System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 1 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 2 Course Information System Design and Methodology/ Embedded Systems Design (Modeling and Design of Embedded Systems) Web page: ( Examination: written TDTS30/TDDI08 Lecture notes: available from the web page, latest 24 hours before the lecture. Petru Eles Institutionen för Datavetenskap (IDA) Linköpings Universitet Recommended literature: email: phone: 28 1396 B building, 329:220 Wayne Wolf: "Computers as Components. Principles of Embedded Computing System Design", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001. Peter Marwedel: "Embedded System Design", Springer, 2nd edition, 2006. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 3 Course Information (cont’d) Labs&Lessons&Report: System Design&Methodologies Daniel Karlsson Institutionen för Datavetenskap (IDA) email: phone: 28 2419 B building, 329:198 Embedded Systems and Their Design 1. What is an Embedded System 2. Characteristics of Embedded Applications 3. The Traditional Design Flow 4. An Example 5. A New Design Flow Soheil Samii Institutionen för Datavetenskap (IDA) email: phone: 28 2424 B building, 329:202 Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH 6. The System Level 7. Course Topics Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Fö 1&2- 4 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 5 System Design&Methodologies That’s how we use microprocessors Fö 1&2- 6 What is an Embedded System? There are several definitions around! ☞ Some highlight what it is (not) used for: “An embedded system is any sort of device which includes a programmable component but itself is not intended to be a general purpose computer.” ☞ Some focus on what it is built from: “An embedded system is a collection of programmable parts surrounded by ASICs and other standard components, that interact continuously with an environment through sensors and actuators.” Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 7 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 8 A Look at Two Typical Implementation Architectures What is an Embedded System? (cont’d) Telecommunication System on Chip RF • Dedicated (not general purpose) • Contains a programmable component A/D & D/A DSP core RAM High-Speed DSP Blocks RAM Control Logic LAN Programmable processor • Interacts (continuously) with the environment ASIC block (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) dedicated electronics Standard block Memory Reconfigurable logic (FPGA) Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH RISC core Interface Some of the main characteristics: Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 9 System Design&Methodologies Distributed Embedded System (automotive application) Actuators Fö 1&2- 10 The Software Component Sensors Input/Output Software running on the programmable processors: RAM • Application tasks CPU FLASH • Real-Time Operating System Network Interface Gateway • I/O drivers, Network protocols, Middleware Gateway Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 11 System Design&Methodologies Characteristics of Embedded Applications Fö 1&2- 12 Characteristics of Embedded Applications (cont’d) What makes them special? ☞ Like with “ordinary” applications, functionality and user interfaces are often very complex. But, in addition to this: • Time constraints • Power constraints • Cost constraints ☞ Time constraints: Embedded systems have to perform in real-time: if data is not ready by a certain deadline, the system fails to perform correctly. - Hard deadline: failure to meet leads to major hazards. - Soft deadline: failure to meet can be tolerated but quality of service is reduced. • Safety • Time to market Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 13 System Design&Methodologies Characteristics of Embedded Applications (cont’d) Fö 1&2- 14 Characteristics of Embedded Applications (cont’d) ☞ Cost constraints: Embedded systems are very often mass products in highly competitive markets and have to be shipped at a low cost. ☞ Power constraints: There are several reasons why low power/energy consumption is required: What we are interested in: - Manufacturing cost - Design cost Factors: design time, type of components used (processor, memory, I/O devices), technology, testing time, power consumption, etc. • Cost aspects: High power consumption ⇒ strong power supply expensive cooling system • Non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs (such as design cost, masks, prototypes) are becoming very high ⇒ - It is very difficult to come out with low quantity products; - Hardware and software platforms are introduced which are used for several products in a family; • Battery life High energy consumption ⇒ short battery life time Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 15 System Design&Methodologies Characteristics of Embedded Applications (cont’d) ☞ Safety critical: Embedded systems are often used in life critical applications: avionics, automotive electronics, nuclear plants, medical applications, military applications, etc. Fö 1&2- 16 Characteristics of Embedded Applications (cont’d) ☞ Short time to market: In highly competitive markets it is critical to catch the market window: a short delay with the product on the market can have catastrophic financial consequences (even if the quality of the product is excellent). • Reliability and safety are major requirements. In order to guarantee safety during design: - Formal verification: mathematics-based methods to verify certain properties of the designed system. - Automatic synthesis: certain design steps are automatically performed by design tools. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH • Design time has to be reduced! - Good design methodologies. - Efficient design tools. - Reuse of previously designed and verified (hardware and software) blocks. - Good designers who understand both software and hardware! Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 17 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 18 Why is Design of Embedded Systems Difficult? • • • • • An Example The system to be implemented is modelled as a task graph: High Complexity Strong time and power constraints Low cost Short time to market Safety critical systems T1 T2 T3 T5 ☞ In order to achieve all these requirements, systems have to be highly optimized. • a node represents a task (a unit of functionality activated as response to a certain input and which generates a certain output). • an edge represents a precedence constraint and data dependency between two tasks. T6 Period: 42 time units T4 • The task graph is activated every 42 time units ⇒ one activation has to be terminated in time less than 42. T7 Both hardware and software aspects have to be considered simultaneously! Cost limit: 8 T8 Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH • The total cost of the implemented system has to be less than 8. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 19 System Design&Methodologies The Traditional Design Flow Fö 1&2- 20 The Traditional Design Flow (cont’d) It works like this (or even worse): Informal Specification, Constraints 1. Start from some informal specification of functionality and a set of constraints (time and power constraints, cost limits, etc.) Modeling 2. Generate a more formal specification of the functionality, based on some modeling concept (finite state machine, data-flow, etc.). This model is in Matlab, Statecharts, C, UML, VHDL. Such a model is our task graph (slide 18). System Model 3. Simulate the model in order to check the functionality. If needed make adjustments. Select Architecture 4. Choose an architecture (µprocessor, buses, etc.) such that the cost limits are satisfied and, you hope, that time and power constraints will be fulfilled. 6. Verify the system: neither time nor power constraints are satisfied!!! ☞ Now you are in great trouble: you have spent a lot of time and money and nothing works! • Go back to 4 and choose another architecture and start a new implementation. • Or negotiate with the customer on the constraints. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH not OK 5. Build a prototype and implement the system. Hardware and Software Implementation Testing OK Fabrication Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Prototype Functional Simulation More work should be done here! System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 21 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 22 Example The Traditional Design Flow (cont’d) What are the consequences: Let’s come back to the example on slide 18. • Delays in the design process - Increased design cost - Delays in time to market ⇒ missed market window • We have the system model (task graph) which has been validated by simulation. What next? • High cost of failed prototypes ☞ We decide on a certain µprocessor µp1, with cost 4. • Bad design decisions taken under time pressure - Low quality, high cost products ☞ For each task the worst case execution time (WCET) when executed on µp1 is estimated. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 23 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 24 Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d) ☞ A schedule: Task WCET T1 4 T2 6 T3 4 T4 7 T5 8 T6 12 T7 7 T8 10 Time task ---------- Estimator 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 T1 µprocessor arch. model T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 Using this architecture we got a solution with: • Execution time: 58 > 42 WCET • Cost: 4 < 8 ☞ We have to try with another architecture! Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH T7 T8 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 25 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 26 Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d) ☞ We look after a µprocessor which is fast enough: µp2 ☞ For each task the WCET, when executed on µp2, is estimated. µp3 µp4 T1 5 6 T2 7 9 2 T3 5 6 T4 3 T4 8 10 T5 4 T5 10 11 T6 6 T6 17 21 T7 3 T7 10 14 T8 5 T8 15 19 Task WCET Using this architecture we got a solution with: • Execution time: 28 < 42 • Cost: 15 > 8 ☞ We have to try with another architecture! ☞ Now we have to look to a multiprocessor solution. In order to meet cost constraints we try two cheap (and slow) µps: µp3: cost 3 µp4: cost 2 WCET interconnection bus: cost 1 Task T1 2 T2 3 T3 ☞ For each task the WCET, when executed on µp3 and µp4, is estimated. µp3 µp4 Bus Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 27 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 28 Example (cont’d) ☞ Now we have to map the tasks to processors. µp3: T1, T3, T5, T6, T7, T8. µp4: T2, T4. ☞ If communicating tasks are mapped to different processors, they have to communicate over the bus. Communication time has to be estimated; it depends on the amount of bits transferred between the tasks and on the speed of the bus. Estimated communication times: C1-2: 1 C4-8: 1 Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Example (cont’d) ☞ A schedule: Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 µp3 T1 T3 µp4 T5 T2 T6 T7 T4 bus C1-2 C4-8 We have exceeded the allowed execution time (42)! Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH T8 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 29 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 30 Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d) ☞ Try a new mapping; move T5 to µp4, in order to increase parallelism. Two new communications are introduced, with estimated times: C3-5: 2 C5-7: 1 ☞ A schedule: Time ☞ There exists a better schedule! Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 µp3 T1 µp3 T7 T5 T8 T4 bus T3 µp4 T6 T2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 T1 T3 µp4 T6 T2 T7 T4 C1-2 C3-5 C5-7 C4-8 T8 Using this architecture we got a solution with: T5 bus • Execution time: 52 > 42 C1-2 C3-5 C4-8 C5-7 • Cost: 6 < 8 The execution time is still 62, as before! Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 31 System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 32 Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d) ☞ Possible solutions: • Change µprocessor µp3 with a faster one ⇒ cost limits exceeded • Implement some part of the functionality in hardware as an ASIC ☞ New architecture Cost of ASIC: 1 µp3 µp4 New communication, with estimated time: C7-8: 1 Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 µp3 T1 T3 µp4 Bus ☞ Mapping µp3: T1, T3, T6, T7. µp4: T2, T4, T5. ASIC: T8 with estimated WCET= 3 ☞ A schedule: Time T6 T2 T7 T5 T4 T8 ASIC bus C1-2 ASIC C3-5 C5-7 C4-8 C7-8 Using this architecture we got a solution with: • Execution time: 41 < 42 • Cost: 7 < 8 Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 34 The Design Flow Informal Specification, Constraints System Design&Methodologies Modeling Fö 1&2- 33 Example (cont’d) What did we achieve? • We have selected an architecture. • We have mapped tasks to the processors and ASIC. • We have elaborated a a schedule. Arch. Selection System model System architecture Mapping Estimation Scheduling Extremely important!!! Nothing has been built yet. All decisions are based on simulation and estimation. not OK ☞ Now we can go and do the software and hardware implementation, with a high degree of confidence that we get a correct prototype. Mapped and scheduled model OK Functional Simulation not OK Hardware and Software Implementation Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Testing not OK Prototype OK Fabrication Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 35 System Design&Methodologies The Design Flow (cont’d) What is the essential difference compared to the flow on slide 20? • It is the inner loop which is performed before the effective hardware/software implementation. This loop is performed several times as part of the design space exploration. Different architectures, mappings and schedules are explored, before the actual implementation and prototyping. • We get highly optimised good quality solutions in short time. We have a good chance that the outer loop, including prototyping, is not repeated. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Fö 1&2- 36 The Design Flow (cont’d) ☞ Some additional remarks: • Formal verification It is impossible to do an exhaustive verification by simulation! Especially for safety critical systems (but not only) formal verification is needed. • Simulation Simulation is used not only for functional validation. It is used also after mapping and scheduling in order to test, for example, timing aspects. It is used also during the implementation steps; especially interesting: hardware/software cosimulation. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 38 The Design Flow (cont’d) Informal Specification, Constraints Functional Simulation Arch. Selection System model Formal Verification System architecture Mapping Estimation Scheduling Fö 1&2- 37 The Design Flow (cont’d) • Hardware/software codesign Hardware/Software partitioning During the implementation phase, hardware and software components have to be developed in a coordinated way, keeping their consistency (hardware/software cosimulation is important here) Hardware/Software codesign During the mapping step we also decide what is going to be executed on a programmable processor (software) and what is going into hardware (ASIC, FPGA). System Level System Design&Methodologies Modeling not OK Mapped and scheduled model OK Softw. model Simulation Softw. Generation Lower Levels Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Simulation Formal Verification Hardw. model Hardw. Synthesis Softw. blocks Simulation Testing OK Prototype not OK not OK Hardw. blocks Fabrication Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 39 System Design&Methodologies The “Lower Levels” • Software generation: - Encoding in an implementation language (C, C++, assembler). - Compiling (this can include particular optimizations for application specific processors, DSPs, etc.). - Generation of a real-time kernel or adapting to an existing operating system. - Testing and debugging (in the development environment). • Hardware synthesis: - Encoding in a hardware description language (VHDL, Verilog) - Successive synthesis steps: high-level, register-transfer level, logic-level synthesis. - Testing and debugging (by simulation) Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Fö 1&2- 40 The “Lower Levels” (cont’d) • Hardware/software integration: - The software is “run” together with the hardware model (cosimulation) • Prototyping: - A prototype of the hardware is constructed and the software is executed on the target architecture. Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 41 System Design&Methodologies The System Level The “Lower Levels” (cont’d) ☞ There are available tools on the market which automatically perform many of the low level tasks: • • • • • Code generators (software model → C, hardware model → VHDL) Compilers Test generators and debuggers Simulation and cosimulation tools Hardware synthesis tools - High level synthesis - RT-level synthesis - Logic synthesis - Layout and physical implementation Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH Fö 1&2- 43 Course Topics at a Glance • Introduction: Embedded Systems and Their Design (just finished!) • Models of Computation and Specification Languages - Dataflow Models, Petri Nets, Discrete Event Models, Synchronous Finite State Machines & Synchronous Languages, Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems, Timed Automata • Architectures and Platforms for Embedded Systems Design - General Purpose vs. Application Specific Architectures, Component and Platform-based Design, Reconfigurable Systems, Functionality Mapping. • Task Scheduling • System-Level Power/Energy Optimization Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH • This is a hot research area. • Very few commercial tools are offered. • Mostly experimental and academic tools available. ☞ Huge efforts and investments are currently made in order to develop tools and methodologies for system level design. Ad-hoc solutions are less and less acceptable. It is the system level we are interested in, in this course! Petru Eles, IDA, LiTH System Design&Methodologies Fö 1&2- 42