JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. C6, PAGES 9393-9409, JUNE 15, 1990 Observationsof Phytoplanktonand Nutrients From a Lagrangian Drifter off Northern California MARKR. ABBOTT, 1 KENNETH H. BRINK, 2 C. R. BOOTH, 3 DOLORS BLASCO 4 L. A. CODISPOTI, 5 PEARN P. NIILER, 6 ANDSTEVEN R. RAMP 7 A Lagrangiandrifter was deployedin a cold filament off northern California as part of the Coastal TransitionZone program.The drifter was equippedwith an opticalpackage(consistingof a spectroradiometer, a fluorometer,and a beam transmissometer) suspendedat 8.5-m depth and a water samplersuspendedat 16.3-m depth. The drifter was recoveredafter 8 days. Optical, chemical,and biologicalpropertieschanged considerablyas the drifter moved offshorein the cold filament. Concentrations of phytoplanktonchlorophyll increasedrapidly in the first 2 days, in parallel with the disappearance of nitrate and nitrite. After this initial period,chlorophylldecreasedgraduallyover the next 6 dayswith prominentdiurnalfluctuationspresent in the last 3 days. Water transparencyalso showedsimilar long-termas well as diurnal fluctuations.The phytoplankton communitybecameincreasinglydominatedby largecentricdiatomsthroughoutthe deployment. Althoughtotal cell volumewas highertowardsthe middle of the deployment,this increaseoccurredwithouta parallel increasein chlorophyll.In addition,total particulateconcentrations were highestnearshore.Although the drifter slippagewas approximately1 cm/s, the biological,chemical,and physicalcharacteristics of the water were affectedby both in situ changesand verticalmotionsof the water. Theseresultsare generally consistentwith resultsfrom other upwelling studies. pressuregradients[Davis, 1985a,], and offshoreeddies[Mooers 1. INTRODUCTION Unattendedobservations of biologicalandopticalpropertiesof theupperoceanarerelativelynewin oceanographic research[e.g., Dickey, 1988]. Recentstudieshavebeenreportedusingfluorometers[Whitledgeand Wirick, 1983; Fukuchiet al., 1988; Walsh et al., 1988] and spectroradiometers [Dickeyet al., 1986]. Such mooringswill providehigh-resolution time seriesdataon biological processes thatshouldgreatlyimproveourunderstanding of the and Robinson, 1984]. Becausethese filaments are relatively persistentwhen comparedwith phytoplanktontime scales,it has been proposedthat they may be especiallyimportantto the primary productionof the California Current system. Estimatesof the transport(of the orderof 2 Sv [Kosroand Huyer, 1986]) when coupledwith the higherthan averagenutrientconcentration nearshoresuggestthat they may alsobe importantin the overall nutrientbalance.It has dynamics oftheupper ocean. Inthis paper wepresent results frombeen suggested that thefilament may bearelatively isolated fea- aLagrangian drifter that was equil•ped with aspectroradiometer, ture with relatively little exchange between itself and surrounding afluorometer, atransmissometer, and anautomated water sampler waters. Such isolation would result indistinct changes inthebiaspart oftheCoastal Transition Zone (CTZ) program offnorthern ological properties ofthefilament asthewater moves offshore California in1987 [Coastal Transition Zone Group, 1988]. and "ages." Bymaking Lagrangian observations ofbiological and Thelarge filaments observed offthewest coast oftheUnitedchemical properties, wehoped toestimate thetime scales ofthese States have been noted in satellite imagery forseveral yearschanges aswellasassess therelative roles ofinsituprocesses [Breakerand Gilliland, 1981; Traganzaet al., 1983; Coastal versusexchangeprocessesin creatingthesechanges. TransitionZone Group, 1988]. They can extendseawardseveral Our resultssupportthe generalview of upwellingecosystems hundred kilometers andareoften characterized byhighwaterthat has been developed over thelast2 decades. That is,freshly velocities [Kosro and Huyer, 1986; Kosro, 1987; Flament etal., upwelled water ischaracterized byhigh nutrients, lowphytoplank1985]. Severalmechanisms havebeenproposedfor the formation ton biomass,and cold temperatures.As this water advectsaway andmaintenance of the filamentsincludingbaroclinicinstabilities from the upwellingcenter,it warms,phytoplankton take up nutri[Ikeda and Emery, 1984; Willmott, 1984], interactionbetween ents,and biomassincreases.As phytoplankton continueto grow, wind forcing andcoastal topography [Kelly, 1985], alongshore nutrients become depleted. Phytoplankton growth isgreatly reduced,eventuallyresultingin a decrease in phytoplankton biomass as lossesdue to sinkingor grazingdominate.Thesefour stages 1College of Oceanography, Oregon StateUniversity, Corvallis. 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. correspond tothezones proposed byJones etal. [1983] andde3Biospherical Instruments, Incorporated, SanDiego, California. scribed byMacIsaac etal. [1985]forthePeruupwelling system. 4Bigelow Laboratory for OceanSciences, WestBoothbay Harbor,We describe a numberof processes thatoccuron smalltimeand Maine. space scales withinthislargerframework. Wewill compare the nia. observedbiologicalvariabilitywith the physicalenvironmentand 5Monterey BayAquarium Research Institute, PacificGrove,Califor- 6Scripps Institution ofOceanography, University ofCalifornia, Sandiscuss howthebiological response tothefilament changes over Diego,La Jolla. time. 7Department of Oceanography, U.S.NavalPostgraduate School, Monterey, California. Copyright 1990 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 90JC00251. 0148-0227/90/90JC-00251 $05.00 2. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODS Lagrangiandriftershavebeenusedsuccessfully in recentyears in studiesof surfacelayer currents[Davis, 1985a, b; Niiler et al., 1988; Poulain et al., 1987]. The possibilityof attachinginstrumentationto suchdriftersis appealing,as it will help reducethe 9393 9394 ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN co-minglingof temporaland spatialvariability. There havebeen numerousstudieswhere biological samplinghas been guidedby drifter tracks[Rytheret al., 1971; ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography, 1974; Maclsaac et al., 1985; Mackas et al., 1989]. Althoughnot all of thesestudiesusedLagrangiandrifters,the basic goal of the studieswas to separateadvectiveeffects (Eulerian) from in situ (Lagrangian)effects. Sucha separationwould allow the study of temporalvariability without being concernedwith spatialvariabilitythat may be confusedwith temporalvariability throughthe processof advection. However, distinguishing between spatialand temporalvariabilityis not a simpletask with Lagrangiandriftersthatare fixedat onedepth,sinceverticalmovement of water (and biologicalmaterials)may be significant. Duringthe firstfield yearof the CTZ program[CoastalTransition Zone Group, 1988], we deployedan opticalpackage,a water sampler,anda thermistorchainon a TriStar-II drifter [Niiler et al., 1988]. The TriStar-II telemetersits position,along with surface temperature,via the Argossatellitetrackingsystem.The uninstrumenteddrifter configurationis known to move with the ambient flow to within about 1 cm/s. Figure 1 is a schematicof the instrumenteddrifter. The optical packagewas mountedapproximately 4.5 m above the droguecenter at a depth of about 8.5 m. The packageconsistedof a BiosphericalInstrumentsMER-2020 spec- DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS surface package syntactic foam optical package 8.5rn •-- 9m drogue troradiometer [Booth and Smith, 1988], a SeaTech 25-cm beam transmissometer, and a SeaTechstrobefluorometer.The spectroradiometermeasuredboth upwelling radianceand downwelling irradianceat five wavelengths,instrumentattitude,temperature, depth,and housekeeping informationwhich were recordedon an internal data acquisitionsystem. There was an additional upwelling radiancemeasurementmade at 683 nm by a detectoroptimized to respondto sun-stimulated fluorescence by chlorophyll. This systemalso recordedthe transmissometer and fluorometer data. The instrumentswere turnedon for 45 s every 4 min, and the averagefor the last 30 s was stored. This allowed the fluorometer and transmissometer to warm up and stabilize. Table 1 givesa completelist of the datarecordedon the data acquisition system. The automatedwater sampler [Friederich et al., 1986] was mounteddirectlybelow the drogueat a depthof 17.5 m and was programmedto samplethe water at twenty 6-hourintervals. At eachsampling time,two 20-cm 3 syringes, onefilteredand water sampler thermistor chain Fig. 1. Schematic of Tri-StarII drifterwith watersampler,thermistor chain, and optical package. one not, drew in water samplesfor nutrient and phytoplankton counts,respectively.Both water sampleswere preservedin situ. 3. RESULTS Lugol's solutionwas usedto preservethe phytoplanktonsamples, and the nutrient sampleswere preservedwith mercuricchloride Drifter TrajectoryandRelationship withHydrographic Structure and analyzedas describedby Friederich et al. [1986]. Finally, a 50-m recordingthermistorchain was hung directly below the Theinstrumented drifterwaslaunched onJune17, 1987(Julian water sampler,but it did not returnenoughgooddatato be useful. day 168) at 1112LT andrecovered on June25 (Julianday 176)at TABLE 1. VariablesRecordedon BiosphericalInstrumentsMER-2020 Spectroradiometer Variable Description Downwelling Irradiance,nm 410, 441,488, 520, 560 Upwelling Radiance,nm 410, 441,488, 520, 683 Other variables strobe and sun-stimulated fluorescence, beam transmission, temperature,depth Housekeeping variables time, tilt angle (2), groundvoltage,batteryvoltage ABBOTT ET AL.' LAGRANGIAN 1235 LT. Its deploymentlocationwaschosento be at the center of the nearshore end of a pronounced cold filamentdetectedby hydrographic surveysoff PointArena,Czlifomia,andby remote sensing(Figure2). The driftertrackshow in Figure2 is a spline fit to the actuallocationsprovidedby the .t egosII systemroughly eight timesper day. Figure3 is the drifte speedestimatedfrom the drifter displacements, usingthe smoot'.tt•'d locationdata. Note thatthedriftermovedslowlyon days170-172 andrapidlyon days 173-175. The drifter stayedin the core of the cold, densefeature for as long as the track couldbe meaningfullycomparedwith the hydrographicsurveywhich was completedon day 170. During DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS 9395 4). The extrainstrumentation (andhencedrag)on this particular drifterdid not seemto affectits water-following characteristics; otherdriftersdeployedat the sametime behavedsimilarly. A detailedcomparisonof the instrumenteddrifter with four other drifterssurrounding it showedthatthe instrumented drifter moved about10% moreslowlythanthe othersalongthe filament.This is not surprising,as 50 m of thermistorcableprovidesa substantial connection betweenthe shallowdrogueand the slowermoving, deepwater. Figure5a is the alongshore componentof the wind stressmeasuredby National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoy 46013 (38ølYN, 123ø18'W). The wind vectorshavebeenrotated thesametimeinterval(days168-170),thedriftertendedroughly 47ø sothatthe alongshore component is roughlyparallelto the to followcontours of constant10/500dbardynamicheight(Figure coast.The tendencyto followdynamicheightcontours, of course, ..... ,½::.::.:;•. . .o.. .. ,:..?..•:• "-',,,...-:•. ::•-::::::• .............. ............................................. :.:.•,.:• ::::$?• ,•©..:,•,: - •:.:•. :½:::::•: ......... •f$, ........ ::"::::,•:-:.::-:• ':::.... ........ .... .:;::?•-:•:.:.' :-.?? ... ...•:; .;.ß....). ::k.../.:.:.: ,-½-.:?½:: !•:::::. .-?,<.. ?:4 •::" ..... ....... :': .-'"'•:..: .....::..::::::': ::..:'7: >':• "" ...y;: ...... • :-:<•,•:..< •: ...."'•½• • .......... •......... •'•";•:'5•;S::': ..... ::.• .............. •::•: ............ ......... ::':'•4•.........::•::.•.. ?•:...:......%j':•-'--'• .;-..:• • .:• .::;•-'-:::::..:.:.;;.;:•::(g• :•-..::.--.:•: %•:::'::• •"• ,:.:•.:..•/•• ..... :.:•:½'::'" •r•'"•"'<•;•:;•:;i::•:; ....... 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Fig. 2. Overlay of smootheddrifter track on AVHRR image of sea surfacetemperatureacquiredon June22,1987. Cooler temperatures are lightershades.Open circleson drifter track representwater samplelocations.Solid circlesrepresentlocation of drifter at 1700 LT on each day of the deployment. 9396 ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS to a surface windstress of about1.0dyn/cm 2 towards 123.5øT or a surface Ekmantransport of 1.1m3/stoward213øT.If we 50 assumea slablike mixed layer of 10- to 20-m thickness,this would yield a southwestward ageostrophicdisplacementof 4-7 km. The observeddisplacementof the drifter was 14 km in the properdirection.Thus Ekman drift is not adequateto accountfor õ •o the offsetof the drifter, althoughit is clearly large enoughto be an importantinfluence.Other factors,suchas incorrectreference level for the geostrophic calculationsor otherageostrophic forces • 20 besideswind drift, may be importantduringthis period. Both the driftertemperaturerecords(Figure5b) andthe drifter track relative to the near-surfacetemperaturefield (Figure 2) lO suggestthat the water warmedas the drifter movedoffshore.This warming may be attributableto the drifter's movementoffshore through the general cross-shoretemperaturegradient (warmer I o 178 168 170 172 174 176 water tendsto be offshore),but at least someof the temperature Julion Doy behavior seemsto be related to the local winds. Specifically, Fig. 3. Drifterspeedasestimated fromdisplacements alongsmoothed much of the warming took place during days 170-172 when drifter track. the winds were relatively weak (Figure 5a) and the mixed layer was presumablywaxmingand stabilizingdue to surfaceheating. This stabilizationis indicatedby a tendencyfor the sea surface suggests a substantial geostrophically balancedflow component. temperature(SST) (indicatedby the crossesin Figure 5b) to To the extentthat the drifter doesnot follow the dynamicheight be warmerthan the 8.5-m temperature by as muchas 0.5øC. contours, errorsin referencelevelof thegeostrophic calculation or During this presumablystable period, the 8.5-m temperature 40 thepresence of ageostrophic velocity components canbecredited. seriesshowsconsiderablehigh-frequency(1- to 6-hour period) Also,thegeostrophic contours maynotbe well resolved in this variability which is likely to be associatedwith internal wave area. The most likely ageostrophic effect is Ekman transport activityin a now stratifiedupperocean.However,thetemperature increaseof 2.5øC in 2.5 dayswould imply a net heatingrate Duringthe initial 18 hoursof the deployment, the apparent of the25-m-deep mixedlayerby 1210W/m2. Sinceonly10% within the surfaceboundarylayer. deviationfrom geostrophy was particularlyevident,sincethe of this upperoceantemperaturechangecan be attributedto the drifterwentroughlyperpendicular to the localdynamicheight net heating,this temperatureincreasemust thereforebe due to contour(Figure4). At the sametime,the windswererelatively the convergence of warm water at 8 m, a net downwelling,or strong(8.5 m/s)towardsthesouthwest (Figure5a). Thisconverts the drifter's moving into warmer water. As the latter effect is not apparentin the advancedvery high resolutionradiometer (AVHRR)image(Figure2), we conclude thatthe11øCwatersank to deeperdepthsbelowthe drifter and warmerwaterreplacedit on the surface. On day 171 the winds increased,leadingto a relativehomogenization of upperoceantemperatures, consistent with the similarityof the two temperaturerecordsduringthe last 4 days of the deployment. Diurnal cyclesof temperatureare also evidentduringthis last period along with a slightcooling trend. The steplikechangesin temperatureduringdays 169-170 (typically0.4ø) maybe theresultof the drifter'scrossing frontal 40øN Dynamic Height at 10 db Relative to 500 db (6/16/87 - 6/20/87) 39 ø or interleavingregions. Optical Data 38 ø 37 ø i 126øW i 125 ø i i 124 ø 123 ø Fig. 4. Dynamicheightfromhydrographic surveyof June18-24, 1987, with drifter track overlain. Figures6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d show downwellingirradianceat 520 nm, beamattenuation, strobefluorescence, andupwellingradianceat 683 nm. There was considerablevariability in the daily amountof downwardirradiance(Figure 6a). Days 169, 170, and 171 (June 19, 20, and 21) were relatively cloudy, with higherfrequencyvariationsassociated with passingclouds.Note thaton days 172 and 173, winds were high (Figure 5a) and skieswere clear. This is the usualconditionduringthe upwellingseasonoff northernCalifornia [e.g., Abbott and Zion, 1987; Simon, 1977], wherestrongequatorward windsare associated with a shallowing of the marineboundarylayer whichis unfavorablefor the formation of low stratusclouds.As the windsrelaxedon days 174 and 175, cloudinessincreased.Note that we chooseto presentdownwelling irradianceat 520 nm as an indicatorof solar radiation, as Gordon et al. [1988] have shown that irradiance at 520 nm is relatively invariantwith changesin phytoplanktonpigmentcon- ABBOTT ET AL.' -15 168 I 170 LAGRANGIAN I 172 DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS I 174. 9397 I 176 (3 I 178 Julian Day 15 _ 14 _ 13 _ 12 _ 11 _ 10 168 I I I I 170 172 174- 176 b 178 Julian Day Fig. 5 (a) Alongshore component of windvelocityfromNDBC buoy46013. Windswererotated47ø to be parallelto coast. (b) Temperature alongdriftertrackfrom thermistor mountedin opticalpackage(8.5 m depth).Crosses represent measurements from the thermistormountedin surfacetransmitterpackage. centration.Althoughno specialprecautions weretakento prevent creasein water clarity, consistentwith a decreasein suspended foulingof the opticalinstruments, visualinspection andcleaning particulateconcentration.Second,thereis a diurnalcycle which afterrecoveryrevealedno signsof fouling.Note thatbeamatten- is particularlyapparentnear the end of the deployment.Figure uation(Figure6b) decreased throughthe period,suggesting that 7 showsthe transmissiondata from the last 3 days of the deployment in greater detail. Note that the attenuationis lowest foulingwas not significant. The beam attenuationcoefficient(Figure 6b) was calculated just beforesunrise,increasessteadilythroughthe day, reachesa usingthe formulasof Bartz et al. [1978]. Thereappearto be maximumat sunset,and then beginsto decreaseagain. This is with resultsfrom the centralPacificreportedby Siegel severaltime scalesof variability. First, thereis a long-termin- consistent 9398 ABBOTT ET AL.' LAGRANGIANDRIFTER OBSERVATIONS 120 100 _ o 80 o 60 _ 40 _ 20 _ o (3 0 168 170 172 174 176 178 Julion Doy 0.9 _ 0,8 0,7 o c E 0.6 b 0.5 168 170 172 174- 176 178 Julion Doy Fig.6. (a)Downwelling irradiance (/•Wcm-2 nm-1) at520nm.(b)Beam attenuation coefficient (m-1) at660nmfrom 25-cmbeam transmissometer. (c) Strobe-stimulated fluorescence (volts).(d)Upwelling radiance (t•Wcm-2 nm-• str-1) at 683 nm (sun-stimulatedfluorescence). etal.[1989], who propose that these changes arelargely theresulture7,wesee that these large decreases occur primarily between ofphytoplankton growth during thedayand subsequent grazing sunset and midnight. Figures 8aand 8bshow therelationship be- atnight byzooplankton. Note thatinthiscase, theaccumulation tween strobe fluorescence andbeam attenuation forthenighttime ofparticles during thedayisnearly balanced bylosses (presumdata only.Note thatthechanges inattenuation arehighly correablygrazing andsinking) atnight during thelastdays ofthe lated withchanges influorescence onthefirsttwonights. This deployment. Thethirdtimescale isa series ofsharp decreases correlation breaks down onsubsequent nights. (Asimilar lackof intransparency thatoccur primarily ondays 174,175,and176. correlation was present fortheremainder ofthedeployment.) This If welookindetail atthelast3 days ofthedeployment inFig- isconsistent withvertical migration ofmicrozooplankton through ABBOTTET AL.' LAGt{ANGIAN DRIFTEROBSERVATIONS 9399 1.5 0.5 c 168 170 172 174. 176 178 Julion Doy 3.5 2.5 o c o 1.5 o ... 0.5 o 168 170 172 174 176 d 178 Julion Doy Fig. 6. (continued) thebeamtransmissometer at nighRime during thelatterpartof donothaveanindependent estimate of chlorophyll foreachday thedeployment. In thefirstdaysofthedeployment, changes in (thiswould bepossible if theupwelling radiance signals hadnot attenuation arelargely theresult of changes in concentration of beencontaminated by thedrogue). However, fluorescence declinesby roughlya factorof 3 overthetermof thedeployment, fluorescent particles,presumablyphytoplankton. Strobe-stimulated fluorescence (Figure6c) showsa strongdi- with the bulk of the decreaseoccurringin the first4 days.These werehighlycorrelated withchanges in beamattenuation urnalsignalwhicharisesfrombothphysiological changes in the changes phytoplankton [Kiefer,1973;Harris, 1980]andchanges in chlorophyll abundance.Fluorescence responds to changesin nutrient status,light history,speciescomposition, and a varietyof other factors[Kiefer, 1973; Abbottet al., 1982]. Unfortunately,we (ta=0.65)overthewholedatarecord.Thusit appears thatthe strobe-stimulatedfluorescencemeasurementis a reasonableindi- catorof phytoplankton pigmentconcentration if we account for the diurnal changesin fluorescence response. 9400 ABBOTT ET AL.' LAGRANGIAN DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS _ 0.8 _. _ 1.5 0.7 _ 0.6 o E _ 0.5 0 175 I I I 174 175 176 0.5 o 0.4 177 Julion Doy Fig.7. Beamattenuation (upper line)andstrobe-stimulated fluorescence (lowerline)fromlast3 daysof drifterdeployment. The regressionof beam attenuationon strobe-stimulated flu- and recoverypoints)decreased duringthis periodfrom about1 3 to 0.2mg/m 3 (C. Davis,personal communication, 1987). orescence yielded a slopeof 0.131(m V)-• andanintercept of mg/m 0.564 m -•. If we assumethat beam attenuationis the sumof the The magnitudeof this decrease is consistent with the decrease fluorescence observed attenuationdue to water,fluorescentparticles,and nonfluorescent in the dailymaximumof strobe-stimulated particles,then the interceptshouldrepresentthe attenuationdue over this period. to waterandnonfluorescent particles.Sincethe expectedrangeof the beam attenuationcoefficientat 660 nm for pure water ranges Water Sampler Data between 0.31and0.42m-• [Tyleretal., 1974],thissuggests that Nitrate + nitrite (N+N) concentrationsas measuredby the therewasa largecomponent of nonfluorescent material in the drifter's watersampler areshown in Figure10. Initially, N+N water.Aszooplankton maysignificantly affect beam attenuation concentrations arehigh(>10/•M), whichtakenwiththelow andtheyappear mainly atnight,werecalculated theregression surface temperatures (Figure 5b) suggest thatthedrifterwas fordaytime dataonly.However, theslope andintercept were deployed in freshly upwelled water.It would thenbeexpected essentially unchanged. Wethenexamined theperiodfromday thattheN+Nconcentration woulddecrease monotonically asit is 168through day172separately fromtheperiod covering day173 taken upbyphytoplankton. Thissmooth decrease wasobserved through day176.Fortheearly period, theslope was 0.076 m-l only during thefirst 2 days ofdeployment. After thestart ofday andtheintercept was0.627(mV)-•. Forthelateperiod, the 170,theN+Nconcentration varied considerably overthenext2 slope was0.078-• andtheintercept was0.564(mV)-•. The days, asthedrifter appeared tomove through anareaofdiscrete decrease in theintercept overtimesuggests thatthereisa decreasetemperature fronts(Figure5b). Mostlikely,thechanges in N+N in the amountof nonfluorescent particulatematerialin the water as the drifter moves along its path. Except for the 683-nm wavelength,we suspectthat the other upwelling radiancechannelsmay have been contaminatedby the presenceof the large, multicoloreddrogueunderneaththe instrument. The 683-nm upwelling radiancebandswere likely to be uncontaminated becauseof the strongabsorptionof light in this portionof the spectrum. Thus radiancedetectedat this wavelengthwouldoriginatenearthe detector[Kieferet al., 1989]. Figure 6d (683-nm upwellingradiance)is a measureof sunstimulatedfluorescence. As describedby Boothet al. [1987], this fluorescence maybeanindicatorof thephotosynthetic potentialof thephytoplankton. Figures9a and9b showthevariationof strobestimulated fluorescence versusdownwelling irradiance at 520 nm. Note the strongdecreasein the slopeof thesecurvesbeginning on the third day of the deployment.Chlorophyll(as measured throughextractionsfrom samplescollectedat the drifterrelease were a resultof changesin water masses,ratherthan beinga resultof purelybiologicalprocesses.Theseabruptchangesin watertypessuggest thatthe drifterdid not follow waterparcels exactly.Alternatively, thesampler couldhavebeenin a nitracline whichwasmovingasa resultof verticalmotions.As windswere relativelylight and the upperlayer of the oceanwas stratified (Figures5a and5b), verticalmotionscouldappearashorizontal variability.After day 172thedrifterremainedin waterswithlow N+N concentrations. The N+N time seriesgives the impressionthat the drifter experienced at leastthreedistinctregimes.Figure11 showsthe relationship between temperature andN+N duringthedeployment. Notethatinitiallythe drifterwasin a regionof low temperatures andhighN+N. Later,thedrifterpassed througha regionof more variabletemperature andN+N with generallyhighertemperature and lower N+N. Finally, the drifter enteredan area of high temperature and barelydetectableN+N. ABBOTT ET AL.' LAGRANGIAN DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS 9401 _ 1.5 4 4 4 0.5 o 0.4 I a I I I 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Beam Attenuation Coefficient 1.5 2888 0.5 0.4 0.5 I I I 0.6 0.7 0.8 Beam Attenuation b Coefficient Fig. 8. (a) Strobe-stimulated fluorescence versus beam attenuation fornighttime dataonlyforthefirst4 days• of thedrifter deployment. Numbers correspond tothedayofdeployment. (b)Asin Figure 8aexcept fordays5-8 ofthedeployment. mixingprocesses, in addition to biological Wecanestimate primary productivity based onthedisappear-theresultof physical uptake. The considerable variability (and reappearance) of N+N anceof N+Nduring theinitialtwodaysof deployment. Approxthatwatermasschanges aswellasbiological uptake are imately 10/tMof nitrate wastakenupin 2 days.If weassume a suggest However, phytoplankton cellvolume (FigC:N ratioof 106:16basedon the Redfieldratio,thenthe uptake likelytobeimportant. (asindicated by strobe-stimulated fiuoof nitratecorresponds to a carbon uptake rateof about465mg ure 10) andchlorophyll C/m3/day. This value iscomparable tothat forthePeru upwelling rescence inFigure 6c)both doubled during thefirst 2days ofthe [Brink etal.,1981; Ryther etal.,1971 ] andiswithin therange of deployment. values reported forCalCOFI stations inthis region [e.g., Scripps Figure 10also includes thetotal cellvolume based onphyInstitution ofOceanography, 1984]. However, this isprobably an toplankton counts, using anaverage cellvolume calculated for overestimate, assome ofthedisappearance ofnitrate waslikelyeach taxonomic group thatwascounted. Note thatcellvolume 9402 ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS :•2 222 1.5 /•' 1. 1lz' 1 2 2 0.5 3 0 I 0 I I I 40 60 80 I lOO Q I 120 Downwelling Irradiance(52Ohm) _ 1.5 _ 8 O• 0 l, 20 5 5 •5555 •,55 5 555 5 I 40 I 60 I 80 I 100 b, 120 Downwelling Irrodionce(520nm) Fig. 9. (a) Strobe-stimulated fluorescence versus downwelling irradiance at 520rimfor tbefirst4 daysof thedeployment. Numbers correspond to thedayof thedeployment. (b) As in Figure9a exceptfor days5-8 of thedeployment. increased by nearly2 orders of magnitude between days168 dominated thecommunity. Although thecentric diatoms in our and173,although thereisconsiderable variability between days. samples wereidentified asa mixture between Actinocyclus and Some of these changes mayresult fromtravelthrough differentThalassiosira spp.,it isdifficult todistinguish between these two watermasses bythedrifter, rather thanjustin situchanges. Note groups without usingelectron microscopy. Hoodet al. [1990] thesignificant decrease in totalvolume in thelastsample onday collected a sample fromthisregion a fewdaysbefore thedrifter 173. deployment. Their(in collaboration withE. Venrick) scanning Thecomposition of thephytoplankton community is shownelectron micrograph results showed thatthecentric diatoms were in Figure12asa percentage of totalcellvolume. Chaetocerus largely Actinocyclus. Notethatchanges inthedominance ofthese andlarge,centric diatoms dominate thecommunity fromthe largecentric diatoms (hereinafter referred toasLCD)arelargely beginning untilday170.Afterthispoint, thelarge centric diatomscorrelated withchanges in totalcellvolume.Thereappear to ABBOTT ET AL.' LAGRANGIAN DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS 9403 10 12 11 8 10 ,.., • 6 ,, ,, -I- • 4 2 6 168 170 172 174 176 178 Julion Doy Fig. 10. Nitrate+ nitrite(N+N)concentrations (solidline)andlogarithm of totalphytoplankton cellvolume in/tm3/10ml (dashedline) during the deployment. fairly well havebeenthreedistinctphytoplankton assemblages. The first largely LCD. Note that theseperiodscorresponded wasa nearshare community, consisting primarilyof ½haetocerusto the delineationsbasedon temperatureand N+N concentration andLCD. The totalcell volumewasfairly low in thisregion.The described earlier. diatomcommunity in the second regime(beginning late on day 4. DISCUSSION 169andextending throughday 171)wasprimarilyRhizosolenia As the slippagecharacteristics of the drifter are of the orderof andNitzschiawith a decreasing percentage of Chaetocerus and an increasing percentage of LCD. The third assemblage was 1 cm/s,we expectthat the drifter may be asmuchas 10 km away 12 _ + 10 + + + + + + o lO 11 +++ 12 +++ 13 Temperature Fig. 11. N+N concentrations versustemperature at 8.5 m. + 14 9404 ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS lOO • •••'.. Coccolithophores andsmall flagellates Small dinoflagellates ::::• ••_•x• Large dinøflag ellates ••i!i i!i!: :•. •.'•Rhizøsølenia '•.... 80 Nitzschia 60 40 •.......... '• Chaetocerus ..................................... Large centric diatoms 20 ................................................ o 168 ............. :1.................. 170 :1:............. 172 I I I 174 176 178 Julian Day Fig. 12. Percent of totalcellvolume forthemajorphytoplankton groups. fromtheoriginal watermassbytheendof thedeployment. This Microscopic observations reported byHoodetal. [1990]showed couldbea considerable deviation in regions suchasthefilament,thatthisarea1 weekearlierwasdominated by thesamespecies wherehorizontal gradients arelarge.Further, thepossibility of assemblage alongwithan abundance of phytoplankton detritus. changes in waterproperties through mixing,exchange withsur- Figures 9a and9b showthattherewerelargechanges in fiuorounding water,or through subduction of thewatermass,may rescence yieldin thisregime.Falkowski andKiefer[1985]have complicate matters. Although theTristar-II hasexcellent horizon-suggested thatlargechanges in fluorescence yieldwithchanges tal water-following properties, it is constrained to a fixeddepth in incident sunlight aretypicalof rapidlygrowing populations. so,strictlyspeaking, it is onlya quasi-Lagrangian drifter.Thus Similarpatterns wereseenin naturalpopulations by Abbottet thetemporal changes thatwe observed weresomecomplicated al. [1982],whoalsosuggested thatrapidlygrowing populations function of slippage, in situchanges, andchanges inwater massshould havea strong fluorescence/light response. characteristics resulting frommixing andvertical motions of the Thepresence of anupwelling center hasbeennoted in this water.However, thedriftertrackitselfappears to followthe location southwest ofPointArena (Figure 2) inother years from strong temperature signature of thefilament present atthewater bothshipandsatellite observations [Kelly,1985;Simpson, 1985; surface (Figure 2),suggesting thatthelarge-scale changes maybe Abbott andZion,1985]. Given thatthewinds were onlymoderate duetoin situprocesses. atthetimeofdeployment, it islikelythattheupwelling center Usingall of these datasets,wecanidentify threedistinctwasweakening. Water velocities at thispointasmeasured by regimes ortypes onthebasis of theirphysical/chemical charac-thedrifter motion were<20crn/s, compared withmeasurements teristics aswellasontheirbiological properties. Thefirsttypewas of >50cm/sin thesame location atothertimes[Davis, 1985a]. located nearshore andischaracterized bylowtemperatures, high Thepresence of thechain-forming diatom, Chaetocerus, is also N+N,lowlighttransmission, highstrobe-stimulated fluorescence consistent withthenear-coastal originof thiswater.Hoodetal. andsun-stimulated fluorescence, lowtotal phytoplankton cellvol- [1990] reported onanextensive survey made during the10days umes andhighrelative proportions ofLCDandChaetocerus. On priortothedrifter deployment, andtheynoted thatChaetocerus thebasis ofthehydrographic survey, thistypeislocated near the wasconstrained tothenearshore portion oftheirsurvey grid. origin ofthecold,seaward-moving filament. Although thisappar- Asthedrifter moved offshore during days170-172, thewaentlyfreshly upwelled water hadallofthecharacteristics typicalterbecame significantly different. Temperatures increased (al- ofsuch conditions noted inupwelling regions [e.g., Beers etal., though notsmoothly asonemight expect if onlywarming due 1971;Jones et al., 1983;Brinket al., 1981;Abbott andZion, to solarradiation wasoccurring), andN+Nconcentrations de1985],notethatbeamattenuation (Figure 6b)ishighdespite the creased to nearlyundetectable levels.Bothsun-stimulated and relatively lowtotal cellvolume (Figure 10)butconsistent withthe strobe-stimulated fluorescence decreased during thisperiod, alhighstrobe-stimulated fluorescence values (Figure 6c).Wesus-though there wasconsiderable variability. Water clarity (asinpectthatthiswater alsocontained significant amounts ofdetritusdicated bybeam attenuation) increased generally, although there andother suspended material ashasbeen seen infreshly upwelled wasconsiderable variability inthesignal. Much ofthisvariability water offPoint Conception [Jones etal.,1983]. However, changes inclarity wasassociated withnonfluorescent material, particularly inwater transparency were generally wellcorrelated withchanges atnight. Wespeculate thatthenocturnal variations were largely instrobe-stimulated fluorescence, indicating thatthismaterial may theresult ofzooplankton vertically migrating through thetranshave been ofphytoplankton origin aslongaswecanassume that missometer path,assuggested earlier.Thewater samples also strobe-stimulated fluorescence is a reasonable indicator of phy- showed increased abundance ofnauplii inthisarea beginning on toplankton biomass (Figure 6c).Ata minimum, wehypothesize day171.Although neither of these measurements willgivean thatthissuspended material covaried withphytoplankton biomass. accurate quantitative estimate ofzooplankton abundance, theydo ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN suggestthat the relative abundanceof zooplanktonis higher in DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS 9405 beam attenuationand strobe-stimulated fluorescence, ratherthan this regionthan closerto shore. This resultis also consistentcell volume. This assumption is basedon the observation that with the long-termaveragederivedfromthe CalCOFIdatathat changes in cell volumeare largelydrivenby changes in LCD showsa zooplanktonbiomassmaximumapproximately100 km abundance, whichare characterized by a largevacuole. offshore[Chelton,1982]. The phytoplankton communityhas a We cannotcalculatechorophylldirectlyfrom thesedata, but largecomponentof LCD alongwith RhizosoleniaandNitzschia. if we assume that strobe-stimulated fluorescence is a goodinThe coastalspecies,Chaetocerus, becameincreasingly rare. LCD dicatorof relativechlorophyllcontent,then this third, offshore also increasedduringthis period,as did the overallcell volume. regionhad aboutone-thirdthe chlorophyllof the first,nearshore The fluorescence responseof the phytoplankton showedlessvari- region. (Note that the relativechangebetweeninshoreand offationas a functionof solarradiationthanin the firstregion,sug- shorechlorophyllextractionsdiscussedearlier are similar to this gestingthat the phytoplankton were growingmore slowly than estimate.)If oneusesthe formulaand parameters proposed by nearshore(Figures 9a and 9b). Bishop [1986] for the conversionof beam transmissionto susDuring this secondperiod, the winds had relaxed and there pendedparticulatematerial (SPM) concentrations,SPM concenwas evidenceof near-surfacetemperaturestratification. There trationsin the offshoreregionwereapproximately one-halfthose was alsoconsiderable high-frequency variabilityin temperature, nearshore.Althoughthe reliability of theseestimatesof biomass presumably a resultof increased internalwave activity. Basedon is not high (eventhe extractedchlorophyllestimates may not be theuptakeof N+N, phytoplankton weregrowingrapidly,andthere representative of the drifter data as the sampleswere not taken were strongshiftsin the speciesstructureof the phytoplankton, adjacentto the drifter but ratherwere collectedseveralkilometers particularlyof the diatoms.This regionis similarto the "typical" away), we note that the general trend is similar for both SPM upwellingcommunity,which is characterized by diatoms[e.g., and estimatedchlorophyllwith similarmagnitude.The lone exBrink et al., 1981; Estrada, 1984; Jones et al., 1983]. The ception was cell volume, which increasedas the drifter moved sinkingratepastthe drifterduringthe secondperiodis estimated offshore. If we estimatethe relativechangein the volumeto to be w = -(dT/dt)/(OT/Oz). With dT/dt =l.0øC/dayand chlorophyll ratio(basedonthecell countsandtherelativechange OT/Oz •0.06øC/m, thenw •-16 m/day. Thissinkingratein in strobe-stimulated fluorescence) betweenthe nearshore region the filamentis comparable to the upwellingrate alongthe coast. andthe offshoreregion,it is about300 timeslargeroffshorethan The third regime covereddays 172 through 174 and was nearshore. Results of Hood et al. [1990] indicate the cell volcharacterizedby strongwinds on days 172-173. The drifter was ume to chlorophyllratio was about3 timeslargeroffshorethan movingmostrapidlyat this point (about40 cm/s). Temperature nearshore. However, the resultsfrom Hood et al. [1990] are increasedinitially and then leveledoff around13øC, although based on Coulter counter volumes and thus include detritus as a strongdiurnal cycle was present. N+N concentrations were well as living phytoplankton cellsin the estimateof total volume essentiallyzero. Water clarity was fairly high with a strong whereas theresultsherearebasedon microscopic countsof phydiurnaltrend.Transparencies decreased from earlymorninguntil toplankton.If we make the assumption that the estimatedSPM near sunset,after which they began to increaseuntil the next concentrations are reasonable indicatorsof total particulatevolmorning.This increasewasinterrupted intermittently, perhapsby ume (analogousto the Coulter countermeasurements),then the verticallymigratingzooplankton.During this period,the water ratioof particulate volumeto chlorophyll for the offshoreregion samplercaughtthehighestnumberof nauplii.The phytoplankton was abouttwice that of the nearshoreregion,similarto the Hood community wasdominated by LCD. Thefluorescence response of et al. [1990] estimates.This suggests thatthe opticalproperties the phytoplankton was lessaffectedby changinglight levelsthan of thenearshore regionat theupwellingcenterweresignificantly during the secondregime. affectedby thepresence of suspended particulates otherthanphyDespitethe strongwinds,the nitraclineappearedto havebeen toplanktonand that Coulter counterdata from suchareascannot exclusivelywith phytoplankton.It alsoshowsthat deeperthan the mixed layer as therewas no apparentincrease be associated in near-surface N+N concentrations as might be expecteddur- changesin chlorophyllcontentper cell may furthercomplicate ing strongerwinds. However,distributions of otherproperties, interpretationof fluorescencedata. We do not have much confidence in the absolute estimates of notablytemperature,strobe-stimulated fluorescence, and beamattenuationshowedmuchlesssmall-scalevariabilitycomparedto SPM fromthebeamtransmissometer sincemanyresearchers have earlierin the deployment.This may havebeenpartiallythe result shownthattherecanbe considerable variabilityin theparameters of intensemixing,causedby the strongwindsduringthisperiod usedto estimateSPM from changesin beamattenuation[Spin(Figure 5a). rad, 1986; Bartz et al., 1978;Bishop,1986]. However,the SPM Althoughtotalcell volumeswerenearly2 ordersof magnitude estimates, alongwith estimatesin chlorophylland total cell volhigherin this third periodthan in the first period,beamattenua- umefromphytoplankton counts,do fit intoa consistent patternof of suspended particulates asonemoves tionwasmuchlower(roughly 0.73m-• versus 0.59-•). At first changein the composition thisseemsparadoxical,but as wasdiscussed earlier,watersin the alongthe core of the filamentfrom its originto offshore. firstperiodwereprobablydominated by smallphytoplankton and Thisthird(offshore) regimeappeared to bein balancebetween covaryingdetritalparticlesasnotedby Hoodet al. [1990]several phytoplankton growthand zooplankton grazing,particularlyon daysearlier.The Actinocyclus species thatformeda largecom- days173-176(Figure7). Beamattenuation showsa strongdiurponentof theLCD grouppresentin thethirdregionis a largecell nalcycle,increasing duringthedayanddecreasing (although with withlittlechlorophyll (consistent withtheoveralldecrease in fluo- considerable high-frequency variation)at night.Strobe-stimulated rescence andrelativeincrease in downwelling irradiance at 488 nm fluorescence is more difficultto interpret,as changesin fluoresnotedin thisregion)anda largevacuole.Hood et al. [ 1990]noted cencethat may result from changesin chlorophyllcontentare that samplesfrom this regionwere almostexclusivelyActinocy- entangled with changes in fluorescence thatresultfrom photoineffects,we cluswith hardlyany debris.Thuscell volumeis apparentlynot hibition.However,after allowingfor photoinhibition fluorescence decreases at nightat an accurateindicatorof phytoplanktonchlorophyllin this area. notethat the strobe-stimulated Althoughwe do nothaveindependent estimates of phytoplankton about thesametimeasthebeamattenuation databecomes "spiky" carbon,we suspectthat theymorecloselyfollow the patternsin (presumably asresultof verticalmigration of zooplankton). This 9406 ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN decreasein fluorescencecontinuesafter sunrise,reachinga minimum around noon, and then recovers in the afternoon until the following midnight. Note that at midnight,beam attenuationand strobe-stimulated fluorescencebegin at the samelevels for both days 174 and 175. On day 176, the beam attenuationis higher and the strobe-stimulated fluorescenceis higher than that on the previousnights. Thus there appearsto havebeenroughequilibrium betweenthe productionof organicmatterduringthe day and its subsequentremoval at night. Althoughwe do not have water samplerdatato reinforceour position,we suggestthatthe latterportionof the deployment(days 175 and 176) represented a distinctfourthregime.Total cell volume droppedprecipitouslyin the last sampleon day 173, while both fluorescencesignalsdecreasedand water transparencyincreased.Althoughthe winds were calm duringthis period,there was considerablylesssmall-scalevariabilityin fluorescence and beam attenuation.This regime was probablymore typical of an oceanicregimewith very low nutrientconcentrations, warm temperatures,anda roughbalancebetweenphytoplankton growthand removalby zooplankton.Note that on the lastday, the drifterappearedto beginto leavethisregimeandenteran areaof increased DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS after the initial upwelling). Thus the use of cell volume as an indicatorof phytoplanktonabundancemay be somewhatmisleading. A more reasonableindicatormay be strobe-stimulated fluorescence(after accountingfor the diurnal signalin fluorescence yield). If we look at the midnightvalues,they showan initial increaseon the first 2 days, reachinga maximum on day 170. Afterward,they declinesteadily,reachinga minimumon day 174 and increasingslightlyuntil the end of the deployment.This pattern is consistentwith the generalpatternof beam transmission. While thereare severaltime scalespresentin all of the various data sets,there doesappearto be a dominantscaleof 2-3 days for changesin N+N concentration, phytoplankton speciescomposition,total chlorophyll,andfluorescence yield (as an indicatorof photosynthetic potential).Similar time scaleshavebeenobserved in other upwelling systems[e.g., Ryther et al., 1971; Brink et al., 1981; Jones et al., 1983]. However, we caution that our estimates of the time scalesmay be inaccurate becauseof slippage,mixing, and exchangewith other water masses. As the Tri-Star drifter doesnot follow water massesexactly, particularlyin areasof largeverticalmotions,someof our conclusionsmay not be accurate.We tend to favor the explanationthat the filamentmay be subductingas it movesoffshore,leadingto changein the opticalandbiologicalpropertiesasmeasuredby the fixed-depthdrifter. There is strongevidencefor subduction from other CTZ data sets(D. Kadko and T. Cowles, personalcommunication,1989). Satelliteimageryfrom 1981 of phytoplankton pigmentandSST suggestthatthe offshoreend of filamentsis characterizedby relatively high SST and high pigmentoff northern California [Abbottand Zion, 1985]. As the effective measurement depthof the coastalzonecolorscanneris largerthanthe SST measurement(severalmetersto a few tensof metersversusthe upper few microns), this observationis consistentwith the scenariothat the cold, high pigmentwater subductsunderneathwarmer, low pigment water. The net effect is that the satellitesensors"see" the high pigmentwater at depth and the warm water at the surface. Given the rapid heatingof the surfacewaterbetweendays 170 and 173, it appearsthat the filamentwas subducting during this period. DecreasedN+N concentrationsare also consistent with this picture of subductionand subsequent convergence of phytoplankton biomass(as indicatedby strobe-stimulated fluorescence)anddecreased watertransparency.The drifterhadchanged direction1 day earlier and was headingtowardshore(Figure2), perhapsresultingin this increaseon the last day as the drifter enteredmore productivenearshorewater. The main goal for the drifter deploymentwas to estimatethe time scalesof variabilityindependently of the spacescales.However, the processes of subduction,mixing, and entrainmentcan still confusespatialvariationswith temporalvariations.In particular, estimatesof the sinkingof cold waterpresentedearliersuggest that vertical motionsare importantalong the filament. However, for the moment,let us assumethat the dominantchangesoccurin situ;that is, the drifter is movingwith a waterparcel. If we focus on changesin phytoplanktoncommunitycomposition,we note that the communitypresentin the presumablyfreshlyupwelled water is dominatedby Chaetocerusspp. and LCD with a high concentrationof covaryingdetrital particles. Within 36 hours, Chaetocerusis largely replacedby Nitzschia and Rhizosolenia, and LCD becomesdominant. One day later, Nitzschiais almost warmer, more N+N-deficient water. absent,and the communitynow becomesdominatedalmostexclusivelyby LCD. Althoughthere is a decreasein the relative 5. CONCLUSIONS abundanceof LCD aroundday 172 (fourth day of deployment), we ascribethis to changesin water masses,ratherthanbiological Thereis a considerable bodyof work on the patternsof nutri- changes. In summary, we notea shiftfroma rapidlygrowingents,phytoplankton biomass andprimary production in upwelling Chaetocerus/Nitzschia/Rhizosolenia/LCD community to a more systems. Thefundamental pictureis thattheupwelling centeris slowlygrowing LCD community by theendof thewatersam- initiallycharacterized bylowphytoplankton biomass, lowtemperplersequence. Giventhepresence of LCD at thebeginning of ature,andhighnutrient values.Rapidgrowthby phytoplankton the deploymentat the upwellingcenterand that the overall in- reducesthe nutrientconcentrations asthe waterwarmsandmoves creasein totalcell volumeis largelydrivenby changes in the offshore fromtheupwelling center.Zooplankton abundance also abundance of LCD, we suspect thatit behaves muchlike a "seed" increases in response toincreased foodavailability.Phytoplankton populationwithin the filament. After the initial high N+N val- growthratesthendecline,andphytoplankton biomassdecreases. uesare reduced,it appearsthat the growthof LCD continues for Typically,oneexpectslargediatomspresentinshorewith smaller about2-3 daysduringwhichtime its growthrate slowssubstan- formsoffshorein the low nutrientenvironment. tially. However,duringthisperiodthe warmingof the surface Ourresults donotcontradict thisbasicpicture,although they water occursat a rate suchthat sinkingof cold water mustalso do differ in someof the details.The particularfilamentthat was be occurring. Thussomeof theincrease in LCD mayresultfrom sampled by thedrifterin 1987wassimilarto thisgeneral picture, convergence of waterscontaining LCD. although it differedin somerespects.For example,the rapidly It appears thatmuchof thisapparent "growth"in phytoplank- increasing portionof the phytoplankton populationappeared to ton cell volumeis accomplished withoutany increasein to- be largecentricdiatomsthatapparently havea very low chlorotal chlorophyll.That is, as cell volumeincreases dramatically, phyll:volume ratio. Typically,oneexpectssmallerformssuchas chlorophyllas estimatedby strobe-stimulated fluorescence actu- chain-forming diatoms(e.g.,Chaetocerus, Rhizosolenia) to domally decreases overtime(exceptonthefirstdaywhenit increasesinate suchupwellingsystems.However,LCD appearto have ABBOTT ET AL.: LAGRANGIAN an advantage,particularly where nutrient concentrationsare decreasing. The role of the large vacuole in LCD in maintaining the positionof the populationin a high-light environmentmay be importantin suchconditions.That is, it may be able to survive low-nutrientperiodsand then "shift up" [Joneset al., 1983; Maclsaac et al., 1985] rapidly when it entersanotherareaof high nutrients.This particularclassof speciesmakesinterpretationof cell volumedata somewhatdifficult,as cell volumemay increase althoughchlorophyllfluorescence may be decreasing. Nonfluorescentparticulatesare abundantnearshore,particularly within the upwellingcenter. These particulatesin general covarywith fluorescentmaterial. Apparentlytheseparticlessink out rapidly as the upwelledwater movesoffshore.The decreasein their abundance, alongwith the decreasein phytoplankton abundance(as measuredby chlorophyllconcentration),is largely responsiblefor the overall increasein water transparency. Total cell volume increases,though,largely becauseof the increasein LCD abundance.Short-termchangesin transparency, especially after sunset,appearto be causedby zooplankton.Diurnalchanges apparentlyresultfrom phytoplanktongrowth duringthe day and zooplanktongrazing(or sinkingof phytoplankton)at night. As expected,photosynthetic (as indicatedby fluorescence response) rates are highestnearshoreand decreaseas the upwelledwater movesoffshore.This decreasemovesin parallelwith the decrease in N+N. Populationsoffshoreare still viable althoughapparently any biomassaccumulationduring the day is balancedby losses at night. DRIFTER OBSERVATIONS 9407 could examine the distributionof LCD along the length of the California Current in relation to the upwelling centers. If such a model were correct, one would expect to find a fairly stable "pool"of LCD with maximumvaluesbeinglocatedseawardof the upwellingcentersalong the meanders.This picturediffers from that presentedby Joneset al. [1988] for the Point Conception upwellingsystem.Their model was of an asymmetricupwelling center with low phytoplankton,high nutrient concentrationson the polewardside of an upwelling center and high chlorophyll, high nutrientconcentrations on the equatorwardside. Our results suggestthat much of this "asymmetry"may result from rapid temporalchangesalong the filamentrather than spatialchanges. However, it is likely that the dynamicsof upwelling off Point Conception,where the coastlineis highly irregular,are different than those off northern California. This presentdata set is not sufficientto make conclusivestatements concerningexchangerates between the cold filament and the surrounding waters. Slippageof the drifter cannotbe easily be mistakenfor mixing, but sincewe lack detailedinformationon the propertiesof the surrounding water, slippagecan be a problem. Bucklin et al. [1989] show that particle advectionin the geostrophic flow in a filamentis not affectedby morethana few kilometerswith the expectedsmall-scalehorizontaldiffusivities. However, the phytoplanktonspeciesinformationcan be usedto indicatethe relativeimportance of exchangeandin situprocesses for theperiodwhenwatersampleswereavailable(days168-173). The nearshoreupwellingcenteris initially dominatedby chain- The"aging"of theupwelled water,asmanifested in changes forming diatoms and LCD. As the water advectsoffshore, the rapidlybecomesdominatedby LCD. We suggest in phytoplankton biomass, species composition, primaryproduc- phytoplankton composition betweendays168 tivity,nutrient levels,temperature, andwatertransparency, occurs thatthis changein phytoplankton rapidly.Largechanges in these variables cantakeplacein 2-3 and 173 is largelyan in situprocess,as LCD is generallyfound waters[Hood days.Giventhatthedominant scales of windforcingandsurface only within filamentsratherthanin the surrounding currentsin this areaare about4-5 days[Kosro,1987; Winantet et al., 1990]. That is, the increasein LCD wasa resultof growth al., 1987],we notethatthereis a closecorrespondence between of the initialpopulation,ratherthanmixingandexchangealthough thescales of biological variability andphysical forcing.Thecon- convergenceprobablyplays somerole in this increase. Futureexperiments usingclustersof similarlyequippeddrifters sequent couplingis probablyimportant in maintaining the high productivityof upwellingecosystems. will help unraveltemporalvariationsfrom spatialvariations.We Onemodelfor the filamentssuggests thattheyaretheresult also shouldbe able to estimateLagrangiandecorrelationtime of theinteraction of a meandering southward current(in thiscase, scales with such clusters of instrumenteddrifters. However, the CaliforniaCurrent)with cold, nutrient-rich upwelledwater we also note that the availability of water samplesconcurrent nearthe coast.Becauseof variationsin alongshore wind stress with more automatedopticalsensorsis essentialat this early and coastaltopography,upwellingoccursin distinct"centers," stagein researchwith Lagrangiandrifters. We need to gain andthis alongshore variationmay leadto localintensification of considerablymore experiencewith such comparisonsbetween theseaward movingportionof themeander [e.g.,Davis,1985b]. opticalinstrumentsand traditionalsamplingtechniquesin order This intensification may be the cold filamentreadilyobserved to interpretthe opticaldata properly. in satelliteimages[CoastalTransition ZoneGroup,1988]. If sucha modelis correct,thenonemightexpectphytoplankton Acknowledgments. We wish to thankG. Friederichfor technicalasspecies thatarepresent at the northern endof the meanderingsistance withthewatersampler andT. BaynesandA. C. Amesonfor withtheopticalpackage. R. Limeburner andC. Davisassisted currentto be advectedsouthward, alternatelybeingnearshore in assistance deployment andrecovery. Thisworkwassupported bythe nutrient-replete conditions, and thenbeingoffshorein nutrient- withdrifter (grants toM.R.A.,K.H.B.,P.P.N.,andS.R.R.) deficient conditions. 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Central Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 M. R. Abbott,Collegeof Oceanography, OregonStateUniversity, Corvallis, OR 97331.