Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
May 5, 2008
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is
available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
message to:
Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin.
Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice Provost for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin (FB
17-2) or by at least two months prior to
the sponsor deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program.
Currently posted Internal Deadlines:
17-1 Grants for Graduate Student
Fellowships (KSU)
The K-State Center for Sustainable Energy
(CSE) seeks proposals from eligible KState faculty in support of graduate student
assistantships for projects related to
enhancing research on renewable energy
topics at K-State. These assistantships are
intended to expand the current research
base at K-State and encourage new
research clusters addressing issues related
to renewable energy. Preference will be
given to interdisciplinary projects with a
history of success and potential for attracting extramural funding. There will be a
meeting in the K-State Union Big 12
Room on Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 9:00
a.m. to introduce CSE to the K-State
research community and to further discuss
the RFP.
Deadline: 5/23/2008
17-2 Fellowships at Digital Humanities
Vol. 17, No. 17
Centers (FDHC) (NEH)
FDHCs support collaboration between
digital centers and individual scholars.
An award provides funding for both a stipend for the fellow while in residence at
the center and a portion of the center’s
costs for hosting a fellow. The intellectual cooperation between the visiting
scholar and the center may take many
different forms and may involve humanities scholars of any level of digital expertise. Each application will include one
digital humanities center and one individual scholar. Center eligibility is limited to digital humanities centers
affiliated with either American institutions of higher education or U.S. nonprofit organizations or institutions with
IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Centers
may submit one application per deadline;
individual scholars may apply in collaboration with only one digital center per
Deadline: Internal 7/15/2008; Applications 9/15/2008
17-3 Electronic Records Projects
The National Historical Publications and
Records Commission promotes the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding
our democracy, history, and culture. The
focus of the NHPRC’s Electronic
Records grant program is to support
projects that will lead to sustainable electronic records archives that preserve digital records with enduring historical
value. Projects cannot use grant funds to
digitize historical records. Applicants
who wish to digitize records should refer
to the Digitizing Historical records
announcement. Applications should be
for projects that: Develop institutional
capacity through program evaluation and
planning; Create institutional capacity
with program start-up support; Expand
the scope of existing programs; or
Develop electronic records service providers that can offer reliable preservation
services to archives.
Deadline: 6/2/2008
17-4 Digitizing Historical Records
The National Historical Publications and
Records Commission promotes the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding
our democracy, history and culture. The
Commission seeks proposals that use
cost-effective methods to digitize nationally-significant historical record collections and make the digital versions freely
available on the Internet. Projects must
make use of existing holdings of historical repositories and be made up of entire
collections or series. The materials should
already be available to the public at the
archives and described so that projects
can re-use existing information to create
metadata for the digitized collection.
Deadline: 6/2/2008
17-5 Training Program for Federal
TRIO Programs (ED)
The Training Program provides grants to
train staff and leadership personnel
employed in, participating in, or preparing for employment in, projects funded
under the Federal TRIO Programs to
improve the operation of these projects.
CFDA# 84.103A (FR 4/22/08)
Deadline: 5/23/2008
17-6 Demonstration Projects to
Ensure Students with Disabilities
Receive Quality Higher Education
Program (ED)
The purpose of the Demonstration Program is to award grants to institutions of
higher education (IHEs) to develop innovative demonstration projects that provide
technical assistance or professional development that faculty and administrators at
IHEs need to effectively teach students
with disabilities. IHEs funded under this
program also will disseminate information widely about promising practices and
activities that yield positive results in
their projects and will provide training to
enable faculty and administrators in other
IHEs to meet the educational needs of students with disabilities. CFDA# 84.333A
(FR 4/22/08)
Deadline: 5/22/2008
17-7 Emergency Management for
Higher Education Grants (ED)
Emergency Management for Higher Education (EMHE) Grants support efforts by
higher education institutions to develop,
or review and improve, and fully integrate, campus-based all hazards emergency management planning efforts
within the framework of the four phases
of emergency management [PreventionMitigation, Preparedness, Response, and
Recovery]. 84.184T (FR 4/24/08).
Deadline: 5/27/2008
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
17-8 Atmospheric Radiation
Measurement (ARM) Program
Announcement (DOE)
The Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) of the Office of
Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), announces its interest in receiving
applications to develop innovative methods for observational data analysis and
utilize the resulting knowledge from such
analyses to improve cloud parameterizations. The intent is to improve the modeling of cloud properties and processes and
their impact on the atmospheric radiation
balance. DE-PS02-08ER08-23 (GG 4/22/
Deadline: Preapplications 5/21/2008;
Applications 7/21/2008
17-9 Fellowships for Early Career
Researchers (NASA)
The Early Career Fellowship program
was established to facilitate the integration of new planetary science researchers
into the established research funding programs and to provide tools and experience
useful when searching for a more
advanced (i.e., tenure-track, civil servant,
or equivalent) position. Proposers who
wish to become Early Career Fellows
must have received their Ph.D. no earlier
than 2001 and must be currently
employed as a postdoctoral researcher,
research assistant, or an equivalent nontenured position. NNH08ZDA001NFECR-1 (GG 3/4/08)
Deadline: 5/30/2008
17-10 Structures and Materials
Research and Development (BAA)
The Naval Air Systems Command
(NAVAIR) and the Structures and Materials Engineering Divisions under the Air
Vehicle Department (AIR-4.3) are soliciting proposals for research and development (R&D) concepts in the area of
structures and materials to support current
and future Naval Aviation needs. Concepts proposed may represent novel dedicated technologies and/or dual use of new
emerging commercial technology. Specific areas of interest are: New Structures
and Materials, Structural and Material
Concepts, Structural Analysis, Modeling
and Stimulation, and Materials Processing
applied to metals, ceramics, polymers,
and composites. N00421-08-R-0049
(FBO 3/4/08)
Deadline: 5/31/2008, 8/31/2008, 11/30/
17-11 Mouse Models Containing
Human Alleles: Novel Tools to Study
Brain Function (R21/R23) (NIH)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA), issued by the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH), the National
Institute on Aging (NIA), the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and the National Institute
on Drug Abuse (NIDA), invites Phased
Innovation (R21/R33) grant applications
from organizations/institutions that propose the development and characterization of novel mouse models that express
human genes or human genetic elements
that can aid in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying brain function
and the physiological function/significance of gene variants and gene dosage
abnormalities that have been identified as
possibly being involved in mental disorders, addiction, neurodegenerative disorders of aging, and alcoholism as well as
related comorbid conditions. PAR-08-158
(NIHG 4/25/08)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 5/26/2008,
12/28/2008; Applications 6/26/2008, 1/
17-12 Angelman Syndrome Research
The Angelman Syndrome Foundation
announces the availability of funding to
be awarded in support of research on
Angelman Syndrome. Angelman Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder
caused by deficiency of the ubiquitin protein ligase UBE3A in the brain. Applications related to any areas of research
involving Angelman Syndrome will be
considered. Highest priority will be given
to pilot projects to test new ideas about
pathogenesis and therapy of Angelman
Deadline: 6/1/2008
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) issued by the National Institute for
General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, solicits Cooperative
Agreement (U01) applications from institutions/organizations that propose to provide the U.S. scientific and public health
communities better resources, knowledge,
and tools to improve their ability to identify and prevent the spread of diseases
resulting from the emergence or intentional release of pathogens and their products. Research projects will become part
of the Models of Infectious Disease Agent
Study (MIDAS) Network. This FOA is a
preannouncement of a prior FOA (RFAGM-05-011). The MIDAS Network will
consist of a centralized information technology resource (announced separately),
a Centers of Excellence component
(announced separately) and, with this
announcement, the continuation of a network of multidisciplinary scientists conducting computational and mathematical
research to improve the ability to detect,
control and prevent emerging infectious
diseases caused by naturally occurring or
intentionally released pathogens, including those relevant to biodefense. RFAGM-09-001 (NIHG 4/18/08)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 6/2/2008;
Applications 7/1/2008
17-13 Outcomes, Cost-Effectiveness
and the Decision Making Process to
Use Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (R01) (NIH)
The primary purpose of this Funding
Opportunity Announcement (FOA),
issued by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(NCCAM) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health
(NIH), is to encourage the submission of
high quality observational studies evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of complementary and alternative
medicine (CAM) approaches as used in
the community, and the decision processes employed by patients and providers in deciding to use CAM. Projects in
which the investigators assign participants to specific therapies (CAM or conventional) or groups of therapies (CAM
or conventional) are not allowed under
this FOA. PAR-08-045 (NIHG 12/14/07)
Deadline: 5/19/2008, 5/19/2009
17-14 Modeling of Infectious Disease
Agent Study Research Projects (U01)
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Danielle Brunner, Rex Goff, Adassa Roe,
Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Ashley Rhodes, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045