CORRELATION DYNAMICS IN INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE SECURITY MARKETS Introduction There is extensive evidence that diversifying across national markets that are subject to the low correlation of returns between them would enable investors to reduce their total portfolio risk, without sacrificing return. In addition, the correlations that exist among the international stock markets are themselves evolving through time (Longin and Solnik, 1995). This paper thus relates the evolution of the structural behavior of the international correlation but within the context of the real estate security markets, from the broader field of asset price microstructure. Specifically, this paper focuses on the objective to investigate the correlation trends and their changing dynamics for five major national real estate security markets (US, UK, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore), and three regional real estate security markets (Americas, Europe and Asia). The five countries have well-developed mature real estate investment markets that have public listed companies or funds owning property, which enable them to offer investors an alternative indirect approach to investing in real estate. Given the significance of the five national real estate security markets in the respective continents, it is therefore imperative to attain an indepth understanding the evolution of the structural behavior pertaining to the correlations of such markets with each other and with the US market for portfolio decisions and asset allocation in international investing. The approach we adopt in this paper is to explicitly model the dynamic conditional multivariate distribution of the international real estate security returns, and to examine the evidence of the time-varying conditional correlation over a long time period between 1984 and 2006. This is because the trends in a long period can be detected more easily than for a period of only a few years. Compared with previous studies that have investigated the unconditional correlation imputed over different sub-periods, we estimate an explicit and unique model for the conditional correlation under a ‘Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC)’ model. In addition, this paper adds to the existing literature, pertaining to asset price microstructure and even beyond the price discovery concept, in at least two other aspects. First, we examine the research question of whether the correlation movements of the real estate security markets can be explained by movements in the stock market correlations relating to the real estate security markets. Because the real estate security market is an imperative part of the wider stock market (i.e. the public equity market), the real estate security markets can in turn become increasingly correlated especially when the wider stock market returns themselves move together. Hence, the real estate security market and the general stock market correlations may well be linked. For example, the UK real estate security market may become increasingly correlated with the US real estate security market at the same time that the UK and the US stock markets become increasingly synchronized. Secondly, the issue of the evolution of the real estate security market correlations over time is investigated with regard to the influences of the stock market correlations and the market volatilities. In this second issue, we examine the research question of whether the real estate security market correlation increases in periods of high market volatility and in those periods involving a stock market crash and the recent 1997 Asian economic crisis. The positive link between the real estate security market correlations, the stock market correlations and their market volatilities implies that international diversification would be significantly discouraged owing primarily to the diminishing benefits of portfolio diversification. Similar to the unconditional correlation estimates of the real estate security market returns, the corresponding conditional estimates indicate significantly lower correlations between all the national and regional real estate security market returns than those between the stock market returns themselves. There are significant variations and structural changes in the correlation structure that have occurred within the sample period between 1984 and 2006. There is a slight increase of the international correlation between the five major real estate security markets over the past 22 years. However, some sample markets have not become increasingly correlated among themselves. We also find that there is a strong and positive connection between the real estate security market correlation and the conditional volatilities. Finally, the real estate security and the stock market correlations are linked. Our study is organized as follows: a selective literature review is provided in the next section, to be followed by a discussion of the required research sample and methodology. A 2 discussion of the associated results and implications is then undertaken. The last section of this paper concludes the study together with a summary of the main results. Related Literature Similar to common stocks, the benefits of the international diversification of real estate stems from the low correlation between the national real estate markets. Eichholtz (1996a) has favorably reported even significantly lower correlations between the national real estate returns than those between the common stock or bond returns, as real estate markets are more often affected by local factors. Nevertheless, there is evidence that real estate markets are becoming more open and interdependent owing to rapidly increasing international capital flows, involving global funds such as the Asian real estate investment trusts (REITs). Longin and Solnik (1995) and Solnik (1996) reiterate the evidence that the international stock market is evolving through time, and a pertinent concern is whether the international real estate security market correlations have increased historically as market participants become aware that a general increase in the market correlations can erode the benefit of international risk diversification for real estate funds in the long run. The general level of international real estate security market correlation can increase when global factors dominate domestic ones, and can affect all financial markets (Longin and Solnik, 1995). Since the real estate security market is an imperative part of the wider stock market, the increase in correlation among the national stock markets and the national real estate security markets may well be synchronized. Solnik et al, (1996) have found that the movements in the international stock market correlations do not follow closely the movements in the international bond market correlations or vice versa. However, virtually no such study has been conducted on the co-movements between the international real estate security and the stock market correlations. The stochastic properties of the stock market correlation measures have been investigated by Kaplanis (1988), who fits time-series models to the rolling correlation measures of the public market equities in 15 national markets. Her tests reject the hypothesis that the correlation between these public-equity markets is constant. Longin and Solnik (1995) estimate a multivariate GARCH model and test the null hypothesis that the correlation between equity 3 markets is constant. They reject the model and conclude that the international stock market correlation is not constant. Their conditional correlation results further indicate an increase of the international correlation between stock markets over the past thirty years, and it is this international correlation that rises in periods of high market volatility. Solnik et al (1996) also show that the international stock market correlations vary over time and across countries in their study of the correlations of six foreign stock markets with the US stock market. They find that although the correlation of the individual foreign stock markets with the US stock market has increased slightly over the past 37 years, it has not increased over the past 10 years. Finally, their results also indicate that the international correlation increases in periods of high market volatility. Consequently, increased international stock market correlations would result in diminishing portfolio diversification benefits in an investment environment, when international portfolio risk reduction and the diversification benefits are most needed by domestic investors. Yang (2005) examines the international stock market correlations between Japan and four other Asian stock markets, deploying Engle’s (2002) DCC analysis in the period between 1990 and 2003. Yang’s results support the findings of earlier stock market studies that it is necessary to consider the market condition when conducting international asset allocation. While there are extensive studies on the dynamics of the international stock market conditional correlations and portfolio diversification, far less attention has been devoted to such studies in the real estate literature pertaining to the broader field of asset price microstructure, inclusive of price discovery. This is mainly due to the lack of reliable and longer time-series for real estate return data. In addition, many real estate studies focus on the unconditional correlation measure. In a key study by Echholtz (1996a), it is found that significant lower correlations exist between the national real estate security returns than those between the common stock or bond returns. Some evidence of the instability of the international correlation and the covariance structure of the property equity returns is reported by Eichholtz (1996b). As such and in deploying asset allocation models to generate the optimal international real estate portfolio allocation, Elchholtz (1996b) suggests the possibilities of utilizing time-varying covariances to adjust the conventional portfolio models. Lu and Mei (1999) and Hu and Mei (1999) find some diversification 4 benefits through investing in emerging market property indexes but there is an unfavorable asymmetry in the unconditional correlations between these indexes and the US index, i.e. the unconditional correlations are higher during highly volatile periods. Gordon and Canter (1999) find that the unconditional correlation coefficients, between the real estate stock indexes and the wider public equity indexes in his sample of 424 securities from 14 countries, have not been stable over time and that there is some evidence towards the integration or segmentation of public-listed real estate with the broader public equity markets. Utilizing the Australian Property Trust (LPT) data in the period between 1980 and 2000, Newell and Acheampong (2001) find that the unconditional correlations between the LPTs and the common-stock shares vary considerably, with an increased correlation between LPTs and the shares that is linked to the increased volatility of the LPT and stock markets. Finally, Liow and Sim (2006) find that there is some evidence of instability in the unconditional correlations between the US and the Asian real estate security markets in the period between 1990 and 2003. Data We extract real estate security price indices from the Global Property Research (GPR) database for five national markets, namely, the USA, the UK, Japan (JP), Hong Kong (HK) and Singapore (SG); and for three regional markets, namely, America (AME), Europe (EUR) and the Asia/Far East (ASI). The USA market, being the world’s largest, most mature and most transparent securitized real estate market is an apparent choice. The UK is a major world economy and is Europe’s largest property market. Japan is also a major world economy and has a long history of public listed real estate. The remaining two Asian markets of Hong Kong and Singapore have each enjoyed remarkably rapid economic growth in the past decade and both have established good track records of securitized real estate investment and development companies in their capital markets. As of 1st April 2006, the GPR General database includes 33 country indices, five regional indices and two world indices. In order for a country to be eligible to be included in the GPR index, it must have listed property investment companies of sufficient size. A firm must have had a market capitalization of more than USD 50 million as well as a minimum of 75% of all revenues must come from equity real estate investment. Our sample includes 5 monthly data from 1983:12 to 2006:03. Monthly real estate security returns (R) are obtained by taking the natural logarithmic difference of the index times 100. The respective stock market indices are compiled by the Morgan Stanley Capital Index (MSCI) and obtained from DataStream on-line information system. The MSCI stock market indices are widely used by international fund managers for asset allocation decisions and performance measurement as well as by researchers for academic studies. Finally, all returns are expressed in local currency (currency hedged) returns. This avoids the incorporation of currency movements into the analysis, and for the concerned investor, it should make the findings more generalizable to all investors under the assumption that they have the perfect hedging ability. Table 1 provides the mean and standard deviation for all the data series. The mean real estate security returns per month vary from 0.72 percent (Europe) to 2.05 percent (Hong Kong). The monthly standard deviations range from 2.45 percent for Europe to 11.31 percent for Singapore. (Table 1 here) Table 2 reports the unconditional correlations of the national and the regional real estate security market returns estimated in the period from 1984 to 2006. Similar numbers for the stock markets are produced. The Bonferroni adjusted p-values are used to assess the statistical significance of the correlation coefficients. For the real estate security markets, the coefficients are significantly positive at the least at the five percent level (except for JP-SG and JP-HK), indicating that the real estate security returns move in the same direction in the same month. The highest coefficient is 0.590 (HK and SG) and the lowest is 0.094 (JP and HK) while the average coefficient is around 0.291. With one exception (AME and EUR), each real estate security market correlation is lower than its corresponding stock market correlation. The real estate security market correlations vary from 0.094 to 0.590 while the stock market correlations vary between 0.295 and 0.783. These findings are in agreement with Eichholtz (1996a) who finds that the national real estate return correlations are significantly lower than the national common-stock return correlations. The fairly low to moderate levels of the international correlations among the real estate securities suggest that national factors still strongly affect the local real estate security prices. 6 (Table 2 here) The average correlations between (a) all the five real estate security markets; (b) between the US and the other four markets and (c) between three Asian markets are plotted in Figure 1. The correlations are estimated over a sliding window of 36 months (three years). Although the correlations do not follow the same pattern for all the three averages, they fluctuate over time. This provides a good visual support of the instability of the international real estate securities across different national markets and regions. (Figure 1 here) Finally, we estimate the unconditional correlation matrix for the national and the regional real estate security markets over five adjacent periods of 53 months, and test for the equality of the correlation matrices over adjacent sub-periods as well as over the non-adjacent sub-periods by the usual t-test, to see whether the difference between the averages is significant.1 Table 3 reports the results. As the numbers indicate, the null hypothesis of a constant correlation matrix is rejected at the five percent confidence level in 5 out of the 10 national market comparisons and in 8 out of the 10 regional market comparisons. These results are broadly similar to the findings by Eicholtz (1996b) that the international property share correlations are stable between some timeperiods, and unstable between others. (Table 3 here) Methodology The research design adopts a two-step approach. The fist step undertakes the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) methodology proposed by Engle (2002) in order to model the fluctuations of the correlation and volatility between the international real estate security markets and between the stock markets over time. In the second step, the estimates of the conditional correlation and volatility are fitted to a multiple regression model in order to investigate the evolution of the real estate security market correlations. Modeling the DCC with a GJR DCC MGARCH Model GARCH models are deployed to explore the stochastic behavior of the financial time series and, in particular, to explain the behavior of the volatility over time (see Bollerslev et al, 7 1992 for a literature review). The constant conditional correlation (CCC) multivariate GARCH model, which was proposed by Bollerslev (1990) as an alternative to the computationally intensive VECH model, is the most widely used MGARCH model in the last decade. Setting all conditional correlations to be constant, the CCC MGARCH model allows for the conditional variance equation to take any form of the univariate GARCH process. However, the assumption that the conditional correlations are constant may appear unrealistic in many empirical applications. Tse and Tsui (2002) and Engle (2002) generalize the CCC model by making the conditional correlation matrix time-dependent. While Tse and Tsui (2002) propose a new MGARCH model with time-varying correlations and a VECH representation based on the conditional variances and conditional correlations, Engle (2002) proposes a dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model that can be estimated with the univariate or two-step methods based on the likelihood function. Engle (2002) also compares the DCC model with other multivariate GARCH models and concludes that the DCC models are competitive with the multivariate specifications, and are superior to moving average methods. In addition, since the conditional variance is an asymmetric function of past innovations, which increases proportionately more during market declines, the so-called leverage (asymmetric) effects thus becomes another important issue in the application of the GARCH family models. Asymmetric GARCH models include Nelson’s (1991) exponential GARCH model, Glosten et al’s (1993) GJR GARCH model and Zakoian’s (1994) Threshold GARCH model. In this paper, we resort to the DCC model of Engle (2002) and the GJR model specification (i.e. the GJR- MGARCH model) in order to estimate the time-varying conditional correlations in the international real estate security and the stock markets Let Ri ,t be the percentage return at time t for market i , Ω t −1 the all information available at time t − 1 , μ i,t and hii ,t the conditional mean and the conditional variance respectively, hij ,t the conditional covariance between the market i and market j , ε i,t the 8 innovation at time t (i.e., η i ,t = ε i,t / hii,t ε i ,t = Ri ,t − μ i ,t ), and η i,t the standardized innovation (i.e., ). The AR (1) model for returns can then be represented as follows: Ri ,t = β i ,0 + β i ,1 Ri ,t −1 + ε i ,t , ε i ,t Ω t −1 ~ N (0, hii ,t ) (1) where the conditional mean return for each market is a function of its past own returns, and the lead/lag relationships are captured by coefficients β i,1 . measures the direct effect that a change in return on the market β i,1 A significant coefficient i at time t − 1 would have on the same market at time t . The conditional variances follow a univariate GJR-GARCH (1, 1) specification: (2) where α i,1 measures the ARCH effect. The persistence of volatility (i.e. GARCH effect) is measured by γ i . The unconditional variance is finite if measures the leverage (asymmetric) effect; I i ,t and otherwise I i ,t γ i < 1 . δi is the coefficient that = 1 if the innovation in last period is negative = 0. The conditional covariance terms are assumed to follow the DCC (1, 1) specification: hij ,t = ρ ij ,t hii ,t h jj ,t ρ ij ,t = (3) qij ,t (4) qii ,t q jj ,t qij ,t = (1 − a − b) ρ ij + aqij ,t −1 + bη i ,t −1η j ,t −1 where Equation (1); (5) qij ,t is the conditional covariance between the standardized residuals from ρ ij is the unconditional correlation between residuals ε i,t . The qij ,t expression will be mean-reverting when a + b < 1 . This specification reduces the number of parameters to be estimated and makes the estimation and time-varying correlation more tractable. Finally, Engle (2002) shows that the log-likelihood of the estimators may be written as: 9 L(θ ) = − [( ) ( 1 T ∑ n log(2π ) + 2 log Dt + ε ′Dt−1 Dt−1ε + log Vt + η t′Vt−1η t − η t′η t 2 t =1 where n is the number of equations; )] (6) T is the number of observations; θ is the vector of parameters to be estimated; Dt is the diagonal matrix of time varying standard deviations obtained from Equation (4) and Vt is the time varying correlation matrix. Evolution of market correlations and volatility: real estate security and stock markets To test the relationship between the real estate security and the stock markets with regard to the evolution of the market correlations and volatilities, we regress the real estate security market correlation between two countries on the two real estate security market volatilities, the stock market correlation and the two stock market volatilities. The five independent variables are moderately to highly correlated, and so disentangling their effects is difficult. For each country pair, we first conduct the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to derive a set of factors that are totally uncorrelated, with the first (dominant) factor accounting for the maximum variation in the five data series. The most simplistic approach is to retain all components whose Eigen values exceed unity. These Eigen values measure the contributions of the corresponding local factors to explain the cross-sectional variation in the five original variables. Once the initial choice of the factor loading is made, we then interpret the co-movement of the original variables. The co-movement of the variables would be based on the high factor loadings. With the dominant factors extracted (maximum five), a regression model is adopted to analyze the evolution of the real estate security market correlations over time. The multiple regression model is expressed below: ρˆ ij = δ 0 + δ 1 (Trend ) + 2 (crash) t + δ 3 (crisis) t + δ 4 F1 + δ 5 F2 + δ 6 F3 + δ 7 F4 + δ 8 F5 + ε t (7) Where ρ̂ ij is the conditional correlations for the real estate security market pair (i and j) predicted from the DCC framework in step 1; F1…..F5 are the possible dominant factors (subject to the Eigen value criterion) that are derived from PCA on stock market correlation, two real estate security market volatilities and two stock market volatilities predicted from the DCC 10 framework in step 1; Trend, Crasht and Crisis t are dummy variables of time trend, stock market crash period and Asian Financial Crisis period; estimated and δ0 to δˆ8 are regression parameters to be ε t is the model residual.2 Empirical Results DCC results Table 4 presents the estimates of the bivariate AR (1) - GJR - DCC (1, 1) models for the national (Panel A) and the regional (Panel B) real estate security and stock markets. The last two rows of the table show the estimates of the two DCC (1, 1) parameters. The other rows are the parameter estimates of the univariate GJR- GARCH (1, 1) models for the individual market returns. As shown, most of the estimated ARCH, GARCH and the asymmetry parameters are statistically significant, which implies that the GJR-GARCH (1,1) adequately describes the monthly return behavior and is able to capture the temporal dependence and the asymmetry of the stock and the real estate security returns for the 10 national and the six regional markets under examination. (Table 4 here) The estimates of the DCC parameters (a, b) are mostly statistically significant, which make it reasonably clear that the assumption of the constant conditional correlation is not supported empirically. Table 5 contains the descriptive statistics for the DCC estimates for all the country and the regional pairs. The DCCs are in the (0.052, 0.565) range and in the (0.290, 0.792) range for the real estate security and the stock markets respectively, signifying low to moderately high interdependence. Similar to the unconditional correlation estimates, the conditional estimates indicate significantly lower correlations between the national and the regional real estate security market returns than those between the stock market returns themselves.3 With few exceptions, the statistics for skewness and kurtosis suggest that many of the series are significantly skewed and leptokurtic relative to the normal distribution. Finally, the last column of the table {corr (RE/S)} shows the degree of co-movements between the real estate security 11 market and the stock market correlations. The range is between 0.0027 (AME-EUR) and 0.761 (US-HK) suggesting that movements in the international real estate and the stock market correlations may well be synchronized. This issue is investigated further below. (Table 5 here) Figure 2 shows the average real estate security and the stock market DCCs for four country-type combinations (all countries, three Asian countries, three developed countries and the US-other countries). It is clear from the diagrams that significant variations and structural changes in the correlation structure have occurred within the sample period. Furthermore, the average correlations do not follow the same patterns for all countries. In addition, the graphs in Figure 2 show a general, small long-term increase in the correlation for two of the real estate security market pairs. The largest slope in the period from 1984 to 2006 shows a correlation increase for all five national real estate security markets. The increase is about 20.54 percent over the whole period (monthly: 0.07 percent) but it has remained relatively stable or has decreased slightly during the past years. Similarly, the three Asian real estate security markets (i.e. JP, HK and SG) also experience an increase in correlation of about 11.27 percent for the whole period (monthly: 0.04 percent). The increasing conditional correlation (although not significant) means that the international real estate security markets, in particular, the three Asian real estate security markets were becoming more closely integrated. This observed trend implies that there are diminishing benefits from international diversification. Nevertheless, the average correlations of the three developed real estate security markets (US, UK and JP) and those between the US and the other four real estate security markets, show a smaller decrease in correlation of about 1.34 percent for the whole period (monthly: a negative 0.005 percent). Results for the stock markets are different in that all the average correlations show a smaller increase in each correlation, ranging between approximately 1.34 percent and 8.34 percent within the sample period.4 (Figure 2 here) The link between correlation and volatility 12 The conditional volatilities of the paired regional real estate security markets and their dynamic conditional correlations are plotted in Figures 3(a)–(c). With some exceptions, the graphs for the three regional pairs show that both the market volatilities tend to move together and that the correlation tends to move together with the market volatilities. (Figures 3a to c here) An econometric estimation of the link between the conditional correlation and the two market volatilities (represented by their standard deviations) is conducted for all 13 pairs of the real estate security markets.5 All the estimation results reported in Table 6 were adjusted for autocorrelation and the White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors. The adjusted R2 values range from 26.5% to 90.7%. With minor exceptions, all the positive volatility coefficients are statistically significant. In such cases, the correlation increases when one market or both become more volatile, and so the covariance increases more than the market volatilities. For the US market in conjunction with the other four foreign markets, the major influence is the US volatility although all the four foreign markets’ volatility coefficients are statistically significant and yet of smaller magnitude. This is also the case for HK-SG and the two regional market pairs (AME-ASI and AME-EUR) where both positive volatilities contribute to a larger increase in the covariance. The investment implication is clear: since global or regime shocks affect the markets’ volatilities and their correlations at the same time, any possible risk diversification benefits of international real estate investing may well be eliminated owing primarily to the strong and positive connection between the real estate security market correlation and the conditional volatilities. (Table 6 here) The link between the real estate security and the stock markets Since the real estate security market is an imperative part of the wider stock market, an interesting question is whether the movements in the correlation among the national and the regional real estate security markets and in the correlation among the national and the regional stock markets are synchronized. For example, the Hong Kong real estate security market may become increasingly correlated with the Singapore real estate security market at the same time 13 that the Hong Kong and Singapore stock markets become increasingly correlated. Hence, we may expect a positive relationship between the real estate security correlation and the stock market correlation. The last column of Table 5 provides the supporting evidence. As the correlation estimates indicate, the co-movements between the international real estate security and the international stock market correlations are moderately to reasonably high in some cases, ranging between 0.257 (US-UK) and 0.795 (HK-SG). This means that approximately between 6.6% and 63.2% of the variations in the international real estate security market correlations can be accounted by the changes in the international stock market correlations or vice-versa. On a regional basis, only up to 5.2% of the changes in the international real estate security market correlations can be explained by the changes in the international stock market correlations or vice-versa. Although this finding is not new to international investors that the movements in the international real estate security market correlation follow closely the movements in the international stock market correlations or vice versa, our contribution is to be able to estimate the diversification effects that are attributed to the real estate security market comovements. To test the relationship between the real estate security market correlations, the stock market correlations and the market volatilities as given in Equation 7, Tables 7 reports the final multiple regression (MRR) results that include the dominant factor (s) derived from the PCA on five independent variables (i.e., stock market correlation, two stock market volatilities and two real estate security market volatilities) that are highly correlated. Table 8 reports the significant factor loadings (>0.3) that are related to the dominant component (s). Except for one case (AME-ASI) that has three dominant factors, the remaining 12 market pairs derive two dominant factors that are linear combinations of the five variables included in the PCA.6 (Tables 7 and 8 here) There are three key observations. First, for the US real estate security market with four foreign markets, only one dominant factor (F1) is statistically significant in Equation 7. The factor loadings results (Table 8) indicate that this factor (F1) is a linear combination of the stock market correlation, two stock market volatilities and at least one real estate market volatility coefficient. 14 Hence, movements in the US market volatilities spread to the four foreign markets and that the international real estate security market correlations increase during periods of high market volatilities. Secondly, both dominant factors (F1 and F2) are statistically significant for four market pairs (UK-HK, UK-SG, HK-SG and JP-HK). With the exception for JP-HK whose volatility coefficients are of mixed signs (Table 8), the results indicate that the real estate security market correlations are significantly positively related to the stock market correlation, the two stock market volatilities and the two real estate security market volatilities. Again, this strong and positive connection between the conditional correlations and the volatilities is discouraging for portfolio diversification. Finally, for the three regional real estate security markets, it appears that there is a strong and positive connection between both the real estate market conditional volatilities and the correlation. However, the regional real estate security and the stock markets are not synchronized. The constant terms ( δ 0 ), denoting the unconditional mean of correlations, are positive and statistically significant at the one percent level (except for one case whose coefficient is insignificantly positive). This observation reflects that innovations in one real estate security market are positively correlated with the other real estate security markets. The correlations are respectively, between 0.0659 (JP-HK) and 0.4689 (HK-SG) and between 0.3582 (AME-ASI) and 0.5262 (AME-EUR), for the national and the regional real estate security markets. The dummy variables for the long-term trends in the correlations ( δ 1 ) are mixed. They are slightly positive for five cases (US-UK, US-HK, JP-SG, AME-EUR, AME-AIS) and at least significantly positive at the ten percent level for two cases (HK-SG and EUR-ASI), while being slightly negative for five cases (US-JP, UK-JP, UK-HK, UK-SG and JP-HK) and being significantly negative at the five percent level for one case (US-SG). The largest slope is 0.00069 for HK-SG. In other words, the average monthly increase is 0.069%, which means that the HK-SG correlation goes up by an average of 0.83% a year and a total increase of 20.2% for the whole period. The increasing conditional correlations imply that there are diminishing benefits from international diversification that includes these two national real estate security markets. However, the smallest slope is 0.00017 for US-SG that translates into a total decrease in correlation of 4.6% for the whole period. 15 The overall conclusion is that the trend toward increased correlation is not similar for all the real estate security markets, with the average monthly trend coefficients estimated at 0.0044% (national) and 0.0071% (regional) respectively. These translate into a total increase of only 1.19% and 1.89% for the whole period for the five national and the three regional real estate security markets respectively. 7 Thus, despite an increasing interdependence of the international real estate market (Eicholtz, 1996b); the global average correlation in the international real estate security markets has remained fairly constant over the past 20 years. The Asian real estate security markets are on the whole still weakly correlated both with themselves and with the developed markets. The diversification benefits to be obtained from investing in international real estate security markets do still exist. The stock market crash dummies ( δ 2 ) are negative for seven cases and positive for six cases. Except for one case, the other 12 coefficients are statistically insignificant. From the investors’ perspective, it implies that none of the countries is a good place to diversify portfolio risk during the 1987 October stock market crash period although those country pairs with negative coefficients were slightly safer for the international real estate security investment funds. The Asian financial crisis dummies ( δ 3 ) are negative and significant for US-SG and EUR-ASI. For example, the slope is -0.0377 for EUR-ASI, which means that the correlation is on average lower than the normal level. One possible explanation for the significant negative coefficient is that the damage due to the crisis was most serious for the Asian countries (ASI); the European economies (EUR) were relatively safer for portfolio diversification. Finding that the two regional real estate security markets have become less synchronized, when more contagion did exist during the Asian economic crisis period, would therefore be good news for the market participants. Other market pairs such as the US-JP, US-HK, UK-JP, UK-HK, UK-SG and AMEASI also become slightly less correlated during the Asian financial crisis period but the negative crisis coefficients are all statistically insignificant. On the contrary, the crisis dummies are (insignificantly) positive for three Asian-pairs (JP-HK, JP-SG and HK-SG) and the markets have become slightly more synchronized when more contagion did exist during the economic crisis period. These results would definitely not constitute good news for the market participants. 16 Conclusions Within the international context, this paper investigates the time-varying correlation dynamics of the real estate security and the stock markets. Such an investigation is significantly meaningful to investment portfolio managers as the international correlations appear to fluctuate widely over time, and to increase over a longer term period particularly in periods of high market volatility. Consequently, the benefits of portfolio diversification from international investing are likely to diminish Subject to the usual empirical limitations that may impact on the results obtained, the conclusions from this paper can be summarized in the following manner. An explicit and rigorous modeling of the conditional correlation uniquely indicates that significant variations and structural changes, in the correlation structure of the international real estate security and the stock markets, have occurred within the sample period between 1984 and 2006. We find that there is a slight increase of the international correlation between the five major real estate security markets over the past 22 years. Nevertheless, some sample markets have not become increasingly correlated among themselves. We also find that there is a strong and positive connection between the real estate security market correlation and the conditional volatilities. Furthermore, the real estate security and the stock market correlations are linked while movements in the international real estate security market correlations follow closely the movements in the international stock market correlations or vice versa in some cases. Again, this result may discourage portfolio diversification. Finally, although the international real estate security market correlations have generally increased slightly over the long term, they are still significantly lower than those of the stock markets. The diversification benefit to be obtained from investing in the international real estate security markets still remains. Based on the DCC methodology deployed in this paper, future research can focus on the fundamental determinants of the international correlation across real estate security markets. As real estate securities form a hybrid of direct properties and stocks, their international correlation is likely to be affected by the direct real estate market structure and the dynamics of each country apart from the correlations of the countries’ stock market cycles and the business cycles. 17 References Bollerslev T. 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(2005), “A DCC analysis of international stock market correlations: the role of Japan on the Asian Four Tigers”, Applied Financial Economics Letters 1: 89-93 Zakoian J.M. (1994), “Threshold heteroskedastic models”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 18:931-995 Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of monthly returns: 1/1984 to 3/2006 Mean USA UK Japan Hong Kong Singapore America Europe Asia Table 2 Real estate security market Stock market Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Mean Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. 1.15% 12.33% -18.91% 4.26% 0.99% 12.47% -23.85% 4.39% 1.14% 17.57% -27.66% 5.47% 0.97% 13.72% -30.02% 4.75% 1.06% 62.41% -24.54% 9.36% 0.42% 18.27% -21.80% 5.74% 2.05% 59.79% -46.99% 11.15% 1.32% 28.66% -57.06% 8.42% 1.49% 62.43% -53.70% 11.31% 0.44% 21.28% -54.23% 7.34% 1.00% 13.43% -19.79% 4.23% 0.97% 12.36% -24.04% 4.35% 0.72% 6.94% -14.91% 2.45% 1.00% 11.23% -26.61% 4.71% 1.17% 40.69% -26.17% 7.43% 0.45% 17.20% -21.42% 5.49% Unconditional correlations matrices of national and regional real estate security and stock market returns: 1/1984 to 3/2006 Panel A: national markets HK JP SG UK USA HK 1.0000 0.0494 (2.106) 0.5904 (0.000) 0.3280 (0.000) 0.2908 (0.000) Real estate security markets JP SG UK USA 1.0000 0.1041 (0.448) 0.1598 (0.045) 0.1829 (0.014) 1.0000 0.3614 (0.000) 0.4077 (0.000) 1.0000 0.4307 (0.000) 1.0000 HK 1.0000 0.2945 (0.000) 0.6817 (0.000) 0.5763 (0.000) 0.5372 (0.000) General stock markets JP SG UK USA 1.0000 0.3421 (0.000) 0.3978 (0.000) 0.3875 (0.000) 1.0000 0.5802 (0.000) 0.5738 (0.000) 1.0000 0.7511 (0.000) 1.0000 Panel B: regional markets AME ASI EUR Real estate security markets AME ASI EUR 1.0000 0.5314 1.0000 (0.000) 0.3682 0.3824 1.0000 (0.000) (0.000) General stock markets AME ASI EUR 1.0000 0.4409 1.0000 (0.000) 0.7828 0.5204 1.0000 (0.000) (0.000) Notes: * The three regional markets are America (AME), Asia (ASI) and Europe (EUR) * All Bonferroni adjusted p-values (numbers in bracket) for testing the statistical significance of the correlation coefficients are less than 0.01except JP-HK and JP-SG real estate security market pairs 19 Table 3 Test of the equality of the correlation matrices over time Panel A: National real estate security markets test (t-value) Periods compared Average correlations Period1 Period2 Period1 Period2 01/84-05/88 06/88 - 10/92 0.257 0.359 5.08*** 06/88-10/92 11/92 - 03/97 0.359 0.254 -4.53*** 11/92 - 03/97 04/97 - 08/01 0.254 0.280 0.88 04/97 - 08/01 09/01 - 01/06 0.280 0.322 1.46 01/84-05/88 11/92-03/97 0.257 0.254 01/84-05/88 04/97-08/01 0.257 0.280 01/84-05/88 09/01-01/06 0.257 0.322 06/88- 10/92 04/97-08/01 0.359 0.280 06/88 - 10/92 09/01-01/06 0.359 0.322 11/92 - 03/97 09/01-01/06 0.254 0.322 Panel B: Regional real estate security markets 01/84-05/88 06/88-10/92 11/92 - 03/97 04/97 - 08/01 01/84-05/88 01/84-05/88 01/84-05/88 06/88- 10/92 06/88 - 10/92 11/92 - 03/97 06/88 11/92 04/97 09/01 - 10/92 03/97 08/01 01/06 11/92-03/97 04/97-08/01 09/01-01/06 04/97-08/01 09/01-01/06 09/01-01/06 -0.13 0.57 2.84*** -2.31** -1.49 3.17*** 0.401 0.513 0.416 0.337 0.513 0.416 0.337 0.523 5.44*** -21.28*** -5.60*** 9.09*** 0.401 0.401 0.401 0.513 0.513 0.416 0.416 0.337 0.523 0.337 0.523 0.523 0.63 -4.05*** 3.54*** -18.52*** 0.73 8.17*** Note: correlation matrices of monthly national and regional real estate security market returns for five countries (USA, UK, JP, HK and SG) and three regions (AME, ASI and EUR) are computed over equal periods of 53 months. We simply calculate the average and standard deviation of the differences in the correlations in the first period and in the second period and do a t-test to see whether the difference between the averages is significant. *** - indicates significance at the one percent level. 20 Table 4 GJR-DCC (1, 1) estimates of national and regional markets: 1/1984 to 3/2006 Panel A: National markets Real Estate Market Country1 Country2 β1,0 β 2, 0 β1,1 β 2,1 α1,0 α 2, 0 α1,1 α 2,1 γ1 γ2 a b δ1 δ2 US HK JP SG UK HK UK JP SG JP **0.0104 **0.0109 **0.0112 **0.0108 **0.0097 **0.0104 **0.0098 0.0087 *0.0095 **0.0186 **0.0190 *0.0092 **0.0126 **0.0105 **0.0177 0.0090 **0.0126 **0.0200 **0.0138 **0.0144 0.0832 0.0610 0.0819 0.0674 0.1015 0.0628 0.1030 0.0092 0.0242 0.0263 0.0117 0.0063 **0.1466 0.0418 0.0460 0.0270 **0.1878 -0.0006 **0.2000 **0.1391 **0.0006 **0.0003 **0.0015 **0.0006 0.0010 0.0007 0.0007 0.0008 0.0008 **0.0016 **0.0016 *0.0009 *0.0004 0.0006 **0.0015 0.0009 *0.0003 **0.0018 0.0003 **0.0005 **0.0100 **0.0100 0.0904 **0.0100 *0.1184 *0.1495 *0.1215 *0.1189 0.1179 **0.0808 0.0792 *0.1242 **0.1493 *0.1197 0.0746 *0.1303 **0.1699 0.0742 **0.1680 **0.1280 **0.6100 **0.7700 0.0160 **0.6100 *0.5080 *0.6145 **0.6353 **0.8107 **0.8133 **0.7657 **0.7522 **0.7948 **0.8141 **0.6973 **0.7568 **0.7930 **0.8016 **0.7479 **0.8281 **0.8290 **0.0300 **0.0275 0.0073 **0.0259 0.0133 **0.0300 0.0257 0.0688 0.0146 **0.0883 **0.7556 **0.5963 **0.9550 **0.7136 **0.8846 **0.5100 **0.9167 **0.8169 **0.8959 **0.8378 *0.1087 0.0638 0.1844 0.1008 0.0840 0.0104 0.0099 -0.0203 -0.0284 **0.0516 0.0792 -0.0202 0.0366 -0.0093 0.0947 -0.0234 0.0329 0.0670 -0.0086 0.0016 HK SG HK SG Stock Market β1,0 β 2, 0 β1,1 β 2,1 α1,0 α 2, 0 α1,1 α 2,1 γ1 γ2 a **0.0106 **0.0109 **0.0089 **0.0099 **0.0085 **0.0124 **0.0099 0.0031 0.0030 **0.0095 **0.0134 **0.0035 0.0012 **0.0092 **0.0127 0.0045 0.0049 **0.0097 0.0019 0.0038 -0.0593 -0.0483 -0.0295 -0.0733 0.0169 -0.0868 0.0372 0.0521 0.0661 0.0631 -0.0137 *0.1099 0.1022 -0.0573 0.0107 0.0604 **0.1262 0.0021 **0.1476 0.0622 **0.0006 **0.0007 **0.0005 0.0001 **0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 **0.0009 **0.0010 0.0003 0.0005 **0.0011 **0.0003 0.0001 0.0008 **0.0009 0.0001 0.0011 0.0001 *0.0002 **0.0100 **0.0120 **0.0100 **0.0812 0.0712 **0.2680 **0.2111 **0.0100 **0.0100 **0.1491 **0.2337 **0.0101 **0.2072 **0.1172 *0.1902 **0.0100 **0.3483 *0.1532 **0.2166 **0.2485 **0.6100 **0.4485 **0.6100 **0.8788 **0.6100 **0.8349 **0.8349 **0.6100 **0.6100 **0.8718 **0.8040 **0.5391 **0.7877 **0.8647 **0.7613 **0.6100 **0.7876 **0.7180 **0.8171 **0.8169 0.0509 **0.0306 *0.0528 **0.0469 **0.1166 **0.0320 **0.0535 0.0801 **0.0300 **0.1052 b **0.7536 **0.6700 **0.8871 **0.9245 **0.7399 **0.4700 **0.9025 **0.6983 **0.8795 **0.7937 δ1 δ2 **0.1578 *0.3126 **0.2244 **0.0001 0.2100 **-0.1493 -0.0715 **0.1679 **0.1728 **-0.1107 **-0.1755 **0.2180 **0.0020 0.0000 -0.0979 **0.1631 **-0.1980 **0.0001 **0.0001 **-0.1253 * denotes 10% significance;** denotes 5% significance 21 Table 4 (Contd) Panel B: Market Region1 Region2 β1,0 β 2, 0 β1,1 β 2,1 α1,0 α 2, 0 α1,1 α 2,1 γ1 γ2 a b δ1 δ2 Regional markets Real Estate Market AME EUR EUR ASI ASI **0.0088 **0.0094 **0.0064 **0.0062 **0.0097 **0.0093 *0.1044 *0.1040 **0.1549 *0.1146 0.0692 *0.1107 **0.0005 **0.0012 **0.0001 **0.0001 **0.0005 **0.0005 **0.0103 **0.0110 **0.2223 **0.1275 **0.1327 **0.1512 **0.6505 **0.1210 **0.6762 **0.7104 **0.6788 **0.6725 **0.0200 **0.0109 **0.0100 **0.8123 **0.7616 **0.8538 *0.0962 **0.3355 -0.1198 0.2359 *0.2851 *0.2924 Stock Market AME EUR ASI **0.0115 **0.0112 **0.0107 0.0041 *-0.0862 -0.0648 0.0185 **0.1126 **0.0001 **0.0001 **0.0003 **0.0004 **0.1044 **0.1418 0.0518 **0.0112 **0.8773 **0.8467 **0.8253 **0.7942 0.0215 **0.0164 **0.9482 **0.7659 -0.0616 -0.0622 0.0106 **0.1047 EUR ASI **0.0096 0.0039 0.0528 0.0754 **0.0003 **0.0004 **0.0102 0.0218 **0.8198 **0.8369 **0.0139 **0.8378 *0.0457 0.0661 * denotes 10% significance;** denotes 5% significance 22 Table 5 US-UK US-JP US-HK US-SG UK-JP UK-HK UK-SG JP-HK JP-SG HK-SG AME-EUR AME-ASI EUR-ASI Descriptive statistics of monthly conditional correlations for national and regional real estate security markets (RE) and stock markets (stock): 1/1984 to 3/2006 RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock RE Stock Mean 0.429 0.744 0.181 0.388 0.293 0.535 0.408 0.559 0.160 0.397 0.328 0.556 0.361 0.563 0.052 0.290 0.102 0.339 0.565 0.654 0.529 0.792 0.367 0.484 0.382 0.469 Maximum Minimum 0.607 0.331 0.892 0.599 0.356 0.063 0.525 0.305 0.540 0.160 0.841 0.297 0.485 0.363 0.841 0.187 0.264 0.013 0.530 0.279 0.488 0.195 0.942 0.139 0.562 0.099 0.880 0.151 0.309 -0.231 0.609 0.065 0.208 -0.057 0.514 0.099 0.912 0.142 0.949 0.165 0.726 0.445 0.870 0.605 0.529 0.223 0.633 0.278 0.523 0.203 0.693 0.245 Std Dev skewness 0.031 1.381 0.075 0.035 0.032 0.818 0.030 0.606 0.041 1.283 0.061 0.569 0.025 1.124 0.091 -0.890 0.032 -0.625 0.028 0.638 0.035 0.070 0.116 -0.136 0.077 -0.518 0.104 -0.600 0.113 0.117 0.094 0.174 0.042 -0.528 0.064 -0.215 0.160 -0.192 0.129 -0.979 0.031 2.359 0.050 -1.797 0.032 0.272 0.065 -0.421 0.038 -1.200 0.085 -0.078 kurtosis 10.265 1.958 8.851 6.578 10.875 7.944 3.923 6.250 6.805 7.663 8.529 4.102 4.591 5.134 2.545 3.472 5.382 4.724 2.905 5.035 14.939 6.417 11.219 3.583 9.159 3.019 corr(RE/S)* 0.257 0.463 0.761 0.528 0.553 0.495 0.596 0.517 0.684 0.795 0.0027 0.024 0.228 Note: Corr(RE/S) indicates the co-movement (correlation) between the RE an stock correlations which are predicted from the GJR -DCC model 23 Table 6 Correlation US/UK US/JP US/HK US/SG UK/JP UK/HK UK/SG JP/HK JP/SG HK/SG AME-ASI AME-EUR EUR-ASI Link between monthly correlations and market volatility: real estate security markets: 1/1984 to 3/2006 Constant Volatility 1 Volatility 2 Adj R2 National real estate securitymarkets 0.239 2.655 1.456 0.629 (4.90***) (4.90***) (2.09***) 0.037 2.548 0.392 0.432 (1.44) (4.53***) (3.29***) 0.112 3.641 0.263 0.621 (5.51***) (7.71***) (1.90*) 0.387 0.216 0.101 0.905 (37.44***) (4.10***) (3.08***) 0.177 0.317 -0.368 0.265 (5.32***) (0.59) (-1.98**) 0.283 1.021 -0.088 0.844 (8.23***) (2.78***) (-0.28) 0.253 2.246 -0.126 0.903 (4.80***) (2.51**) (-0.32) -0.037 -1.457 2.103 0.845 (-1.16) (-5.20***) (7.14***) 0.124 -0.579 0.303 0.904 (6.19***) (-2.46**) (2.78***) 0.277 1.728 1.018 0.907 (5.18***) (4.42***) (2.88***) Regional real estate security markets 0.258 2.484 0.066 0.427 (8.14***) (2.90***) (0.29) 0.359 2.056 3.477 0.682 (14.29***) (2.32**) (3.32***) 0.311 3.999 -0.345 0.533 (10.69***) (3.17***) (-1.37) F-stat DW 113.12 2.001 51.11 2.009 108.69 1.999 626.81 2.000 24.81 1.996 358.37 1.993 615.62 2.002 360.88 2.011 623.76 1.999 646.54 1.992 50.18 1.989 142.61 1.995 76.32 1.995 Notes: All the coefficient estimates are adjusted for auto-correlated and White heteroskedasticity errors; t*** ** * statistics with robust standard errors are in parenthesis; , , - denotes two tailed significance at the one, five and ten percent levels respectively. 24 Table 7 δ0 δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 δ6 Adjusted R2 F-statistic DW stat Multiple regression results of conditional correlation evolution for real estate security markets: 1/1984 to 3/2006 US-UK 0.4179 (30.20***) 0.000087 (1.04) -0.0228 (-1.27) 0.0017 (0.89) -0.0195 (-5.72***) 0.00031 (0.05) NA US-JP 0.1829 (29.74***) -0.000002 (-0.04) 0.0283 (1.34) -0.0248 (-1.30) -0.0095 (-3.63***) -0.00017 (-0.03) NA US-HK 0.2939 (35.45***) 0.000005 (0.08) -0.0245 (-1.35) -0.0125 (-0.88) -0.0146 (-3.34***) -0.0141 (-1.48) NA US-SG 0.4332 (33.46***) -0.00017 (-1.98**) -0.0045 (-0.92) -0.0059 (-2.29**) -0.0047 (-2.73***) 0.00051 (0.29) NA 0.666 76.04 2.023 0.492 37.49 2.018 0.699 88.46 1.998 0.926 473.74 2.004 Notes: Based on equation (7), δ 0 to δˆ8 are Correlations between Real Estate Secuirty Markets UK-JP UK-HK UK-SG JP-HK JP-SG 0.1674 0.3349 0.3864 0.0659 0.0941 (29.35***) (22.26***) (10.13***) (1.23) (3.24***) -0.000056 -0.000044 -0.00017 -0.000097 0.000047 (-1.49) (-0.47) (-0.73) (-0.29) (0.29) 0.0319 0.0091 -0.0217 -0.0416 0.0147 (1.77*) (0.97) (-1.38) (-1.51) (1.80*) -0.0094 -0.0096 -0.0195 0.0228 0.0042 (-0.99) (-1.08) (-1.26) (0.85) (1.05) 0.00025 -0.0053 -0.0109 0.0336 0.0013 -0.15 (-7.39***) (-5.86***) (13.50***) (0.49) -0.0191 -0.0107 -0.0288 0.0356 -0.0179 (-10.02***) (-7.08***) (-7.24***) (8.82***) (-5.66***) NA NA NA NA NA 0.471 34.59 2.003 0.871 301.71 1.973 0.923 532.59 2.012 0.891 362.22 2.061 0.935 539.51 1.991 HK-SG 0.4689 (10.04***) 0.00069 (2.37**) -0.0276 (-1.42) -0.00044 (-0.03) -0.0376 (-9.82***) 0.0807 (6.65***) NA AME-EUR 0.5262 (84.37***) 0.000019 (0.47) -0.0357 (-1.42) 0.0016 (0.18) -0.0011 (-0.85) 0.0207 (6.17***) NA 0.951 735.15 1.985 0.682 81.93 1.998 AME-ASI 0.3582 (47.46***) 0.000072 (1.46) 0.0441 (1.35) -0.0209 (-1.27) -0.0034 (-1.47) -0.0117 (-2.39**) 0.0004 (0.11) 0.419 24.84 1.976 EUR-ASI 0.3673 (30.64***) 0.00012 (1.82*) 0.0732 (3.37***) -0.0377 (-2.27**) 0.0004 (0.11) 0.0085 (3.05***) NA 0.483 42.22 1.989 the regression parameters with constant, time trend, stock market crash dummy, Asian financial crisis dummy and three significant dominant factors (F1, F2 and F3) that were derived from the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) respectively (see table 8 for the factor loadings results). All the coefficient estimates are adjusted for auto-correlated and White heteroskedasticity errors; t-statistics with robust standard errors are in parenthesis; ***, **, * - denotes two tailed significance at the one, five and ten percent levels respectively. 25 Table 8 Results of Principal Component Analysis (PCA): 1/1984 to 3/2006 Correlation 1st mkt 2nd mkt US UK US JP US HK US SG UK JP UK HK UK SG JP HK JP HK SG SG AME AME EUR EUR ASI ASI Factor -P1 -P1 -P1 -P1 -P1 -P1 -P2 -P1 -P2 P1 P2 -P2 -P1 P2 P2 -P2 P2 Correl (S) -0.381 -0.378 -0.429 -0.311 -0.742 -0.357 -0.653 0.504 0.929 - RE-V1 -0.378 -0.439 -0.565 -0.447 -0.443 -0.796 0.537 -0.471 0.705 -0.701 0.571 Factor loadings RE-V2 ST-V1 -0.416 -0.504 -0.544 -0.546 -0.487 -0.501 -0.483 -0.511 0.406 0.253 -0.459 -0.489 -0.463 -0.499 0.595 0.318 -0.383 -0.479 -0.483 0.699 -0.687 0.682 - ST-V2 -0.534 -0.491 -0.436 -0.489 -0.434 -0.502 -0.521 0.623 -0.736 -0.491 0.308 Notes: For each real estate security market pair, PCA is conducted on a system that includes five variables that are moderately to highly correlated; stock market correlation {correl(s)}, two real estate security market volatilities (RE-V1 and RE-V2) and two stock market volatilities (ST-V1 and ST-V2). The main objective is to derive at least one dominant factor that represents linear combinations of the five variables. All market pairs have two dominant factors (except that AME-ASI has three dominant factors); only significant factor(s) from the multiple regression analysis (see table 7) are included in this table. Figure 1 Average Unconditional Correlation of real estate security markets 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Dec-86 Dec-87 Dec-88 Dec-89 Dec-90 Dec-91 Dec-92 Dec-93 Dec-94 Dec-95 Dec-96 Dec-97 Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 average correlations (all) average correlations (3 Asian markets) average correlations (US with other markets) Note: This figure reports the (unweighted) average unconditional correlations of (a) all five real estate security markets (USA, UK, JP, HK and SG), (b) three Asian real estate security markets (JP, HK and SG) and (c) US with other four real estate security markets. The correlation is computed over sliding windows of three years, using local currency monthly total returns from 1/1984 to 3/2006. 27 Figure 2 Average conditional correlation: 1/1984-3/2006 Three Asian countries: (b) All countries: (a) 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Slope: 0.0003 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 Slope: 0.0001 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 Slope: 0.0007 0.2 Slope: 0.0004 0.1 0 0.1 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Real Estate Market Stock Market Trend (Real Estate) Trend (Stock) 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Real Estate Market Trend (Real Estate) Stock Market Trend (Stock) US with other four countries: (d) Three developed countries: (c) 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.5 Slope: 0.00005 0.4 0.6 Slope: 0.0001 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 Slope: -0.00005 0.1 Slope: -0.00005 0.2 0.1 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Real Estate Market Trend (Real Estate) Real Estate Market Trend (Real Estate) Stock Market Trend (Stock) Stock Market Trend (Stock) Note: This figure reports the (unweighted) average conditional correlations of real estate security markets and stock markets of (a) all five countries (US, UK, JP, HK and SG), (b) three Asian countries (JP, HK and SG), (c) three developed countries (US, UK and JP) and (d) US with other four countries (UK, JP, HK and SG). The conditional correlation is predicted from the GJR-DCC (1, 1) model. In addition, a simple least square line (trend) is fitted over the total period for each correlation. The slopes are positive for all stock market correlations and negative for two of the real estate market pairs (c and d) 28 Figure 3 Regional real estate security markets: conditional correlations and conditional volatilities: 1/1984 – 3/2006 America vs Asia 0.8 0.6 Correlation Correlation America vs Europe 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 06 84 86 88 Real Estate Market Volatility Volatility 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 86 88 90 92 94 96 American 98 00 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Real Estate Market 0.08 84 90 02 04 06 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 84 86 88 90 92 94 American Europe 96 98 00 02 04 06 Asia Correlation Europe vs Asia 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 Volatility Real Estate Market 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 84 86 88 90 92 94 Europe 96 98 00 02 04 06 Asia 29 Endnotes 1 Each time series has 267 monthly return data. This full sample is divided into five sub-samples that contain 53 monthly return data per time series (ignoring the last two observations). This approach will allow us to conduct the simple t-test to assess the instability of the correlation matrix between any two sub-periods that have equal number of monthly observations; that is, a time series that contain 53 monthly observations each for the five shorter sample periods (53x5 = 275) and ignores the last two observations. 2 It may be difficult to come out with a unanimous agreement on the periods of stock market crash and Asian financial crisis for all countries. In line with the previous literature and mainly for consistency reasons, the stock market crash dummy is set from 10/1987 to 12/1987 (3 months) and the Asian financial crisis dummy is set from 1/1997 to 6/1998 (18 months) to encompass the short time before and after the crisis period. 3 The t-statistics are between -7.04 and -91.49 and are statistically significant at the one percent level. 4 It has to be cautioned a constant linear trend is not consistent with the definition of a correlation coefficient. Other forms of trend can be modeled, but no theory exists of the exact form of this trend. Also, as with any time-series study, the starting date can be of importance and render any conclusion somewhat different. 5 All the correlation and volatilities series are stationary as verified by the usual ADF tests. For each market pair, the two market volatilities have some multicollinearity and disentangling the effects might be difficult. On the other hand, including only one volatility coefficient reduces the Adjusted R2 significantly. 6 Following the usual procedure, we include those dominant factors that have eigen values greater than or equal to one. 7 It should be noted that the trends here tend to be lower than those shown in Figure 2 because part of the overall increase in correlation is explained by an increase in volatility over the sample period. 30