The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 717 October 2008 Silage Test Results Summary of Evaluations of Corn Hybrids for Silage Blairsville, Calhoun, Griffin, and Tifton, Georgia, 2008 Quality Factors1,2 Milk Production3 lbs/ton Grain DM lbs/acre Portion % Dry Matter Yield Statewide Average Blairsville Calhoun Griffin Tifton ----------------------- tons/acre ---------------------- Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Short -Season AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech Croplan Genetics DeKalb 695RR 8753 8794 6831RH DKC61-69(VT3) 3360 3517 3226 3317 3595 32588 34246 36873 31667 32157 56 49 51 58 57 9.6 . . 10.0 9.6 9.0 . . 9.4 10.7 9.3 . . 10.8 9.8 10.3 . . 10.4 9.0 9.7 9.7 11.4 9.5 9.0 DeKalb DynaGro Hytest Mycogen Mycogen DKC63-42(VT3) V5373VT3 68-13RH F2F739 F2F797 3295 3305 3456 3455 3679 27180 31198 33634 29578 33086 58 57 57 52 50 . . 9.9 . . . . 9.2 . . . . 9.7 . . . 10.4 10.9 . . 8.2 9.4 9.7 8.6 9.0 Pioneer 33V16(YGCB/RR2) 3229 33093 52 10.6 11.1 10.4 10.6 10.3 3403 32300 54 9.9 9.9 10.0 10.3 9.5 Average Mid-Season AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech Croplan Genetics 1021RR 751CBLL 999aRR EX8808 8221VT3 3464 3289 3407 3358 3587 37441 31840 36452 32741 35835 42 56 46 51 52 . . 9.2 9.5 10.3 . . 9.9 9.5 11.0 . . 7.8 9.0 9.8 . . 8.5 9.8 10.3 10. 10 8 9.7 10.7 9.7 10.0 Croplan Genetics DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb 851VT3 DKC66-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC67-87(RR2/YGCB) DKC69-40(VT3) 3640 3254 3264 3318 3453 38475 32212 33439 33158 32061 57 57 52 53 56 10.3 10.0 . . . 9.6 10.7 . . . 10.4 9.5 . . . 10.7 9.8 . . . 10.5 9.9 10.3 10.0 9.3 DeKalb DynaGro DynaGro Golden Acres Greenwood DKC69-71(RR2/YGCB) 58P45 CX07916 2989RRB EX3280RR 3415 3612 3457 3326 3280 38392 33754 31219 31901 34824 52 52 51 48 50 10.4 . . 10.2 . 10.5 . . 10.2 . 9.7 . . 11.0 . 10.1 10.6 . 10.2 . 11.3 9.3 9.2 9.6 10.7 Hytest Hytest Mycogen Mycogen Pioneer 7891VT3 82-12VT3 TMF2H917 TMF2L844 31D58 3397 3522 3337 3737 3495 34108 37500 32508 39236 36197 56 52 49 47 53 9.7 . . . 10.2 9.4 . . . 10.0 8.8 . . . 9.5 10.4 . . . 10.9 10.1 10.6 9.8 10.5 10.4 Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Southern States Wabash Valley 31P41 31R87RR2 31Y42(RR2) SS998 TL3450RR 3371 3542 3535 3457 3361 33818 36825 37830 36502 32333 54 51 49 48 55 10.4 9.7 10.6 9.9 . 10.4 10.5 10.5 9.4 . 10.0 8.2 10.6 9.1 . 11.3 9.7 10.7 10.7 . 10.0 10.4 10.7 10.5 9.6 3435 34824 52 10.0 10.1 9.5 10.3 10.1 3425 4 N.S.7 152 34053 5 4236 1778 52 3 1 10.0 6 N.S. 0.3 10.1 N.S. 0.7 9.6 1.20 0.5 10.3 1.18 0.5 9.9 1.16 0.5 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean Summary of Evaluations of Corn Hybrids for Silage Blairsville, Calhoun, Griffin, and Tifton, Georgia, 2008 (Continued) 1. Quality factors taken from the replicated silage trial at Tifton. 2. Quality samples analysis by Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Inc., Maugansville, MD 21767. 3. This variable is calculated using University of Wisconsin Corn Silage Evaluation System - Milk 2000 and reported at lbs milk/ton of dry matter (DM) and lbs milk/acre. 4. CV = 6.3%, and df for EMS = 35. 5. CV = 7.4%, and df for EMS = 35. 6. CV = 10.7%, and df for EMS = 204. 7. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries performing equally to highest performing entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 717 October 2008 Summary of Quality Factors of Corn Hybrids for Silage Tifton, Georgia, 2008 Quality Factors1,2 3 Milk Production lbs/ton DM lbs/acre Protein NDF % % Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Short -Season AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech Croplan Genetics DeKalb 695RR 8753 8794 6831RH DKC61-69(VT3) 3360 3517 3226 3317 3595 32588 34246 36873 31667 32157 8.8 9.3 8.8 8.7 10.2 DeKalb DynaGro Hytest Mycogen Mycogen DKC63-42(VT3) V5373VT3 68-13RH F2F739 F2F797 3295 3305 3456 3455 3679 27180 31198 33634 29578 33086 9.0 8.8 8.9 9.2 9.1 Pioneer 33V16(YGCB/RR2) Average Dry Matter Yield Grain Portion Tifton % tons/acre ADF % TDN Starch % 33.5 33.6 34.3 31.8 30.9 20.1 20.5 20.8 19.1 18.0 76.0 75.9 75.7 76.9 77.2 39.0 38.3 38.2 41.5 40.7 56 49 51 58 57 9.7 9.7 11.4 9.5 9.0 33.0 32.7 30.8 35.0 35.0 19.5 19.6 18.2 20.4 20.9 76.1 76.5 77.3 75.7 75.7 40.6 40.9 43.2 37.2 36.9 58 57 57 52 50 8.2 9.4 9.7 8.6 9.0 3229 33093 9.2 33.6 20.2 75.8 37.1 52 10.3 3403 3230 9.1 33.1 19.8 76.3 39.4 54 9.5 Mid-Season AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech Croplan Genetics 1021RR 751CBLL 999aRR EX8808 8221VT3 3464 3289 3407 3358 3587 37441 31840 36452 32741 35835 9.4 9.0 8.6 9.3 9.0 36.1 33.3 35.8 33.5 33.4 21.9 19.7 21.6 20.1 20.1 74.8 76.0 74.6 75.8 76.1 34.1 40.3 36.4 39.1 39.1 42 56 46 51 52 10.8 9.7 10.7 9.7 10.0 Croplan Genetics DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb 851VT3 DKC66-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC67-87(RR2/YGCB) DKC69-40(VT3) 3640 3254 3264 3318 3453 38475 32212 33439 33158 32061 8.9 8.5 9.3 9.4 9.4 30.7 33.3 33.9 32.9 33.3 18.3 19.7 20.3 19.7 19.8 77.5 76.2 75.6 76.2 75.8 43.2 40.4 37.6 39.0 39.1 57 57 52 53 56 10.5 9.9 10.3 10.0 9.3 DeKalb DynaGro DynaGro Golden Acres Greenwood DKC69-71(RR2/YGCB) 58P45 CX07916 2989RRB EX3280RR 3415 3612 3457 3326 3280 38392 33754 31219 31901 34824 9.8 8.8 9.3 9.5 8.7 32.1 32.8 35.0 35.8 36.5 18.6 19.5 21.1 21.2 21.9 77.0 76.0 75.5 75.1 74.3 40.5 40.8 36.1 35.4 35.9 52 52 51 48 50 11.3 9.3 9.2 9.6 10.7 Hytest Hytest Mycogen Mycogen Pioneer 7891VT3 82-12VT3 TMF2H917 TMF2L844 31D58 3397 3522 3337 3737 3495 34108 37500 32508 39236 36197 9.0 9.1 8.8 8.4 9.4 34.6 31.3 34.8 36.0 32.4 20.8 18.6 21.1 21.6 19.1 75.0 77.3 75.5 75.0 76.4 37.9 42.1 37.8 37.3 39.6 56 52 49 47 53 10.0 10.6 9.8 10.5 10.4 Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Southern States Wabash Valley 31P41 31R87RR2 31Y42(RR2) SS998 TL3450RR 3371 3542 3535 3457 3361 33818 36825 37830 36502 32333 10.1 8.7 9.3 8.8 8.7 35.7 32.2 34.9 34.8 33.6 21.1 19.4 21.2 20.6 20.4 74.2 76.6 74.9 75.9 76.0 31.7 41.1 35.5 38.9 39.1 54 51 49 48 55 10.0 10.4 10.7 10.5 9.6 3435 34824 9.1 33.9 20.3 75.7 38.3 52 10.1 3425 N.S.4 152 34053 4236 1778 9.1 N.S. 0.4 33.7 N.S. 1.7 20.1 N.S. 1.2 75.9 N.S. 0.9 38.6 N.S. 2.5 52 3 1 9.9 1.2 0.5 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean Summary of Quality Factors of Corn Hybrids for Silage Tifton, Georgia, 2008 (Continued) 1. Quality factors taken from the replicated silage trial at Tifton. 2. Quality samples analysis by Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Inc., Maugansville, MD 21767. 3. This variable is calculated using University of Wisconsin Corn Silage Evaluation System - Milk 2000 and reported at lbs milk/ton of dry matter (DM) and lbs milk/acre. 4. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries performing equally to highest performing entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 717 October 2008 Tifton, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2008, Irrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season AgraTech Pioneer AgraTech Hytest AgraTech 8794 33V16(YGCB/RR2) 8753 68-13RH 695RR 11.4 10.3 9.7 9.7 9.7 Croplan Genetics DynaGro Mycogen DeKalb Mycogen 6831RH V5373VT3 F2F797 DKC61-69(VT3) F2F739 DeKalb DKC63-42(VT3) Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 27.7 23.5 25.8 22.8 22.2 41.3 43.4 37.6 42.6 43.6 51 52 49 57 56 31364 32234 27661 31145 30710 . 10.9 . . . 9.5 9.4 9.0 9.0 8.6 22.2 22.0 23.8 22.8 20.6 43.0 42.7 37.9 39.2 41.4 58 57 50 57 52 30710 32452 30928 32888 32234 . . 10.7 . . 8.2 19.2 42.9 58 32017 . 9.5 23.0 41.4 54 31304 10.8 Mid-Season DeKalb g AgraTech Pioneer Greenwood AgraTech DKC69-71(RR2/YGCB) 1021RR 31Y42(RR2) EX3280RR 999aRR 11.3 10.8 10.7 10.7 10.7 25.7 28.4 29.7 26.4 27.4 43.7 37.9 36.0 40.4 38.9 52 42 49 50 46 32235 33977 32670 29403 30274 . 11.3 11.4 . 11.4 Hytest Croplan Genetics Southern States Mycogen Pioneer 82-12VT3 851VT3 SS998 TMF2L844 31R87RR2 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.4 26.5 26.3 25.1 28.3 26.6 40.2 40.2 42.1 37.2 39.0 52 57 48 47 51 31581 30928 32017 31581 31145 . 11.6 . . 10.6 Pioneer DeKalb Hytest Pioneer DeKalb 31D58 DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) 7891VT3 31P41 DKC67-87(RR2/YGCB) 10.4 10.3 10.1 10.0 10.0 26.0 24.9 25.1 25.3 23.6 39.8 41.3 39.8 39.6 42.3 53 52 56 54 53 32017 32235 30710 31581 33106 11.5 . . 11.1 . Croplan Genetics DeKalb Mycogen AgraTech AgraTech 8221VT3 DKC66-23(RR2/YGCB) TMF2H917 EX8808 751CBLL 10.0 9.9 9.8 9.7 9.7 25.0 22.9 24.4 23.8 22.7 39.9 43.0 39.9 41.0 42.7 52 57 49 51 56 29839 32235 32235 27661 30928 . . . . . Wabash Valley Golden Acres DeKalb DynaGro DynaGro TL3450RR 2989RRB DKC69-40(VT3) 58P45 CX07916 9.6 9.6 9.3 9.3 9.2 23.6 25.4 22.7 24.1 23.4 40.9 37.6 41.1 38.5 38.9 55 48 56 52 51 30274 31581 27007 30057 29839 10.5 . . . 11.1 10.1 25.3 40.1 52 31085 11.2 9.9 1 1.2 0.5 24.6 2 2.1 0.9 40.5 2.7 1.1 52 3 1 31151 2938 1252 11.1 N.S.3 0.4 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean Tifton, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2008, Irrigated (Continued) 1. CV = 10.1%, and df for EMS = 105. 2. CV = 7.2%, and df for EMS = 105. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: March 27, 2008. Harvested: July 18, 2008. Seeding Rate: 34,000 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Tifton loamy sand. Soil Test: P = High, K = Medium, and pH = 6.8. 100 lb N, 15 lb P2O5, and 200 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 163 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Soybean. Subsoiled and bedded, rototilled; Prowl and Atrazine used for weed control; Lorsban used for Management: insect control; Telone II used for nematode control; irrigated 4 inches. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, and D. Dunn. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 717 October 2008 Griffin, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2008, Irrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season Hytest Pioneer Croplan Genetics DynaGro AgraTech 68-13RH 33V16(YGCB/RR2) 6831RH V5373VT3 695RR 10.9 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.3 DeKalb DKC61-69(VT3) Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 23.4 21.9 23.7 23.9 21.0 46.5 48.9 44.0 43.3 49.2 49 48 51 52 49 26997 29282 27104 27830 24926 . 10.8 . . . 9.0 19.1 47.0 51 27830 . 10.3 22.2 46.5 50 27328 10.8 Mid-Season Pioneer Pioneer Southern States Pioneer Croplan Genetics 31P41 31D58 SS998 31Y42(RR2) 851VT3 11.3 10.9 10.7 10.7 10.7 24.1 24.9 26.3 27.0 25.6 46.7 43.6 40.8 39.8 41.7 48 51 40 43 52 25059 30008 24684 25894 27588 10.5 10.9 . 10.4 10.5 DynaGro Hytest Croplan Genetics Golden Acres DeKalb 58P45 7891VT3 8221VT3 2989RRB DKC69-71(RR2/YGCB) 10.6 10.4 10 10.3 10.2 10.1 26.5 26.1 26 23.8 23.6 22.0 40.2 40.1 40 43.3 43.5 46.0 47 52 47 44 45 27104 28072 21054 28556 28933 . . . . . AgraTech DeKalb Pioneer AgraTech EX8808 DKC66-23(RR2/YGCB) 31R87RR2 999aRR 9.8 9.8 9.7 8.5 21.9 20.4 24.4 20.9 45.0 47.8 39.8 41.2 48 54 44 41 25652 26136 26862 25061 . . 9.8 9.5 10.3 24.1 42.8 47 26478 10.3 10.3 1 1.2 0.5 23.5 2 2.8 0.2 43.9 3.6 1.5 48 4 0 26732 N.S.3 1797 10.3 N.S. 0.4 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. CV = 9.6%, and df for EMS = 57. 2. CV = 10.0%, and df for EMS = 57. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: April 10, 2008. Harvested: August 11, 2008. Seeding Rate: 31,500 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Cecil sandy loam. Soil Test: P = Medium, K = High, and pH = 6.4. 70 lb N, 140 lb P2O5, and 210 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 100 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Soybean. Disked and rototilled; Atrazine, Lasso and one cultivation used for weed control; Management: irrigated 12 inches. Test conducted by J. Gassett and G. Ware. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 717 October 2008 Calhoun, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2008, Irrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season Croplan Genetics Pioneer DeKalb Hytest AgraTech 6831RH 33V16(YGCB/RR2) DKC61-69(VT3) 68-13RH 695RR 10.8 10.4 9.8 9.7 9.3 Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 21.8 19.8 18.9 18.1 18.0 49.5 53.5 51.5 53.9 51.8 51 47 53 48 49 29185 28096 30057 28314 27443 . 8.2 . . . 10.0 19.3 52.0 50 28619 8.2 Mid-Season Golden Acres Pioneer Croplan Genetics Pioneer Croplan Genetics 2989RRB 31Y42(RR2) 851VT3 31P41 8221VT3 11.0 10.6 10.4 10.0 9.8 19.5 25.4 21.6 19.4 20.4 56.3 42.2 50.1 51.6 47.9 44 46 53 52 50 26136 28968 28096 29185 28096 . 8.6 8.4 7.8 . DeKalb DeKalb Pioneer Southern States AgraTech DKC69-71(RR2/YGCB) DKC66-23(RR2/YGCB) 31D58 SS998 EX8808 9.7 9.5 9.5 95 9.1 9.0 17.8 17.6 17.8 17 8 20.6 17.9 54.7 54.8 53.6 53 6 44.4 50.5 48 52 50 46 47 29839 29186 28968 28750 25701 . . 7.8 78 . . Hytest Pioneer AgraTech 7891VT3 31R87RR2 999aRR 8.8 8.2 7.8 20.9 16.5 15.5 42.6 49.3 50.5 53 46 41 27443 28314 26790 . 7.3 6.8 9.5 19.3 49.9 48 28113 7.8 9.6 1 1.2 0.5 19.3 2 3.1 1.3 50.5 5.2 2.2 49 4 2 28254 N.S.3 1005 7.8 1.1 0.6 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. CV = 10.6%, and df for EMS = 51. 2. CV = 13.6%, and df for EMS = 51. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: April 17, 2008. Harvested: August 18, 2008. Seeding Rate: 31,000 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Etowah loam. Soil Test: P = High, K = Very High, and pH = 6.0. 100 lb N, 90 lb P2O5, and 150 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 100 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Fallow. Moldboard plowed, disked, and rototilled; Lasso, Atrazine and one cultivation used for weed Management: control; Irrigated 14 inches. Test conducted by J. Gassett, G. Ware, and J. Stubbs. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 717 October 2008 Blairsville, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2008, Nonirrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season Pioneer DeKalb Croplan Genetics Hytest AgraTech 33V16(YGCB/RR2) DKC61-69(VT3) 6831RH 68-13RH 695RR 11.0 10.7 9.4 9.2 9.0 Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 27.2 24.8 25.3 25.3 23.1 40.7 43.2 37.2 36.3 38.7 48 56 53 52 54 28262 29282 26862 25983 24684 10.3 . . . . 9.9 25.1 39.2 53 27015 10.3 Mid-Season Croplan Genetics DeKalb DeKalb Pioneer Pioneer 8221VT3 DKC66-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC69-71(RR2/YGCB) 31R87RR2 31Y42(RR2) 11.1 10.7 10.5 10.5 10.5 33.7 25.0 27.8 28.0 28.2 32.9 42.6 38.0 37.0 37.3 55 54 49 50 52 28564 26862 29282 26378 28072 . . . 10.7 10.3 Pioneer Golden Acres Pioneer AgraTech Croplan Genetics 31P41 2989RRB 31D58 999aRR 851VT3 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.6 25.2 27.2 29.3 27.5 25.2 41.3 37.5 34.3 36.1 38.2 53 55 56 45 55 25652 26326 27346 25168 26136 10.8 . 10.5 9.3 8.6 AgraTech Hytest Southern States EX8808 7891VT3 SS998 9.5 9.4 9.4 27.1 25.8 29.8 35.1 36.6 31.5 50 55 46 23724 23958 26620 . . . 10.1 27.7 36.8 52 26468 10.0 10.1 1 N.S.3 0.7 27.0 2 2.9 1.2 37.5 3.8 1.6 52 6 2 26620 2731 1152 10.1 N.S. 0.5 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. CV = 13.3%, and df for EMS = 51. 2. CV = 9.1%, and df for EMS = 51. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: May 1, 2008. Harvested: September 11, 2008. Seeding Rate: 29,500 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Suches loam. Soil Test: P = Medium, K = Medium, and pH = 5.6. 50 lb N, 25 lb P2O5, and 125 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 153 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Soybeans. Moldboard plowed, disked, and rototilled; Aatrex, Smazine, Banvil and two cultivations used Management: for weed control. Test conducted by J. Gassett, G. Ware, and H. Garrett.