Funding Bulletin Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities Fellowships and International Programs July 1, 2011 Program Information To receive program information, please contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail: NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is available via email. To be added to the electronic mailing list, send an email message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin. Limited Submissions Limited submission programs have sponsor restrictions on the number of proposals that may be submitted by a single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research, is the internal coordinator for limited submission programs. Please notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by at least two months prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines: bul11/limits11/index.htm AGRICULTURE 24-1 Critical Issues: Emerging and New Plant and Animal Pests and Diseases (USDA) The program is designed to provide onetime seed funding to help initiate work requiring immediate attention until other longer-term resources can be secured to address the issue. Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate evidence of collaboration and communication with working groups and approved multi-state research committees, however all applicants qualified to conduct the research are encouraged to apply. For this particular solicitation, NIFA is requesting proposals that address specific aspects of the following issues: The Bagrada bug, Bagrada hilaris (also known as the painted bug or harlequin bug) on vegetable crops; Rat lungworm, Angiostrongylus cantonensis, and associated disease transmission to humans; Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) in tomato and other agronomic crops. USDA-NIFA-OP-003462 (GG 6/ 23/11) URL: funding/rfas/critical_issues Deadline: 8/1/2011 Vol. 20, No. 24 ARTS & HUMANITIES 24-2 Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers: Fellowships (NYPL) The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers offers fellowships to people whose work will benefit directly from access to the research collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street (formerly the Humanities and Social Sciences Library). Renowned for the extraordinary comprehensiveness of its collections, the Library is one of the world’s preeminent resources for study in anthropology, art, geography, history, languages and literature, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, religion, sociology, and sports. (TGA 6/11) URL: 36/node/29202 Deadline: 9/30/2011 24-3 Visiting Senior Fellowships & Associate Appointments (NGA) The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts announces its program for Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellowships. Fellowships are for full-time research, and scholars are expected to reside in Washington and to participate in the activities of the Center throughout the fellowship period. Visiting senior fellows are provided with studies. They have access to the notable resources represented by the collections, the library, and the photographic archives of the National Gallery, as well as the Library of Congress and other specialized research libraries and collections in the Washington area. Applications will be considered for study in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts (painting, sculpture, architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, prints and drawings, film, photography, decorative arts, industrial design, and other arts) of any geographical area and of any period. Applications are also solicited from scholars in other disciplines whose work examines artifacts or has implications for the analysis and criticism of visual form. (TGA 6/11) URL: Deadline: 9/21/2011, 3/21/2012 tity, and history in creative and new ways. Grants for America’s Media Makers should encourage dialogue, discussion, and civic engagement, and they should foster learning among people of all ages. The Division of Public programs urges applicants to consider more than one format for presenting humanities ideas to the public. NEH offers two categories of grants for media projects: development grants and production grants. 20110817TD (GG 6/13/11) URL: guidelines/amm.htm Deadline: 8/17/2011 EDUCATION 24-5 Literacy Information and Communication System Regional Professional Development Centers Program (OVAE) The Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) Regional Professional Development Centers (RPDCs) program establishes and carries out a program of national leadership activities to enhance the quality of adult education and literacy programs nationwide. Through the LINCS RPDC grants funded under this competition, ED intends to support evidenced-based virtual or in-person adult education professional development (AEPD) activities in order to assist educators who provide adult education instruction to adult learners (adult educators). In addition, the LINCS RPDC grants will enhance the quality of adult education and literacy nationwide by disseminating information to each eligible agency responsible for administering or supervising policy for adult education and literacy programs and to adult education and related organizations within each state and outlying area. ED-GRANTS-063011001 (GG 6/30/11) URL: Deadline: Letters of Intent 7/11/2011, Applications 8/1/2011 ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS & PHYSICAL SCIENCES 24-4 America’s Media Maker Grants (NEH) 24-6 Dear Colleague letter: G8 Multilateral Funding Initiative “Interdisciplinary Program on Material Efficiency—A first step towards sustainable manufacturing (NSF) Grants for America’s Media Makers support projects in the humanities that explore stories, ideas, and beliefs in order to deepen our understanding of our lives and our world. The Division of Public Programs supports the development of humanities content and interactivity that excite, inform, and stir thoughtful reflection upon culture, iden- The Directorate for Engineering and the Office of International Science and Engineering announces a new G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research, Interdisciplinary Program on Material Efficiency—A first step towards sustainable manufacturing. Through a pilot collaboration, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Canadian National A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the French Agence Nationale de la Reserche (ANR), the German Deustche Forshungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), and the United Kingdom Research Councils (RC-UK), will support on a competitive basis, collaborative research projects that are comprised of researchers from at least three of the partner countries. Proposals will be jointly reviewed by the participating funding organizations and successful projects are expected to demonstrate added value through multilateral collaboration. Support for U.S.- based researchers will be provided through awards made by the National Science Foundation. This Call aims to support collaborations between experts in research areas related to the global challenge of materials efficiency to address one or more of seven potential strategies for reducing material demand through material efficiency: longer-lasting products; modularisation and remanufacturing; component re-use and re-cycle; designing products with less material; rethinking products and their use; redesigning the manufacturing processes; replacement of scarce and expensive elements, notably those critical for energy applications. NSF 11-068 URL: nsf11068/nsf11068.jsp? Deadline: Preliminary Proposals 9/30/ 2011, Proposals 1/27/2012 24-7 Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (DOE) The purpose of the Innovative Manufacturing Initiative is to solicit applications for funding cost-shared research and development of transformational manufacturing processes and materials technologies to advance the clean energy economy by increasing industrial and manufacturing energy efficiency, deliver the breakthroughs that the Nation needs to significantly reduce energy and carbon intensity throughout the economy over the coming decades, and revitalize existing manufacturing industries and support the development of new products in emerging industries. DE-FOA-0000560 (GG 6/24/11) URL: Deadline: Letters of Intent 8/1/2011, applications 8/25/2011 HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES 24-8 Breast Cancer Research (Komen) Susan G. Komen for the Cure ® is excited to announce research funding opportunities through five grant mechanisms for 2011-2012. Independent Investigators and postdoctoral fellows working in breast cancer research anywhere in the world are invited to apply. Research and Training Grants offered are: Promise Grants for the causes of and/or approaches to the study of late recurrence, Investigator- Initiated Research (IIR) for Prevention/Early Detection: premalignant Lesions (including atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma in situ) Novel Therapeutics and/or Resistance: Targeted Therapies for Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Biology of Breast Cancer: Host and Tumor genetics, Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcomes across Population Groups. Career Catalyst Research (CCR) for Basic/ Laboratory Research; and Translational/Clinical Research. URL: ResearchGrants/ FundingOpportunities.html Deadline: 8/20/2011-9/8/2011 tion (MRE) and skills training to lowincome populations. To address the multiple barriers faced by individuals, couples/ partners, and families, projects will provide MRE skills designed to change behaviors of individuals and move families towards economic self-sufficiency.HHS-2011-ACF-OFA-FM-0193 (GG 6/28/11) URL: open/foa/view/HHS-2011-ACF-OFA-FM0193 Deadline: 7/28/2011 24-12 Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood Grants (ACF) 24-9 DoD FY11 Prostate Cancer Idea Development Award (DOD) The Idea Development Award supports new ideas that represent innovative approaches to prostate cancer research and have the potential to make an important contribution to eliminating death and suffering from prostate cancer. Although groundbreaking research often involves a degree of risk, applications should be based on a sound scientific rational that is established through logical reasoning and/ or critical review and analysis of the literature. W81XWH-11-PCRP-IDA (GG 4/ 21/11) URL: Deadline: 8/23/2011 24-10 DoD Breast Cancer Idea Award (DOD) The Idea Award is designed to support promising research that has extraordinary potential to yield highly impactful data and new avenues of investigation. This mechanism supports innovative research that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate the eradication of breast cancer. Impact and Innovation are the most important aspects of the Idea Award; however, applications that have the potential for high impact, but are not considered innovative, will also meet the intent of this award mechanism. W81XWH-11BCRP-IDEA (GG 4/19/11) URL: Deadline: 8/25/2011 SOCIAL SCIENCES The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), is announcing the solicitation of applications to award demonstration projects that support activities promoting responsible fatherhood. Grants will support projects with organizations that have the capacity and proven track record of helping low-income fathers. Projects should be designed to develop a broad approach to overall case management and support services. Additionally, projects should be designed to help fathers build mutually supportive and long-lasting relationships with their children, the mothers of their children, and help fathers overcome barriers to economic self-sufficiency. HHS-2011-ACFOFA-FK-0194 (GG 6/28/11) URL: open/foa/view/HHS-2011-ACF-OFA-FK0194 Deadline: 7/28/2011 R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist Preaward Section 24-11 Community-Centered Healthy Marriage and Relationship Grants (ACF) The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Family Assistance (OFA) is announcing the solicitation of applications to competitively award cooperative agreements for demonstration projects that support “healthy marriage promotion activities” as enacted by The Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-291). Cooperative agreements awarded under this Funding Opportunity Announcement will support programs that have the capacity and proven track record of providing a broad range of marriage and relationship educa- Paul Lowe, Director Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia, Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan Klein, Sharon Zoeller Funding Information Specialist & Editor Beverly Page Development Director Mary Lou Marino Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use, and Biosafety Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President, Research Compliance Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist Congressional Relations Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For further information, call 785-532-5045 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY