Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Wheat Tifton, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ---- bu/acre ---- Test 1 Wt Rank Yield bu/acre lb/bu Ht in 2007 Data Winter Head Lodg. Survival Date % % mo/day BYD2 % Mildew % Pioneer 26R31 GA951231-4E25 GA951231-4E26 USG 3209 AGS 2031 91.7 90.7 90.0 89.0 88.7 92.7 90.3 90.9 83.0 82.9 6 15 16 27 33 90.6 85.5 85.0 80.3 77.5 60.0 59.7 61.5 57.7 56.6 32 35 33 33 33 0 0 4 3 0 . . . . . 03/24 03/31 04/02 03/30 04/04 15 8 3 13 13 0 0 21 6 5 AGS 2000 AGS 2060 USG 3295 Pioneer 26R61 GA961567-4A35 86.7 86.7 84.4 84.4 84.3 85.5 81.2 80.5 80.2 86.6 31 38T 47 35 13T 78.5 76.0 70.4 77.0 86.3 61.4 62.8 56.1 60.4 60.2 36 37 32 40 35 30 5 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/25 03/27 04/07 03/27 03/31 0 0 10 10 15 18 18 1 13 1 GA96693-4E16 Coker 9553 SS 8641 AGS 2010 Panola 84.2 84.2 83.3 83.1 82.1 88.3 79.7 80.2 80.9 79.0 10 46 34 28 41T 89.0 71.4 77.2 80.0 74.1 61.1 60.3 59.7 62.5 57.5 37 35 34 38 33 51 0 0 4 0 . . . . . 03/24 04/01 04/04 04/02 04/04 0 5 3 1 3 16 6 0 3 3 McIntosh USG 3592 Pioneer 26R12 Dominion SS8308 81.5 81.0 79.8 78.9 77.7 80.2 75.8 75.0 80.1 79.5 24 52 53 40 42 81.6 67.4 66.0 74.4 72.7 57.9 60.2 58.9 57.7 60.0 37 38 33 30 34 1 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/03 04/05 04/08 04/05 04/03 23 20 5 15 1 10 18 8 0 1 Fleming Chesapeake Roberts SS520 GA981622-5E35 77.0 76.0 75.8 75.0 . 84.6 72.4 78.9 75.9 97.3 22 44 51 54 2 82.3 72.1 68.4 65.7 97.0 57.6 59.0 57.7 58.9 64.3 35 33 33 36 38 3 0 15 4 3 . . . . . 03/11 04/03 04/04 04/05 03/25 0 23 8 20 3 0 0 40 11 8 GA011450DH2-5A45 GA981621-5E34 GA991369-5A17 USG 3209/USG 3592 USG 3665 . . . . . 92.4 92.4 86.2 82.3 82.2 4 13T 14 30 39 94.1 86.3 86.2 79.5 75.1 61.9 58.2 56.5 57.4 57.7 37 38 38 37 35 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/28 03/30 03/22 04/01 04/05 5 5 8 5 8 1 20 28 8 1 GA98401-5E23 Pioneer 26R87 AGS 2000/USG 3209 GA98401-5E45 GA951298-6E44 . . . . . 82.1 78.2 77.8 76.4 . 26 55 29 50 1 80.7 63.1 79.8 68.5 97.6 57.8 57.5 59.3 60.5 61.0 36 33 35 36 36 3 0 3 0 4 . . . . . 03/23 04/05 03/24 04/01 03/25 5 20 1 8 3 6 1 10 15 0 Jamestown Coker 9700 GA991227-6A33 GA02603CT GA991336-6E9 . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 7 8 9 95.2 93.5 89.8 89.5 89.3 61.7 63.3 58.1 61.6 60.7 34 38 32 36 37 3 6 3 0 19 . . . . . 03/25 03/23 03/24 03/22 03/23 3 0 0 0 0 8 18 28 11 23 Tifton, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 (Continued) Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ---- bu/acre ---- Test 1 Wt Rank Yield bu/acre lb/bu Ht in 2007 Data Winter Head Lodg. Survival Date % % mo/day BYD2 % Mildew % GA98244-6E42 LA99005UC-31-3-C GA991371-6E12 GA991209-6E33 LA98214D-14-1-2-B . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 17 18 19 87.5 87.1 84.9 84.7 83.8 59.9 60.3 59.6 61.7 59.1 36 37 36 36 37 15 8 1 25 20 . . . . . 03/25 03/21 03/24 03/23 03/25 0 0 0 1 0 1 13 23 13 6 LA98202D-64-1-C JGL Exp. 703 GA991109-6E8 LA978UC-36-1-1-B Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . 20 21 23 25 32 83.5 83.0 82.0 81.2 77.8 61.6 56.7 58.6 60.3 59.1 38 37 38 35 39 41 0 0 1 15 . . . . . 03/23 04/07 03/25 03/24 03/25 0 3 3 0 0 33 21 38 1 38 GA-Gore VA02W-555 LA978UC-101-1-1-1-C GA991109-6A7 GA991371-6E13 . . . . . . . . . . 36 37 38T 41T 43 76.4 76.1 76.0 74.1 72.5 56.7 55.8 57.6 59.7 57.0 37 32 38 36 33 1 0 75 0 28 . . . . . 04/03 04/03 03/24 03/25 03/23 13 20 0 0 1 18 0 38 40 28 SS-8404 GA98338-6A11 MSU 1007R LA98133D-160-3-C USG 3477 . . . . . . . . . . 45 48 49 56 57 72.0 69.1 68.8 61.9 56.6 56.0 60.6 57.6 57.6 55.1 29 40 34 35 37 0 43 0 13 0 . . . . . 04/02 03/25 04/14 03/22 04/06 8 0 0 0 10 6 0 8 40 40 83.2 N.S.4 1.9 82.7 5.6 2.4 79.2 3 9.4 4.0 59.2 2.8 1.2 35 2 1 7 16 7 . 03/29 02 01 6 14 6 13 15 6 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. 2. 3. 4. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. Percentage Barley Yellow Dwarf disease, whole plant. C.V. = 10.1%, and df for EMS = 188. The F-test indicated no statistical difference at the alpha = 0.1 probability level; therefore, an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: November 10, 2006. Harvested: May 23, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Tifton loamy sand. Soil Test: P = Medium, K = Low, and pH = 6.4. Preplant: 59 lb N, 27 lb P 2O5, and 54 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 50 lb N/acre. Management: Subsoiled and rototilled; Harmony Extra used for weed control. Previous Crop: Canola. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, and R. Jackson. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Tifton, Georgia: Late-Planted Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data 1 Rank *Yield bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Winter Head Survival Date % mo/day Fleming AGS 2000 USG 3209 SS520 GA96693-4E16 69.4 63.2 61.3 51.4 . 58.8 51.3 44.4 41.3 63.1 4 14 18 22 2 49.8 39.0 33.8 29.5 50.7 . . . . . 31 31 24 27 29 4 0 5 28 0 . . . . . 04/01 04/10 04/14 04/13 04/05 GA951231-4E26 GA951231-4E25 AGS 2060 Pioneer 26R61 USG 3665 . . . . . 57.2 56.3 52.2 50.9 44.4 6T 5 16 8 13 48.4 48.5 35.8 45.1 41.1 . . . . . 28 29 32 31 28 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/11 04/10 04/06 04/10 04/19 Coker 9553 AGS 2000/USG 3209 GA011450DH2-5A45 GA981622-5E35 Jamestown . . . . . 43.9 43.6 . . . 21 20T 1 3 6T 31.2 31.3 50.9 50.6 48.4 . . . . . 27 30 29 31 27 3 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/14 04/12 04/09 04/07 04/04 AGS 2010 Roberts GA961567-4A35 GA991369-5A17 USG 3477 . . . . . . . . . . 7 9 10 11 12 46.1 44.8 43.7 43.5 41.2 . . . . . 31 29 27 28 32 1 1 0 0 3 . . . . . 04/07 04/12 04/08 04/06 04/21 USG 3209/USG 3592 Panola Magnolia GA98401-5E23 Pioneer 26R87 . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 19 20T 23 38.4 35.1 32.8 31.3 24.3 . . . . . 28 27 32 28 25 0 18 3 0 50 . . . . . 04/12 04/13 04/13 04/10 04/14 Coker 9700 . . 24 24.0 . 28 41 . 04/11 61.3 4.1 1.7 50.6 5.5 2.3 40.0 2 10.0 4.2 . 29 2 1 6 8 4 . 04/10 03 01 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean * Warm temperatures during fall and winter reduced vernalization and increased variation in experiment. 1. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. C.V. = 21.2%, and df for EMS = 75. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: December 11, 2006. Harvested: May 24, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Dothan loamy sand. Soil Test: P = Medium, K = Low, and pH = 6.4. Preplant: 59 lb N, 27 lb P 2O5, and 54 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 50 lb N/acre. Management: Subsoiled and rototilled; Harmony Extra used for weed control. Previous Crop: Wheat. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, and R. Jackson. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Plains, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ---- bu/acre ---- 2007 Data 1 Rank Yield bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Winter Head Lodg. Survival Date % % mo/day Leaf Rust2 % GA951231-4E25 GA96693-4E16 SS 8641 GA951231-4E26 AGS 2031 101.6 99.2 97.3 96.0 95.3 100.9 102.1 99.6 93.1 95.2 12 2 21 31T 28T 107.4 120.0 104.1 100.5 101.0 62.0 59.6 59.8 61.2 61.2 37 39 40 37 37 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/31 03/26 04/06 03/30 04/06 8 0 0 1 0 GA961567-4A35 USG 3209 Coker 9553 AGS 2060 Pioneer 26R61 94.9 94.6 92.9 92.9 90.6 96.8 96.2 93.2 92.4 92.6 32 19 48 40 37T 99.4 104.6 92.7 96.1 97.6 56.6 58.2 58.8 63.5 59.6 39 36 40 42 42 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/01 04/01 04/02 03/26 03/31 0 20 25 0 3 USG 3295 AGS 2010 Panola McIntosh AGS 2000 89.3 88.8 88.4 86.7 85.8 90.8 88.5 92.8 92.3 81.0 35 38 36T 42 18 98.0 97.4 97.9 95.6 104.8 58.1 61.5 58.5 60.9 59.5 38 43 40 43 38 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/07 04/03 04/06 04/05 03/27 0 1 40 18 1 Dominion Pioneer 26R31 SS8308 Fleming USG 3592 84.6 83.1 82.9 82.2 80.3 90.1 81.4 81.4 85.5 76.3 46 5 50 25 43T 93.1 114.0 90.8 101.9 95.5 56.5 62.4 59.7 63.6 60.6 35 33 40 35 41 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/06 03/29 04/13 03/15 04/04 0 35 50 13 0 Pioneer 26R12 Roberts SS520 Chesapeake GA981622-5E35 76.9 74.3 71.8 69.9 . 73.6 76.4 71.1 68.3 102.9 51 34 41 44 16 87.1 98.9 95.9 94.7 105.7 58.5 58.4 58.7 63.9 61.6 40 39 40 39 42 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/15 04/08 04/06 04/07 03/26 25 20 25 8 0 Pioneer 26R87 GA981621-5E34 GA011450DH2-5A45 GA98401-5E23 GA991369-5A17 . . . . . 97.8 97.4 97.2 95.0 94.0 33 17 15 39 29 99.0 105.0 105.8 97.1 100.8 62.6 58.5 62.1 59.3 57.5 40 45 41 38 40 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/03 04/01 03/31 03/26 03/25 0 0 5 0 11 GA98401-5E45 AGS 2000/USG 3209 USG 3209/USG 3592 USG 3665 GA991227-6A33 . . . . . 92.3 90.0 88.5 77.5 . 37T 13 23 53 1 97.6 107.0 102.8 83.8 122.6 60.0 60.5 61.0 59.0 60.2 43 38 41 42 34 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/03 03/29 04/01 04/10 03/27 0 25 25 40 3 Jamestown LA98214D-14-1-2-B GA951298-6E44 GA991371-6E12 GA991371-6E13 . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 6 7 8 118.5 114.8 112.0 111.9 111.8 62.4 59.0 59.3 58.3 59.9 37 40 38 37 37 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/27 03/27 03/28 03/26 03/26 26 0 0 0 0 Plains, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 (Continued) Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ---- bu/acre ---- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Winter Head Lodg. Survival Date % % mo/day Leaf Rust2 % GA991209-6E33 GA991336-6E9 GA991109-6A7 GA98244-6E42 LA99005UC-31-3-C . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 11 14 20 109.3 108.9 107.5 105.9 104.3 58.8 59.9 58.5 59.1 61.4 39 37 40 36 36 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/25 03/26 03/28 03/25 03/25 8 0 28 0 0 GA991109-6E8 Coker 9700 GA02603CT LA978UC-36-1-1-B VA02W-555 . . . . . . . . . . 22 24 26 27 28T 102.9 102.7 101.5 101.1 101.0 61.8 62.8 60.5 60.1 57.7 40 37 38 37 34 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/26 03/26 03/25 03/27 04/03 38 30 75 3 8 SS-8404 LA978UC-101-1-1-1-C LA98202D-64-1-C JGL Exp. 703 Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . 30 31T 36T 43T 45 100.6 100.5 97.9 95.5 94.5 60.2 59.9 61.8 56.5 59.0 35 39 41 44 39 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/03 03/26 03/25 04/11 03/28 3 0 20 43 15 GA98338-6A11 LA98133D-160-3-C GA-Gore USG 3477 MSU 1007R . . . . . . . . . . 47 49 52 54 55 92.9 91.5 84.5 76.9 72.5 59.5 61.6 59.1 62.2 58.2 40 37 41 46 41 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/28 03/26 04/01 04/09 04/14 20 13 18 0 60 87.5 4.9 5.1 89.5 N.S.4 2.6 60 3.3 1.4 39 2 1 0 - . 03/31 02 01 13 16 7 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 100.6 7.6 3.2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. Percentage Leaf Rust, whole plant. C.V. = 6.4%, and df for EMS = 177. The F-test indicated no statistical difference at the alpha = 0.10 probability level; therefore, a LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: November 13, 2006. Harvested: May 29, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Greenville sandy loam. Soil Test: P = Low, K = Medium, and pH = 6.1. Preplant: 62 lb N, 88 lb P 2O5, and 24 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 30 lb N/acre. Management: Subsoiled and rototilled. Previous Crop: Peanuts. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, R. Jackson, and R. Pines. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Plains, Georgia: Late-Planted Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Winter Head Survival Date % mo/day Fleming USG 3209 AGS 2000 SS520 GA96693-4E16 76.3 74.2 67.0 51.4 . 73.0 72.5 65.7 50.6 87.4 3 14 6 22 1 89.8 79.5 87.2 73.3 105.0 61.5 57.7 61.1 59.0 60.6 38 35 40 41 38 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 03/30 04/15 04/10 04/14 04/05 GA951231-4E25 GA951231-4E26 AGS 2060 Coker 9553 Pioneer 26R61 . . . . . 81.2 78.9 77.8 73.7 72.3 7 13 9 21 15 85.8 81.9 83.5 74.6 78.4 58.7 59.4 61.9 59.6 58.8 37 38 41 39 40 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/10 04/10 04/06 04/14 04/14 AGS 2000/USG 3209 USG 3665 Jamestown GA981622-5E35 GA011450DH2-5A45 . . . . . 71.8 57.8 . . . 8 25 2 4 5 84.3 69.5 90.3 89.0 87.8 59.7 57.4 61.1 60.6 61.1 40 40 35 39 38 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/12 04/19 04/06 04/07 04/13 GA991369-5A17 Coker 9700 Magnolia USG 3209/USG 3592 GA98401-5E23 . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 12 16 17 83.3 83.2 82.7 78.3 78.2 58.6 61.1 60.3 59.9 59.2 36 37 41 41 38 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/08 04/05 04/16 04/15 04/06 GA961567-4A35 Panola Roberts Pioneer 26R87 AGS 2010 . . . . . . . . . . 18 19 20 23 24 77.5 77.4 74.7 72.8 72.4 58.1 60.8 60.8 61.5 59.7 37 39 40 38 40 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 04/11 04/15 04/15 04/15 04/11 USG 3477 . . 26 62.5 54.7 44 0 . 04/20 67.2 4.5 1.9 71.9 N.S.3 2.3 80.9 2 6.3 2.7 59.7 2.0 0.8 39 2 1 0 - . 04/11 02 01 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. C.V. = 6.6%, and df for EMS = 75. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical difference at the alpha = 0.10 probability level; therefore, a LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: December 12, 2006. Harvested: May 29, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Greenville sandy loam. Soil Test: P = Low, K = Medium, and pH = 6.1. Preplant: 62 lb N, 88 lb P 2O5, and 24 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 30 lb N/acre. Management: Subsoiled and rototilled. Previous Crop: Peanuts. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, R. Jackson, and R. Pines. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Midville, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Winter Head Survival Date % mo/day GA96693-4E16 SS8308 AGS 2000 AGS 2031 Pioneer 26R61 69.8 64.7 61.8 61.1 61.1 71.8 57.9 60.7 59.5 59.2 1 39T 29T 40T 19 70.9 53.0 57.2 52.5 60.7 . . . . . 38 36 39 34 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/30 04/16 03/31 04/09 04/01 Fleming Coker 9553 USG 3295 AGS 2060 USG 3209 60.9 60.7 59.8 59.8 59.0 61.0 55.0 58.7 56.2 60.9 18 31T 36 41 28T 61.2 55.7 55.0 52.4 57.7 . . . . . 35 37 35 43 38 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/22 04/05 04/10 03/30 04/02 Panola USG 3592 Pioneer 26R31 GA951231-4E25 Pioneer 26R12 57.8 57.3 57.2 56.7 56.6 54.1 58.0 63.3 62.7 53.3 48 49 20 28T 47 49.2 48.8 60.5 57.7 50.3 . . . . . 35 38 31 36 36 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 04/09 04/07 03/31 03/31 04/18 GA951231-4E26 GA961567-4A35 Roberts Chesapeake SS520 56.4 56.3 55.4 55.1 54.5 66.6 63.1 54.0 56.7 57.2 3 16 50 30 25 69.5 61.4 46.2 56.2 58.3 . . . . . 37 35 35 35 38 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/30 04/02 04/11 04/10 04/09 Dominion AGS 2010 McIntosh SS 8641 GA981622-5E35 53.6 50.9 49.7 47.6 . 54.5 56.5 50.5 50.8 65.1 43 33 52 51 9 51.1 55.4 45.3 46.0 64.3 . . . . . 31 38 39 37 41 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 04/09 04/06 04/08 04/09 03/30 AGS 2000/USG 3209 GA011450DH2-5A45 GA991369-5A17 GA981621-5E34 GA98401-5E45 . . . . . 62.8 62.3 60.6 60.0 57.6 23T 23T 31T 34 32T 60.1 60.1 55.7 55.2 55.6 . . . . . 38 38 38 41 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/31 04/01 03/29 04/04 04/04 USG 3209/USG 3592 USG 3665 GA98401-5E23 Pioneer 26R87 GA991371-6E12 . . . . . 57.1 56.5 56.0 54.5 . 42 39T 35 44 2 51.9 53.0 55.1 50.8 70.4 . . . . . 37 38 37 36 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 04/01 04/13 03/30 04/06 03/31 GA991371-6E13 GA991227-6A33 GA991209-6E33 GA991336-6E9 JGL Exp. 703 . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 6 7 8 69.1 67.9 66.6 65.5 64.6 . . . . . 38 33 40 38 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/31 03/31 03/27 03/30 04/14 Midville, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 (Continued) Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Winter Head Survival Date % mo/day LA98133D-160-3-C Coker 9700 GA991109-6A7 LA99005UC-31-3-C GA98244-6E42 . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 12 13 14 64.0 63.3 62.8 62.4 62.0 . . . . . 40 37 41 38 36 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/28 03/29 03/31 03/28 03/28 Jamestown GA98338-6A11 LA978UC-101-1-1-1-C LA98202D-64-1-C LA978UC-36-1-1-B . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 21 22 24 61.6 61.3 60.3 60.2 59.7 . . . . . 36 40 39 40 38 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/30 03/31 03/30 03/30 03/31 GA991109-6E8 GA02603CT Magnolia GA951298-6E44 LA98214D-14-1-2-B . . . . . . . . . . 26 27 29T 32T 37 58.2 58.1 57.2 55.6 54.5 . . . . . 40 37 40 38 38 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 03/30 03/30 03/31 03/29 03/30 USG 3477 VA02W-555 SS-8404 MSU 1007R GA-Gore . . . . . . . . . . 38 40T 40T 45 46 54.4 52.5 52.5 50.5 50.4 . . . . . 44 33 32 36 37 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 04/14 04/06 04/06 04/17 04/04 57.7 N.S.3 2.4 58.7 4.7 2.8 57.6 2 8.3 3.5 . 37 2 1 0 - 100 - 04/03 02 01 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. C.V. = 12.3%, and df for EMS = 177. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical difference at the alpha = 0.10 probability level; therefore, a LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: November 14, 2006. Harvested: May 31, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Dothan loamy sand. Soil Test: P = High, K = Very High, and pH = 6.4. Preplant: 40 lb N, 40 lb P 2O5, and 40 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 50 lb N/acre. Management: Moldboard plowed and rototilled. Previous Crop: Fallow. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, R. Jackson, and T. Robinson. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Midville, Georgia: Late-Planted Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Winter Head Survival Date % mo/day AGS 2000 Fleming USG 3209 SS520 GA96693-4E16 59.0 52.8 51.6 45.8 . 62.7 55.8 59.1 59.3 69.2 2 20 18 21 1 63.8 53.4 53.9 51.8 71.2 61.8 59.3 58.4 57.1 58.8 40 37 35 35 38 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 . . . . . GA951231-4E26 Coker 9553 Pioneer 26R61 GA951231-4E25 AGS 2060 . . . . . 68.5 61.2 59.1 59.0 58.5 5 16T 12T 23 13 62.5 55.3 56.4 48.1 56.3 61.6 62.1 61.2 58.5 60.7 36 38 39 33 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 . . . . . AGS 2000/USG 3209 USG 3665 Jamestown GA981622-5E35 GA991369-5A17 . . . . . 57.4 57.0 . . . 14 6 3 4 7 55.9 61.0 63.7 63.1 60.9 61.9 60.0 62.7 60.2 60.2 39 39 35 40 37 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 . . . . . GA011450DH2-5A45 Panola Roberts USG 3477 Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 10 11 12T 59.9 59.8 58.0 56.5 56.4 63.6 61.2 59.5 59.1 58.9 35 37 36 42 40 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 . . . . . AGS 2010 Coker 9700 GA961567-4A35 USG 3209/USG 3592 GA98401-5E23 . . . . . . . . . . 15 16T 17 19 22 55.7 55.3 55.0 53.8 49.9 62.2 61.9 54.2 53.9 58.5 38 35 34 38 37 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 . . . . . Pioneer 26R87 . . 24 45.4 57.8 36 0 100 . 52.3 N.S.3 2.0 60.6 N.S. 2.1 57.0 2 6.2 2.6 59.8 3.9 1.6 37 2 1 0 - 100 - . Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. C.V. = 9.2%, and df for EMS = 75. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical difference at the alpha = 0.10 probability level; therefore, a LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: November 14, 2006. Harvested: May 31, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Dothan loamy sand. Soil Test: P = High, K = Very High, and pH = 6.4. Preplant: 40 lb N, 40 lb P 2O5, and 40 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 50 lb N/acre. Management: Moldboard plowed and rototilled. Previous Crop: Fallow. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. Brooke, R. Jackson, and T. Robinson. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Griffin, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Cold Head Damage2 Date % mo/day JGL Exp. 703 USG 3295 USG 3477 MSU 1007R AGS 2031 . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 74.9 74.5 71.6 65.7 64.6 62.6 62.7 62.1 62.9 62.6 37 32 40 35 33 0 0 0 0 0 13 33 8 0 24 04/13 04/02 04/15 04/16 04/04 USG 3665 Chesapeake Pioneer 26R12 Dominion Roberts . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 8 9 10 62.3 62.2 60.8 59.3 58.4 61.8 62.5 63.2 62.7 62.8 34 30 33 30 34 0 0 0 0 0 25 28 0 45 55 04/14 04/11 04/17 04/03 04/04 SS8308 SS520 GA981621-5E34 SS-8404 McIntosh . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 13T 13T 14 54.5 52.1 51.2 51.2 46.2 64.2 61.2 61.9 58.7 62.2 33 37 38 30 38 0 0 0 0 8 8 78 28 30 58 04/14 04/01 04/08 04/09 04/02 USG 3592 VA02W-555 SS 8641 GA011450DH2-5A45 GA98401-5E45 . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 17 18 19 44.9 44.7 43.7 42.3 42.1 60.5 59.3 60.5 61.3 61.4 36 32 35 36 36 0 0 0 0 0 55 40 70 48 30 04/08 04/04 04/03 04/01 04/05 GA98338-6A11 Pioneer 26R87 GA-Gore USG 3209/USG 3592 GA991371-6E13 . . . . . . . . . . 20 21 22 23 24 39.5 37.3 34.8 34.3 34.2 61.9 58.4 60.5 59.6 60.6 38 35 36 35 36 0 0 0 11 0 58 43 68 71 88 04/04 03/31 04/01 04/01 04/01 AGS 2000 Magnolia AGS 2000/USG 3209 GA991227-6A33 USG 3209 . . . . . . . . . . 25 26 27 28 29T 34.1 33.3 31.2 29.7 28.6 60.9 61.5 58.7 59.6 60.3 37 37 36 34 33 0 0 0 0 0 68 79 77 93 78 04/02 04/03 04/01 04/02 04/01 Coker 9553 GA991109-6A7 GA991371-6E12 GA98401-5E23 AGS 2060 . . . . . . . . . . 29T 29T 30 31 32 28.6 28.6 28.2 27.9 27.5 61.4 62.2 60.5 59.9 62.3 34 38 36 36 41 0 0 0 0 0 70 88 90 85 78 04/05 03/30 04/01 03/30 03/30 LA978UC-36-1-1-B LA98202D-64-1-C GA991336-6E9 GA981622-5E35 Pioneer 26R61 . . . . . . . . . . 33 34 35 36 37 26.7 25.2 25.0 24.8 24.2 59.9 60.0 61.5 60.3 61.7 35 37 35 39 37 0 0 0 0 0 76 78 91 70 78 04/03 03/31 04/02 03/30 04/03 Griffin, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 (Continued) Brand-Variety Yield 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Cold Head Damage2 Date % mo/day GA96693-4E16 LA978UC-101-1-1-1-C GA991209-6E33 GA991109-6E8 Pioneer 26R31 . . . . . . . . . . 38 39 40 41 42T 22.6 21.3 20.5 17.6 16.5 62.0 61.0 58.8 60.8 59.3 39 37 38 38 31 0 0 0 0 0 83 74 85 91 84 03/30 03/31 03/30 03/29 04/08 GA02603CT GA991369-5A17 LA98133D-160-3-C GA951231-4E26 GA951231-4E25 . . . . . . . . . . 42T 43 44 45 46 16.5 15.9 14.6 14.0 13.7 59.0 60.7 59.1 59.0 54.2 36 37 35 36 35 0 0 0 0 0 93 85 75 99 95 03/30 03/30 03/31 03/30 03/30 GA961567-4A35 LA99005UC-31-3-C GA951298-6E44 Fleming GA98244-6E42 . . . . . . . . . . 47 48 49 50 51 12.8 12.2 11.4 10.5 10.4 56.5 57.4 53.9 57.2 54.5 35 36 36 35 34 0 0 13 0 0 99 97 99 99 98 03/30 03/29 03/30 03/28 03/28 Jamestown LA98214D-14-1-2-B Coker 9700 . . . . . . 52 53 54 9.5 9.4 6.2 57.8 51.4 54.8 33 35 37 0 0 0 95 96 99 03/29 03/29 03/28 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean . . 34.2 3 6.4 2.7 60.1 2.8 1.2 35 2 1 1 N.S.4 2 66 21 9 04/03 03 01 1. 2. 3. 4. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. Cold damage to seed head on April 7-9, 2007. C.V. = 16.0%, and df for EMS = 171. The F-test indicated no statistical difference at the alpha = 0.10 probability level; therefore, a LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: November 3, 2006. Harvested: May 23, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Cecil sandy clay loam. Soil Test: P = High, K = High, and pH = 6.4. Preplant: 28 lb N, 56 lb P 2O5, and 84 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 70 lb N/acre. Management: Chisel plowed, disked, and rototilled; Hoelon used for weed control. Previous Crop: Canola. Test conducted by J. Gassett and G. Ware. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Calhoun, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 Brand-Variety Yield 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Cold Head Damage2 Date % mo/day JGL Exp. 703 USG 3665 MSU 1007R SS8308 GA981621-5E34 . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 46.7 42.5 40.9 34.7 31.4 61.3 62.5 62.6 63.3 61.2 37 36 35 36 35 0 23 18 0 3 30 23 30 28 40 . . . . . USG 3477 GA991227-6A33 USG 3592 Chesapeake Dominion . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 8 9 10 30.0 27.0 26.4 24.8 24.5 61.3 61.3 61.4 61.4 61.7 33 33 35 35 35 1 3 11 0 20 50 85 50 70 78 . . . . . GA98338-6A11 SS-8404 GA98401-5E45 USG 3295 SS 8641 . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 13 14 15 21.1 20.8 20.7 20.4 20.2 60.8 62.0 61.7 61.6 60.3 36 35 36 37 36 9 0 6 3 0 55 68 73 85 53 . . . . . USG 3209/USG 3592 Pioneer 26R12 GA981622-5E35 McIntosh Magnolia . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 18 19 20 19.8 19.2 18.5 18.3 18.0 61.1 63.6 60.6 61.0 59.4 35 37 36 36 37 19 0 9 36 20 83 68 60 70 48 . . . . . Fleming VA02W-555 Pioneer 26R61 GA011450DH2-5A45 AGS 2031 . . . . . . . . . . 21 22 23 24 25 16.2 16.1 15.9 15.8 14.9 62.1 58.7 62.6 59.4 58.2 33 36 37 36 36 10 25 0 16 10 75 65 74 71 87 . . . . . AGS 2000/USG 3209 GA991371-6E13 GA98401-5E23 GA96693-4E16 USG 3209 . . . . . . . . . . 26 27T 27T 28 29 14.5 14.3 14.3 14.2 13.9 59.6 58.8 60.5 60.4 58.5 36 36 35 37 33 45 29 0 24 0 70 85 86 79 97 . . . . . GA991371-6E12 GA991336-6E9 Roberts AGS 2000 SS520 . . . . . . . . . . 30 31 32T 32T 32T 13.5 13.3 13.1 13.1 13.1 58.8 58.3 59.7 58.8 56.0 37 35 35 37 36 4 36 38 13 13 86 81 86 95 95 . . . . . LA978UC-101-1-1-1-C Pioneer 26R31 GA991109-6A7 GA991369-5A17 LA98214D-14-1-2-B . . . . . . . . . . 33 34 35 36 37 12.7 12.5 12.2 11.7 10.8 58.3 57.1 56.7 61.2 59.9 36 34 37 33 39 19 33 40 0 1 69 90 77 85 79 . . . . . Calhoun, Georgia: Wheat Grain Performance, 2006-2007 (Continued) Brand-Variety Yield1 3-Year 2-Year Average Average ----- bu/acre ----- 2007 Data Rank Yield1 bu/acre Test Wt lb/bu Ht in Lodg. % Cold Head Damage2 Date % mo/day Pioneer 26R87 GA-Gore GA991209-6E33 GA02603CT GA951231-4E26 . . . . . . . . . . 38T 38T 39T 39T 40 10.7 10.7 10.5 10.5 10.4 57.1 57.2 55.3 57.8 58.3 35 36 33 35 32 23 1 64 33 3 91 91 80 89 91 . . . . . Coker 9553 LA99005UC-31-3-C GA961567-4A35 GA991109-6E8 LA98133D-160-3-C . . . . . . . . . . 41 42T 42T 43 44 10.1 10.0 10.0 9.8 9.7 55.7 58.3 56.5 57.8 53.3 35 37 35 35 34 11 0 0 23 5 82 81 97 95 86 . . . . . AGS 2060 LA978UC-36-1-1-B Jamestown GA951231-4E25 LA98202D-64-1-C . . . . . . . . . . 45 46 47 48 49 9.6 9.1 8.8 8.7 8.2 54.7 56.8 53.6 57.0 55.6 38 37 36 36 38 8 0 1 26 38 77 90 65 95 85 . . . . . GA951298-6E44 GA98244-6E42 Coker 9700 . . . . . . 50 51 52 6.9 6.3 5.8 55.5 61.3 55.2 35 34 35 0 43 0 96 95 99 . . . Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean . . 16.7 3 4.2 1.8 59.1 4.4 1.9 35 3 1 14 29 12 75 19 8 . 1. Yields calculated as 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. Cold damage to seed head on April 7-10, 2007. 3. C.V. = 21.7%, and df for EMS = 171. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: October 13, 2006. Harvested: June 6, 2007. Seeding Rate: 22 seeds per foot in 7" rows. Soil Type: Waynesboro loam. Soil Test: P = High, K = High, and pH = 6.3. Preplant: 50 lb N, 50 lb P 2O5, and 75 lb K 2O/acre. Fertilization: Topdress: 70 lb N/acre. Management: Moldboard plowed, disked, and rototilled. Previous Crop: Corn. Test conducted by J. Gassett, G. Ware, and J. Stubbs. Research Report Number 710 July 2007 The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Summary of Wheat Yields: Georgia, 2006-2007 with Two- and Three-Year Averages Yield1 South North5 Statewide 3-Year 2-Year 3-Year 2-Year 3-Year 2-Year Average3 Average4 2007 Average Average 2007 Average Average 2007 Brand-Variety --------------------------------------------------- bu/acre ---------------------------------------------------Commercial / Advanced Lines AGS 2000 78.1 75.7 80.2 . . . . . . AGS 2000/USG 3209 . 76.9 82.3 . . . . . . AGS 2010 74.3 75.3 77.6 . . . . . . AGS 2031 81.7 79.2 77.0 . . . . . . AGS 2060 79.8 76.6 74.8 . . . . . . 2 Chesapeake Coker 9553 Coker 9700 Dominion Fleming 67.0 79.2 . 72.4 73.3 65.8 76.0 . 74.9 77.0 74.3 73.2 86.5 72.8 81.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA-Gore Jamestown JGL Exp. 703 Magnolia McIntosh . . . . 72.6 . . . . 74.3 70.4 91.7 81.0 76.5 74.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MSU 1007R Panola Pioneer 26R12 Pioneer 26R31 Pioneer 26R61 . 76.1 71.1 77.3 78.7 . 75.3 67.3 79.1 77.3 63.9 73.7 67.8 88.4 78.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer 26R87 Roberts SS 8641 SS520 SS8308 . 68.5 76.1 67.1 75.1 76.8 69.8 76.9 68.1 72.9 71.0 71.1 75.7 73.3 72.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS-8404 USG 3209 USG 3209/USG 3592 USG 3295 USG 3477 . 80.9 . 77.8 . . 80.0 76.0 76.6 . 75.0 80.8 78.1 74.5 62.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USG 3592 USG 3665 72.9 . 70.0 72.0 70.6 70.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.0 74.6 75.7 . . . . . . 77.0 3.2 1.4 79.2 4.8 2.1 . . . . . . Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average 76.1 LSD at 10% Level 2.9 Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1.2 Summary of Wheat Yields: Georgia, 2006-2007 with Two- and Three-Year Averages (Continued) Yield1 South North5 Statewide 3-Year 2-Year 3-Year 2-Year 3-Year 2-Year Average3 Average4 2007 Average Average 2007 Average Average 2007 --------------------------------------------------- bu/acre ---------------------------------------------------2 Brand-Variety Experimental Lines GA011450DH2-5A45 GA02603CT GA951231-4E25 GA951231-4E26 GA951298-6E44 . . 83.0 80.8 . 84.0 . 84.6 83.5 . 86.7 83.0 83.5 85.0 88.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA961567-4A35 GA96693-4E16 GA981621-5E34 GA981622-5E35 GA98244-6E42 78.5 84.4 . . . 82.2 87.4 83.3 88.4 . 82.4 93.3 82.2 89.0 85.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA98338-6A11 GA98401-5E23 GA98401-5E45 GA991109-6A7 GA991109-6E8 . . . . . . 77.7 75.4 . . 74.4 77.6 73.9 81.5 81.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA991209-6E33 GA991227-6A33 GA991336-6E9 GA991369-5A17 GA991371-6E12 . . . . . . . . 80.3 . 86.8 93.4 87.9 80.9 89.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA991371-6E13 LA978UC-101-1-1-1-C LA978UC-36-1-1-B LA98133D-160-3-C LA98202D-64-1-C . . . . . . . . . . 84.5 78.9 80.6 72.5 80.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LA98214D-14-1-2-B LA99005UC-31-3-C VA02W-555 . . . . . . 84.4 84.6 76.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.7 82.7 83.1 . . . . . . 77.0 3.2 1.4 79.2 4.8 2.1 . . . . . . Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average 76.1 LSD at 10% Level 2.9 Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1.2 1. Yields calculated at 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. Tifton, Plains, and Midville. 3. 2005, 2006, and 2007. 4. 2006 and 2007. 5. Griffin and Calhoun data not included due to winter damage during Spring 2007. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Research Report Number 710 July 2007 Summary of Late-Planted Wheat Yields: Georgia, 2006-2007 with Two- and Three-Year Averages Brand-Variety Yield1 South2 3-Year 2-Year Average Average 2007 ------------------- bu/acre ------------------- AGS 2000 AGS 2000/USG 3209 AGS 2010 AGS 2060 Coker 9553 64.5 . . . . 59.9 57.6 . 62.8 59.6 63.3 57.1 58.0 58.5 53.7 Coker 9700 Fleming GA011450DH2-5A45 GA951231-4E25 GA951231-4E26 . 68.6 . . . . 62.5 . 65.5 68.2 54.1 64.3 66.2 60.8 64.3 GA961567-4A35 GA96693-4E16 GA981622-5E35 GA98401-5E23 GA991369-5A17 . . . . . . 73.2 . . . 58.8 75.6 67.6 53.1 62.5 Jamestown Magnolia Panola Pioneer 26R61 Pioneer 26R87 . . . . . . . . 60.8 . 67.5 57.3 57.4 59.9 47.5 . 53.4 65.6 . . . 50.4 58.7 . . 59.2 51.6 55.7 56.8 53.4 . 53.0 57.2 63.0 2.7 1.2 61.0 3.3 1.4 59.3 5.1 2.2 Roberts SS520 USG 3209 USG 3209/USG 3592 USG 3477 USG 3665 Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. Of Entry Mean 1. Yields calculated at 60 pounds per bushel at 13.5% moisture. 2. Tifton, Plains 2005, 2006, and 2007 and Midville 2006 and 2007. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10).