipated agents, in both
indoor and outdoor environments.
Changes in the use of buildings are especially of interest, such as patterns of use
of natural (e.g. windows) vs. mechanical
ventilation, or use of air conditioning.
Extension of existing building ventilation models to consider multiple building
types and newer, more energy efficient
designs (e.g. LEED, Net Zero), or evaluation of existing models of building ventilation using independent data sets. In
either case, it is crucial to understand
how these models would perform when
buildings operate under future climate
scenarios that differ from their design
tolerance. EPA-G2014-STAR-A1 (GG
Deadline: 1/23/2014
39-3 Early Career Projects:
The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to
Achieve Results (STAR) program, is
seeking applications proposing research
to improve understanding of the effects
of climate change on indoor air quality
and the resulting health effects. EPA is
interested in supporting research that will
explore the anticipated effects of climate
39-4 PED Research (NPB)
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv)
continues to cause significant swine
health challenges for producers and their
veterinarians. Targeted research for PEDv
is still needed in order to control, manage
and potentially eliminate the virus. Funds
are available for the remainder of the
2013 calendar year to address priority
research needs. One critical area of immediate research for PEDv is understanding
the various factors affecting the development and duration of immunity of sows
post-outbreak and the impact on nursing
and weaned piglets. Effective protocols
for developing immunity sufficient to prevent re-breaks of PEDv are urgently
needed to support efforts for farrowing
herd elimination.
Deadline: 11/19/2013
39-5 Scholarly Editions and
Translations (NEH)
Scholarly Editions and Translations
grants support the preparation of editions
and translations of pre-existing texts and
documents of value to the humanities that
are currently inaccessible or available in
inadequate editions. These grants support
full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Projects must be
undertaken by a team of at least one editor
or translator and one other staff member.
Grants typically support editions and
translations of significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials, but
other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible. 20140107-RQ (GG
Deadline: 1/7/2014
39-6 Houghton Library: Visiting
Fellowships (Harvard)
Houghton Library is the principal rare
book and manuscript library of Harvard
College. The Library’s holdings are particularly strong in the following areas:
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
European, English, American, and South
American literature, including the country’s pre-eminent collection of American
literary manuscripts; philosophy; religion;
history of science; music; printing and
graphic arts; dance; and theatre. Fellows
will also have access to collections in
Widener Library as well as to other libraries at the University. (TGA 10/13)
Deadline: 1/14/2014
39-7 Alliances for Graduate
Education and the Professoriate
AGEP is committed to the national goal
of increasing the numbers of underrepresented minorities (URMs), including
those with disabilities, entering and completing science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) graduate education and postdoctoral training to levels
representative of the available pool. The
AGEP program will support the development, implementation, study, and dissemination of innovative models and
standards of graduate education and postdoctoral training that are designed to
improve URM participation, preparation,
and success. AGEP intends to support the
following types of projects: AGEP-Transformation—Strategic alliances of institutions and organizations to develop,
implement, and study innovative evidence-based models and standards for
STEM graduate education, postdoctoral
training, and academic STEM career
preparation that eliminate or mitigate negative factors and promote positive practices for URMs. AGEP-Knowledge
Adoption and Translation (AGEPKAT)— Projects to expand the adoption
(or adaptation) of research findings and
evidence-based strategies and practices
related to the participation and success of
URMs in STEM graduate education,
postdoctoral training, and academic
STEM careers at all types of institutions
of higher education. AGEP-Broadening
Participation Research in STEM Education (AGEP-BPR)—Investigator initiated
empirical research projects that seek to
create and study new theory-driven models and innovations related to the participation and success of URMs in STEM
graduate education, postdoctoral training,
and academic STEM careers at all types
of institutions of higher education.
AGEP-Transformation—An institution or
organization may serve as the lead on one
AGEP-Transformation collaborative proposal. An institution or organization may
be a partner in multiple AGEP-Transformation projects; however the projects
must be distinct and not overlap or have
similar activities or education research
components. NSF 14-505
Deadline: Internal 12/5/2013; Proposals Transformation 2/5/2014, KAT,
BPR 2/12/2014
39-8 Individual Research Projects for
inclusion in NIH Center of Biomedical
Research Excellence in Anti-infective
Discovery and Development (KU)
A COBRE proposal with a theme in AntiInfective Discovery and Development is
being developed by Jeff Aube (KU Medicinal Chemistry), Scott Hefty (KU Molecular Biosciences), and Luke Huan
(KU - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). The overall scientific
emphasis is on fundamental, multidisciplinary research towards the discovery
and development of strategies to prevent
or disrupt infectious diseases. A primary
goal of the NIH COBRE mechanism is to
recruit, mentor, and support junior faculty
investigators with research interest in this
area. The capabilities to be developed
with this COBRE include expansion of
the existing High-Throughout Screening
Core Facility and will include: Assay
Development for High-throughout
Screening, Chem-informatics, and Medicinal Chemistry for Infectious Diseases.
Additional resources being expanded with
this COBRE are Animal Bio-Safety Level
2 facilities and rapid genomic sequencing
(MiSeq). KU is soliciting letters of intent
and a one-page description of research
projects from junior investigators for consideration. The one-page description must
demonstrate a good fit of the project with
the scientific theme and make good use of
proposed COBRE core facilities and
developed resources. The individual
research projects should: stand alone, but
share the COBRE’s common thematic
scientific focus, be led by a single junior
investigator who is responsible for ensuring that the Specific Aims of the project
are met, describe the Specific Aims in the
selected area of research and the goals for
the first year and for the long term.
Deadline: Letters of Intent 11/8/2013;
Selected Proposals 12/9/2013
39-9 Division of Environmental
Biology (Core Programs) (DEB) (NSF)
The Division of Environmental Biology
(DEB) supports fundamental research on
populations, species, communities, and
ecosystems. Scientific emphases range
across many evolutionary and ecological
patterns and processes at all spatial and
temporal scales. Areas of research include
biodiversity, phylogenetic systematics,
molecular evolution, life history evolution, natural selection, ecology, biogeography, ecosystem structure, function and
services, conservation biology, global
change, and biogeochemical cycles.
Research on organismal origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and evolutionary history may incorporate field,
laboratory, or collection-based
approaches; observational or manipulative experiments; synthesis activities; as
well as theoretical approaches involving
analytical, statistical, or computational
modeling. In a given year, an individual
may participate as a PI, co-PI, or lead
senior investigator of a subaward on no
more than two preliminary proposals sub-
mitted in response to this solicitation.
NSF 14-503 (GG 10/28/13)
Deadline: Preliminary Proposals 1/23/
2014; Proposals 8/4/2014
39-10 Secondary Analyses of Social
and Behavioral Datasets in Aging (R03)
The purpose of this FOA is to solicit R03
applications for up to two years for secondary analysis of data on aging in the
areas of psychology, social epidemiology, economics, sociology, and demography. This issuance of the secondary data
analysis program focuses specifically on
the seven priority areas described below
and any combination thereof: 1) Effects
of early life on adult health; 2) Social
relationships, social engagement, and
health; 3) Methods to improve survey harmonization; 4) Trajectories of disability,
health and well-being; 5) Health, work,
and retirement at older ages; 6) Family
demography of aging; and 7) Premature
mortality and disability life years. RFAAG-14-008 (NIHG 10/25/13)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 1/3/2014;
Applications 2/3/2014
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Namrita Berry, Rex
Goff, Tim McDaniel, Cecilia Scaler, Sharon
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Joel Anderson
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Petra Jardine, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045