Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
June 8, 2004
Program Information
To receive program descriptions and
application forms for funding opportunities, please contact Beverly Page,
Information Specialist, Research and
Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)5325045, e-mail:
20-1 Rehabilitation Research and
Training: Employment Outcomes (ED)
The Education Department’s National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
invites applications for rehabilitation
research and training centers devoted to
improving rehabilitation services and outcomes--specifically employment outcomes--for individuals with disabilities.
This announcement focuses on one center
each on the following priorities: employment policy and individuals with disabilities; employment service systems;
workplace supports and job retention; and
substance abuse and employment outcomes CFDA #84.133B (FR 05/24/04)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 6/24/2004;
Applications 7/23/2004
20-2 Informal Science Education
The ISE program invests in projects that
develop and implement informal learning
experiences for individuals of all ages and
backgrounds that are designed to increase
their interest, engagement, and understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as
projects that advance the theory and practice of informal science education.
Projects may target either public audiences
or professionals whose work directly
affects informal STEM learning. ISE
projects are expected to demonstrate strategic impact, collaboration, and innovation.”,”
Deadline: Letters of Intent 6/11/2004, 8/
13/2004, LOIs 11/5/2004, 1/6/2005
20-3 North Central Integrated Pest
Management Center Working Groups
Grant Program (USDA)
The North Central Integrated pest Management Center (NC-IPM Center) requests
proposals for the Working Groups Grant
Program for 2004. Working Groups will
support the continuum of research and
extension efforts needed to increase the
implementation of integrated pest management (IPM). This RFA encourages the
Vol. 13, No. 20
coordination of state and regional efforts
to develop up to six Working Groups. All
Working Groups will address the following criteria: 1) identify and prioritize
regional IPM issues for commodities or
specific issues. These issues can be used
as funding priorities for other NC IPM
Center and USDA grant programs; 2)
address the goals of the National IPM
Roadmap including evaluation of IPM
Deadline: Preproposals 6/30/2004;
Proposals 8/30/2004
20-4 Topics in the Areas of Food
Safety, Food Security, Food Processing
and Human Health (FDA)
The Food and Drug Administration has a
requirement for the study, evaluation,
review, technical investigation and analysis of current and emerging knowledge
and technology in selected areas of food
processing, food safety, food security,
and human health issues. Three kinds of
analysis/reviews shall be requested under
the terms of this contract: Comprehensive reviews, Abbreviated Reviews, and
Technical Investigation and Analysis for
Potential Solutions. 223-40-2503 (FBO
Deadline: 6/24/2004
20-5 Investor Education
The NASD Investor Education Foundation invites nonprofit groups and
researchers to apply for funding for
projects that will help the foundation
achieve its mission of providing investors with high quality, easily accessible
information and tools to better understand investing and the markets. The
foundation is particularly interested in
funding projects that address priority
areas identified by NASD’s 2003 Investor Survey. Those priorities include educating women and helping young people
set financial goals.
Deadline: 7/2/2004
20-6 Community Development
Work-Study (HUD)
The Housing and Urban Development
Department solicits applications to provide assistance to economically disadvantaged students who participitate in a
community development work-study
program. CFDA #14.512 (FR 5/14/2004)
Deadline: 6/16/2004
20-7 Defense University Research
Instrumentation Program (DURIP)
The Department of Defense has
announced the FY 2005 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program
(DURIP), a part of the University
Research Initiative (URI). DURIP is
designed to improve the capabilities of
institutions of higher education to conduct
research and to educate scientists and
engineers in areas important to national
defense, by providing funds for the acquisition of research equipment. Grants will
be for the purchase of research equipment
costing more than $50,000, for items that
typically cannot be purchased within the
budgets of single-investigator awards.
BAA DAAD 19-03-R-009 (FGCW 05/
Deadline: 8/26/2004
20-8 Atmospheric Science Program
The Energy Department invites applications for experimental and theoretical
studies to improve simulation and prediction of radiative forcing by aerosols and
their effects on climate. The program
focuses on: uncertainties associated with
the loading, distribution, and fate of atmospheric aerosols and their chemical and
microphysical properties that affect the
absorption and scattering of radiation; and
uncertainties associated with direct and
indirect effects of aerosols on radiation
and cloud formation.”,”
Deadline: 6/21/2004
20-9 Astrobiology Science and
Technology for Exploring Planets
NASA has issued a revised due date and
additional information on interagency
collaboration in section B14 of research
opportunities in space science 2004 astrobiology science and technology for
exploring planets. This ASTEP program
announcement allows a single proposal
for both research support, as well as for
access to extreme polar and/or under-sea
environments in which to test the hardware that is proposed for development.
Priority for selections will be given to
proposed activities with documented relevance to the Mars Exploration Program,
as well as the potential to affect missions
planned for 2009 and later.
Deadline: 7/30/2004
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
20-10 Ground-Based Studies for
Human Health in Space (NASA)
NASA is soliciting proposals for groundbased solo or team-based research
projects on aspects of human health in
space. NASA is seeking research in three
program areas: biomedical model systems; biomedical research and countermeasures; and biomedical research under
the National Space Biomedical Research
Institute. Objectives are to: understand
the physiological mechanisms responsible
for space-flight-related biomedical and
behavioral changes in humans in support
of countermeasure development; develop
counter measures to allow humans to live
and work in micro-gravity for long periods; and identify, characterize and mitigate health, environmental and other
health risks associated with space exploration. NNH04ZUU003N (FGCW 05/25/
Deadline: Available after May 28
20-11 Strategic Partnering to Evaluate
Cancer Signatures (NIH)
The purpose of this initiative is to build
on recent demonstrations that molecular
signatures correlate with important clinical parameters in cancer. NCI invites
investigators to form strategic partnerships that will bring together the multidisciplinary expertise and resources
needed to determine how the information
derived from comprehensive molecular
analyses can be used to improve patient
care and ultimately, patient outcomes.
Applicants are asked to propose evaluation of potential clinical usefulness of
molecular signatures already developed
using a variety of molecular analysis technologies including DNA, RNA or protein-based technologies. RFA-CA-04-015
(NIHG 1/30/04)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 6/22/2004;
Applications 7/22/2004
20-12 Research to Study Virulence of
Mycobacterium avium Complex
Bacteria from Drinking Water (EPA)
Mycobacterium avium complex bacteria
(MAC) are naturally occurring bacteria in
the environment, including natural water
supplies and municipally-treated drinking water. These bacteria can pose a significant health risk to humans, especially
immunocompromised persons. Current
detection methods are able to determine
only the presence of MAC; new methodologies that generate information regarding the virulence of MAC strains found in
water would be useful in assigning the
level of risk to humans from exposure to
drinking water
Deadline: 7/9/2004
20-13 Field-Initiated Adoption Service
Demonstration Projects (ACF)
The Health and Human Services Department solicits applications to support continuous innovation and improvement in
adoption services. Projects must address
one or more of the following priorities:
preventing the need for intervention services; strengthening rural families and
communities; promoting ongoing relationships with adult role models; safe
places with structured activities; opportunities to acquire marketable skills; and
opportunities for community service and
civic participation; faith-based and community initiatives; healthy marriage; and
helping men become responsible, committed fathers. HHS-2004-ACF-ACYFCO-0019 (FR 5/14/20040
Deadline: 7/13/2004
20-14 Community Partnership
Outreach (HUD)
The Housing and Urban Development
Department seeks applications for college
and university community outreach partnerships to address problems of urban
areas. Grantees will establish and operate
local community outreach partnerships
reflecting five key components: outreach
and technical assistance; empowerment
efforts that engage community organizations and residents as partners with the
institution for the duration of the project
and beyond; applied research related to
project outreach activities; assistance to
target communities primarily from faculty
and students; and university officials’
support. CFDA #14.511 (FR 5/14/2004)
Deadline: 7/9/2004
new services. CFDA #94.007 (FGCW 05/
Deadline: 6/8/2004
20-17 William T. Grant Scholars
Program (Grant)
The William T. Grant Scholars Program
supports promising post-doctoral
researchers from diverse disciplines. Priority research areas are youth development; improving programs, policies, and
institutions affecting young people; and
adults’ use of evidence and their view of
youth. The Foundation focuses on young
people ages 8-25, and is particularly interested in research that is interdisciplinary,
examines young people in social, institutional, community, and cultural contexts,
and addresses questions that advance both
theory and practice.
Deadline: 7/1/2004
20-18 Student Research and Study:
Early Doctoral, Dissertation (HUD)
The Housing and Urban Development
Department seeks applications under two
programs: to enable beginning doctoral
students to cultivate their research skills
through preparation of research manuscripts; and enable Ph.D. candidates who
are completing their studies to conduct
dissertation research on policy-relevant
housing and urban development issues.
CFDA #14.512 (FR 5/14/2004)
Deadline: 6/16/2004
20-15 Post-Adoption Services and
Marriage Education (ACF)
The Administration for Children and
Families seeks applications for demonstration projects to implement and evaluate post-adoption services that include a
marriage education component. Projects
must implement and evaluate a specifiable program that supports marriage for
adoptive parents. Other services may
include: education and support for families and children, such as respite care,
counseling and case management services; services to prevent adoption disruption/ and crisis intervention. HHS-ACFACYF-CO-0021 (FR 05/24/04)
Deadline: 7/23/2004
20-16 Volunteer Service Challenge
Grants (CNS)
The Corporation for National and Community Service seeks applications for
challenge grants to foster expansion of
sustainable community service and volunteer programs. Grantees must either
greatly expand services by engaging citizens in meeting community needs or offer
R.W. Trewyn, Vice Provost for Research &
Dean of the Graduate School
Ted Knous, Associate Vice Provost for
Caron Boyce, Secretary
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice Provost, Graduate Research
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Carole Lovin, Rich Doan, Beverly Nichols, Jean Sommer, Rex Goff, Dawn
Caldwell, Jodi Milliner
Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Research Compliance Officer
Alissa Ross, Secretary
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045