Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
January 12, 2010
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
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available via email. To be added to the
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Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice Provost for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB
19-3) or by at least two months prior to
the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program.
Currently posted Internal Deadlines:
Vol. 19, No. 1
Deadline: Letters of Intent 2/15/2010;
Applications 3/15/2010
Deadline: Internal 2/15/2009; Preliminary Proposals 3/29/2010; Proposals 9/
1-2 Active Aging: Supporting
Individuals and Enhancing
Community-based Care through
Health Information Technology (HIT)
(P50) (NIH)
1-4 Research on Gender in Science
and Engineering (GSE) (NSF)
This FOA issued by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ) solicits applications from organization that propose to develop a specialized center (P50 grant mechanism) to
carry out community-based participatory
research on the use of communication
and information focused technologies
(IT) on improving the health status of,
and health-related services provided to,
older adults and to focus on applied
research with the objective of developing
sustainable and reproducible strategies to
translate research into practice effectively and efficiently. This initiative will
support a broad, integrated, multidisciplinary, multi-project health services
research program—a center of excellence—that will bring together strong
teams of experienced and new researchers. RFA-HS-10-016 (NIHG 12/18/09)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 2/25/2010;
Applications 3/25/2010
1-3 Integrative Graduate Education
and Research Traineeship Program
1-1 Recovery Act Limited
Competition: NIH Director’s
Opportunity for Research in Five
Thematic Areas (RC4) (NIH)
This NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), supported by funds provided
to the NIH under the American Recovery
& Reinvestment Act of 2009, solicits
through this limited competition applications from domestic (United States) institutions/organizations proposing to develop
and implement critical research innovations in one or more of the following five
thematic areas: 1) Applying Genomics and
Other High Throughput Technologies; 2)
Translating Basic Science Discoveries into
New and Better Treatments; 3) Using Science to Enable Health Care Reform; 4)
Focusing on Global Health; and 5) Reinvigorating the Biomedical Research Community. Applicants may propose to address
either a specific disease- or technologyrelated research question relevant to the
mission of one or more participating Institutes and Centers, or propose the creation
of a unique infrastructure/resource
designed to accelerate scientific progress
in the future. RFA-OD-10-005 (NIHG 1/1/
The Integrative Graduate Education and
Research Traineeship (IGERT) program
has been developed to meet the challenges of educating U.S. Ph.D. scientists
and engineers who will pursue careers in
research and education, with the interdisciplinary backgrounds, deep knowledge
in chosen disciplines, and technical, professional, and personal skills to become,
in their own careers, leaders and creative
agents for change. The program is
intended to catalyze a cultural change in
graduate education, for students, faculty,
and institutions, by establishing innovative new models for graduate education
and training in a fertile environment for
collaborative research that transcends
traditional disciplinary boundaries. It is
also intended to facilitate diversity in student participation and preparation, and to
contribute to a world-class, broadly
inclusive, and globally engaged science
and engineering workforce. There is a
limit of four (4) preliminary proposals
that may be submitted by an institution
either as a single institution or as a lead
institution in a multi-institution preliminary proposals. NSF 10-523
The Research on Gender in Science and
Engineering program supports efforts to
understand and address gender-based differences in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education
and workforce participation through
research, the diffusion of research-based
innovations, and extension services in
education that will lead to a larger and
more diverse domestic science and engineering workforce. Typical projects will
contribute to the knowledge base addressing gender-related differences in learning
and in the education experiences that
affect student interest, performance, and
choice of careers; how pedagogical
approaches and teaching styles, curriculum, student services, and institutional
culture contribute to causing or closing
gender gaps that persist in certain fields.
NSF 10-516 (GG12/14/09)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 2/10/2010,
9/6/2010; Proposals 3/23/2010, 10/14/
IceBridge (NASA)
IceBridge is a new NASA airborne mission making altimetry, radar, and other
geophysical measurements to monitor and
characterize the Earth’s cryosphere. The
IceBridge mission began operation in
2009 and will continue until the launch of
ICESat-2, currently estimated for early
2016. The Earth’s cryosphere is in a
period of rapid change. Understanding
these changes, their causes, and impacts is
critically important to understanding the
impacts of future global climate change.
Data collected under the IceBridge program will make fundamental contributions to understanding changes occurring
in extent and thickness of the Arctic sea
ice cap and contribute to improved modeling of the increases in global sea level
from the world’s major ice sheets in
Greenland and Antarctica.
Deadline: Notices of Intent 2/5/2010;
Proposals 3/5/2010
1-6 Precision Measurement Grants
Program (NIST)
The National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) announces that the
Precision Measurement Grants Program
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
is soliciting applications for financial
assistance for FY2010. The Precision
Measurement Grants Program is seeking
proposals for significant research in the
field of fundamental measurement or the
determination of fundamental constants.
NIST sponsors these grants and cooperative agreements primarily to encourage
basic, measurement-related research in
universities and colleges and other
research laboratories and to foster contacts between NIST scientists and those
faculty members of academic institutions
and other researchers who are actively
engaged in such work. The Precision
Measurement Grants are also intended to
make it possible for researchers to pursue
new ideas for which other sources of support may be difficult to find. 2010PMGP-01 (GG 12/29/09)
Deadline: Preproposals 2/5/2010;
Invited Proposals 5/7/2010
1-7 Remote Sensing Theory for
Earth Science (NASA)
Remote sensing science to establish a theoretical basis for measuring Earth surface
properties using reflected, emitted, and
scattered electromagnetic radiation and to
develop the methodologies and technical
approaches to analyze and interpret such
measurements lies at the heart of NASA’s
mission. The objective of the Remote
Sensing Theory (RST) program element,
a new multidisciplinary /interdisciplinary
program, is to support fundamental scientific advances in remote sensing theory
and radiative transfer, including advancement of retrieval algorithms to be used for
space-based remote sensing of the Earth’s
atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere, cryosphere, land surface, and/or Earth interior.
Deadline: Notices of Intent 2/26/2010;
Proposals 4/30/2010
1-8 Measurement, Science and
Engineering Research Grants (DOC)
The National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) announces that the
following programs are soliciting applications for financial assistance for FY 2010:
1) The Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory Grants Program; 2)
the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory Grants Program; 3) the Chemical
Science and Technology Laboratory
Grants Program; 4) the Physics Laboratory Grants Program; 5) the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory Grants
Program; 6) the Building Research Grants
and Cooperative Agreements Program; 7)
the Fire Research Grants Program; 8) the
Information Technology Laboratory
Grants Program; 9) the NIST Center for
Neutron Research Grants Program; 10)
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology Grants Program; and 11) the Technology Services Grants Program. CFDA
11.609 (FR 12/15/09)
Deadline: 12/15/2010
1-9 Garrett A. Morgan Technology
and Transportation Education
Program (DOT)
The purpose of the Garrett A. Morgan
Technology and Transportation Education
Program (GAMTTEP) is to improve the
preparation of students, particularly
women and minorities, in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) through curriculum development
and other activities related to transportation. Local educational agencies (LEAs)
and State educational agencies (SEAs) are
eligible to apply for these grants. Applications will be rejected if they are not
received from a LEA or SEA. Institutions
of higher education, business, or other
entities may enter into a partnership
agreement with a LEA or SEA to assist
with program activities. DTFH61-10-RA00001 (GG12/15/09)
Deadline: 2/17/2010
1-10 Researching, Creating,
Developing, Deploying and Evaluating
Innovative Educational Tools,
Approaches & Resources to Advance
Intellectual Basis for a National
Homeland Security S&T Workforce
S&T is soliciting individuals or teams to
research, create, develop, deploy and
evaluate innovative educational tools,
approaches and resources to educate and
inspire the next generation homeland
security workforce. It covers elementary
school to post doctoral programs, and
includes ongoing professional development of the National Homeland Security
Workforce. BAA09-07 (GG 8/28/09)
Deadline: 2/28/2010
1-11 Recovery Act Limited
Competition: Comparative
Effectiveness Research on Upper
Endoscopy in Gastroesophageal Reflux
Disease (GERD), Eradication Methods
for Methicillin Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and
Dementia Detection and Management
Strategies (RC4) (NIH)
This NIH Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA), supported by
funds provided to the NIH under the
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
of 2009, invites applications to conduct
preliminary comparative effectiveness
research (CER) projects in targeted, highpriority areas in which such efforts have
been lacking. (For this FOA, applications
should be thought of as large pilot or preliminary studies rather than definitive trials.) RFA-OD-10-008 (NIHG 1/1/10)
Deadline: Applications 2/26/2010
1-12 Recovery Act Limited
Competition: NIH Basic Behavioral
and Social Science Opportunity
Network (OppNet) Short-term
Mentored Career Development Awards
in the Basic Behavioral and Social
Sciences for Mid-career and Senior
Investigators (K18) (NIH)
This NIH Funding Opportunity
Announcements (FOA), supported by
funds provided to the NIH under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009, invites applications for
short-term mentored career development
(K18) awards in the basic behavioral and
social sciences research (b-BSSR) from
three months to one year in duration. The
program targets established, mid-career
and senior investigators, to support their
development of research capability in bBSSR. Two categories of candidates are
targeted: a) biomedical or clinical
researchers will little experience in basic
behavioral and social sciences research
who seek training with a well established
b-BSSR investigator; and b) investigators
in the basic or applied behavioral and
social sciences who wish to build new
components or domains of basic-BSSR
into their research programs. RFA-OD10-003 (GG 1/5/10)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 1/16/2010;
Applications 2/18/2010
1-13 NASA Earth and Space Science
Fellowship (NESSF) Program (NASA)
NASA announces a call for graduate fellowship proposals to the NASA Earth and
Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) program for the 2010-2011 academic year.
This call for fellowship proposals solicits
applications from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of individuals pursuing
Master of Science (M.Sc.) or Doctoral
(Ph.D.) degrees in Earth and space sciences, or related disciplines.
Deadline: 2/1/2010
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Danielle Brunner, Rex Goff, Adassa Roe,
Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045