Volumes Co-edited volumes Iz-Zmien Nofsani Malti Malta. The Medieval Millennium

Iz-Zmien Nofsani Malti (Kullana Kulturali, PIN, Malta, 2002)
ISBN: 9993241172
Malta. The Medieval Millennium (Malta’s Living Heritage, Midsea Books, Malta, 2006)
ISBN: 9993271039
Co-edited volumes
Historicizing Religion. Critical Approaches to Contemporary Concerns Edited by B.
Borstner, S. Gartner, S.Deschler-Erb, C. Dalli, and I.-M. D’Aprile (Edizioni Plus, Pisa,
2010) ISBN: 978-88-8492-735-4
Research Papers and Chapters in Books
‘Capitoli: The Voice of An Elite’, Proceedings of History Week 1992 (Malta Historical
Society, Malta, 1993), 1-18
‘Medieval Communal Organization in an Insular Context: Approaching the Maltese
Universitas’, The Making and Unmaking of the Maltese Universitas (A Supplement of
Heritage, Midsea Publications, Malta, 1993), 1-12
‘Echoes of Spain. Charles Dalli investigates evidence of ‘Spanish Malta’, Treasures of
Malta, Vol 1, no 2 (Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, Malta, 1995)
‘In Fronteria Barbarorum: Waiting for the Turks on Late Medieval Malta’ Proceedings
of History Week 1994 (Malta Historical Society, Malta, 1996), 115-26
‘Medieval Island Societies: Reassessing Insulation in a Central Mediterranean Context’,
Al-Masaq, 10 (1998), 73-82
‘Enlightening the Middle Ages’, in P.Xuereb (ed), Karissime Gotifride. Historical Essays
Presented to Godfrey Wettinger on his Seventieth Birthday (Malta University Press,
Malta, 1999), 3-16
‘Education in Malta before the Knights’, in R.Sultana (ed), Yesterday’s Schools:
Readings in Maltese Educational History (PEG, Malta, 2001), Chapter 1
‘A Muslim Society under Christian Rule’, in L.Bugeja, T.Cortis, and T.Freller (eds)
Melitensium Amor. Festschrift in Honour of Dun Gwann Azzopardi (Malta, 2002), 37-56
‘Sancta Catherina de Zeytuni: Il-Grajjiet Bikrija sal-1575’, Iz-Zejtun fiz-Zminijiet tanNofs (Kunsill Lokali Zejtun, Malta, 2002), 25-39
‘Reading the Past in the Sixteenth Century: A Maltese Humanist Revisits the History of
Naples’, in J Armangué I Herrero, Le lingue del popolo. Contatto linguistico nella
letteratura popolare del Mediterraneo occidentale (Arxiu de Tradicions, Cagliari, 2003),
‘‘Greek’, ‘Arab’ and ‘Norman’ Conquests in the Making of Maltese History’, Storja
2003-2004 (Malta University History Society, 2003), 9-20
‘Siculo Ingenio, Afro Confuso: Malta in the Late Middle Ages’ in K.Gambin (ed), Malta.
Roots of a Nation (Heritage Malta, Midsea Books, Malta, 2004), 65-72
‘The Siculo-African Peace and Roger I’s Annexation of Malta in 1091’, in T. Cortis and
T.Gambin (eds), De Triremibus. Festschrift in Honour of Joseph Muscat (PEG, Malta,
2005), 265-74
‘The Sea will be Ours: Catalan-Aragonese Malta, 1282-1530’, in R. Narbona
Vizcaíno (ed), La Mediterrània de la Corona d'Aragó, segles XIII-XVI & VII Centenari
de la Sentència Arbitral de Torrellas, 1304-2004 : XVIII Congrés d'Història de la
Corona d'Aragó, (Universitat de València, 2005), Vol 1, 261-74
‘From Islam to Christianity: The Case of Sicily’, in J.Carvalho (ed), Religion, Ritual and
Mythology. Aspects of Identity Formation in Europe (Edizioni Plus, Pisa, 2006), 151-69
‘Beyond Charity: The Evolution of Credit as Charity in Malta, 1400-1800’, in P.
Avallone (ed), Prestare ai poveri. Il credito su pegno e I Monti di Pietà (secoli XV-XIX)
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo,
Naples, 2007), 201-24
‘Prophet of the Past. History in the Making of Mazzini’s Promised Land’, in S.Mercieca
(ed), Malta and Mazzini. Proceedings of History Week 2005 (Malta Historical Society,
Malta, 2007), 205-16
‘Migrant Society to Island Nation: Sicily’, in K.Isaacs and G.Hálfdanarson (eds),
Immigration and Emigration in Historical Perspective (Edizioni Plus, Pisa, 2007), 65-78
‘Satellite, Sentinel, Stepping Stone. Medieval Malta in Sicily’s Orbit’, in A. Bonanno and
P.Militello (eds), Malta in the Hybleans, the Hybleans in Malta. Malta negli Iblei, gli
Iblei a Malta (Progetto Kasa, Officina di Studi Medievali, Palermo, 2008), 245-58
‘Bridging Europe and Africa: Norman Sicily’s Other Kingdom’, in J. Carvalho (ed),
Bridging the Gaps. Sources, Methodology and Approaches to Religion in Europe
(Edizioni Plus, Pisa, 2008), 77-93
‘Contriving coexistence: Muslims and Christians in the Unmaking of Norman Sicily’, in
E. Brambilla, S. Deschler-Erb, J.-L. Lamboley, A. Klemeshov, and G.Moretto (eds),
Routines of Existence: Time, Life and Afterlife in Society and Religion (Edizioni Plus,
Pisa, 2009), 30-43
‘The Marquisate of Malta’, in J. F. Grima (ed), 60th Anniversary of the Malta Historical
Society. A Commemoration (Malta Historical Society, 2010), 103-116
‘Conflicts and contexts’, Introduction to section: Religion and Violence, in B. Borstner,
S. Gartner, S.Deschler-Erb, C. Dalli, and I.-M. D’Aprile (eds), Historicizing Religion.
Critical Approaches to Contemporary Concerns (Edizioni Plus, Pisa, 2010), 81-4
‘Between religion and violence in medieval Sicily’, in B. Borstner, S. Gartner,
S.Deschler-Erb, C. Dalli, and I.-M. D’Aprile (eds), Historicizing Religion. Critical
Approaches to Contemporary Concerns (Edizioni Plus, Pisa, 2010), 85-101
‘Malta’, entry in I.Porciani and L.Raphael (eds), Atlas of European Historiography. The
Making of A Profession, 1800-2005 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010)
'Behind the walls, beyond the shores: the urbanization of Malta'. In E. Iachello, P.
Militello (eds), Il Mediterraneo delle città (Franco Angeli, 2011), 75-88
Translation into Maltese of H. Frendo, Party Politics in a Fortress Colony: The Maltese
Experience (Midsea Books, Malta, 1979), 131-218, as Lejn Gvern Responsabbli: ir-Rieda
ghall-Helsien, 1905-1921 (PIN, Malta, 1990)
Updated 30 September 2011