Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
June 18, 2010
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
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available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
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Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin.
Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB
24-3, 24-11) or by at least two months
prior to the sponsor deadline if you wish
to submit to a limited submission program. Currently posted Internal Deadlines:
24-1 DoD Autism Idea Development
Award (DOD)
The ARP Idea Development Award supports the development of innovative, highimpact ideas that advance the understanding of ASD and that ultimately will lead to
improved outcomes for individuals with
autism. Research involving human subject
participation is permitted under this funding opportunity, but is restricted without
Clinical Trials. Preliminary data relevant
to the proposed research project is
required. Preliminary data, unpublished
results the laboratory of the PI, research
team, or collaborators named on this applications, may be from outside of the ASD
research field. The FY10 ARP supports
collaborative research in order to bring a
new perspective to ASD research and/or
facilitate progress in the field by combined
effort. Therefore, up to three investigators
may work on a single project, each of
whom will be recognized as a PI and
receive a separate award. W81XWH-10ARP-IDA (GG 2/16/10)
Deadline: 7/28/2010
24-2 Paleo Perspectives on Climate
Vol. 19, No. 24
Change (P2C2) (NSF)
The goal of research funded under the
interdisciplinary P2C2 solicitation is to
utilize key geological, chemical, and biological records of climate system variability to provide insights into the
mechanisms and rate of change that characterized Earth’s past climate variability,
the sensitivity of Earth’s climate system
to changes in forcing, and the response of
key components of the Earth system to
these changes. Important scientific
objectives of P2C2 are to: 1) provide
comprehensive paleoclimate data sets
that can serve as model test data sets
analogous to instrumental observations;
and 2) enable transformative syntheses
of paleoclimate data and modeling outcomes to understand the response of the
longer-term and higher magnitude variability of the climate system that is
observed in the geological record. NSF
Deadline: 10/18/2010, 10/18/2011
Deadline: 7/15/2010
24-5 Assay Development for High
Throughput Molecular Screening
(R21) (NIH)
This FOA will facilitate the discovery of
new molecular probes for investigating
biological function by funding the development and adaptation of biological
assays for use in automated HighThroughput Screen (HTS) projects. These
HTS-ready assays can then be screened
by the Molecular Libraries Productions
Centers Network (MLPCN) to identify
biologically active compounds in a large
library of small molecule chemical structures. This Program and the MLPCN are
both components of the NIH Molecular
Libraries and Imaging Roadmap Initiative. PAR-10-182 (NIHG 4/30/10)
Deadline: 6/29/2010, 10/29/2010
24-3 EarthScope National Office
This solicitation calls for proposals to
establish a community-based EarthScope
National Office. The Office will foster
and support integrated science, education, outreach, and related activities for
the EarthScope program; facilitate and
coordinate EarthScope scientific planning and education and outreach activities; facilitate collaborative research; and
when necessary, form scientific
responses to events in EarthScope topics
and/or regions of interest. The limit on
Number of Proposals per Organization is
one. NSF 10-576
Deadline: Internal 8/1/2010; Proposal
24-4 Computational Toxicology:
Biologically-Based Multi-Scale
Modeling in Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment (EPA)
The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to
Achieve Results (STAR) program, is
seeking applications for research in
developing quantitative, dose-response
models to elucidate the associations
between environmental agents and toxicity pathways across multiple scales of
biological organization. Additionally,
this solicitation calls for research into
ways in which the data underlying these
models can be managed and shared for
easier access, interpretation and use by
the broader community of researchers
and risk assessors. EPA-G2010-STARC1 (PND 5/10)
24-6 Pesticide Environmental
Stewardship Program (PESP) Regional
Grants (EPA)
EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP), in coordination with the EPA
Regional Offices, announces the availability of assistance agreements to further
the pesticide risk reduction goals of the
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship
Program (PESP). Proposed projects must
address implementation of integrated pest
management approaches that reduce the
risks associated with pesticide use in an
agricultural or non-agricultural setting
and demonstrate the importance and relevancy of the project to the goals of PESP.
EPA-OPP-10-005 (GG 6/11/10)\
Deadline: 7/26/2010
24-7 Manufacturing Extension
Partnership (MEP) Projects - Strategic
Growth Areas (DOC)
The National Institute of Standards and
Technology invites proposals from eligible organizations for projects to develop
client engagement or business models and
deployment strategies that integrate two
or more of the MEP Strategic Growth
Areas. The projects should further demonstrate in its proposed client engagement
or business model, the benefit of this integration and how the approach can expand
service capability and capacity of the
MEP system. The five MEP Strategic
Growth Areas are: supply chain, sustainability, technology acceleration, work-
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
force and continuous improvement.
Proposals should include a plan, a client
engagement or business model and
deployment strategy for the project, and
an approach for leveraging existing tools,
resources and partnerships. 2010-MEPSDCC-01 (GG 6/16/10)
Deadline: 7/15/2010
24-8 Special Education Preservice
Program Improvement Grants (ED)
The purposes of this program are to 1)
help address State-identified needs for
highly qualified personnel—in special
education, related services, early intervention, and regular education—to work
with children, including infants and toddlers, with disabilities; and 2) ensure that
those personnel have the necessary experience, to be successful in serving those
children. ED-GRANTS-061410-005 (GG
Deadline: 7/14/2010
24-9 (FIPSE) Comprehensive
Program (ED)
The Comprehensive Program supports
innovative grants and cooperative agreements to improve postsecondary education. It supports reforms, innovations, and
significant improvements of postsecondary education that respond to problems of
national significance and serve as national
models. ED-GRANTS-061410-006 (GG
Deadline: 7/29/2010
24-10 Enhancing the Capability of
Computational Earth System Models
and NASA Data for Operation and
Assessment (NASA)
This solicitation offers investigators an
opportunity to analyze, assess, and
increase the impact of NASA data in
research and operational environments,
particularly in the areas of weather prediction, climate projection assessment,
and global carbon cycle modeling in
anticipation of carbon management regulations. This solicitation seeks three areas
of proposals: a) Acceleration of Operational Use of Research Data including
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), b) data for IPCC climate
projection assessment, and c) computational support of Earth system modeling.
Deadline: Notices of Intent 7/15/2010;
Proposals 9/17/2010
24-11 Materials Research Centers and
Teams (NSF)
Centers of Excellence for Materials
Research and Innovation (CEMRIs) pro-
vide sustained support of interdisciplinary
materials research and education of the
highest quality while addressing fundamental problems in science and engineering. CEMRIs address research of a scope
and complexity requiring the advantages
of scale and interdisciplinarity provided
by a campus-based research center. A
CEMRI may be located at a single institution, or may involve multiple institutions
in partnership. Materials Interdisciplinary Research Teams (MIRTs) represent a
new award mechanism. These teams
share with CEMRIs the same emphasis on
the support of world class interdisciplinary materials research and the integration of research with education. A MIRT
may be located at a single institution, or
may involve multiple institutions. Only
one CEMRI or MIRT preliminary proposal may be submitted by any one organization as the lead organization in this
competition. NSF 10-568 (GG 6/4/10)
Deadline: Internal 7/1/2010; Center
Preliminary Proposals 9/1/2010; Team
Preliminary Proposal 9/3/2010; Center
Proposals 1/11/2011; Team Proposals 1/
NNH10ZDA001N-MMAMA (GG 6/17/
Deadline: Notices of Intent 6/30/2010;
Proposals 8/25/2010
24-14 Combating Childhood Obesity
Because of escalating concern about child
obesity, the United Methodist Health
Fund has launched a new initiative, Fit for
Kansas Kids: /Calling Communities to
Action/, backed with a half million dollars in funding for grants. The goal of the
new Request for Proposals is to develop
community resources, practices, and policies supporting young children and their
families in increased physical activity and
healthful nutrition. Informational webinars are planned for June 30th and July
16th to discuss RFP details with Health
Fund staff.
Deadline: 9/30/2010
24-15 Promise Grants (Komen)
24-12 Scholarship and Fellowship
Education Grants (NRC)
Funding under this program includes support for nuclear science, engineering, and
related disciplines to develop a workforce
capable of supporting the design, construction, operation, and regulation of
nuclear facilities and the safe handling of
nuclear materials. This announcement is
for undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships. HR-FN-0610-NED01
(GG 6/9/10)
Deadline: 8/27/2010
24-13 Roses 2010: Moon and Mars
Analog Missions Activities (NASA)
Through this research program element,
investigators will be selected to carry out
specific scientific research analogous to
investigations anticipated for missions to
the Moon and Mars. Areas of specific
interest to the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) include, but are not limited to:
1) Understanding and optimizing human
and robotic performance to maximize scientific return; 2) Defining science
requirements for early lunar missions
with humans, including requirements for
mobility, navigation, communications, in
situ analysis, surface laboratory functionality, crew scheduling, and sample acquisition, handling, documentation, and
curation; 3) Developing surface science
scenarios for use in architecture planning
and science payload manifesting; and 4)
Illuminating areas of critical importance
for robotic precursor missions, including
robotic operations of/with human-oriented systems during periods when
humans may not yet be present. Proposals
that directly address lunar scientific questions or Mars science using the Moon as
an operational analog will be given priority for funding at this time.
Promise Grants provide up to $6.5 million
over five years to support programs with
collaborative and cross-disciplinary
research projects that provide integrated
approaches to solving critical challenges
to the rapid translation of scientific discoveries into new or enhanced clinical
tools and applications that have the greatest potentials to significantly reduce
breast cancer incidence and/or mortality
within the next decade. Integrated programs of research projects addressing
critical challenges in population disparities in breast cancer outcomes and triple
negative breast cancer are of special interest and may receive funding priority.
Deadline: 7/26/2010
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Danielle Brunner, Rex Goff, Adassa Roe,
Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045