Annual Departmental Reports 2010/11 Faculty for the Built Environment The Faculty for the Built Environment is currently composed of three Departments, the Department of Architecture and Urban Design, the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, and the Department of the Built Heritage; and four Units, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Construction and Management, Environmental Design, and Visual Arts. Following the approval of the Faculty Development Plan, during this year, the Faculty launched the process of phasing out the five-year B.E.&A (Hons) degree course, and implementing the new course structure, starting from the one-year Diploma in Design Foundation Studies, in October 2010. At the same time, the Faculty continued to develop the course structure, and regulations, for the new three-year first tier degree, the BSc (Hons) in Built Environment Studies, for launching in October 2011. In addition, work continued on the development of the professional and specialization masters degree courses envisaged in the Faculty Development Plan. The process of changing the degree course structures was thus launched, and will now inexorably continue, stepby-step, until the whole system is completely overhauled. This process continues to attract the support of the local professional association, the Kamra tal-Periti, the students interested in careers in the Built Environment, as well as the Ministry responsible for the legislation regulating the profession of periti. A number of presentations were made, in international fora, explaining the changes that were being implemented, and, as far as can be ascertained up to now, comments have been consistently positive. As will be explained hereunder, another important development for the Faculty was the agreement reached between the University of Malta and Heritage Malta, for the Department of Built Heritage to be entrusted with the responsibility of taking over ongoing courses for the preparation of conservation professionals, and of re-structuring such training from under-graduate status to post-graduate status, once again reflecting developments at European level, as well as the amendments envisaged to the local Cultural Heritage Act, regulating warrants for conservation professionals. This document is a compilation of reports submitted by the Heads of the three Departments, and the Co-ordinators of the four units, outlining the activities of the relative Department/Unit for the outgoing year, and including a comprehensive list of publications of all members of staff, a synopsis of projects involving members of staff, which are wholly or partially externally funded, a list of conferences/seminars/meetings attended abroad by members of staff during term time, and an outline of collaboration with third parties. A number of activities were organized that go beyond the individual Department or Unit, and these are reported in the first part of this document. In October 2010 (21st – 23rd), the Faculty collaborated with Anhalt University of Applied Sciences to organize an International Conference on Ecological Landscape Modelling and Management for Mediterranean Islands, in Gozo. The Conference was held at the end of a week-long inter-disciplinary studio held for German students of Landscape Architecture, Architecture, and Nature Conservation. A number of members of staff from the University of Malta presented papers in this Conference, including Dr.Avertano Role’, Kevin Gatt, Dr.Tonio Sant, Dr.Saviour Formosa, and Dr.Maria Attard. Prof.A.Torpiano acted as moderator in a couple of sessions, and took part in the final public workshop on “Taking Malta to Sustainability”. In March 2011, the Faculty collaborated with HARPO spa to organize two Technical Seminars, on New Technologies for Green Roofs, one for students of the Faculty, and one, highly successful, one for professionals working in the industry. In April 2011, the Faculty collaborated with the Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt to organize the 1st Passive House Conference in Malta, “Energy Efficiency in the Mediterranean”, with the participation of international speakers from Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain, as well as from Malta. The Conference was organized by a Faculty Committee including Dr.V.Buhagiar, and Arch.Andrea-Nicole Schmidt, under the chairmanship of Prof.Alex Torpiano. In April 2011, the Faculty also hosted a Public Lecture by Sougata Nandi, Executive Director – Asset Management & Sustainable Development at TECOM Investments, Dubai Holding (Smart City Project), on the theme of Sustainability Leadership, held at the University Campus Valletta. Finally, during this year, the Faculty launched a programme of Faculty Staff presentations, with the intention of increasing the social interaction between members of a growing Faculty, under the title of “Encounters”. The following talks were presented in this series: February 2011 Dr. John Grech “From Time Lord to Worm Hole; An Evolution of Artistic and Creative Work 1980 - 2011” March 2011 Perit Joseph Galea “ Oriental Rugs in Art” May 2011 Perit Shirley Cefai “Life Cycle Foundation” Department of Architecture and Urban Design 1. Staff During the academic year 2010/11, the staff of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design consisted of the head, Prof. Denis De Lucca and seven (7) full-time Resident members of staff. In addition the Department has been served by five (5) parttime members of staff at Resident (TR4) level and nine (9) Visiting lecturers. The Executive Officer in charge of the administration of the Department was Mr Jonathan Apap. During the academic year, as part of the approved Faculty Development Plan, a number of members of staff of this Department were attached to the newly-created Units, including the co-ordinators of the four Units. The reports from these members of staff, although administratively still attached to the Department, are reported under the relative Unit. In addition, during the same year, two members of staff successfully completed their PhD studies, Dr.Antonio Mollicone (Dottore di Ricerca (PhD – Doctor Europaeus) “La Sapienza” University of Rome), and Dr.Lino Bianco, whilst another two have commenced doctoral research projects, (Perit Audrey Monica Galea (Context and Transformation in contemporary Architectural Space), and Perit Ira Vella Miodragovich (Constraint-based design of masonry assemblies, employing properties of materials and constraints of locally-available technology as parameters of digitally-driven architectural design and construction of non-traditional masonry assemblies)). 2. Teaching Activities The Department was responsible for teaching architectural theory, history and design, and urban design, and contributed to the first Diploma Course in Design Foundation Studies (88 students), and to the continuing courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering and Architecture, (61 second year, 62 third year, 21 fourth year, and 26 fifth year students). In the case of the latter, final year, students, the Department invited Professor Giuseppe Strappa, the Professore ordinario di Progettazione architettonica e urbana and President of the Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell'Architettura e della Città of the architectural faculty "Valle Giulia" of the Sapienza University of Rome, as External Examiner. 3. Research Activities The following staff members have been engaged in research projects: Prof. Denis De Lucca: Ongoing primary-source research in architectural history, focusing on the Baroque Age. Dr Antonio Mollicone: Research on Scienze della Rappresentazioni e del Rilievo. Dr Edwin Mintoff: An ongoing research project involving a study of the potential of urban renewal development in Malta, taking several towns and villages as case studies. Dr Mintoff is currently also engaged in the organisation of a TEMPUS project in urban studies i/c/w the Universite Marine la Vallee in France focusing on Morocco and Tunisia. (Research work of staff members attached to the newly-established Units, including Dr.Vincent Buhagiar, Dr.Paul Gauci, Antoine Zammit, Dr.Joseph Spiteri, Anton Grech, and Dr.Ruth Bianco is reported with the respective Units) 4. Publications Prof. Denis De Lucca – Also see annual report 2010-2011 of the International Institute for Baroque Studies and list of University of Malta staff publications in the RefWorks Database: Peer-reviewed publications: DE LUCCA, D., ‘Jesuits and Fortifications: The Contribution of the Jesuits to Military Architecture in the Baroque Age’ (Leiden, 2012) [BOOK - in print]. DE LUCCA, D., ‘Gabriele Tadino di Martinengo’ in contribution - in print]. FORT (England, 2011) [journal DE LUCCA, D., ‘The Contribution of the Jesuit Collegium in Malta to the dissemination of knowledge about military architecture in the Baroque age’ in ‘Architectural History’(England 2012) [journal contribution - in print]. DE LUCCA, D., Interventi Urbani e Progetti non realizzati a Malta in ‘Rivista Internazionale di Cultura Urbanistica,’ n.6 (Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Centro Interdipartimentale L.U.P.T., 2011).[journal contribution] Other publications 2010-2012: DE LUCCA, D., ‘Baroque Architecture in the Maltese Islands’ in Collana ‘IMAGINES’ (Lecce, Edizioni Grifo, 2011) [journal contribution - in print]. DE LUCCA, D., The presentation section of the book on Baroque art, Costanzo, Salvatore., Pittura tra Malta e Napoli nel segno del Barocco – da Raimondo “Il Maltese” a Bernardo De Dominici (Naples, 2011) [Book section] DE LUCCA, D., ‘The Contribution of the Collegium Melitense to the dissemination of Jesuit knowledge on the fortification of cities in the Baroque age’ in ‘Citta Nuove fondate in Italia e in Europa dal Medioevo al Novecento’ 2010 international conference proceedings (Palermo, 2011) [journal contribution - in print] DE LUCCA, D., ‘Ephemeral Manifestations in Baroque Malta’ in Baroque Routes Newsletter no.8 (Malta, 2011) [magazine contribution] DE LUCCA, D., Baroque in Valletta (Malta, 2012) [BOOK – in preparation] DE LUCCA, D., Preparation of a book section on ‘The city-fortress of Valletta in the Baroque Age – some new perceptions’ i/c/w Accademia dei Lincei (Rome, 2012) [Book Section – in preparation] Dr Antonio Mollicone MOLLICONE, A., ‘Fontane di Malta’ in Collana ‘IMAGINES’(Lecce, Edizioni Grifo,2011) [in print] MOLLICONE, A., La teoria delle ombre lineari e del chairo-scuro (Rome, Edizioni Kappa, 2011) Dr Mollicone also contributed to the proceedings of the Laboratorio di Disegno e Rilievo Urbano November 2008 conference on ‘Il Waterfront della citta porto di Bisceglie’ Dr Lino Bianco BIANCO, L., Архитектура и политика:Ceгашно състояние и бъдещо развитие на политиката на планиране на гр. София, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, 2011, 54 pp. BIANCO, L., The Contemporary Urban Planning Framework in Bulgaria in Id-Dritt, Vol. XXI, (2011), pp. 303-328. BIANCO, L., The Urban Container in ‘Shooting Society’, Edited by Carmel Borg and Raphael Vella [in print]. Other papers prepared for publication include: Prefabrication, Aesthetics and the Welfare State: The case for the post-war British public Schools in ‘Malta Review of Educational Research’ (had to be published by end of year 2010) and Roman Architectural Practice and the Funding of Public Buildings in ‘Malta Archaeological Review’ (had to be published by end of year 2010). (Publications by staff members attached to the newly-established Units, including Dr.Vincent Buhagiar, Dr.Paul Gauci, Antoine Zammit, Dr.Joseph Spiteri, Anton Grech, and Dr.Ruth Bianco are reported with the respective Units) 5. Conferences Prof Denis De Lucca attended and presented a paper on ‘The Contribution of the Collegium Melitense to the dissemination of Jesuit knowledge on the fortification of cities in the Baroque age’ at the December 2010 ‘Citta Nuove fondate in Italia e in Europa dal Medioevo al Novecento’ international Conference held in the Palazzo Chiaramonte [Rectorate] of the University of Palermo, Sicily. Dr Lino Bianco attended and presented a paper on Unplan Planning: A plea towards a non rationalist approach to urban planning at conference in Sofia on November 12, 2010, marking World Town-Planning Day. Ms Ira Miodragovic Vella participated in a February 2011 workshop on Parametric Structural Design at ETH in Zurich directed by Dr Toni Kotnik and Dr Lorenz Lachauer i/c/w her PhD studies. (Conferences attended by staff members attached to the newly-established Units, including Dr.Vincent Buhagiar, Dr.Paul Gauci, Antoine Zammit, Dr.Joseph Spiteri, Anton Grech, and Dr.Ruth Bianco are reported with the respective Units) 6. Other Initiatives Open Centre Design Project In line with its objective of making the teaching and research activities of the Faculty more relevant to the community, Year III students were assigned an architectural design project which required them to work with the NGO Get Up Stand Up, and the administration and residents of the Marsa Open Centre, to make proposals for improving conditions in the refugee facility, including privacy, sanitary conditions, and amenities. The constraints of cost, and of efficient use of resources, were a primary consideration. An important part of the activity was the organisation of an exhibition of the proposals, held by SACES in the historic tram station just outside the Open Centre, at the beginning of October, (as part of the Malta Design Week activities). This event gave the opportunity for students and residents of the Open Centre to meet, to discuss the proposals, and appreciate the potential benefits of good design in the quality of life of the residents; but especially to get to know each other. The event was relatively well covered in the local media. It is envisaged that this first project would be followed by two other related initiatives; firstly the implementation of some of the proposals, particularly as far as concerns the proposed communal library, involving our students as well as the residents; and secondly, the possibility of interacting with the Marsa Local Council in order to help the council address design issues related to the interface between the Open Centre and the residents of Marsa. Japanese Bonsai Garden Design Competition – MRRA As part of an on-going effort to make students’ practical projects more relevant to reallife situations, the Faculty collaborated with the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs, on a landscaping project competition for the design of a Japanese Bonsai Garden, for an area beneath the flank of St.James Bastion, Floriana. The students were tutored by Visiting Lecturer Perit Ramon Gauci. The competition was won by a group of students comprising Nicolo’ Bencini, Jonathan Borg, Matthew Joseph Casha, and Serge Michelenko. It is envisaged that the winning design will be implemented by the Ministry. National Design Competition – Showcasing EU-funded Projects - MEUSAC Another initiative, motivated by a similar objective, was the participation by Year IV Interior Design students in a MEUSAC National Design Competition – Showcasing EU‐ funded Projects, under the tutorship of Visiting Lecturer Patrick Galea. The open design competition was an opportunity to give our students a first hands-on experience for a real-life situation, design problem-solving project with a real client. The scope of this National Design Competition was for proposals to showcase EU Funded Projects, via installations for display in public spaces. The performance of the Faculty’s students was very successful, reaching two out of the three short-listed final classifications. The winning team was made up of students Francesca Camilleri, Nicolo’ Bencini and Jonathan Borg. The winning design is currently being implemented. Department of the Built Heritage 1.0 Introduction The mission statement of the Department of the Built Heritage is “To provide internationally-recognized university education in all that concerns the Built Heritage, whilst also promoting local consciousness of its conservation at all levels. This will be achieved by undergraduate and postgraduate University courses and research, outreach programmes and CPD courses for architects and other professionals involved in the conservation of the Built Heritage, including buildings, archaeological sites and historic landscapes. All efforts will be made to collaborate with organisations, institutions and individuals, both locally and abroad, to achieve awareness and excellence in teaching and research.” The staff members of the Department are: Prof. JoAnn Cassar (Head), Dr Reuben Grima (Lecturer), Perit Shirley Cefai (Assistant Lecturer), and Perit Claude Busuttil (TR4). Dr Grima joined the Department in February 2011. Both Perit Cefai and Perit Busuttil are currently reading for a PhD. Also forming part of the Department is Ms Roberta De Angelis, Project Assistant on an EU Project (ELAICH), on a full time 3-year definite contract. 2.0 Postgraduate teaching Currently the main activity of the Department is the biennial taught MSc course on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. This course is co-ordinated by Prof. JoAnn Cassar, who is now being helped by Dr Reuben Grima. All members of the Department teach on this course, as well as other staff both from the University of Malta and other Institutions (see Department’s collaboration with third parties below). During academic year 2010-2011, the taught part of the course was not held, as this part of the course is held biennially. During the same academic year, the 5 students who had followed the taught part of the course in 2009-2010 worked on their Masters dissertations. Of these, one has completed her work, and the dissertation is currently being examined. Of the other 5 students from previous years working on their Masters dissertation during the past academic year, three have completed their work; two of these have passed their viva voce examinations and graduated in November 2011. The third has handed in her dissertation and is awaiting her viva examination. Another student graduated with the Diploma in Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildngs. The Department also has three M.Phil students, two of whom have requested suspension of studies (one granted and one under consideration). This is due to multiple reasons, but primarily problems with the laboratory facilities, and lack of funds, and consequent health and safety issues in the laboratories. For the academic year 2011-2012, 5 new students (including one foreign student) have registered for the MSc course on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. A number of external Visiting Lecturers assist in specialized lectures on this course. 3.0 Undergraduate teaching As co-ordinator of the undergraduate courses in conservation offered within the B.E.&A. (Hons) course, Perit Cefai, with the help of Perit Busuttil, organised three seminars for the second year students. One was presented by Perit Joanna Spiteri Staines, who described and discussed the rehabilitation works carried out on the Garrison Chapel in Valletta; another one was presented by Perit Konrad Buhagiar regarding the restoration works carried out on Kenuna Tower in Gozo; and finally a seminar was presented by Perit Svetlana Sammut on the restoration works carried out on Manoel Island. These seminars form a crucial part of the assignments which the second year students were expected to hand in for their course work. In addition, during the first semester, Prof. Cassar, Perit Cefai and Perit Busuttil organized site work on three buildings at Majjistral Park (in collaboration with the Heritage Parks Federation), for the fourth year students following the Conservation Studies elective, as part of their course work (see Department’s Collaboration with Third Parties below). 4.0 Projects – externally funded 4.1 ELAICH - Educational Linkage Approach in Cultural Heritage The ELAICH Project is a EU-funded EuroMed Heritage IV project in which the Department of the Built Heritage is a partner, together with four foreign institutions, namely Technion Institute of Technology (Israel) – the Project Coordinator, University of Antwerp (Belgium), National Technical University of Athens (Greece) and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). The project officially started in February 2009 and will end in January 2012. The objective of the ELAICH project is to increase awareness of the importance of Cultural Heritage and its conservation by particular target groups, such as teenagers, with a focus on built heritage. This objective is being reached through courses, implemented in situ at a specific site (e.g. a monument or an archaeological site), in different Mediterranean countries. In the long term, ELAICH is also developing an e-learning platform to support youth and teachers interested in Cultural Heritage conservation. The e-learning site will provide all educational material necessary to support lessons and/or courses having Cultural Heritage conservation as the main theme. The academic year 2010-2011 was rich in activities: November 2010 and January 2011: ELAICH pilot course in Israel, closing event of the pilot course and partner meeting in Haifa (Israel) On the 9th and 10th November Prof. Cassar and Ms De Angelis lectured on the ELAICH pilot course in Haifa, coordinated by Technion. The two-day programme on the conservation process was specifically designed by the Department of the Built Heritage to engage 13-15 year old students in learning activities meant to stimulate discussions and learning by doing. On the first day the lectures were held at the Reali School in Haifa, whilst the second day was spent in situ at the Old City of Acre. Here students experienced several types of in-situ investigations usually carried out on historic buildings, such as graphic documentation and the analysis of soluble salts. The closing event of the ELAICH pilot course in Haifa was organized by the Technion on the 25th January 2011. Besides the ELAICH partners, representatives of the Israel Antiquities Authorities, the Society for the Preservation of Israel heritage sites, the Israeli Ministry of Education, as well as members of the Reali School were present. Prof. Cassar and Ms De Angelis participated in the event by presenting a paper on the outcome of their teaching experience within the course. The stay in Haifa also included an ELAICH partner meeting (23rd, 24th and 26th January), during which the Department presented a general plan for the structure and content of the ELAICH toolkit (or manual) (see 2009-10 report). February-May 2011: the ELAICH course in Malta This 37-hour course was organized by the Department in strict collaboration with the G.F. Abela Junior College, in particular with the Department of Systems of Knowledge, and with the Restoration Directorate (MRRA). Twenty-nine Junior College students chose to attend the ELAICH course as part of their Systems of Knowledge (SOK) project. The course was specifically designed for the age group concerned (16-17) and consisted of a mix of class lessons, site visits and site work. A good part of the activities took place at a little-known heritage site – the Old Parish Church of Siġġiewi – conserved in 2006-7 by the Restoration Unit. A number of lectures were delivered by internationally-renowned experts in the field of conservation of Cultural Heritage, in particular by Prof. Rene Van Grieken (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Prof. Antonia Moropoulou (NTUA, Athens, Greece), Prof. Guido Biscontin and Dr Francesca Izzo (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy). The participants’ enthusiastic response to the course was echoed in the local media. A feature on the ELAICH course in Malta was broadcasted on Net TV on the 30th March, whilst an article by journalist Kristina Chetcuti was published by the Times of Malta and the on the 5th May 2011 An editorial of the Times of Malta published on the 4th June 2011 also praised the ELAICH course in Malta and emphasized the need for similar initiatives in Malta dedicated to youth During the course the teenagers also actively participated in dissemination activities. Three students and Prof. Cassar were interviewed for Campus FM by Ms Patricia Camilleri on the programme “University matters” on the 21st April 2011. On the 28th April, a visit to the premises of the EU Commission Representation was organized. The teenagers were welcomed by Ms Carine Arpa (Communication Officer) who gave them some background on the EU in general, including information on job opportunities within the EU. The students were also addressed by Mr William Martin (then Head of Representation), who spoke of his first experience working with a multinational group students when he was the same age as the visiting students. Some of the course participants also delivered two short PowerPoint presentations to explain to Mr Martin their experience within the ELAICH course. The ELAICH course in Malta ended with a final workshop organized at the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty for the Built Environment. During the workshop the course participants, helped by five facilitators, created a number of “media products” meant to promote the Old Parish Church of Siġġiewi, as well as the ELAICH project. As a result, the students created: an A1 information panel to be permanently displayed near the gate of the church, a guidebook to help visitors to the church, and two articles – one in English published on The Sunday Times on the 19th June, and another in Maltese for Sagħtar – the magazine for primary and secondary school students published by the Malta Union of Teachers. The article appears in the November 2011 issue of the magazine. The activities of the Malta course were professionally filmed and edited to a 10-minute video, which will be used as promotional material also within the EU. An exhibition about the ELAICH course in Malta was also organized at the Junior College for the second week of October (10-15). On the 12th of October, a ceremony will also be held at the Junior College to present the course participants with their certificates of attendance. 22-24 June 2011: ELAICH dissemination event and partner meeting in Bressanone (Bolzano, Italy) Prof. Cassar and Ms De Angelis participated in the ELAICH partner meeting meant to plan the tasks for the ELAICH toolkit – an e-platform meant to help teachers and students interested in the Conservation of Built Heritage. A poster on the Malta Course was also exhibited during the poster session of a conference on Cultural Heritage being held at the same time. 11-16 July 2011: ELAICH course in Amman (Jordan) Ten of the 29 participants in the ELAICH course in Malta, together with Mr Joseph Gravina who was then the Coordinator of Systems of Knowledge at the G.F. Abela Junior College, Prof. Cassar and Ms De Angelis were invited to attend the ELAICH course being held in Jordan. Maltese and Jordanian students attended together a class session coordinated and delivered by Prof. Cassar, and one on-site session coordinated by the Technion at the Amman citadel. During the trip, the Maltese students had also the opportunity to visit Petra, and the archaeological site of Jerash – an experience that they were able to share with the other students by delivering a PowerPoint presentation the next day. Several articles were published in the international press on the course in Jordan and on the participation of the Maltese students. Examples include 4.2 Erasmus agreements At present, the Department of the Built Heritage has several active Erasmus agreements with European Universities, which support the travel to Malta of various foreign lecturers who participate on the MSc course on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. This is expanded on below under the sub-title of Department’s Collaboration with Third Parties. 4.3 Projects with Din L-Art Ħelwa The Department has an on-going programme of collaboration with Din L-Art Ħelwa, providing technical consultancy and support to this NGO with a small remuneration to the Department. This is expanded on below under the sub-title of Department’s Collaboration with Third Parties. 5.0 Conservation-Restoration courses within the Department of the Built Heritage 5.1 Bachelors degree courses (B.Cons. (Hons)) Following a Transitional Agreement signed in June 2010, between the University of Malta and Heritage Malta, the currently running B.Cons. courses were transferred, in October 2010, from Heritage Malta's Institute of Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage (ICMCH) to the Department of the Built Heritage. The ongoing lectures and practical work are currently being supported by Heritage Malta, and are being carried out for the most part on Heritage Malta premises. The academic and administrative affairs are being catered for by the Department of the Built Heritage. These courses are being wound down and there has been no intake of new students for the past 2 years. They are to be substituted by Masters level courses (see below). Following an application early in 2010 to ENCoRE (The European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education) the transfer of membership from Heritage Malta to the Department of the Built Heritage was approved. Prof Cassar attended the General Assembly of ENCoRE held in Vienna on the 27th September 2010, when the transfer was approved. 5.2 Planning for new Masters courses in Conservation-Restoration and Heritage Resource Management The Department of the Built Heritage is currently working on the development of the first of a number of Masters courses in conservation-restoration to be offered in October 2012. These courses will be open to graduates holding Bachelor degrees in relevant subjects, such as archaeology, history of art, science, architecture, engineering and conservation. Prof. Cassar is currently meeting up with parties interested in following, or advising on the following of, conservation courses, to update them on developments and support them with advice. During the past academic year APQRU/PVC approved Stage 1 proposal for the first MSc course on the “Conservation of Decorative Architectural Surfaces”. The Department is currently working on Stage 2 of the process. The study units for the first (preparatory) year have been developed with the collaboration of staff members from the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering who will be teaching on the programme. Development of the study units of the first and second year of the MSc course is currently in hand. In parallel, the Department also prepared the course structure for a new MA in Heritage Resource Management, which will also be opened for the first student intake in October 2012. During the year under review, the APQRU Stage 1 Approval Form was prepared for submission, and approved by Faculty Board. It has been submitted to APQRU/PVC and feedback is currently pending. 6.0 Conferences/seminars/meetings abroad 6.1.1 The meetings undertaken as part of the ELAICH project are mentioned under the subtitle Projects above. 6.1.2 Other meetings attended In March and July 2011, Prof. Cassar attended two Board meetings of the Editorial Board of the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of the Geological Society, in London. Prof. Cassar is a member of the Editorial Board, as Associate Editor. In July 2011 Prof. Cassar attended a meeting in London of the International Advisory Board for the 2010-13 MA in the Conservation of Wall Painting of the Courtauld Institute of Art. Prof. Cassar was appointed a member of the International Advisory Board in December 2010. In June 2011 Prof Cassar attended an International Colloquium on "University Training of Restoration within the European Educational Context" held in Litomysl, Czech Republic, and organised by the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Restoration. She presented a paper (jointly with A. Torpiano) on “Conservation Education in Malta – Challenges and Opportunities.” The proceedings are to be published. In September 2011 Prof. Cassar attended a European Workshop and Training Day on Cultural Heritage Preservation in Berlin, Germany. This was a European Cluster Workshop on research and development activities in the field of cultural heritage and its preservation for future generations. The workshop took place on September 26–27 2011 and an additional training day was held on September 28 2011 in Berlin, Germany and was hosted by the Rathgen Research Laboratory, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The focus was on historic structures and their conservation and preservation and presented the latest results from the ongoing European projects SMooHS, Climate for Culture, CHIC, Stonecore, Musecorr and others. Perit Shirley Cefai, currently registered as a post graduate student at the University of York (UK), regularly visited her supervisor, Prof Jane Grenville, at York during the past academic year and also underwent another two Thesis Advisory Panels in October 2010 and March 2011. Further information is given under Update on staff members’ PhD studies below. Perit Busuttil, currently registered for a PhD with the University of Sorbonne - Paris IV (France), carried out research phase in Paris in November 2010, establishing with Prof. Michele Virol, his supervisor, the themes and subjects to be treated in his doctorate thesis. Further information is given under Update on staff members’ PhD studies below. Ms Roberta De Angelis, currently registered for a PhD with the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, visited London in October 2010 for tutorials, to attend lectures and to carry out library research. Other tutorials were carried out in Malta Further information is given under Update on staff members’ PhD studies below. 6.2 Local conferences/meetings In collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and Heritage Malta, the Department of the Built Heritage organized a student day-conference entitled Crossroads in Conservation. The conference, held in the Aula Magna of the Valletta Campus on 30th September 2011, gave the opportunity to 11 graduates who recently completed their first degree to present their conservation-related dissertation projects to an audience of over 80 professionals, fellow-students, and interested members of the public. The conference participants were addressed by the pro-Rector for academic affairs, Prof. A. J. Vella. The welcoming speech was given by the Dean of the Faculty for the Built Environment, Prof Torpiano, and the concluding speech was given by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr J Betts, Dr E Sinagra, Head of Department of Chemistry, chaired one of the sessions. Three of the Department’s staff members, Dr Grima, Perit Cefai and Perit Busuttil, in their respective capacities in Malta’s National Commission for UNESCO and ICOMOS (Malta) committee members, met Mr Francesco Bandarin, UNESCO’s Assistant Director General for Culture, on 16th September 2011. During the meeting, Mr Bandarin outlined UNESCO’s current vision for strengthening collaboration with Malta, and discussed some current issues and challenges. The Department is actively participating in the consultations and meetings that are being held in preparation for Valletta’s nomination as European Capital of Culture in 2018. One of the Department’s staff members, Dr Reuben Grima, co-ordinated one of the workshops held at Verdala Palace on 21st June 2011 to help develop a vision for Valletta 2018. Perit Busuttil attended an ICOMOS/CIVVIH (International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages) conference in Malta in April 2010 and the ICOM (International Council of Museums) AGM in February 2011. In September 2011, Dr Grima attended the meeting for National Focal Points for Periodic Reporting on UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Mediterranean Sub-Region, which this year was held in Malta. 7.0 Department’s collaboration with third parties. The Department of the Built Heritage has a number of ongoing collaborations with third parties, both in the University of Malta and outside, in part inherited from the activities of the Institute for Masonry and Construction Research, and in part developed over the past two years since the Department was set up. These include: 7.1 With various UoM Departments: 7.1.1 Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (DMME), Faculty of Engineering Research projects in relation to stone conservation, which took place during 2010-2011: • “The Controlled Erosion of Limestone” by a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student– estimated the degree of erosion caused by physical cleaning; this is a continuation of a dissertation started in the last academic year by another 4th year student • “Thermal Imaging of Limestone used as a Building Material” by another 4th year Mechanical Engineering student - studied the detection of moisture in stone in a non-destructive way. Both of these research projects were presented during the students’ seminar "Crossroads in Conservation" held at the Aula Magna in September 2011. Dr John Betts, Head of Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, regularly teaches on the MSc on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. Dr Betts also sits on the Board of Studies of the MSc course. Discussions with Dr Betts with respect to the new MSc course on Conservation of Architectural Decorative Surfaces led to an ongoing cooperation with Dr Glenn Cassar and Mr Daniel Vella, who will both be teaching on the new programme. They were both also actively involved in the writing of the descriptions of two study-units to be given within the preparatory year, for submission to APQRU/PVC. 7.1.2 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Discussions with the Head of Department, Dr Emanuel Sinagra, led to two conservationrelated dissertations being carried out during 2010-2011; these were “A Study of Silane Consolidants for Globigerina Limestone”, and “An Investigation of a New Cleaning Treatment for the Removal of Copper Stains from Globigerina Limestone Surfaces”. The latter dissertation was also examined by Prof. Cassar. Both of these research projects were presented during the students’ seminar "Crossroads in Conservation" held at the Aula Magna in September 2011. Dr Sinagra also regularly teaches on the MSc on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. 7.1.3 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science During the last academic year, Dr Godwin Debono supervised a BSc dissertation with a conservation-related theme entitled “An Electromagnetic Survey of the Tarxien Temples.” Dr Grima was the contact person within the Department of the Built Heritage. This research project was presented during the students’ seminar "Crossroads in Conservation" held at the Aula Magna in September 2011. 7.1.4 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science Dr Joseph Buhagiar regularly teaches on the MSc on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. 7.1.5 Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts Prof. JoAnn Cassar regularly delivers a course on “Principles of Archaeological Conservation” (ARC 2016) to undergraduate students reading Archaeology. Dr Nicholas Vella regularly teaches on the MSc course on Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. Prof. JoAnn Cassar and Ms Roberta De Angelis are continuing their collaboration with the Department of Classics and Archaeology on the conservation of the Roman Żejtun archaeological site, which is currently being excavated by the Department of Classics and Archaeology. Funds are being raised for part of the conservation work needed by the local NGO Din l-Art Ħelwa (see also under Collaboration with Third Parties below). This has included the sponsorship of 2nd and 3rd year students of following the course leading to the B.E.&A (Hons) degree, who, under the supervision of Prof. A Torpiano, have designed a temporary shelter for decorated areas of the site, which shelter will also be paid for by these funds. The documentation of the decorated part of the site was undertaken during the last academic year by 2nd year conservation (B. Cons.) students, who now fall under the Department of the Built Heritage. The students were supervised by conservators from Heritage Malta Conservation Division and Ms De Angelis from the Department of the Built Heritage. Work is now being finalized on the design of the shelter, due to be erected before the end of the year, as well as the documentation of the decorated areas of the site. 7.1.6 Institute for Sustainable Development The Department of the Built Heritage, together with the Institute for Sustainable Development, is lending its support to an initiative launched in August 2011 by the Ministry of Finance, under the title GIS Cultural Mapping - Mapping intangible heritage and community cultural infrastructure in localities in Malta and Gozo. The goal of the project is to engage local communities into spatially mapping the cultural uses of public and private spaces in their locality, which information will then be compiled in the form of a GIS database. 7.1.7 Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture The Department is in contact with the Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture which has expressed an interest in participating in the new MA on Heritage Resource Management which is being planned to start in October 2012. Discussions are currently under way to define how this collaboration can develop. 7.2 Junior College In connection with the ELAICH Project, the Department of the Built Heritage has continued its close collaboration with the Junior College (JC). The ELAICH Malta course, as part of the Systems of Knowledge Project for 29 students, took place between February and May 2011, with the participation of Ms De Angelis and Prof. Cassar. This, and other activities, is described under the sub-title Projects - ELAICH above. 7.3 External to UoM – local 7.3.1 Heritage Malta During academic year 2010-2011, Prof. JoAnn Cassar was again Chairperson of the Board of Studies of the Bachelor of Conservation B.Cons. (Hons.) appointed by the Senate of the University of Malta. This Board will continue to function until the last batch of B.Cons. (Hons) students graduate. The M.Cons. Board of Studies has ceased to function as the last intake graduated last year. Other developments are given above under the sub-title Conservation-Restoration courses within the Department of the Built Heritage. Three of the Department’s staff members, Prof. Cassar, Dr Grima and Perit Cefai, are active members of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of the Megalithic Temples, appointed by the Minister responsible for Culture as a think tank to give advice and direction on the conservation of these World Heritage Sites. During the year under review, the Committee reviewed and advised on a number of interventions on these sites. Two of the Department’s staff members, Prof. Cassar and Dr Grima, are also active members of the Hypogeum Environment Management Investigation Group (HEMI). During the year under review, this think-tank advised on and reviewed plans for a farreaching re-evaluation of the microclimate management of this World Heritage Site. In September 2011 Prof. Cassar was appointed by the Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, the Environment and Culture as a member of the Board of Directors of Heritage Malta. 7.3.2 ICOMOS (Malta) Perit Shirley Cefai, a member of ICOMOS (Malta) was co-opted as President of ICOMOS Malta in July 2011. Perit Busuttil is a member of the current Executive Board of ICOMOS. 7.3.3 Din L-Art Ħelwa The Department continues to assist and advise Din L-Art Ħelwa in its conservation programmes. During the past year, the environmental monitoring at the Church of Bir Miftuħ was concluded; the scientific investigations, and the conservation, of the frescoes inside the Church have been finalised and therefore advice in this regard has now ended. In connection with the collaboration taking place with the Department of Classics and Archaeology on the conservation of the Roman Żejtun archaeological site, Prof. Cassar and Ms De Angelis participated in a public outreach day at the Żejtun site where the HSBC Malta Foundation officially gave Din L-Art Ħelwa financial support for the conservation of the site. This event was launched by the Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, the Environment and Culture, Dr de Marco and was covered in the press As part of the collaboration with Din L-Art Ħelwa and the Heritage Parks Federation, the fourth year students of the BE&A course, under the supervision of staff members of the Department, worked on the compilation of method statements for two structures within the Majjistral Park. This work consisted of measured work of the buildings referred to as the Chapel and the Villa within the Majjistral Park. They were also expected to prepare the condition report of these two structures together with the mapping of the deterioration. A fifth year student worked on the restoration interventions required on the pillbox within the Park as part of her final year dissertation. A Method Statement for the interventions required was then compiled. The necessary MEPA permits are currently in the process of being acquired for the conservation of these structures. In September 2011 the Department was once again engaged by the Heritage Parks Federation, of which Din L-Art Ħelwa is a member, to draw up condition surveys and Method Statements for the conservation and restoration of three other buildings situated in Majjistral Park, Għajn Tuffieħa. These follow on from the satisfactory collaboration during 2009-2010 where the necessary Method statements were presented to MEPA by the Department in the name of the Majjistral Park. Once again 4th year conservation students under the supervision of members of the Department of the Built Heritage will be drawing up condition surveys and Method Statements. 7.4 External to UoM – foreign 7.4.1 Erasmus agreements Erasmus agreements are in force with eight European universities (two new ones were added this year). Lecturers from many of these institutions are regularly invited to lecture postgraduate students of the MSc in Conservation Technology for Masonry Buildings. 7.4.2 The Courtauld Institute of Art, UK In December 2010 Prof. Cassar was invited to serve as a member of the International Advisory Board for the 2010-13 MA in the Conservation of Wall Painting of the Courtauld Institute of Art. Prof. Cassar has already attended (in July 2011) one meeting of the Board, held in London (see sub-section on Conferences/seminars/meetings abroad above). Prof. Cassar is also acting as co-supervisor for a PhD on the conservation of wall paintings in Malta by Roberta De Angelis, at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Further information is given under Update on staff members’ PhD studies below. 7.4.3 UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage, UK As in previous years Prof. Cassar has taught on Module 2 of the MSc in Sustainable Heritage. Module 2 deals with "Buildings and Assemblies" and is held in Malta in November of each year. The course is attended by mid-career professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds with an interest in cultural heritage conservation and management. 7.4.4 The Maltese Temple Landscape Project (MTLP) In April and August 2011, Dr Grima participated in the MTLP, a collaborative project which he helped set up the previous year between the German Archaeological Institute, the University of Bournemouth, the University of Malta, Heritage Malta and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. The aim of the project is to investigate the evolution of the landscape context of Skorba since prehistory. 7.4.5 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia In August 2011, Dr Reuben Grima was appointed external examiner for the following PhD examination: Bernadette Flynn - Somatisation of Digital Cultural Heritage: Sites in Search of a Body. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 7.4.6 University of Cagliari During May - July 2011, a PhD candidate in geology from the University of Cagliari visited the Department of the Built Heritage to carry out experimental work in connection with his doctoral research. This included the study of different stone types using ultrasonic testing, as well as the study of moisture movement through thermal imaging the latter was carried out with the collaboration of Dr John Betts, Head of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. The results obtained, which are extremely interesting, will form a part of his doctoral dissertation. This collaboration also led to the setting up of an Erasmus agreement with the University of Cagliari. 7.5 Update on staff members’ PhD studies Perit Shirley Cefai, currently registered as a post graduate student at the University of York, under the supervision of Prof. Jane Grenville, attained the upgrade from MPhil to PhD last October 2010 when she had another Thesis Advisory Panel. For this panel she produced a written chapter on one of her case studies and the material produced, together with previous material presented, was considered to be of a high enough standard to allow her to proceed for a PhD. During the past year she has focused on her research and worked on the collection of data for the other two of her case studies In March 2011 she had another Thesis Advisory Panel session where the data collected and another draft chapter was written and assessed. She was asked to conclude the chapter by revisiting certain arguments she put forward and to start work on the final case study. Perit Claude Busuttil is registered for a PhD with the University of Sorbonne - Paris IV (France). The supervisor of his thesis is Prof. Michele Virol of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History whilst the co-supervisor is Dr Stephen Spiteri. Perit Busuttil started his research phase in Paris in November 2010 during his last visit there in order to establish with Prof. Michele Virol the themes to be treated in his thesis. Some basic research was carried out at the Archives Nationales, the Military Archives at the Cateau de Vincennes, the National Library of Paris and its INHA section for more specific research in connection with the history of art/architecture Institute of Paris. During the same visit with Prof. Virol some targets were defined in order to proceed with a structured plan and strategy. It is envisaged that towards the end of November 2011 he will carry out a research campaign in the archives in Paris and re-visit contacts at the University of Sorbonne. Ms Roberta De Angelis has been enrolled since October 2010 on a part-time basis on a PhD at the Courtauld Institute of Art (Wall Painting Conservation Department), London. The Supervisor is Ms Sharon Cather, Reader at the Courtauld and the Co-supervisor is Prof. Cassar. Ms De Angelis spent two weeks in October 2010 in London following lectures and tutorials, as well as doing library research. The timeframe between November 2010 and August 2011 was dedicated to gain an overview on Maltese wall paintings in general, and in particular on the scientific studies undertaken to date. This process helped focus the subject of the thesis, and in choosing relevant case studies that should be included in the study. Since September 2011 she has started investigating one the wall within a site currently being conserved by a team from the Courtauld Institute of Art. She is also receiving training on non-invasive techniques of investigation by one member of the Courtauld team one day/week (Saturdays). 8.0 Publications Cassar, J., Galea, M., Grima, R. Stroud, K., Torpiano, A. 2010. Shelters over the Megalithic Temples of Malta: debate, design and implementation. Environmental Earth Sciences, Special Issue, pp. 1-12. (Published online 9 September 2010). Cassar J, Torpiano, A. (in print) Education in Conservation in Malta – challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the International Colloquium on "University Training of Restoration within the European Educational Context", Litomysl, Czech Republic, 1 - 3 June 2011. Grima, R. 2011. Hercules’ unfinished labour: the management of Borġ in-Nadur and its landscape. In: Davide Tanasi and Nicholas C. Vella (eds), Site, artefacts, landscape: prehistoric Borġ in-Nadur, Malta.Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher Monza/Italy Grima, R & Mallia, J., 2011. A tale of two ridges: topography, connectivity and use at Borġ in-Nadur and Tas-Silġ. In: Davide Tanasi and Nicholas C. Vella (eds), Site, artefacts, landscape: prehistoric Borġ in-Nadur, Malta. Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher Monza/Italy In addition, Prof Cassar is a member on the Editorial Board of the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (Geological Society of London) and in 2011 attended two Board meetings in London. A Special Issue on “The Stone Cycle and the Conservation of Historic Buildings” is being planned. Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (formerly Building and Civil Engineering) The staff members of the Department are: Prof.Dr.Alex Torpiano, Perit Joseph Falzon, Prof. Dr.Dion Buhagiar, Dr.Marc Bonello, Perit Ruben Borg (PhD candidate), Perit David Xuereb, Perit John Valentino, Perit Carmelo Barbara, Perit Adrian Mifsud (PhD candidate), Perit Kevin Gatt, (PhD candidate). A number of Visiting members of staff were also appointed to work with the Department, including Perit Jacques Borg Barthet, Mr.Alfred Darmenia, Perit Odette Lewis, Ing. Alan Abela, Perit Carmel Cacopardo, and Perit Franco Montesin. Over the period of the Report, the Head of Department, Prof A.Torpiano was also Dean of the Faculty, Member of the Senate of the University of Malta, Member of the Council of the University of Malta, Chairman of the International Institute of Baroque Studies, Member of the Board of the Institute of Sustainable Energy, and Member of the Board of the Institute of Sustainable Development. Teaching Activities The main teaching activities of the Department remain focussed on the five-year programme leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering and Architecture, (which is being phased out), contributing about two-thirds of the taught study-units over the first three years, involving just over 200 students, and running the Engineering Stream of students following the latter two years of the course. During this academic year, Prof.Ian May acted as External Examiner for the final year students following the Engineering Stream and course moderator. In addition, the Department continued with the work of reviewing the study-units within its remit, in order to conform to the re-structured course philosophy, in particular the BSc.(Hons) in Built Environment Studies, and to prepare for the second tier M.Eng (Civil/Structural Engineering) envisaged to open in 2013. In addition, Prof.A.Torpiano also acted as Masters Thesis supervisor for four students following the degree leading to the Masters in Conservation Technology of Masonry Buildings, previously offered by the Institute for Masonry and Construction Research. Departmental Collaboration and Projects with Third Parties. The Department of Building and Civil Engineering was represented in the Building Industry Consultative Council, (BICC) by Prof.Dr.D.Buhagiar. The Kamra tal-Periti again organised a seminar of Professional Ethics for final year students following the studies leading to the B.E.&A. Degree. The link with the Kamra is further strengthened by the election of Perit Ruben Borg to the Council of the Kamra. Prof.A.Torpiano was re-appointed by the Minister of Resources and Rural Affairs on the Periti Warranting Board, the Board that not only oversees the academic and professional training of Maltese aspiring professionals, but which, with the new EU Services and Professional Qualifications Directives, is also assessing qualifications of EU Nationals desiring to establish themselves, or otherwise offer their professional services, in Malta. The issue of water resources is considered to be an important area of research. Perit Kevin Gatt has led the collaboration with the Malta Business Bureau, together with the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, in a successful application for funding for an EU LIFE+ Project entitled “Achieving Water Sustainability by Industry in Malta”. In May 2011, Perit Kevin Gatt was appointed as one of five new Trustees on the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management’s (CIWEM) governing body. Perit Ruben Borg continue to develop links with the University of Ferrara, on the subject of Repair and Rehabilitation of structures, Sustainable Construction and Construction Materials, and with the Politecnico di Milano, particularly on a Ricasoli Project Seminar in Malta with the participation of professors and students from the Technical University of Milan, Italy and the Faculty for the Built Environment. He acted as Council Member, and Co-Chairman of the Built Environment Sub-Committee of the Kamra Tal-Periti, and Vice Chairman of the Work Group: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stock, of the European Science Foundation, TU0701 WG2. Research Activities The Department’s interest in waste materials and re-cycling continued in ongoing work by Prof.Dr.D. Buhagiar and Perit Franco Montesin on technologies for producing recycled stone. Perit Adrian Mifsud continued his research work on Marls, and contributed to the successful bid for MCST funding of the GEO-INF project, which seeks to establish the efficacy of boreholes drilled into globigerina limestone as a means of aquifer recharge. He also collaborated with research into waste settlement to enable better estimates of remaining landfill voidspace at Ghallis landfill. Perit Ruben Borg continued his research on Sustainable Concrete and Waste in Concrete, and on the properties of Fresh Concrete, using equipment designed and constructed in collaboration with Prof. Cyril Spiteri Staines – Faculty of Engineering. Conferences and Seminars Prof.A.Torpiano: Invited Lecturer – International Summer School in Conservation of Historical, Monumental and Archaeological Sites, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Recent Restoration and Conservation Works in Malta: Fort Manoel, Fort Tigne’, Garden Battery. Structural Problems in Archaeological Sites. The Prehistoric Megalithic Temples in Malta, 27th July 2011 Perit Adrian Mifsud: attended: Sustainable Construction: Civil Engineering and the built environment Malta, May 2008. 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Athens 12-15th September 2011 Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Santa Margerita di Pula, Sardinia 3-7th October 2011 (presented paper) Perit Ruben Borg: (Organized and Co-ordinated the following activities) International Conference (Innsbruck, Austria): Towards a better Built Environment: Sustainable Construction & life time structural engineering. University of Innsbruck, Austria, COST C25, European Science Foundation. 3rd – 5th February 2011, Innsbruck Austria. Member of the Scientific Committee and member of the Organising Committee. Coordinator of the Publications including Conference Proceedings and the two colume Research reports. European Council of Civil Engineers & Chamber of Architects & Civil Engineers, Malta International Conference & 53rd ECCE General Assembly (Malta): Sustainable Development: Civil Engineering & The Built Environment, 5th – 7th May 2011 Co-ordinator of the Conference and Proceedings Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee. Seminar: IPO-Studio; Guest Speaker: Prof. Arch.Roberto di Giulio; organized at the Faculty for the Built Environment, November 2010. Seminar: Architecture Nights (Kamra Tal-Periti): (Coordinator) IPOStudio & Professor Arch. Roberto DiGiulio (November 2010) Scientific Meeting: European Science Foundation – TU0701. Core Group Meeting of International Committee, Gozo – Malta. (February 2011) Perit Ruben Borg also acted as (Vice-Chairman of the WG2: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stock) Core Group Meeting: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stock; Gozo Malta, Winter 2011. Seminar: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stock; Timisoara; Spring 2011. (Coordinator – Work Package 5: Sustainable Construction – Materials & Products) Core Group Meeting: Sustainability of Constructions, Life time Structural Engineering; Brussels; 2010. Conference: Sustainability of Constructions, Life time Structural Engineering; Innsbruck; February 2011. Papers and Publications: Torpiano, A., The engineering of ther prehistoric megalithic temples in Malta [Conference] // Final Conference: Sustainability of Constructions - Towards a better built environment. - Innsbruck : University of Malta, 2011. - pp. 559-570. Torpiano, A., Civil/Structural Engineering Education in the Faculty for the Built Environment – Looking Ahead. Sustainable Development: Civil Engineering and the Built Environment, European Council of Civil Engineers & Kamra tal-Periti; Proceedings – International Conference, Malta, May 2011 Cassar, J., Torpiano, A., Education in Conservation in Malta – Challenges and Opportunities. University Training of Restoration within the European Educational Context, 1-3 June 2011, Czech Republic Cassar, J., Galea, M., Grima, R. Stroud, K., Torpiano, A. Shelters over the Megalithic Temples of Malta: debate, design and implementation. Environmental Earth Sciences, Special Issue, pp. 1-12. (Published online 9 September 2010). Mifsud. A. & Napoleoni, Q. (2011) Settlement measurement & analysis in Malta's Landfill, Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia Borg R.P., 2010, Sustainable Rehabilitation Strategy: Sustainable Development Centre - Xrobb il-Ghagin Nature Park, Malta; Archipelago, Nature Trust Malta (NTM), Malta. Borg R.P., Nevalainen J, 2010, Assessment of Quality of Suburban Building Stock; European Acoustics Association Symposium, and the 2nd Convention of the Associazione Italiana di Acustica, Florence, Italy. ISBN 9788888942322 Veljkovic M., Koukkari H., Borg R. P., Stoian V., Plewako Z., 2011, Part 5.1: Overview on Eco-efficiency of Constructions; Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Buhagiar V., Borg R.P., Norvaisiene R., Hunyadi Z., 2011, Part 5.3. Façade-cladding systems (ETICS): an overview of their environmental impact - a holistic approach towards conformity with the EPBD. Comparison: Lithuania, Hungary and Malta; Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Stoian V., Dan D., Buhagiar V., Borg R.P., 2011, Part 6.5. Reflective insulation materials to increase the energy efficiency in buildings; Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Braganza L., Koukkari H., Veljkovic M., Borg R.P., 2011, Education for Sustainable Construction; COST C25 International Symposium and Training School, Malta, 2010; Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Portioli F., D‘Aniello M., Cadoni E., Borg R.P., Hechler O., 2011, Demolition and deconstruction of bridges; Volume 2, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781620 Rossi B., Lukic I., Iqbal N., Du G., Cregg D.; Borg R. P., Haller P., 2011, Life Cycle Impacts Assessment of Steel, Composite, Concrete and Wooden Columns; in Sustainability of Constructions, Towards a Better Built Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference; Ed. Braganca L et al; Final Conference of the COST Action C25; Innsbruck, 3-5 February 2011. ISBN 9789995781606 Borg R.P., Spiteri Staines C., 2011, Rehabilitation Strategy: Sustainable Development Centre, Malta; in Sustainability of Constructions, Towards a Better Built Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference; Ed. Braganca L et al; Final Conference of the COST Action C25; Innsbruck, 3-5 February 2011. ISBN 9789995781606 Bragança L, Koukkari H, Blok R, Gervásio H, Veljkovic M, Borg R.P., Landolfo R, Ungureanu V, Schaur C, 2011, , Sustainability of Constructions, Towards a Better Built Environment, Foreword; in Sustainability of Constructions, Towards a Better Built Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference; Ed. Braganca L et al; Final Conference of the COST Action C25; Innsbruck, 3-5 February 2011. ISBN 9789995781606 Bragança Luís, Koukkari Heli, Blok Rijk, Gervásio Helena, Veljkovic Milan, Plewako Zbiginiew, Borg Ruben Paul, (Ed.) 2011, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Foreword; in Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Borg Ruben Paul, Bragança Luís, 2011, Education in Civil Engineering: Sustainable Construction; in Sustainable Development: Civil Engineering & the Built Environment, European Council of Civil Engineers & Kamra Tal-Periti; Proceedings International Conference, Malta, ISBN 9789995700317 D’Amico Sebastiano, Galea Pauline, Borg Ruben Paul, Lotteri Alessandra, 2011, Earthquake ground-motion Scenario; Case study for the Xemxija Bay Area, Malta; in Sustainable Development: Civil Engineering & the Built Environment, European Council of Civil Engineers & Kamra Tal-Periti; Proceedings International Conference, Malta, ISBN 9789995700317 Veljkovic M., Koukkari H., Borg R. P., 2011, Chapter 5 – Evaluation of Construction Materials and Products; Part II Eco-Efficiency; Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions, Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Bragança L, Koukkari H, Blok R, Gervásio H, Veljkovic M, Borg R.P., Landolfo R, Ungureanu V, Schaur C, (Ed.),2011, Sustainability of Constructions, Towards a Better Built Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference; Final Conference of the COST Action C25; Innsbruck, 3-5 February 2011. ISBN 9789995781606 Bragança Luís, Koukkari Heli, Blok Rijk, Gervásio Helena, Veljkovic Milan, Plewako Zbiginiew, Borg Ruben Paul, (Ed.) 2011, Volume 1, Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions; Report of the Cooperative Activities, COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions, Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering, ISBN 9789995781613 Borg Ruben Paul, Torpiano Alex, Bezzina Alex, Grech Philip, Dion Buhagiar, Vincent Cassar, (Ed.), 2011, Sustainable Development: Civil Engineering & the Built Environment, European Council of Civil Engineers & Kamra Tal-Periti; Proceedings International Conference, Malta, ISBN 9789995700317 Construction and Management Unit 1.0 Introduction The Construction and Management Unit (CNM) within the Faculty of the Built Environment was set up earlier this year and a Co-ordinator, Dr.J.H.Spiteri, formally appointed on the 7th April 2011, under the chairmanship of the Dean. Given that the Unit is in its initial year of establishment, the main activities have been formulating a long-term strategy, as well as tackling issues that required immediate attention. In terms of long-term strategy a plan regarding definition of scope and recruitment strategy is being formulated in conjunction with the plans for the teaching and research activities. As far as the teaching element is concerned the main activity has revolved around the development of the construction and management subjects for the B.Sc (Hons) Built Environment Studies degree course, that started in October 2011 and the M.Sc. (Project Management) course planned to start in October 2012. With reference to research activities, two strands of activity have prevailed. The first refers to ongoing academic research in progress, and the second to the exploration of possible commissioned research for the various stakeholders in industry. A proposal in the latter category has been completed and is under consideration by the Government Property Division. The following sections describe the terms of reference of the fledgling Unit followed by a brief description of the activities undertaken to achieve the objectives set in the terms of reference. The initial Terms of Reference for the Unit are as follows: • To organize current and future human resources to champion the discipline group that has been identified; • To ensure that the proposed bachelors level, and especially masters level programmes be set up, promoted and administered by dedicated staff resources; • To act as foci for research and teaching activities as appropriate for the respective disciplines; • To work to attract more graduates into further higher education, by offering specialization masters degrees, as well as by offering continuous professional development opportunities. Research Interests & Publications Dr Joseph H. Spiteri: Ongoing research i/c/w the collation of method statements in the local construction industry; case studies involving the collation of decisions by the Test of Reasonableness Board with respect to access for all and the impact of planning and building regulations on accessible housing in Malta. Paper on Reasonable Access: A compromise or compromising Universal design? Papers [co-authored with Prof Steve Male of the University of Leeds] on “The development of professionalism and patronage in construction service firms and Professional service firms under different procurement routes.” SPITERI, J.H., Access for All Design Guidelines. 3rd Edition. (due to be published December 2011) Conferences and Other Activities Dr Joseph Spiteri attended a Malta Standards Authority Seminar on Lifts Guidelines (25/1/2011); Malta Standards Authority (now MCCAA) Board of Standards meetings and Kamra tal-Periti Seminars. He was also active in collaborating with third parties, including local industry, Government and civil society at large as a rapporteur for CEN/ CLC Guide 6 implementation in national standardization. He also held meetings with Government Property Division Director-General and drafted and presented a research proposal for the involvement of the Faculty in establishing a data base and formulation of methodology for valuations in the public sector, for which discussions are still ongoing. He also collaborated with Ministry of Tourism on the Calypso Project regarding accessible tourism. Environmental Design Unit The Environmental Design Unit within the Faculty of the Built Environment was set up earlier this year and a Co-ordinator, Dr.V.Buhagiar, was formally appointed on the 7th April 2011, under the chairmanship of the Dean. The first tasks undertaken by the Unit were obviously to review the courses that are to be offered within the B.Sc.(Hons) in Built Environment Studies, including updating learning outcomes, but also preparing proposals for new elective study-units for the final year of this course. In addition, the Unit prepared proposals for a new specialization masters degree course, M.Sc. Environmental Design, which, it is hoped, will be launched in October 2012. This work will inform the Unit’s recruitment strategy, and the development of its research agenda. The Co-ordinator, Dr.V.Buhagiar was a key promoter of an important conference on Passive House Design, which, in addition to being a topic which is of primary importance to the Unit, also led to the contacts which are now developing into two interesting energy-efficiency retro-fitting projects, one of a 19th century public building with the Ministry of Resources and Rural Affairs, and the other of social housing with the Housing Authority. Research Interest Dr Vincent Buhagiar: Research on the use of waste plastics as an alternative insulation material in cavity walls for local buildings in limestone and preparation of conference papers on various aspects of environmental design and energy use in the built environment. Conferences, Publications and Other Activities: Participation in a selection of COST Actions: COST TU0701: Improving the Quality of Suburban Housing Management Committee member & WG3 member. Paper presented: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building stock: An inventory of building legislation and financial incentives in the EU. A multi-faceted, state of the art overview. An Atlas & Log Book: a compendium of Suburban Housing Case Studies. (to be published in Final Conference, in April 2012). COST TU0803: C.I.R.E.S.: Cities Regrowing Smaller (Shrinking Cities Phenomenon). Paper presented to date in collaboration with Dr. Maria Attard, Institute for Sustainable Development: A Maltese Case Study: Valletta. ERASMUS Events: Based on standing agreements with the respective University, applied for Lecturers’ exchange with: • Cardiff University • Kingston University • Politecnico di Milano Applications still pending. Conferences: PLEA – Passive Low Energy architecture, Louvain, Belgium July 2011. Two papers presented: Solar Control - Daylighting & Thermal effects on a University Library. Refurbished Historic Buildings - influence of Thermal Mass on indoor comfort. SB11 - Sustainable Buildings Conference, Helsinki, October 2011. Paper presented: Vernacular Architecture, Bioclimatic Trails: An assessment of Mediterranean indigenous habitats: case study, Malta. COST C25: Sustainable Construction Management Committee member & WG6 member. Attended various meetings held to date. Papers presented: Supporting efficient environment. water management in buildings and built Façade-cladding systems (ETICS): an overview of their environmental impact - a holistic approach towards conformity with the EPBD. Comparison: Lithuania, Hungary and Malta. Reflective insulation materials to increase energy efficiency in buildings. Basic Life Time Considerations in Design of Buildings and Construction. COST TU0901: Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation in Europe. Paper presented: Harmonizing Maltese Standards to the EU Directive: Nuance or Nuisance Inter-noise Conference, Osaka, September 2011 1st International Passive House Conference in Malta, 28-29 April 2011. Co-ordinator and co-organizer, in collaboration with Passive House Malta, and the ‘Passiv Haus’ Institute in Darmstadt-Innsbruck, Germany. In September 2011, led a group of ten students on a visit to a passive house under construction, following an invitation by Ing. Carmelo Sapienza in Mascalucia, l/o Catania Italy, (who had attended the PH Conference in Malta). Supervised a number of under-graduate student projects, on energy-related themes, acts as co-tutor on a Ph.D thesis, (Energy transitions in a small tourism-dependent country: the case of Malta - Lisa Pace), and on an M.Sc project in the Environmental Design of Buildings masters degree course of Cardiff University, (A retrofit for sustainability: cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for renovation of domestic buildings in Malta – Charlene Bonnici.) Member of the Faculty Doctoral and Research Committee. Member of the COST Trans-Domain Committee. Member of the Kummissjoni Interdjocesana, Ambjent. Kamra Tal-Periti representative on the National Commission for Sustainable Development, and on the Task Force on Sustainable Architecture, Architects’ Council of Europe. Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Unit The Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Unit was formed late in the academic year and the appointed Co-ordinator was Dr.Paul Gauci, under the chairmanship of the Dean. The staff members assigned to this unit, include Antoine Zammit (PhD candidate in planning systems), Kevin Gatt, (PhD candidate in water governance), and Odette Lewis, (PhD candidate in transport systems). The Unit immediately started working on the preparation of study units for the BSc (Hons) Built Environment Studies. These units are being offered to the first year students of the course leading to this degree. They are also active in the lecturing of third, fourth, and fifth year students following the Bachelor in Engineering and Architecture (Hons) course. The Unit will also be offering a study unit in Spatial Planning in the course leading to the Diploma in Land Management which is coordinated by the Institute for Sustainable Development. One member of the staff also worked closely with this institute in the formulation of the Green Transport Plan of the university. One member of the staff, Antoine Zammit, is close to completing his doctoral dissertation in Urban Design at the Bartlett School (University College London) - Addressing urban design quality in the Maltese built environment through its correlation with the planning system. The coordinator of the Unit is close to completing the Valletta Management Plan which was commissioned to the International Institute of Baroque Studies by the Government. He is working in close collaboration with the Restoration Directorate of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs, and the different stakeholders and stakeholders’ organisations which are active in the city. The second draft of the plan will be presented to the Cabinet of Minister by the end of December of this year. It should then be issued for public consultation in the first quarter of 2012. Work on this plan also involved the organisation of a day workshop on design issued in Valletta during the Malta Design Week. The coordinator has continued giving advice to different entities, including the Government (e.g. Transport Malta and the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs) and the private sector with respect to environmental and transport planning. He is currently closely collaborating with the British architectural practice of MAKE, which is an off-shoot of Norman Foster and Partners, on the latter’s proposal regarding a major tourism project in Għajn Tuffieħa. Another member of the staff has been appointed the Strategic Environmental Assessment Focal Point within the Office of the Prime Minister. Research Interests and Publications Dr Paul Gauci: Co-ordination of planning aspects of Valletta Management Plan i/c/w International institute for Baroque Studies and Rehabilitation Projects Office. During the past academic year, Dr Gauci also carried out evaluations of the Environmental impact of the Natural Flood Relief project and the Kappara Junction. GAUCI, P. Improving the quality of suburban building stock for COST action TUo701[EU][in preparation] Conferences and Other Activities Mr Antoine Zammit attended and presented a paper on ‘Does scale affect the presence of the urban-rural interface? Managing this interface on a small island state: the case of Malta’ at the ‘Managing the Urban Rural Interface - Strategies and Tools for Urban Development and Sustainable Peri-urban Land Use Relationships’ conference held at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen [19 – 22 October, 2010]. During the past academic year he also attended 16 local short courses/seminars/workshops (for further details see attached report by Mr Zammit) and prepared a paper on Assessing urban design quality in places - The need for two methodological frameworks: the case of a small island state, Malta for the International Urban Design Conference to be held at the University of Nottingham [2 – 3 April, 2012]. He has also participated in the CARTA - Recupero – Riuso – Riciclo research project (2011-2012) as a result of a 6-month research scholarship granted by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the University of Malta. Visual Arts Unit The Visual Arts Unit was formed late in the academic year and the appointed Coordinator was Mr.Anton Grech, under the chairmanship of the Dean. Other staff members assigned to the Unit are Dr.Ruth Bianco and Dr.John Grech. The major task, this year, was the launching of the first Diploma course in Design Foundation Studies. Mr.Anton Grech also led the main studio workshops, on Visual Design Fundamentals. Dr.Ruth Bianco also contributed to the teaching, and tutoring in the final two years of the Architectural Design Stream of the B.E.&A (Hons) course, as well on the Diploma course, and in Art Education in the M.Ed degree course. Mr.Anton Grech also launched weekly evening Life Drawing Workshops, in the Faculty studio. He also participated in the inception of the first Malta Design Week, together with other members of staff of the Faculty, held in the first week of October 2011. He coordinated and installed the exhibition “Process”, in the Malta Design Week, focusing on the work produced by the first students of the Diploma course. Research Interests and other activities Mr.Anton Grech Ongoing investigation of various aspects of artistic production. Research in the Visual Art, including drawing, painting and sculptural cast making. Botanical studies in form and colour. Experimental art design. Hosted Launch of the National Cultural Policy by the Prime Minister at personal Valletta studio, representing one of the first Valletta houses transformed by a Maltese artists and rehabilitated it into an artistic and cultural platform. Committee member of ‘The Cactus and Succulent Society of Malta’ responsible for the public relations and promotion of the society. In collaboration with Qu Art Brussels, was chosen to representing Malta with a sculpture, among artists from all member states in the European Union in the Touring Exhibition "Dialogue with the Emperor Qin's Warriors" to be exhibited in the leading Art Museums in China and Europe in 2011 and 2012. Participated in the opening and Summit Forum of the Exhibition at the Shaanxi Province Art Museum Xi’An China in November 2011. Guest at the Xi’An Art Academy and Sculpture Institute. Undertook study and gallery visits to London, including the Annual show at the Royal Academy of Art - Contemporary Art and Architecture, the Watteau ‘Drawings’ RCA, the Design Museum - Brit Insurance Designs of the Year- Awards, the Hayward Gallery Southbank Centre - Tracy Emin - Love is what you want, the Serpentine Gallery -Mark Leckey - See, We Assemble, the Tate Modern –Miro. Dr.Ruth Bianco Reflective practice in contemporary fine art practice, immersed in critical theory and enquiry, reading, writing, curatorial projects, exhibition and publication. This work involves audience and public space-engaging practices, and professional presentation on both local and international platforms. Investigation of the deconstruction of territories, space and transboundary movement with a particular interest on machinic spaces, within which the contemporary artist is operating. This work seeks to connect the geo-spatial and temporal, exploring the gap between time-based, digital and tangible materials, probing ways to question and understand interventional space via the creative process. Book Publication 2011 [ongoing collaborated project with an international artist]: A project begun in 2010 and currently under research and production. This work with the working title Drawing from Movies, is planned as an editioned bookwork project researching new techniques in collage, post production and the cultural dynamics of film and media in collaboration with an international British artist. Exhibition Publication 2011: July: Daria’s Vision as part of the project: 3 Artists – 3 Composers at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta, Malta. A project researched and developed between January and July 2011. This work was produced as an interdisciplinary collaborated project between artists and composers, funded by Malta Association for Contemporary Sounds and the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts. Concept, multimedia and installation design by Ruth Bianco, music composition by Mariella Cassar, voice intervention by Marisa Galea (soprano). This project also formed an integral experimental component into motion collage as part of ongoing research project titled Drawing from Movies. Exhibition Publication 2010-2011: A number of projects addressing the deconstruction of territories and presented in international venues. This work integrates post-doctoral creative research and practice engaging multi and new media processes in space-engaging issues realized in the context of audience and professional cultural environments. Public representations and venues 2010/2011 include: October: Malta Week, Place Luxembourg and Berlaymont, Brussels, Belgium August: Spaces in Between, ConcentArt e.V., Berlin, Germany July: Malta Arts Festival - Spaces|Spazji, 187 Strait Street, Valletta, Malta June: Shelter, Ottakring Project, Schellhammergasse, Vienna, Austria March: La Boutique Soho, Place Stephanie, Exelles, Brussels, Belgium March: Projected Vision II, Espace Apollonia, Strasbourg, France Other projects under research: Landings: a developing project researching the theme of Migration through multimedia collage and space-engaging practice Tidal Dialogues: an ongoing project investigating land-sea issues through digital, paper and multi-media fine art outcomes Drawing from Movies: a collaborated project investigating the cultural dynamics of film, multimedia and digital collage Monochrome: a collaborated project under discussion involving the dynamics between projection and dance Research visits | Overseas meetings attended | Seminars: Research visit to the United Kingdom to develop an art/music composition project an ongoing collaborated book project: The production of a series of new works exploring the collage media, later exhibited at St James Centre for Creativity. London Seminar relating to collaborated book project under research title Visual research. Studio research visit to the United Kingdom to continue developing the collaborated book project: The production of digital collage and book design for the project Drawing from Movies; Invited guest artist for a seminar with MFA students at the University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury in Kent, UK Gallery visits and seminars: Hayward: Tracy Emin Whitechapel: John Stezaker Tate Modern London: Ei Weiwei Tate St Ives, Cornwall: meeting with Curator Barbara Hepworth Museum Bernard Leach Museum The Patrick Heron Eagles Nest residence Zennor DH Lawrence residence Zennor Thomas Hardy Museum and residence Dorchester ARGOS, Werfstraat [contemporary art & media technology] Espace Photographique Contretype, Avenue de la Jonction BOZAR and Palais des Beaux Arts, Ravenstein [multimedia]. Invited by the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts for advisory meetings with EU representatives during the development of the National Cultural Policy for Malta. Invited for Evaluation process of the MCCA funding schemes: Appointed to form part of the Board of Evaluators for the Small Projects Fund and Mobility Support Funding schemes at the invitation of the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts. Guest Lecture-presentation to an audience at the Wheel of Life Centre: Title: The Contemporary Artist – A Nomadic Journey [Beuys, magic and the Deleuze connections]. Research advisor at Transart Institute at Donau University, Krems, Austria / University of Plymouth, UK.