Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service

Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service
Assessment of Student Learning Plan – Division of Student Life
Kansas State University
A. Department and Submission Date
College: Division of Student Life
Department: Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service
Submission Date:
B. Contact Person(s) for the Assessment Plans
Bill Arck
Director, Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service
232 English/Counseling Services Bldg
C. Departmental Mission Statement
Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service seeks to provide timely and accurate information
about alcohol and other drugs to K-State students, faculty, and staff. The emphasis of the
service is to provide brief intervention in a student’s life that may assist them in making more
positive choices regarding alcohol, other drugs, and overall wellness.
D. Assessment of Student Learning Three-Year Plan
1. Student Learning Outcome(s)
a. List (or attach a list) all of the student learning outcomes for the department.
b. Identify outcomes that will be assessed in the first year of the assessment plan.
Outcome 1: Students who participate in AlcoholEdu, Project ABC or individual counseling will
take newly received information about alcohol and other drugs and connect the information to
their personal actions and experiences.
Outcome 2: Students who come in contact with AODES will exhibit healthy behaviors and
develop strategies for dealing with alcohol and other drug issues.
Outcome 3: Students working with Project ABC or individual counseling will incorporate ethical
reasoning into action; explore and articulate the values and principles involved in personal
decision-making; and act in congruence with personal values and beliefs.
 2004 – Kansas State University
Relationship to K-State Student Learning Outcomes (insert the program SLOs and check all that apply):
University-wide SLOs (Undergraduate Programs)
Program SLOs
1. Students will
take newly received
information about
alcohol and other
drugs and connect
the information to
their personal
actions and
2. Students will
exhibit healthy
behaviors and
develop strategies
for dealing with
alcohol and other
drug issues.
3. Students will
incorporate ethical
reasoning into their
actions; explore and
articulate the values
and principles
involved in
personal decision
making; and act in
congruence with
personal values and
Academic /
Program SLO is
different from
university SLOs
2. How will the learning outcomes be assessed? What groups will be included in the assessment?
Unlike easily measurable or qualitative results, it is very, very difficult to truly assess the impact
that AODES has upon student behavior based solely on its prevention and intervention activities.
Due to the sensitive and personal nature of what the students learn and discuss, the outcome will
be different for each student. However, we have included the following ways to attempt to
measure our effectiveness.
Outcome 1: AODES will assess the level to which the students have learned and incorporated knowledge
in the following ways. First, the AlcoholEdu for College program, mandated for newly enrolled students,
allows students to track their own individual progress. AODES will be reviewing the results from
AlcoholEdu generated statistics. AlcoholEdu includes an initial survey, and one given 45 days after
students have completed Part I. As we continue the AlcoholEdu program each semester, we will be able
to compare and evaluate the data sets. Other direct measures include online assessments taken by the
student, such as the Healthy Behaviors Assessment, and the e-CHUG (electronic Checkup To-Go). Each
 2004 – Kansas State University
assessment provides personalized information to the student that is discussed with a counselor. Also, the
biennial AODES alcohol and other drug student survey provides long-term measures of K-State student
alcohol and drug usage levels. The purpose of this survey is to more fully understand trends and current
usage our campus is facing.
Outcome 2: Through Project ABC, a program sanctioned for students with on-campus alcohol and drug
violations, students will create a plan to change and their progress will be monitored through individual
sessions. Students who go through Project ABC will have a decreased number of problem behaviors in
the residence halls as reported by residence life staff. This will be monitored by the AODES Assistant
Outcome 3: Outcome 3 will be assessed through reviewing data such as yearly arrests for DUIs,
MIPs/MICs, and alcohol and other drug related accidents and deaths in the Manhattan area and among KState students. This information will be compared to previous years by the AODES Director.
3. When will these outcomes be assessed? When and in what format will the results of the
assessment be discussed?
Outcome 1: The biennial AODES student survey will be compiled and reviewed in Fall 2010 by the
AODES Director.
Outcome 2: Students involved in Project ABC create a program of change that will be reviewed at the
students’ individual sessions over a period of several weeks with the Assistant Director of AODES.
Outcome 3: Results from the data listed above are viewed at the end of each spring semester, and
compared with previous semesters. The AODES team will meet and discuss the findings and further
4. What is the unit’s process for using assessment results to improve student learning?
As we view the data, we examine our efforts to make sure they are consistent with the concerns
and issues that students are facing. The information gathered improves student learning by
identifying at-risk areas for students, giving us an idea of preventative, reparative, and
educational measures to employ.
AB AODESAssessmentPlan 12/3/2010
 2004 – Kansas State University