Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
February 4, 2011
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is
available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
message to:
Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin.
Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB
4-1) or by at least two months prior to
the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program.
Currently posted Internal Deadlines:
4-1 Nanotechnology Undergraduate
Education (NUE) in Engineering (NSF)
This solicitation aims at introducing
nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through a variety of interdisciplinary approaches into undergraduate
engineering education. The focus of this
year’s competition is on nanoscale engineering education with relevance to
devices and systems and/or on the societal,
ethical, economic, and/or environmental
issues relevant to nanotechnology. Only
one proposal may be submitted by a US
academic institution, College/Department
of Engineering or College/Department of
Engineering Technology as the lead institution with the following exception: A US
academic institution may submit a second
proposal as the lead institution, only if it is
focused on the societal, ethical, economic
and/or environmental issues relevant to
nanotechnology. NSF 11-524
Deadline: Internal 2/20/2011; Proposals
4-2 Dear Colleague Letter: US-China
Collaborative Research in Advanced
Vol. 20, No. 4
Sensors and Bio-inspired Technology
(ASBIT) Opportunity (NSF)
The U.S. National Science Foundation
(NSF) and the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) jointly seek
to enhance opportunities for collaborative activity between US and Chinese
investigators and intend to jointly support transformative, cross-disciplinary,
collaborative research on Advanced Sensors and Bio-Inspired Technologies
(ASBIT). For the support of the US portion of the collaborative research,
requests for supplemental funding to
existing NSF grants will be accepted by
the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing
Innovation (CMMI) and/or Chemical,
Bioengineering, Environmental, and
Transport Systems (CBET) Divisions of
NSF’s Directorate for Engineering
(ENG). NSF 11-024
Deadline: 3/30/2011
4-3 Ground-Based Studies in Space
Radiobiology (NASA)
The National Aeronautic and Space
Administration (NASA) Johnson Space
Center is releasing a NASA Research
Announcement (NRA), for Groundbased Studies for the Space Radiation
Program Element (SPRE) in the area of
Space Radiation Biology utilizing beams
of high energy ions simulating space
radiation at the NASA Space Radiation
Laboratory (NSRL) at Brookhaven
National Laboratory (BNL) in Upton,
New York. NNJ11ZSA001N (GG 1/13/
Deadline: Step-1 Proposals 3/2/2011
4-4 Robert Noyce Teacher
Scholarship Program (NSF)
The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship
Program seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors and professionals to
become K-12 mathematics and science
teachers. The Noyce Scholarship Track
provides funds to institutions of higher
education to support scholarships, stipends, and academic programs for undergraduate STEM majors and postbaccalaureate students holding STEM
degrees who earn a teaching credential
and commit to teaching in high-need K12 school districts. The NSF Teaching
Fellowship/Master Teaching Fellowship
Track supports STEM professionals who
enroll as NSF Teaching Fellows in master’s degree programs leading to teacher
certification by providing academic
courses, professional development, and
salary supplements while they are fulfill-
ing a four-year teaching commitment in a
high need school district. This track also
supports the development of NSF Master
Teaching Fellows by providing professional development and salary supplements for exemplary mathematics and
science teachers to become Master Teachers in high need school districts. Each
track supports Capacity Building Projects
to develop the capacity for institutions to
provide innovative teacher preparation
programs to enable increasing numbers of
STEM majors and STEM professionals to
become effective K-12 mathematics and
science teachers and to develop the capacity to prepare Master science and mathematics teachers. NSF 11-517 (GG 12/13/
Deadline: Letters of Intent 2/23/2011;
Applications 3/23/2011
4-5 Innovative Technology
Experiences for Students and Teachers
The ITEST program responds to current
concerns and projections about the growing demand for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
professionals in the U.S. and seeks solutions to help ensure the breadth and depth
of the STEM workforce. ITEST supports
the development, implementation, testing,
and scale-up of implementation models. It
also supports research studies to address
questions that point to solutions for building a strong, competent STEM workforce.
ITEST projects must include students and
may include teachers. The target audience
is kindergarten through high school age,
and projects may focus on any content
area related to the STEM workforce.
Projects that explore the impact of robotics competitions are of special interest;
specifically, ITEST is placing emphasis
on proposals to design and implement
robotics competitions, and to study their
effectiveness as a means of engaging students in learning STEM content and 21st
Century skills. Three types of projects are
invited: 1) Scale-up projects implement
and test models that prepare students for
the STEM and information and communications technology (ICT) workforce of
the future in a large-scale setting, such as
a state or national level; 2) Strategies
projects are targeted at students and/or
teachers. These projects design, implement, and evaluate models for classroom,
after-school, summer, virtual, and/or yearround learning experiences; and 3)
Research projects enrich the understanding of issues related to growing the STEM
workforce. NSF 11-525
Deadline: Letters of Intent 3/11/2011;
Proposals 5/13/2011
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
4-6 Environmental Community
Grants (EPA)
EPA is making approximately $2 million
available in 2011 to reduce pollution at
the local level through the Community
Action for a Renewed Environment
(CARE) program. CARE is a communitybased program that works with county
and local governments, tribes, non-profit
organizations and universities to help the
public understand and reduce toxic risks
from numerous sources. Please note that
due to appropriation law concerns, until
Congress provides separate authorization, EPA can only award CARE Level II
cooperative agreements to applicants that
have already received CARE Level I
cooperative agreements.
Deadline: 3/22/2011
4-7 Mathematics of Sensing,
Exploitation, and Execution (MSEE)
The Mathematics of Sensing, Exploitation, and Execution Broad Agency
Announcement seeks proposals that formulate and develop new mathematical
principles underpinning a unified
approach to sensor data collection, analysis and follow-on action. DARPA-BAA11-28 (GG 1/10/11)
Deadline: 3/24/2011
4-8 Reducing Health Disparities
Among Minority and Underserved
Children (R01) (NIH)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement, from the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), solicits Research Project
Grant (R01) applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct research to reduce health disparities
among minority and underserved children. Specifically, this initiative focuses
on ethnic and racial minority children and
underserved populations of children such
as: children from low literacy, rural and
low-income populations, geographically
isolated children, hearing and visually
impaired children, physically or mentally
disabled children, children of migrant
workers, children from immigrant and
refugee families, and language minority
children. Specific targeted areas of
research include biobehavioral studies
that incorporate multiple factors that
influence child health disparities such as
biological, lifestyle factors, environmental (physical and family environments),
social, economic, institutional, and cultural and family influences; studies that
target the specific health promotion needs
of children with a known illness and/or
disability; and studies that test and evaluate the comparative effectiveness of
health promotion interventions conducted in traditional and nontraditional
settings. PA-11-104 (NIHG 1/28/11)
Deadline: 3/1/2011, 6/5/2011, 10/5/2011
4-9 Healthy Eating Research:
Building Evidence to Prevent
Childhood Obesity (Johnson)
Healthy Eating Research: Building Evidence to Prevent Childhood Obesity, a
national program of the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, is designed to build
research on environmental and policy
strategies with strong potential to promote
healthy eating among children, especially
among lower-income and racial and ethnic populations at highest risk for obesity.
Findings are expected to advance RWJF’s
efforts to reverse the childhood obesity
epidemic by 2015. This Call for Proposals
is for three types of awards aimed at providing key decision- and policy-makers
with evidence to reverse the childhood
obesity epidemic. Proposals are invited
for Round Six grants, rapid-response
grants, and RWJF New Connections
grants awarded through the Healthy Eating Research program. PND 1/27/11
Deadline: Round Six, Healthy Eating 3/
10/2011, Concept 8/2/2011
4-10 Awards for Cancer-Relevant
Research and Training (KSU)
The Johnson Center for Basic Cancer
Research supports and enhances cancerrelated research and training at K-State.
Faculty performing cancer-relevant
research are invited to become affiliated
researchers and apply for various awards.
Innovative Research Awards provide seed
money to gather preliminary data crucial
for future major grant proposals. Faculty
Equipment Awards provide funds for new
equipment. Travel Awards are provided to
affiliates in modest amounts for travel to
learn new scientific techniques or visit
collaborators at other institutions. Awards
for graduate student travel and summer
stipends are also available.
Deadline: 3/1/2011, 10/1/2011
4-11 Dietary Influence on the Human
Health Effects of Environmental
Exposures (R21) (NIH)
This FOA, issued by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
(NIEHS), solicits grant applications from
institutions/organizations to develop and
test plausible hypotheses that relate
dietary factors to the development or progression of toxicant-induced diseases.
The ultimate goal of this research program is to produce new research findings
that will expand our understanding of
how environmental toxicants and diet/
nutrition interact to influence human
health and enable the development of
effective primary prevention and intervention strategies to mitigate environmentally-induced diseases. RFA-ES-11002 (NIHG 1/21/11)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 3/21/2011;
Applications 4/21/2011
4-12 Campus Suicide Prevention
Grants (SAMHSA)
Institutions may carry out the activities of
this grant through for example, college
health/wellness/counseling centers, college and university psychological services
centers, mental/behavioral health centers,
psychological training clinics, academic
departments or institutions of higher education-supported, evidence-based mental
health and substance abuse programs. The
activities of this grant may be carried out
with the engagement of student-run services such as student organizations and/or
student government councils. I SM-11002 (GG 12/28/10)
Deadline: 3/4/2011
4-13 Cancer-Relevant Research,
Training, and Travel (KSU)
The Johnson Center for Basic Cancer
Research at K-State supports students and
post-doctoral fellows wishing to participate in cancer-related laboratory research.
Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows working with affiliated researchers
may apply via their faculty mentors for
Travel Awards to attend professional
meetings or workshops. Faculty may also
apply for summer stipends for their graduate students. Undergraduate cancer
research awards can be applied for in the
Deadline: 3/1/2011, 10/1/2011
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan
Klein, Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045