 Participation WCIT-12 Participation and Invitations

Committed to Connecting the World
WCIT-12 Participation and Invitations
Participation (CV 49)
Member States (CV 277);
Palestine (Res 99 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010);
the United Nations (CV 269A);
regional telecommunications organizations (CV 269B);
intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 269C);
specialized agencies of the UN and the International Atomic Energy Agency (CV 269D);
other regional or international organizations dealing with matters of interest (298C);
Sector Members referred to in CV229 (recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial
organizations and financial or development institutions), CV230 (other entities) and CV231
(regional and other international organizations).
(GR, CH I)
Letters of invitation were sent to ITU Member States by ITU Circular letter No. 63 on
5 December 2011. Invitations were sent to Observers by ITU Letter DM-11/1024 on
6 December 2011.
May 2012
Committed to Connecting the World
WCIT-12 Accreditation and Credentials
Accreditation (CV Art 31)
Accreditation of delegations sent by Member States to WCIT-12 shall be by means of
written instruments signed by the Head of State, by the Head of Government, by the
Minister for Foreign Affairs, or by the Minister responsible for questions dealt with
during the conference.
Deposit of Credentials
Procedures for depositing credentials can be found in ITU Circular letter No. 84 dated
25 April 2012 and in WCIT-12 Document No. 2.
Member States are invited to deposit original credentials before the opening of the
conference by registered letter to:
The ITU Secretary-General
WCIT-12 secretariat (Credentials Committee) - Office T.1313
ITU, Place des Nations, CH-1211 GENEVA 20, Switzerland
Credentials can also be deposited at the conference venue in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
from 19 November 2012.
Additional information, including model instruments of accreditation, can be found on the
WCIT-12 website: http://www.itu.int/en/wcit-12/Pages/participation.aspx#credentials
Questions should be addressed to: Ms. Béatrice Pluchon at membership@itu.int
May 2012