First meeting of the Informal Group of Experts 16-17 November 2000 FINAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Mr. ADAME Lucio Asesor Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (COFETEL) 44, Bosque de Radiatas Colonia Bosques de las Lomas 05120 MEXICO DF Mexico Tél: +52 2614203/ +52 5606614 Fax: +52 2264055 Ms. ALEXANDER Fiona Telecommunications Policy Specialist Department of Commerce 1401, Constitution Avenue NW WASHINGTON DC 20230 United States Tél: +1 202 4821890 Fax: +1 202 4821865 Email: Mr. BERGNER Bo Technical Director National Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) PO Box 5398 S-10249 STOCKHOLM Sweden Tél: +46 8 6785601 Fax: +46 8 6785509 Email: Mr. BLANE Roy Director, Standards Inmarsat Ltd. 99, City Road LONDON EC1Y 1AX United Kingdom Tél: +44 207 7281276 Fax: +44 207 7281778 Email: C:\final-part.doc Mr. CARVELL Mark Department of Trade and Industry 151, Buckingham Palace Road Bay 208 LONDON SW1W 9SS United Kingdom Tél: +44 207 2151803 Fax: +44 207 2154161 Email: Mr. CHO Whajoon Director Korea Telecom 206, Jungja-dong - Bundang-ku Kyunggi-do SONGNAM CITY 463-711 Korea (Rep. of) Tél: +82 342 7272930 Fax: 82 342 7272929 Email: Ms. COFFIN Jane AT&T WASHINGTON DC United States Tél: +1 202 4572280 Fax: +1 202 4573205 Email: Ms. DOMENICI Helen Senior Policy Analyst, Internet Federal Communications Commission IB, Telecom Division 445, 12th Street SW WASHINGTON DC 20554 United States Tél: +1 202 4181473 Fax: +1 202 4182824 Email: -2- Mr. ELLIOTT Isaac Senior Vice President, Global Softswitch Marketing Level 3 Communications 1025, Eldorado Boulevard BROOMFIELD CO 80021 United States Tél: +1 720 8886763 Fax: +1 720 8885290 Email: Mr. HORROCKS John Chair, ETSI Tiphon WG4 Horrocks Technology Ltd. Bethany, Chapel Lane PIRBRIGHTSurrey GU24 0JZ United Kingdom Tél: +44 1483 797807 Fax: +44 1483 797617 Email: Mr. FISHMAN Gary Technical Standards Director Lucent Technologies, Inc. Room 4D-605B 101, Crawfords Corner Road HOLMDEL NJ 07733 United States Tél: +1 732 9493401 Fax: +1 732 9491196 Email: Mr. JACOBS Bruce Partner, Shaw Pittman Counsel Voice on the Net Coalition 2300, N Street NW WASHINGTON DC 20037 United States Tél: +1 202 4547077 Fax: +1 419 8185046 Email: Ms. GORDON Marian Director, Telecommunications and Information Standards Department of State 2201 C Street WASHINGTON DC 20520-6317 United States Tél: +1 202 6470147 Fax: +1 202 6477407 Email: Mr. JEPPESEN Jens-Henrik Government Affairs Europe, Middle East and Africa Intel Corporation 6, Rond Point Schuman B-1040 BRUSSELS Belgium Tél: +32 2 2346322 Fax: +32 2 2347903 Email: Mr. HANBURY Trey Attorney Advisor Federal Communications Commission 445, 12th Street SW WASHINGTON DC 20554 United States Tél: +1 202 4180766 Fax: +1 202 4180398 Email: Mr. KISRAWI Nabil Permanent Representative to the ITU Syrian Telecommunications Establishment 9, Champ d'Anier CH-1209 GENEVE Switzerland Tél: +963 11 6122226 (Damascus)/ +41 22 7988451 (Geneva) Fax: +963 11 6120000(Damascus)/ +41 22 7889251 (Geneva) Mr. HOMAN Leslie James Manager, Telecom Standards ICO Global Communications (Operations) Limited Main Office, Commonwealth House 2, Chalk Hill Road - Hammersmith LONDON W6 8DW United Kingdom Tél: +44 208 6001086 Fax: +44 208 6001004 Email: C:\final-part.doc Mr. KRAEMER Svend Principal Administrator CE - Commission européenne 200, rue de la Loi Office BU9 1/14 B-1049 BRUXELLES Belgium Tél: +32 2 2968861 Fax: +32 2 2968970 Email: -3- Mr. LAOUYANE Ahmed Conseiller des affaires étrangères Mission permanente de la Tunisie 58, rue Moillebeau CH-1211 GENEVE 19 Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7348450 Fax: +41 22 7340663 Mr. MAGILL John Lucent Technologies UK Ltd. Brinkworth House Brinkworth CHIPPENHAM Wiltshire, SN15 5DF United Kingdom Tél: +44 1666 510105 Fax: +44 1666 510149 Email: Ms. MCGIRR Doreen Program Director, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Department of State 2201, C Street WASHINGTON DC 20520 United States Tél: +1 202 6470201 Fax: +1 202 6477407 Email: Mr. MEDINA Gil Vice President, International Net2Phone, Inc. 520, Broad Street 8th Floor NEWARK KN 07102 United States Tél: +1 973 4122886 Fax: +1 973 4124897 Email: Mrs. MEIJER Simone International Policy Adviser Directorate General for Telecommunications and Posts 6, Willem Witsenplein PO Box 20903 2500 EX THE HAGUE Netherlands Tél: +31 70 3516020 Fax: +31 70 3516618 Email: C:\final-part.doc Mr. MELLO Cerminiano Operational Manager Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicaçoes (ANATEL) SAS - Q.06 Bloco E - 7º andar 70313-900 BRASILIA DF Brazil Tél: +55 61 3122302 Fax: +55 61 3122790 Email: Mr. MOORE Brian Standard Manager Lucent Technologies 6, Scott Drive COLCHESTER CO3 4JD United Kingdom Tél: +44 1206 762335 Fax: +44 1206 762336 Email: Ms. NZAGI Elizabeth M. Legal Counsel Tanzania Communications Commission PO Box 474 DAR-ES-SALAAM Tanzania Tél: +255 22 2118947/52 Fax: +255 22 2116664 Email: Mr. NELSON Eric Vice-President, International Affairs Telecommunications Industry Association 1300, Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 350 WASHINGTON DC 20004 United States Tél: +1 202 3831484 Fax: +1 202 3831495 Email: Ms. O'CONNOR Teresa Director Motorola, Inc. 1350, I Street NW, Suite 400 WASHINGTON DC 20005 United States Tél: +1 202 3716930 Fax: +1 202 8423578 Email: -4- Mr. PALTRIDGE Sam Administrator OECD 2, rue André Pascal F-75775 PARIS Cedex 16 France Tél: +33 1 45249379 Fax: +33 1 45249332 Email: Mr. PETTITT Bruce Nortel Networks (Canada) P.O. Box 3511, Station C OTTAWA, Ontario K1Y 4H7 Canada Tél: +1 613 763 3559 Fax: +1 613 763 2697 Email: Mr. PITSCH Peter Communications Policy Director Intel Corporation 1634, I Street NW Suite 300 WASHINGTON DC 20006 United States Tél: +1 202 6264382 Fax: +1 202 6282525 Email: Mr. PLESSE Dietmar Senior Executive Officer for International Telecommunications & Postal Policy Federal Ministry of Economics & Technology 76, Villemombler Strasse D-53123 BONN Germany Tél: +49 228 6152941 Fax: +49 228 6152964 Email: Mr. PRIDEAUX John International Carrier Services Division (ICS) Concert USA 1230, Peachtree Street Suite 2000 ATLANTA GA 30309 United States C:\final-part.doc Mr. PROBST Pierre-André Director, External Relations Swisscom SA 6, Alte Tiefenau Strasse Worblaufen CH-3050 BERNE Switzerland Tél: +41 22 9500505 Fax: +41 22 9500506 Email: Mr. RAFTING Anders National Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) PO Box 5398 S-10249 STOCKHOLM Sweden Tél: +46 8 6785541 Fax: +46 8 6785509 Email: Mr. RAINA Jahangir iLocus 2, Windmill Lane SOUTHALL UB2 4 NJ United Kingdom Tél: +44 208 8138885 Fax: +44 208 8138887 Email: Mr. REILLY Arthur Senior Director, Technology Standards Office of the CTO Cisco Systems, Inc. 14, Oak Knoll Road OCEAN NJ 07712 United States Tél: +1 732 4933382 Fax: +1 408 5258928 Email: Ms. ROSEMAN Walda W. President & Chief Executive Officer CompassRose International 888, 17th Street NW Suite 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 United States Tél: +1 202 8332390 Fax: +1 202 4674717 Email: -5- Ms. SHEFFIELD Virginia Assistant Vice President Genuity Inc. 3 Van de Graff Drive BURLINGTON MA 01803 United States Tél: +1 781 2621584 Fax: +1 781 2622206 Email: Ms. SIBIETA Paule International Public Affairs France Télécom 6, Place d'Alleray F-75505 PARIS Cedex 15 France Tél: +33 1 44447081 Fax: +33 1 44446396 Email: Mr. SKENE Jerry Tellabs Oy 45085, University Drive ASHBURN VA 20147 United States Tél: +1 703 7247202 Fax: +1 703 7247302 Email: Mr. TAYLOR Chris M. Strategic Regulatory Advisor Cable & Wireless plc 124, Theobalds Road LONDON WC1X 8RX United Kingdom Tél: +44 20 73156149 Fax: +44 20 73156260 Email: Mr. TERTIAN Jean-Louis Expert Autorité de régulation des télécommunications (ART) 7, square Max Hymans F-75730 PARIS Cedex 15 France Tél: +33 1 40477226 Fax: +33 1 40477189 Email: C:\final-part.doc Mr. THOMAS Alwyn Communications and Information Industries Directorate Department of Trade and Industry 151, Buckingham Palace Road LONDON SW1W 9SS United Kingdom Tél: +44 207 2151742 Fax: +44 207 9317194 Email: Ms. TOWNSWICK Mary Government Adviser Permanent Mission of the United States 11, route de Prégny CH-1292 CHAMBESY Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7494647 Fax: +41 22 7494883 Mr. TSUYAMA Katsuhiko First Secretary Permanent Mission of Japan 3, chemin des Fins CH-1211 GENEVE 19 Switzerland Tél: +41 22 7173111 Fax: +41 22 7883811 Email: Mr. WONG Anthony S.K. Director-General of Telecommunications Office of the Telecommunications Authority 29/F, Wu Chung House 213, Queen's Road East Wan Chai HONG KONG SAR China Tél: +852 29616618 Fax: +852 28385111 Email: Number of participants 47