AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Bruce Carl Mundy for the degree of Master of Science in the School of Oceanography presented on Title: 7 June 1983 Yearly Variation in the Abundance and Distribution of Fish Larvae in the Coastal Zone off Yaguina Head, Oregon, from June 1969 to August 1972 Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy r. S. L. Richardson Larval fishes in waters 2-18 km off Yaquina Head, Oregon during 1969-1972 were most abundant in February and May or June of each year. Few larvae were found in August and September. The two peaks in abundance were composed of two species-groups. The winter group, composed primarily of Ammodytes hexapterus, Ophiodon elongatus, Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus, H. spinosus and Chirolophis spp., oc- curred from January through April. A separate species-group, composed of Parophrys vetulus and Sebastes spp. (October through early July), was also most abundant in winter months. The spring-summer group, which occurred from February through August, consisted of three subgroups: 1.) the Osmeridae, Microgadus proximus, Isopsetta isolepis, Psettichthys melanostictus and three Artedius species (abundant from February through August), 2.) Enophrys bison and Platichthys stellatus (February through August), 3.,) Clinocottus acuticeps, Cottus asper and Lyopsetta exilis (March through August). Larvae of the winter group appeared after the onset of winter storms in each year. spring. They became rare when upwelling began in the Members of this group were most abundant in the winter of 1969-70. Calm weather, reduced storm frequency, sea surface temperatures 1-2°C above those in other years and high abundances of copepod nauplii were related to high annual abundances of species in the winter group. Larvae of the spring-summer groups appeared after northerly winds prevailed in the spring. Predation and cessation of spawning may have been related to the disappearance of larvae in August. Three of the most dominant taxa in these groups were most abundant in 1970-71. Variable winds in late winter, calm conditions in early spring and weak upwelling were related to high abundances of those species (Osmeridae, Isopsetta isolepis, and Microgadus proximus). Psettichthys melanostictus and Artedius meanyi larvae differed from other members of the spring-summer groups by being most abundant when upwelling was strong and persistent. Parophrys vetulus larvae appeared after onshore convergence began in autumn. Reduced storm frequency, warm winter water temperatures and variable winds were related to high abundances of Parophrys larvae. Year-class success, determined from commercial catches, was highest in years when larvae were abundant in autumn. Abundances of P. vetulus and Isopsetta isolepis larvae were not good predictors of year-class strengths in the fishery. Mortality of pelagic larvae, prior to transformation, was not the only determinant of year-class strength in those species. Yearly Variation in the Abundance and Distribution of Fish Larvae in the Coastal Zone off Yaquina Head, Oregon, From June 1969 to August 1972 by Bruce Carl Mundy A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed 7 June 1983 Commencement June 1984 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy essor oqceanograp n cnarge or Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy an or the bra Date thesis is presented Typed by Karen Dykes and Deborah Grossman for 7 June 1983 Bruce Carl Mundy ACKNOWL EDGEMENTS Dr. Sally L. Richardson, my major professor, deserves primary recognition for her guidance throughout my research. The growth of my understanding of larval fish ecology, taxonomy and general ichthyology is due to her efforts and abilities. I am grateful for her patience while I strayed from oceanography to freshwater larval fish research and back. I thank my committee members, Drs. William Pearcy, George Boehiert, Carl Bond, and Howard Wilson, for their help in preparation of this thesis. Dr. Pearcy's incisive editing, based on his profound knowledge of North Pacific ecosystems and fisheries oceanography, added immeasurably to the quality of this study. Dr. Boehiert contributed not only by his editing, but by unifying many concepts of larval fish ecology for me during his courses and in numerous discussions. Dr. Bond has enriched my ichthyologic education with his knowledge of geographic ecology and of the western North American ichthyofauna, both marine and freshwater. My study would not have been possible without the efforts of the initiators of the Sea Grant Early Life History and Pleuronectid Projects, as well as those who collected and sorted the samples. Dr. Richardson and Sharon Myers Roe initially identified the fish larvae. Dr. Charles Miller (OSU Oceanography), William Gilbert (OSU Oceanography), Dr. William Peterson (State Univ. New York, Stonybrook), Robert Demory (Ore. Dept. Fisheries and Wildlife) and Andrew Bakun (National Marine Fisheries Service, Monterey) provided unpublished data. Dr. Michael Richardson (Office of Naval Research, Biloxi, Miss.), Dr. David Thomas (OSU Statistics) and Steven Shiboski (OSU Statistics) advised me about data analysis. Deborah Grossman carefully typed my final thesis draft under the stress of impending deadlines and constant editorial changes. My education in oceanography and ichthyology has been enriched by many discussions with colleagues. Dena Gadomski not only discussed her studies of larval fish feeding with me, but was responsible for inciting me to overcome inertia and finish this thesis. Waldo Wakefield, Dr. Joanne Laroche, Dr. Wendy Gabriel and Wayne Laroche shared their knowledge of ichthyology and larval fish ecology during many pleasant hours of work in Corvallis. Dr. David Stein has greatly increased my understanding of systematics and deep-sea biology, and has alway been an excellent example of a dedicated ichthyologist. Betsy Washington, Dr. Barbara Sullivan, Larry LaBolle and Kevin Howe also have my gratitude for their willingness to discuss things aquatic. Dr. Herbert Austin (VIMS) first introduced me to ichthyoplankton research. Drs. Carl Shreck and Hiram Li supported my in my digression into freshwater ichthyoplanktology, but always encouraged me to finish this thesis. Many other friends have helped me during this time. My parents and family have tolerated my fishy obsessions for many years. Lyn Gilman, Jim and Julie Gish, Wayne Youngquist, Mike Kravitz, Joan Flynn, Jim Long, Barb Dexter, John Dickinson, Ken Tighe, Harvey Siebert, Randy Hjort, Pat Hulet, Mary Yoklavich, Chris Wilson, John Shenker, Marilyn Gum and Ric Brodeur have all made my time working on this happy and interesting. I have learned from all and count all as friends. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Previous Studies of Ichthyoplankton Off the Oregon Coast The Relationship of Environmental Factors to Larval Fish Ab' indance Coastal Hydrography Off Oregon Biotic Consequences of Coastal Currents Off Oregon MATERIALS AND METHODS Field Sampling Laboratory Procedures Additional Data Dominance and Classification Analysis RESULTS 2 5 8 11 14 14 15 16 18 22 Sampling Gear Efficiency Overall Species Composition and Dominant Species The Annual Cycle of Larval Fish Abundance in Oregon Coastal Waters Annual Variations in Larval Fish Occurrences, 1969-1972 The Annual Cycle of Larval Fish Species-Group Occurrences in Coastal Waters Off Oregon Annual Variation in the Relative Dominance (Biological Index) and Abundance (#/102) of Dominant Taxa Annual Variability in the Abundance (#/10m2) and Size Composition of the Dominant Taxa Osmeridae (smelts) Parophrys vetulus (English sole) Isopsetta isolepis (butter sole) Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole) Microgadus proximus (Pacific tomcod) Sebastes spp. (rockfishes) Artedius harringtoni (scalyhead sculpin) Ammodytes hexapterus (Pacific sand lance) Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder) Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole) Artedius meanyi (Puget Sound sculpin) Artedius fenestralis (padded sculpin) Cyclopteridae Type I (snailfishes) Spatial Distribution of the Dominant Taxa Weather Conditions from June 1969 through August 1972 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Wind Speed and Direction Upwelling Indices Surface Water Temperatures Surface Salinities Bottom Salinities DISCUSSION Comparisons with Previous Studies of Larval Fish Assemblages Off Oregon The Relationship of Environmental Factors to Annual Differences in Occurrences of Taxa in the Winter Species-Groups Parophrys vetulus (English sole) Sebastes spp. (rockfishes) Ammodytes hexapterus (Pacific sand lance) The Relationship of Environmental Factors to Annual Differences in Occurrences of Taxa in the Spring and Summer Species-Groups Osmeridae (smelts) Isopsetta isolepis (butter sole) Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole) Microgadus proximus (Pacific tomcod) Artedius harringtoni (scalyhead sculpin) Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder) Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole) Artedius meanyi (Puget Sound sculpin) Artedius fenestralis (padded sculpin) and Cyclopteridae Type I (snailfishes) Comparisons of the Annual Variability in Occurrences of Larval Fish Off Oregon to That in Other Groups of Zooplankton Spawning Seasons, Transport Mechanisms and Early Life Histories of Coastal Eastern North Pacific Fishes LITERATURE CITED 44 46 48 49 51 53 53 54 56 61 62 63 69 71 72 74 75 76 76 77 78 78 81 8-2 TABLES 106 FIGURES 120 APPENDICES 151 7 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Page Location of Stations Sampled: Stations Designated With Open Circles Were Sampled From 22 June - 20 October 1970. Stations Designated With Solid Circles Were Sampled From 4 November 1970 - 5 August 1972. 120 Mean Standardized Abundance Of All Taxa [E (No. Larvae/lU m2)/No. Stations Sampled] At All Stations Sampled On Each Date In 1969-70 121 Mean Standardized Abundance Of All Taxa [E (No. Larvae/1O m2)/No. Stations Sampled] At All Stations Sampled On Each Date In 1970-71 122 Mean Standardized Abundance Of All Taxa [ (No. Larvae/1O rn2)/No. Stations Sampled] At All Stations Sampled On Each Date In 1971-72 123 a) Time-Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From 1969-70, Excluding Osmerids, Sebastes and Cyclopterids. b) Species-Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From 1969-70, Excluding Osmerids, Sebastes and Cyclopterids 124 Time-Groups and Species-Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From 1970-71, Excluding the Osmerids, Sebastes, and Cyclopterids 126 Time-Groups and Species-Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From 19711972, Excluding the Osmerids, Sebastes and Cyclopterids 127 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Osmeridae 128 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Parophrys vetulus 132 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Isopsetta isolepis 134 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Psettichthys melanostictus 135 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Microgadus proximus 136 LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Sebastes spp. 137 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Artedius harringtoni 138 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Ammodytes hexapterus 139 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Platichthys stellatus 140 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Lyopsetta exilis 141 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Artedius meanyi 142 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Artedius fenestralis 143 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Cyclopteridae Type I 144 a) Progressive Wind Vector Diagrams For 16 April 1969 - 31 Dec. 1970. (Peterson and Miller, 1975) b) Progressive Wind Vector Diagram For 1 Jan. 31 Dec. 1971. (From Peterson and Miller, 1975) c) Progressive Wind Vector Diagram Eon Jan. 31 Dec. 1972. (From Peterson and Miller, 1975) 145 Weekly Mean Values of the Coastal Divergence Index (= Bakun's Upwelling Index) at 45° N 125° W (From Bakun, 1975) 148 Monthly Mean Estimates of Wind Stress Curl (Nelson's Offshore Divergence Index) For 19691972 At 45°N 125°W (Unpublished Data From A. Bakun, NMFS) 149 Relative Year-Class Strength Estimates For Butter Sole (Isopsetta isolepis) and English Sole (Parophrys vetulus) 150 LIST OF TABLES Table I II Page Two-way Coincidence Tables for Individual Years (Sept.- August), Excluding Multispecies Taxa. (All time and species-groups form at a BrayCurtis Dissimilarity Value of 0.5) 106 Taxonomic Composition and Times of Occurrence of Each Species-Group in a) 1969-70, b) 1970-71, and c) 1971-72 107 Summary of Kruskal-Wallis Tests for Differences in Abundance of Larvae Between Years 109 Modified Eager's Biological Indices of Dominance (Richardson, 1973) for the Thirteen Most Abundant Taxa in each of the Three Years 110 : III IV V Days per Month with Winds Greater than 15 knots. (*greater than 20 kts) Number of Days of Storms per Month (Winds > 15 kts; Precipitation 1.0 cm) VI VII VIII IX Average Monthly Precipitation (cm). Number of Days with Precipitation Greater than 1.0 cm in Each Month APPENDIX I 112 Dates on Which Major Storms Occurred, 1969-1972. Storms: From wind and precipitation data (wind 15 knots, rain > 0.4 inches, *winds > 20 knots) 113 Surface Temperatures (°C) at each Station on each Sampling Date 114 Surface Salinity (°/oo) at Each Station on Each Samping Date (Columbia River Plume Water 32.5 X 111 /oo) 116 Bottom salinities (°/oo) at each station on each sampling date when measurements were taken 118 Taxa taken in this study, with references containing descriptions, illustrations or photographs of larvae. 151 LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table APPENDIX II APPENDIX III Page Species taken, number of specimens of each species, number of sample dates on which each species was taken, total standardized abundance (E number/lO m2 of sea surface) of each species, percent of total catch of each species, percent of standardized abundance of each species, and biological index for each species. 154 Total Standardized Abundances of all Species at each Station for each date. 157 YEARLY VARIATION IN THE ABUNDANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF FISH LARVAE IN THE COASTAL ZONE OFF YAQUINA HEAD, OREGON, FROM JUNE 1969 TO AUGUST 1972 INTRODUCTION The survival of fish in their larval stage has been considered to be closely linked to variations in year-class strengths (Gulland, 1965; Hempel, 1965; May, 1974; Gushing, 1975; Lasker, 1981b). Hjort (1914, 1926) first suggested that a "critical period", a time of high mortality due to starvation, during "the very earliest larval and young fry stages" was the time of year-class strength formation. The existence of this critical period has not yet been well corroborated, but mortality during the larval stage has been widely accepted as a cause of annual differences in fish abundance (May, 1974). The critical period is usually assumed to be a short period at the onset of exogenous feeding (May, 1974), but Gulland (1965) suggested that alternative critical phases, possibly of longer duration, may occur later in the early life history stages of fish. An alternative critical phase may occur for demersal fish species during their transformation from planktonic larvae to demersal juveniles (Steele and Edwards, 1970; Marliave, 1977), and variations in survival of late larval and juvenile Engraulis mordax (northern anchovy) may determine recruitment during some years (Hewitt and Methot, 1982). However, studies of larval abundance have been considered necessary 2 for understanding recruitment processes in marine fishes (Hempel, 1974; Hunter, 1976). This study is an analysis of ichthyoplankton samples collected from June 1969 to August 1972 along a transect offshore of Yaquina Head, Oregon. It is the first attempt to relate annual variations in the abundance of fish larvae from the Oregon upwelling zone to fluctuations in environmental factors on a year-round basis. The objectives of this study are: 1) To describe the seasonal and yearly variations in the occurrence and abundance of fish larvae in the Oregon coastal zone. 2) To relate seasonal and yearly variations in the abundance of numerically dominant species to variations in hydrographic conditions, weather patterns and biological conditions that were measured during the time of ichthyoplankton sampling. 3) To examine the annual variation in the abundance of Parophrys vetulus (English sole) larvae with respect to resulting year-class strengths, and to relate the results of this study to those of other studies of factors influencing recruitment of that species. Previous Studies of Ichthyoplankton Off the Oregon Coast Ichthyoplankton sampling off Oregon began in the middle of this century, when Aron (1958, 1959, 1960) collected micronekton beyond the continental shelf. Other early surveys of plankton and micronekton included ichthyoplankton taxa in their lists of catch composition (Pearcy, 1962b, LeBrasseur, 1964, 1970). Waidron 3 (1972) compared the distribution of larval fish during April and May 1967 off Washington and Oregon out to 550 km to their distribution in Puget Sound, emphasizing the Scorpaenidae, Pleuronectidae, Gadidae, Myctophidae and Ammodytidae. Richardson (1973) discussed the species composition and distribution of dominant families of ichthyoplankton taken from May through October 1969. Pearcy and Myers (1974) studied the annual variation of fish larvae in Yaquina Bay over eleven years (1960-1970), and briefly compared the abundance of larvae in the ocean at the mouth of the bay to that in the bay during one year. Laroche (1976) reported on the seasonal abundance and species composition of larvae 5.5 km offshore of the Columbia River mouth during 1975, emphasizing the Osmeridae. The early life histories and larval distributions of Eopsetta jordani (petrale sole), Glyptocephalus zachirus (rex sole), and Microstomus pacificus (Dover sole) were discussed by Pearcy et al. (1977). Misitano (1977) studied the utilization of the Columbia River estuary as a spawning and nursery area for euryhaline fishes in 1973 by conducting an ichthyoplankton survey. Richardson (1981) found that Engraulis mordax spawning is associated with the Columbia River plume off Oregon during June to August, and estimated the spawning biomass of the northern subpopulation of that species from ichthyoplankton surveys in 1975 and 1976. Techniques of counting daily otolith growth increments have been used to estimate larval growth rates of Engraulis mordax and northern lampfish, Stenobrachius leucopsarus (Methot, 1981), as well as Parophrys vetulus (Laroche et al., 1982; Rosenberg and Laroche, 1982) off Oregon. Kendall and Clark (1982a,b) reported on larval fish distributions off Washington, Oregon and northern California, 5.6-370.0 km from shore, identifying recurrent fauna] groups in the region. Three published studies, and two associated data reports, have discussed annual variations in the abundance of ichthyoplankton off Oregon. Richardson and Pearcy (1977) identified a coastal assemblage (2-28 km offshore) and an offshore assemblage (37-111 km) of larvae, and described changes in larval abundance in each group from January 1971 to August 1972. They discussed the role of currents and fronts in maintaining the distributional patterns, but did not speculate on environmental factors related to annual differences in larval abundance. In data reports from that study, Richardson and Stephenson (1978) used portions of the total data set (Richardson, 1977) for numerical classification of ichthyoplankton groups off Oregon. Laroche and Richardson (1979) investigated changes in the abundance and distribution of Parophrys vetulus larvae during March and April, 1972-1975. They presented the first detailed analysis of the relationship of environmental conditions to the annual abundance of fish larvae off Oregon. Three distributional assemblages of larvae, coastal, transitional and oceanic, were identified by Richardson et al. (1980) off the Oregon coast. Annual differences in the offshore occurrence of the coastal assemblage were attributed to differences in local coastal wind patterns. Annual differences in the abundance of dominant taxa were not explained, although Richardson et al. (1980) 5 speculated that feeding success, predation and competition may have influenced the abundance of larvae. Early life history stages of several north Pacific fishes have been described from specimens taken in the studies discussed previously: Sebastolobus spp. (Pearcy, 1962), Ptilichthys goodei (Richardson and Dehart, 1975), Sebastes spp. (Richardson and Laroche, 1979; Laroche and Richardson, 1980, 1981), Macrouridae (Stein, 1980), Cottidae (Richardson and Washington, 1980; Richardson, 1981; Washington, 1982), Isopsetta isolepsis (Richardson et a]., 1980), Embassichthys bathybius (Richardson, 1981) and Gadidae (Materese et al., 1981). The Relationship of Environmental Factors to Larval Fish Abundance Environmental factors that have been related to variations in larval fish abundance include water temperature, salinity, currents, upwelling strength, storms, food abundance, predation, competition, spawning stock size and egg concentrations in species with demersal eggs. Many researchers have indicated that few of these are independent (e.g. Colton and Temple, 1961; Ahistrom, 1965; Bannister et a]., 1974; Lasker, 1978; Laroche and Richardson, 1979). Consequently, few studies have claimed that a single factor is the direct cause of fluctuations in larval abundance. It is currently thought that starvation and predation are the proximate causes of larval fish mortality (Hunter, 1976). This mortality, in conjunction with the number of eggs spawned in each year, will determine the annual variability in larval abundance. Predators may feed on growing and starving larvae more frequently than on those that are healthy and well fed (Ware, 1975; Hunter, 1976). Therefore, all environmental factors that influence larval mortality may ultimately be related to feeding success of the larvae. Although there is no single, comprehensive survey of environmental effects on larval fish abundance, several authors have reviewed aspects of the problem (Hempel, 1965, 1979; Gulland, 1965; May, 1974; Cushing, 1975; Hunter, 1976; Braum, 1978; Lasker, 1981b) and numerous studies are contained in three recent symposia (Blaxter, 1974; Sharp, 1980; Lasker and Sherman, 1981). Different environmental factors have been found to be important influences on the abundance of larval fishes in different oceanographic regions. Intrusion of cold north Atlantic water into the North Sea, with resulting altered zooplankton distributions, was related to changed abundances of several species of fish larvae (Hart, 1974; Coornbs, 1975). Changes in zooplankton abundance in the north Atlantic, particularly those of copepods, were directly related to changes in larval fish abundance (Sysoeva and Degtereva, 1965; Bainbridge and Cooper, 1973; Robinson et al., 1975). Currents at Georges Bank carried larvae into cold deep water away from nursery grounds during certain years, causing mortality (Walford, 1938; Colton, 1959; Colton and Temple, 1961). High surface water temperatures, lack of storms, low precipitation and high salinities in Long Island Sound were related to high larval abundances (Merriman and Sclar, 1952; Richards, 1959). Upwelling 7 off California, with lowered water temperatures, offshore surface water transport, increased abundances of inadequate food organisms, disruption of upper mixed layer stability and disruption of eddy or countercurrent systems, has been related to decreased larval anchovy survival (Ahlstrom, 1965; Lasker and Smith, 1977; Lasker, 1981a). Transport of larval Merluccius productus (Pacific hake) off central California controls their distribution and is a significant factor in determining year-class strengths, with offshore larval transport during upwelling leading to lower survival (Bailey, 1981). Predator abundance has been inversely related to the abundance of larval Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring) in the Baltic Sea (Möller, 1980) and larval Engraulis mordax off California and Baja California (Alvario, 1980). Three major hypotheses have been used to explain environmental controls on larval fish survival in upwelling regions of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Cushing (1969, 1975, 1978) suggested that the spawning seasons of those fish species with discontinuous seasons are matched to the peak of plankton productivity, and that the match or mismatch of larval fish production with the production of larval fish food organisms will determine year-class strengths. From this hypothesis, one would expect the time of greatest larval fish abundance to occur at the time of greatest plankton production (Cushing, 1978). 0ff Oregon, the time of greatest productivity is from June througn August, when strong upwelling occurs (Peterson and Miller, 1975; Small and Menzies, 1981). Lasker (1975, 1978, 1981a,b) suggested that prolonged stability of the upper mixed layer is more important to the survival of Engraulis mordax larvae than high primary productivity pse. Stability should be conducive to the successful feeding of larvae in food patches, but upwelling and storms would destabilize the mixed layer, disperse patches and increase larval mortality. Finally, Parrish et al. (1981) suggested that most California Current region coastal fishes spawn at times or in regions of reduced offshore transport, and that anomalies in surface drift patterns are a major cause of variation in the spawning success of fishes in upwelling zones. These hypotheses are not exclusive, although each suggests a different primary factor controlling larval fish survival. Coastal Hydrography Off Oregon The dominant hydrographic features off Oregon are the California Current, the Davidson Currents variable alongshore currents, the Columbia River plume, coastal upwelling and offshore fronts (Pattullo and Denner, 1965; Huyer and Smith, 1978; Lough, 1975; Peterson and Miller, 1975; Rothlisberg, 1975; Peterson et al., 1979). Seasonal changes in prevailing winds control these features nearshore. From October through March, winds are usually southwesterly, with frequent storms. Runoff from coastal streams and rainfall lower surface temperatures to as much as 9°C (Bourke and Pattullo, 1974) and salinities by as much as 12°/oo (Pattullo and Denner, 1965). From April through September, winds are northeasterly and cloud cover reduced. Surface temperatures are cooler and salinities are greater than in winter because of upwell ing. The southward flowing California Current off Oregon extends from approximately 70 to 265 km offshore in the winter and 100-150 km in summer (Hickey, 1979). Flows average 10.3 cm/s (Wooster and Reid, 1963) although Wyatt et al. (1972) reported velocities of up to 15.4 cm/s 0-200 km off Oregon, with a mean velocity of 5.7 cm/s. A northward flowing, 15 km wide subsurface jet, at 20-40 cm/s, occurs 15-20 km off Oregon (Hickey, 1979). The Davidson Current, 75 km wide, is a nearshore surface current that flows northward from about October through March-April off Oregon (Burt and Wyatt, 1964; Wyatt et al., 1972). Current speed is approximately 2% of the prevailing wind velocity, with highest current speeds about 10-24 hours after storms (Collins and Pattullo, 1965). Estimates of speeds are 0.0-28.8 cm/s (Burt and Wyatt, 1964) and 25.7-102.8 cm/s, with highest speeds 32 km offshore in November (Wyatt et al., 1972). Winter northward flow is present at all depths to at least 37 km offshore, with an onshore component in the upper 10-20 m (Smith et al., 1971). Variable alongshore currents occur in March, April and September. In the spring, surface flow changes from northward to southward. A vertical shear, with southward surface flow and a northward undercurrent develops in late April (Huyer et al., 1975). The Columbia River plume has been defined as a surface water lens of salinity less than 32.5°/oo, often with salinities as low as 20-25 0/00 and temperatures as high as 15°C at its core. It 10 may be 20-24 m deep and extend 800 km from the river mouth in early summer when runoff is greatest. During the summer and fall, when winds are northerly, the plume extends southwest of the river mouth and is offshore. In the winter and spring, when winds are southerly, the plume extends north and is nearshore (Barnes et al., 1972). Plume velocities can be 12 cm/s at 111 km from the source (Pak et al., 1970). Upwelling occurs off Oregon from April through September and is often strongest in June-August (Bakun, 1975). It is most pronounced equatorward of capes (Smith et al., 1971) and where winds are at angles of 21.5° off the coast (Smith, 1968). Upwelling effects may extend from the coast to about 50 km offshore (Peterson et al., 1979), but are most intense 9-18 km offshore (Bourke and Pattullo, 1974). Upwelling strength lessens exponentially offshore (Smith, 1968). Offshore surface flow is restricted to the upper lOm 0-10 km from shore and the upper 15 m offshore (Peterson et al., 1979). During early upwelling southward surface velocities are 6 cm/s (Smith et al., 1966). Vertical velocities are 0.2x103 to 7.0x103 cm/s at 65 km offshore (Smith et al., 1966). During active upwelling, surface water 0 to 10-15 km offshore is 8-9°C and 33.5°/oo. 10-12°C during relaxed upwelling. water is 10-12°C and 32.O_33.00/oo. m has salinities of 33.0_33.50/oo. Surface water warms to Offshore of 10-15 km, upwelled Deeper water at 10-20 to 60 Below 60 m, temperatures are 8-9°C and salinities are 33.50/00, like nearshore upwelled water 11 (Peterson et al., 1979). Bourke and Pattullo (1974) found bottom water at 30-50m 2-9 km offshore of 7°C and 34°/oo. There is a region of alongshore frontal activity 9-18 km offshore during the upwelling season, where coastal water mixes with shelf and slope water (Bourke and Pattullo, 1974). The front has a southward flowing jet, strongest at the surface, 12-18 km offshore (Huyer et al., 1975). Jet velocities are 35 cm/s in late spring and 20 cm/s in late summer (Small and Menzies, 1981). In May through July, the inner edge of the Columbia River plume may form this front (Small and Menzies, 1981), and upwelled water flowing offshore may submerge beneath the plume and front (Small and Menzies, 1981). Upwelling cells may exist on both sides of the front, with water in the offshore cell rising along the pycnocline to the surface at the front and moving offshore (Mooers et al., 1976). Two models of nearshore circulation have been proposed. Upwelled water may rise along the pycnocline at the front, move shoreward at 10 m, and move seaward at the surface to be entrained in the jet at the inner edge of the front, 7-12 km offshore (Peterson et al., 1979). Or, upwelled water may rise adjacent to the coast, move seaward in the upper 20 m and descend along the pycnocline (Small and Menzies, 1981). Biotic Consequences of Coastal Currents Off Oregon Alongshore flow off Oregon (30-50 cm/s) is greater than zonal flow (6 cm/s) (Smith et al., 1966; Peterson and Miller, 1979). 12 Plankton populations may be latitudinally maintained because current reversals result in little net north-south transport over a season on the continental shelf (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977; Peterson et al., 1979). A surface front 15-28 km from shore may separate the coastal and offshore Oregon ichthyoplankton assemblages. This front has been observed during upwelling, and may also be present in winter (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). Differences in wind patterns may chance the position of this front seasonally and annually, changing the location of the transition between assemblages (Richardson et al., 1980). Chlorophyll concentrations off Oregon are highest 20-40 km offshore during the upwelling season and consistently low throughout winter. During early or intermittent upwelling, a biomass and productivity core is found just shoreward of the Columbia River plume. During prolonged strong upwelling in late summer, this core is found farther offshore and a second core is found at or inshore of the permanent pycnocline (Small and Menzies, 1981). Peterson et al. (1979) found that zooplankton populations are maintained in the Oregon upwelling zone, despite offshore transport, and suggested as mechanisms cellular circulation, with behavioral and ontogenetic changes in vertical distribution. In the nearshore upwelling cell zooplarikters avoid the thin surface Ekman layer and remain in layers where offshore transport is slight. In the outer cell zooplankters move into deep layers of 13 onshore transport as adults. In addition, surface circulation is shoreward during relaxation of upwelling. Upwelling events are relatively brief in the outer cell, maintaining zooplankton populations seaward of the offshore divergence. Wroblewski (1980) concluded that the maintainance of copepod populations in the Oregon upwelling zone could be modeled by intermittent upwelling of 2-7 days duration, as observed by Huyer (1976), and that the cellular gyre model was not necessary to explain how zooplankton avoid offshore transport during upwelling. The stability of the upper mixed layer may be disrupted by storms and upwelling off Oregon as off California. Phytoplankton productivity is greatest during relaxed upwelling, while dilution by mixing and offshore transport of biomass occurs during persistent upwelling (Small and Menzies, 1981). Food concentrations for nearshore zooplankton populations are low during prolonged intense upwelling, although zooplankton concentrations remain high (Peterson et al., 1979). 14 MATERIALS AND METHODS Field Sampling The sampling regime has been described by Lough (1975, 1976), Rothlisberg (1975), and Peterson and Miller (1975, 1976, 1977). Plankton samples were taken 1.8, 5.6, 9.2 and 18.5 km offshore of Newport, Oregon (Fig. 1) from 22 June 1969 to 5 August 1972. The stations were designated NH1, NH3, NH5 and NH1O, respectively; the numbers are their distance from shore in nautical miles. The transect initially originated at the mouth of Yaquina Bay (44°37' N). After 20 October 1970, it was moved 4 km to the north, off Yaquina Head (44°41' N), to avoid estuarine runoff. Samples were taken at least twice monthly during 26 of the 37 months (App. III). All stations were sampled at least once a month, except in April 1971 when only NH3 and 5 were sampled, and in Jan. -Feb. 1972 when no samples were taken. Of 277 samples, 267 (96.4%) were taken in daylight, 6 (2.2%) were taken at night, and 4 (1.4%) were taken in twil ight. Plankton samples were collected with a 20.2 cm mouth diameter bongo net (Posgay and Marak, 1980), illustrated in Rothlisberg (1975) and Richardson (1977). The bongo frames were fitted with two 1.8 m long cylinder-cone Nitex nets. The 0.233 mm and 0.571 mm mesh nets on either side of the frame had filtering area to mouth area ratios of 10.6 and 11.7. Codends were PVC cylinders 9 cm in diameter by 16 cm long, with laterally placed steel filtering screens. TSK (Tsurumi-Seiki Kosakusho Co., Litd.) flowmeters were 15 attached to the inside frame of each net. calibrated in swimming pools. Flowmeters were A wire-scope to water-depth ratio of 2:1 was maintained by a 13.6 kg lead ball or a 6.8 kg fin depressor until 4 November 1970, after which a modified 36.3 kg kite-otter depressor (Colton, 1959) was used and 70 cm bongo nets were added to the sampler. A time depth recorder was attached below the nets after 29 December 1971. Step oblique tows of three to five levels were taken parallel to the coast. The nets lacked opening-closing devices, fishing throughout the tow. Samples were taken from bottom to surface, with station depths of: NH1 = 20 m, NH3 = 46 m, NH5 = 59 m, and NI-lb = 85 m. minutes. Tow speeds were 2-3 knots and tow times were 4 to 42 Water volumes filtered per tow were 20.5 to 348.6 m3. Surface temperatures, surface salinities and occasional bottom salinities were taken prior to each tow. Plankton samples were preserved immediately with 5-10% formalin and buffered with sodium borate in the laboratory. Laboratory Procedures All fish larvae were sorted from the plankton samples. Larvae were stored in 5% formalin buffered to neutrality with sodium borate. All larvae were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic group, measured and counted. identified by Sharon Myers Roe1. 1 Most of the larvae were Larval length was measured as See Appendix I for taxonomic references. Some identifications were made with the unpublished work of Dr. S.L. Richardson and the late Dr. E.H. Ahistrom. notochord length before flexion, or as standard length during and after flexion (Richardson, 1977). Numbers of larvae taken per tow were standardized to numbers of larvae beneath 10 in2 of sea surface (Smith and Richardson, 1977), except that numbers of larvae taken and water volumes filtered in each side of the net were summed before standardization, when larvae from both sides were available. The numbers and sizes of herring larvae from Yaquina Bay (Pearcy and Myers, 1974), and kinds and numbers of crab larvae at NH3 (Lough, 1975) taken in both sides of the net were similar, indicating that the two sides of the net did not differ in catch of large larvae. Catches from both sides were combined to increase the sample size of larvae at each station on each date, and because each side filtered only a small volume of water during a single tow. For further analysis, the number of larvae per 10 in2 summed for all stations sampled on a date is referred to as "total standardized abundance," and the total standardized abundance divided by the number of stations sampled on a date is referred to as the "mean standardized abundance." Salinity samples were analyzed with a CSIRO inductively coupled sal inometer. Additional Data Hourly wind measurements taken from an anemometer at the south jetty of Yaquina Bay were compiled into daily sums of north-south and east-west components (William Gilbert, OSU School of 17 Oceanography, personal communication), and transposed into progressive vector diagrams (Peterson and Miller, 1975, 1976, 1977). Upwelling strength was estimated by daily and weekly values of the coastal divergence index (=CDI11) or "upwelling index 1975). (Bakun, Wind stress curl (Nelson, 1976, 1977) was estimated with daily values of the offshore divergence index (=ODI"; Andrew Bakun, NMFS, NOAA, unpublished data). The four combinations of positive and negative CD1's and ODUs are coupled to four hydrographic regimes of inshore vs. offshore convergence and divergence (see Bakun and Parrish, 1980, Fig. 3). Daily precipitation measurements and sporadic monthly weather summaries reporting storms were taken from 1969-1972 climatological reports for Newport, Oregon (U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration, 1969-1972). Relative cohort strengths of Parophrys vetulus and Isopsetta isolepis from 1969-1972 were estimated from numbers of female P. vetulus of each cohort taken per hour of fishing in 1972-1980 by commercial fishing vessels in area 3A, and from the percent of I. isolepis of each cohort in research survey catches off Oregon and Washington in 1973-1975 (Robert Demory, Ore. Dept. Fisheries and Wildlife, unpublished data:, method for P. vetulus from Ketchen and Forrester, 1966). For I. isolepis, the four cohorts were only taken together in 1975, so their relative strengths were estimated from the percentages of catch in that year. For P. vetulus, cohort strengths were estimated from the ranking of sums of the catches of 'SI each cohort at ages 3-7, for which data were complete for all three year-classes, in 1972-1980. Dominance and Classification Analysis Taxa were ranked by dominance using the Biological Index (Richardson, 1973) modified from Eager (1957), which combines abundance and frequency of occurrence. The five most abundant taxa were ranked within each sample (the combined catches of the two nets in a single tow), the ranks summed among all samples for each taxon and the summed ranks divided by the number of samples, yielding the final dominance rankings. Cluster classification techniques (Clifford and Stevenson, 1975; Boesch, 1977), from Richardson (1976), were used to identify seasonal species associations (species-groups) and faurially similar sampling dates (time-groups). Before analysis, a two-dimensional data matrix of species abundances x sampling times was created by summing the abundances of each taxon over all stations sampled per time. Only data from the 64 times on which all four stations were sampled were included in the analysis, to eliminate the effects of unequal sampling effort. Taxa occurring less than 5% of the times were eliminated from the analysis, because rare taxa do not contribute to recurrent species or time-groups and may obscure patterns in the classification (Clifford and Stevenson, 1975). Abundances were multiplied by 10, becoming numbers of larvae per 100 m2, because the algorithms used required all abundances to be greater than 1 (Richardson, 1976). A log10(n+1) transformation 19 (Barnes, 1952), where n=# larvae/lOU m2, was applied to remove skewness caused by a few high abundances of the Osmeridae, Parophrys vetulus and Isopsetta isolepis. Abundances of larvae were standardized to proportions in the classification of time groups by dividing the abundance of a taxon at a single time by its total abundance at all times. This standardization gives more weight to frequency of occurrence than abundance (Clifford and Stevenson, 1975). No standardization was used in the classification of species-groups, giving more weight to abundance. The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficient was chosen because it is sensitive to abundance (Clifford and Stevenson, 1975) and has been used to identify geographic ichthyoplankton groups off Oregon (Richardson and Stevenson, 1978; Richardson et al., 1980). The coefficient is calculated as: n D.k = X jXjk i ?: when (xjj+xjk) is the dissimilarity between sampling times j and k, is the abundance of the th species from the th time, and Xik is the abundance of the sampling time. and k, i th sampling species on the kth When Dik is the dissimilarity between species .j refers to a sampling time. Bray-Curtis values range between 0, for complete similarity, and 1, for complete dissimilarity (Boesch, 1977). A group average sorting strategy (Clifford and Stevenson, 1975) was used to cluster the dissimilarity coefficients. The 20 method was explained in detail by Sneath and Sokal (1973) under the name "unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA)." Sampling times were classified by the abundance of species occurring on each date, treating times as sampling stations have been treated in most other ecological classifications (Williams and Stevenson, 1973). The classification of species-groups occurring at different times was completed as that for species-groups occurring at different stations (Clifford and Stevenson, 1975). Time and species-groups were initially classified from data including all abundant taxa. Species-groups from this classification were not well defined, because several higher taxa that included several species were abundant throughout the year. A second classification was then formed from data excluding the Osmeridae, Cyclopteridae and Sebastes species. Separate classifications were formed for each year, facilitating both comparisons of time and species-groups among years and identification of differences between years. A year was considered to begin on 1 September and end on 31 August, because the season of lowest larval abundance began at that time in each year (see RESULTS). Classifications are presented as dendrograms. Species and time-groups identified were those that formed at or below the subjectively chosen 0.55 dissimilarity level. The relationships of species-groups to time-groups are presented in two-way coincidence tables. Coincidences are the frequencies (%) with which the 21 members of a species-group occur within a time-group (Boesch, 1977). The coincidence tab'es show the times of peak occurrence and seasonal range of occurrence for each species-group. A Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine if differences in the variance of larval fish abundances existed between years, compared to the variance within years. A non-parametric test was used after graphic rankit analysis (Sokal and Rohif, 1969) showed departure of the data from a normal frequency distribution, not corrected by a 1og10(n+1) transformation. 22 RESULTS Sampling Gear Efficiency Although bongo nets are recommended sampling gear for ichthyo- plankton surveys, the 20 cm mouth diameter is smaller than the 70 cm diameter suggested as adequate for such surveys (Smith and Richardson, 1977; Bowles et a]., 1978). Gear size influences the number and size of larvae captured (Barkley, 1964; Bowles et al., 1978). Efficiency of the 20 cm nets was evaluated by comparing the catch of that gear to the catch of 70 cm bongo nets, taken concurrently in 1971 and 1972 (Richardson, 1977). Abundances of larvae were often underestimated by the 20 cm nets. To evaluate this, total standardized abundances (E#/10 m2) from the 20 cm bongo net samples at each station on each date were compared to those from the 70 cm nets (Richardson, 1977; Table 104). Although the catches of the two nets were correlated (r 0.88), a Wilcoxon's signed rank test for differences between the catches of the two nets was significant (P = 0.05). Catches in the 20 cm nets were smaller than in the 70 cm nets in 67 of 111 paired comparisons (60.4%). In addition to smaller abundance estimates, fewer taxa were taken in the 20 cm nets. Eight rare species were taken only by the 70 cm nets at NH 1-10 (Richardson, 1977). taken only by the 20 cm nets. One rare species was Fewer species were taken by the smaller nets because less water was filtered per sample than by the larger nets. 23 Avoidance of the smaller nets was demonstrated by the smaller sizes of larvae taken in the 20 cm nets. In a comparison of monthly ranges and modes of lengths of 13 dominant taxa taken in 1971 by the 20 cm and 70 cm nets (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977; Table 6), 61.1% of the modal monthly lengths and 76.6% of the maximum monthly lengths were larger in catches of the 70 cm nets. Smaller catches, a lower species number and smaller sizes of larvae were taken by the 20 cm bongo nets, compared to 70 cm nets. However, the correlation between the catches (# larvae/10 m2) of the two sizes of bongo nets [20 cm net catch = 4.61 + 1.03 (70 cm net catch); r 0.88] indicated that comparisons of numbers of larvae from 20 cm net samples relative to one another through time were valid estimates of relative temporal changes in the abundance of fish larvae. Overall Species Composition and Dominant pecies Larval fish were taken in 194 of the 277 samples. The samples contained 5470 larvae, which were identified to 57 taxa in 21 families and 43 genera (App. II). Osmerids dominated in both abundance and frequency of occurrence; 54.13% of the catch and 42.31% of the total standardized abundance (z#/ 10 m2) were smelt larvae. Biological Index values (Richardson, 1973) ranged from 1.61 for the Osmeridae to 0.00 for two taxa which were never among the five most abundant taxa in any sample (App. II). The 13 dominant taxa, with Biological Indices of 0.15 or greater (Table IV) were, 24 in descending order of rank: Osmeridae (smelts), Parophrys vetulus (English sole), Isopsetta isolepis (butter sole), Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole), Microgadus proximus (Pacific tomcod), Sebastes spp. (rockfishes), Artedius harringtoni (scalyhead sculpin), Ammodytes hexapterus (Pacific sand lance), Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder), Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole), Artedius meanyi (Puget Sound sculpin), Artedius fenestralis (padded sculpin) and Cyclopteridae type 1 (snailfishes). ranking 14th The species was a mesopelagic form, Stenobrachius leucopsarus (northern lampfish; App. II), and not part of the coastal species assemblage (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). The 13 dominant taxa accounted for 94.25% of the larvae taken and 93.33% of the total standardized abundance of larvae. Only the 13 dominant taxa will be discussed individually. The Annual Cycle of Larval Fish Abundance in Oregon Coastal Waters Two peaks of abundance and a period of low abundance occurred in each year (Figs. 2-4). The largest mean numbers of larvae (>100 larvae! 10 m2) were found in February and again in May- early July. These peaks were usually composed of taxa from different seasonal species-groups. Late September was always a time of extremely low larval abundance, and dates when no larvae were captured occurred in late August or September of each year. Those few larvae which were taken in late September were large specimens of only four taxa. Therefore, the annual cycle of ichthyoplankton abundance in 25 Oregon coastal waters is considered to begin on 1 Sept. and end on 31 Aug. in each year. Annual Variations in Larval Fish Occurrences, 1969-1972 Four time-groups were found at dissimilarity values Sept. 1969 - Aug. 1970 (Fig. 5a). O.55 in September and October 1969 were not included in a group because only multiple species taxa were taken then. Time-group 1 included dates in November and December. Time-group 2, which was most similar in Bray-Curtis value to group 1, included dates from January and February 1970. March was not included in a group, but was most similar to group 2. A spring group, time-group 3, including April and May, was less similar to the previous two groups than the two were to each other. Dates from the summer were not clustered into a group, but were similar to group 3. Group 4, consisting of dates in September and July, was a late-summer group. Five species groups were found in 1969-70 (Fig. Sb) and were associated with time-groups (Table II) by two-way coincidence tables (Table Ia). Species-group 1, composed of larvae occurring only in winter, included Ophiodon elongatus, Hemilepidotus spinosus and Ammodytes hexapterus. Species-group 2, Anoplarchus sp. and Platichthys stellatus, was also a winter group. Group 4, Clinocottus acuticeps and Lyopsetta exilis, occurred in spring, first appearing in April. Group 3, Microgadus proximus and Artedius feriestralis, was found in late winter, spring and early summer (Feb. - Aug.), but did not become abundant until late May. Group S included Artedius harringtoni, A. meanyi, Isopsetta 26 isolepis and Psettichthys melanostictus, and was found from February through August. Parophry vetulus was not included in a group, but was similar to species-groups 3 and 5 in its times of occurrence in 1969-70. Major differences were seen in the dendrograms for Sept. 1970Aug. 1971 (Fig. 6a + b) compared to those for 1969-70. time-groups occurred in 1970-71 (Fig. 6a). 1970 did not form a group. Four The autumn months of Time-group 1 from 1970-71 included dates in December and January. Group 2 included only February. A major difference between 1970-71 and 1969-70 was that February was grouped more closely to spring and summer months than winter months in 1970-71, and more closely to January than spring and summer months in 1969-70. Time-group 3 in 1970-71 included May and early June, while late June and early July formed group 4. Species-groups in 1970-71 were very different from those in the previous year (Fig. 6b). No equivalents of the winter species-groups (1 and 2, Fig. 5b) were found in 1970-71. Some winter species, e.g. Ophiodon elongatus and Clupea harengus, were not taken in 1970-71. Parophrys vetulus and Hemilepidotus spinosus formed species-group 1 in 1970-71, which occurred constantly from December through February (Tables Ib,II). In contrast to 1969-70, species-groups that occurred primarily in the spring and summer were also well represented in February. Species-group 2, Enophrys bison and Pholis spp., occurred from February through June. Species-groups 3, equivalent to group 4 of 1969-70 in species composition, occurred primarily from February through August. 27 Species-group 4 (groups 3 + 5 in 1969-70), which was the largest group, also occurred primarily from February through August. The dendrograms for Sept. 1971 - Aug. 1972 (Fig. 7a,b) were more like those from 1969-70 than 1970-71. No samples were taken in January-February 1972, causing the winter time-group and species-group to be missing in the classification analysis for 1971-72. Four-time groups were found in 1971-72 (Fig. 7a): group 1, consisting of Sept. - Nov.; group 2, including only dates in March; group 3, including April - mid June; and group 4, composed of dates in June-August. 1971-72 (Fig. 7b). Only three species-groups were found in The two-way coincidence table for 1971-72 (Table Ic) indicated that none of the species-groups were found in the first time-group. In 1971-72, species-group I contained species considered both winter and spring species in other years, including dominants Ammodytes hexapterus and Microgadus proximus. Species-group 1 occurred from March through June, but was most abundant in March. Species-group 2, containing Isopsetta isolepis and two Artedius species, occurred from March through August, but was most abundant in April - June. Species-group 3, found in April - mid June 1972, was composed of species usually included in smaller groups during the other years. When multiple species taxa were included in the classifications, the Osmeridae and Cyclopteridae type 1 were placed in the species-groups which included Isopsetta isolepis, and Sebastes spp. formed groups with Parophrys vetulus. Major differences and similarities between years are as follows. In 1969-70, the winter season included Nov.- March. well defined, abundant winter species-group was present. vetulus larvae were present from December through May. A Parophrys Species from the spring and summer groups were found from April through September. In 1970-71, no winter species group was identified and only December and January were classified as winter months. Parophrys vetulus were found from November through June. February was classified with the spring time-group, which indicated a short winter. Species from the spring and summer groups were found from February through August. The final year, 1971-72, was more like 1969-70 than 1970-71 in occurrence of species-groups within time-groups. Assessment of the winter season in 1971-72 was difficult because January and February were not sampled. species in 1971-72 were classified with spring species. Winter Species composition and abundances from December 1971 and March 1972 indicated that a well-defined winter season and winter species-group were present in 1971-72. However, 1969-70 remained the only year in which a winter species-group was actually found. Parophrys vetulus larvae had a short season of occurrence, from October through March. Species in the spring and summer species-groups occurred from March through August, earlier than in 1969-70 but later than in 1970-71. 29 The Annual Cycle of Larval Fish Species-Group Occurrences in Coastal Waters Off Oregon The annual cycle of species-group occurrences in Oregon coastal waters was induced from similarities in patterns among the three years (Figs. 5-7; Table II). vetulus and Sebastes spp. appear. In late fall, larval Parophrys These species contribute to the high abundances of winter species in January and February, and persist into May or June. Winter spawning species from two species-groups appear in January and persist through April in most years. The most abundant species, Ammodytes hexapterus, has a short larval occurrence with peak abundances in February and March. Species in the spring-summer groups appear in mid-winter but do not become abundant until March or April. The Osmeridae is composed of several species; the presence of smelt larvae in all months may be due to different spawning seasons of different smelt species off Oregon. However, most smelt larvae were found in January-March and April-June. Other spring-summer taxa either were most abundant in May and June or were evenly abundant throughout their season of occurrence. Large numbers of larvae found in May and June (Figs. 2-4) were due primarily to high abundances of osmerid larvae, although other species in the spring-summer groups also contributed to those peaks (Table II). Low numbers of larvae in April relative to February and May reflected the transition of the larval fish fauna from winter species-groups to spring-sumer species-groups (Figs. 2-4). Most spawning had ceased and most larvae were transformed by August or September. 30 Annual Variation in the Relative Dominance (Biological Index) and Abundance (#/10 m2) of Dominant Taxa The ranking of Biological Index values of the dominant taxa differed among years (Table IV). dominant taxon in each year. second or third. Smelt larvae were the most Isopsetta isolepis were always ranked Parophrys vetulus were ranked second in 1969-70, third in 1970-71 and fifth in 1971-72. Microgadus proximus were ranked only ninth in 1969-70, but were fourth in 1970-71. Psettichthys melanostictus were ranked fourth in both 1969-70 and 1971-72, but were only ranked thirteenth in 1970-71. Artedius harringtoni decreased in rank over the three years, while Platichthys stellatus showed a progressive increase in rank. The changes in rank among the dominant species indicated changes in their relative abundance, compared to those of other species, among years. When differences in ranks of abundance of the 13 dominant taxa and of all taxa combined were calculated over all months between years (Table III: Kruskal-Wallis test), only the Osmeridae were found to have significantly different annual abundances (P = 0.05, 2 d.f.). The small sample size, three years, with a resulting low number of degrees of freedom partially explains why only the Osmeridae were found to differ significantly in abundance among years. Despite the test results, annual differences in the occurrences and composition of seasonal species-groups, and in rank 31 orders of dominance were obvious (Tables III and IV). In addition, annual differences in the seasonal occurrence, abundance (#110 m2) and length frequency composition of most dominant species seemed biologically meaningful (Figs. 8-20). Hence, further analysis seemed appropriate. Annual Variability in the Abundance (#110 m2) and Size Cposition of the Dominant Taxa Osmeridae (smelts) The five species of smelt that spawn off Oregon hatch at 3-7 mm and absorb the yolk by 6-10 mm (Schaeffer, 1936; Yap-chiongco, 1949; Parente and Snyder, 1970; Hart, 1973; Wang, 1981). Although information on transformation size is scarce for those species, osmerids transform at approximately 30-40 mm (Yap-chiongco, 1949; Cooper, 1978; Wang, 1981). Recently hatched and transforminci smelt, remnants of spring and summer 1969 spawnings, were taken in July-Sept. 1969 (Fig. 8). Recently hatched larvae were taken in Dec. 1969- May 1970. Larger larvae resulting from this cohort were found in April-July and Oct. 1970. A second influx of newly hatched smelt was found in July-Dec. 1970. The mean abundance of smelt larvae in May 1970 was 1/14 that in May 1971. Fewer large larvae (>30 mm), found only in Sept. 1969 and July 1970 of that year, were found in 1969-70 compared to 1970-71. The mean annual abundance of smelt larvae was 7.28/10 m2 in 1969-70, compared to 46.46/10 m2 in 1970-71 and 16.51/10 m2 in 1971-72. 32 During Sept. - Dec. 1970, few (mean = 4.0/10 m2) recently hatched smelt were taken. More (mean = 19.1/10 m2) were found in Jan. - March 1971, with slightly larger modal lengths (10 mm) in March than Jan. - Feb., indicating growth of a cohort. larvae were taken in April. No small Very large numbers (mean = 125.6/10 m2) of smelt larvae were found in May 1971, persisting through June. This influx of smelt was the largest of any species at any time in this study. The modal length of smelt larvae in early May was at the upper end of hatching range (10 mm), which suggested that either extrusion of small larvae was a problem or that spawning occurred outside of the sampling area with larvae growing as they were advected into the area. The presence of smaller smelt larvae in the samples at other times of the year, and of smaller larvae of other species, suggested that the latter explanation was true. More (mean = 43.3/10 m2) larvae at transformation sizes (30 mm) were taken in May-Aug. 1971 than in the other years. There were three modal lengths (8, 14, and 20 mm) for smelt larvae in late May 1971 which persisted through July, indicating multiple spawning peaks in 1971. Many (mean = 39.3/10 m2) recently hatched smelt larvae were taken in March 1972, but few (mean found in April. 2.6/10 m2) of any size were Large numbers (mean = 120.5/10 m2) were taken in May. Most were larger than 10mm, with two modal lengths (12 and 17 mm). Few (mean = 0.6/10 m2) larvae less than 9 mm long were found in May 1972, as in May 1971. Very few (mean = 0.4/10 m2) transforming sized larvae (30 mm) were taken in June - Aug. 1972. 33 Parophrys vetulus (English sole) English sole larvae hatch at 2.6-2.9 mm, absorb their yolk at 3.7-4.5 mm and transform at 18-22 mm (Misitano, 1976; Laroche et al., 1982). There were strong annual differences in the abundance and time of occurrence of English sole larvae (Fig. 9). In 1969, recently hatched (<5 mm) larval English sole were very abundant (mean = 37.3/10 m2) in November. Many (mean = 12.2/10 m2) 5-17 mm and one 18 mm English sole were found in December. Only two were taken in January. Large numbers (mean = 14.8/10 m2) of recently hatched larvae were taken again in Feb. March (Fig. 9). 1969-70. There were two spawning speaks of English sole in Larvae of progressively larger sizes from the second peak were captured from February through June 1970, and larvae larger than 17 mm were taken in April and June. Transforming larvae were found only in 1969-70. In the second year, small English sole larvae were found from Dec. 1970 through March 1971, but were not abundant until February. The largest number (mean = 109.0/10 m2) of English sole found in any month of any year was taken in Feb. 1971. Unlike the previous year, only one spawning peak of English sole was found in 1970-71. Larvae 5-17 mm long were moderately abundant (mean March-May 1971. 9.7/10 m2) in The mean abundance of larval English sole in 1970-71 was 12.93/10 m2, compared to 6.13/10 m2 in 1969-70 and 2.63/10 m2 in 1971-72. 34 They were least abundant in the third year. 3.33/10 m2) were found in Oct. - Nov. 1971. Few (mean = Recently hatched and 5-12 mm larvae were abundant (mean = 27.4/10 m2) in December. The lack of samples in Feb. 1972 was unfortunate, because February was the month when English sole larvae were most abundant in other years. However, only one English sole larva was taken in 1972, during March, which indicated that they were not abundant in that year. Isopsetta isolepis (butter sole) Butter sole larvae hatch at 2.68-2.92 mm, absorb the yolk at 3.8-4.0 mm and transform at 18-23 mm (Richardson et al.,1980). Differences in the abundance and size structure of the larval butter sole catch in the three years were obvious (Fig. 10). A few (mean = 2.8/10 m2) larvae, larger than 10 mm, were found in Aug. - Sept. 1969. 1969 - April 1970. Recently hatched specimens were found in Dec. Many (mean = 64.5/10 m2) larger larvae (modes 4 and 7 mm) were present in April. This cohort was abundant (mean = 13.4/10 m2), with a larger modal size (10 mm) in May. However, only one specimen (11 mm) was found after May in 1971. The mean abundance of butter sole larvae per 10 m2 was 3.39 in 1970-71, compared to 9.70 in 1969-70 and 5.35 in 1971-72. hatched specimens were taken in Feb.- March 1971. Butter sole larvae were very abundant (mean = 48.6/10 m2) in May 1971. approaching transformation were abundant (mean = 4.7/10 m2) relative to other years from May through June 1971. Recently Larvae 35 The size distribution of butter sole larvae in 1971-72 was more similar to that in 1969-70 than 1970-71. larvae were present in March-April 1972. Recently hatched Many (mean = 36.4/10 m2) 6-13 mm specimens were found in May 1972, but they were less abundant than in May 1971. Only a few (mean = 2.0/10 m2) 14-19 mm specimens were found in June-July 1972. Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole) Sand sole larvae hatch at a mean length of 2.8 mm, the yolk is absorbed at approximately 4 mm and transformation occurs at 22-28 mm (Hickman, 1959). In 1969-72, sand sole were highly variable in their months of occurrence (Fig. 11). In 1969, a few large sand sole larvae from spawnings earlier in the year were taken in July and August. were also found in August. In 1969-70, recently hatched sand sole larvae were taken in March-April. April 1970 was the month of greatest larval sand sole abundance (mean three years. Recently hatched larvae 88.9/10 m2) of all The larvae larger than 14 mm from April indicated that spawning either occurred earlier in the year than indicated by catches of small larvae or that large larvae were advected into the study area from other spawning sites. Larval sand sole were moderately abundant (mean = 8.0/10 m2) in May, with an increase in modal size (10 mm) from that in April (5 and 7 mm). Sand sole larvae larger than 20 mm were taken only in April, May and August 1970 in this study. The mean abundance of sand sole larvae in 1969-70 was 3.03/10 m2, compared to 1.30/10 m2 in 1970-71 and 36 2.67/10 m2 in 1971-72. There was only one spawning peak of sand sole in 1969-70. In 1970-71, recently hatched sand sole were found in Feb.May. Larger larvae were taken through July, with the highest mean abundance (4.9/10 m2) in July. This was later than the time of greatest abundance in the previous year. Single large sand sole were taken in August and September. In 1971-72, unlike other years, recently hatched larvae occurred in Oct.- Nov. as well as in the spring (March-April). There were two spawning peaks in 1971-72. Larvae from the autumn spawning were not as abundant as those from the spring spawning of of any year. In the spring, sand sole larvae were abundant (mean = 17.6/10 m2) in May but only a single specimen was found after May in 1972, unlike other years. Microgadus proximus (Pacific tomcod) Pacific tomcod hatch at 2.7 mm, the yolk is absorbed at 3.0 mm and transformation occurs at 22.0-28.0 mm (Materese et a]., 1981). In 1969-70, small tomcod larvae (<4 mm) were present in Jan.April and in July (Fig. 12). Very few larger larvae (mean 0.3/10 m2) were taken in May-July 1970, with none close to transformation. The mean abundance, of tomcod larvae per 10 m2 in 1969-70 was 0.39, compared to 3.33 in 1970-71 and 1.84 in 1971-72. Recently hatched tomcod larvae were taken in Feb.- March and May 1971, which indicated two spawning peaks. Two size-groups (4-5 and 18-25 mm) of tomcod larvae were found in June-July 1971. The 37 largest mean abundances (14.0 and 8.0/10 m2) of tomcod in the three years were found in May and June 1971. The only specimens nearing transformation (>22 mm) were found in June-Aug. 1971. Newly hatched tomcod were more abundant (mean = 2.0/10 m2) in March-April 1972 than in those months in the other years. The occurrence of larvae smaller than 4 mm indicated two spawning peaks; one just prior to March and another from the last week of March into April. However, few (6) larvae larger than 6 mm were taken in 1972, and no tomcod were found after May in 1972. Sebastes spp. (rockfishes) Larvae of most northeastern Pacific Sebastes species are born at 3.8-7.5 mm. al., 1977). Notochord flexion occurs at 7.0-11.8 mm (Moser et Rockfish larvae transform at 15-27 mm (Moser et al., 1977; Laroche and Richardson, 1981). Postflexion larvae were only taken on 9 Oct. 1970 and 3 August 1971. taken were 2-6 mm long (Fig. 13). All other rockfish larvae The absence of larger larvae may have been due to net avoidance and offshore advection of larvae soon after parturition. Large pelagic rockfish larvae and prejuveniles have been collected off Oregon with larger nets. Most were collected farther offshore than 18.5 km (Richardson, 1977; Richardson and Pearcy, 1977; Richardson and Laroche, 1979; Laroche and Richardson, 1980,1981). Rockfish larvae are members of the offshore Oregon ichthyoplankton assemblage (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977; Richardson et al., 1980). CI:1 Small rockfish larvae were abundant (mean = 3.0/10 m2) in Dec. 1969 Feb. 1970, Dec. 1970 - Feb. 1971 and March-April 1972. The annual mean abundance of rockfish larvae per 10 m2 was 4.51 in 1969-70, 1.82 in 1970-71 and 1.29 in 1971-72. Differences in the occurrences of rockfish larvae cannot be interpreted because the larvae could not be identified to species. Thirty-six species of Sebastes occur off Oregon (Richardson and Laroche, 1979). Artedius harringtoni (scalyhead sculpin) Scalyhead sculpins hatch at 3.0-4.0 mm, flexion occurs at 5.2 mm, fin-ray formation is complete by 10 mm and transformation occurs at 13-14 mm (Richardson and Washington, 1980; Washington, 1982). Recently hatched specimens were taken in June-Aug. 1969 and larvae larger than 9 mm were found in June-July 1969 (Fig. 14). In 1969-70, no scalyhead sculpins were taken in Jan.- March, but small (<6 mm) specimens were found in April-June and larger ones in May-July. The absence of scalyhead sculpins in Jan.- March 1970 was exceptional among the three years. In 1970-71, larvae 5 mm or less were taken in Jan.- Aug., and larvae larger than 9 mm were found in May-June and August 1971. In 1972, Jan.- Feb. were not sampled, but recently hatched larvae were present in March-June. The mean annual abundance of scalyhead sculpin larvae per 10 m2 was 0.63 in 1969-70, 1.38 in 1970-71 and 2.39 in 1971-72. 39 Ammodytes hexapterus (Pacific sand lance) Sand lance larvae hatch at 3-7 mm, the yolk is absorbed at 5-7.5 mm and fins form by 22 mm with transformation occurring at a larger size (Fritzsche, 1978). Sand lance larvae smaller than 7 mm were taken in Jan.- Feb. 1970, Feb.- March 1971 and March 1972 (Fig. 15), suggesting a brief winter spawning season. No larvae larger than 14 mm were taken. Large sand lance larvae may be good avoiders of plankton nets (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). The mean annual abundance per 10 m2 of post-flexion larvae larger than 9 mm was 0.04 in 1969-70, 0.30 in 1970-71 and 0.16 in 1971-72. The mean abundance of smaller larvae was 1.88 in 1969-70, 0.64 in 1970-71 and 1.17 in 1971-72. Abundances of sand lance larvae in 1972 were underestimated because no samples were taken in Jan.- Feb., months when sand lance were abundant in other years. Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder) Starry flounder larvae hatch at approximately 2 mm (Orcutt, 1950) and transform at 8-9 mm (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). Starry flounders were rare in 1969-70 (Fig. 16). Only single specimens were taken in July 1969, Feb. 1970 and March 1970. The specimen from March had hatched recently. During 1970-71, larvae smaller than 6 mm were taken in February and April 1971. None were taken in March. Many starry flounder (mean = 10.6/10 n-i2) including recently hatched and 40 transforming larvae, were taken in May. A few (mean = 1.0/10 m2) starry flounder 5-8 mm long were found in June. In 1971-72, several (mean = 4.6/10 m2) recently hatched larvae were taken in March-April. Many (mean = 14.5/10 m2) specimens larger than 6 mm were found in May. The mean annual abundance per 10 m2 of starry flounder larvae was 0.06 in 1969-70, 1.61 in 1970-71 and 2.69 in 1971-72. Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole) Slender sole hatch at 5 mm and transform at 18-22 mm (Ahlstroni and Moser, 1975). Larvae smaller than 6 mm were taken in April-May 1970 and March and May-June 1971. Larvae larger than 15 mm were found in July 1969, May 1970, July 1971 and July 1972, but were never common (Fig. 17). In 1969-70, slender sole larvae were only f' und in April-May. In 1970-71, they occurred in more months, March-July, than in the other two years and were most abundant (mean = 2.4/10 m2) in May-July. In 1971-72, they occurred in May and June. The mean annual abundance per 10 m2 of slender sole larvae was 0.57 in 1969-70, 0.83 in 1970-71 and 0.72 in 1971-72, which suggested little annual variability. Artedius meanyi (Puget Sound sculpin) Puget Sound sculpin hatch at 3.4 mm, flexion begins at approximately 6.2 mm and transformation occurs at 15-16 mm (Richardson and Washington, 1980 as Icelinus spp.; Washington, 1982). 41 Relatively few Puget Sound sculpins (76) were taken. Post- flexion larvae were more abundant (mean = 1.6/10 in2) in July-Aug. 1969 than in any of the full three years sampled, suggesting high abundances for this species in 1968-69. In 1969-70, recently hatched larvae were found in Feb.- April and a single specimen approaching transformation was found in June (Fig. 18). More Puget Sound sculpins (mean = 3.9/10 m2) were found in May 1970 than in any other month of this study, but very few (mean = 0.5/10 in2) were taken in June-July 1970. In 1970-71, recently hatched larvae were taken in March and June. Only two specimens were taken in 1971-72. The mean annual abundance per 10 in2 of Puget Sound sculpin was 0.67 in 1969-70, 0.35 in 1970-71 and 0.17 in 1971-72. Artedius fenestralis (padded sculpin) Larval padded sculpins hatch at 3.5-3.8 mm, flexion occurs at 6 mm and transformation begins at 12-14 mm (Richardson and Washington, 1980; Washington, 1982). Larvae smaller than 5 mm were taken in Jan.- March 1970, Jan.- Feb., June and Aug. 1971, and March-April 1972 (Fig. 19). in this study. Larvae 12 mm or longer were not taken Padded sculpin occurred from January through August in each year and were most abundant in April or May. The mean annual abundance per 10 in2 of padded sculpin larvae was 0.37 in 1969-70, 0.62 in 1970-71 and 0.70 in 1971-72, suggesting little annual variation in the abundance of this species. 42 Cyclopteridae Type 1 (snailfishes) This was another taxon that was probably composed of several species. Too few specimens (24) were taken for annual differences in abundance or trends in spawning and growth to be seen (Fig. 20). Spatial Distribution of the Dominant Taxa Smelt larvae occurred at all stations at various times, but were usually most abundant at 2-6 km from shore. not taken at 18 km. They were usually Parophrys vetulus were abundant at all stations at various times. Large numbers of English sole were found at 2-9 km in Jan. - March 1971. Isopsetta isolepis were often dispersed along all stations, but the largest concentrations were found at 6 and 9 km. Psettichthys melanostictus were temporally and spatially patchy in distribution, but their highest concentrations were found primarily at 6-9 km. Microgadus proximus occurred at all stations, but were most abundant at 6-9 km. Sebastes spp. were most abundant at 18 km, unlike the other dominant taxa. In addition, large numbers of small rockfish occasionally occurred patchily at single stations on single dates (18 km on 29 Dec. 1969, 2 km on 13 Jan. 1970, 18 km on 3 Feb. 1970, 18 km on 21 Dec. 1970 and 6 km on 18 Jan. 1971). Artedius harringtoni were most abundant at 6-9 km, although they occurred frequently at 2 km. 1971. They were found only at 18 km in Jan. - March Ammodytes hexapterus larvae were found only for a few weeks in each year and were spatially very patchy in distribution. were most abundant at 6-18 km. They Platichthys stellatus larvae were 43 most abundant at 2-9 km. with their highest concentrations at 2-6 km. They were found at 18 km once. Lyopsetta exilis larvae were patchy, most abundant at 6-18 km. and were found at 2 km once. Artedius meanyi were most abundant at 6-9 km, occurring only once at 18 km and twice at 2 km. A. fenestralis were found at 2-9 km, but were most abundant at 6-9 km. They were taken at 18 km once. Cyclopterids were occasionally abundant at 6-18 km. Weather Conditions from June 1969 through August 1972 (From U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration, 1969-1972) June 1969 was a relatively warm, wet month with no days of strong winds (Tables V,VI). July and August were dry; four days of strong winds occurred in July. Although the first storms of 1969-70 occurred in September, earlier than in the two other years, the winter of 1969-70 was less stormy than the winters of 1970-71 and 1971-72 (Table VII). September 1969 was average in precipitation and wind. October, November and December in 1969 were less stormy than in the two other years. January 1969 was average among the years in number of storms and wind strength. Major storms occurred on 5-6 Nov., 10-12 Dec., and 17-19 Jan. in 1969-70. February and March 1970 were relatively dry, calm and storm free. Storms resumed in April 1970, arid air temperatures were approximately 2°C below normal in that month. Spring storms ceased by May. June-August 1970 were very dry and storm free, although strong north winds occurred frequently in June. 44 The winter months of 1970-71 were much stormier than those of 1969-70, although no storms occurred in September 1970 (Table VII). Oct. 1970 - Jan. 1971 were stormier months than in 1969-70. Major storms occurred on 20-24 Oct. 1970, 22-24 Nov. 1970, 1-7, 14-16, and 27-30 Dec. 1970 and 15-18 Jan. 1971. February 1971 was average in the number of storms although much stormier than in 1970. March in 1970 was much stormier than in both of the other years, with major storms on the 9th - 12th and 25th - 30th. were 1.5-2.5°C below normal in March 1971. in precipitation and number of storms. Air temperatures April 1971 was average May, July, and August were dry and storm free, but June was relatively wet with two short storms and several days of strong north winds. Air temperatures were 1-2°C below normal in June and July 1971. The winter of 1971-72 was more similar to that of 1970-71 than 1969-70. September 1971 was wetter, but not more stormy than in other years. October, November and December 1971 were very stormy. Major storms occurred on 18-19 October, 23-28 November and 11-14 December. Storms and rain continued through April 1972, although March 1972 was not as stormy as in 1971. By May, storms had ceased and relatively calm dry weather prevailed through August 1972. Wind Speed and Direction During June-August 1969, strong upwelling was favored by north winds for only one month, an unusually short time (Fig. 21). were relatively weak and primarily onshore in June 1969. Winds Strong 45 north winds developed in and persisted through July. Winds were weak in August and early September. Strong southwest winds characteristic of winter storms were rare in the winter of 1969-70 (Fig. 21a, Peterson and Miller, 1977). Winds were weak in September, and strong but from an unusual direction (east) in October and November 1969. 1969-early March 1970, south winds prevailed. predominated during April , In December Eastward winds with short periods of southward winds. The summer period from May through mid-August 1970 was one of consistent upwelling, indicated by persistent, strong southward winds. Winds were weak and variable in August 1970 and the first two months, September-October, of 1970-71. A southwest wind regime typical of winter storms of the Oregon coast existed in November 1970 to mid-April 1971, except for variable and eastward winds in February (Fig. 21b). From mid-April to mid-August 1971, winds tended toward the southeast and were unusually weak. No strong, purely southward winds were recorded during the summer of 1971, unlike the other years, except in July. Weak winds caused reduced upwelling in 1970-71, relative to the other years. September 1971 - August 1972 was a year of both well developed winter storms and strong summer upwelling. Although winds were weak and variable in direction in September-November 1971, strong south and southwest winds indicative of winter storms began in mid-November and continued through mid-April 1972 (Fig. 21c). In mid-April 1972, winds reversed direction, blowing first toward the east and then intermittently toward the southeast in May. Strong southward and southeastward winds, conducive to upwelling, were recorded from May through early September 1972, with occasional reversals in direction. Upwelling Indices Positive coastal divergence index (CDI) values (Fig. 22) and negative offshore divergence index (ODI) values (Fig. 23) were recorded from late April through mid-September 1969, indicating nearshore upwelling with offshore submergence of upwelled water (Bakun and Parrish, 1980). There were 16 weeks when the CDI was greater than 25 m3/sec/100 m of coastline (an arbitrary estimate of upwelling strength), fewer than in the summer of 1970 or 1972. Onshore transport on surface water from mid-September 1969 to mid-March 1970 was indicated by negative CDI values (Fig. 22). Positive ODI values in October 1969-February 1970 (Fig. 23) indicated offshore upwelling and onshore surface water transport. This circulation pattern was disrupted less often by storms in the winter of 1969-70 than in the other two years. Positive CDI values, indicating upwelling, and negative ODI values, indicating offshore submergence of upwelled water, were recorded in March-August 1971. There were 21 weeks during 1970 in which the CDI was greater than 25 m3/sec/100 m of coastline, more than in any other year. in 1970. The most persistent upwelling of any summer occurred 47 Circulation patterns were more often disrupted in the autumn and winter of 1970-71 than 1969-70. Transport was weak, with CDI values near zero, in September and early October 1970 (Fig. 22). Negative CDI values indicated onshore transport from mid-October 1970 through January 1971, while ODI values switched from positive to negative at the end of December 1970. Both indices were usually near zero in February-April 1971, indicating weak surface water transport, although negative CDI's suggested that onshore transport occurred in early February and early March. Positive CDI values, indicating upwelling, did not appear until mid-April 1971, later than in 1970, and persisted through August. 001 values decreased to zero more often in the sumer of 1971 than in the other two years. There were only 16 weeks of 1971 in which the CDI was greater than 25 m3/sec/100 m of coastline, which suggested reduced upwelling relative to the other years. Relaxation of upwelling occurred in early May, mid-June and late August 1971. Zonal circulation patterns were weakly developed in October 1971 through January 1972, with CDI and 001 values frequently near zero (Figs. 22,23). Negative CDI values indicated well developed onshore transport in February and mid-March 1972. CDI values were positive and ODI values negative from mid-April through August 1972. There were 20 weeks during 1972 when CDI values were greater than 25 m3/sec/100 m of coastline, which suggested strong upwelling in the summer of 1972. 2EI Surface Water Temperatures Surface temperatures were initially warm (12.6-14.6°C; Table VIII) in June 1969, but dropped by 5-6° in July, during an upwelling event. Warming occurred in July-early September 1969, with the greatest increase at 18 km. Winter temperatures were stable and relatively warm in 1969-70 compared to the other years (Table VIII). From October through November 1969, temperatures fluctuated between 11-12.5°C, 1-2.5°C above the modal temperature of 10°C (Pattullo and Denner, 1965). From January through April 1970, sea surface temperatures rose in a gradient of 1 to 3°C going offshore. Upwelling was indicated by a decrease to 8.5°C inshore and 7.5°C offshore on 23 June. Temperatures rose again in July to 11-12.5°C inshore and 12-14°C offshore. Upwelling occurred again in early August 1970. Sea surface temperatures were extremely variable in 1970-71. Surface temperatures dropped to 9-10°C at all stations (Table VIII) in early September, during upwelling. Temperatures rose by 2°C on 25 September, except at 18 km where a high temperature of 16°C was recorded. Nearshore warming continued in October and November, although temperatures at 18 km decreased. 9-10.5°C began in December 1970. Winter cooling to From January through March 1971 temperatures fluctuated between 7.4 and 10.5°C, gradually increasing but with periods of cooling in late January and early February. From March to May, surface waters warmed by 2-2.5°C with most heating occurring offshore. Upwelling was indicated by a 49 decrease to 8-9°C on 29 May. Inshore incursion of Columbia River plume water caused warming to 13-14.5°C in June. Another decrease occurred in July, with a low of 8.5-9.5°C on 21 July. Extreme warming in August, with a gradient of increasing temperature from 14°C at 2 km to 16.5°C at 18 km, was due again to Columbia River plume water. Fewer upwelling events, as indicated by sudden cooling, occurred in 1971 than 1970. Sea surface temperatures were least variable in 1971-72 (Table VIII). Upwelling (8.8-9.9°C) occurred in early September and a gradual warming of approximately 2°C occurred at all stations by 11 October. Temperatures cooled into the winter range (8-9°C) by 7 December 1971. From March through July at 2 km, temperatures were all between 9.8 and 10.6°C. At other stations, temperatures were in or near that range except for warming (11-12°C) on 15 March at 6-18 km and June-July at 18 km. The temperature data do not indicate the strong upwelling suggested by the wind data and upwelling indices for 1972, except on 5 August (8.5-9.0°C at all stations). This may have been due to the relatively few samples taken in 1972, compared to 1970 and 1971. Surface Salinities Sea surface salinities (32.50/oo) indicated that Columbia River plume water was present at the start of sampling, 22 June 1969 (Table IX). In July, salinities of 32-34.7°/oo, with the highest values nearshore, suggested an upwelling event. 50 Surface salinities at all stations in Sept.- Nov. 1969 were in the modal range for the area annually of 33.0-33.5°/oo (Pattullo and Denner, 1965). They decreased to 27.6-31.3°/oo by Jan.- Feb. 1970, indicating dilution of surface waters by rainfall and coastal stream runoff. 1970. Few measurements were available for March-April Salinities as great as 33.3°/oo in May indicated the first upwelling event of 1970. In mid and late May, the highest salinities were inshore, with Columbia River plume water (30.9-31.9°/oo) at 18 km. Upwelled water (33-35°/oo) occurred in June-August 1970, although water of 31.5-33.00/oo was found at 9-18 km on 29 July and during August. The high surface salinities in June-August 1970 indicated strong persistent upwelling in those months. Surface salinities decreased steadily in Sept.-early Dec. 1970. No zonal pattern of dilution suggestive of Columbia River plume water or coastal stream discharge was seen, indicating the direct influence of precipitation. Decreased salinities (25.1-28.1°/oo) at the two inner stations in mid-January indicated high discharge from coastal streams. Dilute surface water (29.0-32.5°/oo) at all stations in Feb.-mid May 1971 indicated persisting winter hydrographic conditions influenced by precipitation and runoff. At the end of May, upwelled water (33.5-33.8°/oo) was found at all stations. Surface salinities were lowered by Columbia River plume water to 29.4-30.9°/oo in early June. Upwelled water (33.5-33.8°/oo) occurred at the three 51 inner stations during late July. Lower salinities in August 1971 indicated relaxation of upwelling. Surface salinities were near the modal range again in Sept.Oct. 1971, and decreased progressively from 32.5-33.4°/oo to 31.4_32.1O/oo from September through December. taken in Jan.- Feb. 1972. No samples were Salinities were low (25.1-30.5°/oo) at the inshore stations in March-early April2, indicating the influence of coastal runoff, and very low surface salinities (17.1-21.4°/oo) were recorded in mid-April. Salinities gradually increased in May and June until they reached modal values. Upwelling caused high surface salinities at the inshore stations in late July-early August 1972. Bottom Salinities The incomplete record of bottom salinity (Table X), relative to that of surface salinity, limited the inferences that could be drawn from these data. Bottom salinities greater than 34°/oo at all stations in late July 1969 indicated upwelling with high density deep water being brought inshore. In Jan. - March 1970, a decreasing gradient of bottom salinity (32.8-30.2°/oo) with decreasing distance from shore indicated dilution by rainfall and runoff, with submergence 2 1972 was The 35.90/oo salinity recorded at 6 km on 3-4 Marc false. Maximum surface salinities off Oregon are 33.8 /00 (Pattullo and Denner, 1965). Salinities below the halocline in the subarctic Pacific are never much greater than 33.80/00 (Dodimead and Pickard, 1967). 52 and mixing of surface waters nearshore. Bottom salinities were remarkably consistent (33.7-33.9°/oo) in May-Aug. 1970, due to relatively strong, persistent upwelling during that year. Decreasing bottom salinities (33.731.0'/oo) with proximity to shore, similar to that in the winter of 1969-70, was found in Dec. 1970-Feb. 1971. Bottom salinities increased (33.4-33.7°/oo) in early March as if winter conditions were replaced by upwelling, but they decreased (32.4-33.40/oo) by mid-March. The bottom salinity structure was very unstable in May-Aug. 1971, compared to 1970. Salinities of less than 33.50/00 were recorded in mid-May, mid and late June and late August 1971, indicating mixing and disruption of upwelling by storms. Bottom salinities of 32.2-33.5°/oo indicated a return to winter hydrographic conditions in Dec. 1971. Low bottom salinities (31.2-32.6°/oo) were found at all stations when sampling resumed in March 1972. Salinities increased in March-May 1972. Bottom salinities in June-Aug. 1972 were high (32.9-33.9°/oo) and stable, which indicated persistent upwelling conditions more similar to those of the summer in 1970 than 1971. 53 DISCUSSION Comparisons with Previous Studies of Larval Fish Assemblages Off Oregon The taxa found in this study were the same as those taken by Richardson and Pearcy (1977), with the exception of a few rare species. Most were members of their coastal assemblage, and members of their offshore assemblage that were taken more than once in this study were occasionally found nearshore by Richardson and Pearcy (1977). Artedius meanyi and Cyclopteridae Type 1 were dominant taxa in this study, but not in Richardson and Pearcy (1977). They found Hemilepidotus spinosus and Cottus asper to be dominants in the coastal assemblage during 1971 and 1972. The seasonal cycle of abundance described in their paper for 1971 and 1972 was similar to that found in this study, with peaks of abundance in late winter and early summer and a period of low abundance in late summer. The geographic assemblages discussed by Richardson et al. (1980) included members of the winter and spring-summer species-groups of this study, because their samples were taken in the transitional months of March and April. Several species not taken in great numbers during this study were abundant nearshore in 1972-75, including Anoplarchus spp., Leptocottus armatus, Pholis spp. and Radulinus asprellus (Richardson et al., 1980). 54 The Relationship of Environmental Factors to Annual Differences in Occurrences of Taxa in the Winter Species-Groups Two factors influence the variability in larval fish occurrences. First, variation in spawning season (Qasim, 1955; Johannes, 1978; Scott, 1979) and numbers of eggs produced by the parent stock (Gulland, 1965; Cushing and Harris, 1973) determine when and how many larvae are introduced into the plankton. Second, survival, transport, and duration in the plankton of the early life history stages determine when and how many larvae will be available from the eggs initially produced by the spawning stock. No information was available on spawning stock sizes for this study. For that reason, and because larval survival is considered the most important factor of the two in determining annual variability of larval abundance from a single stock (Gulland, 1965; Cushing and Harris, 1973; Hunter, 1976), effects of spawning stock size will not be discussed further. In each year, members of winter species-groups appeared in late November or December after a series of winter storms, when salinities indicated dilution and temperatures indicated cooling. The seasonal regularity of their appearance also suggested that a regular annual factor, such as photoperiod, may have influenced the spawning time of the winter spawning fishes (Scott, 1979). The slight variability in time of first capture of winter species was closely related to the first large series of storms in each year (Table VII) and the transition to winter hydrographic conditions (Tables VIII and IX). 55 Relatively stable winter oceanographic conditions, without frequent disruption by storms favored the retention and abundance of larvae of winter spawners in 1969-70. The winter group was only distinct in 1969-70 (Table II), although the absence of the group in 1971-72 may have been due to the sampling gap in Jan.- Feb. 1972. Also, Sebastes spp. and large (>17 mm) Parophrys vetulus larvae were more abundant in 1969-70 than other years. There were fewer storms in Dec. 1969 - Feb. 1970 than in those months in the other years (Table VII). Sea surface temperatures in Dec. 1969 Jan. 1970 were 1-2°C warmer than in 1970-71. - Upwelling indices indicated increased onshore convergence in the winter of 1969-70 relative to the other years (Figs. 22 and 23). In 1969-70, species from the winter group persisted until salinities indicated alteration of the hydrographic regime from dilute warm conditions to the spring and summer upwelling regime. In the other two years, members of the winter groups were rare long before the hydrographic change, with the exception of Parophrys vetulus in 1970-71. Larval fish food items may have been more abundant in the winter of 1969-70 than in the winters of 1970-71 and 1971-72. Nauplii of copepods other than those of Calanus marshallae were most abundant in the winter of 1969-70 and other known larval fish prey (Arthur, 1976; Hunter 1981), including Calanus naupili, pteropods, Oikopleura, barnacle nauplii, adult Oithona and adult Paracalanus, were also very abundant in the winter of 1969-70 (Peterson and Miller, 1976). Copepod early life history stages are 56 the most important prey item for most species of larval fish (Hunter, 1981). Predation by chaetognaths may have contributed to the low abundances of fish larvae in 1970-71. Although chaetognaths were not as numerous in the winter as the summer, chaetognaths were more abundant in the winter on 1970-71 than in the other two winters (Peterson and Miller, 1976). Ctenophores and medusae were not common in the winter of any year (Peterson and Miller, 1976), suggesting that predation may not be as important a control on numbers of winter-group fish larvae as those of the summer groups. The abundances of predators other than ctenophores, medusae and chaetognaths were not reported by Peterson and Miller (1975, 1976, 1977), but Pearcy (1976) found nearshore abundances of planktonic carnivores off Oregon, including chaetognaths, medusae, amphipods and shrimps, to be significantly lower in winter than summer. Parophrys vetulus (English sole) Parophrys vetulus larvae were abundant at all stations. They have previously been reported from 2 to 74 km from shore (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977), with most taken shoreward of the 200 m isobath and highest concentrations within 18 km of the coast (Laroche and Richardson, 1979). Kruse and Tyler (1983) suggested that English sole are capable of spawning throughout the year, but spawn when bottom temperatures are above 7.8°C (during onshore convergence) and increase gradually, usually during 1-3 months in September through April. 57 Data from the present study was used in construction of their model and is congruent with it. Parophrys larvae appeared in the fall or winter of each year in 1969-72 after the transition to onshore surface water transport, as indicated by upwelling indices (Figs. 22 and 23). Larval Parophrys were first collected three weeks to two months after this transition, although the lengths of the lags may have been partially due to sampling frequency. An autumn spawning peak of English sole was well developed only in 1969, the only year in which onshore convergence was seen in September and October. Relative year-class strengths of English sole from 1969-72, as estimated from commercial harvests (R.L. Demory, ODFW, pers. comm.: see METHODS) rank as 1969-70=1, 1971-72=2, and 1970-71=3. The mean abundance of Parophrys larvae was greatest in 1970-71 but large (>17 mm) larvae were only taken in 1969-70. Large numbers (mean 109.0/10 m2) of small Parophrys larvae were taken in Feb. 1971. In 1972, although Jan.- Feb. were not sampled, the capture of only one larva in March indicated that abundances of Parophrys were much lower in the winter of 1971-72 than in the other years. English sole larvae have a pelagic life of 8-10 weeks (Laroche et al., 1982). Larvae hatched in Jan.- Feb. 1972 should have been captured in March and April if they were numerous and their survival good. The year of greatest larval english sole abundance, 1970-71, did not produce the largest cohort of adult fish, and the year of lowest larval abundance, 1971-72, produced the second largest year-class of the three years. The discrepancies between relative annual larval and adult abundances, also found for Isopsetta isolepis, could have several explanations. Estimates of relative abundance of larvae should be appropriate between years, given consistency of sampling. Estimates of recruits to the fishery and adult numbers were taken from research cruises for Isopsetta and commercial catches for Parophrys. Hayman et al. (1980) demonstrated that catch per unit effort is a valid estimator of year-class strengths for English sole. offer explanations for the discrepancy. Biological reasons could Survival at sizes larger than the planktonic larval stage may determine year-class success. For example, mortality after the pelagic stage might determine year-class strengths, rather than a critical period during the larval stage. Steele and Edwards (1970) suggested that predation and competition for food in the more spatially limited benthic environment might determine year-class strengths in flatfish during transformation to benthic juvenile stages. Longer term correlative studies of larval survival and resulting cohort strength, and studies of mortality during transformation would be useful to our increased understanding of year-class strength formation in English sole. The factors that contributed to increased survival of Parophrys larvae in 1969-70 relative to the other years were those that have been discussed previously of taxa in the winter species group (pp. 54-56). In particular, fewer storms in Dec. 1969 - Feb. 1970 may have allowed stable upper ocean conditions to form, in which food organisms could have been concentrated and successful feeding by fish larvae aided (Lasker, 1981a,b). More food organisms may have been available inshore (Peterson and Miller, 1976) because of greater onshore convergence (Figs. 22 and 23), less offshore loss and perhaps because of increased water temperatures (Table VIII) due in part to the insurgence of southerly coastal water, including a zooplankton fauna of more southern affinities (Peterson and Miller, 1976). The feeding ecology of larval English sole, with implications for survival of the larvae, is currently being investigated (Gadomski, in prep.). Laroche and Richardson (1979) suggested that light variable winds and other factors related to reduced numbers of storms should favor high abundances and good survival of larval Parophrys. The origin of the strongest adult year-class in the winter of reduced storms in this study supports their hypothesis. However, the strongest, most persistent winter winds of 1969-72 occurred in Nov. 1971 - March 1972 (Fig. 21), when reduced larval abundances were associated with an intermediate year-class. The positive effect of decreased onshore drift of surface water on survival of Parophrys larvae (Laroche and Richardson, 1979) was not consistent with larval abundances and upwelling indices observed in this study. The Parophrys year-class from 1982-83 may prove useful in evaluating the effects of these influences. The winter of 1982-83 Interestingly for was stormy, but water temperatures were warm. comparison with 1970-71, transforming Symphurus atricauda, a fish species of southern origin previously found in Yaquina Bay only during 1970 and 1971 (Krygier et al., 1973; C.E. Bond, OSU, pers. comm.) was collected again in March-April 1983 (pers. obs.). Parophrys larvae were rarest when onshore drift was weakest, in 1971-72 (Fig. 22 and 23). when survival was greatest. Onshore drift was strongest in 1969-70 A similar discrepancy existed for the strong year-class and increased onshore drift in 1961 (Laroche and Richardson, 1979). I suggest that Parophrys year-classes are stronger from years when larvae are abundant in both fall and spring, given accompanying conditions of weak or infrequent storms when larvae are present, than from years with only a spring peak. Between 1969 and 1972, the strongest year-class came from a year in which larvae were abundant both in Nov.- Dec. and Feb.- March, and the weakest from a year in which larvae were even more abundant but only in Feb. - March. Parophrys larvae present in March-April would be likely to encounter upwelling conditions that seem to be Laroche and detrimental to larval English sole survival. Richardson (1979) sampled only in March-April larvae to be most abundant then. , assuming Parophrys Their estimates of larval age indicated that larvae hatched in November would still be pelagic then. Later studies (Laroche et al., 1982; Rosenberg and Laroche, 1982) have shown that English sole are pelagic for only 8-10 weeks, and that Parophrys hatched in December would not be taken planktonically during March and April. Hayman and Tyler (1980) suggested that the factors most strongly related to large Parophrys year-classes were cold autumn sea surface temperatures, increased autumn barometric pressure and persistent autumnal upwelling. They suggested that persistent 61 upwelling acted to delay spawning until larvae would be placed in food rich water or eggs would be of better quality due to better condition of late spawning females. However, their analysis is not good at predicting very strong year-classes. Hayman (1978) assumed that cohort strengths were determined solely during the pelagic larval stage, and that mortality at transformation would not be important. The results of this study suggest that the latter possibility should be investigated. Sebastes spp. (rockfishes) The distribution of larval Sebastes indicated that they may have been advected into the study area from offshore, except that small rockfish taken in large numbers at single stations on single dates may have been products of recent parturition. While various species of rockfish may have been giving birth in Oregon shelf waters in all months, most newly born Sebastes were taken in winter months, during the winter hydrographic regime. Sebastes larvae were most abundant in the winter of 1969-70. Their abundance may have been influenced by the same factors that influenced the winter-group species discussed previously. However, the possibility that 36 Sebastes species could have contributed to the catch of rockfish larvae made interpretation of their annual variability impossible. Ammodytes hexapterus (Pacific sand lance) Sand lance larvae were patchily distributed, usually found in abundance at isolated stations on single dates. They were taken seaward of 18 km only once by Richardson and Pearcy (1977). In the Atlantic, they were found dispersed over the entire continental shelf (Richards and Kendall, 1973). In this study, Ammodytes larvae were taken during less than two months in each year. In contrast, sand lance larvae in other oceans have long seasons of occurrence in Nov.- March (Richards and Kendall, 1973). Ammodytes larvae were more numerous in 1969-70 than 1970-71, but more large (?7 mm) larvae were taken in 1971. In 70 cm bongo net samples, Ammodytes larvae were 12.2 times more abundant in 1970-71 than 1971-72 (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). This may have been an artifact of the lack of samples in Jan.- Feb. 1972, months in which they would have been expected to be abundant. Sand lance larvae occurred in each year within the winter hydrographic regime of convergence, dilution of surface waters and south or southwest winds, but no specific hydrographic factors were found to be directly related to their occurrences. Factors influencing annual larval Ammodytes abundances were those discussed for taxa in the winter species-group (pp. 54-56). 63 The Relationship of Environmental Factors to Annual Differences in Occurrences of Taxa in the Spring and Summer Species-Groups In each year, taxa in the spring and summer species-groups (Table II; 1969-70 = 3-5, 1970-71 = 3-4, 1971-72 = 1-3) appeared after winds shifted in direction to north or west (Fig. 21) and upwelling began (Figs. 22 and 23). In 1969-70 and 1971-72, members of the spring-summer groups first appeared in April. First appearance of those taxa in 1971-72 is tentatively assumed because winter species-group larvae were present in March and spring-summer group larvae were found in April, even though no samples were taken in Jan.- Feb. 1972. In 1970-71, members of the spring-summer groups appeared earlier, in February. Larvae taken in February were spring-summer species abundant in May and June, but rare in both January and March 1971. The anomalous condition of dissimilar species groups occurring in February and March 1971 was caused by the absence of a well defined winter species-group, the early appearance of spring-summer species in February and the rarity of spring-summer species (e.g. Artedius harringtoni, Fig. 14; A. fenestralis, Fig. 19; Platichthys stellatus, Fig. 16; Psettichthy melanostictus, Fig. 11) in March of that year. Several species (e.g. Osmeridae, Isopsetta isolepis, Microgadus proximus) from the spring-summer groups were most abundant in 1970-71, especially May-June, and least abundant in 1969-70. High abundances of those species persisted through a longer period at 2-9 km in the summer of 1970-71 than in the other 64 two years (App. III), indicating better production, retention or survival of larvae in the coastal region during that year. Factors related to this may have been retention of coastal water during reduced upwelling in conjunction with stable hydrographic conditions, following the emergence of nutrient rich upwelled water. Highly variable winds and stormy conditions in Feb. - March 1971 followed by calm weather in April (Table VIII; Fig. 21) may have created conditions of nutrient mixing followed by upper mixed layer stability conducive to larval fish survival in upwelling regions (Lasker, 1975, 1981a,b). Upwelling indices (Figs. 22 and 23) progressive vector diagrams (Fig. 21), sea surface temperatures (Table VIII) and salinities (Tables IX and X) all indicated more sporadic, weaker upwelling in 1970-71 than in the other two years. In contrast to 1970-71, 1969-70 was a year of strong southward winds (Fig. 21) and pronounced upwelling (Figs. 22 and 23). Upwelling indices (Figs. 22 and 23) and strong north winds (Fig. 21) indicated strong upwelling in 1971-72, but only one upwelling event was recorded in the temperature and salinity data from that year. The lack of upwelling events in the hydrographic record from 1972 may have been due to the infrequent sampling in that year. The very low abundances of spring-summer species in 1969-70 was associated with more frequent upwelling without the long periods of relaxation that characterized the summer of 1970-71. Not all members of the spring and summer species-groups were most abundant in 1970-71. Artedius meanyi and Psettichthys melanostictus were most abundant in 1969-70, the year of strongest 65 upwelling. Platichthys stellatus and Artedius harringtoni were most abundant in 1971-72, the intermediate year. As will be discussed later, Psettichthys larvae occurred most often in low temperature, high salinity water, suggesting that they were more resistant to adverse influences of strong upwelling than other coastal fish larvae. The fact that different species of larval fish in the same geographic and temporal species-groups show obviously different responses in annual occurrence patterns to changing environmental factors, points out the need to study larval fish as individual species for full understanding of their biology, rather than simply as members of species-groups. No physical factors seemed to be related to the disappearance of larvae in the spring-summer groups at the end of the summer. Larvae generally became rare long before winter storms resumed and the summer upwelling regime changed to rain and onshore transport. Factors related to spawning cessation earlier in the summer may have more to do with the disappearance of larvae than direct environmental effects on those larvae. Zooplankton abundances were lower in the summer of 1970-71, particularly June-July, than in 1969-70 (Peterson and Miller, 1975). This, in conjunction with the highest abundances of osmerids, Isopsetta and Microgadus in 1970-71, does not corroborate the hypothesis that larval fish abundance and survival are correlated with zooplankton abundances (Cushing, 1969,1975). In contrast to the three most dominant spring-summer taxa, two other species, Psettichthys melanostictus and Artedius meanyi had annual ranks of abundance in the same order as total zooplankton abundance (1969-70>1970-71>1971-72), suggesting that abundance and survival of larvae of those species was more closely related to total zooplankton abundance. Copepod nauplii, Calanus early life history stages and Pseudocalanus, among other known larval fish prey, were most abundant in the spring and summer of 1969-70 and least in 1971-72. Although inferences about survival of larval fish drawn from zooplankton abundances must be carefully made, greater knowledge of the feeding habits of single larval fish species should lead to an understanding of the relationship between their survival and prey abundance (Lasker, 1978; Gadomski, in prep.). Major problems in assessment of larval food concentrations affecting this study were that patchiness of food organisms was not assessed (Hunter, 1981), that most copepod early life history stages were not quantitatively sampled by the mesh sizes used (Arthur, 1977; Peterson and Miller, 1976) and that the prey of most larval fish species off Oregon are unknown. Predation may have contributed to declining abundances of fish larvae in the late summer of each year. Predators of larval fish include large copepods, euphausids, hyperiid amphipods, chaetognaths, siphonophores, medusae, ctenophores and fishes (Hunter, 1981). Peak summer chaetognath concentrations occurred in June-July 1970 (mean = 6.1/m3) and June-July 1971 (mean = 6.7/me) (Peterson and Miller, 1976), coinciding with declines in larval fish abundance. However, they were most numerous in May 1970 (mean = 8.0/rn3) and 1971 (mean = 8.5/m3) when fish larvae were abundant. 67 Increased chaetognath numbers were not always associated with declining larval fish abundance. Ctenophores were only abundant in May-June 1971 (mean = 6.1/rn3) and 1972 (mean and Miller, 1976). 6.3/m3) (Peterson May and June were the months of greatest larval fish abundance in 1971, with numbers declining in August. May was the month of greatest larval fish abundance in 1972, but abundances declined in June. Medusae were numerous in May-Oct. of each year, with the greatest concentrations in July-Sept. 1970 (mean = 17.5/rn3), June-July 1971 (mean = 4.8/rn3) and late May 1972 (mean = 9.5/rn3) (Peterson and Miller, 1976). The most abundant scyphomedusa off the Oregon coast, Chrysaora fuscecens, is found in its greatest concentrations and largest sizes during August, in the period May-August (Shenker, in press). Concentrations of Chrysaora are low prior to June and after September. Predation by chaetognaths, ctenophores and medusae in June-September may have contributed to the decline in larval fish abundance in late summer. Alvariio (1980) found an inverse relationship between abundances of larval Engraulis mordax and gelatinous zooplankton, suggesting that increased numbers of predators increased mortality of larval fish. Möller (1980) suggested that 2-5% of the standing stock of Baltic Sea herring larvae may be eaten per day by scyphomedusae, while Purcell (1981) suggested that as much as 28.3% of the fish larvae in a restricted Gulf of California cove could be consumed per day by siphonophores. Clearly, predation on larval fish by coelenterates can be a major source of mortality for the larvae. In April-Sept. of each year, fish larvae were occasionally rare or absent at 9-48 km from shore at times when surface salinities indicated that Columbia River plume water was present (App. III, Table IX; salinity 32/5°/oo). However, not all occurrences of plume water were associated with low larval abundances. The largest number of larvae in this study were taken from plume water during May-June 1971 (App. III; Table IX). gaulis mordax spawning off Oregon is associated with the Columbia River plume and larval anchovy are most abundant in or below plume water (Richardson, 1981), but no other larvae are associated with the plume. Anchovy larvae were rare in this study. Only one occurrence (30 Aug. 1969) was associated with Columbia River plume water and most other anchovy larvae were larger specimens (11-22 mm) taken at 2-6 km in Dec. 1969- Feb. 1970 during onshore advection of rain diluted water. The stable productive conditions in the plume hypothesized by Richardson (1981) as conducive to anchovy spawning and larval survival may not always be suitable for survival of coastal species-group larvae. Temperature and food requirements of larval Engraulis, particularly the unusual need for small (<80 mm) particles such as Gymnodinium at first feeding (Lasker and Smith, 1977; Hunter, 1981) may be met in the Columbia River plume. The hydrographic stability and high productivity necessary for survival of larval anchovy (Lasker, 1975, 1981a,b) may exist in the biomass cores found at the nearshore boundary of the plume during relaxed upwelling (Small and Menzies, 1981). However, plume water at 2-18 km off Newport had been subject to cooling and mixing with more saline water as it travelled south (Pattullo and Denner, 1965; Barnes, et al., 1972; this study) and was not always good habitat for coastal species of fish larvae. Even anchovy larvae do not often accompany plume water to nearshore areas (Richardson, 1981). Osmeridae (smelts) The five species of osmerids off Oregon spawn in rivers, coastal streams or on beaches (Hart, 1973), explaining their nearshore larval distribution. Length frequencies (Fig. 8) indicate at least two smelt spawning peaks, in winter (Dec.- March) and spring (May-June), as suggested by Richardson and Pearcy (1977). A few small (<10 mm) osmerjds were found in late summer and early fall, suggesting that various smelt species spawn throughout the year. The largest influx of smelt larvae, during May-July 1970 and 1971, was probably a single species. Spawning seasonality and environmental factors influencing the abundance of single species of smelt larvae could not be assessed because species were not identified. Smelt with fins formed would have been good avoiders of 20 cm bongo nets, biasing estimates of abundances of transforming osmerids. Osmerid larvae that were present in Dec.- March followed the seasonal abundance pattern for the winter species-group (pp. 54-56), being most abundant in 1969-70 and least in 1970-71. 70 Smelt larvae were the major component of the spring-summer species-groups and followed the pattern for those groups (pp. 63-67). Smelt found in the summer showed no strong relationship with upwelling. The largest numbers of smelt, in May-June 1971 and May 1972, were associated with summer storms and Columbia River plume water (App. III, Table IX). Wave action produced by storms facilitates larval emergence from the hatching substrate in one osmerid, Mallotus villosus, and large concentrations of larval Mallotus are found after storms (Frank and Leggett, 1981). Similar storm-induced emergence may occur for species of smelt spawning in Oregon waters. Onshore transport, nearshore retention and association with the core of high productivity at the shoreward edge of the plume (Small and Menzies, 1981) may have been occasionally conducive to high abundances of osmerid larvae. However, smelt larvae were not abundant in plume water in months other than May-June. The influx of smelt larvae in plume water during May would most reasonably be expected to be due to a species spawning in the Columbia River. Thaleichthys pacificus (eulachon), the major species spawning in the Columbia, spawns in Feb.- March (Wydoski and Whitney, 1979). The latest eulachon spawning runs occur in the Sandy River Tributary. In 1969-72, the only Sandy River run was recorded on 23 March 1971, with none in the other years (Carol Moon, ODFW, pers. comm.). after 30-40 days (Hart, 1973). The eggs hatch It is possible that larvae of the sizes found in May and June 1971 could have resulted from the 23 March Sandy River spawn, and that they were drifting in the 71 Columbia River plume. However, it is also possible that larvae of another species could have composed this large peak in abundance. Isopsetta isolepis (butter sole) The seasonal distribution of Isopsetta isolepis larvae was like that found by Richardson and Pearcy (1977). They found butter sole spawning in Feb.- May, but Richardson et al. (1980) found small larvae in Jan.- May and October of various years. Although Isopsetta larvae are most abundant in the spring, usually May (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977; Richardson et al., 1980; this study), butter sole are capable of spawning from mid-autumn through late spring. Isopsetta larvae of all sizes were most abundant in 1970-71 and least in 1969-70. From this information, one would conclude that the resulting ranks of year-class strengths would be 1970-71>1971-72>1969-70. However, preliminary data from the recent contribution of different year-classes to research survey catches of butter sole off Oregon and Washington in 1973 and 1975 indicated that the actual year-class ranks were 1971-72>1969-70>1970-71 (Fig. 24; Robert Demory, ODFW, pers. comm.). The highest annual abundance of larvae produced the lowest relative number of adults. Reasons for this discrepancy were discussed for Parophrys vetulus (pp. 57-58), although it should be noted that the estimates of year-class strengths for Isopsetta are more tentative than for Parophrys. 72 Larval Isopsetta isolepis abundances were influenced by the factors affecting osmerids and Microgadus proximus, discussed for the spring-summer groups in general (pp. 63-67). Factors present in 1971-72, when the strongest year-class was produced, were delayed upwelling (Fig. 22) with persistence of surface water dilution by rainfall and runoff (Table IX) and followed by persistent, relatively strong upwelling from May through August (Fig. 22). Sea surface temperatures were relatively cool in the spring and summer of 1972 (Table VIII). However, environmental conditions after the end of sampling in 1972 may have been more influential on year-class strength, enhancing survival of larger larvae or juveniles. Isopsetta larval abundances did not show an immediate relationship to any environmental variable. They were greatest just prior to and during upwelling events early in the year. Butter sole larvae were scarce or absent after persistent upwelling began in June and July. They were most abundant just prior to and during upwelling in May 1971, when they were apparently retained at 6-9 km from shore until Columbia River plume water moved over the region. Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole) Psettichthys melanostictus larvae were spatially and temporally patchy in occurrence, and were not retained inshore for long periods. Little information exists about sand sole spawning habitat, except that they spawn in coastal waters (Wang, 1981). 73 Psettichthys spawned in late winter-spring, late summer and autumn, with peak spawning in late winter-spring (Fig. 11). Multiple spawning times occurred in 1968-69 and 1970-71 (Fig. 11). Sand sole spawn in Jan. - March in Puget Sound (Hickman, 1959) and Jan.- July off Canada (Hart, 1973). Richardson and Pearcy (1977) found small larvae (<8 mm?) off Oregon in all months of 1971 except July, Aug., and Dec., but only found larvae smaller than 5 mm in Jan., Feb., May and Sept.- Nov. Sand sole apparently cease spawning during summer. Psettichthys larvae were most abundant (mean = 3.0/10 m2) in 1969-70, in contrast to other dominant members of the spring-summer groups. They were least abundant in 1970-71 (mean 1.3/10 m2). Two abundance peaks occurred in that year; one in May-July and one in autumn. The year when sand sole larvae were most abundant, 1969-70, was the year of strongest, most persistent upwelling (fig. 22) and highest zooplankton abundances (Peterson and Miller, 1975). The year of next highest abundance, 1971-72, was also a year of strong upwelling. Psettichthys larvae occurred most often and in greatest concentrations in water with surface salinities and temperatures characteristic of upwelling. Apparently, upwelling was more favorable to high abundances of sand sole larvae than to larvae of most other dominant coastal fish species off Oregon. Offshore transport during upwelling may be less detrimental to Psettichthys larvae than to other coastal larvae because of a prolonged larval life and greater ability to sustain drift, which might allow sand sole to return to juvenile habitats. Psettfchthys 74 remain pelagic and transform at larger sizes than most Oregon coastal flatfishes (Orcutt, 1950; Hickman, 1959; Richardson et al, 1980), although they are smaller than Glyptocephalus zachirus or Microstomus pacificus larvae at similar stages of development (Ahistrom and Moser, 1975; Pearcy et al., 1977). Nothing is known about the duration of larval life in the sand sole, but larval flatfish size is proportional to the duration of the larval stage Flatfish species which transform at larger sizes (Moser, 1981). have extended larval lives, and may increase the probability of successfully encountering suitable juvenile habitat following larval drift by withholding transformation (Futch, 1977; Pearcy et al., 1977; Moser, 1981). Microgadus proximus (Pacific tomcod) Microgadus proximus larvae were most abundant 6-9 km offshore, indicating shelf spawning. Richardson and Pearcy (1977) found a similar distribution pattern with only two occurrences seaward of 18 km. Retention at midshelf may be very important for larval tomcod survival. off Oregon. Microgadus spawn in mid-winter through mid-spring Two abundance peaks of newly hatched larval Microgadus were found in each year. The gap between the spawning peaks was not associated with any recognizable environmental factor, and occurred in different months in each year; May-June 1970, April 1971 and early March 1972. Environmental factors influencing larval tomcod abundance were those that influenced abundances of Isopsetta isolepis (pp. 63-67). 75 Consistent, well-defined relationships between hydrography and larval Microgadus abundances were not found. Tomcod larvae were abundant during certain early strong upwelling events but were not found once intensive upwelling began in mid-summer of each year. The greatest concentrations of Microgadus larvae were found in late May 1971 during an upwelling event. Artedius harringtoni (scalyhead sculpin) The shallow-shelf distribution of Artedius harringtoni larvae reflected the distribution of adults in shallow-shelf waters (Hart, 1973). Retention of scalyhead sculpin larvae nearshore may have been important to their survival. Their spawning season varied from mid-winter through mid-summer off Oregon (Fig. 14). Scalyhead sculpin was one of the spring-summer species that appeared early in winter 1970-71 (Fig. 14), when water temperatures were warmer (Table VIII), winds more variable (Fig. 21) and onshore convergence weaker and less steady (Figs. 22 and 23) than in 196 9-70. Larval A. harringtoni were most abundant in 1971-72 (mean 2.4/ 10 m2) and least in 1969-70 (mean 0.6/10 m2). Environmental factors that influenced the abundance of larval A,. harringtoni apparently differed from those influencing species discussed previously, but obvious consistent annual relationships were not found for A. harringtoni. Larval scalyhead sculpins were rare or absent when strong local upwelling cccurred, except in August 1972 (Tables VIII-X). 76 Platichthys stellatus (starry flounder) Platichthys stellatus usually spawn at depths less than 30 m, probably near estuaries (Orcutt, 1950), explaining their larval occurrence at inshore stations. spring off Oregon (Fig. 16). They spawn in late winter-early Richardson and Pearcy (1977) found 3 mm Platichthys in March-May off Oregon, while Orcutt (1950) suggested that starry flounder spawned in Nov.- Feb., with a peak in Dec.- Jan., in Monterey Bay. Starry flounder of all sizes were rare in 1969-70 (mean 0.1/10 m2) and most abundant in 1971-72 (mean Artedius harringtoni. = 2.7/10 m2), as were The earlier end of dilution of surface waters due to decreased rainfall and runoff in 1969-70 may have been associated with decreased larval Platichth,ys abundance. Starry flounder larvae were found primarily in water with temperatures and salinities characteristic of dilution. They were taken only three times in upwelled water and were abundant (>10/10 m2) on only one of those occasions. Lyopsetta exilis (slender sole) The distribution of Lyopsetta exilis larvae was patchy, because few specimens were taken (Fig. 17) and because the center of abundance of Lyopsetta larvae is seaward of 18 km (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). Inshore occurrences of slender sole larvae may have been due to onshore advection. Small (<6 mm) larvae were 77 found in March-June (Fig. 17), the same spawning months reported by Richardson and Pearcy (1977). No annual differences in larval abundances were found for Lyopsetta, perhaps because their major geographic area of occurrence was not included in this study. Slender sole larvae were included in the offshore or transitional larval fish groups (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977; Richardson et al., 1980), with most specimens found seaward of 28 km. Lyopsetta larvae were usually taken when upwelling indices indicated active upwelling (Figs. 22 and 23) and were most abundant when surface and bottom salinities were high (33-34°/oo) during active local upwelling. Artedius meanyi (Puget Sound sculpin) Artedius meanyi spawn in late winter-spring off Oregon (Fig. 18). Larval Puget Sound sculpin were most abundant in 1969-70 (mean = 0.7/10 m2) and least in 1971-72 (mean = 0.2/10 m2). High abundances in July-Aug. 1969 indicated that 1968-69 was also a better year for larval A. meanyi. than 1970-71 or 1971-72. They were unusual as a member of the spring-summer groups because they did not appear earlier in 1970-71 than in 1969-70, and because they were not abundant in the Columbia River plume water that contained large numbers of other species in June 1971. Puget Sound sculpiri larvae were most abundant just prior to and during upwelling events in late spring and early summer. Their greatest abundance was in the year of strong, persistent upwelling. Environmental factors jul conducive to high abundances and good survival of Artedius meanyi larvae were similar to those affecting Psettichthys melanostictus. Artedius fenestralis (padded sculpin) and Cyclopteridae Type 1 (snailfish) These two taxa did not differ in abundance among years. Spawning of Artedius fenestralis occurred primarily in winter (Fig. 19), as previously reported (Hart, 1973), with occasional spawning in the summer. Comparisons of the Annual Variability in Occurrences of Larval Fish Off Oregon to That in Other Groups of Zooplankton The pattern of annual variability in holoplankton abundance was similar to that of larval fish in the winter and dissimilar in the spring and summer. Plankton concentrations were greater in the winter of 1969-70 than in the two other years and more taxa of southern affinities were taken in 1969-70 (Peterson and Miller, 1977). Possible causes included increased northward surface water transport, elevated sea surface temperatures (1-2°C) and reduced storm frequency in the winter of 1969-70 (Peterson and Miller, 1977). During the summer upwelling season, April-Sept., plankton abundances were lowest in 1971 (Peterson and Miller, 1975). Of the larval fish, only Psettichthys melanostictus and Artedius rneanyi had this pattern. Zooplankton taxa which were most abundant in 1971 were offshore species, while neritic species had reduced 79 abundances (Peterson and Miller, 1975). Possible causes included reduced upwelling, increased storm frequency and increased onshore advection in 1971 (Peterson and Mifler, 1975). Apparently, nearshore retention favored the abundance of osmerid, Microgadus and Isopsetta larvae, but not neritic zooplankton. The abundances of many fish larvae of the spring-summer groups are not closely matched to total zooplankton abundance, both on a seasonal and inter-annual basis, with the notable exceptions of Psettichthys melanostictus and Artedius meanyi. Better concurrent sampling of larval fish and their prey will be necessary to investigate the relationship of zooplankton and ichthyopiankton abundance in the region. As with holoplankton, the annual variability in occurrences of crab larvae was similar to that of fish larvae in winter, and dissimilar in spring and summer. Abundances of large larvae of a crab present in the plankton during winter, Cancer magister (Dungeness crab), were low in 1970-71 (Lough, 1975) when fish larvae of the winter species group also were rare. Causes may have been cool water temperatures, low salinities and reduced food abundances in winter 1970-71 (Lough, 1975). Most other crab larvae off Oregon are similar to spring-summer group fish larvae, occurring in Feb. - July with a peak in abundance in May-June (Lough, 1975). In 1971, larvae of other crab species appeared later than usual (Lough, 1975), in contrast to the early appearance of spring-summer group fish larvae in that year. The different time of appearance of crab and fish larvae in 1971 suggested that spawning of crabs and fishes off Oregon was controlled by different physical factors. Also, crab larvae had a second peak of abundance in Sept.- Oct., when fish larvae were least abundant, suggesting major differences in spawning responses of adults and early life history strategies of crabs and fishes off Oregon. Survival of pink shrimp larvae (Pandulus jordani), a species found in the plankton during spring and summer, was estimated to be greater in 1972 than 1971 (Rothlisberg, 1975; Rothlisberg and Miller, in press). Causes may have been cold water temperatures and stronger upwelling in 1972 (Rothlisberg, 1975; Rothlisberg and Miller, in press), in contrast to the adverse relationship of upwelling strength to larval fish abundance for most coastal species except Psettichthys melanostictus and Artedius meanyi. Pink shrimp are an offshore species, most numerous 32-40 km offshore (Rothlisberg, 1975; Rothlisberg and Miller, in press). Therefore, life history strategies and survival responses to environmental conditions of pink shrimp should be more similar to oceanic than coastal fish species. However, four of the five dominant offshore larval fish species were more abundant in 1971 than 1972, with Engraulis mordax as the exception (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). Apparently, as with spring-summer holoplankton and crab larvae, the response of pink shrimp larvae to hydrographic variability is different from that of fish larvae. Differences in larval food, vertical distribution of early life history stages, physiology, or spawning phenology might explain the differences observed between abundances and times of planktonic occurrences of fish larvae and crustaceans off Oregon. Spawning Seasons, Transport Mechanisms and Early Life Histories of Coastal Eastern North Pacific Fishes Three seasonal spawning strategies by fishes were found in this study. Larvae were classified as occurring in 1) the winter, 2) the spring and summer, or 3) over an extended time period from autumn through spring, in the exceptional case of Parophrys vetulus. Winter species, such as Ammodytes hexapterus and Ophiodon elongatus, were found as pelagic larvae during a short season, December through March, during onshore surface water transport and northward meridional transport. Spring and summer species, the largest species-group dominated by the Osmeridae and Pleuronectidae other than Parophrys, occurred as pelagic larvae in the late winter into midsummer. The time of first appearance of these larvae was variable among years. These were species whose larvae were pelagic in the season of increased productivity due to upwelling, but which were at risk of offshore zonal and strong southward meridional transport during upwelling events. Parophrys vetulus extended their spawning season over a longer time period, September through May with extreme variability among years, primarily during onshore transport but extending into the upwelling season in some years. The Parophrys strategy seemed to be one of bet hedging, with protracted spawning and multiple peaks of larval abundance. 82 Within 30 km of shore, chlorophyll concentrations are generally low from November through February and high from June through August during upwellinQ (Small and Menzies, 1981). Zooplankton abundances are low in November through April , and high during the upwelling season starting in June (Peterson and Miller, 1977). Zooplankton remains abundant through the transitional months of September and October, when larval fishes are rare. A short winter peak of zooplankton abundance usually occurs in February or March, when small early life history stages of copepods are abundant. Zooplankton concentrations are low in April and May (Peterson and Miller, 1977). I propose that the winter spawners, such as Ammodytes, place their larvae in the water at a time of increased probability of riearshore retention but increased risk of mis-match with the short period of zooplankton abundance in February or March. These species may be more like the north Atlantic species studied by Cushing (1969,1975) than other coastal Oregon species in their need to match the timing of their pelagic larval stage with productivity cycles. However, they also risk having food concentrations frequently disrupted by storms, leading to increased mortality as proposed by Lasker (1978, 1981a,b). Parophrys vetulus adopts a different strategy of prolonged larval occurrence, with pelagic larvae occurring throughout the period of low productivity. Most coastal fish species off Oregon place their larvae in the water at a time of increasing food concentration, with increased risk of offshore transport and disruption of food concentrations by upwelling. These species do not rely on a match with productivity as much as the occurrence of hydrographically stable periods following brief upwelling (Lasker, 1981a,b). Certain species, such as many Sebastes species, Glyptocephalus zachirus and Microstomus pacificus, have solved the problem of offshore transport by having prolonged dispersive larval and prejuvenile stages (Pearcy et al., 1977; Moser, 1981). Another, Engraulis mordax, occurs planktonically in stable frontal zones associated with the Columbia River plume (Richardson, 1981). Some, such as Trichodon trichodon and Ascelichthys rhodurus, exhibit rapid swimming behavior near the bottom immediately after hatching, enabling them to remain in extreme nearshore areas or avoid entrainment into upwelled water (Marliave, 1981). Most other coastal fishes in the northeastern Pacific, with the exception of the Pleuronectiformes, have partially solved the problem of offshore transport by having parental care of the embryos either with demersal eggs (e.g. Osmeridae, Cottoidei, Blennioidei) or viviparity (Sebastes spp., Embiotocidae) (Kendall, 1981). Many species with demersal eggs also have greater yolk investment of prefeeding embryos which may lead to larger size at hatching with better ability to both capture a larger size range of food and avoid predators (Kendall, 1981). Both abilities would be advantageous to larvae in the hydrographically unstable coastal upwelling zone. Parrish et a]. (1981; abstract, p. 175) stated that "In the Pacific Northwest, coastal fish species having pelagic larvae tend to spawn during winter when surface wind drift is generally directed toward the coast, rather than during the more productive upwelling season.' This is an oversimplification. When the majority of coastal Oregon taxa having pelagic larvae are considered, it is wrong; most spawn during the late winter and spring. The statement by Parrish et al. (1981) in their abstract is also contradicted in their text when they state (p. 192) that most members of Richardson and Pearcy's (1977) inshore assemblage were spring spawners, and where they discuss (p. 191) reproductive strategies that minimize advective loss of eggs and larvae. Parrish et al. (1981) present thought-provoking hypotheses, but their paper understates the variety of early life history strategies found in Pacific Northwest marine fishes. In addition to the variety of reproductive and early life history strategies discussed above, other factors may help retain larvae of coastal fishes nearshore along the narrow Oregon continental shelf. Richardson and Pearcy (1977) suggested that alongshore fronts might retain larvae in coastal waters. This mechanism would be necessary only during upwelling, because zonal transport is onshore during the winter, but fronts might exist in both seasons (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). They also pointed out that advection along the Oregon coast is primarily meridional. Loss of larvae from the region could be prevented by current reversals, which may cause net north-south flow to be zero in both summer and winter (Pearcy et al., 1977; Richardson, and Pearcy, 1977). Even during active upwelling periods of extreme offshore and southward transport, larval fish could be retained by fronts EI1 and recirculating cells that have been demonstrated to retain zooplankton (Peterson et al., 1979). Persistent concentrations of many species of larval fish at 6-9 km offshore during periods of one or more months in the spring and early summer of each year in this study suggested that larvae are retained within the region. As suggested by Richardson and Pearcy (1977) and Richardson et al. (1980), transport away from favorable areas may be less important to the survival of coastal Oregon fish larvae than other factors. Three major hypotheses pertaining to survival of larval fishes in upwelling regions were summarized in the Introduction: Cushing's (1969,1975,1978) match/mismatch hypothesis, Parrish et al.'s (1981) transport hypothesis, and Lasker's (1975,1978,1981a,b) stability hypothesis. All of these explain aspects of the seasonality and annual variability of larval fish abundance off Oregon. The match/mismatch hypothesis does not explain the spawning seasonality of coastal Oregon fish, nor does it account for the annual variability of the three most dominant spring-summer species. None of the fish species in this study had their peak of abundance during the peak of zooplankton abundance, and few of the spring-summer species were most abundant in the year of greatest zooplankton abundance. However, the match/mismatch of individual larval fish species with the abundance of their particular prey within a season may be important for larval survival. Too little is known about feeding in most coastal Oregon fish larvae to determine the applicability of the match/mismatch hypotheses to their survival. Offshore transport of larvae may be less important than other factors in influencing the survival of Oregon fish larvae, as discussed earlier. However, selection on coastal species via transport-related larval mortality has been important in determining both the variety of early life history strategies of fishes in the region, and the spawning seasons of many species (Kendall, 1981; Parrish et al, 1981). The possible importance of upper mixed layer stability (Lasker, 1975,1978,1981a,b) is indicated by the negative influence of winds, as associated with winter storms and summer upwelling, on the abundances of the majority of coastal Oregon larval fish species. The third power of wind speed ("wind cubed") is a promising tool for assessing the effects of wind induced mixing of the upper ocean on larval fish survival (Husby and Nelson, 1982). Analyses of feeding, upper mixed layer stability, and distributional patterns with respect to water transport are the next steps toward understanding the factors that influence the survival of larval fishes in Oregon's upwelling areas. LITERATURE CITED Ahistrom, E.H. 1956. 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Wydoski, R.S. and R.R. Whitney. 1979. Inland fishes of Washington. Univ. Wash. Press, Seattle: 220 pp. Yap-Chiongco, J.V. 1941. Hypomesus pretiosus: its development and early life history. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Washington, Seattle: 123 pp. Yap-Chiongco, J.V. 1949. Hypomesus pretiosus: its development and early life history. Nat. Appl. Sci. Bull., Univ. Phillipines. 9(1): 1-108. Vusa, T. 1957. Eggs and larvae of flatfishes in the coastal waters of Hokkaido. I. Embryonic development of the starry flounder Platichthys stellatus (Pallas). Bull. Hokkaido Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 15: 1-4. TAB L ES 106 Table I: Two-way Coincidence Table for Individual Years (Sept. Excluding Multispecies Taxa. - August), (All time and species groups form at a Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Value of 0.5). a) Sept., 1969 - August, 1970 Time Groups 1 2 3 4 Species 1 - .93 - - Groups 2 - .33 - - 3 - .67 .38 - 4 - - .63 - 5 - .25 .94 .36 Sept., 1970 - August, 1971 b) Time Groups 1 3 4 1.00 .25 - 2 Species 1 Groups 2 - .75 .25 - 3 - .50 .25 .33 4 .07 .71 .89 .43 c) 1.00 Sept., 1971 - August, 1972 Time Groups 1 2 3 4 Species 1 - .75 .42 .25 Groups 2 - .38 .92 .63 3 - - .75 - Table II: a). Taxonomic Composition and Times of Occurrence of Each Species-Group in: a). 1969-1970, b). 1970-1971 and c). 1971-1972. 1969-1970 pecies Groqp Dom!Jcies etua 1 Other Taxa taulis mordax Months of Occurrence Months of MosLe!t (Time Group) Occurrence (Time Group) Jan.-March (2) Jan.-March (2) Jan.-March (2) Jan.-March (2) Jan.-May (2&3) Jan.-March (2) April-May (3) April-May (3) Jan.-May,July,Sept. (2,3&4) April-May (3) (large larvae only) Hemilepidotus !E! 4on tus Stenohrachius leucopsarus 2 Platichthvs stellatus Ec! 3 Microgadus pm none spp. Artedius fenestralis exilis psetta isolepis 4 5 Clinocottus acuticeps none melanostictus Artedius Artedlus meanyi b). 1970-1971 1 2 Parophy vetulus none Hemilepidotus ps Pholis app. Dec.-June (l,2&3) Feb.,May&June Dec.-Feb. (l&2) (2&3) Feb. (2) Feb.-July (2,3&4) Feb. (2) Enophrys bison 3 none Clinocottus !R2 4 tta none !cIItIs melanostictus MI crogadus p2mus Artedius 4o1 Dec.-July (l,2,3&4) Feb.,May&June (2&3) Table 11 - ContInued Months of Occurrence srou Dominant Species Other Taxa (rp) Occurrence (Time Croj cItIy stellatus Artedius meanyJ. Artedjus fenestralis c). 1971-1972 1 Ammodytes hexapterus Microgadus ExiInus 2 isolepis Artedius harringtonl Cottus aspe ocotttis acuticeps none March-Aug. (2,3&4) March March-Aug. (2,3&4) April-June (3) April-June (3) (2) yopsetta exilis Artedius fenestralis 3 P1atichtIy stellatus Artedius meanyl ys bison Ronguilus jordani April-June (3) 109 Table III: Summary of Kruskal-Wallis Tests for Differences in Abundance of Larvae Between Years. Critical x2 values: 90% (2 d.f.) = 4.605; 95% (2 d.f.,) 5.991; 99% (2 d.f.) = 9.210 H value Taxon for Sept. -Sept. All taxa 1.538 Osmeridae 8.328* Microgadus proximus 2.345 Sebastes spp. .088 Artedius harrinytoni 3.709 Artedius fenestralis 1.231 Artedius meanyi 1.474 Ammodytes hexapterus 2.827 Isopsetta isolepis 0.617 Lyopsetta exilis 1.487 Parophry 1.296 vetulus Platichthys stellatus 2.508 Psettichthys melanostictus 0.619 110 Table IV: Modified Eager's Biological Indices of Dominance (Richardson, 1973) for the Thirteen Most Abundant Taxa in Taxon each of Three Years. 1969-70 B.I. 1970-71 Rank 8.1. 1971-72 Rank B.I. Rank Osmeridae 1.02 1 2.22 1 1.72 1 Parophrys vetulus 0.80 2 1.05 3 0.52 5 Isopsetta isolepis 0.66 3 1.06 2 0.97 2 Psettichthys melanostictus 0.53 4 0.17 12 0.58 4 Microgadus proximus 0.22 8 0.73 4 0.42 6 0.53 4 0.45 5 0.39 7 0.39 5 0.44 6 0.73 3 0.24 7 0.19 10 0.32 9 Platichthys stellatus 0.12 13 0.18 11 0.42 6 Lyopsetta exilis 0.04 23 0.23 8 0.26 10 Artedius meanyi 0.25 6 0.09 17 0.08 15 fenestralis 0.18 9 0.26 7 0.35 8 Cyclopteridae Type 1 0.06 21 0.19 10 0.25 11 * * Sebastes spp. * Artedi us harringtoni Amniodytes hexapterus * * * * * Artedi us * * * indicates tied ranks 111 Table V: Month Days per Month with Winds Greater than 15 knots. (*greater than 20 kts) 1969 1970 1971 1972 * January 12(5 February 4 March 5 ) * 14(6 ) 11(1*) 15(6 11(5 12(4* ) * April 6(2 May * ) 1 5 7(2 2 4 2 4 * June 0 5(1 July 4 3 4 2 August 1 0 2 2 September 2 0 ) 1 * October 5(1 1 * November 4(1 ) 7(2 4(2 * 7(4 * December * ) ) 8(2 * ) 12(6 ) * ) * ) 14(3 Number of Days of Storms per Month (Winds > 15 kts; Month 1969 Precipitation > 1.0 cm) 1970 1971 1972 January 9 13 11 February 3 9 12 March 4 14 7 April 4 4 0 May 0 0 0 June 0 0 2 0 July 0 0 0 0 August 0 0 1 0 September 2 0 0 October 1 5 4 November 2 7 8 December 5 12 13 112 Table VI: Month 1969 Average Monthly Precipitation (cm). 1970 1971 1972 January 1.57 1.27 1.15 February 0.75 0.65 0.64 March 0.65 0.74 0.94 April 0.74 0.64 0.58 May 0.21 0.17 0.18 June 0.48 0.09 0.32 0.15 July 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.04 August 0.03 0.03 0.13 0.09 September 0.34 0.37 0.54 October 0.99 0.44 0.51 November 0.44 0.75 0.89 December 1.26 1.15 1.64 Number of Days with Precipitation Greater than 1.0 cm in Each Month Month 1969 1970 1971 1972 17 14 11 February 5 9 12 March 4 14 9 April 9 5 6 May 1 1 2 January June 6 1 3 1 July 0 0 1 0 August 0 0 2 1 September 5 4 6 October 7 6 6 November 4 8 11 December 15 12 14 113 Table VII. Dates on Which Major Storms Occurred, 1969-1972. From wind and precipitation data. Storms (wind > 15 knots, 1969 rain > 0.4 inches, 1971 1972 Sept. 17 Jan. 8_17** Sept. 30 Jan. 22 Oct. 27 Nov. 5_6* Dec. 10_12* Dec. 14 Dec. 22* Dec. 25 Jan. 24_25* Feb. 9 Feb. 14-15 Feb. 18 Feb. 23_27* March 2 March 9_12* 1970 March 14 Jan. 13_14* March 22_23* Jan. 17_19* March 25_30* Jan. 22* April 10 Jan. 24_25* April 16-17 Jan. 31* April 24 Feb. 15-17 *winds > 20 knots) June 18 Jan. 7_ll* Jan. 16 Jan. 18_20** Jan. 23* Jan. 27 Feb. 2 Feb. 11_12* Feb. l4_17* Feb. 19 Feb. 24 Feb. 27-March 1* March 4_5* March l0_12* March 18 March 24 April 5_8* June 24 April 11-12 March 12 August 31. April 24 March 14 Oct. 18_19* March 5-6 April 5 Oct. 26 April 9* Oct. 30 April 18 Nov. 9 April 24* Nov. 13* Oct. 20_24* Nov. 23_28* Nov. 15* Dec. 3_6* Nov. 22_24* Dec. 9 Nov. 26 Dec. ll_14* Nov. 30* Dec. 20_22* Dec. 3 Dec. 5_6* Dec. 10 Dec. 14_16* Dec. 20 Dec. 27_28* Dec. 25 May 17 May 21 July 8 114 Table .TIII. Date Surface Temperatures at each Station on each Sampling Date. NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Mean June 22 12.6 12.7 12.9 13.8 13.0 29 14.4 14.6 - -- 1.4.5 July 10 10.2 - 11.3 10.4 10.6 18 9.6 11.3 9.5 10.5 10.2 25 8.5 8.0 7.9 8.3 8.2 30 -- -- -- 8.6 8.6 1969 Aug. Sept. Oct. 6 10.0 9.0 10.3 11.6 10.2 26 11.1 11.0 11.2 12.8 11.5 30 11.7 11.6 11.8 14.0 12.3 3 8.8 9.0 9.4 10.0 9.3 14 -- 8.5 8.5 -- 28 13.6 13.7 13.9 14.4 8.5 13.9 -- -- -- -- -- 23 11.6 11.9 12.0 12.2 11.9 8 29 12.1 12.2 12.2 12.1 12.2 Nov. 11 11.5 11.8 11.9 12.0 11.8 18 11.1 11.2 11.5 11.7 11.4 2 10.5 10.6 10.6 10.9 10.7 9 10.4 10.8 10.8 - 10.7 29 10.3 10.1 10.4 10.9 10.6 Dec. 1970 9.8 Jan. 13 9.8 -- -- -- 29 10.5 10.4 10.4 10.7 10.4 Feb. 13 10.9 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.1 25 11.3 11.4 -- -- 11.4 9 10.9 10.7 10.9 10.8 10.8 9.7 -- March April 16 -- 9.7 -- -- 27 -- -- -- -- May1 -- -- -- - June JuLy Aug. Sept. 6 9.1 8.9 9.2 9.8 9.3 22 10.4 11.6 12.6 12.6 11.8 9.1 4 8.6 9.2 9.6 -- 23 7.6 7.3 3.2 8.5 7.9 2 12.4 11.9 11.9 14.0 12.6 16 -- 29 12.3 9.2 9.9 9.6 9.6 11.3 13.3 13.9 12.7 13 8.9 9.2 8.3 9.2 8.9 27 11.1 10.7 10.3 12.1 11.1 11 8.8 8.8 8.9 9.9 9.1. 25 10.6 10.6 10.8 16.0 12.0 115 Table VIII - Continued Date Oct. NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Mean 11.3 9 10.7 11.4 12.1 10.9 20 10.3 10.4 10.3 10.7 10.4 4 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.9 11.4 Nov. Dec. 4 9.0 9.6 9.7 10.6 9.7 21 9.6 9.9 10.0 10.6 10.0 1971 Jan. 6 8.0 8.1 8.2 7.4 7.9 18 9.5 10.5 9.9 9.8 9.9 3 8.4 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.6 16-17 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.0 9.3 1 8.3 7.8 8.2 7.9 8.1 20-21 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.4 8.6 30 9.4 9.8 8.8 8.7 9.2 - -- 9.5 9.6 9.6 May 3-4 9.9 10.4 10.6 10.7 10.4 14-20 11.9 11.4 11.4 11.2 11.5 29-30 9.1 8.7 8.1 9.1 June 1-2 10.8 9.3 -- -- 10.1 12-13 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.7 13.4 28-30 14.2 14.5 3.4.5 14.1 14.3 6 10.3 10.7 11.5 14.3 11.7 21-22 8.5 9.3 9.1 9.1 9.0 Aug. 2-3 13.7 14.3 14.1 16.6 14.7 15.0 Feb. March April 22-26 July 8.8 19-20 14.0 14.4 15.5 16.1 Sept. 23-24 10.3 10.3 10.2 10.4 10.3 Oct. 11-12 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.4 12.4 Nov. 6-7 9.6 9.8 9.8 10.4 9.9 9.6 9.2 8.4 9.1 Dec. 7 1972 March 3-4 9.8 9.3 9.6 9.3 9.5 15-16 10.6 11.1 11.4 11.7 11.2 29-30 10.4 -- 9.7 9.6 9.9 April Il 10.3 10.4 10.2 10.1 10.3 -- 20-21 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.7 May 22-23 9.8 9.9 10.3 10.5 10.1 June 11-12 10.1 10.4 10.7 10.7 10.5 28-29 10.3 9.7 9.9 11.9 10.5 July 21-22 10.3 10.5 10.5 11.7 10.8 8.5 8.6 5.5 9.0 8.7 Aug. 5 116 Table IX. Surface Salinity at Each Station on Each Sampling Date (Columbia River Pltmie Water ' 32.5 0/00) Date NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Mean June 22 32.42 32.46 32.50 30.74 32.03 29 30.79 31.18 28.38 25.18 28.88 -- -- - -- -- 18 33.78 34.70 33.07 32.22 33.44 25 34.22 33.86 33.74 32.76 33.65 30 -- - -- 33.16 33.16 6 33.56 33.54 33.26 32.60 33.24 26 33.14 32.14 32.96 31.52 32.43 30 33.14 32.62 32.60 32.10 32.62 3 33.15 1969 July10 August Sept. Oct. 33.85 32.70 33.48 32.56 14 -- 33.90 33.92 -- 33.91 28 32.08 - 32.16 32.38 32.13 8 - -- -- -- -- 23 33.54 33.38 33.10 33.22 33.31 29 33.42 33.14 33.34 33.38 33.32 Nov. 11 33.24 33.47 33.48 33.34 33.36 18 33.46 33.42 33.25 33.42 33.39 2 32.38 31.15 32.18 32.21 31.96 9 -- -- - - -- 29 -- -- - -- Dec. 1970 Jan. 13 31.61 -- -- - 31.61 29 28.25 27.68 27.64 31.29 28.72 Feb. 13 29.94 29.01 30.20 31.26 30.10 25 -- -- -- -- 9 30.96 30.10 31.10 April 16 -- 33.06 27 -- -- - -- -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- arrh May June July -30.54 -- 33.06 6 33.33 33.32 33.00 31.92 32.89 22 33.10 33.05 33.01 30.95 32.53 4 33.77 33.68 33.41 -- 33.47 23 33.19 33.91 33.36 33.25 33.45 2 33.43 33.58 33.04 31.31 32.84 16 -- -- -- -- 29 33.31 33.49 31.96 31.73 32.66 Aug. 13 33.77 33.74 33.55 32.92 33.50 27 33.76 33.58 33.39 32.41 33.29 11 33.77 33.77 33.61 33.17 33.58 25 33.27 32.69 32.68 32.80 32.86 Sept. 117 Table IX - Continued Date Oct. Nov. NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Mean 9 33.48 33.32 33.30 33.16 20 32.99 32.89 32.90 32.63 32.85 4 32.82 32.94 32.98 32.74 32.88 4 30.35 30.45 30.15 32.49 30.86 21 30.71 30.76 30.87 32.37 31.18 Dec. 33.32 1971 Jan. 6 31.40 31.19 31.40 31.69 31.42 18 28.14 25.17 32.32 32.39 29.51 3 32.07 32.04 31.50 30.59 31.55 16-17 30.55 30.45 31.48 31.54 31.01 1 32.40 31.75 32.29 31.96 32.10 20-21 32.37 32.20 32.12 32.16 32.21 30 30.16 29.80 30.85 32.45 30.82 -- -- 32.42 32.48 32.43 May 3-4 31.21 31.35 31.06 29.34 30.74 Feb. March April 22-26 14-20 32.03 31.81 31.25 30.95 31.51 29-30 33.68 33.66 33.57 33.86 33.69 June .1.2 33.60 33.44 -- - 33.26 12-13 30.08 29.73 30.93 29.42 30.04 28-30 30.83 30.86 32.30 30.93 31.23 6 33.44 33.41 33.32 27.18 31.84 21-22 33.85 33.57 33.50 33.21 33.53 Aug. 2-3 33.38 33.25 33.19 29.72 32.36 19-20 32.86 32.82 32.77 32.86 32.83 Sept. 23-24 33.22 33.04 32.77 32.48 32.88 Oct. 11-12 32.72 32.73 32.77 32.46 32.67 Nov. 6-7 32.33 31.80 31.64 31.77 31.89 7 31.89 32.08 - 31.38 31.78 March 3-4 25.05 28.11 35.92* 32.33 28.50 15-16 29.21 25.88 29.47 32.19 29.19 27-30 30.92 -- 31.61 32.17 31.53 April 11 30.28 30.49 31.31 31.96 31.01 19-22 21.37 -- 19.30 17.12 19.26 29-30 -- -- -- -- -- May 22-23 31.73 31.74 31.29 31.10 31.44 June 11-12 32.89 32.24 31.83 31.98 32.24 28-29 33.31 33.20 32.94 32.30 32.94 July 21-22 33.68 33.51 33.57 32.70 33.37 Aug. 33.82 33.79 33.22 32.93 33.44 July Dec. 1972 5 *false measuretnent (see footnote 1, p 118 Table X: Bottom salinities at each station on each sampling date when measurements were taken. Date NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Mean July 18 33.78 34.70 33.18 33.00 33.67 25 34.33 34.38 34.06 33.20 34.01 August 30 33.46 33.72 33.22 32.66 33.27 -- 32.24 -- 1969 Dec. 2 - 32.24 1970 Jan. 13 32.39 -- -- -- 32.29 29 30.23 31.65 32.21 32.50 31.65 Feb. 13 30.74 32.24 32.39 32.83 32.03 March 9 31.54 32.02 32.46 -- 32.01 May 6 33.79 33.86 33.89 33.84 33.85 22 33.45 33.57 33.91 33.84 33.69 4 33.87 33.92 33.93 -- 33.91 23 33.74 33.84 33.93 33.89 33.85 July 29 33.91 33.93 33.94 33.94 33.93 August 13 33.86 33.91 33.91 33.92 33.90 27 33.84 33.82 33.86 33.55 33.77 9 33.62 33.81 33.85 33.90 33.80 20 33.16 33.38 33.73 33.87 33.54 Nov. 4 32.32 33.23 33.27 - 33.11 Dec. 4 32.30 -- 32.55 33.79 32.55 21 31.49 31.72 32.22 32.52 31.99 June Oct. 1971 6 31.57 32.36 32.87 32.40 32.30 18 30.99 32.16 32.35 32.59 32.05 3 32.62 33.14 33.55 33.60 33.23 16-17 31.37 32.53 33.05 33.58 32.63 1 33.42 33.70 34.56 33.77 33.86 March 20-21 32.41 32.77 32.27 33.43 32.72 30 31.71 31.72 32.44 32.49 32.01 -- -- 34.18 34.67 34.43 May 3-4 32.63 33.44 33.59 33.80 33.37 14-20 32.04 33.43 33.73 33.83 33.24 29-30 33.75 33.92 33.91 33.84 33.86 June 1-2 33.72 33.86 -- -- 33.79 12-13 33.30 33.81 33.84 33.83 33.65 29-30 31.47 33.68 32.27 33.82 32.81 6 33.72 33.80 33.84 33.89 33.81 21-22 33.88 33.84 33.87 33.86 33.86 August 2-3 33.51 33.81 33.86 33.92 33.78 19-20 32.90 33.37 33.59 33.80 33.42 Jan. Feb. March April 22-26 July 119 Table X - Contitiued Date NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Mean Sept. 23-24 33.28 33.57 33.64 33.68 33.54 Oct. 11-12 33.31 33.46 33.50 33.70 33.49 6-7 32.48 32.47 33.60 33.73 33.07 7 32.22 32.26 - 33.51 32.50 32.00 Nov. Dec 1972 March 3-4 31.20 32.09 32.16 32.56 15-16 30.96 31.63 32.32 32.84 31.94 27-30 32.47 -- 32.74 33.13 32.75 April 1]. 31.32 32.11 32.07 32.34 31.96 19-22 32.72 -- 32.87 33.51 33.03 May 22-23 32.91 32.94 33.60 33.54 33.25 June 11-12 32.85 33.60 33.76 33.81 33.51 28-29 33.74 33.50 33.83 33.87 33.81 July 21-22 33.76 33.83 33.87 33.88 33.84 33.83 33.85 33.87 33.87 33.86 August 5 FIGURES 1 20 Figure I Location of Stations Sampled Stations Designated With Open Circles Were Sampled From 22 June - 20 Oct. 1970. Stations Designated With Solid Circles Were Sampled From 4 Nov. 1970 - 5 Aug. 1972. l20 450 45' ;50 50' 11 Figure 2 2 Mean Standardized Abundance Of All Taxa IE(No. Larvae/IOm )/No. Stations Sampled] 0 0 (I) 0 z 0 0 0 > 0 I.- -I a z 4) 1969 1970 -J N) Figure 3 Mean Standardized Abundance Of All Taxa {E(No. Larvae/10m2)/No. Stations SampiedJ At All Stations Sampled On Each Dote In 1970- 1971 4.- 0 Cl) 33J- _,7c49 z0 200 0 4, 0 0 -J 0 z 150 4, 0 > 0 -J .4- 0 4) 0C 0 100 0C 0 4) N 4- 0 0 C 0 50 Cl) C 0 4) Sept. ' Oct. ' 1970 Nov. Dec. J Jan. Feb. ' March ' April May 1971 ' June ' July ' Aug. N) N) Figure 4 Mean Standardized Abundance Of All Taxa IE(No. Lorvae/lOm2)/No. Stations Samoledi 197 l972' N) (JJ Figure 5 a Time Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From $969- 1970, Excluding Osmerids, Sebastes, and Cyclopterids. Bray 0 I .1 .2 Curtis Dissimilarity Value .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 November 18, 1969 December 2, 1969 December 20, 1969 February 13, 1970 2 February 25, 1970 January 29i 1970 March 9, 1970 May 6, 1970 3 May 22, 1970 May I, 1970 April 27, 1970 July 2, 1970 August 13, 1970 1June 23, 1970 September 3, 1970 July 16, 1970 November II, 1969 -1 Figure 5b Species Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From l969- 1970, Excluding Osmerlds, ebastes, and Cycloptorids. 0 .1 Bray- Curtis Dissiftillority Value .5 .3 .4 .2 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 Qphiodon iQnga1u HemiJepjf i pinosus Enggfls mordox Stenobrochius eutopsarus Ammôdytes tgpjLs DQPJQLLth1L spp. Plotichthys stellatus Clinocottus acuticeps Lyopselta exiis Cottus osper 3 Microgadusproximus Artedius fenestralis Artedius meanyi fettichthy melanoslictus 5 i9pJ Artedius harringtoni Porophrys vetulus jordani N) cJ' Figure 6 Time Groups and Species Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From 1970-1971, Excluding the Osmerids, Sebostes, and Cyclopterids. 0 a) Time Groups .1 dray .2 .1 .2 Curtis Dissimilarity Value .3 .4 5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 May 4, 1971 June 2, 1971 May 29, 1971 May 3, 1971 2 February 3, 1971 February 16, 1971 July 6, 1971 July 21, 1971 June 28, 1971 March 30, 971 Au gust 2, I 97i December 21, 1970 January 6, 1971 Januory 8, 1971 September 25, 1970 October 20, 1970 b) Species Groups promus opi#flg 0 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 oIep Psettichthy meIarostj Artedius fenestralis Artedws harrinorn u rnapyj chthys stellatus yito eMItS CQflJ,L QPer ClinoCottus ocuticaps psus i9Ph!Y! vetulus 2 P2il SSp. Ammod hexaptus HIeptus Ieotus 4 N) Figure 7 Time Groups and Species Groups From the Classification Analysis Using Data From 1971-1972, Excluding the Osmerids, Sebastes, and Cyctopterida. a) Terne Groups 0.1 Bray .2 Curtis Dissimilarity Value .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 September 23, 1971 December 7, 1971 2 March 3, 1972 March 15, (972 May 22, 1972 June II, 1972 2 3 April Il, 1972 4 June 28, 1972 August 5, 1972 July 21, 1972 b) Species Groups 2!I 0 .1 .2 ,3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 PLY bOfl jrdoi Platichthys stellotus jus meonyl Artedius fenestralis 2 lsopjjg, O(epj Aedius hoingrnffl Lyopsetta eci1ts psettichthys meIariostic1stictus Cottus osper Clinocottus 2t!hceP! Microgadus proximus Anmodytes hexopj Parophry yjS -J 128 Figure 8 Month'y Standardized Length Frequencies of Osmeridae c..J ID July, 1969 ii - E 2 1 0 5 I Aug.,l96 5 I°i 30 ao Standard Length (mm) 0! 35 40 40 Dec., 1969 301 March, (970 2ci Jan., 1970 5 0 N1 5 0 5 2C April, (970 MOY, (970 z:z 0 o 1168 0 5 -j S -J 15c 5 10 5 0 5 5 98 2L 5 ) 10 June, (970 5 20 as 20 25 _JuIy,197O _ IS Sept.,1970 TO 5 0 5 ao 5 ao 0ct.,l97 If 5 ID Nov., (970 5 10 15 20 Standard Length (mm) I 35 U 45 Dec., 1970 Standard Length (mm) 30 25 D 55 129 Figure 8 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Osmeridae (continued 2) 3C 20 60 EI0j97L 5 0 50 E 240 20 5 - . II 0 ___L1IL_. 5 0 5 L 10 5 10 L 20 20 March, 971 0 20 15 May 4, 971 5 IC 15 20 25 30 -S El C.) (VI -'I 0 2 601 a, I 501 C I I May 3, - 1971 __ I ..140I IMay 29, 1971 a, C > a I- lI, 5 5 10 5 20 Standard Length (mm) 25 0 5 20 25 Standard Length (mm) 30 130 Figure 8 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Osmeridue (continued - 3) 1401 20 June 28, 971 90 so cJ 0 70 I- a -J 0 a > a I- -J Standard Length (mm) aol July) 1971 I0 I j 4 0 5 20 25 30 35 40 5 20 25 30 05 40 45 25 30 10 August, 1971 0 0 Oct., 1971 1 Dec., 1971 0 5 20 Standard Length (mm) 131 Figure 8 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Osmeridae (continued - 4) N E0 C March 1972 ' 0 July, 1972 0 5 20 25 August, 1972 0 a tO 15 20 25 30 Standard Length (mm) April, 1972 CI 20 90 N E 2 70 May, 1972 60 C -J 50 40 I,J June, 1972 5 10 IS 20 25 Standard Length (mm) 35 40 132 Figure 9 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Parophrys vetulus 30 120 tIC 5 Feb., 1970 0 10 50 4o 15 I March, 1970 ac Nov., 1969 , 30 4, 5 > 4, 0 5 April, 1970 to -J I0 5 5 0 IS 50 101 IC 15 20 May,.19?O - 40 5 Dec., 1969 30 10 10 IS 20 25 30 20 25 30 June, 1970 20 15 I l0 5 tO 0 IS Standard Length (mm) IS Jan., 1970 S IC 5 20 Standard Length (mm) 133 Figure 9 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Parophrys vetutus (continued-2) Dec., 1970 C420 5 1971 E 10 0 to I 1971 C A 5 LI C tO 15 20 -J April, 1971 5 I tO 5 240 230 20 tO 15 20 May, 1971 I_I 220 2 2lO 5 140 5 tO 20 Standard Length (mm) 30 C'J E 2 ao ol Feb., 1971 Oct., 1971 > 0 -j to 5 E 80 Nov., 1971 230 tO 15 Dec., 1971 20 60 C -jto 50 40 ____ 5 J 0 5 March, 1972 5 20 10 tO IS Standard Length (mm) to 5 tO IS Standard Length (mm) 134 Figure 10 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Isopsetta isolepis August, 1969 20 March, 197! 201 I 0 March, 1972 20 5 I 101 tO 20 IS I 5 101 10 April, 1971 Sept., 1969 101 5 0 IS April, 1972 S 5 5 20 5 10 IS j 5L_°0 5 10 IS May, 1971 0 5 50 E 04 1970 2 10 0 5 IS 1972 E 2 0 a .30 a I- a > -J 3°LI April, 1970 ac -j 20 5 10 10 15 20 June 1972 rnWao 0 Io 5 5 10 5 20 15 20 0 5 20 20 0 10 04 E 30 0 20L 0 5 10 5 0 97! Feb 5 Standard Length (mm) 0 0 IS 20 5 20 July, 1971 5 10 5 0 15 20 Standard Length (mm) June, 970 5 July, 1972 10 August, 1971 5 10 IS 20 Standard Length (mm) 1 35 Figure II Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Psettichthys melanostictus C July, 1969 Feb., 1971 Ihi20 _JL: 5 N I E IS JO 9 IOj April, 1971 20 15 JO March, (972 I- Standard Length (mm) I Jo a1 s IS JO 5 C May, 1971 5 in April, 1972 a (0 15 JO IS May, 20 June, 1971 June, 1972 April, 1970 N 5 E 10 N I > IS 20 Standard Length (mm) (520 b04,5 May, 1970 (0 230 20 (0 5 E20 July, Aug., 1971 -a5 JO IS 20 JO JO 5 0 5 (3 20 (0 5 (0 5 20 25 JO 20 25 0 (0 (5 Nov., 1971 5 (0 (5 Standard Length (mm) Aug., 1970 5 20 0 July, (970 5 1 25 June, 1970 5 Sept., 1971 20 25 Standard Length (mm) 136 Figure 12 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Microgadus proximus June, 1969 0 5 IS July, 1969 0 5 5 20 25 Aug.l969 5 5 5 20 IS 25 Feb.1970 . 5 5 tO 10 1I.h,l970 5 0 _*E!l, 1970 5 tO - May, 1970 E 2 5 ' Junej97O 15 20 - July, 1970 5 1 - _tO tO tO February, 1971 25 E 0 -S a 0 5 to 10 -4 March, 1971 to April, 1971 Standard Length (mm) 5 0 15 Standard Length (mm) 137 Figure 13 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Sebastes spp. June, 1969 0 5 30 1262 25QJ1 5 20 Oct., 1969 10 13011130 0 5 120 15 0 Nov. 2 a > Feb., 1970 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 15 [97l a -J 0 201 Dec., 1969 cu E 0 301L 21 0 5 C a > a 0 5 10 20 Standard Length (mm) 0 Oct., 1970 -j 5 5 March, 1971 0 15 April, 1971 15 5 10 IS 20 March, 1972 25 401 Is 1015 30 Jan., 1970 20 Dec., 1970 0 10 20 April, 1972 Ia 5 5 0 0 15 101 5 May, 1972 Standard Length Cm 5 0 15 Standard Length (mm) 5 0 5 Standard Length (mm) 138 Figure 14 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Artedius harringjj 20 30 June, 1969 0 I 0 I Jan., 1971 20 I March, 972 ) E I July, 1969 20 III2 > iiI I 101 I -j I Feb., 97! August, (969 I . 5 5 10 5 5 10 Sept., 1969 0 Ii 0 15 20Stad. Length (mm)E April, 1970 10 5 ic 0 2 IS April, 1971 I 5 '015 J May, 1971 II May, (970 5 0 IS June, (97! 5 o 5 10 June, 1970 5 .iNI 5 a to 10 5 5 July,1971 July, 5 (970d 5 0 10 10 0 10 1015 August, (971 15 August, (970 1 I b 5 tO 15 Standard Length (mm) Standard Length (mm) 5 10 June, 1972 15 -J a 10 10 5 _Ii March, 1971 5 I -10 5 0 May, 1972 0 a 5 10 6 0 15 April, (972 5 I 01 o is 1 a' 0 5 J I I' 5 15 10 o July, (972 I 5 10 5 Standard Length mm) 139 Figure 15 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Ammodytes hexapterus Jan., 1970 Feb., 1971 5 tO 15 20 E 10 0 5 2 5 tO March, 1971 -ito 5 to ts Standard Length (mm) cJ E 0 March, 1972 Feb., 1970 0 0 > 0 20 -- E1O -J 0 5 5 101 tO 5 20 March, 1970 5 tO IS tO 0 Standard Length (mm) IS April. 972 I 3 5 20 tO to is gtandard Length (mm) 140 Figure 16 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Platichthys stellatus 6 20 0 0 July, 1969 March, 1972 U, a 5 -J tO II!] IS Standard Length (mm) 20, 10 EI 10 Feb., 1970 0 April, 1972 2 IC l U, 5 o 40 > March, 1970 30 tO 10 3 0 IS May, 1972 20 Standard Length (mm) 201 101 Feb., 1971 101 June, 1972 11 [ 5 IC IS 101 April, 1971 6 040 U 30 a -j ao May, 1971 10 iol 1 June, 1971 Standard Length (mm) 5 10 IS Standard Length (mm) 141 Figure 17' Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Lyopsetta exilis N E20 iojj969 10 20 May, 1972 E 20 IS 5 Startdard Length (mm) JO 2 ii. 5 10 20 15 0 Standard Length (mm) io( March, 1971 5 10 15- 20 April, 1971 5 NE 0 5 20 May, 1971 0 04e!97I 0 July, 1971 5 0 10 5 20 Standard Length (mm) April, 1970 5 IS I -J 10 JO June, 1972 I 5 20 Standard Length (mm) 142 Figure 18 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Artedius meanyj July, E 1971 1969 I 0 15 tO IS 5 10 'o__March, April, 1971 to 2 Standard Length (mm) C -J 'ci Feb., 1970 ioi March, 1970 I 5 0 5 ci > I tI I 101 2 5 May,1970 I V.1 5 0 May, 1972 I 1 I I ol 5 10 15 June, 1972 I 15 0 0 5 0 15 Standard Length (mm) 5 July,1970 5 0 > ol I June, 1970 5 0 I0 Standard Length (mm) 5 ci April, 1970 E June, 1971 15 Standard Length (mm) 143 Figure 19 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Artedius fenestralis 20 E 20 20 July, 969 0 10 March, 972 Jan., 1971 0 5 10 0 5 5 August, 1969 5 10 10 s 15 Standard Length (mm) a 0 10 10 15 10 15 5 10 ':' Standard Length (mm) July, 1971 May, to 970 uI 5 10 5 5 10 15 E June, 1970 0 August, 1971 I5 to 0 May, 1972 10 I 20 6 15 '° C'J 5 15 M:y,1971 -'i:' 5 10 ApflI, 972 March, 1971 10 10 5 15 Feb., 1971 0 15 July, 1970 August, 1970 5 0 IS Standard Length (mm) 5 0 15 Standard Length (mm) 144 Figure 20 Monthly Standardized Length Frequencies of Cyclopteridae Type I June, 1969 to'____________ ('J I 6 01 Z 01 I 5 tO 5 6201 01 - July, 1969 I ol a, I>'___ l___ I 6 tol Oct., 1970 - IS tO I C 20i I a I 5 .J tO August, tOt , 5 Standard Length(mm) E201 Z tol a 20i 5 tO Feb.,1971 2 I 6 Standard Length (mm) IS C 5 0 15 Standard Length (mm) 0 to Feb.,t970 to _____ 5 tO March,1970 5 c'.j 5 0 tO IS April,1970 5 0 0 15 May, 970 5 10 C a 5 0 IS Standard Length(mm) E to May,1971 4, -J IS Standard Length (mm) June, 1972 10 620 20 22 March, 1971 5 tO 10 I -j I5 to 0 5 5 Standard Length(mm) (J 5 a IS I o 6 Dec., 969 tO tol April, 972 Standard Length (mm) 969 5 I a 15 I I to' LM0tm 1972 -i 5 10 15 Standard Length (mm) 145 Figure 21a Progressive Wind Vector Diagrams For 16 April 1969- 31 Dec. 1970. (From Peterson and Miller, 1975) /969 EAST 16 JULY /(IJUN 31 DC 6 APRIL 7 OC SOUTH AUG ,J NOV /970 I I SEPT / MAR EAST 2 PER I 22 MAY / UNE 2OEC 8 JAN I JULY SOUTH !t 26 JULY I7 - NOV SEPT- OCT 3E Figure 21 b Progressive Wind Vector Diagram For I Jan. - 31 Dec. 1971. (From Peterson and Miller1 1975) H 0 C (I 0 2 C r C fT (I lhuubMrlu or yvur1u ,ILUIVIIr1, 147 Figure 2! c Progressive Wind Vector Diagram For I Jan. - 31 Dec. 1972 (From Peterson and Miller, 1975) C C 4 C (I C -I C r r C Figure 22 Weekly Mean Values of the Coastal Divergence Index ( Bakun's Upwelling Index) at 45°N 125°W (From Bakun, 1975) too I!T1E ti1i 111111k. I, U) a 1 0 1 'f C) i E -100 0 0 -200 a) 9. too C) a, a) 100 1970 U) Oh iii 0 V -bc -too .1, -20C .- too I a -200 tOO 1971 a 0 0 ! -too II a, a) I -200 -200 IOU tOO 1972 C) 0 r I £ I I I 1 I . I I I 1 1 1 1 I i i I I I r I , I , -100 200 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Figure 23 Monthly Mean Estimates of Wind Stress Curl Ulelson's Offshore Divergence Index) For 1969-1972 At 45°N I25W (Unpublished Data From 4. Bakun, NMFS) 300 1969 300 200 200 too. ( 00 I 01 0 -tooj -2001 -100 -300! 200 300 330 1970 200 300 0 200 00 too 0 -too E 200 200 30 0 0 1300 300 200 100 E o 0 -100 j-I00 F200 F 300 200 1972 300 200 00 1100 0 10 -1007 300 Jon. Feb March April May Jjne July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. a 150 Figure 24 Relative Year-class Strength Estimates For Butter Sole (Isopsetta isolepis) and English Sole (Parophrys vetulus) a.) Butter Sole, From 0.D.F.W. Research Exploratory Cruises 50 [11971 401 o . o I II 301 h I II 201 h ii I 501 50 4oI1972fl 401 30 30 30 20 20 20 501 1973 969 401 1975 1970 I' 0 I fi ___ 1357 357 ___ 357 ___ 357 1972 Age (Years) No Data From 974. 1971-1973 off Oregon. 1975 off Washington. b.) English Sole, From 0.D.FW. Commercial Catch Records 0 V 00 1972 1974 I.. S J1UL. 5 By Forsberg, O.D.EW, 0 Age (Years) 0 z 00 0 Original Calculations øi 975 1976 50 Ui No Data Feb., 1972. Update 100 50 1977 By Barss, O.D.FW., Feb., 976. U, V 0 5 10 Age (Years) E V 50 0 1979 100 0 C 0 III 50c uIIIIuI!uI! Age (Years) Communicated By R.L. Demory, O.D.F.W. Oct., 1982. APPENDICES 151 Appendix I. Taxa taken in this study, with references containing descriptions, illustrations or photographs of larvae. Clupeidae Clupea harenus pallasi Valenciennes Pacific herring Taylor (1964) Blackburn (1973) Marliave (1975) Engraulidae Bngraulis inordax Girard northern anchovy Bolin (1936) Ahlstrom (1956, 1965) Kramer and Ahistrom (1968) Blackburn (1973) Osmeridae Osmerids were not identified to species in this study. described or illustrated. Hyponiesus pretiosus (Girard) Spirinchus thaleichthys (Ayres) longf in smelt Thaleichthys pacificus (Richardson) eulachon The following species have been Yapchiongco (1941, 1949) Follett (1952) Dryfoos (1965) Moulton (1970) Barraclough (1964) Parente and Snyder (1970) Allosmerus elongacus (Avres), the whitebait smelt, and Spirinchus starksi (Fisk), the night smelt, have not been described or illustrated as larvae. Sathylagidse Bathvlagus ochotensis Schmidt (No common name) Ahlstrom (1972) Paralepididae Lestidiops ringens (Jordan and Gilbert) (No common name) Ege 1953, as Lestidium elongatum (see Rofen, 1966). Harry (1953) Myctophidae Lampanyctus regalia (Gilbert) Moser and Ahistrom (1974) pinpoint lainpfish Protomyctophum thompsoni (Chapman) bigeye lanternfish Stenobrachius leucopsarus (Eigenmann and Eigerunann) northern lampfish Tarletonbeanja crenularis (Jordan and Gilbert) = blue lanternfiah Pereaeva-Ostroumova (1964, 1967) Moser and Ahlstrom (1970) Pertseva-Ostroumova (1964, 1967) Ahlstrom (1965, 1972) Moser and Ahlstrom (1974) Bolin (1939) Pertseva-Ostroumova (1964) Ahlstrom (1965) Moser and Ahlstrom (1970) Gadidae Microgadus proximus (Girard) = Pacific tomcod Matarese et al. (1981) Scorpaenidae Sebastes S rockfish Eigenmann (1892) Wales (1952) Morris (1956) Delacy et al (1964) Ahlstrom (1965) Moser (1967, 1972) Waldron (1968) Westrheini et al (1968 a, b) Efremenko and Liaovenko (1970) Harling et al (1970) Westrheim (1975) 152 Appendix I - Continued Moser et al. (1977) Moser and Ahlstrom (1978) Richardson and Laroche (1979) Laroche and Richardson (1980, 1981) Hexagraannidae Ophiodoxt elongatus Girard lingcod Blackburn (1973) Marliave (1975) Phillips and Barraclough (1977) Cottidae All of the sculpin taxa taken in this atudy have been described by Richardson and Washington (1980), and Washington (1982). Artedius harringtoni (Starks) scalyhead sculpin Artedius fanestralis Jordan and Gilbert padded sculpin Artedius meanyi (Jordan and Starks) Puget Sound sculpin Clinocottus acuticeps (Gilbert) sharpnose sculpin Cottus Richardson = prickly sculpin Enophrys bison buffalo sculpin Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (Tilesius) red Irish lord Hemilepidotus spinosus (Ayres) brown Irish lord Leptocottus armatus Girard = Pacific staghorn sculpin Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Ayres) = cabezon Blackburn (1973), as "cottid 6' Eldridge (1970), as "cottid no. 4" Blackburn (1973), as"cottid 4, water wings' White (1977), as "cottid III" Blackburn (1973), as "cottid 3" Blackburn (1973), as "cottid 1, biramous anus" Blackburn (1973) Stein (1972) Blackburn (1973) Marliave (1975) Misitano (1978) Gorbunova (1964) Peden .(1978) Follett (1952) Peden (1978) Jones (1962) Blackburn (1973) Marliave (1975) White (1977) O'Connell (1953) Marliave (1975) Radulinus asprellus Gilbert, the slim sculpin, and the larvae referred to in this study as cottids type ic, type 20 and other Cottidae were described by Richardson and Washington (1980) Agonidae Pallisina barbata (Steindachner) = tubenose poacher Marliave (1975) Bathyaonus5pp., Ocella verrucosa (Lockington), the warty poacher, Odontopyxis trispinosa (Lockington), the pygmy poacher, and Stellerina xyosterna (Jordan and Gilbert), the prickle breast poacher, were taken in this study. Their larvae have not been described. Marliave (1975) presented illustrations of other larval agonids. Cyclopteridae Liparid type 1, in this study, is probably a multi-species group (Richardson and Pearcy, 1977). Marliave's illustrations of larval Liparis fucensis resemble liparid type 1 (Marliave, 1975). Liparis puichellus Ayres, the showy snailfish, and liparid type 3 from this study have not been described or illustrated as larvae. Bathvmasteridae Ronguilus jordani (Gilbert) northern ronquil Bathymasterid larvae were discussed by Blackburn (1973) A blennioid larva taken in this study was not identifiable to family. or illustrated. Stichaeidae Anoplarchus spp. = cockscomb Blackburn (1973) Marliave (1975) It has not been described 153 Appendix I - Continued Chirolophus spp. Blackburn (1973) Poroclinus rothrocki Bean, the whitebarred prickleback, and Stichaeidae type 3 of this study have not been described or illustrated. Pholidae Pholis spp. gunnel Blackburn (1973) Marliave (1975) mmodytidae mmodytes hexapterus Pallas Blackburn (1973) = Pacific sand lance See Macer (1967) for illustrations of larval Amiodytes. Gob iidae Clevelandia los (Jordan and Gilbert) = arrow goby Prasad (1959) Larvae of Lepidogobius lepidus (Girard), the bay goby, have not been described or illusated. Centrolophidae Icichthys lockingroni Jordan and Gilbert inedusafish Ahls tram et al. (1976) Bothidae Citharichthys sordidus (Girard) Pacific sanddab Citharichthys stigmaeus Jordan and Gilbert speckled sanddab Pleuronectidae Glyptocephalus zachirus Lockington = rex sole Hippoglossoides elassodon Jordan and Gilbert flathead sole Isopsetta isolepis (Lockingron) butter sole Lepidopsetta bilineata (Avres) rock sole Lyopsetta exilis (Jordan and Gilbert) = slender sole Microstoinus pacificus (Lockingron) Dover sole Parophrvs vetulus Girard Ahlstrom (1965) Ahlstrom and Moser (1975) Porter (1964) Ahlstroni (1965) Ahlscrom and Moser (1975) Porter (1964) Ahlstroin and Moser (1975) Dekhnik (1959) Pertseva-Ostroumova (1961) Miller (1969) Alderdice and Forrester (1974) Forrester and Alderdice (1968) Levings (1968) Blackburn (1973) Richardson et al. (1980) Pertseva-Oscroumova (1961) Blackburn (1973) Blackburn (1973) Ahlstroin and Moser (1975) Hagernan (1952) Ahistrom and Moser (1975) Budd (1940); the 6.3 mm larva is mis- identified Orsi (1968) Blackburn (1973) Ahlstroni and Moser (1975) Misitano (1976) Richardson et al. (1980) Porter (1964) described Parophrys larvae. However, his discussion and photographs of this species include specimens of Psetti.chthys inelanosticrus. Platichthys stellatus (Pallas) Orcutt (1950) starry flounder Psettichthys melanostictus Girard = sand sole Yusa (1957) Pertseva-Ostroumova (1961) Hickman (1959) Porter (1964); some Psettichthys are misidentified as Parophrvs Sonimani (1969) 154 Appendix II Species taken, number of specixens of each species, number of sample dates on which each species was taken, total standardized abundance (E nimiber/lO a2 of sea surface) of each species, percent of total catch of each species, percent of standardized abundance of each species, and biological index for each species. Species Sample Total Standardized S of Total S of Standardized Dates Abundance Catch Abundance 10 5 31.95 0.18 0.24 0.04 8 5 24.32 0.15 0.18 0.03 2961 101 5732.58 54.13 42.31 1.61 ochotensis 3 2 6.54 0.06 0.06 0.00 Lea tidiops ringens 1 1 6.68 0.02 0.05 0.02 1 1 1.17 0.02 0.01 0.00 1 1 5.64 0.02 0.04 0.01 21 11 104.51 0.38 0.77 0.11 crenularja 1 1 2.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 Microgadus proximus 184 51 482.77 3.36 3.56 0.45 Sebastes spp. 183 37 702.72 3.34 5.19 0.47 7 7 26.16 0.13 0.19 0.03 117 50 390.35 2.14 2.88 0.48 59 29 149.36 1.08 1.10 0.25 meanyi 76 26 158.59 1.39 1.17 0.15 Clinocottus acuticeps 27 15 50.07 0.49 0.37 0.11 40 15 81.89 0.73 0.60 0.11 21 12 77.19 0.38 0.57 0.07 9 4 16.78 0.15 0.12 0.10 27 12 68.43 0.49 0.51 0.09 4 4 15.84 0.07 0.12 0.03 6 6 25.21 0.11 0.19 0.05 No. of Specimens Clupea harengus No. of Biological Index Engraulis inordax Osmeridae Bathylagus Lampanyctus regalis Pro tomvctophum thoinpsoni S tenobrachius leucopsarus Tarletonbeania Ophiodon elongarus Artedius harringtoni Artedius fenestralis Artedius Cottus Enophrys bison Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Hemilepidotus apinosus Leptocottus armatus Padulinus asprellus 155 Appendix II - Continued Species No. of No. of % of Biological Sample Total Standardized % of Specimens Total Standardized Index Dates Abundance Catch Abundance Scorpaenichthys marnioratus 3 3 9.48 0.05 0.07 0.01. Cottjdae lc 4 4 9.70 0.07 0.07 0.01 Cottidae 20 1 1 3.68 0.02 0.03 0.00 Other Cottidae 5 4 11.04 0.09 0.08 0.04 xvosterna 9 7 31.80 0.16 0.23 0.07 Bathvagonus app. 1 1 2.45 0.02 0.02 0.002 1 1 2.77 0.02 0.02 0.00 1 1 6.91 0.02 0.05 0.02 1 1 1.94 0.02 0.01 0.01 24 23 115.34 0.44 0.85 0.15 7 6 29.38 0.13 0.22 0.03 13 6 22.46 0.24 0.17 0.07 3 5 16.56 0.09 0.12 0.06 1]. 9 33.97 0.20 0.25 0.09 1 1. 4.10 0.02 0.03 0.07 iioplarchus spp. 3 2 2.88 0.05 0.02 0.004 Chirolophis spp. 18 6 42.36 0.33 0.31 0.02 2 2 4.48 0.04 0.03 0.005 2 1 4.22 0.04 0.03 0.005 13 10 35.95 0.24 0.27 0.02 109 20 346.70 1.99 2.56 0.24 2 2 7.96 0.04 0.06 0.03 1 1 1.89 0.02 0.01 0.002 1 1. 1.22 0.02 0.01 0.001 1 1 3.14 0.02 0.02 0.02 Stellerina Pallisina barbata Odontopyxis trispinosa Ocella verrucosa Cyclopteridae Type No. 1 Liaris pulchellus Cyclopteridae type No. 3 Other Cyclopteridae Ronguilus jordani Unidentified Blennioids Poroclirtus rothrocki S tichaeidae Type 3 Pholis spp. ziodytes hexapterus Clevelandia ice Lepidogobius lepidus Icichthys lockingroni Citharichthys sordidus 156 Appendix II - Continued Species o. of to. of Total 2 of % of Biological Specimens Sample Standardized Total Standardized Index Dates Abundance Catch Abundance Citharichthys stigmaeus 2 2 8.93 0.04 0.07 0.02 Clvptocephalus zachirus 3 3 12.07 0.05 0.09 0.02 12 3 26.62 0.22 0.20 0.04 491 60 1524.35 8.98 11.25 0.88 1 1 2.54 0.02 0.02 0.00 83 2]. 186.16 1.52 1.37 0.16 pacificus 3 3 14.90 0.05 0.11 0.16 Parophrys vetulus 498 55 1923.88 9.10 14.20 0.83 99 23 296.28 1.81 2.19 0.21 272 42 637.12 4.97 4.70 0.41 Hippoglossoides elassodon Isopsetta isolepis Lepidopsetta bilineata Lyopsetta exilis Micros tomus Platichthvs stellatus Psettichthys melanostictus 157 Appendix III Total Standardized Abundances of all Species at each Station for each date. NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Total 22 0.00 0.00 20.61 9.32 29.93 7.48 29 2.30 6.11 -- -- 8.41 4.21 -- IDate Mean 1969 June July August Sept. 10 5.36 74.60 8.55 88.51 29.50 18 12.71 23.75 0.00 0.00 36.46 9.12 25 12.05 15.69 0.00 0.00 27.74 6.94 30 -- -- - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.42 33.61 6 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.38 0.35 30 11.13 19.44 24.99 31.77 87.33 21.83 3 22.76 6.91 24.52 0.00 54.19 13.55 -- 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.31 0.00 0.00 4.31 1.08 -- 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 23 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.50 29 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.88 9.88 2.47 11 0.00 0.00 6.28 0.00 6.28 1.57 18 0.00 52.14 81.62 43.20 176.96 44.24 2 2.00 39.52 17.94 64.40 123.86 30.97 9 2.27 6.53 27.16 -- 35.96 11.99 29 5.74 6.68 17.07 33.10 62.59 15.65 13 49.45 -- -- 49.45 49.45 29 81.90 95.89 39.52 21.32 238.63 59.66 13 246.44 208.28 25.92 407.43 888.07 222.02 19.69 28 Nov. Dec. 122.74 26 14 Oct. 11.68 8 1970 Jan. Feb. -- 25 3.06 37.38 10.92 27.40 78.76 March 9 75.24 45.98 126.73 89.65 337.60 84.40 April 16 -- 393.60 393.60 27 0.00 1 4.44 May -- - 1.69 34.24 7.02 42.95 10.74 151.84 7.52 0.00 163.80 40.95 393.60 6 3.60 149.76 7.60 0.00 160.96 40.24 22 79.54 84.36 51.45 20.22 235.57 58.89 4 .0.00 9.25 21.96 31.21 10.40 23 4.80 3.92 0.00 0.00 8.72 2.18 2 13.38 12.81 10.68 4.10 41.17 10.29 16 6.1.4 2.89 8.40 4.20 21.93 5.48 29 0.00 4.96 2.25 0.00 7.21 1.80 August 13 9.90 0.00 5.49 0.00 15.39 3.85 27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 5.80 2.12 0.00 0.00 7.92 1.98 25 12.46 1.66 0.00 0.00 14.12 3.53 9 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.00 1.11 0.28 20 5.81 5.19 0.00 2.44 13.44 3.36 June July Sept. Oct. -- 158 Appendix III - Continued Date NH 1 NH 3 NH 5 NH 10 Total 1970 Nov. 4 4.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.89 Dcc. 4 2.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.41. 0.50 21 3.44 16.62 4.74 46.76 71.56 17.89 20.98 1.22 1971 Jan. 6 11.82 7.84 34.65 29.60 83.91 18 1.87 104.04 0.00 0.00 105.91 26.48 3 141.86 290.36 97.06 26.70 555.98 139.00 16-17 24.96 Feb. 125.28 272.48 18.60 441.32 110.33 20 -- 35.04 217.80 42.84 295.68 98.56 30 28.08 14.90 56.10 23.66 122.74 30.69 -- -- 36.72 7.24 43.96 21.98 3-4 89.54 411.60 81.76 203.87 786.77 196.69 14-20 33.24 404.55 99.75 62.30 599.84 149.96 29-2 9.00 777.48 450.66 90.24 1327.38 331.85 June 12-13 57.50 282.20 1118.38 21.60 1479.68 369.92 28-30 4.65 155.93 22.15 813.12 995.85 248.96 52.21 March April 2.2-26 May July 6 41.60 104.26 63.00 0.00 208.85 21-22 58.14 32.69 0.00 0.00 90.83 22.71 August 2-3 24.87 15.39 0.00 6.97 47.23 11.81 3.05 19-20 0.00 0.00 12.20 0.00 12.20 Sept. 23-24 0.00 3.40 0.00 0.00 3.40 0.85 Oct. 11-12 0.00 0.00 57.72 12.34 70.06 17.52 Nov. 6-7 3.20 13.32 0.00 0.00 16.52 4.13 Dec. 7 3.14 49.92 33.60 38.71 125.37 31.34 99.50 1972 March 3-4 62.44 308.36 27.18 0.00 397.98 15-16 52.78 41.58 20.04 6.41 120.81 30.20 29-30 97.96 -- 145.39 16.23 259.58 86.53 25.22 April 11 57.13 12.64 15.24 15.87 100.88 21-22 49.64 -- 81.48 0.00 131.12 43.71 May 22-23 170.10 403.68 301.92 0.00 875.70 218.93 June 11-12 12.66 17.60 18.32 10.12 58.70 14.68 28-29 22.99 43.40 40.60 6.88 113.87 28.47 July 21-22 1.69 3.98 4.84 0.00 10.51 2.63 28.14 12.65 13.60 0.00 54.39 13.60 August 5