Annual Progress Report on Assessment of Student Learning Student Life Units

Annual Progress Report on
Assessment of Student Learning
Student Life Units (rev. 10/09 and 7/11)
Academic year: 2010-2011
Student Life Unit/Program: Recreational Services
Person(s) preparing report: Travis Redeker
Date submitted: 8/26/11
In one paragraph, summarize your Annual Progress Report
Rec Services’ Annual Progress Report for 2010-11 served as a foundation for assessment for our
department and was a good learning process for our staff. We found some positive results for our
outcomes and learned that some of our programs are having the desired effect on our students. We
learned we need to keep our outcomes simple for easier and more effective measurement as well.
Provide the web link to department web site where degree program SLOs, Alignment Matrix, and
2008-2009 APR Summary are posted
Our webpage is currently undergoing major overhauls in anticipation of the new university webpage
design being incorporated so at this time we haven’t identified where our learning outcomes will go.
1) List the complete set of Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives for your unit (all SLOs identified for
your unit)
Outcome 1: Student employees will learn, demonstrate, and retain comprehension of Blood Borne
Pathogen, CPR/AED, and First Aid skills.
Outcome 2: Upon completion of a personal training package, first time clients will demonstrate
knowledge of exercise safety and healthy lifestyles.
Outcome 3: Students serving as Intramural Managers for their respective organizations will demonstrate
and improve the following:
Leadership skills (i.e. the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal)
Management skills (i.e. the ability to manage players’ needs and wants)
Team work (i.e the ability to utilize all players to effectively compete)
Organizational and time management skills
Study habits
2) Identify the Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives (from the full list above) that were assessed for
this Annual Progress Report and how they are inclusive of the university undergraduate SLOs
(knowledge, communication, critical thinking, diversity, academic and professional integrity).
Outcome 1:
Knowledge – students obtain knowledge of Red Cross safety skills
Critical thinking – students must use knowledge and apply it in emergencies
Outcome 2:
Knowledge – clients obtain knowledge of fitness principles and safety
Outcome 3:
Communication – students learn effectively communicate with their team member and
the Intramural office
3) For each learning outcome, describe (a) the measures used (at least one direct measure should be
used), (b) the sample of students from whom data were collected, (c) the timetable for the collection,
and (d) the forum in which the measures were administered. (Examples of direct measures can be
accessed at
Outcome 1:
a) Direct measure - Student employees were tested on each skill via the American Red Cross
guidelines and certification test, which includes both a written and skills portion.
b) Every Rec Services student employee was included in the sample.
c) The timetable for collection was the beginning of each session (i.e. Fall, Spring, Summer) for
each new employee.
d) These tests were administered during scheduled testing dates and times at the beginning of each
session. Tests were administered by our professional staff that are certified to instruct these
Outcome 2:
a) Direct measure - Results were measured by a pre and post-test survey. Survey was given to new
personal training clients to measure their knowledge level of fitness and fitness safety. The same
survey was administered again at the conclusion of their personal training package to measure
gains in each area.
b) The sample included everyone who used the services of a staff personal trainer for the academic
school year.
c) 9/1/10-5/1/11 was the overall collection period. Individual time tables varied by the speed in
which their training package was completed.
d) Surveys were administered pre training during the consultation phase of their training program.
Post training they were administered at either the last training session or at some point when it
was convenient for the client.
Outcome 3:
a) Direct/indirect measure – Results were collected via pre and post survey. Intramural managers
were given the survey prior to their stint as manager and then again at the conclusion of their stint
as manager.
b) Intramural managers for fraternities, sororities, residence halls, scholarship houses, and ROTC.
c) The timetable for collection was the fall 201 and spring 2011 academic years.
d) The surveys were administered via email survey for both the pre and post survey.
4) Describe the results of the assessment. (What do they tell you about student learning? What did you learn
about strengths and weaknesses of your unit?) If specific results are not available, describe the progress
that has been made on the initiatives included in the approved assessment plan.
Outcome 1:
100% of our student employees were tested in and passed, the certification exam for the Red Cross First
Aid and Adult CPR. 100% of our student employees also completed the Bloodeborne Pathogen training
and also passed that written exam as well. This is very encouraging for our staff and it helps to ensure the
safety of all of the participants in our programs and facilities.
Outcome 2:
Pre and post training session surveys were administered to personal training clients asking the following
questions with a scale of 1-5 (1=very low, 2=low, 3=unsure, 4=high, 5=very high) for the answer choices.
Each question is listed, along with the average survey results for each question before the session along
with the average results for after. Very good improvement was noted for each question. This indicates
that our personal training clients were in fact learning the basics and safety of healthy working out.
Please rate your level of knowledge for the following:
1. Cardiovascular exercise recommendations
2. Weight loaded/resistance training recommendations
3. Proper machine weight use
4. Proper free weight use
5. Proper lifting technique and range of motion
6. Proper breathing during exercise
Pre ave
Post ave
Outcome 3:
Pre and post intramural season surveys were administered to intramural student managers. The following
questions were asked with a scale of 1-10 as options for the answer choices. Specific values were not
assigned to each number, more just a range from 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest. There were
also yes and no questions. All of the various skills assessed showed quality improvement with the
exception of study habits. It shows that our intramural managers are gaining valuable leadership skills. It
also shows that maybe we can find improvement in helping their study skills.
Rate your ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal.
Pre – Avg: 5
Post – Avg: 7.5
Rate your ability to manage the needs and wants of people on your team.
Pre - Avg.: 4.5
Post – Avg: 6.5
Rate your ability to utilize all of your players to produce a competitive team.
Pre - Avg.: 5
Post – Avg: 7
Rate your organization skills.
Pre - Avg.: 6
Post – Avg: 8
Rate your time management skills.
Pre - Avg.: 5.5
Post – Avg: 7
Rate your study habits.
Pre - Avg.: 4
Post – Avg: 4.5
Will being an IM Manager improve your leadership skills?
Pre - Yes: 50%
Post – Yes: 70%
Will being an IM Manager improve your management skills?
Pre - Yes: 55%
Post – Yes: 65%
Will being an IM Manager improve your team work skills?
Pre – Yes: 35%
Post – Yes:
10. Will being an IM Manager improve your organizational skills?
Pre – Yes: 25%
Post – Yes: 65%
11. Will being an IM Manager improve your time management skills?
Pre - Yes: 30%
Post – Yes: 45%
12. Will being an IM Manager improve your study habits?
Pre - Yes: 15%
Post – Yes: 25%
5) Describe the actions and/or revisions that were implemented in response to the previous year’s
assessment results and the effects on student learning observed on this year’s SLOs.
Not applicable
6) Describe the process by which staff reviewed the results of this year’s SLOs and the actions
and/or revisions that are planned in response to the assessment results. (Include changes that may be
made to unit SLOs or to the general assessment strategy)
Our staff reviewed the results both individually as well as a group at a staff meeting. We found positive
results based on these assessments. We are going to implement some revisions. Outcome three will be
simplified as we found it to be a bit cumbersome and difficult in the information gathering and compiling
process. It will be simplified to only measure two of the five measurement pieces and will only be for
one intramural sport season as opposed to an entire year.
7) If needed, revise the department’s Assessment Plan for the next academic year. Attach your
assessment plan to this report.
The only revision we have planned is to adjust Outcome 3. We are changing it to the following:
Outcome 3: Students serving as Intramural Managers for their respective organizations will demonstrate
and improve the following over the course of one intramural softball season:
1) Time management skills
2) Communication skills