Starting the Journey Building on Achievements Expanding Activities and

Where are we now with our relationship with partner schools?
Starting the Journey
Building on Achievements
There is an interest in linking
with a school in at least one
other country perhaps because
there are pupils from that
country in the school already or
because there is a community
link e.g. town twinning.
Fundraising for a school in a
less developed country may
already exist. There has been
no personal contact between
members of staff in our school
and members of staff abroad.At
least one member of staff has
expressed an interest in
developing an equal
partnership with a school in
another country. Staff seek
advice about finding a partner
from other schools or from
outside agencies. One member
of staff has registered the
school with a partner finding
website or has approached
someone they think would have
At least one member of our staff has
made personal contact with staff in at
least one school abroad.
Staff have created a plan based on
equality of learning opportunities and of
sharing responsibility for the enactment
of the plan by taking on designated roles
and adhering to agreed timetables. The
emphasis is on equality of partnership
responsibility and decision making.
There is a good working relationship
between the partners and everyone’s
views are listened to. The tasks include
regular communication between partner
schools. There is a supportive atmosphere
between partners and a willingness to
share and discuss difficulties when they
arise so that changes can be made to the
plan in terms of tasks or timings.Staff seek
advice from other schools and outside
agencies and from members of their local
community where appropriate regarding
the customs and practices associated with
polite and acceptable behaviour in their
partner school’s country.
and Achieving High Quality
The partnership is an equal one
aimed at improving outcomes for
pupils in both countries through
developing the curriculum and
through staff development.
Personal contact has been made and
regular emails, letters, phone calls
etc. take place. The tone of e mails
and letters is friendly and respectful.
Our staff have positive relationships
with staff in partner schools and
begin to communicate with each
other out with the partnership.
At least one member of staff has
travelled to and from the partner
school to discuss the project and has
been successful in gaining the trust
of foreign partners. Pupils have
travelled too and this results in
enthusiasm for the project in the
wider community especially amongst
our parents who provide positive
feedback about the project.
Agreements have been reached by
all partners regarding the content of
the partnership project.
Staff and pupils from all schools have
travelled to visit and to learn from
each other. Personal contact has
been made by other pupils via
emails, letters etc. and
communications are friendly. Both
pupils and staff are enthusiastic
about the partnership especially
when visits are planned. Our school
community is supportive of the
international dimension to the
school’s curriculum. Outside
organisations are involved in
supporting plans to continue the
partnership. Families may begin to
communicate with each other and
agree to host young people when
they travel. When the partnership
project ends, there is enthusiasm
from more than one partner school
to join together again as a group in a
new partnership. The international
dimension permeates our whole
school curriculum with changes
being made to several areas of the
curriculum/ departmental plans.