Limnol. Oceanogr.. 29(4), 1984, 862-878 0 1984, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Mixing and the dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum in Lake Tahoe’ Mark R. Abbott2 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla 92093, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 9 1109 Kenneth L. Denman Institute of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, British Columbia V8L 4B2 Thomas M. Powell, Peter J. Richerson, Robert C. Richards, and Charles R. Goldman Division of Environmental Studies, University of California, Davis 956 16 Abstract Chlorophyll-temperature profiles were measured across Lake Tahoe about every 10 days from April through July 1980. Analysis of the 123 profiles and associated productivity and nutrient data identified three important processes in the formation and dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM): turbulent diffusion, nutrient supply rate, and light availability. Seasonal variation in these three processes resulted in three regimes: a diffusion-dominated regime with a weak DCM, a variable-mixing regime with a pronounced, nutrient supply-dominated DCM, and a stable regime with a deep, moderate light availability-dominated DCM. The transition between the first two regimes occurred in about 10 days, the transition between the last two more gradually over about 3 weeks. The degree of spatial variability of the DCM was highest in the second regime and lowest in the third. These data indicate that the DCM in Lake Tahoe is constant in neither time nor space. A deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) has been observed in various aquatic environments, and, although it occasionally results from an increase in cellular chlorophyll concentration with depth (Steele 1964; Kiefer et al. 1976), it is sometimes a biomass maximum as well (e.g. Ortner et al. 1980; Holligan 1978). Several processes have been proposed as responsible for the DCM: differential sinking of phytoplankton from nutrient-poor waters (Steele and Yentsch 1960; Venrick et al. 1973), zooplankton grazing (Longhurst 19 7 6), behavioral aggregation of flagellates (Cullen and Eppley 198 l), and low biological loss rates (Fee 1976). A model incorporating several of these processes successfully simulated the DCM in the Northeast Pacific (Jamart et al. 1977, 1979). Although it is generally supposed that the 1Financial support was provided by the National Science Foundation, NSF-DEB78-23259 and NSFDEBSO- 199 18, and by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NAG5-2 17. 2 Supported by NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships, NATO 1979 and NATO 198 1. A portion of this work was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. DCM is an active region, Kiefer and Kremer (198 1) modeled it as a relict from stratification of an originally homogeneous water column. Although the dominant biological processes in the formation and maintenance of a DCM may vary from environment to environment (Cullen and Eppley 19 8 1; Cullen 1982), it does depend on sufficient radiation penetrating below a pycnocline which provides some protection from surface-driven turbulent mixing. A DCM is not found in very turbid waters or where a pycnocline is deep or absent (Anderson 1969). The DCM in Lake Tahoe (Kiefer et al. 1972; Holm-Hansen et al. 1976) is not usually associated with the base of the thermocline as in other lakes (Brooks and Torke 1977; Fee 1976) and the ocean (Hobson and Lorenzen 197 2; Ortner et al. 1980). Kiefer et al. (1972) believed that the Tahoe DCM was the result of differential sinking from surface waters, but presented no data to support this idea. Coon (1978), Lopez (1978), and Richerson et al. (1978) suggested that the DCM was caused by the combination of low in situ production and very low grazing and diffusive losses. 862 863 Chlorophyll dynamics We focused our study on the formation of the Tahoe DCM, as previous work had been concentrated on the DCM after it was well established. We sampled at weekly intervals to resolve the temporal variation of the relevant processes and took transects across the lake to investigate their spatial variation. We hoped that such temporal and spatial variability would define the role of specific biological and physical processes in the formation and maintenance of the DCM. R. L. Leonard generously provided data from the Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program. W. McCune and R. Brown provided the data on phytoplankton species. A. Gargett made suggestions concerning vertical mixing. The Institute of Ocean Sciences provided computer facilities. SL Methods Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada) is a deep (max depth 501 m, mean depth 3 13 m), ultraoligotrophic subalpine lake (alt. 1,897 m) whose exceptional clarity allows phytoplankton growth down to 120 m (HolmHansen et al. 1976). Physical processes differ between the coastal zone and midlake, and the west shore in particular is characterized by cooler, more variable temperatures (Leigh-Abbott et al. 1978). Chlorophyll-temperature profiles were collected with an Endeco model 8 15 in situ fluorometer system equipped with a Turner Designs model 10 fluorometer. The stated accuracy of the thermistor was 0.0 1°C. A pressure transducer was mounted on the exterior of the pressure case. All three signals were sampled every 0.7 s and written on magnetic tape. Vertical resolution, given the winch speed, was 0.3 m. Nitrate concentration, phytoplankton productivity, species counts, and light penetration were determined at regular intervals by members of the Tahoe Research Group at a west shore station and by personnel from the Interagency Tahoe Monitoring Program at a midlake station (Fig. 1). Solar radiation was measured at a west-shore station using a Belfort pyrheliometer, and wind speed and direction were measured hourly during operating hours at the South Lake Tahoe Airport (Fig. 1). (Wind data I 0 , 2 KILOMETERS I I 4 6 I s 1 10 Fig. 1. Map of Lake Tahoe showing transect location, shelf station (S), midlake station (M), pyrheliometer (P), and airport (A). were obtained from the National Climatic Center, Asheville, N.C.) We established a transect between the west and east shores of the lake. Distance between stations on this transect was determined with the ship’s knotmeter and logmeter. Stations were placed closer together in areas where the water depth was ~450 m, as previous work had indicated that this region was highly variable (Leigh-Abbott et al. 1978; Abbott et al. 1982). Depending on weather conditions, from 9 to 14 stations were occupied during a single transect. At each station, a profile (both up and down) was made to 100 m (which always included the DCM) and the water depth determined from the ship’s fathometer. A series of 14 stations took about 5 h including transit time. The cross-lake series was made at about weekly intervals from mid-April to the end of July 1980, resulting in 123 profiles. 864 Abbott et al. For each station, the up and down profiles were averaged and then smoothed to give one point for each l-m depth interval. The buoyancy frequency (N) was calculated from temperature profiles that were further smoothed over 3-m intervals and after conversion to density using tables by Kell (1967). We define the buoyancy frequency as where g is the acceleration of gravity, p is density, and z is depth. Fluorescence was converted to chlorophyll concentrations by standard extraction methods (Strickland and Parsons 1972). Comparisons of the chlorophyll profiles with the biomass profiles calculated from phytoplankton counts from the west-shore and midlake stations showed good agreement throughout the sampling period; the cell biomass peak coincided with the DCM in all but one profile. Thus, in vivo fluorescence is a good index of extracted chlorophyll and count-derived biomass in Lake Tahoe (Richerson et al. 1978; Coon 1978). Results Daily solar radiation and the square of the vector-averaged daily wind speed are shown in Fig. 2. Within the general seasonal trend of increasing radiation and decreasing wind, there were intermittent periods of low radiation and high winds. Such conditions usually occurred simultaneously, but not always. Also, there was an extended period of relatively low winds and high radiation from 22 April to 4 May. These patterns of surface forcing affect the pattern of vertical mixing in the lake. Direct measurements of vertical diffusivity are relatively difficult (Quay et al. 1980; Kullenberg 197 1; Jassby and Powell 1975). However various parameterizations of K, (vertical diffusivity) are possible using easily measured variables (e.g. temperature). For waters below the pycnocline, K, should vary according to the intensity of stratification. One possibility is r NIM K,, = co (1) h 5 600 i5 i= 53 400 0 2 > J s 0 200 2: MAR 19 APR 14 MAY 8 JUN 3 JUL 28 JUL 14 MAY 8 JUN 3 JUL 28 JUL 3 ; is 5 4o 2:MAR 19 APR Fig. 2. Daily solar radiation and square of the vector-averaged daily wind speed. where co = 1.2 - 2.4 x 10e7 m2.s1, N is the buoyancy frequency (s-l), No = 1 ‘s-l, andm= - 1, as derived by Jassby and Powell (1975). The choice of an N-l dependence for K, is based on work in both limnology and oceanography. As described by Welander ( 196 8), dimensional considerations imply either a form of N-l or rNe2 (where E is the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate) for K,. The underlying difference between these two forms is whether the flux of horizontal momentum (N-l form) or the cascade of energy in wavenumber space (Ne2 form) is assumed to be constant. We assume a steady vertical flux of horizontal momentum in using the N-l form, since lakes and oceans are primarily driven by a statistically steady wind stress. As the actual mixing processes are intermittent, we use Eq. 1 in an “aver- 865 Chlorophyll dynamics 0 Oj”“’ 4 TEMPERATURE 0 ‘I’ I I (C ) 12 i ! 1 I 16 I 11 1 20 IO------PROFILE AT1610 - AT 1020 20- 100 1 o-o cf-tLoRoPtiYLL ( mg-m-3) I , PROFILE I I 0.04 NORMALIZED , I 1 1 0.00 CHLOROPHYLL T 1 1 , - O-12 Fig. 3. Left-vertical temperature and chlorophyll profiles from a nearshore station on 22 May 1980. RightGaussian fit to the DCM layer of the chlorophyll profiles. age” sense, in either space or time (A. Gargett pers. comm.). Also, c, is a constant and will not vary as a function of wind stress, but rather K, varies indirectly as the wind stress affects stratification. Thus, this form is useful away from boundaries like the surface, thermocline, or lake bottom, i.e. away from the sources of mixing energy. As the DCM is always well below the thermocline in Lake Tahoe, Eq. 1 should be applicable. In limnological studies, the form of Eq. 1 has been widely demonstrated and used (e.g. Jassby and Powell 1975; Quay et al. 1980; Lewis 1982). As lakes typically differ from oceans in having lower current speeds, stronger stratification, and closer bottom boundaries, we might not expect this relationship to hold in the ocean. Budget studies to determine K,, have not been carried out in the ocean as they have in lakes; because microstructure estimates of E in the ocean are fairly common, the form eNm2has been suggested by Weinstock (1978, 198 1) for oceanic conditions. However, measure- ments by Gargett and Osborn (198 1) suggest that E is not constant but rather is proportional to N (again in an average sense). Thus, we return to the form of Eq. 1. We also assume that the processes responsible for mixing heat also mix mass so that K, for temperature is the same as K, for nitrate (following arguments of Munk 1966). As a consistency check of Eq. 1 for Tahoe, we looked at profiles that were made in the same location separated by only a few hours. Figure 3 (left) shows two profiles made on 22 May, separated by 6 h. Due to strong winds (> 8 m *s-l), there was significant upwelling during this period, presumably in response to wind-driven advection of the surface layer. The later profile was broader and had a lower chlorophyll concentration at the DCM than the first profile. To estimate a diffusivity, we assumed that no biological changes were occurring (doubling time was about 4 days during this period) and that horizontal advection at the DCM depth was minimal. Thus, changes in con- 866 Abbott et al. 1111111111l111111111111,,1l 2: MAR 19APR -I---I-+- 14 MAY 8 JUN 2-w-e 3 JUL 28 JUL I Fig. 4. Upper-seasonal variation of IV-’ in the 5060-m depth interval. Vertical lines represent + 1 SD. Numbers below dates refer to regimes described in the discussion. Lower-seasonal variation of N-l at the DCM. centration were a result of diffusion alone. We also assumed a Gaussian diffusion process (Okubo 1980) such that where c2i is the variance of the distribution at time i and tj is time. As the vertical profiles were strongly skewed and we are only interested in diffusion at the DCM, we fitted a Gaussian curve to the DCM region of the profiles, after normalizing this region to the integrated chlorophyll in the DCM layer (which was the same in both profiles). A nonlinear least-squares routine was used to fit the profiles in Fig. 3 (Bevington 1969). For this set of profiles, K, was estimated to be 1.36 x 1O-4 m2.s1. Using the N-l method of Eq. 1, we estimated K, to be 0.73 x 1O-4 m2.s1, with c, = 1.2 x lo-’ m2,s-l. The estimates agree within the range of uncertainty of c,. Similar calculations were made for 1 May; the Gaussian estimate was 1.1 X 1Oe4 m2. s-l and the N-l estimate 0.78 x 10B4 m2.s1. As this parameterization of K, is best used in an “average” manner, we considered N-l profiles averaged over midlake stations (>450 m), shelf stations (west-shore <450 m deep), and all stations. Figure 4 (upper) shows N-l from the 50-60-m depth interval from the three regions. (The standard deviation as plotted in this and subsequent figures is not used in a statistical sense as the sample size is too small to be meaningful, but rather as an indicator of variability within sampling days.) Several features are apparent. First, stratification occurred rapidly during the calm, sunny period of 22 April-4 May, and began in midlake. Second, a storm in mid-June is apparent in the shelf stations but not in midlake; after this, N-l stayed constant despite some periods of strong winds, presumably because surface stratification was sufficient to maintain stratification at depth. Again, we emphasize that the N-l estimate of K, does not depend directly on wind stress. Third, the degree of spatial variability (as reflected by the standard deviation) was high during periods of high N-l. The lake was nearly uniform after 16 June. Figure 4 (lower) is N-l at the DCM depth and has similar features. However, though the DCM depth varied from 30 to 85 m between 3 May and 3 1 July, N-’ only varied by about a factor of 2. During this period, N-l at 50-60 m varied by a factor of 4. Thus, there was a tendency after initial stratification for the DCM to follow a range KJ downward of N-l (and, by implication, through the water column. Nitrate profiles from the shelf and midlake stations are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Although the relatively coarse temporal sampling does not allow resolution of isolated events, such as the mid-June storm, the general pattern is similar to that of N-l; there was a sharp shift in late April from 867 Chlorophyll dynamics NITRATE(mmol mw3) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 ? ( I I 1 , I 0.0 0 20 8 APR 18 APR 0.0 0.4 I 0.8 ’ I 1.2 ’ I ’ 28 APR 40 60 80 100 I E &I tr 0 20 w, 14 JUL 1 , 1 , I 23 JUL 40 60 80 100 0 20 30 JUL 40 60 80 100 Fig. 5. Nitrate profiles at the shelf station. abundant nitrate to low surface concentrations and moderate, variable concentrations at depth. In mid- to late June concentrations at depth decreased and then remained stable at all depths. This general pattern was followed at both stations, although it is better resolved in the shelf data. We calculated the net nitrate flux to the DCM as the difference between the upward flux from below the DCM and the upward flux above the DCM. Flux was calculated as the product of the nitrate gradient and the spatially averaged vertical diffusivity (as estimated from N-l). The nitrate gradient and diffusivity were average values from the DCM to 10 m below the DCM for flux into the DCM and from the DCM to 10 m above the DCM for flux out of the DCM. DCM depth was taken as a spatial average from the shelf and midlake stations. 868 Abbott et al. NITRATEtmmolmB3) I8 APR 30 JUN Fig. 6. As Fig. 5, but at the midlake station. Figure 7 is the net nitrate flux to the DCM. The following temporal pattern emerges. A sudden decrease in flux in mid-April was followed by a highly variable period. In midJune, flux dropped to zero and remained there until mid-July when it began to rise. Some of the peaks in the variable period may be associated with storms in early May and mid-June, but the coarse sampling restricts conclusions. Coarse sampling also limits any midlake-shelf comparisons, although there are differences between the two areas. Our estimate of nitrate supply rates to the DCM assumes that only “new” nitrate (Eppley et al. 1979) from within the lake at depth is an important source. This neglects other sources such as zooplankton regeneration (or “old” nitrate) and groundwater and stream sources (Loeb and Goldman 1979). Nitrate concentrations are generally higher through the season on the shelf than in midlake (Figs. 5 and 6), consistent with shoreline inputs. The vertical structure of primary production (as measured by 14Cuptake with in situ incubations) responded to this pattern of chemical and physical processes. Figures 8 and 9 are profiles of assimilation number from the shelf and midlake stations. The biomass term in the calculation of assimi- lation number represents a linear interpolation in time between spatially averaged profiles. Some of the variability was a result of changes in biomass, but most of it resulted from changes in productivity. As expected, there was considerable temporal variation, but the temporal progression is easy to follow. We will focus on the shelf data (Fig. 8) because of the higher sampling frequency. We observed an increase in assimilation number at the 30-60-m depth range in late April. This pattern persisted --- MIDLAKE 4-l-++----- Fig. 7. Estimated net diffusive flux of nitrate to the DCM during the sampling period. 869 Chlorophyll dynamics P:B (mg i mg Chl a-'d-l) 0 0. 12 ’ I 0 24 12 24 0 12 24 ’ 30 JUL Fig. 8. Assimilation number profiles at the shelf station. until mid-June, with a secondary peak at 10 m forming in mid-May. From mid-June until July, assimilation number decreased at all depths, after which it increased sharply in the surface waters and remained low at depth. Assimilation number in midlake (Fig. 9) showed the same general features, al- _ though the middepth peak in May was not as pronounced. This seasonal change in the vertical patterns of assimilation number was also reported by Holm-Hansen et al. (1976) and Coon et al. (in prep.). To highlight the temporal progression, we present spatial characteristics of the DCM. Its chlorophyll concentration increased rapidly between mid-April and early May, reaching a peak value on 2 May in midlake and 8 May on the shelf (Fig. 1OA). A period of variable concentrations followed until early July, when concentrations decreased and became more uniform. Midlake-shelf differences can be seen; midlake concentrations increased earlier during initial formation, and the mid-June storm is apparent 870 Abbott et al. P:B (mg C mg Chl a-‘dwl) r I AUG Fig. 9. As Fig. 8, but at the midlake station. by reduced concentrations on the shelf but not in midlake. However, the two areas generally change in parallel. The degree of spatial variability (as seen in the value of the standard deviation) seems higher during the second stage than in July. The depth of the DCM (Fig. 10B) varied considerably. After a strong DCM had formed (late April), it gradually deepened, although this trend was quite variable during May and June. The mid-June storm resulted in shoaling of the DCM on the shelf, with no apparent effect in midlake. After deepening to 70-85 m in July, the DCM remained at that depth until it disappeared in late fall. Although the midlake DCM was generally deeper than the shelf DCM and the former did not shoal in response to the mid-June storm, both DCM depths had similar patterns of change. Between early May and mid-June, DCM depth and concentration are apparently positively correlated (r = 0.69); after late June they are negatively correlated (r = -0.66). Although less than half of the variance in DCM concentration is explained by changes in depth, the key point is the shift from a positive to a negative correlation. We calculated a DCM thickness defined as T = Zmttom - &op where &,ottom is the depth below the DCM where chlorophyll concentration equals 0.8 times DCM concentration, and ZtoP is the same calculated depth above the DCM. The thickness statistic is shown in Fig. 1OC and is the most variable descriptive statistic. The DCM began as a broad region and went through an abrupt transition to a thin layer (12 m thick). This transition occurred first in midlake. A highly variable period of slow thickening followed until early July, with another shift to a broad DCM occurring simultaneously in midlake and the shelf. The mid-June storm resulted in considerable broadening of the shelf DCM (and increased spatial variation). Although the standard deviation was generally large, there was a sharp reduction of variance in the final broad stage (July). The spatial patterns of the DCM varied temporally as well. Figures 11, 12, and 13 are isopleths of temperature and chlorophyll from the west-east transects of 16 April, 19 June, and 29 July. As expected from the temporal patterns, the 16 April series had a weakly developed DCM, although a small peak was forming in midlake and the east shore. The 19 June series had a well developed DCM, with several intense patches across the lake (Fig. 12). The westerly patch was located the next day in the same position by a constant depth horizontal transect. The horizontal extent of these patches was about 2-5 km. As with the 16 April series, there was still a west-east tilt of the isotherms. The 29 July series (Fig. 13) had a broad, relatively uniform DCM. Temperature was also relatively uniform horizontally. Discussion The DCM in Lake Tahoe in 1980 showed strong temporal variability, changing on time scales as short as 7 days. Within this variable pattern though, we can identify three regimes: a well mixed regime with a broad, weak DCM; a moderately mixed regime with a sharp DCM near the assimilation number maximum at moderate depth; and a weakly mixed regime with a deep, broad DCM and a near-surface assimilation number maximum. The transition between the first and second regime is fairly distinct; the transition between the second and third is more subtle and gradual. I From all of these regimes, it is clear that 871 Chlorophyll dynamics -SHELF ---MIDLAKE -*-*LAKEWIDE 0.2 changes in physical forcing play a significant role in the formation and structure of the DCM. In particular, patterns of vertical diffusion are important as they affect spreading of the DCM layer and nitrate supply rates. Light availability as a function of the depth of the DCM is also important. As a first approximation of the dynamics of the DCM, we can construct a simple diagnostic model of the change in the DCM concentration as the difference between measured phytoplankton growth and estimated diffusion of the DCM. We assume that phytoplankton growth as measured by 14C uptake will be a function of light availability and rates of nutrient supply. The diffusion term was calculated for both midlake and shelf as DE 60 80 ---MIDLAKE ******LAKEWIDE “““““““““‘11”1’ 25 MAR ISAPR 14 MAY 8 JUN +-l-1-2- 3 JUL 28 JUL p-3’ 60 II 1IIlI lllllllllbl 2:MAR IS APR 14 MAY 8 JUN Al-+-----2---w I,I,,,,I~ 3 JUL 28 JUL +3+- Fig. 10. DCM concentration, depth, and thickness (defined in text) during the sampling period. [ 1 a de -Kaz vaz where z is depth and C is chlorophyll concentration. The brackets represent a spatial average of this term, which was calculated for each profile. The depth interval was chosen to include the DCM layer. The productivity data were first converted to a daily basis. We then linearly interpolated between depths sampled to obtain productivity at the averaged DCM depth. As the productivity and chlorophyll-temperature were measured on different days, we interpolated between productivity sample days to estimate productivity at the DCM depth on the chlorophyll-temperature sampling day. As productivity was measured with in situ incubations,* we accounted for changes in daily solar radiation. We estimated total growth between chlorophyll sampling days, again accounting for radiation changes, and divided by the number of days between samples to obtain an average daily growth rate. We converted carbon uptake to chlorophyll using a C:Chl of 60. This diagnostic model has a number of limitations. First, grazing is neglected entirely; it is generally confined to depths < 50 m and is usually small (Richerson et al. 19 7 8). Second, productivity was measured at only two points while chlorophyll and temperature were measured at several points and then averaged, so that spatial variability may limit the reliability of the growth es- 872 Abbott et al. DISTANCE (km) 165 280 270 315 420 450 470 480 490 465 475 465 140 WATER DEPTH Im) I (I, an L\ I,, , , , , , , , - , 1 , , , , I ’ I / -nz I~l~r,l,l,r,r,~,~,~,~,,,,,, loo0 ’ J 1 2 3 280 315 270 4 5 420 450 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DISTANCE (km1 165 470 480 490 465 475 465 140 WATER DEPTH hn) Fig. 11. West (left) to east (right) isopleths for temperature (upper, “C) and chlorophyll (lower, mg.m-3), from 16 April 1980. 873 Chlorophyll dynamics ’ 1’ 3 ” 4 ’ ‘1 5 6 ” 7 ’ 8” I ‘1’10 9 11 12 13 14 DISTANCE (km) NO 240 235 235 280 300 460 480 490 480 480 460 280 150 WATER DEPTH (ml n. , . 1 2 I loo I 0 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 I 9 1 ’ I 10 I ’ I i 11 I I l2 I I 13 I 14 DISTANCE (km) 190 240 235 235 280 304 460 480 490 480 WATER DEPTH (ml Fig. 12. As Fig. 11, but from 19 June 1980. 480 460 280 I50 Abbott et al. l6 M l4 M 10 20 - I2 - i - 8; 40- 50 F t 7 I WI0 I 1 I I I I 3 2 I1 I1 I 4 5 6 I It I1 Ifi I 7 8 9 10 1 I 11 12 13 14 470 140 D I STANCE (km) 150 240 220 280 480 490 470 WATER DEPTH (ml 1, 1, I, t , II I, 1, ’ , ’ I I - 0.25------ 10 - 20 - I 0 1 150 240 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 I\1 l 10 11 I 1 12 1 1 ’ l 13 14 470 140 D I STANCE (km) 220 280 490 470 WATER DEPTH (ml Fig. 13. As Fig. 11, but from 29 July 1980. 480 Chlorophyll dynamics IllI \ ,I,,, , , , , --- , , , ( , , MEASURED , - -PREDICTED ”6 -004: -25 MAR 19APR 14 MAY 8 JUN 3 JUL 28 JUL 0.04 ” ” ” ” ” ” ’ “““““‘I. 25 MAR l9APR I4 MAY 8 JUN +-l-q2-l-3-+ 3 JUL 28 JUL ; t V 5 tii ,lll,l11l,llll,ll,l,1111, E I 0.08 _ _ F 0.04 z MIDLAKE --MEASURED -PREDICTED - zt 8 0 Fig. 14. Estimated and measured daily changes in DCM concentration on the shelf and from midlake. timates. Third, because productivity and chlorophyll-temperature were measured on different days, temporal variability may be important. Fourth, we assumed that daily variation is important only in solar radiation as it affects growth; variation in diffusion is assumed to occur only from sample date to sample date and not on a daily basis. Fifth, we assumed a constant C:Chl for the entire sampling period, an assumption that is weak in other environments (Cullen 1982) and also in Tahoe (Coon et al. in prep.). The comparison between estimated and actual changes in DCM concentration (as measured from averaged DCM concentrations) is shown for both the shelf and midlake in Fig. 14. Although the magnitudes differ, the diagnostic model does mimic the temporal patterns of change fairly well. That is, the model tends to have the proper trend 875 of changes in the balance of growth and diffusion. From estimates of C:Chl by the California Department of Water Resources, our estimate of 60 is probably too low, especially in spring. An upward revision would reduce estimated growth rates. In fact, the model consistently overestimates growth during periods of increasing DCM concentration. This simple diagnostic model of DCM dynamics is consistent with the proposed importance of three processes-nitrate supply rates and light availability as they affect phytoplankton growth and rates of turbulent diffusion. The variation of these processes over time forms the basis of the three regimes presented earlier. The first regime was dominated by diffusion, despite high nitrate flux and relatively high assimilation numbers at depth (as calculated from fixed-depth incubations). Thus, a DCM did not form, as expected from previous work (Anderson 1969). Diffusivities showed considerable spatial variation during this regime. The transition between this and the second regime occurred rapidly; a few days of warm temperatures, high radiation, and calm winds were sufficient to stratify the lake. This resulted in a rapid change in diffusivities, which in turn strongly affected nitrate concentrations throughout the water column. The transition from a weak DCM to a well developed DCM apparently took 7-10 days, with the midlake stations preceding the shelf stations by about 5 days. Peak DCM concentration occurred early in the second regime. High assimilation numbers at just above a narrow DCM were maintained by a generally favorable nitrate flux. The early high DCM concentrations could not be maintained indefinitely, as the nitrate brought up during the first regime became exhausted and stratification increased, reducing the nitrate flux. The DCM slowly decreased and broadened, and both DCM and nitracline deepened. However, because stratification was relatively weak, periodic storms disrupted this steady process, temporarily increasing nitrate flux (and diffusion of the DCM) and resulting in an increase in the DCM afterward. Moreover, the presence of some stratification protected the DCM from being diffused away com- 876 Abbott et al. pletely during storms, and this second regime was quite variable both temporally and spatially as mixing and stable periods alternated. Despite this variability, the DCM of the second regime was similar to the “typical tropical structure” reviewed by Cullen (1982). That is, the DCM was close to the depth of the assimilation number maximum, and its structure was governed by nutrient supply rates from below and by turbulent mixing. It was not a relict from prior events but was an active balance of fluxes. We suggest that the second regime was generally nutrient-dominated, with DCM depth positively correlated with DCM concentration as would be expected. In midlake in May the DCM consisted mainly of a diatom (Cyclotella striata) with a crysophyte (Dinobryon bavaricum) as a subdominant (Dep. Water Resour. pers. comm.). The transition from the second regime was indicated by the deepening of the nitracline and subsequent reduction of nitrate flux to zero, in response to increased stratification after mid-June (the surface temperature on the west shore increased 4°C in 1 week). The middepth peak in assimilation number disappeared at this point, followed by the, beginning of the third regime. The third regime started with the deepening and broadening of the DCM. Assimilation numbers also increased in the surface waters, perhaps as a result of increased nutrient regeneration by zooplankton, which reached peak abundance in this period. As the DCM deepened and again was closer to the nitracline, nitrate flux to the DCM increased sharply; however, there was no DCM response to this increase. This observation, coupled with the negative correlation between depth of the DCM and its concentration, indicated that the DCM was primarily light-dominated in the third regime. The vertical separation between the assimilation number maximum and the DCM is similar to the “variable environment” structure described by Cullen ( 1982) who suggested that this structure is a relict of previous events in shallower waters. However, the DCM was dominated by diatoms (Synedra ulna, Cyclotella comta) and three types of green fla- gellates, none of which was present in shallower waters in May. These results suggest that there are two types of DCM in Lake Tahoe: a “spring” DCM near the assimilation number maximum and probably dominated by nutrient availability, and a deeper “summer” DCM, well below the assimilation number maximum and probably dominated by light availability. The significant changes in species composition are consistent with this interpretation. This conclusion has implications for the spatial patterns of the DCM. Since nitrate supply rates are governed in part by vertical mixing below the pycnocline, a process that is patchy and episodic on small scales (Garrett 1979), then we expect the DCM to be patchy on small time and space scales in the second, “spring,” regime. Such is the case, as shown by the variability of the DCM parameters within and between sampling days (Fig. 11). Light availability should be much more spatially uniform than vertical mixing, so we expect less spatial and temporal variation during the third, “summer,” regime. Spatial variability was reduced, despite variability in vertical mixing (Fig. 4, lower panel). Sampling by Coon et al. (in prep.) in summer 1976 showed little spatial variation of the DCM. However, they did observe a strong response of the DCM and nitrate profiles to an unusually strong storm in late summer, resembling a transition back to the second regime DCM described here. Coon (1978) also observed a gradual disappearance of the DCM in fall as light levels declined. These results support our hypothesis that the Tahoe DCM is differentially regulated by light and nitrate fluxes, depending on physical conditions. Distinctions between the second and third regime are not as clear as those between the first and second regimes. The availability of light and nutrients is important in both regimes. The difference is in how the two factors control the depth and shape of the DCM. The second regime is characterized by a thin, variable, rapidly growing DCM at moderate depths that appears to respond to changes in nutrient flux. The third regime is characterized by a broad, more stable, slowly Chlorophyll dynamics growing DCM at greater depth with no apparent response to changes in nutrient flux. This transition is much less dramatic than the rapid change in diffusivity between the first and second regime. However, the change in the characteristics of the DCM is no less dramatic. Larger-scale spatial differences in the DCM were also apparent, particularly between the midlake and west-shore stations during the first and second regimes. Midlake waters stratified earlier in spring and hence had a DCM earlier than the west shore. Also, the mid-June storm was apparent in the physical parameters and DCM statistics on the shelf but not in midlake. Thus, the shelf region is a zone of enhanced mixing, probably as a result of topographic differences causing breaking of internal waves, shear from offshore-onshore currents, or shear in alongshore currents. We also expect the nearshore zone to have more temporal variability in mixing than midlake because mixing processes respond more quickly to changes in wind stress nearshore (Boyce 1974). This nearshore-midlake difference should affect the DCM during the first and second regimes when vertical mixing is the dominant process. Midlake and shelf DCM statistics moved in parallel in the third regime when mixing was less important. Cullen and Eppley (198 1) and Cullen (1982) pointed out the difficulties in drawing universal conclusions from single-area studies of the DCM. Our results from Lake Tahoe also show the difficulties in drawing conclusions from single-time studies. The DCM may be characterized as one type at one period and as another a few weeks later. The nutrient-dominated DCM is a highgrowth regime, resulting from a moderate nutrient-light environment. That is, growth rates as measured by 14C uptake are high, countering relatively high losses due to diffusion and perhaps to sinking and grazing. The light-dominated DCM is a low-lossrate regime resulting from a high-nutrient, low-light environment. That is, growth rates are low, but losses due to diffusion, and perhaps to respiration, sinking, and grazing are also low. 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